THE SCB ANTON TBIBUNE MONDAY HORNING. NOVEMBER 2. 1896." CELLING ONLY FOR GASH Compels us to SUAVE PRICES to as low a po'ut as is possi ble for good, staple aod legitimate merchandise. HERE ARE UNDERWEAR. SOME A complete line of all weight! and size. Fleece lined underwear, extra A1c heavy Heavy blue ribbed, absolutely A"c fast color All natural wool and camel's 54 7r. lialr 0w All wool fleece, tine quality, C. OQ only tsv Even thine- In heavy cotton ana wool ribbed Jaros, Jaeger, llolroyds, and many other makes of nnesl wool under wear at great reduotione. Although an entire new department, we have had wonderful success. There is some tone about our line of clothing that compares very favorably with any clothing made to measure by swell merchant tailors. Genuine Clay worsted sack and frock suits, guuranteed not uCin nn fade or wear glossy 'w,uu Fall wei ght overcoats or black ... 9 i A leunu, June sua iiiiu fl faced, marked us low as PI.UU MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New York, Oct. 31. The stock mar ket to-day displayed far more activity than had been expected. The difllculty experienced In obtaining funds was a drawback to the market from the open ing of the week until yesterday. Satur day la always nn off-day In the money market, so that nothing of an impor tant nature was looked for this morn ing In the matter of call loans. The feeling among operators was decidedly bullish on stocks, and they utterly Ig nored the decline of to ?i reported from London before the opening. At the start here, there was a regular push to buy, and the Bhorts in their huate to cover bid prices up on each other. An advance of M to 414 per cent, was recorded right through the list, both Investment and speculative storks uharing in the improvement Sugar rose Tobacco, : Atchison preferred, 1V4; Erooklyn Rapid Trac tion, 1; Chicago Gas, 1; Northwest, 114: St. i'aul, 1; do. preferred, 1; Rock Island, 24: Lake Shore, 3; Louisville and Nashville, ; Manhattan, 2M; Jersey Central, 1H; New York Central, 1, to 4b: Heading, V,i, to 27 Mi- Toward the close under sales to reulize profits there was a reaction of lt to Vt per cent. Taken altogether, the feeling is confident and speculation left off firm In tone. Net changes show gains of WiZ per cent. Total sales were 121,000. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AI LEN & CO., stock brokers, Hears build lug, rooms J06-7OG. Open- High- Low- Clo in. est. est. lng. Am. Tobacro Co .... 7.'i" W 7.111 W.i Am. Bug. Ite'i; To lit! ll.V, llo'i Atch.. To. & S. Fa .. M'j H4 U'i M, A.. T. & S. V., lJr... 2:i 2I' 2:1 21', can. South 17 47- 47 4t I'hes. & Ohio VS lti'a 15'i 10 Chicago Oas 71ji 7i W4 f'hlc. & N. W 103 103". 102', 10214 Chic, B. & Q 7r'4 77 7S?4 7M, f. (.'. V. & St. It .... 2S 2H 28 2S t'hlc. Mil. & St. P .. 73 744 73'i . 7314 1 'hie, K. I. & I' Ui BT's 65 66 Delaware & Hud ...124 121 124 124 I).. L. & V IW l,vj 1M IX llst. .'. F 7'i (F 714 Gen. Klectrlc 2U14 2li'i 29 29 Luke Shore 14V 14S 14!) 140 Louis. V Nusti 47?4 4SJ 47'i 47'i -M. K. & Texas, Pr .. 24 2ii'j 26 .Manhftlnn Ele 2i ttfil -Mo. Pacific 21j 22 21. .. J. Central 101 10114 104 10414 X. Y L. E. & W.... 15 15 IB IB X. T., S. & V Pr .. 24' 4 24H 24'4 24H Nor. Pacillo 14V 14' i 14'4 Out. & West H-'s 1414 14a 1414 Omaha 41'i 42 4114 4114 Par-irk- Mall 21i J2'4 2K- 21 Phil. & Keadlng .... 2Gi 27'i StJ-i 27'A Soutnern R. R 8T, 9 8"i 8A Southern R. R Pr.. 2'i 27'4 KVt 28'i Tenn., C. Jk Iron .... 21 25'i 2414 244 Texas Paelllo 8'4 8 S'4 t'nion Pacillo 81i '4 83 v Wabjish 64 63J 63i Wabash, Pr 10 li, ig' 1C,4 West. Union 85 BVi 844 tVA )) J, H 4 6'4 6'4 S. Leather ...... 8-4 H 9 ti I . S. Lenther, Pr .... 2',i 624 62V4 2i f. S. Rubber 1914 19 1914 19 CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICE! WHEAT. Open.- High- Low Clos ing, est. est. ire. I'ecember 73'i 7314 72 iIOATij; 7S w "is tiecember ISiji W, JH1 jssi mcorn: 21 21Ti il Hecember 2V4 2TA', vt 5Vi ilLARD m Uecember 4 27 4 31 4 12 4 32 """poriT: 4 45 4 W '4i -w December 7.07 7.05 7.07 7.03 January 7.w .uJ J.s7 g. Kcranton Board of Trade Exchange QuotationsAU Quotation Based on Par of 100. Name. Bia. Asked. tMme Dep. A DIs Bank 140 Soranton Lace Curtain Co ... bo National Boring ft Drilling Co ... 