8 THE SCRANTON TK1BUKJ TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1896, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Lai-'st l S. liovt Repot. B&Edn OR. RODERICK'S SUCCESSOR. AIIPTW GARSONOALE, (Headers will pl'-nre note that advertise ments, orders for job work, anil Items for publication left at the establishment of Pnaiuioii Co., newsdealers. North Main k':vet, will receive prompt attention; of li.e open troui 8 u. m. to 10 p. m.J RALLY OF REPUBLICANS, .Meeting nt the Opera l!onc"Stti riue AildroMs .Undo. An enthUFlnstlo meetinj; of Kopubll-t-.ins un held on Saturday evening at i'ie Opera Houe. John W. Diminock presided and made the opening adJress which was received with rapturous ap plause. .Mr. O'Malley tlin reviewed the Is i:es cif the day. He offered a very ef fective argument for a protective tariff lllustrntlnsf the subject by referinu to the Ureen Kidse plass works, which vere not lonir ao sold at sheriff's sale. He showed that the money, formerly raid to the wurkinirmen, since the Wil r m bill went lno effect. Is sent abroad. Ve mentioned the Scninton laco mills, v closed, as an Illustration of the MiVlect. lli nddress was received with prolotiKul cheerlniT. 15. A. Zimmerman followed with on in.e.xt, eloquent address , showlnd i'iU the tdijiis of victory everywhere ridiculed that Washington. Lincoln, Smut, (Jarficld and Harrison would be lollowed liy Mi Kinlcy. Mnjor Warren then Rnvf a practical "neecit that raided the audience to u tili-li state of enthusiasm. The Mozart band added to the Inter- t ol the tcc-nclou. I'e ir in ivi'-.d that you cannot vole for i-mrc t nia two county coiiiiiiIsmoiu-i'S. If uti try lo, you lose your wiiolt vole. Death of John .oilrr. i mii l it;-, in the deal): of John li.-is-1 i. who insseil awny yesterday, has l.st oi,e of Its oldist residents. II was born in tiei niuny more than s-ven-It-iwo years uo. In W'3 he cainu to ( ':ii binilalo, where liis home has been ever since. He was employed by the Dilnware and Hudson company ns a blacksmith and was rei'.ard.d as utiu I th.-lr nwst fiiithl'ul and rlilciciit men. Mr. 'lelsler had been for forty years a Member of Olive Leaf lodtfe, lndeieild i lit Older nt odd Fellows. He leaves n wife and one son, Mai I'll, wlm re Mites in Dunmoie. I'liF.K Tit A OK. Ilcatli ot 'I'lioiniiH Walker. Thomas Valuer, who wns bui-nrd by i a exclusion of nowder nt Simpon Wei'.iiisday nfternoon, died Saturday cfternuoii at Kmeriteney horpitnl. He x as burn in Knuland and came to America i;boct ten years ni?o. ITeinains i - re taken in chaise by rnderlnker :i. i risen and nrcpiired for burial. The Itinera! services were held Sunday af t "iio.ei. Hew K.J. lUilsley, of Trinity i.urch, (illlciatod. NO FKICK SlI.VEIi. Heath ( Sadie Sndcr. .Vr. and Mrs. William Snyder have 1 een called to mourn the death of their Title rtar.rcht'T. Sadie, a bright ami in l "renins child, six year of ai;e. who tiTcii from a t nlhle accident which terminated her life at I'lyinotttli Sun ii..v, w'ilb visHins her grandparents. I'll Friday last while enmitiiiifr with other children in bmniinr leaves, she .as badly burned and lingered in ter ilble sufferlns until Sunday afternoon. votk i:.w:i.v. