Til: ... r I ' I TIIE SCRANTON 'TI4IBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 3, 1896. .) INSULTS TO THE STARS AND STRIPES Old Glory Trailed ia the Dust by Ex cited Brysaites. ONE SILVERITE IS DISGUSTED lie Tears the Bryno Mutton from II if C'ont iu Shiime buiI Vows That He Hill Not Again 11c Caught iu Such Couinnuyriuit Destroyed By Soullieru Democrats. St. Louis, Mo.. Nov. 2. Vyiowins the riotous conduit of i'.ryan jHiuot r.tls at l-'uvelte. jIii.. Ill their recepl lon.tu Gen erals 1'uliuer and Lutkt.er, tomes news hi similar und even worst? outrages In other parts tif that Slate und elsewhere in tin- Weill. At Pleasant Hill. Cass county. Mo., amid the cheer ami Jeers t.f several hundred peolde. the Stars ami Stripes were burned Saturduy afternoon ly l'upocrutic- followers of i i an. At X"0 o'clock tin- sound money cx Vt.ditit.il that letl St. Louis last Wednesday, on a special train over ihe Missouri I'm ilk- fur a three days' tour through Missouri and .Kansas, pulled Into Pleasant Hill froir. Harrls oiiville. A llijan demonstration was being held in the town, a plate of 3.500 inhabitants, the old-time rendezvous of the younger brothers, and the slight of the sound money erowd of twenty nine people set the ISryanites wild with rage. After the train had bucked ui to the depot a small amount of litera ture was distributed, and then little Ollie Wheeler, the live-year-old daugh ter of .Samuel Wheeler, who hud been siiiKing sou, i.l money hours on tin? trip, stepped upon the rear platform of the couch beniiiii; In her hand a small llutf. Almost Instantly a man carrying a Ui'vnn banner reached for the Hag, but -Sir. Wheeler interfered nntl took it from his daughter to preserve it. He held possession of it only a few seconds, however, when unother man carrying a Krynn banner snatched the Hats and carried It u few feet distant to a spot where the mob was burning the literature that had ween distribut ed, and i 'Id Glory was consigned tu the Humes. Then, us If not satislied, the lire as niiretl until the last vestige of the Hair hud been e insunied and the moli sent up nil exultant cheer. The act attracted hundreds to tlx? scene, but Very fnw had the courage to denounce It. One wearer of a Hryan button, however, tore it from his coat and threw it to the ground, remarking: "This Is an ntiimlling disgrace, and I'll never be caught In another Hryan crowd." lie was followed by half a dozen other marchers, who welt! not prepared to Indorse the net, but out side of this handful of people the dis graceful proceediiiK was hardly ap proved. Cl'T DOWN "OLD GLORY." W'enonah. N. .!.. Nov. 2. There was widespread Indignation throughout AVenotiuh yesterday alter the people learned that some miscreant had bad ly mutilated n lame American lhig which was Hunted to the breeze nnild much enthusiasm Saturday. The flag wns purchased with funds raised by subscriptions from Republicans and Sound Money Democrats, and attached to it were the portraits of McKinley ami lloburt. At 7 o'clot k Sunday morning the em 1 ilt m wan found cut to shreds. The outrage Is nil the more Inexplicable from the fact that then- has been no Fign of bitterness here during the cam paign, mid Ihe people have always prided Ihonis I'lcei upon their patriotic' ii ml biw-n biding sentiments. A reward of $10(1 was today offered for the apprehension and conviction of Hie perpetrators of the outrage und the Insult to the stars and stilpes. Vl.AfiS TRAM PLED IX THE IM'ST. Anderson, 1 ml.. Nov. 2. In the rooms of the Madison circuit and superior courts Saturday, Mark Ilatina's cam paign Ihurs were lorn down nnd tram pled in the dust. They were removed by the .Indices ami their deputies," and .Indue 1 livii said he did not care who knew It. He said the so-ealleil Has on paper, with McKinley and Hobarts' likenees across the stripes, wns not the national enibl-m, and should never stay in ids court room. Judire Ellison's de puty, Pnnlel Holland, pulled down the alleged Hsik from the circuit court. The .1i:ilK'S are the only Democratic officers located in the t4nirt. Republican olllcers proceeded to plas ter the court house with .McKinley pic tures and the Hnnim this. A bitter feeling Is manifested by Democrats and Republican)!. Tampa. Kla., Nov. 2. A large Ameri can Hag which was suspended across one of the principal streets by the Mc Kinley and Unhurt club was torn down and destroyed Friday night, .