EC15AKTON TRIBUNE TIT isDAY MOBNINci. NOVEMBER 3. 1S98. THE Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. Ample Facilities for Residents of This Section of the Cliy to Hear tbe Election Tonight West Slders need not wory over the election returns. There will lie plenty of plaees to hear them. Tno West Side Republican league nave rented St. David's hall ami a special wire will carry the news to all who care to pay ten cents for a seat, la addi tion to the returns being announced, an entertainment will lill in the spare mo ments. , . , The staid uM H 'publican Central club, W. H. Meal's, president, will have a little svmpusluin of tlieir own. All members are welcome to hear the returns over a special wire and the local result will he annouiu-eU hy telephone. launch will he served during the nlsht. This Is for members only. If arrangements can he completed in time the public will be Klwn an oppor tunity to see the returns cast upon a canvass on .Main avenue. Peter liaker will manipulate the steivnptieal in strument from n. window of the club rooms. Other places where the returns can be heard are Sam Pavls' dual- store on North Main avenue and Tlarke Bros." windows on North Main avenue. DEATH OF MISS PKllliY. fttRble Henrietta Derby, the only daughter of .Mr. and .Mrs. William 11. Derby, of Price street, and-sHter of C. 11. Derby, of tin- Times, tiled Sunday night after an illness of over live months' duration. The deceased had been suffering from Inamniatory rheu matism ami Inlluniatitm of the inter lining of the heart, and was just recov ering when she e.uiiifit cold and right's disease resulted. This was thil Immediate cuu.-e of her death. Miss Derby was in her thirteenth year, and of a brlnht, affectionate disposition. Her dentil wll Ibe mourned by a large circle of young friends and uciiiuunt ftnees. Sr'lie was a member of the Washburn street I'r.'-hyteiiun Sumuiy Fi hool. Tlie ftim till vrill occur Wednes day afternoon at '' o'clock. The place of interment will be annuuncud later. DEATH OF Hl'dH M'DONOl'OH. Hugh M?I)onoU;h. of Luncrne streeet, quletlv passed nv.ay at 2.3U yes terdav nuirnlnn, after an illne.Js of two weeks' duration. Mr. Mcponoueh was quiet and im.issuniiiiL- tnol liUthly es teemed In the community In which he lived. He Is survived by bis wife mid six children.' William, a bull. i f. o thin citv, and .1. lines. Thomas anil John, also of this city; Peter, of New York, and Mrs. .Mary Reynold, i f I'hb niro. Funeral services will totidueteil at flt. Peter's cathedral at 1 n'tl' k Wed ncttday morning. Interment In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. f;;xep.i- of a cinr.n. An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Kd wln Davis, of ..:',! North Huberts court, died Saturday and wr.s burled yester day nfl'-mmm in the Washburn fit reel cemetery, funeral sen Ices ivefe held nt the family homo. Key, w. S. Jones, pastor of the First Welsh Huptlst clutreh, preaebetl a sermon full of sym pathy for the parents. The pall bear ers were young irirl Uiends of the d- nd child. They wt re: CiiiTie Morton. Kuth Williams. I.izie Davis. Jennie Lewis. Kate Piper, Marvina Hawkins, Maggie Jenkins, and T.izzie Thomas. NOTED DIVINE CuMIXd. Rev. Janus lliiehes. an mule of Pro fessor James 1 1 utiles, of Washburn street, will preach In this city ilut'inK the spring months. Mr. Hughes Is a noted divine of the Baptist denomina tion. In England, his home, he has re ceived much ret oKiiition. I'or four years he fili'd the pcsltlon or superin tendent of the dingo nilrslon In South Africa. He ft. tin. led a church while there ami as a mark of appreciation of his Work, Mr. Ilt'ghes was presented with a purse of Si"0 as a gift from the inhabitants. MENTION OF ACCIDENTS. nenjamin Vt'alUrnnn. living in I'.elle vue. was Injured yesterday afternoon while nt work In the Hellenic mines. The accident wan the result of a pre mature shol. Mr. V.'albr.itm silo'eivd a fractured rnllarbi ne and his head and hands are badly