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. The Woman's iluild of Trinity church will hold a meet Int at the home of Mis. ;Samilel Moon, on Hiver Mtieet, to I'.eirrow atternoon. William JlcL'ortnick, of Scrunton, sunt Sunday in this city. i'Yaul; Smith is ill at Ilia home on I iitl ilei I avenue. Mrs. lieoiee Baker, who has Itecn vh.li im hep sister, Mrs. Mi.ry Kvunn, b.is leiiirned to hT home In J'.ini; 1 iimpton, A. Y. .Mr. find Mrs. 1). f Uenscover ure ex peetefj home lo-dny from .New York t ity. .Miss cinra poyle spent yesterday in llntlesdlfle. Miss Annie Ha'-t jeft yesterday for u visit wild fi 'lends in New York rity. The Misses Anna Kariell and Jennie Oeirity spent Siiiuiay with friends in Ji rmyi. .Miss Anna Huson. of tlvs city, spent r'ltnday with frieiuis In Clifford. Mrn. (t'-oikc C'ha.iiinan ami son Guy, l.ave returned from a visit ith friends n t C'osno. -Mr. and Mrs. WiU'nm Miller have re turned Irom a trip to New l'ork and Jersey City. , .Miss Sadie Qtiinlin la entertaining Miss Alice Quinlin, of Iveene's. liev. Dr. OrMIiu, of l;lnt;banipton, N. Y was a visitor at the home ol Alfred i'asear on Saturday. Miss Mary Killeen has Rone to New York, where he will visit friends tor the next two months. Eddie Aunger, of Wyoming street, who has been quite 111, is improving. T. 1'. Ropers has returned from a trip to V'hlludelphia. Mrs. Ueorne Kelly, of Lincoln n ve in e. Is visiting her sister. Sirs. Bert Ci.llwell at Jersey City. Miss Nan Lirown has returned to Iter boine In Honesdale after a visit with I!i3 Annie Moon In this city. Mrs. Harry Fcik is visiting friends nt Hancok. Misses Marirnret Purkln and Helen Judge, who have been visiting friends In Scranton, have returned to their hemes in this city. Miss Mary McDonotich. of Cottage street, gave a hallone'en party ut h-r home on Saturday evening. VOTE EAItLY. CARPETS FOR FALL TRADE, All the 'ntcst, from a 2l In. f-i nin to tlio best ilton. Oil CI:)tlts a:id Liiiulctims, all idtlis and prices. Window Shades :i:td Curtains, u'.l the latest nuvcllius. Fancy Hockin-' Chairs, unliol. htcred in plush, tapestry and hruc-1 luetic. wi a nnc eoiiectioii n cobbler seats, and mir pries al ways the lowest. j. SGfltf 1NGUS, Ciii:;r, ! ;-. r, :. i iv.. . . PURE IIONFSUALE. The Tostal Telegraph and Citizens' Telephone companies now occupy their new quartets in the Liberty Hall build ing'. Principal Thomas S. Marsh, of our graded schools, has moved into the new cottage ol" Mr. Tibbett s. on Lower Last street. There will be a meetins of the Needle work Guild in the Town Hall on Sat urday, November T, at 2 o'clock p. m. Charles Larcher's new building on Lower Main street, has the largest plate glass show window in Honesdale, a model for exhibiting his furniture. The Ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a pie chicken supper In the chapel next Thursday evening. Tickets, 3i cents. lled, after a short illness. Mrs. M. J. Hawley, of Traryville. formerly Miss Mary P.yan, who was for a number of years cashier for Werner & Co. She is survived by her husband and an ii.lant child. Flag Day was abserved by mncy r our patriotic ckizeiis. and Old Gbry was seen waving on most of our prom inent buildings. With a force of twenty-one clerks the customers cannot lie served at the groat sale of 15. T. Whitney & Co. Crowds are waiting at the closed doors while those inside are served. When the doors ure opened for them to enter. Such has been the condition since their opening day last Wednesday, a scene unprecedented in the history of Hones dale. The Rev. W, II. Swift, of the Presby terian church, spoke to a full house on Sunday morning. The Rev. gentle man, after paying a high tribute to the founders of our free government and to the noble men who fell by the hand of tin; nt-sasisn. entered Into his sub ject. "The Patriotic t'itlKcn. Inil.v in This Hour of the Country's