80 . First National Bank w Brranton Jar Ik Stopper Co. JS Klmhurst boulevard Co 100 Scranton Savings Bank 209 . . Ponta Plate Olass Co 19 Scranton Packing Co ko Lackawanna Iron ft Steel Co. lto Third National Bank 850 Throop Novelty M'f. Co 90 Scranton Traction Co ig 21 Scranton Axle Works go Lack'a Trust A Safe Dep. Co. 14S ... Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co 40 BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 no ... People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 ... Scranton ft Plttston Trac. Co. ... 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 , 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 6 102 City of Scranton St. Imp. . ... 02 Borough of Winton 100 Mt. Vernon Coal Co 86 Scranton Axle Works too Scranton Traction Co. Si !f ew York Frodnee Market. New York. Oct 31. Flour Dull and un changed. Wheat Spot market dull; f. o. b., 6414c.; ungraded red, 72a8Sc.; No. 1 northern, 8IV40.; options wore dull and closed tlrm; 'March, 84c; May, 83c.; No vembeft 7814c.; December. 804. Corn Spots quiet, firm; No. 2. Vfl'tC elevator; 3lT4o afloat; options were dull and firm; December. 31"4c; May, 4c. Oats Spots dull, firm; options firmer, dull; De cember. 2314c.; May, 264c.; spot prices, No. 2, 2214c.; No. 2 white, 2.,o.; No. 2 Chi cago, 23u.a24c; No. 3 do., 23c; mixed west ern. 22a24c; white do, 22a32c; white statu, 22a32c. Provisions Dull.l easy unchanged. Lard Quiet, firmer; western steam, 84.6.jj city. $4.4o; relined. slow; continent; 5j South Amelcan, 5.35; compound, 4?ta4'ic Hutter Quiet, fancy about steady; state dairy, llalSc; do. creamerv, il2'4a20c.j western dairy, 8al2',4c: do. creamery, un changed: do. factory, 7allc; Elglns, 20o ; Imitation creamery, 104al4c. Cheese Steady, quiet; state large, 714al04c.; do. TEMPTING OFFEKS: SHIRT SPECIAL Finest quality percale plaited colored bosom shirts, in cluding one pair link cutis, -jg were fci.OO, now only 12c. Collars, all styles, now oc :'5e. Cults now only 60c. Suspenders now only S HATS. The J1.50 grade now Si '1 The $2.00 grade now i.S The grade now J-uo Our swell "Epsom" top coats, very natty garment In gray and brown mixed Vicunas, ele-Cie nn gantly trimmed Fine English covert cloth top ecus, a i-omuii-ie i m, I ... . ,... Liiut ItiaViiiin Dull- iP . . n coats. A corn D ele line, cue mo , SIII.UU ,lg a tow us small, ttialOAic: part skims, SlaaiHic; full skims. 2ta3c. Eggs-Quiet; state and Pennsylvania, 18ja2lc; tee houe. h'i W.;.: western fresh, Kul9c; do. cuse, 82. 10 u4.i; limed, lie Chicago Grain and Provision Market. Chicago, Oct. 31. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2 Octo ber, 71"ia70?4c; December, 7314a72fc. ; May, 73'a77V Corn No. 2 Oetiber, 24'ja 24',c.; December, 254a25l4c. : May. 2SU'l iS'.c. Oats No. 2 October, 17?ial7:iic: ))--ceniher, 18B,alS-'-c ; May. 21?4a21vc. Xb-ss Pork December, $7.o7'au7.16: January, $7.90a7.971a. Lard December, $l.27!4H4.32'i; January, $4.4Sa4.50. Short Ribs Derem. bej-, ty.72Vaa3.72ii; Janualry, $:n.3.9:j. Cash' quotations were as follows: Flour was quiet and steady, prices unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 7Wa711-jc.; Xo. 3 do., Oo'-a'JSc. by sample; No. 2 red, 73'"aa73c. ; Xo. 2 corn, 23"ia24c; Xo. 2 oats, 17?4a!8.i.; No. 2 rye, SSlic; No. 2 barley, SUc, nomi nal; No. 1 flax seed, Bllicj prime tlm othey seed, 82.50, vomlnul; mess pork, 7.10a7.15; lard, J4.30a4.321i; short ribs, sides, loose, 3.70n3.9O; dry salted shoul ders, boxed, Ha4.25; short clear sides, boxed, S3.ti71i.a4; whisky, distillers' Mu lshed goods per gnllon, $1.18; sugars, cut loaf, (4.95; granulated, $1.32; standard A, $1.09. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, Oct. 31. Provisions were In fair demand for jobbing wants and prices were steadily maintained. We quote: Cltv smoked beef, llal2c; beef hams, $lG.25al6.50, ns to average; po'k, family, $11; hams, S. P. cured, In tierces, lialoc; do. smoked, lOalllic, as to aver, age; sides, ribbed, in salt, 414a Hie; do. do smoked, Oa"A;c. ; shoulders, pickle cured, 514aolaC; do. do. smoked, 4ga6.tM picnic hams, S. P. cured, fiaD'-c; do. do. smoked, 6a64c; bellies In pickle, accord ing to average loose, BVjaGc; breakfast bacon, 7a7',ic as to brand and average; uard, pure, city relined, in tierces, B'ia SVsic; do. do do., In tubs, BHafio.; do. butchers', loose, 4!.a4ic; city tullow, in hogsheads, S'icj country do., 2"'in:t'gC as 10 quality, and cakes, 3c. Chicago Live Stock. Vnlon Stack Yards, Oct. 31. Cattle Receipts, 300 head; market dull and nomi nal; common to extra steers, $3.40a5.1a; stockers and feeders, $2.50a3.G5; cows and bulls, $1.26 a3.2G; calves, $2.75aU; Texans, $2.60a3.2S; western rangers, $2.25a4. