THE SCIiANTON TBIBUNE TUESDAY MOBNIUQ. NOVEMBER 3, ; SELLING ONLY FOR GASHiffiS Compels us to SHAVE PRICES to as low a po;nt as is possi ble for good, staple and legitimate merchandise. I1KIIE AKE SOME UNDERWEAR. A romiMe line of all weights and sizes. Tlrece lined underwear, extra jflC I'-avy ' hVn'e"" VibbVii" absolutely A?c last -olir .Ail natural wuc-l and ramel's R7r Ii.Hr All woul iletve, line quality, C. 0( only v ' l:vutriiiir; in heavy cotton and wool J.iros, Jut-sera, -ltolroyds. mid n..niy other makes of hnest wool under wear at K'eHt reductions. Although au entire new department, we have had wonderful success. There fa some tone a'joiu our line of cloihiag ihat compares very favorably w.t'u any clothing mid.' to measure by swell ui'rchai: tailors. inline Clay worsted sack and f'O -k ? ;-ui!s. guaranteed not t.'Cio rir r wejr sl'i-.-y PIU.UIJ l.lui ?'.il witrht ivti'coais of black '. K-iii.a. pine silk lined una t.'.'Til, marlicj as low as . . Sis oo i',5,uul MARKETS AND STOCKS V u!l Street Hrvicw. N'i-w York. Nov. I!. Slocks today were strong from start to finish. At intervals tle-re were sales to realize profits but this failed to check the ris ing tendency. Money on call was ilif llciill lo obtain although it can be stut id that the banks did not refuse uny I i: ly with good collateral willing to pay 'j per cent and Interest. At one lime the rate touched Vj per cent and interest which is equal to !M per cent per annum. The closing transaction whs uf '4 per cent mid interest. 1m li'Htant advances were sugar V4; i.iiico Chicago gas IV Hurling! on .tr.l IJuincy J'.;: St. Paul H?;; Hock Is u!'d l"4; Coloiado fuel :(; Manhattan Pncifie Mull 2'i: Iteaillns 2 to 29 H; Tennessee coal l"i Union Pacific l5i. The Improvement otherwise ranged from 4 to l'j per cent. Speculation closed strong with prices at or near the top of the day. Net changes show Ruins of '4 Hi :i per cent. Total snlei were i23,019 shures. Furnished by WIL14A.M I.INN. AU LEN & Co., stock brokers, Mean build' lug, rooms 705-7ilt. Open- IHirh- Low- Clo in. est. est. ing. Am. Tnhneeri Co ... Am. Siig. He'g Co . Aich., To. 4i S. Fe . A.. T. S. F.i Pr. i Snuih Ins. Ohio i lilcago Ous Chic. & X. V ' 'hie., H. K Q . C. C. & St. L ... Chle., Mil. & St. P . Chic. R. I. & P .... I via ware Hud .. 1.. L. W list. C. F i '"ii. Klectric I.nlte Shore i.ouls. & X;ish M. K. Texas, Pr. .MiMihnttnn Kie .... . 77' i 7xa 77 7Si 111! lls- 1 in 1lti"i i.'h i"i 24 St 2l"i 47'-. 47'j 47'5 ir-i 2', 47'.j 1'4 71", H'J'i 7'i 2-'i 7 Hi 124 ir.7 7'i 2!" , 1J!i 4'i hl't 21'i 4'. 2I2 1'Ci !'"i i:.'i i 21-'., 47', 1U 7l'i iir'i i ' i i ,, 1"2'4 77"-i 2S'a 7'.' 2 r7'a 1-T l-.7 7'U "it 14!t 4'i 2:'', 9,"i Sl'i 71 t;7'i 12.1 1.-.7 7", 20', Hit 4S 2Wj tl7-'4 12.V4 J.-.7 1 1 4S'i 2c. Mo. Pncltle 2 Nat. Cordage I'i Vat. Lead 2l'a V. J. Central Hili I . V. Cent ml V. V.. I.. K. V .. V. V., S. K- W V. Y S. W, Pr .. Xor. Pnellle out. & West Omaha. I'ic'.lic Mail Phil. &' ltend Southern It. It Southern It. It.. Pr.. T.-nn.. C. Iron Texas Pacilic I'llioll I'UL'llic Wiihash WaUash. Pr Vet. Union V. L I '. S. r.either I'. S. Leather, Pr ... U. S. Itubber !r,u j..', ;i 2.VJ 1 14', 41S 2.'ca 2!" M 2s; 27', d-n lit; 7'. Id 21 !.'i l.-'J 9 2 In 114 1 4 S. 2I 27' i '? n'i K il'i A5 (;;: :) 24- ll't 42' i 21-' 27-'. 'h ii', ii-i 421'. 5 2'jj ID 2NV, 27' j, 1'-S Ifi'i H5 V si M',i 21 Wi K. i.'i 2'J CHICAGO ISOARD OF TRADE PRICEi WHEAT. T'.'pemb.T . .Mav OATH, "eember , May CORN. December M ty LARD. December .liimiarv .. P'tRH. December .lunuary ,. Open.- H i sh in g. est. . 1 11 , ii . 7S' 7S . v-; . 214 22'i Low est Clo- !p. 1!4 22 V. W, 211' i 4.27 4.20 7.12 Kill 21" 2".", 2"" 4. '7 4.:7 7.1l 7.U7 4. ft 4.:j A "A 4..',2 7. Ht (rrnntoii Hoard of Trade Fvchnnge Quotation.