-'ome members of the VoutliJ Demo cratic club had been heard to say that they would not march under that ban ner and the deed is attributed to them. - - VOTE EARLY. FOUGHT ABOUT TWO CLOWNS. A Sitccn- car-Old Puts Two Mullets j Tlironh a Companion Heart. Norfolk, Va., Nov. 2. Two boys had i a deadly quarrel near Castlewood de- ! pot. over the relative merits of clowns in a circus. They were Jack Williams, white, and Commodore Jackson, col ored. Neither boy was over sixteen years of aire. Moth youths hud attend ed a circus nt Cleveland, and on the May home they discussed their favor lies of the rim;. In the dispute the lie was passed, whereupon 'Williams made for his companion with a bin knife. Jackson drew his pistol and fired twice. Both balls penetrated Williams' heart, killing him instantly. Both boy-H nre said to have been intoxicated at the time of the assault. It Is thought Jackson will be acquitted. Save time by voting the straight Re. publican ticket. JEALOUSY CAUSES TRAGEDY. Scott Linton Wounds Two Persons mid Commit Kuicidc. Wheeling. W. Va., Xov. 2. Jealousy rauwd a terrible traRedy at (Jormel town, Ohio, three miles west of this city, all the pnrtles bclnir from Wheel InR. Scott Linton shot "Dot" Gray, a resident of a house of ill fame, who Is paid to have been his wife, and also AVilliain Jletzger, with whom he caught J" FALLS For Bilious and Nnrvoni disorders sncU as Wind and Pain In the Stoimrli, Hick Headn-hc OtddinoH.Fulliirs and Swelling uftjr menls, Iiliiiuest and Drmrsinesa.Cold Chlllt, Flusliinm of HeaJ. Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath. Cosureties. Blotclioa on tlieSk n. DinturlH-il Simp, Frightful Drenms and nil Nervous nnd Trembling Henat-ons. c , when tlieevm". turns are i-anaed )v constipation, as most of tlem are. THE HIRST OOS2 WILL UIVE'RE LI CP IN TWENTY MINUTES. This is no fltion. Every sufferer is earnestly tuvitod to try vu u, iuc-su i lie niu nicy win DC icunuwicilKCll 119 DC A WONDERFUL MEDICINE- BEECHAM'S PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly mature females to complat healt'a They promptly remove obstructions or Irregularities of tlio system. For a WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION. DISORDERED LIVER they act like niacin - n few doses will work wonders upon tin Vital oricans: strsnirthenintr the MusculBr System, restorlnir tb lurit lost ct lnpb xinn, brinidne back the keen eduu of apietlte and arousing- with the Rosebud of Health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are facts admitted bv thousands. In all rlsnses of society, and on of I lie heat gunrnn" t to tlio Nervous antl Debilitated is that Beecham's Pills have the Largest Sal of. any Pateat Medicine In the World. ' ' WITIIOTJT A 11IVAL. Annua! Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes. (Sc. at Drua Stores, or will be sent hy U, fi. Ageht, B. F, ALLEN CO., toil Canal St. New York, post paid, upon receipt of price. Book free upon application. her. With both Ulng at his feet, he tireJ a bullet into his own brain, and died almost instantly. Ihe girl will proltably recover, but Metzger will die, the bullet passing, through his liver.- Metzger and th3 girl went to the home of her parents Sunday nlzht and Linton, hearing of it, followed them, finding them togeth er, and without wordd tired the fatal bullet. Sivt- time by voting the straight Re publican ticket. ELECTION HETl HNS. It has become a custom of The Tribune to lead all its rivals In the fullness, fairness and promptness of Its election news. Tomorrow it will again ob serve this custom, and all who want to be sure as to the result are advised to buy The Tribune. Agents should at once order ex tra copies. !! i: I; I" Hear in ndnd that you cannot vote for more than two county commissioners. If you try to, you lose your whole vote. RALLY AT FOREST CITY. Foreign-Burn Republicans Have a Grand Demonstration in the Interest of Mc Kinley and Sound Money. Forest City, Pa., Nov. 2. A larso and entliusiuRtlc dcuionstratlon by the vot ers of fotclL'n extraction, took place in this horouKh yesterday afternoon (Monday.) The principal speaker fur the occunion, William Vokolek. an ut-toriiey-at-law, tit Scranton, was met at the train by a cavalcade ami escort of prominent citizens and the Forest City bninl. and were driven to Maimer's hotel," where an enthusiastic Kiuhi rini; of between two nnd three hundred Ktulwart KciiublicaiiH with llut; nntl bunucrs met them and paraded throuc.li Main slivct, after which they went to MaiiKcr's hall, where u larire as semblage was addressed by Messrs. Anthony Peterson und Hudinskey on the iisues tu' the day. The speakers were very generously aiiplautled, und although the hall was more than crowded, the enthusiasm shown never abated for an Instant, which showed conclusively that nil present were fully alive to the mo mentous Issues at stake in this cam paiKU. untl tti the Glorious npportunl tles which till voters will have to-day (election day) to nhow their love for their adopted country and the uphold ing of Its fair name and honor, as well as where their best interest lies by voting for the Hepublican party and its stundurd bearer. William McKinley. Mr. V. A. May, superintendent of the H., C, i I. Company, who happened to be in the lmroiiKh on business, and Mr. V. L. Petersen were invited to take seats In the caiTlai;e, und Klatlly availed themselves of the opportunity to show their patriotism. VOTE EARLY. NICHOLSON. The Republican nuns meetiiiR held here Saturday p. in., and fiddrcsped by Hon. Calusha A. (!row, was largely at tended und a rousing aiutir. l'eople canietfrom far and near, to hear the noted nntl popular speakers. Quite a delegation came from the township, headed by the West Nicholson bantl, drawn by four horses. Pome