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market tlrm and Sc. higher; heavy packing and shipping lots, $3 20uS.4i: common to choice mixed, $3.15a3.3Z4; assorted choice, $3.40a3.45: light, $3.20aS.50; pigs, $2.GOa3.40. Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady; Infe rior to choice, 1.7&a3.25; lambs, $2.75a4.40. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo. Oct. 31. Cattle Market steady to firm for good grades; good steers, $4.2o; fair to good, $4.10; veals steady, $3.50a6. Hogs Market active and firmer; York ers. $3.55a3.60; pigs, $3.00; light mixed, $3.5Sa3.60; mediums, $3.50a3.55; roughs, tin 8 20; stags, $2.25a2.75. Sheep and Lambs Market steady; good to choice lambs, $4.2&a4.40; common to fair, $3.75a4.15; culls, J3.25oS.75; mixed sheep, $2.76a3.25; culls to fair, $1.50a2.65; heavy ewes, S2.71a3.20: Canada lambs, $4a4.35. Oil Market. Oil City, Oct 31,-Option oil and credit balance, 117. "We want what wo have now, the best money in the world, every dollar of It as good as gold, every dollar as good as the best money In the civil ized nations. A dollar that Is not only good In one state, but good In every state; not only good in all the states, but good In all the great na tions of the world, passing current always for its luce value." William McKinley. MAURICE, THE W00DCITTER. It Will Be Fresented at the College Hall by College Dramatic Club. The drama, "Maurice, the Woodcut ter," will be presented on Wednesday night. Nov. 19, In College hall by the St. Thomas College Dramatic club. Prof. Richard Lindsay will direct the musical part of it and will have a full orchestra. Elaborate costumes will be obtained from Boston for the perform ance. The cast of characters is as fol lows: Maurice James Oalla?her Prince Leopold Frank Conway Baron Lelbhelm Daniel Joriiun Olandoff, Count's Secretary, ' John Ra'ler Dominie, School Master M. J. Ruddy Hans, Dominie's Friend. .John J. Brag a 11 Lynx, Court Messenger, , , , Frank Kennedy Relgel, J?rIson Keeper, Richard Kennedy Eoltzen, Turnkey Edward O'Malley Manhoof, Captain of Guards, ,. , , William McCee Michael, a Courtier John Mack Peter, Fritz (children of Maurice), Kenneth Burnett and Aloyslus Colllgan NO I'JiKXOW.V ttL'ANTITV. From the Scranton Eagle. William Connell has always measured up to the requirements of his responsibil ity, and though fortune has been pro pitious, he has never shirked a duty that his acquisitions have Imposed. He has wronged no man, but on the contrary he has been an Instrument of great good In this community. In him the poor and deserving have always found a helper and a friend. Through him the widow's and orphans have great cause to he thankful for practical comfort and conso lation. He Is endowed with the alilli.y to successfully consummate his own plans, He has been a tower of strength to oth ers. He Is greatly in evidence as a man ly man. He has the qualifications to ac. compllsh great good for the people In this congressional district. He is no un. known quantity. i HOW TO VOTE. To Vote the Republican tlcl;ot jJ tomorrow put n cross (X) In the circle at the top of the first col H umn, and let it go at that. NO FREE SILVER! NO FREE TRADE' OVERSEERS OF ELECTION NAMED Two Men Appointed for Each Election District in the County. THEY WILL SERVE TOMORROW A Republican aud Democrat Has Been Appointed to Supervise the Casting of the Ballots in Lacka wanna County Wherever uu Elec tion Is l oiiducttd"'ainc of Those Who W ill Act ns Overseers. On Saturday court appointed Repub lican and Deinnoraticoverseers to super vise tomorrow's election: Archbald, First ward. First district, James Flynn, D. ; Arthur Clarkson. R. Archbald. Second ward. Second district, Thomas Walters, D. ; William Kendall, K. Archbald, Second wa'd, Bel ward Law, D.; Patrick