-All (imitation Ilnsed mi Par ol 100, Nnm. FM. Asked. Plrne Dep. & Pis Rink 140 Pcrnnton Lace Curtain Co 50 National Hortrg it Drilling Co First National nanK Scrnnton Jar & Stopper Co. ., Klmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Rank Ponta Plate Glass Co Scranton Packing Co , Lackawanna Iron Steel Co. 650 2$ 100 'io 159 200 Third National Bank 0 Throop Novelty M f g. Co M) Scrnnton Traction Co 1$ 21 Scranton Axle Works gi) Ijick'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 145 ... Economy Steam Heat & Power Co 40 BONDS. Scranton Pas. Railway, first mortgage due 191s 110 ... People's Street Railway, first mortgage flue 1918 110 Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. ... People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1020 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. ... Lacka. Township School 5 City of Scranton Bt. Imp. 6. ... Borough of Wlnton 4 Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co M 100 1U2 102 100 85 110 Hi New York Produce Market. New York. Nov. 2. Flour Quiet and firm; winter wheat, low grades, J2.2iia3.25; do. fair to fancy, J.'1.25a4.30; do. patents, J4.5ta4.90: Minnesota clear, $Ha4; do. struights, $.1.9an4. 2.1: do. patents, Sl.lifin4.sii; low extras, $2.2ua3.2.1: city mills, J4.4"a 4.5o; do. patents, S4.S0a5.13. Wheat Dull, firmer; f. o. b., miaS'l1,!.-.; ungraded red, 74iiSie.; No. 1 northern, iM'talM'e.: op tions wer active, firm at KhC advance; No. 2 red January, 82c.; March, bH'ic j May, (h'Sic; .November, 79'iic.; December, KP,e. Corn Hull, Hrmer; No. 2. 31u3l4c elevator: ;t.'!i;;2',c. afloat: options were dull, firm: November, 4ti4e. ; December, SJ'c; May, 3TiS,e. Oats Spots quiet, firmer; options dull, firmer; December, 24c; May, ifti-V.; spot prices, N. 2, 22c; i wnne. iiarjc; .o. z c-mcago, w. No. 3. 1104c.; No. 3 white. 23a23'4e.: mlxei western, 22a24c; white do., 2ln3:'c; white state. 24n:i2c. Beef yulet, steady; family, SS.ri089; extra mess, S'la7. Reef Hams Dull; Slo.Wuia. Tlerced Beer-Firm, quiet; city extra India mess, $ Cut Meats Slow, firm: pickled bellies, B-c; co. rhoulders, 4,Ja4',,c. ; do. hams, 9af';c. I.:rd uUtet. easy: western steam, ti.u'i: rt:y. $4.35- December, $4.65, nominal; re fined, (lull; continent, $5; South Ameri can. 15.35; eompotind, 4si:'.4"tc. Pork Quiet, steady; new mem, $8 5os8. Kuttr iuit, Uiinottl-U; state dairy, llnlSc I TEMPTING OFFERS: SHIRT SPECIAL Finest quality percale plaited colored bosom shirts. In- eluiiinir one pair HhK rufls.Cj -ys wire J,"i, now oi.iy .... ISc. t'ollui-H. all styles, now t'uffs now only .'lie. Silipenders now only s IOC ISC HATS. The 1."0 (trade now . iC'D Krade now The $-'.."() grade now t.i" I 3.00 1 I Oor swell Kpfcom" top coals natty garment in '! a V! iown mWed Vicunas, cle-Cie OO iruntlv trimmed 11 u ' .-. i' 'i ..ill in i'r:iv iue Kliglish covert eioin too Us. A complete liner cut !" ,hV ory f:isMoM' sell$l0.00 ir.g us low u v do. oiviunerv, 12'-.a2fic; western dairy, .'a 1J c; do. ereanivrv, 12J.-a20c: do. focloiy, 7aU:l,c : Klgins. l;''.a2ec.: Imitation cre.mi v, le'.illi'. Cheise unlet, firm: state laiv, 7'4a:'l'Jc.; do. small, 71l'U,i,V" ,,'l,'t skims.. X'...oiJ,e: lull skiins, 2'1,-a-. Kggs Firm, faiv v scar -e; slate and Penns. 1 vauia, lsai'c.; ice house, ll'iil'Jc.; west ern fresh, 17u2ii.-. ; ill. case, J2al..Vi; litiie.l, l.'ic. : do. ease, :ia:i..a. (iiictiKU tiriiui mid Provision -VtnrUi't. Chicago. Nov. 2. Futures ranged as fol lows: Wheat November, 71",a73'i;C. : I '' cemlier. 7:i'4a:4-.e.: May, 7s.i7!H'ie. Corn November. 2la2l:..o.: Decunijer, 2-iUa J':.r.; May. jA.a'.i'aC oats November, 1 1 ,nlS'4cl. Itecenibi-r, 1.v4ai:i',c.; May, 2l-liil22e. .Mess i'ork Deeelllber, 7.l2!s.i 7. !-'': Jnnmire, Js.or.aS.uJ';.. Lard 1 eei ni br.." t.4in .:'7' -; .lanuary. t'.VJ' a l.."i. Short Kibs December, M.72'jii:!.72': Jan uary, Jl.:i7'3au.!i7'a. Cash uiniatioiis lul low: Flour. I'.rui. iinchauved: No. 2 spring wheat, 71n7:ic: No. :, do., ij'.'.jail'n'. bv saniiple; No. 2 red, 71 ' a ,'iiU'C. : corn. 2V'l'-e.; outs. 1 4'inl I'-e. : rye, iai',e.; barlt.v, H7c., nominal: flax seed. 7la7l'a'.; timotliv seed, 2.,i, nominal; mess pork, $7.i:.a7.2e: lard, $l.27'-.a4.20; short rllis. sides, :t.70a:i.!M; shoulders, $4n4.2': short elf in- sides, 5lal.)2'a; whisky and sonars, unehunged. Kutliilo Live Stork. Ililffalo. Nov. 2. Cattle Market uclivp and iilgher; good to choice steers, M i"a 4.i:i; light to medium steers, $l!il.2rt: mived luitchns' cattle. M.F.aH.riii; light to i.rlme fat heifers, $,".i;l.7,i; stackers and feed ers, $:;.3un:i.n0; veals higher; eonimnii to prime, $4:01.75. lings Market hiu-li.r; Yorkers. S:i.ii.1.7h; light and pigs, .l.7i; mixed packers, y.'l.i!"a:i.'M; mediums. J:i.:'.'n ;:.iii; rotitths, ?:;a;l.i:: staus, $2.jr.a.'.7. Sheep and Lamhs Market active, lamns 2U to 2:,c. higher; sheep HI to He.; good to choice western, $1. Iita4.ii.'i; common io fair, $:!.v,h4.2."i: culls. ..r.uaX7"i: mix -d sheep, $2.:iiaS."i.i: culls and conunon, Sfl.ia a2.2.