were very much disappointed, as the Opera House was not milliciently large to re ceive the crowd, nnd many roamed around the streets in consetpienee. Hut those that did hear him, listened to no earnest appeal for sound money and protection, Mr. Grow talked about two hours. The people of Nicholson did not for get on Saturday to display our na tional colors in good shape. The Young Men's Social" club will re ceive election returns all night at the Opera House to-night. Admission, 23 cents. Refreshments free to all who wish. Mr. nntl Mrs. Kd. Hell, of Scranton, spent Sunday with the former's pur cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Philander Hell. Mr. and Mrs. FYed Stephens, of AVilkes-iiarre, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hollway Steph ens. Miss Jennie Howe, of Faetoryvllle, called on friends last Saturday. NO FKliU TUADK. FOREST CITY. On Halurdny cvcnhiB obout 100 Po lnntlers held a meetinc to discuss the Issues of thi' campaign. Anthony Pet erson addressed them in their own lun- ?uane. speeches were also made in Ihe i KiiKlish lanKUuire by prominent clti- ! zens. the .men were very much Inter- j cslcd and understood all that was said. : The speakers were loudly cheered I throughout. Most all of the forelKn i speaking residents of Forest City are strong McKinley men. Kvery voter should be on hand at the polls today and perform the duty rest ing upon hlin as nn American citizen. It Is an assured fact that Forest City mum,! mnnnv 11 rwl It la f,,r tl, Intolll- burouKh will so solid for McKinley and Kent voters to say that this is so by cnstliiK their votes and working in the Interests of the same. The l'ore.t City miners figured very prominently in the New York parade on Saturday. It Is said they were the most popular feature of the parade. Hour In mind that you cannot vote for more than two county commissioners. If you try to, you lose your whole vote. now to oti:. ! To vote the Republican ticket today put a cross (X) In the cir- 'I clo at the top of the first col- !! t M umn, and let it go at that. NO FREE SILVER. Trial of the CnMIc. London, Nov. 2. The Clerkenwell sions. to which court the trial of pes- 31 r. and 3Irs. Walltr Castle, of San Francisco, upon a charge of shoplifting was ns signed by .Magistrate Newton, of the Great 31:irlboroogh street police court, opened today. The trliil of the case of the Castles was set down for Frlduy, No vember ti. NO 'FREE! TRADE. 1H1M BILLY BRYAN'S CLOSING TALK The Boy Orator's Last Spin About the State of Nebraska. GREETED WITH YELLOW RIBBONS llut His Remarks Were Listened to With Attculion--Work of the (nll Itcpnblicuus Evidently Fruitful in Results at the Home of the Cau didatc Thousands Hear His Orations. Aurora. Neb., Nov. 2. Several hun dred bad catheretl at ihe station at Lincoln v.tien William J. liryan ap peared to take his train for his last day's tour. They cheered when Mr. and Mrs. liryan, w ith their little daugh ter (.iiaee, who will make the trip with i them, appeared and sent up a parting I shout as the train moved off. A more ! bcautitul day could not have been se j lectid. for the day was clear, the nun I was bright, and the atmosphere had a j crispntss that made one feel good. At ; the very llrst stopping place Mr. liryan ! was reminded that the opponents of ; the Chicago ticket in his own Stale were active. This was at St-ward, reached ut 7.30 o'clock. Hold badges were displayed there In large numbers. but Mr. liryan was not interrupted in his littttn minutes speech. J lie J.e puhlicans had also arranged a coun ter display at York. Yellow ribbons were very noticeable there among the crowd of two thousand, but did not j number in their wearers more than a j sixth of the entire audience. The cheering was very hearty when Mr. .uM.-ot.eu toe la"' t , tor speaking purposes. It was Intel- j iiiuitiieu Mini some snouts lor met-voi-ley. SLIGHTLY SARCASTIC. Mr. Hryan said some of the people out In Nebraska seemed to be Very much afraid that it would become pop ular to huve a president from the west. He could not understand how a farm er could be in favor of a gold standard and went on to tell his reasons for making the statement, substantially as In his previous speeches. It was very evident that the Republican state committee had been as active In Au rora in the distribution of yellow rib bons us it had been nt Seward and York. P.adges of similar design nntl shape bearing the nnmes of McKinley and MeCool, the Republican candidate for governor of Nebraska, were worn nt all three pitmen. A couple of thou sand people gatuered to hear Mr. Rrysn at Aurora, where he spoke from a stand t reeled In nil open Held. Considerable cheering for McKinley was Interjected with the enthusiasm of the ISryanites. The extreme western point In his long campaign tour was reached by Mr. Hryan at Grand Island, whence he turned eastward again and returned to Aurora, on his way to Hastings. Grand Island furnished the largest crowd of the day up to that time. It was a gathering composed largely of farmers and although the town is con sidered a