F. o'Boyle, h. Archbald. Third ward, Patrick O'Kouike, D.: Anthony Piobst. R. llenton township, Henry Smith, D.; John Rink, R. Blakely, First ward, Joseph V. Brwn, iilskoly. Second ward. P. J. McCormlck. D. ; William .Mason, R. Bluk'-ly, Third ward, John M. Gallagher, D.: . J. Keese. R. Carbondule township, Nortnwest dis trict, James Qulun, D. ; Ellsworth Mey ers, R. Curbondale township. Northeast district, B. J. .Murphy. D. ; Jacob Henry, K. Carbondale City, First ward. First dls. trlcl. M. B. Madlgan. D.; Henry Pierce, K. Carbondale Cltv, First ward. Third dis trict. M. J. Qulnn, D.; Oarbriel Pugliaiio, U. Carbondale City. Second ward. Fiist district, John Wade, D.; deorge Eavns. K. Carbondale Cilv, Second ward. Second district, W. J. Smith, D. ; William Fos ter, it. Carbondale Cltv. Second ward. Third district. John Hi&iy, D. John O'Hara, K. Carbondale Citv. Third ward. First dis trict. Frank Hobun, D.; William D. Evans, R. Carbondale City. Third ward, Second district. P. P. Loftus, V.; John J. Jones, R. Carbondale City. Third ward. Third dis trict, Thoma Kcogh, D.; James De vine, R. Carbondale Cltv. Third ward. Fourth district, Ruben Sloan, D. ; David Lewis, K. Carbovdale City, Fourth ward. First district, William Loftus. D.; Mark Wil son, R. Caroondule City. Fourth warJ. Second district, Wlliam Hughes, U. ; P. l. Welsh, It. Carbondale City. Fourth ward, Third district, Frinik O'Byrne, 1).; Henry Col lins, K. Caibondnle City, Fifth ward. First dls tivt. Jumes Clark, D.; John Copelaml, K. Carbondale City, Fifth ward, Swond distilct, T. P. McXulty. D.; David Mo Mln, R. Carbondale City, Sixth ward, First dis trlct. James E. Gallagher, D.; Robert Carter. H. Curbondule Clly. Sixth wnrl Second district. John Monohan, D.; .M.ciiacl Bo land, R. DICKSON CITV BOROUGH. Dickson City, First ward, E. J. Burke, I).; James Held, H. Dickson City, Second ward, Thomas MKltiire, D.; John E. Elv. R. Dickson City, Third ward, M. C. Don nelly. D. ; John Sllwinskl, Ii. Dunmore, First ward. First district, Thomas Fadclen, D. ; E. W. Swartg, H. Dunmore, First ward. Second district, Thomas Gibbons, D.; Sylvester Knapp. R. Dunmore. Second ward. First district, Andrew Golden: M. S. Stark, K. Dunmore, Sc onJ wtrd, .?c,on:l district, Thomus Doud, D.; F. E. Wagner, It. D umn ore. Third ward. First district, Patrick Klann-lly, D. : Henry Treg'-ar, It. Dunmore. Third ward, Second district, Thomas O'Horo, D.; Albert Consiock, R, Dunmoie, Tiilrd wurJ, Thirl district, ,T. H. McDonnell, D.; Elmer Ster.i r. It Tunmore Fourth waid, John J. Flynn, D.; Patrick MC nm.tck. n. Dunmore. Fifth ward, IMw.ira Duffy, D.; Michael Murphy, I. Dunmore, Slx:n ward. First dislrlet, John Gllmariln. D.; W. rt. Potte;-, H. Dunmore, Sltt.'i ward. Seccnd district, Thomaw Fltzpatrick, D.; John O. .Mc AsUIe, R. Fell township, First district, Henry Loftus, D. ; .Michael Gorman. R. Fell township, Second district, John Ledger, D.; Samuel Updike. R. Fell township, Third district. William Lnvlit, D.; L. H. Wilcox. K. Fell township. Fourth district, John Dunn, D.; itichard Beers, R. Greenlield. M. J. Lole, D. ; Frank Ken yon, II. Jermyn borough, First ward, Peter Dit more. D.; John Mason. R. Jrrmyn borough. Second ward, M. J. Kenny. D.; J. G. Nicholson, R. Jermyn lorough, Third ward, D. J Sui. llvan, D.: Willam Scull, R. Lackawanna township. Northeast dis trict, Frank Sipple. D.; Fred W. P. Pfaft, R. Lackawanna township, Keast district, Xlcholus Dm kin, D.; Zach. Gray, R. Lackawanna township, West district, Patrick Sammon, D.; P. S. Hamlin, R. Lackawanna township, South . district, Michael Lydon, D.; Thomas Jacobs, R. Lackawanna township. Southwest dis trict, William Merrick, D. ; Frank Toole, Slndlson borough, Frank McCafferty, D.; P. J. Brady, R. North Ablngton township, Thomas Fisk, D. ; S. M. Aylesworth, R. Old Forge, Second district, J. H. Bon ner, D. ; James Salmon, R. Old Forgo, Fourth district, Fred Hope, D. ; Samuel Brodhead, R. OVERSEERS FOR OLYPHANT. Olyphnnt. First ward, Domlnlck Mc Cormlck, D.; William Thompson, R. Olvphunt, Second ward, M. W. Cum mlngs, D.; John Penman, R. Olynhant, Third ward, John J. Flynn, D.; John Robinson, R. Olvphant, Fourth ward, P. H. McCann, D.: Elijah Hayes, R. Scott township, Dell Carpenter, D.; E. F. Decker. R. South Abincton township, N. Calender, D. ; Thurs. P. Parker, R. Scranton. Ffrst ward First district, M. J. Clark, D.; Thomas D. DaviB, K. Perontop. First ward. Second district, William Kelly. D. Scranton, First ward, Third district, Jerry Houlihan, D. ; Thomas J. Wat kins. R. Scranton, Second ward. First district, John J. Gerrlty, D. ; William J. Owens, R. Scranton, Second ward. Second district, T. P. Mullen. D. : C. V. Terwllllger, It. Scranton. Second ward, Third district, Thomas Flynn. D.; Evan Trcharne, R. Scranton, Second ward. Fourth district, E. A. Knight. D.; Joseph Ult tl.