-i; export ewes, l.",a;:.J.". Oil .Market. Oil city. Nov. 2. Option oil and credit balunces, 117. VOTE EARLY. PROF. COLES FOR NOVEMBER. From Storms nnd Signs: This month the planets are all on one side of the earth, nnd In order thnt thousands may see how strikingly odd they appear we have made arange lnents to give away live thousand of the planetary charts and Storm and Sign calendars (absolutely free ) to the first five thousand addresses sent us. Saturn, Uranus, Venus and Mercury are nil found in the same "house" (house of friends. In Sign Scorpio, the most malignant sign on the Zodiac Circle. And. nil of them oposed to old mother earth, who would receive the greatest punishment she ever received was It not for old red warrior Mars coming to her assistance. He will de fend her and show those great plnnets what he can do when he sets out to befriend and defend a sister planet. So we muy look for several brilliant meteoric displays this month and many strange phenomenns, with some awe-inspiring sunset scenes. Several 'sun-dogs" will appear In the heavens nnd some unusual electrical displays. Northern flash lights will light up Heaven's hl(jh dome and rainbows will be seen at midnight In some places. Showers of insects and small reptiles muy fall about the great lakes and on thu coast of the ocean. The planets are In the same position this month as they were twenty-seven years before the deluge. The great battle between the planets this month will occur in the early part of the month, ami. tin attempt will bo made by earth's op ponents to force another Maul save upon the Atluntlc coast some time be tween the 5th and 15th. November will prove a very peculiar month. For while some sections are having sunshine and summerlike weather other sections will have nothing but rain, hail, snow, slush, Hoods, high wiiiihi, etc. The regular, reactionary and local disturb ance periods are all marked on our Storm and Sign Calendar, which will be sent free to any address. The gaseous matter passing over the sun shows no sign of a break this month, but on or about the Oth nnd 25th of next month we shall bn obliged to hoist our hurricane signals ngain! Last month we put out the hurricane signal fifteen days In advance of the Weather Rureau's, as a warning of the np proaehlng tidal wave. Thunder show ers will appear In some localities and produce green lightning. Karth Is now passing through the house of sickness, let every one who reads this keep their eyes on the "low ebb" vital force dates, as marked on our Storm and Sign Cal endar. Old Red Warrior Mars will defend old mother earth this month and keep her from being too severely punished. And, then, will turn upon her next month and give her greater punishment than she would have re ceived from her Scorpio enemies. Oh, the planets act so human-like! So much like deceitful men. Friends to day, and enemies to-morrow. Let ev ery mnn, woman and child, who has any religious faith In their souls, go to work In dead earnest and help to keep back thP awful dendly Influences that earth will have to encounter dur ing the next three months. The vltul forces will make two desperate plunges this month, on the 11th and 23d Inst. They will fall from "hlah flood" again In twenty-four hours' time: therefore, let those troubled with heart disease, and in poor health, be on their guard and not over exert themselves! The "high Hood" dates this month nre the 6th, 7th, Rth, Oth, 10th, 12th. 1"th. liih. 15th, 16th. 17th, 21st. 22d, 24th. 2,5th and 26th, which shows a big business boom for this month and next. Good times have come ngain! Let us all be nierrv! PROF. C. COLKS, Editor Storms and Signs. Kingston, Pa V. A A., Oct. 23, ISilC, NO Fr.E3 T?.Ali ' in Other Republics From the Philadelphia Times. Mr. McKInley or Mr. Bryan, -whichever our next chief executive muy be. will count as only one out of more than twenty-five presidents of republics in this world. Considering the greatness of his country and the ceremony and hospitality expected of him, he will doubtless be the poorest paid of all thess executives. If this were France istead of the United States, Mr. Uryun woUid be ineligible to the iiir-vhest (illice. on ac count of his youth. Hi sides