bruised and cut. 1 r. Ueaeh was t-p.'led. An iron pine f 11 Monday morning ilium the little linger of Charles Itdd. a machinist, whose home is on Kynon street, and the member was fractured. AND GRAND CHILD DEAD. A child of Patrick Daly, of F.ynon street, and the child's jcrnmlinothcr, Mrs. Mary Daly, of the same street, died Sunday. The dual funeral will take place this afternoon. NEWS IN DRIER Mrs. Randolph Jones, of Jackson I DON'T TURN AWAY Because the first glance shows clothes you wouldn't feel well dressed in. Don't think we sell only high-priced Suits or Overcoats, because the first you see are beyond your means. What you are looking for is here. It's a matter of selection. Hen's Sack Suits, in Fine Black Diagonals, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 Hen's Sack Suite, in Nobby Plaid Effects and Choice Colorings. $10.00 to $20.00 Men's Cutaway Suits, in. Fine Black Diag onals - - $10.00 to $25.00 Fall ajid Winter Overcbats are as ready as the Suits, from - - $8.00 to $30.00 Stuara Oeaitag Glothiaa, of: tb? Stibtirbs. street. Is In Atlantic City, where her mother, Mrs. F. J. Nichols, a resident ol" that place, died Sunday. Joseph Jeremiah, of Uucknell, and Walter Rean, of Lafayette, are home for the election. W. J. Williams, of Washburn street, was in New York city. Miss Amy Kresge. of Hyde Park ave nue. Is home after a visit at Mill City. Kev. David Jones has reconsidered his resignation and will remain as pas tor of the First Congregational chuich on 'South Main avenue. Hradford Samson, of S wetland street, was yesterday promoted to the super Intendency of the Finch Manufacturing company's works at Eighth und Swet land street. Hessle. a young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Thomas, of Pettebone street, died yesterday. The funeral will be held Wednesday nfternoon. Interment will be made in Washburn street ceme tery. At Masonic hall, last evening.' Hyde Park lodge of Masons worked tbe Mas ter Mason degree on three applicants. The new glee club sang several selec tions. The Fifth Ward Republican club met last evening. Election returns will be received at David 1. Jones' hotel in the Fifteenth ward. Dr. N. Y. Harrison and Lou H. Jones were in Newton Sunday. Will Reynolds lias returned from a visit ut Lee mine. The choir of the Jackson Street Bap tist church will sive the cantata, "Jo seph" this monlh. Mrs. .Margaret Miller, aged 62. died yesterday at her home on Hampton street. The deceased is survived by many friends. The funeral will he held ' this afternoon from the late home. Host work at the "'ry:nal Laundry. The latest and best styles. Roberts, 126 Noith Main. Dr. . W. ( olborn, Dentist. Rooms 144 North Main avenue. M ost Side IIusinc.s Dircrtorv. HARRIET J. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cut flowers ami funeral designs a specialty; I'M South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street, SECOND HAND FURNITURE -Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see th ttock of J. C. Kins, 701 to 7(0 West Lack awanna avenue. VOTE EARLY. r.LIXTlON ICETI RN. !' It has become a custom of : xno Tribune to lead all Its rivals , in the fullness, fairness and i ;v,i promptness of its election new ". ' Tomorrow It will again ob r serve this custom, and all who want to bo sure as to the result are advised to buy The Tribune. Agents should at once order ex tra copies. Save time by voting the straight Ro- i ubliean ticket. .MINOOKA. Today will wind t;p one nf !i, most c?: tliliig and Interesting politirnl battles j ever known in this history of this town chip. I'aini'.'iUn clubs itml parly rallies 1 .U I .1 . 