-y. ii. S."anton, Second ward. Fifth district, Ji-i.irs Golden, D. ; Walter White, R. Scranton, Third ward, First dstrlct, Anthony Knight, D. ; Giles 8. Decker, Ti omas Wutklns, R. Sc'.anton, Fourth word. First district, Fred Warlike, D.; W. Bromley Williams, Scranton, Fourth ward. Second district. John Monlg'-r. D.; John T. Jones, U. Scranton. Fourth ward. T'-.ird district. John O'Mallev, D. ; Roger Evans, R. S'-ranton, Fourth ward. Fourth district, Cornelius MoDermott, D.; William V. GrllHths. R. Scranton. Fifth ward. First district, Thomas Carroll, D.; William Madden. It. Scranton. Fifth ward, S-'-ond district, Conrad Lutz. D. : Frank B. Mi-iz. H. Scranton. Fifth ward, Third district, Daniel Coleman, D. : B. S. Reynold. R. Scranton, Sixth ward, Flut district, Daniel Keegan, D.; Adam L. Bonn, R. Si ianton. Sixth ward. Second dsn let. Joseph Drury. ti. : Patrick .VIcNaliy, K. Scranton. Sixth ward, Third district, Anthony McGnfr. William Jnniee, R. Scrutiloii. Sex i-iit 11 ward. First dijtil' l. Thoiiias 11. Clark, U.: George Blikvl, H. Hciaiitmi. Seventh ward. Sn ond dis trict, f. 'V. S. anion. D. ; John A's.1, It. Scranton, Seventh ward, Third district. James Ciulli'.gher. .. ; Jacub lletzel, It. Scranton. Eighth ward. First tlletrict, Wlllliim P. Itoland, !.; Fred Durr.. R. Scinntnn, Eighth ward. Second illst;ltt. Dennis Tierney. D. ; 11. S. Pou-i:. II. NINTH WARD. SCRANTON. Scranton, Ninth ward. First 'list rift, J. C. M "Andrew. 1 : E. N. Vernon, It. Scranton. Ninth ward. Second district, Robert J. Mm ray, D. ; E. W. Tewskbury, R. Scranton. Ninth ward. Third district, T. P. Duffy. D.: James Molr. sr.. H. Scrnuton, Tenth ward, Louis Blefeldt, I D.: Fred Blcfeklt, XX. ' ; Scranton, Eleventh ward. First dlstrk-t, I Charles G. Hosnr, D.; Peter Neuls. R. Scia.iton, Eleventh ward. Second d!.- 1 trlct, Peter Robling, Jr., D.; Charles Heustei. Ft. Scranton, Eleventh ward. Third district, William Scott, D. ; Jacob Christopher, It. Scranton, Twelfth ward. Irst district, C. C. Donox-an. I.: John Mnolaait, R. Scranton, Twelfth ward, 8cond dis trict, Joseph McXally, D. ; John Melz helzer, It. Scraulou, Thirteenth ward, First dis trict. P. D. Mahon. D.; Albert Nothacker. R. Scranton. Thirteenth, ward. Becond dls. triei. John Kellv, D. ; C. 8. Seamans. R. Scranton, Tidrteenth ward. Third dis trict, Cornelius Buckley, D. ; J. H. Sew ard. R. Scranton. Fourteenth ward. First dis trict, William McUulre, D.; Ebenezer Wil liams, R. . Scranton, Fourteenth ward. Second dis trict, Johu McCabe, D.; A. E. Schrlefer, Scranton. Fifteenth ward. First district, John Vanson, D.; E. P. Davis, R. Scranton. Fifteenth ward. Second dis trict. Edward Fltzsiminons, D.; T. T. Morgan, It. Scranton, Sixteenth ward. Second dis trict, Patrick Murphy. D.; J. G. Seamans, Scranton, Sixteenth ward, 8econd dis trict. M. F. Sando. D.; George C. Jones, R. Scranton, Seventeenth ward, First dis trict, E. Burkhoitse, D.; Thomas R. Brooks, R. K.'rai.toii, Seventeenth ward, F.econd dls. trvv. 'nrick Boland, D.; Frank H. demons, R. Scranteu, Eighteenth ward Anthony Reran. D.; W. 11. Bender. R. Scranton. Nineteenth ward. First dis trict, Henry Elder, n. ; Iritis Sehwass, R. Scranton Nineteenth ward, Second dis trict, John J. Murphy, D. ; Jacob Mann, R. Scranton, Nineteenth ward. Third dis trict, Fred C. Schneider, V.i Jacob Weiss man, R. Scranton, Nineteenth ward. Fourth dis trict. William Baker. D.; Fred Zeigler, R. Scranton, Twentieth ward. First dis trict, Michael Met lurry, D.; Herman Schaffer. R. Scranton, Twentieth ward. Second dis trict. James P. Lavelle, D.; Muthlas Gard, R. Scranton. Twentieth ward. Third dis trict. James