Peril," with his usual eloquence, holding the close attention of his audience for one hour and a quarter. At the close they gave expression to their feullnga by the clap ping of their hands. The entertainment given In the Opera House on Friday evening by the Latlies' Improvement Association, tin der the direction of Miss Ilrownseonu , was of a high order, consisting of living pictures and instrumental and vocal music, all by home talent. The parts wi re all well executed and well re ceived by an nptveiative uudienee. - - NO FIIKI-. Tl'.AKi:. - . ... Hlf'.CI UlX UKTl ItNN. ' It has become a custom of . The Tribune to lead all Its rivals In the fullness. fiUrn-ss and '' promptness of Its election news. . Tomorrow It will again ol- , ' servo this custom, and all who ! "i want to be sure as to the result t Mi are ml vised to buy The Tribune. Agents should at once order ex it .", tia copies. NO FRKH SILVKH. l'LCKVIU.i:. Mr. William Alleif has moved Into the new house of the Benjamin Moth ers at White's addition. Mrs. Stephen Kimball, of Carbondnle, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John White. All the members of the Methodist Episcopal Ladies' Aid society are re quested to meet at the parlors on Wednesday, when the election of olli cers will be held. To-day being election day. let every voter go to the polls and cast a solid Republican Vole. Grassy Island Breaker worked 21'j duys lat month. Miss Ida Snyder, of I'ittston, Is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Peters, of the West Knd. Rev. H. U. Johnson, a missionary from India, will preach In the M. V.. church next Sunday morning and evening-Manager T. I'. Spangenburg. of the Harrison house, has made arrange ments to receive election returns there on election night. The sixth annual convention of the Ilonesdalo District Kpworth League will be held in the First M. K. church, Peckville, on I'liduy, November 13. The programme rendered will be us follows: MORNIXO. JO.UO Devotional service. Rev. S. C. Simpkins. 10.21) Address of Welcome, Waltet Wil liams. Resonse, Rev. W. L. Thorpe. 1lt.ru) r.usiness. ll.iM Paper-A Model Chapter, Miss Lueetta .Miller. 11.10 Paper Our Kpworth Reading Course, Rev. II. If. Stone. 12.00 Litrficdiciion. UjCNK DICTION. 1. U0 Devotional Service, Rev. A. C. ol- vcr. 1.4.'t Report of Committees. 2. M) Paper An lucid Kpworthiiiii, W. T. Osborne. 2.20 Paper riilatli.n of the League to the Church, V. F. Whitney. 2.40 Pit per our Junior League Work, Miss Jennie iiuii. S.dt) Paper Oar League ns Te:np!e Uuilders, J.Iis Ulia Maud .Stew art. .1.0 Half Hours' Conversation on one I vi i j nut I Service: 1st. Tilings to be Avoided. I'd. Things to be in sired. Kach tweaker Hulled to two minutes. 3.50 I'api r The Reiallon of the Church to ihe League, Miss Mav Pen g -lly. 4.10 Our Mlsisonary Work. Presiding h'Ider V. L. Thorpe. 4.30 L'euediciioo. K VEX I NO. ".on Prills- Seivice, peckville Choir. ".'iff Devotional Service, iit v. C. II. H yes. 7.4.1 Address. Rev. c. Al. Orillin, D. D. 'oust crrit Ion Srvlee. Reception Committee Mrs. J. M. Hell. Mrs. R. .1. Taylor. Mrs. S. C. Simpkins. Vis. Lillian Minor. Mrs. William Johns. Mrs. Henry Chapman, Mrs. Jennie J rear. Mrs. .Myra Oakley. Mrs. William Frear.Mrs. Horace Frear. Mrs. James Cowans, Mis4cs bbi Thomas. Kulah Tiffany. Grace Taylor, Sophie SimpKlns. Jessie .Stearns, Renu Day, Stella Wademuii, Ida Manipson, F.IIle Curtis. Alice Hell, Nellie Glicd vllle, Margaret Williams. Messrs. William Vaughn. Roy Wudemnn. Kd Locklatid, Walter Williams. Arthvr Thompson. D. K. 1-atlir.ni. Will's Krucpr. Harry Peck. David Shav and Willie I a-wis. i..uui'Nr.!:vii,i,i:. Mr. nitd Mrs. Connolly have re turned liome from lui.Talo after a few i weeks stay. Jliss Margaret I'mvells has returned to school, where she will resume Iter studies after spending a week with her parents. Ituilel Jenkins spent Sunday with his parents. ?." : i Potter Is visiting friends In .1 --g :: I If- : r ii. ,r...ii rlowelL'. ' 'I.