1 .. nnt' ei niwi ii in , I'M-nee me n.A weeks and although Mlmmlci Is reeuii ulzcd as the yoibi south, atel n"-u.!cs a conspicuous place on ibis county's lem oeratle ro.ter as one of the ,b Ifersouiiin strongholds. It inbuilt be elasse.l us ilouhl- i i 1 1 ami ine ri'Mui is wanen lor wit'i much anxiety. A large vole is expected to lie ;iolleil. Miss .MiikkIc Doip.n lias returned home after h fw months' visit In Spokane Rills, Wash. I' llx, of .lermyn, was a busl nasse tvillt r ill town yesterday. As the rink is occupied its a polling place this evening the Independents have postponed their social until Wednesday iiluht. The township night schools reopened last cvenliiT-. .Miss .Margaret Connolly mil John ip'.Malley will be married at St. Joseph's church today. - II tlie ll.i by l Cutting Teeth. Mrs- Winslow's Soothing Syrup lias been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, foftens the gums, allnys all rain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Re sure and call for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," nnd take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. RHEUMATISM IS A FOE which gives no quarter. It torments Its vic tims day ami night. Hood's Snrsapa rilla purities the blood nnd cures the aches and pains of rheumatism. HOOD'S PILLS are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable, sure. Hatters and Furnislua SAMTERS SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Twentieth Ward Has a Site far a School and It Is Sadly in Need of a New Building. School Controller John Gibbons, of the Twentieth ward, purchased two lots at ine corner or stone avenue ami moo i ttreu. whin he was on the board nine j years ago. his puipose that time being i that It was a wise plan to secure a de- ; siralde location for a Fchi.ol when there ! was plenty of land to be bad and to j bold it In reserve until the time came j when the development of the South aide would make more school facilities nec- i essary. How well his judgment was, is now apparent. I The Twentieth ward nine or ten years ago was far from what it is today, but i Mr. Gibbons foresaw that the day would come when the large area of un occupied land would teem with houses. If these lots were not now in possession j of the board of control it would lie a ; difficult matter to secure a desirable,; site without a large outlay of money. : The next thing Is to get a new school , for the ward. Mr. Gibbons bus the ca- j pacity of undertaking whatever he i atari nut to accomplish and he w.ll, i no doubt, accomplish this much for the I ward before hid term expires. SOI'TH MILL AGAIN IDLE. It Is, Indeed, a gloomy sight to lonk toward the South works and not see the fires burning. This is the case again. After a run of two weeks th mill shut down Saturday night. There is no pios- 1 ect of a resumption this winter unless the ivsult of tlie election t 'day is in favor of u protective tariff. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OP N'eSvS. The Scran ton Athletic club will re ceive election returns by special wire this evening. It Is for tlie -benefit of members only. Miss .Maty Hohnn, of Ringhamton, Is the guest ol South Side friends, A illble conference was ledd In the rooms of the Young Women's Christian association on Cedar avenue last night, with n view of organizing a bible class. .Michael O', aged four nnd one hnlf years, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Michael o'Toole, of Prospect avenue, tiled yes terday afternoon. Funeral announct1 im nt later. New slock of elrpant wall paper and paints at Port hi t's, 7l:i Cedar nve. Rest work at the Crystal Laundry. -- Rear In mind that yaa cannot vole for mule than two coiiniy commissioners. If you try to, you lose your whole vote. PKOVIDLNU.. The voters ol this part of the cliy should, without tvirtml to party, rally to the support of John U. Fair, ills gooil work in the past deserves recog nition. His free text book bill has saved thousands of dollars to the poor er people of the North End. und but for him the Oral school would not, j three yiars ago, huve secured that np- j ptoptiatlon ot .vcviilti, the largest ever i given 'or an Institution ip.l entirely I under State control. J Kor several mornings past people re- i siding lu tile neighborhood .of iirlt k nvi nue liave hat! their slumbers tlls