Dempsey, D.; James Short, en. R. Scrunton, Twentieth ward. Fourth dls trlct, August Bieuueman, D.; J. W. Berg hauser, R. Scranton, Twentv-flrst ward. First dis trict. Michael Murphy, D. ; William Coughlin, R. Scranton, Twenty-first ward, Second district, John Flynn, D.; Charles Parry, THE OTHER DISTRICTS. Throop borough. Jumes Loftus, D.; George H. Haverly, lt. Tavlor borough. First ward, William Judge, D.: Thomas G. Francis. R. Taylor borough. Second ward, James P. Lxw, D.; Johu R. Johns, R. Taylor borough. Third ward, James Sheu, D.; David T. Evans, R. Tavlor borough, Fourth ward, John Moore. D.; H. E. Harris. R. Taylor borough. Fifth ward, William Slocum, TX: J. B. Reese, R. Woverlv borough, George Stleg, D.; Thomas C. Kennedy, R. Winton borough. First ward, James J. Bell. D.; D. W. Hlckey. R. Winton boroush, Second ward, P. B. atlmartin, D. ; Thomas W. Wilson, R. Winton borougli. Third ward, John J. McAndrew, D.; John R. Evans, R. 'Court also appointed the following judges of election: Scranton. Sixth ward, Second district, James J. O'Malley. Eleventh ward. Third district, D. P. Murray. Fourteenth wurd. First district, Rich ard Jennings. Fifteenth ward, Second district, Alfred Lewis. Eighteenth ward, Martin McHale. Nineteenth ward, Second district, John J. Murphy, esq. Twentieth ward, First district, John Gibbons, Jr. Klmhurst borough, Hugo Rattmelster. Lackawanna, West district, Churlos Snyder. The following xvere appointed by court as Inspectors of election: Scranton. Sixth ward. Second district, William McDonough. Nineteenth ward, Fourth district, E. L. Franz. Olyphant borough. First ward, Peter F. O'.Malley. Olyphnnt, Fourth ward, James C. Mc Andrew. Carbondale, Second ward. First district, W. J. Byrne. NO FREE SILVER! NO FREE TRADE! FOOT BALL NEWS. New High School Team Puts Up a Good Game Against Hillmaa Tie Game Played at Wilkes-Barr:. Considering that it was their first game and that they lined up against a very strong team, the High school eleven in their contest with Harry Hlllman academy at Athletic Park, Saturday, made a very good showing. The W'ilkes-Barreans succeeded in scoring sixteen and several times would have been scored against had not the High school backs fumbled at critical times. The line-up was as follows: H. S. Langstaff.... Smtth Kllcullen Murphy Hull Welsh Battin Tewkesbury. H. H. A. , Leo ....Carpenter , Driesen Ryman ...MacMillnn Swift Simpson Sterling Atherton Bennett Fuller ... center .... left end ... , left guard ... .. left tackle right guard ... . right tackle . .. ritrht end .. .. quarter back , DeBow Geary Rice tight hair .... left half back full back ... Played a Tie Game. Scranton's new and virtually untried team went down to Wllkes-Barre Sat urday and played a tie game with the strong Y. M. C. A. team of that place. Two hard fought halves were played without any scoring being done, al though both goals were frequently threatened. The croxvd was large and found plenty of oportunities to enthuse, ns the game abounded In fine plays on both sides. The line-up was as fol lows: Wl'kes-Barre. Scranton. Downing center Cleveland Ke:n right guard bweency Austin left tackle Cogglns llartlnnd right tackle Allen Richert lifet guard Williams Dunn left end Schimpff Williams right end Dcker Mcpike quarter Walsh Henderson left half Thayer Mcehan right half Posner Ward full back Steele The next game will be played on Tuesclny of this xx-eek between Scranton and Wyoming Seminary at Kingston. A week from Saturday, In this city, the Scranton team and Wilkes-Barre Y. M. C. A. will play. Indians' Fine 1'lny. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 1. The Car lisle Indians yesterday prox-ed that their 12 to 12 game xxitli Yale last Sat urday was no fluke. Harvard could ticoie only four points 011 them and In the second half the t'rinifon xxas kept almost entirely on the defensive. Over 12,CM pc-ople saw the game and the Red men were liberally applauded. Was Ensy for Princeton. I'l iiiretr.D, N. J., Nov. 1. Princeton Is In gieat glee. Cornell whom Har vard barely defeated last Saturday, xvent down before the Tigers yesterday by u wore of 37 to 0. This Is great en couragement to the Jerseyites for their gntne with Harvard next Saturday. Princeton fairly dallied with the Itha chiis ami but fur the warm weather which discouraged unnecessary exer tion would huve rolled up a much larg er score. Poor Showing of t'ndeis. Weft Point. N. Y.. Nov. 1. The best the Cadets could do against Yale yes terday was to make a safety against the l:luc' 16 points. The Cadets' fumbling was to blame in a great de cree for their poor showing. Ou Other Fields. At Easton Lafayette, 18; Dickinson, ft. At V.'illlamsport Buckneil, 10; State College. 