- -f. ' It.i.e i no All: Dr. Jetirers Hack, ol Philadelphia, to Become Hospilal Kesidcut. Dr. Edward Roderick, who has been senior resident physician at the ciiy hospital for ten months past, left on the 2.30 Lehigh Valley train this morn ing for Philadelphia, where he will en ter Willis's Eye Hospital as resident physician. Dr. Roderick's place ai the hospital here will be taken by Dr. Jellieys Luck, o! Philadelphia, who lor a year nast has been in one of the junker City hospitals. Lie iiut k is a graduate of the I'nl veisity of IVtitisylvaitU. class of 'i'5. and comes from the South. He is said to be unusually capable and will, no doubt, give satisfactoiy service. RouectcU I'itlsioiiian's Uculli. Major John H. Smith, an old and re spected resident ol Pittston, died nt K'.iM ntien yestetMuy. at his home on North Main sti-eet, Pittston. He was nearly S."i years old and had been id only a few days with oatarrh.il pneu monia. Mr. Smith was born in t alda, Germany, and came here in 1S"4. going into business in New York city and lat er to tanning at Newark. X. J. He came to Wilkes-Liarre, v.h' iv. ill 1X42, he married Mitiy, second daughter of Francis Fierstein. Deceased had lived In Pittston since 1M1. Major Smith was an old soldier. He was a member of the First Presbyterian church imd was Generally esteemed. He is sur vived by one daughter. Airs. Justine Laiurus. of Pittsii.ii. Almost Ai!iinteu, Margaret Wick, a domestic employed at the Kagle Hotel, corner Eolith and Lincoln streets, was found unconscious In her bed at ! o'clock on Sunday morn ing ami her room filled Willi gas. Three physicians were 'summoned and It was seme time before she could be resusci tated. When she regained her sensts she could not account for her condition. On examination of the gas Jet valve showed that the girl had cither neglect ed lo slim it o:i' tuily. or bad knocked against it. leaving It partly open. She will recover. rirt of the Series. The lirst of a series of successes will be given at St. Stephens's church on Wednesday, November 4. from 6 o'clock until s o'clock. Op penheiui will play and Turkey will he the gastroiiou ioul feature. The committee includes Mrs. J. Hrady, Mrs. A. lierleis, Mrs. C. Smith. Mrs. V. Lint s. Mrs. A. Wlldeman. Mrs. V. S. Riddle. Mrs. N. Hnttlantl, Mrs .1. I. Alexander. Mrs. K. A. Koth. Mrs. W. .1. Scott, Airs. I. P. Lone, Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. J. li. Sutton, Airs. F. C. Johnson, .Miss S. K. Doran. Airs. J. It. Sturk. NOTES. George H. Ives commenced an action In trespass yesterday against Casper Swart. William Casper and Rebecca Casper to recover damages to the amount of ?:,mi. T. H. Martin is attor ney for the plaintiff. During a quarrel in Paul Kulelr's restaurant at Freeland on Saturday night. Joseph Ohler, of I'pper Lehigh, was stubbed twice been the eyes by Joseph Delego, of Jeddo. The latter leaped out of the bar room, but was linallv arrested after a desparale strug gle. Jicob Fuhln, or .Teancsville, was in the parade ut llazleton on Saturday night, being on a wagon in representa tion of a miner nt