bcinc a native-born Frenchman, the president of K,ian.e must have hntl at I nst i'orty yi-arj of experience with vovi-.y nffalrs. ile receives each year u snun ht'.le for- time of JtH.Ood. which is Just equnl to tii,. totul salaries of our iir;s!dnt and his eight cabinet members added to- gether. Hesides this, he is furnished i the hire of a beautiful induce and Is nn- nualiy given $:il.O0O pin nianey. with which to pay the expanses of his house- j hold and stables. Mr. Cleveland is al lowed an annual appropriation of but $8,000 "for the contingent expenses of ! the executive household." and has to i !: for the feeding nnd keening of his j own horses, besides paying his coach- man out of Ills own pocket. The French people never enjoy this hurrah and I Hurry oi the presidential campaign, ,vhleh we are now experiencing. They have no Voice In the selection of the president, nil of that important work being reserved for congress. The French senate and chamber of deputies, which correspond to our two houses of congress, nitet jointly a month before the end of the existing president's term. They march in line past a large urn. Into whli h each member drops a slip of paper containing the name of the can didate of his choice. The man receiv ing an absolute majority lemiiins presi dent for seven years, during which term he receives altogether $1,015,000 from the government. France knows no regulnr election day. There being no vlee-preFirtent. the National Assem bly is called upon to Immediately elect it successor upon the death or resigna tion of a president. The new executive do.s lint merely fill in the unexpired term of his predecessor, but continues in power for a full term. In Switzerland any man who Is twen ty years old or over can vote. All Vot ers, except clergymen, are eligible to the presidency. As In France, how ever, the common people have no vole for the president not even indirectly. through partisan electors, ft very three years the s.lss congress elects ii exe- i etitlve cabinet of seven members, who nfler being chosen divide utiioiig them selves the portfolios of "foreign af fairs." 'post und telegraphs," "justice nnd police." "finance," "vsir." "In t.;iw" and "commerce nial duties." Kvery year the eal.ti"t moot and elects from its own members ii presi dent uud vice president of the repub lic, i Flection day in .Mexico, ns in this country, occurs every four y. nrs. There is no such Intermedia1 body as our electoral college in Unit republic. The majority of the votes of all the people cast at the polls elects t'ne succenslul candidate. The president is inaugur ated on the 1st of lceniber, which Is a much warmer day In that locality than is the 4th of March here. The .Mexican president's salary amounts to 311.0(H) ot our dollars a year, which is really considerably more than Air. i Cleveland's ollieial wages, the cost ot living being much less in thut repub lic. The Chief Justice of the Mexican Supreme court Is somewhat of a "pooh bnh." llesldes being the ollieial head of his own tribunal he Is, ex-otlicio, president of I he senate nnd vice presi dent of the republic. President Dins has a cabinet ol seven secretaries, each of whom receives exactly the same sal nry as that given to a cabinet othcer in this country. The ollieial Job of president In Ar gentina Is worth $111,000 more per term than is the same position In this coun try. Although the president of that country receives but $:;ti,ooO per year, he holds his position for six years. He is voted for through an electoral college comprising double the total number of members of congress, He cannot serve two terms in succession, but niny even a third termer, or perhaps a fourth termer. It he allows six year to inter- vein? between each term. The Ico president of Argentina holds a much more lucrative position than thnt which will fall to either Mr. HoharLMr. Sew- ull or Mr. Watson. As far as ease is j concerned he has exactly the same sine- j cure which one of these will enjoy, but ! receives SIS.OO0 a year for six years, or SlO.iino more per year than our success- j ful vice presidential candidate will be i given for four years. Religion counts ' as much ns, if not more than, politics In Argentine elections. Kvery young j man who has umbitlotis for the presi- I dency must be n Uoman Catholic, or I his yearnings will be of no avail. Re sides being a Romanist, the president, according to Cue constitution, must be over 30 years of age. Hoy orators have even more of a show in that country than they seem to hnve in this. Thu cabinet of the Argentine president cor- I responds very much to thnt of our own, with the addition of a minister of "Worship nud Kditontlon," who directs ill enterprises aimed at moral and In tellectual hcal'h. Cabinet ministers In Argentina receive each year us much money as ours receive in a year and a half. I The president of Bolivia receives $24.