0. At Middletoxvn Wesleyan, 28; Tufts, A. At Chnlottsvllle University of Vir ginia, 14: Virginia Polytechnic. 0. At Htroudshurg Normal School, 10; Ilia I r Hall. 6. At Annapolis Naval Cadets, 40; Rut get s. 6. At Detroit University of Michigan, 40; Lehigh University, 0. At Carbondale Carbondale High School, 10; Co stal A. C, Q . THE mm 124-126 Wyoming n A week of unparalleled bar gains. We have purchased within the past ten days thousands of dollars' worth of desirable Dry Goods, Cloaks, Millinery, Etc., at less than cost of manufacture on ac count of an over stocked mar ket. Manufacturers had to unload at any price for cash to meet their obligations. We will give the public the bene fit of our great purchase. Be low we mention a few of our great values. 15 pieces black figured Dress Goods; would be cheap at 2ic. Leader's price, 19c. S pieces 50-Inch Serge, In black, only 25c. grade. Leader's price, He. 75 pieces assorted Plaid Dress Goods; regular price, lc. Leader's price, 9c. 25 pieces assorted Fancy Dress Goods; none In the lot worth less than 40c. Choice of any, 29c. 35 pieces Extra Fine Quality Scotch Cheviot and Fancy Dress Goods; those goods were bought to retail at 75c. Leader's price, 49c. 10 pieces plain and brocaded Black Silks, sue. grade. leader's price, :t!c. 12 pieces plain and brocaded Black , Silks, 65c. grade. Leader's price, 49c. 5 pieces Black Faille, 24-lnch silk, 65c. grade. Leader's price, 46c. One lot of Fancy Silks In printed warps and colored striped: price has been 75c. Leader's price now 47c. 20 Ladles' Beaver Jackets, box fronts, worth $3.50. Leader's price, $1.99. 75 Children's Reefers, sailor collars, braid trimmed, sizes, 4 to 14; worth 13.00. Leader's price, $1.99. 10 dozen Ladies' Flannel Waists, red, blue and black; worth $1.60. Lead er's price, 94c. 30 dozen Ladies' Fleece Lined Com bination Suits, in all sizes worth $1.00. Leader's price, 49c. ; 48 dozen Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, fleece lined, worth 25a Leader's price, 15c. One case Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers; superior quality; .cheap at $1.00. Leader's price, 69c. 5 gross Daisy Buttermilk Soap. Lead er's price, 5c. for a box of 3 cakes. 25 dozen Ladles' fine quality Black Cashmere Glaves, sizes, EH to 8't; worth 2jc. Leader's price, 14c, IS E. HI'S Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated CAPAClTVl 100,000 Barrels per Annum MIS7(i X f .ill Vltt. nrh Remha'd awys REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a k' Well Mar. TKE GREAT 30th rnr. PHBNOH nEMEDY protlnrr the abort reniltn In .10 day. It a to pouerfullrudiiucklr. I nrn hen all others f ail Vtiuus men will regain their lot manheoil.andeli. ..ion will recover their youthful vmcr by ut-iui KKVIVO. It quirk ly and surely restore a Km-tiua news, Let Vitality, Impotinry. Nuhtlr Erainsiwv Lout oer. Failiuc Mrninry, M artina Dim awn. anc all effects of self-abuae or exceim and indiM-'retion rhirh tiDQtMoneforfetidy.bitftttirMiormaiTiaKe. I. -jot only cur by starting at the vat of d. jeaw. b-e It a irrrat ncrtr tonie and blood builder, trinr Irs back the pink alow to rate cheeks and rc iturin the fire of ynalh. It wards oft Insanit md onaiimptien. 1oti on hiring KKVIVO. n tbrr. It can be rarrird la vet pocket, lly m: j lt.uOvrai-kacc,or ill forSS.OO, with a no e written amnrantee to cure or ret us hrmnnrjr. Circular fn. Addrtas WIHCIME CO 'vr.f L. CHICACO. For Sal by MATTHEWS BROS., Drug glat aaraatoa. Pa. ft Si H Ii 4 r mm -aw mm 1 1st Da, u 1; a , rr .1 aicEREiiymi ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. KOW III OUR NEW STORE. 