work. While wield ing the pick he was stricken with par alysis, from which he died at 11 o'clock on Sunday. His age was SI years, 7 months anil 111 days. Andrew Dink, of Old Stigarlonf. vis ited Hazleton on Saturday night, start ing for home about midnight. When In sight of his house he was shot down by some unknown person, the ball tak ing effect In the abdomen. He crawled to within a few feet of his home, where he attracted attention and was cared for. His condition is serious. Save time bv voting the straight Re publican lit ko. HOW TO VOTE. iM To vole the Republican ticket ! today put a cross (X) in the clr cle at the top of the first col ' umn, and let It go at that. ri VOTK KAftLV. TAYLOR. Mrs. R.ihtrt Inglis, of North Alain street, who has been confined to her home for the past few days with 111 I'oss, Is rapidly recovering. The emploees of the Archbaltl col liery received their monthly earnings for the month of October yesterday. Work on the new St. Lawrence Cath olic church structure at Old Forge Is being pushed I'onvatd as rapidly as posslhlo its the congregation has no place to worship since the old. church v. as bul lied. The overseers that will serve at to day's election in tills borough are ns fellows: First ward. AVllliam Judgj?. Thomas Francis; Second ward, James P. Law, John It. Johns; Third ward, James ?hea, David T. Kvnus; Fourth v aid. J- liii Moor... If K. Harris; Fifth ward. William Slocum and John R. R. ' se The Tribune hrs Ik-o'1 locally and e:lit.'rially praising the Taylor school board I'm' hrtv'iiir ample accommoda tions for the pupils fit our borough. We re;il, however, to l;irn that we nn in erroi a.'o that N'o. :i. In Ihe First v.ard. Is !u t:e want of a teacher. Tito t.'.-i. li. rs of that wan cannot do Justice to themselves rr the scholars unless another te.'. h :r is ailoYd to the corps. ,b repli Jerniyn. of S rftnton, was a caller in t..v. ti yc-t.-rday. The child :( Air. and Airs. Goors Cniiiiaoe, of Nor lii Main street, io ser ii.usly ill. - Ile.tr ill niind that .m cannot Vfi'e for nin.e tb::n ...m "oiiiuy cicnrnissiuiK'H. If you try to, y.iu lo-ie your whole vote. Ol.YI'HAM. Piu'ep the nasi .lees of t':e Citholle Vocnu Al-ii's 'Iota I Abstinenee nil lien . vol. nt sni-iety '. "r.i h-X Po. Ue' will be siiil-m'i at the l'.uher .Maiin'w opera lious- n. t T' t s lav c I'liiai;. l''oi!ciwill 4 Is the rirt of ehar.iet-r.-; Shaan. the pil. .lanie- A. . e.iall.' ; (.'olon"l . rt ;i :io.'. Ji':n Mef'wmae; il.amisli M. -Coul. T'lorr.rw Cib'-ifin.': Mielne'l I-'f eiit v, Jni'i." i:. I.oftcs- Abijor Collin in HHiish sji.li. I I. .1. rr.es V. Neiibur j. eretiiry i f slate, J. i' .Walnii: si rg. ft t la lirliish sfiltlieri. .luhn Kill-nil. n ; iVInt "I'bouom la servant i. Ml-hiel AlcNnhv; i!iv F t - I "11, Mil-mil l II' Hoyle; lleuilll. I. F. Ale- Hiil.-: Latuigaii, Vi illinni Hr, nniin; Arrun Nelllsh. O'-nie Dearie; Pantile P.nn-r. Katie X.alini; Kitty, Ailnine Hohati. Af tt'i Hie pi.i a soi-iiil v.iu tie glvf ti. John Kennedy, of Si'tanton, visiit-d hi Constipation Cause fully half the iirkness in the world. It retain the eligsf?cl iimil too Dir.; In lliu bowels Mill produces bilioiuiieKS, torpid liver, lniil- geiitioa, bad turne, coaieil toozoe, sick headache, in somnia, etc. nmrl' fills Pills rnrec" n' ' V ie- . : ! a!' I i! . i : : .re. t ' i. ) ;r .en ... ! Hood I. .V . I.'.' -I'. M' " . uii tiii; k.'A to uk wlta Uuixi'i 6ai'i.iji,.ix A13 Lackawanna Ave. I Hats Trimmed Free. 1 1 A GREAT SALE OF HATS FINEST HATS AT LOWEST Untrimmed Hats Englbh F.