Republican stronghold, the nutliencc wns plainly in sympathy with the Democratic caiidldtti-. The dis play of McKinley-Mcl'ool bntlges was nut so large, proportionately, as at the other places mentioned. Mr. Hryan spoke from a stand erected In a Held, occupying most of the half hour stop In his addreps. At least 4.0IK) people heard him and the cheering was frequent. VOTK EARLY. FACTORY VI LLE. Mr. McAlpIn will comence to erect his new residence on North Main street about the last of November. All members of the llebekah IJesree Lodge will do well to remember and cunie out to lodtje to-night (Tuesday.) i Mir town was pretty well represent cd un nt Nicholson last Saturday to hear Hon. ilalusha A. Urow. They re port that they were well paid for their trip. Flection returns will be received to night, nil lilsht, at Hepublican head quarters. Entertainment for all will be furnished free. Come out, ladies und all. I Kick, kick, kick, everybody, kick, football, football, quick, quick, quick, siz-siz, bang. Hesulls, Tunkhnnnock team exists no more, Keystone team in the hospital. When? Last Saturday aTternoon at Keystone grounds. Score, 4 0 in favor of Keystone. List of In jured: Prof. Bromley Smith, arm broken; Morton Stevens, face and nose broken: unknown pluyer from Tunk hannock, les broken. All players are wearing yards of adhesive plaster. Victory No. 4 for Keystone. Let the good work co on. To-day (Tuesday) Keystone scrub football team will bunt heads with Tunkhnnnock High School team, on Keystone grounds. Misses Bessie Froud nnd Nettle Capp were over front Nicholson yesterday on their bicycles. Joseph Siekler, of Mill City, candi date for sheriff, was in town jester-' day, looking for "the votes that never came." It Is perfectly lawful now to shoot i all kinds of game, but he sure you Und I 11 ,flrst Dr. Harry Kulp. of Wyomln Ta.. was in town over Sunday. Lot every voter go to the polls to day, and vole to maintain our na tion's honor, bread ami butter for his family and children, the value of a dollar, at one hundred cents, n happy home, the Industries' of our country. ond n-ospcrity such as we had four yer::' co, and by so domm, prove him seli a citizen of the United States, that Tncle Ram" i ahvnys proud of. A vote that will do nil this can only be found in the itepn'illcan column on tne oanoi. i-ui your cross in circle at the head of that column. the 1 VOTE EARLY. IIAI.I.STEAD. Melvln filler Is 111. Hon. James T. liu Hols was sum moned to his home in Washington, D. C. on Saturday on account of the wr lous Illness of his son, Henry, who has been ttrlcken with that dread disease diphtheria. ('. M. Ilullnrtl is movinp; into the Al drich hoitne on Park avenue. A nieetlni; of the membership com mittee of the Railroad Younir Jlen's Christian association of this placa was held rn Monday evenlnff and it was de cided to conduct n systematic member Bhlp canvass from November 15 to No vember 3'). The present membership Is 220. , Mr. and Mr. R. J. O'llrlen nre the puests of friends and relatives near Utica, N. Y. T.Irs. William McLeod was In the Par lor City on Paturilny. J. II. Ilrewer und Frank Allnn. of HinBbamton. spt nt Sundtiy nt the resi dence of J. H. Crook on Main street. Mrs. Joshua ChMdester io visiting friends nt Vesta', N. Y. Mrs. Jl. J. Coollvin. of Scranton, 's the guest of frienibi and relatives In this place. Peter Lodger is niovlnff into his new house on Dayton nvenne. C. .T t.nnedey's residence on Front street Is receiving a cout of paint. Mrs. Nelson Coon is 111. The Rosbel meetlne; In the Rallrnn-1 Younsr Men's Christian association hnll next Sunday nfternoon will he ad dressed by Rev. J. 8. Crotnpton, of Great Rend. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. McCieary have returned to New York city. VOTE early; A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MAUE NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. II KM WANTED MALES. W.1X CA'H'ENTKUS WANTED AT ONCE. O l ull itt l.mlihni:, oenier of Mnusi-y nvc nuoMiiil Sunset r. viui'. tlr.'cn Itiibte. Ur ANTED AN IDI A. WHO CAN THINK nf 8u!nininlt tiling t l'.it-nt ? I,n tect vonv t'i.vix: tli"V may bring von wi ulili. v. iiro .lnNii VKur).:::uuit & '.. '!-. ('. l'nletit Attorie'V. War-liiiU'tnn. I. C , fur their Sis HI pr.zu i.ll'or und Hit of 2'iuiiivuL tiotiH ivanU'd. ANTED AM ACTIVE MAN" AT vecklv antl pTr'fiii '!: no fertunc hunt- am Una. ....I- mill ..xt.w. .i.lm It II Ml 1 1 1I4I. tion if ri.di'r. If inti re-iteJ u lilrosa inii klyl JlAXUt ACIUKElt. P. O. ltos ixl . L'oilou w ANTED AS CENT IN EVKitV PEC- tinn to rnuvnfw: S4.K t" !.ii a imv made ; mils ot i-iuM; nl.ii a man to sell Starl-i (ioetls to tlca't'ii-: li Rt aitlo lire i'i a month; tsnlarv t;r lariiti ci niiiiissiim nm'le; exp l ienen iinmcoM.rv. Clifton Soap and Mnuufactur- iUK t it, (.niciiiiutti, 0. "IA 'ANTED -- WEI.Ij-KNOWN MAN IN V every town t.i toiicit Btork iilwrri). linrn: it ninKOvnly; ln; money for n'nti-:: no rnpital reimiretl. EIiWaKD C. Plhll A: CD., Pnrilen H'oek. Chirairo. HI. 1 1 E U WANT E l)-l i:.M ALES. I A1HES -1 MAKE 11!