itirlietl, and, going to their chickeries, have (omul themselves, minus a num ber of chickens. Complaint has been nmde to the olilcers, who failed to dis cover tlie thieves, uiilil last Sunday morning, when one of the olilcers nple.l a man endeavoring to shove something under his coat. Walking up to him the oincer inquired as to what he was tloint;. nround at that lime of the morn ing. Receiving nn unsatisfactory nn Kwer, the ollicer searched him und found beneath his coat twr recently killed chickens. Tlie man was taken to the station house and held until this morn inr, when he ua.t given a hearing. At the bearin;: It was dis covered that he was a member of t Ii r gang of men who call themselves the "sons of rest." ami who hang out in Corcoran s black. n.iith shop on West .Maiket street, ills name is William Leonard. He i:;s committed to the county Jail in deiault of $r,in) bail. Willie Williams, ()f Parker street, tendered a party to a number of bis young friends lust Saturday evening, lu honor of his eleventh birthday. Games were Indulged In and a pleasant time spent by all. Those present were Misses Resale Perry, Re-sie Mead, Luur.v Maisey and I'auliui'. Williams; Masters Willie Williams, Willie Holmes. Georgie Mead, WI'lie Maisey, Valentine irth y, John Williams, Chas. nnd Robert Williams and Karl .Mc Donnell. Election returns will bo received to night at th" Young Men's Institute rooms on North Main avenue. The F. G. W. Sot ial club met last evening in their rooms on West Market street and elected the following offic ers for the ensuing term of six months: President, Thomas W. John; vice pres ident. Clarence McKcehnn. secretary, Alfred Davis; treasurer. Flunk Miller; Initiatorial ollicer. Morgan Wiiiiams; trustees, William Snyder and Harry Dnnvers. The entertainment for the benefit of John J. Salmon will be hold in St. Mary's hall on Friday evtning, Novem ber n. Mrs. Abbl Avery and daughter. Jes rle, of I'.rooklyn, nre the gu sts of Mrs. George West, of North .Main avenue. The Rryan and Scwn.ll club met last evening In O'.Mailey's hall, on West Market street. ,i NO FREE SILVER. DUN. MO KM. There trill be a sp vial service In the. Dunmore Methodist Episcopal church tonight. Railroad men from Seranton Will be present. All are welcome. Tlie public nitr'it xelumN of fnimnnro will bp opened V.'cdiieMiay lit llilih. No vember 4. John Holler, of Rrook street, has re heme from a business trip to New Yerk. The congregation of St. Mam s enur-a 1 niiiKini; .T"i;e prep:ir:ititri.- for ihc 'r nr.-ind nniucil Thniik'xli inu dinner, which ! is to .if Rlvin In the church pit Horn .u Th;ink:'!T't iti'i dny. Mb .M"ith:i .h:tthova Is 111 nt her home 011 Kat Printer street. Hull! To .Mr. pnd Mrs. Patrick Ken nedy, of t'he?tnut Htreet, 1 t-'lrl. Mtj. Kranli Ii iiey, of Moin'oc avenue, is '-"ry III. Hcrt Jenkins, of Prinkcr atreft. is Knuiinilly Improving from the necld'iit he bad a few dityH R20. lie s under the core of I'ib. Winter? mi l ;ar-'ey. Mrs. M. M' indisposed at her hume on Utaktly (street. JOHN M. HARRIS RESIGNS. lit No I.oncrr t'oiincclt tl with the District Attorncv's Oilice. AFFiJ'tnnt Dls'rb t Atttirney John M. Ilurriw hr.ntlcil his re;frnatiiin to Ola trlct Attorney John R. Jones yestcrJiy murninp and it wns aceeptetl. ' Mr. Junes had a conference with Attorney W. (laylord Thtmias Inter In tho tiny nnd appointed him to gucceed Mr. Har ris. The resignation created no end of speculation as to the cause which led to It. A Tribune r'iKirter called on Mr. Jones and acked him to ninke a state ment. He admitted thnt the. tcitigiia tion was requestet:, birT he would not give the reasons. DIED SUDDENLY IN CATHEDRAL. .firs. Bridjzrt .ritli Expired llroni Heart llinense. Mrs. Rrldget Griffin, of Bnuth Wash ington avenue, died suddenly yester- day morning In St. Peter's cathedral She was 60 years old and widow of the lute Michael Gritlin. Since her hus band's death her home had been with her daughter, .Mrs. Mury Loughney, at South Washington avenue. She