-lt Hats in every shape and color, usual price ilk-.; our 29C Rnglirh Kelt Hats, velvet boiuid ail new shtti'S, every color; "SOf usual price JCc; our j.iiee JViw Camel's Ibiir Felt Hats, now so fashionable In till new shapes, every eolor; usual price Km.; JEn our price tuw Trimmed Sailors and Walking Hats We have marked nil of our finest felt ami camel's hair Waluhig Hats and Sail ors, trimmed with ben materials in the latest styles, down to 48c. Each. Never sold under $1.00 to $1.7.1 before. Trimmed Hats $l S, $2.4, $1. QH, For exquisitely triinmid stylish Hats, that most stores try to copy, but find It Impossible to uo so under near double the money. Silk Velvets, Veilings, At Almost Half 413 Lackawanna Avenue. parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,T. XV. Kennedy, of the West Side. Huinluy. Returns will be received by special wire at ihe Kimle hotel on Lackawanna street this evenlitjj;. Thomas I,. Williams, of this town, and Miss Hannah Williams, of Wyomimt, wers married at the bride's home last evening. After a short we.biiiiK tour Mr. and Mrs. W illiams will return to this place and re side on Susquehanna street. Martin Ab-Liinc, of Dunmore, Is the Kiiest of Mr. and Mrs. William Mahon, at the Mahon House. .Mrs. LilllhrlilKe, mother of John and Je rome Lillibrltlne. Is lying dangerously ill at her home in Blakely. Miss Clara Mnroney, of Snsquehnnra, spent Sunday with the Misses Jordan, i f Ininmore street. The Adonis club will present "The Counterfeiter" at the Father MatheW opera house next month. Messrs. K.lward Kelly and Owen Ttir morse, of Citrbondale, were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown nnd datiKh ter, of Dnryea. returned home yesterday utter a visit with the latter's mother at this place. Bear In mind thnt you cannot vote for more than two county commissioners. If you try to, you lose your whole vote. VOTF. EARLY. NO FRKK TrtADF.. CG!uPLEX!3.i BLlrirH:S May be hidden imperfectly by cosmetics and powders, i ut cuu only ba removed perma nently by KETSEL'S SUPERIOR FACE BLEACH It wl'l pofitively remove Freckles, Tan. Moth, Salluwness, nnd rare ,-.ny d ieMses of ti e h:i:h, Mit-h us Pimples, Acne, Blarkh.-ads. Oihnesn, unii ri ir nr., Hie efiu suit and ticati tiail. 1'i icu SI per bottic. For sale at E.M. HETSEL'S 3Jo l.uckawann j Ave., Pcranton, Pa. ELECTRICITY I DR. GREEH'SELECTRG-THERAPEHTIC INSTITUTE 607, 603 AND 603 MEAR3 BUILDING CoritL-r Washington Avenue and Spi'itce Street, Scranton, I'oiinu. The Into ItOTiEHT PAHTiIOI.OW Pr..1-p-ficinit of MAT!'.' Pi A Ml'.niCA. fiK.V. KKA'.'TI'KRAI'EI'TII'S, unil HVOIKVI-1 o'f .1 KFKI'.HSON MKlJlC'AL C'OI.LKdK of VhllHilelphln, cttlil in liis last work on nietll'iil el-etrleity : "The tln-.e In not f:ir off when elertrielty for meilleitl iwe i:i take the pbtee of many ilruss wlih die s'lme phenomenal mifMJ tn.it has miirkecl ihe liroireesK of this science In the moving of curs lluh'.iiitf of sttn-etH ami honseii hh.I for iren'eritl motive power." It was ill that HAI.VAXl .tlseovereil the netion nf isnlvan'sm on the nerves by experlnient ti c or a fros. Kor 1fHi years irnlvnnism h-ta continued to grow In prominence us a euro fne tlWenite. I,1CT IT TtK THOUOUimir I'NDKR RT(.tr thnt I)r. Oreen is a pruiliinte In medicine nn.l phnrnim y, he hn prescribed for thousands of patients who have never Imd im application of electricity, but ex perience and study has convinced him, as It Iris Mnrtim. Rockwell. Mussey and oth ers of prominence that electricity is the KIN. fK MKOHWIi RKMUDIKH. Heat in mind that proper electrical treatment, with llrst-i.las appllnnces, Is NUT PA1X- 1 If Jym wlh to know the result of Pr. Green's treatmert fir Hl.henmatism wife to U. K. Rostlck. 