( WAHES D()IN( I i iileasinit lieino vn- k. ami ill clatily nd Iu, -t, , w.miing 'J ll.t stamp, ;,, ls'i M A 8-,E,:Blsa ri)1.4., Mieli. 1 V'AST lai-bADY AHK.tNTM IN SCRAN- V ton to roll nntl lntretlue Snyilnr's tnko itinc: i r.rerieueet! ciinvnswr preferred: wmk i fi in.uifiit nnd vcrv profitable. WriM for 1 .il l ien iai s nt mire ni d cet benefit of holiday tiado T. K. BNYDKK A: CO.. t'iiiemuir.i. O. UrAKTK.b lMKIIATKl.Y-TWO KNKK fetin ali'.wmneii to wpresnnt ui Unnrr.nteoil Jil a Oiiy without lnterrnrrinif Willi oilier ilnties. riiaithtnl occupation. Vt rito lor un til iihrs.enrlnsiin: stamp. Mnnzn ( liemic;.l t'tii! iii.y. Nu. 7 John Street, New Y"ik. AGENTS WANTED. rANTED-HRNKHAL AHENTS IS EV- V erv county; uiso ludy raiivaspr; some thing new: fur Nollcr; apply quiek. J. C. UILHKRT, Hi Adams avenue, Seranton, Pa. 4 OENTS WHAT AHR YOU ()OIvO TO 1Y do about Sato Citizenshiii-pri'-o SI On- lag iiy tijo'isuiun. Nnpprvillo, 111. Address, NICHOLS, (iKNTS-TO PF.I.I, ont PRACTICAL V clod, silver, uli-k.d nnu cumin- electro plasters; 1 tu (a firm fll uiiwaid; anlary and i-spcr.noM iaiii: ouillt free. AddreKS, with htamp. JIlLIiltlAN MI'G CO,, Chicago. A1 OENTS TO KKbLlllliARS TO DEALERS; si weekly and cxpeie": otpeneiwe nn- necessary. LONSOL1UATKU JUfU I o.. Van lliiren st , Cliieag.), CAI.ESMAN TOO.'.PRY SIPE LINK: ill O per cent, ct.iiiinissien: saiurle In ok mailed tree. Adtlrots L. N. CO., S-tatlou L, New Yorlr. WANTED. t 'EOOND-H XN'D i rilNACE TO IIEAA O hotel. Vn or address ANTHLAClTE HOTi.L, 111 V.'yoniim.' avvnnn. l-'OR SALE. IXlit HALE-LARUE Ill K'KASM HANGE, I in good order. Impure 51" Linden street, opposite court liouc. 1H1:SALF,-NEV liUOOIES, Sl'RRIES. Jl phaetons, plivsieians' luiu-iiies, storo wag ons, cno nnd two liorsit lumber wagons; uLu bicycles at bargains at 31. T. KELLER'S. loiTsALK AT A SACRIFICE-liT YARDS 1 of tli lwt body UrusHuls carput; can bo seiu at IU? Pino streot. 1'OK SAI.E-A SILYER PI.ATED CONN I double bell ouiilioniiiiTi. ldcely emrravert with trnndionu bell, fjold lined: neurit- new and cest rill: will sell nt it bart;ain. Address fliia week to li. W. OAYLOU, LuRaysvillo, Pa. TOB SALK-HOHSK, AOED SIX YEARS, 1 weicrlit I.ttW luunds; cau bmeonat Pi-'l 1'rire btreet. T'Oll HALE SI Y COTTAtiE AT EL3I 4. linrtt and the lour lots on wliielt it stamla; also tlio four lots adjoining; moatdc niral'lo lecatton in Elndiurst: jiricas reasnna lile: terms ciihv: possession given r.t once. E, P. KI NCSM.'HY, Ccinnioiiwcaltli Uiiildini,', Heranton. F'a. I OK KENT. HOUSE FOR l!ENT-.:tK ADAMS AVE. WATSON & ZIMMERMAN. 7 'OR RENT LARUE FURNISHED FRONT J room, BUita bio for man and wife, or two Hinirlo roomt; also fr-Mit,o or bath. Poard if desired. Call or address, 4UZ North Sixth street. I "OK RENT-C-R0O31 HOUSE. 'Jl OREEN 1 Ridge struct. Imiuira 1.13J Washington irOK RENT-HALE CF DOUBLE HOUSE: I modern improvement!: rent rchonable; corner of Pine aril l'bkely jtroK Dunmore. CITY SCAVENCEK. I All. IIRKHLS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and reus pooli-: ro odor: improved pnmi a n&'-tl. A. 11E1UOS, l'roprietor. Leave orders 11KI North Slam avenue, or En-lies' drmr 'tore, corner Aui.nis nnd 3II berry. Telephone 45. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' HIE MJI.DIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." I You want this relic. Contains a'l of ',,',ViVfre.. i , , ' . i i it,: . ,V . spot. Two vohimtp. i.l On pictured. Sold on eH- monthly tiptirinls. J. Piivered by ex i ress ei mplete. all clirres pi't-rui. Address (). .MOODY, if.' Adan.s Ave., hrraiitou. Pa. ItEAL ESTATE. HEAIIOUARTF.KS Foil SCRANTON real estate; convenient; central city nvoniie Iiti a'ul houses for sale; tiriees low; terms easy: time (,'iveu: titlo perfect; Lousob .oid apartment! for rent. JONES'. .Ill Spruce Street I X ECL'TOKS' NOTICE. INSTATE F l.i'H A. MORSS. LATE up lj tliO towilfllip of Fe II. t onntvot Lacka wanna, lJenii"'lvanl , iteceasv-d. l.ett-ri tes-nii'enlary upon th? above lamed 'stalo liavinit lieen vrnnt-d tot lie mi d -i''cned, all peroim havini- el. dins or de niands acaiimt huld estate will frenent thorn fur piivmont, and tlifis1 indebted thereto will make innnedinte pjivinent to LL' iNlUAS W. VOR.-.S. Ex-entor, 21 IS. X ?! 've.. St-rautoii, Pa. AlTREil Hanh & Wit. J. 11 A. Ml, Attorneys for I- stat . DISSOLUTION OF tXMMUTNER S1II1'. Votp" r. i s"h t;Ttiriry7: i v KSniArr ii Coilins-Habi Madiifaeturinv I'orapanT, Lunilel. )8 ilihs, lived by imitii I aiti-euiii-iit '( Htoekln Hi r. All porno' indebted thereto will malto payment to W. W. Van Dyke, John Knseheiibntli and C. K. Fpoerl, Lliuil.lat liter Trustees. Seranton, Pn. Personi hiivlnu claims against said conoern will present them to the 'i'r stne for payment, said ill3ohuion is nude in order to irertre th lcislniMt of the c.neel u into the Collins Halo Ma iil'aiiurinir Comiiatit-. iiicorn-irHtod. which rorpoiatl.ui will continue the lnc-ineHH at the old aland. ' V. W. VAN DYKE, C. E. Sl'i ERL, JOHN R A SCI It EN BACH. L'tiildntinj( Trustees. J. W. PROWNINO, Solicitor, 411 Sprneo street, CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE, H-Mrunosrcn