- j 000 a year for four years, lie Is elect ed by the direct vote of all citizens of the proper age, who can read and I write, but :aimot enjoy more than one term in the presidential chair, no mat j ter whether be skip u term or not. For ' the s.'itue term urn elected two vice i presidents, i.uowu ns the first and j second vice prcsideni. Tiny In turn perioriu no iuociioiih ui i:ie prevalent In casp of the death, absence or in ability of the hitler. The first vice pres ident receives an annual salary of $6. i)i)0 a year, while the s-cond receives a thousand dollars less. The head of the cabinet, oonsiztlng of five members, is known as the minister of foreign rela tions und worship. 1 If we were governed by the same i laws as uie in vufue in the republic of Chile our bachelors would have to wait until 25 before being of voting age, although our married men, older in experience and responsibility, might vote on In coming 21. A Chilean voter must be able to read and write, and must each yeur pay n certain amount of tax to the government. The salary of the president Is but SIN.OOO. which is ample for his comfort, and besides this his term lasts for h year longer than the term of our executive. He Is voted for through an electoral college com prised of three times as many mem bers ns there are representatives In the linvet house of the Chilean con gress. There are eleven membra of his cabinet, but he can choose but five of these, the other six being elected by congress. A man in Colombia ennnot vote if un nble to read and write unless he re ceives an annual Income of al least $500. In case of the death of boih the president and vice president of this republic, the succession falls to u "deslgnndo," who Is elected by con gress every two years, ulthough the president and vice president are elect ed every six years. The Colombian congress also elects a council of Stale, which acts us a secondurv cabinet to the president. An odd requirement of the presiden tial candidate In Honduras Is that he have one child, at least, A man is deemed unsuited to wield the sceptre of state unless he has already wielded the slbjncr of fatherhood. M"n like our Immortal Vtis'.iinton. who be- crene r.usniinr.s lett not fathers, a not in line for rectlvlas a sircre of lira highest national honoi s. Tht; president qZ i;cuuuras must alp W4nomrau his interest In his country to the ex tent of ha vine at least $0,000 invested in Its real estate. To be a clergyman or priest is Just as fatal to presidential umliwoi!Mas to be a bachelor, because this novel constitution further speci fies, like -that of Switzerland, thut no man In holy orders can be elected to the executive office. The president need not be a native of Honduras, but he must have been born somewhere in Central America. He must have lived in Honduras at least five years. In Venezuela the executive is elected somewhat after the manner of Switzer land. Kvery two years congress elects a council of nineteen members, con sisting of one senator nnd one repre sentative from each state and a mem ber of congress irom what is known us the federal district. This council con venes immediately after its election and proceeds to choose from its own number u president and vice president. The presidential salaries in the re- muining American republics and in those of the above not so specified. range all the way from $4,000 a year, paid to the president of Hayti, to $0,000, the annual compensation of the execu tive of Paraguay. In Costa Hica and Peru, as in ttollvla. there are two vice- ptesidents. P.razl). Costa Hica. Nlcara- trim. Parncnnv. Pern. Salvador. Santo Uomingn and "Uruguay each elects Its president for a term of four years. while Hawaii and Guatemala each adds two years to