201" Kast riimlterland street. 1'hllii.lelphtn. Pa., or euro Seubury & Johnaon, New York. Dr. Green's Elecfro-TherapeMic Institute, 607603 and 609 Wears Building, Scranton, Pa. Ulcvatur bay and Mlgbt Open from o a. . t. la m. I p. m. to f p. m. I 7,30 p.m. to 9 p.m. I Ribbon Bows Tied Free PRICES EVER 1 Ribbons File St quality uiaee latf.'ta Ribbon. in all the new enangeuble effects; worth fully 40c. ; our price 1 i)C. Vard I Pure S-'iik double face satin Ribbon, heavy cor-l ette, extra tine iiabty, all eolois; worth 7.V. ; our !riee a$c. a Yard Fancy Aloir and Ttrociule R'hbons, S Inches wide, in all colors, worth &c.; our price. 15c. a Yard Velvet satin blnek Ribbons, every col or, every width, ut half value. Feathers, Birds, Wings and Aigrettes Itlaek Plumes, genuine Ostrich, never sold under inc. before; our price 19c. Each Large heavy Ostrich Plumes und Tips, in all colors; cur price LC, 39c, 48c. j Ought to be double as much. Black Birds 1 each Lht-?.' Hlnck Parrots i'Se. each , Larue Colored Birds lc each Black Paradise Aigrette I'Sc. a buneh Ornaments, ol Usual Prices. Laces, Etc., TAiLOSIfiS. We Are Still at It Making suits at prices the people of Scranton never heard of before. Our trade increases from week to week for these reasons : We sell cheaper. Our fits, in even the cheapest suits, are not surpassed in Scranton at any price. We cut, fit aud make all our own goods right here in Scranton, and we are the only people making garments at any where near our prices that do this. Sulls from $14.00 to $10.00. Punts from $3.00 np. Wl nAVI; ' Wyoming Ave. J. Jt Y IO, Arcsds Building. THE jlOOi POWDER CO., ! ROOMS I AND 2, COIW'LTH B'L'ITS, SCRANTON, PA. KAND BLASTING F0WOE MADK AT M009IC AND RUfSHv DALE WORKS. LAI LIN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Klectrie Pn'tories, FJeetrie KxptoJdr for ploding b:asts, Safety Fas?, and Repauno Chemical Co. 's HIGH CXPLOSIVES. iriMiQ T'io best of references, no charge for ror ealtation, an Institute equipped with th. latest achievements of .Morton, Kdison. Ranney, KoekWrll, McBride, McInto. and others. Kleciro Static .Maeliines, (i ll. vuiiic, ruraoie. Sinusoidal (Misnetb.), G.'tlvano Vantcries, and eb;ctrodes of ev ery description. We have the finest X-Ray apparatus made. With electricity as a baslB of treatment we are successful In cures of Hheiitn.'ii.T' r.ont, Paralysis. Eczema, Tumors, Skin Trouhlcs, ImliKeRtion. Pyspepsi.t, the Wastlnrof Miisclis, Poor circulation, an I all Nervous Diseases for which electricity Is doint; so mticri of late. The blood clot causlntr Apoplexy anil Paralysis can be dissolved and carried away by proper application of Oalvanlsrn umt Farailism. Cures of Catarrh are bt-lnt? made by the Inhalation of ozone from the Electro-static-machine. We mlRht mention hundreds of troubls which are amenable to electric treatment, but space will not permit. Dr. Ureen treats all caes amenable to electrical treatment. Is a graduate and ex perienced practitioner r.f n-'-'li'-lne, has the bett of references, and will charge noth Inir for consulntlon. Those who cannot call should wrlto for Information. mi T .Kin ORIENTAL RUCS Ilaviug determined to retire from the Oriental Rug business, (on account of poor health), I have decided to dis pose of my entire collection of Antique and Modern Turkish and Persian Rugs, Carpets, Hall Rugs, Draperies, Teakwood