hTbTTinand V. iiioirttw line nails srientllically treated at E. M. litTSI.L'tj chiropidy, liuirdresnitift and manicure parlors, SKiU Lnckawauua avenue. l ousultatlon free. . Connolly The Cloak D?partm?Dt Is Showing Some Wonderful Values in Plush and Cloth Capes. . . . Three Numbers in Cloth Capes, 21, 25 and 31 inches long, with Thibet Trimming. . . Double Cloth Cape, with Regularly worth $S.oo, CONNOLLY & SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED-BY AN EXl'ERU O eiiiud bartender; sober and reliable ; good tuiX'T, geoil worker and good referouce. Address 11. T1LL3I AN, Tribuuo oOlce. SITUATION WANTED -KY A YOUNU woman having liucl six years' exprrionce as a typewriter and copyist in olio of tu lend ing business ollieos in tlio city; references. Address U. It.. Tribune. OITL'ATION WANTED BY MIDDLE O aged lady, na housekeeper, or to cure for a sick person. Adtlrets, E. M., Tiibiino oftico. WANTEl) -PUHITION BY FIRST-CLASS ll iniiii rook: eitv or country. Address W. EIHELDS. Celuii.blu hotel, 3t Lat ka avo. WlTI'ATION WANTED- ItY A NICE COL. ored girl as cook In town. Call today at SKI Dlx court. WlTCATION WANTED NU USE; I'XHERI l eneetl cnnltnenipnt. denlrea eniiagoliiellt: ldcliest reference, 31 Its. end Delivery, cralltou. H. UUVAN, Ueu- SITUATION WANTED AS CLERK Oil O driver for qroeery store: can speuk auv. eral laiu'iinges; good reference. Address J. A., TlieodolM street, Scrulltoll- DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE WORK BY tlio dav. Work gunrauteed. Address, A. 31., Triumio Oflio . WII'UATION WANTED-BOOK-KEEPER'S 5 pi'iit ion n anted by man with experience; capable of tailing cliargt if rttiuired. Ad dress, J. PRUNErt, 4r North Sixth street. S IIUATION WAN'iED-HOUSEKEEPINO for resiiet tnblo goutleimiii vrefcrrod. T. C, corner (iarllel 1 uveuuo and Jackaou street, Scranton, Pa. 10LOREDOENTLEMAN WOULD LIKE y a position to i!to rm-e of a fin naco, Ad tlres JOHN HliOWN, tt Ml Uix court, "OL"N(r WAN WANTS SlTfATluS AS cierl;, or would take position ict driver or block janitor. Has been eight years in pro-it nt enioloy. ( loo I ro( irouo.-s. Address ' A. U. C, Tribune Olliee. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Pliysiciuns and Surgeons. MARY A. SHEl'IIEUD, 31. D.. NO. 232 Adams aevnue. DR. A. TRAl'OLD. SPECIALIST JN Hlseas-ps of Women, coiner Wyoming avenue und Spruce street, Scranton. Of liee houra, Thursday and Saturdays, II u. m. to ii p. m. DR. CO.MEOYS OFFICE NO. 337 N. Washington uve. Hours, 12 m. to 3 p. in. Diseases of women a specialty. Tele phone No. 3232. i)R. W. E. ALLEN, 512 NORTH WASH ington avenue. ( DR. ANNA LAW, 3'M VYOMINO AV10. Ofllce hours, 9-11 a. m., 1-3 p. m., 7-S p.Jtb DR C, L. l-'UKY, 1'RACTICE Ll.MlTEIX dl'seates cf the Eye, Eur, Nose and Throat; olllce 122 Wyonilnif uve. Resi dence, 029 Vine street. DR. L. 3irc,ATi:S. 123 WASHINOTlix avenue. Olllce hours. 8 to 9 a. in., 1 30 to ii nnd 7 to 8 p. m. Resldenco 309 Maul son aevnue. DR. S. W. LAMEREAUX, A SPECTAL Ist on chronic diseases of the heart, limps, liver, kidney nnd gcnUo urinary organs, will occupy the otiiee of Dr. Roos. 222 Adams aevnue. ulilce hours, 1 tc 5 p. m. DR. C. L. Fit HAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion Rooms 200 and 207 Mears Building. Ofllce telephone 1303. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. V.G. ROOK! VETERINARY SITR geon. llolxes, Cattle and Dogs treated. Horpltal, 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone, 2072. Lawver.-t. FRANK E ROYLE. ATTORNEY AND counFcllor'-nt-l.-iw. Iturr building, rooms 13 and 11, Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATT Y AT LAW, 211 Wyoming avenue. jkPFriSY'S & RUDDY. ATTORNEYS- at-law, Conimonweultlv building. WARREN & KNAI'P. ATTORNEYS Slid Counsellors nt Law, Republican biilldint', Washington avenue, Scrnnton. Pa. JE?SUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JKf'SUP. Yv H. JESSUP. JR. PTTERSON WTLCfiX.. ATTOH iievs and Counsellors, at Law, office 6 and 8 Llhrnrv bnlldincr. Seranton. Pa. ROSEW.RLL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. AI FRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attornevs and Counsellor. Com-non-wcalth buildins. Rooms 19, 21) and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNF.Y-AT. Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES V,'. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY" ni-Lntv. rou'ns t!3, HI and 03, Common wealth b-JlldiiiR. SAMUEL W. EDOAR. ATTORNF.Y-AT-Law. Olllce, 317 Spruce st., Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRTS. ATTOP.NEY-AT-LAW. 42a Lackawanna avo.. Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSKND. ATTORVFY-AT? Liw, Dime Hack Piil'.dim;, Scranton. Money to loan In largo sums ut S per cent. c r" rrrcH er. attorney-at. law, Comnionweulth buildlne, ScranLon, C. COMEC1YS, S21 SPRUCE STREET. D B REI'LOCLE, ATTOrtNEY LOA NS neRotlntcd cn real estnt security. Mcars bulldin;:. corner Washington ave nue and Spruce street. D. p. KILT. AM. ATTfiRNRr-AT-LAW. 120 V.'yomlns live., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth bld'K. Scranton. WATSON, DIF.IIL ft HALL Attorneys nnd Cortisellors-nt-Law; T-.Tlcrs' Nu tionu1 Pnnk Riilldlng; rooms G, 7, S, 9 nnd 11); third floor. . Alderman. G. F. KELLOW, 1001 W. LACKA. AVE. Dressmaker. I MRS. M. E. DAVIS, 430 Adams avenue. & Wallace m, $5.00, $7.50 AND $10 Velvet Collar, made of All Wool Kersey, AT $5.00" "SPECIAL. WALLACE, Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 21. 