his term. In i'rugliay the president is elected by a majority of the two houses of congress. In joint session, The president of Hcuador has no veto power, while that of Paraguay cannot be re-elected until after the elapse of two terms. In Hawaii the successful presidential candidate, besides receiv ing a majority vote of the two houses of congress In Joint session, must also receive a majority of the votes In the senate alone. Male citizens who have a good knowledge of F.nglish or Hawa iian can vote for representatives in congress, but In order to cast ballots for members of the senate voters must besides have either a certain yearly In come or a certain possession of real or personal property. The two South Af rican republics. Orange Free State and the Transvaal, elect their presidents for terms of live years each. The voting for the president is done directly by Un people iu each country. San Mnrlno, in Europe. Is the small est republic In the world nnd is the only one In the world which has two presidents. Son Marino is not only the smallest but the oldest existing repub lic. Its entire urea consists of thirty three square miles, occupied by S.0O0 In habitants. It is governed by what Is known as the senate, or "great council." nf sixty members, twenty nobles, twen ty burgesses nnd twenty rural land owners, named for life by the council itself. From this exclusive bmly Is chosen the "council of twelve," which with the assistance of a legal adviser, acts as the court of last resort. The "council of twelve" Is elected every year. Kvery six months It elects toe two presidents, one of whom niur.t be a noble and the other either a burgess i or a rural landholder from Its own members-hip. now TO VOI'K. To vote the Republican ticket today put a cross (X) in the cir cle nt the top of the first col umn, and let It go at that. Many a man will protect his money at the risk of liU life. Thousands decline to tirotcct CT their lives because it would require the sacrifice of a few dollars of their money. This seems almost in credible but it is true. Men f e e 1 and realize that the most relentless enemy of mankind, consumption, is slowly but swiftly creeping upon them. But in the mad race for money they refuse to stop and drive off the dread disease. It would require a sacrifice of both time and money aud so they neglect it, until it is too late. fhere is no excuse for this. A sure ana ! quick remedy is at hand. Dr. Pierce's i . . , 1 . w i : i n: ... ! ''" e.":iyuu.F, .v. - &h bKod ; nm, buiMs firm heaUhv flesh Uenters . , h.A jri,. , ... imm,ritiM. nni". . di uoon ,he ,,. driving out b11 I disease germs. It builds sound vital tissue i in the lungs. Thousands have testified to j their cure, by this wonderful remedy after they were given up by the doctors and all hope was gone. Druggists sell it. "I hnve tnken Dr. PleWs Golden Medical t)irovcrv. and can and do recommend it every place I go." writes Mrs. J. V. Craves, of Sala manca, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. (Academy Street). ' I am a traveling sfdcsladv and have bren for eighteen vcars. When I find people who are afllictrd I'tcll Hum what Dr. Pierce's medicine have done for me. Twelve years ago I was given up to die. I hud what all mv physirians called consumption. I had hemorrhage of the liinga, night-KweaK and in fact I fullv realized my con dition. I b'Rscd of them to let me try the T.olilen Medical Discovery,' and the result i, I (till live und do lots of hard work." n r, It is better to do lit Kl P TP? S mendm? while the UI r ICI 3 damage is slight, man wait until the whole structure is ready to fall. Constipation is the one, all-embracing disorder that is responsible for many other dis- nt .L easM- I)oc" tor Pierce's PIeaSa!lt 'T??' Pellets cure it. 1J r n tr - gits sell them. They never gripe. One little "relict" is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. They are tiuy, uqrar coated granules. Nothing else is "just as Pnllafc jood." A permanent cure. I 1IWI3 POULTRY-. Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens, Fresh Every Day. ALSO Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. 1 1 Pitt Hi Ml MM THE IDEAL AMERICAN THIP NOk'IISCKN STLAMSHIP COAlPANV. The Supemiy Appointed and Commodious t-'te.-l steiiiiislilpi. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND. Americitii through and through, leave lintialo I ie idnvi imd Fridays Q..v p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. 1 he Soo, Duluth, iiml ratern Polnt.t, pHftaing all duces of interest by uarlight In connection with THE (iREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms tho mont direct route, and from ev ery of comparison, the most delightful nnd enmfortnl le one to MinncnpnliH. 8t. l'aill, tlrent fall, Helnna, Putte. Spokane and Pa cific roart. The trunwotitineiital linn running the famous buffet, library, observa tion car. v.w 1ST hear train for Portland via Spoknm HOTEL l.APAVtTTK, Lake MiniKtonka, Ui nines from i .iitieapolif, largest und mvst Le.iutml renort in the went. 'i ichetaaiii! any Inforn.ntion ot any agent or A. A. Hi;KU. Ueuerul Passenger agent, Hnflulo. X. Y. :Alvvays FIRST : Gail Borden I Eagle Brand f CONDENSED HILK TV ; vmm the lrj;j:- Ijtiai It it tho I Tifiest r.d tut mat tconon.icjl. ? ci A PERFECT FOOD POU INFANTS a j CMe3t6C0C.9e6MCQGO 124-128 VM Ayi A week of unparalleled bar gains. We have purchased within the past ten days: thousands of dollars' worth of desirable Dry Goods, Cloaks, Millinery, Ktc, at less than cost of manufacture on ac count of an over stocked mar ket. Manufacturers had to unload 'at any price for cash to meet their obligations. We will give the public the bene fit of our great purchase. Be low we mention a few of our great values. 13 pieces black figured Dress Goods; would be cheap at 2uc. Leader's price, l!le. 3 pieces no-Inch Serge, in black, only 2"ie. grade. Leader's price, lie. 73 pieces assorted Plaid Press floods; regular price, 12V-C Leader's price, 9c. 23 pieces assorted Fancy Dress Oonds; none in the lot worth less than 40c. Choice of any, 29c. .".5 pieces Extra Fine Quality Scutch Cheviot and Fancy Dress! Hoods; those goods were bought to retail lit 7.1c. leader's price, 4ic. 10 pieces plain and brocaded Ulnclc Silks, 50c. grade. Lender's price, :lc. 12 pieces plain nnd broended Hluck SlIkB, 65e. grade. Leader's price. 4!tc. 11 pieces Ulack Faille, 24-Inch silk, 6m: Leader's price, 40c. One lot of Fancy Silks In printed wurps and colored striped: price has been 7iic. Leader's price now 4Tc. , 20 Ladies' Leaver Jackets, box fronts, worth SXDO. Leadera price, Sl.U'.t. 7.1 Children's Reefers, sailor collars, braid trimmed, sizes, 4 to 14; worth $3.00. Leader's price, $1.1)9. 10 dozen Ladies' Flannel Waists, red. blue and black; worth $1.5o. Lead er's price, S4c. "0 dozen Ladles' Fleece Lined Com bination Suits, In all sizes worth $1.00. Leader's price, 49c. ; 48 dozen Ladles' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Punts, lleece lined, worth 2.1c. Leader's price, 15c. One case Men's Naturnl Wool Shirts and Drawers; superior quality; cheap at $1.00. Leader's price, Sl'c. 3 gross Daisy Buttermilk Soap. Lead er's price. Be. for a box of 3 cakes. 23 dozen Lndles' fine quality Clack Cashmere Glaves, sizes, BVi to R'j: worth 2.1c. Leader's price, 14c. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer- of th Celebrated Di CAPACITVi Barrels per Annum ; What 5nrfli Bomrtfsrd ,v KESTOaES VITALITY Made a lul llnv. If .:: i Well Mar. wrs ISth Day. of Me. TKE GPEAT 30th t)ny. FRSWCH XX333Va3333Y prodnrea theutnire result In 30 ilnyi. It a tf Kirfnllyaiiil,iiiirklr. .urea wtai-nallotbenilall YoiiiinmiiwiUreaain thr-ir lout raaulioiid.aiid old nun will recover their Toittr-tul vijr by usiiiK It KVl VO. It nnirkir and mirely restore. Ntvhi3' nen. Lost Vitality, liapoteney. Niuiilly jtiiuMtt-n. Lout I'ower. Failing Memory. Wa.itlna Piieawn. anu all effect of neh-ubtim or eireea and lpdiKeretion nrhieh unfitaone fora'udr. btndnf-Komiarrie. Ii aot only cure by Hearting at the aat ot d..eane. bin laacn-at nerve tnnle uud blond builder, lirinz li't back the pink glow to pair cheek, l id re dorlna- tlio Are ot yoath. It rd off ln.anlt md (onsumptlnn. lnlt on bavinit KKVItn,c tlier. It can bi carried in vent pocket, lly mii il.SO per parkas, er alt tar S.OO, with pot :e wrlttaa eruantntce t. ear er retua tw money. CiKularfree. Ad4raaa Hir.V- Mf" SICINS 60.. C2 Klvtr SL. CHICAGO. I Tor Sole by MATTHEWS BROS.. Druf . lst Seraatga, Taw IB i ii jiff E. RfifilBS'S SONS' w&& i . i i:fl J L'l ! L Jit, IHT (STANPARP iiXo's STABLE and FARM SPECIALTIES WCM AXLE CREASE. BIST ID IHt WORLD