Cabinets and Pedestals, Antique Bronzes, Fine Bric-a-Brac, Pottery, Cloisenne, Etc. The collection of Rugs and Car pets was selected with much care for a flue retail trade and 1 you will find hundreds of ver Hum, m.iuy 01 mem rare gems 01 tne wneutai weavers art. The collection of Bric-a-Brac and other Oriental Art Goods from Japan, China and India is so large that we cannot go into detail in describing it, but a personal visit during the exhibition days will more than repuj' you. A descriptive catalogue of the Rugs can be had on ap plication at our store. Exhibition, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 2, 3 and 4. Auction Sale will commence Thursday, Nov. 5, at 2.30 p. 111. and 7.30 p. m. and continue each day at the same hours until the entire stock is disposed of. Seats will be reserved for ladies. By order of P. W. WESTCOTT, 11, Imjffhr of Orbital GoaJs, 503 AND SC2 LSCK:WA'.( AJEE, COR. WASHIN3T01 Our Bargains for this week are great in ' Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Upholstery Goods, Window Shades, Easels, Screens, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Mat tings, Carpet Sweepers, Etc. Largest Stock. Finest Assortment. We Invite In spection, We Urge Comparison. Read all of the bargains advertised, then come to our establishment and jtou will find everything here, quality for qualit'. AT LOWER PRICES. ;. 0. KERR, Opp. Main Entrance to Wyoming House. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF" SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. r . . 1 j 'siHXinsiEiiiiiitiiECtsniEieiiiiHBiieitiniEiissiiiisJEiiiiiiEKMiiiiiicimirj I YOU CAN COME I m r 1 mm nt To this store ami pick out just what jou want. You can jj m fiirnisli yiir home just as nice as jour neiijliuor's. Ve will give you 3 plenty oi' time to pay fur the gauds. ' Our Iltillilliijll' Vri'AH JSjSlCIll is liberality itself. We have no tlnsire to nn!:e ytitir debt a burden. V.e do not ilciiiand i:n;tos,i!tiliti,'S. For M j;i lay a id thj balance of the week we oiler ihese specials: IYc'.ty (lesijjrj ed lns;rain Carpets. About i) io yards, 24: a yard. St;iir CARPETS 24c A YARD lil Cloth to protect your stair carp:t in two widths f:. ati l he. Hrus--el Carpets, c, and 7.5c. Velvet Carpets, Sue Xt rem.ia-Ks, bm all pieces large enough to cover your ijouii. BRING YOUR MEASURES. Your dining room would be greatly im proved with OAK SIDEBOARDS $1690, S8.75 11 1 an elegant sideboard finely carved the one we show at S1O.00 is a haudsome piece we have a lew we are closing out at $8.75 the price is so small we won't sav much but come aud see. 3 Ken's Suits and Overcoats $5, $6, $9, $10. I 225-227-218 S 4 aiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuu! OF AND ARTISTIC POTTERY. silky autique pieces to select Established 1873 SON El GO., 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. IOttr line is an up-to-date one HEATERS and mm latest de vices are al ways intro- dticel. We hc)iin at ,io, 75 up to $o the prices of our stoves. 'e have ar- ! ranged sets of tinware 30 pieces comprising all ihe necessary articles nt $3.40 lor the set. We place oa on sale one of the best couch bargains we have ever of- iCOEQJUQY ICGUGHES, $79) Icred -made up in best style and i comfortable shape- worth Jiioo. Our j price is .7.ip. i More business is wanted--' warm days have interfer ed with their COMFORTS AND BWKKET3 sale. See what we offer in comforts at uNc, Ji.:ti. $1.40. Blankets suffer equally with deep cuts in prices. Clothing On Credit, Too. Wyoming Avenue. s 5