arrived at the cathedral to at tend the 8 o'clock mass and was seated only a few minutes when she fell for wurd on her face. Assistance reached her Immediately and she v.ns carried Into the sacristy. Father O'Reilly re sponded quickly and gave her the Inst rites of tlie church, antl Dr. P. H. Kear ney arrived soon afterward In a few minutes after the doctor came Mrs. Grilfin died. The cause was evidently heart full ore. The body was removed to the late home by Cnderlaker Cuslck. HOW ,,. ' TO VOTK. To vote the Republican ticket today put across (X) In the cir cle at the top of the first col unm, and let It go at that. GRAND JURY IN SESSION. Over 225 Transcripts Have Already Been Sent In Reports Made by tbe Constables of the County. I The November grand jury assembled ' yesterday morning at lu o'clock in the I urbiiiittion loom ot the ceurt house. I where U dunged by Judge EU i wards. The jurors were merely iu i slruclod as to what their duties are in passing upon cases which come lie- fore tin-in. Alter tlie chaise of the court the jurors wem to common coun cil chamber of city hull, vbete they will bo In session the rest ol the week, except to-da;-. This ljeinii election day und a legal holiday, ti:eie will be no court of uny hind. The court house o!!it es will I mi closed and the giund jury will not bo in session uniil 'J.M to-morrow morn ing. James T Zerfai's who was until recently In the plumbing business on Adams avenue, was one of the grand jurors, but he Is delcndant in a union., case which comes up tins urm, mid consequently whs ineligible to serve. Tueie are about "!' tinnscripts so far sent In, and not many n.oie are ex pected. The November session of the grand jury is always a light one. Of the returns made by tlie various constables throughout the (ounty only one of these oilicers hud it to say that 1 1, 1 mil- was sold In Ills district In viola tion of the law. That was Constable Joseph F. Walkers, of the Eleventh ward, lie repotted August Rempe, of Cedar u venue, us the proprietor of the place where liquor Is sold without a license. Tile constables say that it is one thing to know that (here am unliot iis 'd places abounding, bill some thing totally different to secure evidence to establish a conviction when the caf.-s are brought Into court. Constable E. GMIilantl. of Covington, says that nine index boards are gone In his ilisiiiet. In Goiildsboro only part of the hoards are up. Constable John C. Moran, of tho Twelfth ward, was not able to give the names of any persons selling liquor without a liecn'o. The roads and bridges In his district nie passable. George W. Patterson, constable of La Plume, frays the road.i, bridges and In dex hoards are nil right in Ids district. Constable J. A. I'oiiman, of the Seven teenth ward, sujs the streets are poor. F. ,i. Mathews, of Spring llrook, one of the jury commislsoners. was ap pointed foreman of the jury. ELECTION NIGHT ARRANGEMENTS. Programme Tluit Hill He Observed nt tlie V. .U. C. A. The programme for receiving election news at the Young Men's Christian as sociation has been completed nnd Is as follows: From C.I'O to !.:' such de spatt hes as come in will he announced in the reception room. The programme will bt In the auditorium nt !'.H0 p. in. with selections by the Imperial tiuuriotto, and J. Stewart Rhickton will Hive a series of funny monologues, a combination of crayon work nnd the recital of humorous selections, political hits, etc. Full returns from every stale In the union will be received on the stage of the auditorium by private wire. They will be ns complete as those received nnywliere. A souvenir will lie given to each guest showing the popular nnd electoral vote of every slate In lK'AJ with blanks for tabulating the returns for Rryan or McKinley, ns they are an nounced throuch the courtesy of the Central Republican club. A represen tation of the Toting Men's Christian association will be permit led to copy returns of the congressional election ns fast as