130 WYOMING AVENUE Coal Eichange, Opp, Hetel Jcraya. We have the finest store and most complete stock is all this sectioo, of WITCHES, FINE JEWELRY. DIAMONDS, STERLING SILVER WAR!, STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES, ' RICH CUT GLISS, CLOCKS, ETC. Our Prices are always bottom. If you have not seen us la our new store It will pay yon to call. THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NOklHF.RN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The buporbly Appointed and Cummudiooi stoel Stesuiships. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND. American through andihruuffb, leave Buffalo '1 ivudav end Fridays 0.30 p.m. for Cleveland. Detroit, Mackinac. The Sao, Duluth. and 'Western Points, passing all places of Interest by daylight In connect ioa with THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, It forma the moat direct ror.te, and from t ery point, of comparison, the most delightful aud eomrnrtal leone to Minneapolis, St. Paul, Great Falls, Helena, Butte, fcpokane anil Pa cini) coatt. The only tranaeuntinental line running the lamoua bullet, library, observa tion car. New 0: honr train for Portland via Spokane. HOTEL LAPAVETTB. Lake Mlnnetonka, IS miles from Minneapolis largest and must beantiul resort is the west. '1 lcket and any information of any agent or A. A. HF.AHU. Ueneral Passenger agent, Buffalo, N. Y. POULTRY Turkeys, Docks, Chickens, Fresh Every Day. ALSO Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. I H PHI. PE1 ML MU M Cklekeatef Kae-!Ub Steam HraaaV rCNMYROYAL PILLS m .fc itlwava r..liiKl .n.ra Drugglit nr 'hi hr$ttr Emt' ii.a-, tnnl Mraiut In itmdl imd i.utd meinvllia' ttpa. tM with blue ribbon. Tk a mi bt ttpfn Jamaeratim tubatitttm tion$ and imitation. At Druf Ktiti, r MMi 4c. "Klier ir iadi.' in utter, rtmm MftU. 10sMM T.-umAfilnli. Aiin Fvtptr, ?1 ) 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold In Six Months, ending flarch 1, 1896, Total Product of 1 The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative Is sold everywhere from th Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in England, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and la recognized aa the beat flour in the world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, X. L. Steel, OOPQ Toe and Side Weight v NEVERSL1P CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. TE1EDR & THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA Mamrfacterara of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKO FUM6 MACHINERY. QeateraJ Office: SCRANTON, PA. ISPS For- mi le by JOHN H.PHELPS. Pharmacia, cor. Wv amino Avenue an Spruce Street Scranton, Pa, JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Mas Mavaa' U Hat New Qamrtara, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Eatraaoe on aide aeit to Ftrrt Natioeal Bank. Ka bat now la a Comprising eTerything reqilsits far fine Marehaut Tailoring. And the same ean a eaowa to a Tan tare m nia apian auur nawn np A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Bxtenaea1 to Alt RtaaWrs at Tke Trib nae ts Call an OLD RELIABLE" In Mia rtew BaslnaM Hoaia DUPONTS I1INQ, BUSTIN8 MD SPORTIIIB kaufaettiNd a the Wapwallopea HlllaV Luxerna eounty, Pa., and at Wil mlnfton, Dalawara, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent tat the Wyoming Dlatrlac lit WYOMINO AVENUE, craatoa. Pa. Third Mavttonal Bank Building. AX3BNCIE0I THOS. FORDPittMon, Pa. JOH.V B. BMIH 8ON, PlraTOUth, Pa. B. W. VIULLiOAN. Wllkea-Barra P. Agenta for th. Repaun Ohaamicaj Ooom luy'a High xvloiva. IVIT. PLEASANT COAL AX RETAIL. Coal of th. beat quality for domeitle una and of all sites. Including Buckwheat and Blrdaeye, delivered la any part of th. eit at the lowest price. Orders received at th. Office, first Boor, Commonwealth building, room No. : telephone No. 2624. or at th. mine, tele phone No. 27X will be promptly attended to.Dealers supplied at th. mine. WM. T.SMITH. n&uu ALL SIZES OF CO., , N. When In doubt what to use for Nervous Debility, Lost of Power, Impolcncy, Atrophv.Varicocele ani other weaknesses, irora any cause, use Sexine fills. Drains checked and full vigor quickly restored. If o.(:ettti. nek trwisfMmali atslty. Mailed lor $1.00;fj boxes li.CW. n itta $.'i.00 order we givt a guarantee to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO, Cleveland, U e ii Wilis POWDER CONNELL Horse