23 and 2ii, Commonwealth buildlnK, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of iksJ W'uslilnnton avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR.. ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce st., cor. Wash. ove.. Scranton. BROWN MORRIS, ARCHITECTS Price bullJlng, 1'j Washington avenue, Scranton. Dentists. DR. F. street. L. M'GRAW, 305 SPRUCE DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON, 113 8. MAIN AVE. C. C. LAURACH. SUROEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. Mi STRATTON. OFFICE COAL EX chunRe. WELCOME C. SNOVER, 421 LACKA. ave. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to 5. Detectives. BARRTNO & M'SWEENEY. COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice A(?ency. Schools. SCHOOL OF TUB LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa prepares boys and Rtrls for college or business; thoroughly trains young; children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER II. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 412 Adams avenue. Sprlnir term April 13. Kindergarten J10 per term. SecR O. R. CLARK A CO., SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen: store 111 Washington nvo nue; preen house, 13C0 North Mala ave nue; store telephono, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR Bit LACKA wanna nvenne. Scranton, Pa manufac turer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. TUB ELK CAFE, 12r, nnd 127 FRANK- lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. & W. passcnKer depot. Conducted on tho European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, $3.R0 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan.) E. N. ANARLE. Proprietor. Miscellaneous. HAVER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dlnKS and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEGA ROES RROTHER9. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bnm, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pn. FRANK P. HROWN & CO., WHOLE sale dealers in Woodware, CortlaKe and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and mentor. 1100ms 111 anci 21J, Williams Hiiildlna;, opposite postolTlct). rent for the Kex Fire uxtinguisner. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES DELAWARE AND HUDSON TIME TARLE. On Monday, May 18 trains will leave Scrar.- PWtiM. lon RS fallows: ffQ M 01 For Carbondalo-5.13, m m aw i-M' v.i h. m.: IlF 1200 noon: 1.21, 2.20, 3i2 P,r 6-25, 6.20, 7.07, 9.10, 10.30k ll.rs p. m. For Albany, Saratoca, Montreal, Eos Ion, New England points, etc. 5.40 a. m.; S.2H p. m. For 1 lonesdale G.13, 8.05, 10.15 a. m., 12.00 noon; 2.20. 5.20 p. ni. For Wilkes-Harre fits, 7.45, S.4.", 9.2S, 10.43 n, m. : 12.0:., 1.20, 2.30, 3.33, 4.41, COO, 7.50, K.OO, ll.liS n. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lciii!i Vulley railroad .40, 7.45 a. m.; VJ.uO. 2.30, 4.41 (with Black Diamond Ex press) 11. m. For pontivlvanla railroad points 0.43, 9.; a. m.; 2.30. 4.41 p. m. For wectern points, via Lehigh Vnlley rillroad 7.15 11. m.; 12. Off. 3.33 (with Black Iilamond Express). 9.00. 11.38 p. m. Trains wl'l arrive Scranton ns follows! From Carbondnle and the north 1S.41, 7.40, f '- 9.?.. 10.40 n. m.; 12.10 noon; 1.05, 8.27, 3. 4.37. a 45, 7.45. 9.45. 11.33 p. m. From Wllkes-Rarre and the south 5.40, 7.50, R.50, 10 10. 11.53 a. m.; 1.10, 2.14. 3.43, 6.22, S.2I, 7.53, 9.0i 9.13. 11.52 p. U1. Del., Lack, and Western. Kffect Monday. October 19. 1S96. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Er-pro- for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2.uO. 6.13, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.; 1.10 and 3 I'xprcJs for Enston, Trenton, Phlladel. phlu and the South, 5.10, 8.00 und 9.55 a. 111.; Lin and 3.S3 p. in. Wunhiimlon and way stations, 3.4,1 p. m. Tobyhanii.i nccomroodntlon, 6.10 p. m. TCxpecss for l'.inchanitoti, Oswego, El tiiiiu, Coin::ie. Hath, Dansville, Mount Morris and IjiiiT tlo. 12.20, .:i; . m ami 1.55 p in.. inakir.S close connections at lillff.llo to ad poinls in the West, Northwest and Scuthwest. Haih ncioinmodatlon, 9.15 n. m. ):innhamton and way stations, 1.03 p. m. Ni. holson uccommodatluu, 6.15 p. m. r 'lMnghamtan and Elrr.ira express, 6.53 P'i;iircss for Utica p.vA Richfield Springs, I ;'." a. tn., nnd 1.55 p. m. Ithaca 2.35 and liath 9.15 a. m. and 1.65 PFor Northumberland, Plttston, 'Wilkes. Iiarre, 1'lvmouth. Hloomsburir nnd Dan ville, mnkiiiK cbife connections at North umbpHnnd for Willlamspo't, Harrlsburg, Haltlmore, Washington nnd the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, S.W. 9.55 a. m. nnd 1.55 and 6.00 p. m. Nantleoke and Intermediate stations. 8.03 and 1l.20a. m. Plymouth nnd intermediate stations. 