received and they will be pent by messenger service to the Young Men's Christian association auditor ium. In the dining hall nn the third floor refreshments will be served by Hanley fiom in p. m. to 1..10 n. ni. The cost for reserved seats is 25 cents und for re freshments 15 cents. FOOT BALL NOTES. Th Dunmore high school fool ball t -nni challenge the second team of the S diool of the Lackawanna for a tr'itie of font ball at No. Kiimnore, on ov. 7, at i.Z) p. m. .ltinies Hontn, manner. The I'liiunore high itchoti! foot hall team challenge David Holee's foot ball te'im for it K'inie of font bull on No. S grnim Is for Nor. 14 at p. m. James Horun, nuinngf r. The Seranton foot ball team plays at Wilkes-Ha're today imalnst the Voting Men's fhristian association t leven. Chits. Gilbert, of the I'liiverslty of Pennsyl vania, who came home to vote, will jilay wilii the ScTJintons. Tiie North End Crescents nee pt the ch.-illi'iie,. of the r.ryan fool bull p'ren, but would like tu ple.y them at the j)riv-. Ine iinrk in th.- Norih End Initend of nt the Stillwater grounds, owim? to the In. ability of some of Hie player? to get oui of work l:i time. The Crescents will le on the grounds nil the afternoon. David 'Wains, captain. Vi" K' y-tone eleven, of Green Ridge, w j ild like to nrrant:c a few games fur th's se.'isnn with some of the cliilu cf suburban towns. They piny the West .Side eleven on Nov. i. The Key stone team is composed of t'.e following 1 p; A. Meiiitz"!'. center; K. YnuiiK irht KUil'd: 11. Tavior. UT! Kliard; F. '(ill nit, left 1nrtu. rlnlit I: Lb: T IDPMC1IELI tSTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. 130 WYOMING AVENUE Coal exchange. Opp, K tef Jermyn. We hare the finest store antl most complete stock in all this section, cf WITCHES, FINE JEU.ELRY. DICMCKD3, STERLING SILVER WAR-, STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES, RICH CUT GLASS, CLGCXi, ETC Our Prices arc always bottom. II yon have not seen as la our new stars It will pay ynm tackle; E. Day. left end; C. Coleman, right end; B. Holtham, right half; F. Gingher, left half; W. Knight, full back; J. Kearney, quurter buck; substitutes, Glngher, .Metcalfe, Klrta, O'ltara. Ahch 11118, couch; C, Colenmn, captain; S. Holtham, umtiuger. NO FREE SILVER. CARS WILL RUN ALL NIGHT. Seranton Traction Company's Ar rau';cmcnts for Election Night. The Seranton Traction Company has made arrangements for an all night service on all of Its lines to-nluht to accommodate those who will le out after midnight, when the cars usually slop running. I'ntil midnight the regular schedule will be observed, and after that hour one car will be run on each line. NO Fit EE TttADE. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. The Rible classes opened Inst night with ft guotl attendance. Miss Esther Rowlands 1ms a class in "The Life of Christ," iiinl .Miss Eli.abeth Doersam has a class In "I.ile of Paul." Mis. Lowry's class meets'd.iy night ut 7 o'clock. All Invited. The Junior association will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock. 'foment at 7.",:i the I.nirel club will meet. A special programme has been provided, which will be in harmony wlh the s.drlt til the dny flection. Mrs. ti.r trutle Jnytie mid M-s. Calkins will furnish the music, Alt are Invited. Save time by voting the straight Re publican ticket. To ( ure n Cold iu One Dny. Take laxative Rronio Quinlna Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure. '5 cents. (ilic uiiiiitisiu Cured in n Dny. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in one to three dsys. Its action upon the system is remarkable end mysteriou t. it re moves at nin e the cause and the dis ease Immediately disappear". The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz. 41X Lackawanna ave nue, druggist, L'cranton. CASTOR i A lor Infants and Children. ' it a SPECIAL SALE CF ORIENTAL RUGS CARPETS 124 Washington Avenue. BY MICHAIOJAN tiROS. x CO. BAGDAD PORTIERES AT $2,00 KARABAGH RUGS AT $5.00 Fine Antique liui!" at Sf percent. Iran than snl't. Hcsiilt;, wa Imv.; received tin cnn-di-nnii'iit a fine lot of Japanese v.