FOR Hlt 4C0M NEW rORX CARRIAGE CREASE. fOH HGHt KIAC013 AM Ml" CAHHIACSS BQST0H COACH AXLE C1L. CHt AH ANOBimS 1HAH CASI0R 01. tSTANDARD LEATHER 0!L y BST UAlHtR PBSeRV1 lit 1M.ICRld EUREKA HARNESS !.. tut SCST HARUCSS OH ItAOE RUDDY HARVESTER CIL t HW HIAVI BOOt (OR fARH HACyiMRl i, nccTMcmziS'Sl I 0IU f i Coach and Carriers Cantiles V.lfOB ttAt. EVEBYyUttRE. J FOR SALE BY THE SCRANTON. PA- OR. HEBRA'S VIOLA on 4 Ecmovea Frackla, Kmcta, Lvr . Motaa. blaakhaadt, Sj.ihum and Tan, and re etorea the akin to its origi nal Ircshnew. producing clear aud boullhy com-f piexinn. Diiiaoiui u n i:kh preparation! and peneetly harmless. At all arusgibW.orm&Hed lor SOrts. t-eud lor Circular. VIOLA 6KIM SOAP Umplf Ineomamkhl m a (kill l ur .'ilOK Son, M"t totM, mc wlUxata rival a iko aur!tr. ASltl r ant aUkMatr aril raud. At dranim, Prio 2S Cant. G. C. BITTNen CO.. Toledo, O. aa1 tw HYATTHTCTCSl TiRttS. and i tnnv XT TTT1TT.Ta QnrantAn T NDaca ar fur Himit Wtoie.i. Aimtiimr 'SMEIITHOLlNHflLER Yv4 'J""!"""' This MESTHOt JW? iaL iNnAt.KB will cure yen. A T I Jri j wonderful been tn mitfurAr. lha Nriif 'rem t old.. Dure Throut. annnenrtt. nenneituia rtlVKHl. Afm;u iwmfttiHttrftitf. Anefllcifni ivniLUT, ciinvpnicnt u carr. In pnriPt, raarty to n en dret inilicanna of cild. I'onllnned Va J.n'rcla Permanent Care. btlt action aiiarantceU or uinney ret unileit. Prlea, eta. U'rlal free nl UnininHK. Keclnereil nmll. SO ceuta. B. C CCSiKiH, afr., Ikm Lien, kick., 0. S. t ClTUHMAJfi m UCMTUf! The auri'U and eafciit remiHlT f"T nibll II1UL all Kln dlwiaiieii. Kciema. In h.Sai' ttheiimtTtlrt nros. Itiirnii, I'toa. Wnnderriil rca edriorPII.EH. Frtcc.S.' linnc p a c -staor hy uia'l prui''il. Afi-lrt'er usabove. 1 For aale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN II. PHELP3. Scranton. Pa. t ST. 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending ilarch 1, 1896, Total Product of niiiiffiKyii The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Croshv'a Superlative is sold everywhere from the ! Pacific Coast to St. John', New FuutiUlaud, und in l.nnlnnd, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and i recognized as the best flour in the world. MTrflJDfim MEiUliMlLli WHOLESALE AGENTS. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, X. L. Steel, Toe and Side Weight NEVERSLIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. BENDER THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAF1RE, PA., MsiMitaetwNirs of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. (tencrai Office: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN Sotselimn neeia a reliable, nonthly, reznlatiDf mellcine. Only hanalaaf til Iho pureatdrugaahould lie utea. If you (rant the beat, gal Dr. FqsI's PcnnvrQwaB PsIBs Tbee are prompt, aafe ard certain In reaalt. The reanlne (Or. Peal'a) eerer dlaaa noiut. 6oulanywuie,l.M. AiinuSfMAhUnounMCH UeTelaBu,W. For by JOHN u PHELPS, Spruca Straatj Seranf ' JAMES MOIR, IU Mart to HI Htm Qaartu, 402 Lackawanna Avenue Entrwc on aide next to Flrat National Iiauk. He haa now iu a Comprlaing ererythlr.f req'dal fnr tin Merchant Tailoring. And the earne caa be shown to r.drantai: in hie auleo diuly Ailed up room. A SPECIAL INVITATION U Extended to All Readers ol Tht Trlfr ne to Call "OLD RELIABLE" In Hid New Buslaeu Home DU FONT'S HIDING, BUSTING AND SPORTING yannfactured at the Wapwalloprn MU1 Luxerne courrty, Pa., and at Wll mlncton, Delaware. HENRY BEI.IN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming Dlatrtot. WYOMINO AVENUE, Screotoo. Pa Third National Hank Building. AGENCIES: TITOfl. POBTJ, Plttston, Pa. John B. SMITH A son. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MrLUOAN. Wllkes-Barre. Pa. Agents for the Repauno Chemical Coaa uur'i Ulfih lixplofilvea. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL, Coal of the best quality for domestlo us and of all aires, Including Buckwheat and Blrdaeye, delivered In any pari ot the cltj at the loweat price. Orders received at th Off! re, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. 6: telephone No. 211:4. or at the mine, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly attended to. Dealers aupplled at th mine. WM. T. SMITH. ALL SIZES OF oes CO., SCRANTON. Pfl, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avanva an il l III POWDER CONNELL Horse .1 .