3.40 nnd 8.47 P. m. Pullman parlor ond sleeping coaches on n'.l express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlmo tables, etc., applv to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. PENNSYLVANIA - RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect June 14, 180S. Trains Leave Wilkes Barre as Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 3.17 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and the West. 0.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PKbVOST, Ucneral Manager. LEHiUU VALLEY KAILKOAD SYS TEM. Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively Iniur lnu; Cleanliness and Comfort, IN EFFECT JUNE 28, 1896. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia and New York via D, ft H. R. 11. at 6.45, 7.45 a. ni., 12.05, 2.30, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.38 p. m. For Plttston and Wllkes-Karre via D. L. & W. R. It., 6.00. 8.0S, 11.20 a. m., 12.20. 1.55, 8.40, C.oO and 8,47 p. m. For White Haven, Hazleton, Pottsville and principal points In the coal region via D. & H. it. it., 6.45, 7.45 a. ni.. 12.05 an j 2.30 and 4.41 p. m. For Bethlehem. Enston, Readlna-, Har. rlsbure; and principal Intermediate sta tions via D & II. It. R., 6.45, 7.45 a. m.. 12.05, 1.20 (Lehigh Vnlley points, only), 2.30, 4.41 (llluck Diamond Express) and 11.33 P. m. For Tunkhannork, Towanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate sinuous via u. v n. 11. XI., D.3, 0.1a a. iu. 1.20, 3.3:1 and 11.38 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fulls, Chicago and all points west via D. & II. It. It., 8.45 a. m 12.05. 3.33 (UlacK Dlamond Express), 9.50 nnd 11.38 p. m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley chnlr cars on all trains between Wllkes-Hnrra and New York, Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILHUR. Gen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHEH, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Scranton Office, 30 Lnckawanna avenue. Central Hailrotid of New' Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsur. Ins cleanliness ond comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 7. 1834 Trains leave Scrnnton for Plttston, Wllkes-Harre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15. 11.30 a. m., 12.45, 2.00, 3.05, fi.W, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00, a. rn., l.no, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Mountnln Park, 8.20 a. m., 3.03, 6.09 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Atlantic Cily, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8,20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day. 2.15 P. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Rending Term inal, 6.22 p. m. and New York 6.00 p. m. Fur Munch Chunk. Allentown, Bethle hem, F.aston and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 12.43. 8.05. 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc, at 8.20 a. m. nnd 12.45 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon nnd HarrlsDurif, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m 12.45 p. m 5.14 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville. 8.20 a. m. 12.4a p. tn. t Roturnlng, leave New York, foot of LIo erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) n m 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.30 a. tn. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. 9,00 a. m , 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 8.2$ Through tickets to all points at lowest rates fnay he had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt. J. H. OLIIAUSEN, Gen. Supt. Eric and Wyoming Valley. Effective Nov, 2. Trains leave Scranton for New York. Newburgh and Intermediate points on Erie, ulso for Ilnwley nntl local points at 7(i a. m. und 2.28 p. m., and arrive from above points at 10.23 a. m., 3.18 and 9.3$ p. m. RcnAvr division. In F.ffcrl October 4th, 106. North Hound. Month Bound. V03 COI pio -tot. Stations gg Strains Holly. ExJljgS W U V. i cctit Mindity.) U 'pa1 m Arrive I-cavei Ml ...I fas, Y. Franklin St. ., ...7 in West 4-nd street., ...I 7tKi! U'cehawken ... V i Arrive Leave a 111 MK Ml ...1 1 I.') ifuurock Junctlooi Sl'Si 81 SS2 1 U!l, Hancock starlight rrcston Park Como Poyntelle llclmont Pleasant Mt. Unlondiilo Forest city Cnrbondaio White limine Muylltld Jermyn Archibald Wluton Pcckvllle (ilrrhaut Prlcebur? Throop Providence park Place IIS Jii I'.'ii 'li! 14 l3ifi ifl1Si Ill 4!l! nfon s-i S31 a 41 8. Ill S M 8 111! 8I, 8 19 04 3tl M 41. f I i:st 111 IlltllS'il ,17 07 13 3W It IS 13 43: (i ll II 1PI o sut Is li Hi It 1!: li-.N II II Basil u7 6 SO 1 1 IIV ti ix 11 m 6 15 11 t; 6 IS 1117 7 14' 8 45, 7 so; 3 si 7i8 8 Ml 7 87 8 59, T8S 4fll! 7 SI 4IITI 7 86 4 10 7 89 4 141 17 4114 17 0 10 1(1 55 Keren 'nn 7 41 4 8J, v m a w I.tave Arrive a Mr m' All trains run dally except tundny. f. slgnllles that truing stop ou signal for pau etiKcrs. ecure rates via Ontario Western hefo-s purchasing tickets and save money. Day an) Nlgh't Enprcsijtothe West. J. C, Andorsoo, Gen. pass Agt, T. flttcrof t, 1)1, pais, A-t. Beraaton, Pa, V