-ura which we will soil ut cot. THE FROTfllNGflflM. Wjvncr A Ke'n. Manairrr. John 1.. Kerr, Acting M tracer. ll'ESUAY, NOV. 3 -ONE NltirlT ONLY, (ireiiteat of All Military Plays. THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME My Hehsoo rylos. pr, nted in tho same mantcr tfn fi r )! nights in New York. Indorsed by the press ntl public, nnd tho I'nl ted SluttH nrmy un thn best An encua piny ever wntteu. bun'rb Cast, Now Scenery oiid all tint (iri-'iniil tUtets. Complete KlecUoa hoini ti" ceit.l frot.i lllo hi nan lim ine tliu pttr forinani't. Sn'e of acuta commence gaturitiiy Out lier III, iit!i.i. in. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ZX WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4 Tho Legitimate Irish Conn tlinn, DANIEL SULLY, IX JC MUTnii.1i II "A tribute to tho worth nnd! tlicnity of Iriah cnnr.n'tcr,'' A p. rfnet production of a iwr fect t'liy. Sen tile runt railroad building scene; tho driving of the "gitlea spike"; tbe blasting of the mountain PRICnS-Gallery, iac; Bafcooy, 1 Rows, JSC baliincr, :5c; Orchestra Circle, 50c; Orchestra ana Parlor Chairs, 75c. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER s. Engagement ot the Eminent Tragedian, T lion AS W. KEENE, AwoniTauic1 by r.ntl timlor tlm nianigemont uf Ca.s. U. Ilanfurd. Supi- rti'd by a nr nd omplute organization, pre. suiitiriK ShakiJcart's raud truuody Richard IN. PklCTS Gallery, 15c; Balcony, (1 rows) uc; Balance, .i.s": Orchestra Circle goc; Ortheatru, 75c; Parlor Chairs, Si.ou. CN THE LIE OF THh lillllll PACiFH are located the fiuoat flhnii and hunting irrounde in the world. Liejcrlj.tlve booiia en application. Tickets to all points in Value, Canada and Miintlmi- Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and T.'nlted Slates Kcrthwenl, Vunvouver, Seattle. TacuniD, Portland, Ure., San Francisco. Rrst-C!ass Sieopin; and C':nin Cars attached to all taroiprht trr.lns. Tourist cars fully fitted with;T, curtains anil rpecialiy adapted to e. ants of famiilea K.ny b? h;.'l vif h eeonil-ainsn t'ekcts. Rates iiiftuy lak'.i tn?n via r,;hr lines. For ftirtner frformatl'iii, time tables, etc.. on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 353 Broadway. New York. Hotel Walton Urc.-iJ r.-.J I ot.i;l atrtetl, Phli.idi-l!iia. t upift! '' ni"" inasn r i:". t..'.0-3 iu tilj worlit. I'aialiui in every uui-L Absolutely Fireproof. European Plan $1.50 Upwards, American Plan $4 Upwards. Flttmb'd near all the leading theatres and railroad stations. STAFFORD, WHITAKER & KEECH ' LU. CRAWFORD, Manager. AT FOR ONE WEECC COMMENCING THURSDAY MORNING, th 28th lnt., until Wednesday night, Nov. 4, 1898, we will offer th following goods at figure named, to close them out. These prices will be given THIS WEEK ONLY. That is positive. And no doubt such a big cut will close out th goods very rapidly; therefore, it would be advisable to come as soon as possible if you want to get any of them. THE SCRANTON CASH STORE. Ammonia, 15c. bottles .'. CJ Ammonia, 10c. bottles Apple Butter, 120. can 1 Beunu, Marrows, quart t'S Means, Medium, quart 5 Beans, Red Kidney, quart 03 Green Peas, quart 03Vi Bird Seed Hemp. Rape, Canary. Millet 3ti Bluing, 15c. bottle OT Bluing, 10c. bottle 0 Blaekin. Bartlett's 8c. size .' f24 Blxby's. 8c. size 03 Day & Martin's (English) 25c. Jar 10 Bl-Carbonate Soda, 10c. package, 03 Blacvklnpr. Bartlett's Sc. size 02 Beverages Root Beer Extract, regular price, 10c Ct Blood Orange Phosphate,' Imported, regular 30c 19 I.emon Phosphate, Imported, regular 30c. 19 Raspberry Phosphate, Imported, regular 30c 19 California Cherry Wine, regular price, 59c 19 Hawthorn Water, quarts, doz., regular J3.50, now $2. DO Hawthorn Water, pints, doz., regular $2.00 1-S3 Cigars Conductors, Black Rabbit, Cozy, Blue Labor. San Fclelce (Union made,) Brotherhood, Our Champion, Bon Finne, Flor De Washington. Any of the above are good value at $1.60 a box. We will mtiko them during this nalo at 75c. I.a Imperial, 25 In box, very. fine, worth $1.00 60 Prlncessa,, 10 In box; very fine, worth 50c IS Cuban Cheroots, 100 In box; worth $1.60 "3 Canned Fish Sardines, Mai tin & Cel.'s Imported, 12 Of Sardines In Mustard, regular 10c -0 Canned Vegetables Canned French Peas, high grade, worth 25c 10 Canned French Beans, high grade, worth 20c t'9 Canned Mushrooms, high grade, worth 25c 1 1 Canned Pork and Beans, worth 10c -05 Canned Hominy, Hopkins', worth 10c 0 Canned Meats Potted Ham, .n. tin. 09 Totted Ham. U'b. tin O3 Chocolate Baking, pr lb., worth 40c 2! Sweet, cake, worth Tc 03'4 Coco, Villi, tin. worth 2.",c lfl Cheese, York State Full Cream, worth 12c ' Candy, a good mlxtur?, worth 15c 07 I.lcorlre, by the box, worth 75c S5 Pulse (Irish) lb. worth 20c -10 Kxtracts 8 oz. bottle Lemon, worth 60c -3 Colonial Food, package worth 10c 0 Breakfastlna, package worth 10c 04 Herbs Sage, package worth 6c "2 Thyme, package worth 5c (s Sweet Marjoram, worth Be Hops Pound, worth 25c 1 pound, worth 13c 08 U pound, worth 8c p Lamp Burners Large, worth 15c f..- Medium, worth 10c 03 Mandoline, per box, wcrth 10c ''4 Nuts English Walnuts, worth 10c '7 Pecans, worth 10c u Filberts, worth 10c 07 Princess Paper Shell Almonds, worth 23c I3 Soft Shell Almondd, worth 25c 1 Olives, small bottle, wotth 10c Olive Oil L. A. Price's best Imported, quarts, worth $1.00 51 L. A. Price's best Imported pints, worth 60c "3 I,. A. Price's best Imported, i pints, worth 30c "i9 Domestic Oil Quarts -u Pints la pints "7 "reserves 20 lb. poll, worth $1.25 10 lb. pail, worth 73c 40 S lb. pail, worth 40c 25 "Ickles Crosse & Blackwell's half pints, worth 25c j, If Rosaline, quarts, worth 60c -5 Rosaline, pints, worth 23c v 12& Tomalettes Chile Sauce, McMechen's, worth 25c 1' Helntz'a Mustard Dressing, worth 15c 08 Ilelntz's Pickles, worth 0c " Preserves In bottle's, McMechen's, 25c 10 Dm kees' Salad Dressing Large, 60c 30 Mt. Dessert Boneless Herring, 10c. box 07 Mt.Dessert Boneless Halibut, 10c. box 07 Bottle Mustard, worth 10c "3 Small, 25c 15 Jelly 30 lb. pall, worth 90c 60 20 lb. pall, worth 70c. 15 Raspberries, In bottles, German finest Imported,, worth 73 "9 Strawberry, German Incst Imported, worth 75c 23 Scotch Marmalade, Jars, worth 25c 12',i Old Virginia Currant Jelly, home made, worth 23c 10 Old Virginia Crab Apple, worth 25c 10 Pie Preparation, packages Peach, Mince, Apple, Cherry, et;. .01 Soups Royal Brand, 3 lb. can, worth 20c 07 Soups English Nobility, 3 lb. can, wcrth 10c 05 Soaps Moulson's 3-lb. bar, worth 25c 19 Moulst.n's 1-lb. bar, worth 7c 03' i Sunlight, 23e. package 17 Congo Tar, 6c. package 02 Barber's Shaving Soap, cake, 6c 02 Castile, Imported bar, worth 75e ::9 Soap Powder 4-tb. package, worth 20c 12'i 1-tb. package, worth 10c '2Vj 9 o'clock Tea, 5c 03 Vi Starch Diamond, regular price, 10c 03 Saleratus. pounds, 6c 3',i Stove Tollsh, Rex, bottles, 10c 02ii Tobacco Plug, Every Day, Plug, Big 4, Hustler, Pig Tall, Pine Apple Twist. Any of the above are worth 30c. pound, and some of them a high as 60c. We will close them out at 13c. th. Best Kentucky, a fine smoking tobacco, 6c. papers f'2'4 Nigger Hair, In foil similar to Navy and Just as good 03 We have some odd brands of tobacco that we will sell at half price. Wood and Willow Ware Clothes Baskets Large 9 Medium "9 Small 20 Wash Boards, from Sc. to 20c. Scrub Brushes, worth 15c C? Shoe and Stove Brushes at half price. Whitewash Brushes, worth 60c 19 Rolling Pin "3 Cedar Tubs Large, $1.00 55 Medium, S5c 49 Small. 65c. "5 Painted Tubs Large, fCc 50 Medium, 63c. 40 Small. :o 2Iarl;ct Prlr:U. wcrth 50c. 15 Instantlne Bug Destroyer, 10c. box 05 And there are probably other goods that we will run across or hav omitted, that we will offer in th same proportion. We must say again that we cannot continue this sale for a longer time than one week, and will with draw each line from the list as soon as closed out THE SCRANTON CASH STORE,