12 THE SGBaaaOX TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1896. GARBONDALE. rHoaflMn will plenum note -that advertise ments, orders for job work, anil items for publication left at the ustabllshment of Snannon & Co.. newsdealers. North Main street, will receive prompt attention; f tice open from a, to. to 10 p. m.l DEATH OF DR. DRUMAL A Former Itt rtor of Trinity Charch 1'usscs Away. The Rev. Thitn:s Drumtn, I. I.. for BfVeial ieurs bctore the war an es teemed rtt'lur of Trinity Kplsoopul cliurt'h. in this city, recently died in New Yolk ufter a short illness. For some years he had been engaged s a t t.ajiliin, aldiug immigrants from Kng kuiil and Ireland, und usslstins tUem in various ways. Alter leaving Carbumlule Dr. Prumm l.eiame the rector uf u church in Trenton, N. J. 1 luring the war he was u cha'ilain in the urmy. where he gained an honorable record. He was a man of refined tastes, highly educat ed, the loved and trusted friend of all his people, lie passed a long and use ful life and left an honorable record of more than three score years and ten. When called away he was about 73 years of age. lie leaves one daugh ter and a son. Kev. Thomas J. Druimn, of Concord, N. H. Death of Dorothy Murphy. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Idurphy, of Cottage street, died Thursday afternoon of diphtheria. The child had been sick a number of days, and Wednesday it was thought much belter, but during the night she grrew worse, and the end came in the after noon, t-he was six years old, of a bright and winning disposition, and a universal favorite. The funeral took place yesterday, und was private owing to the nature of the disease. Interment was made in St. ltose cemetery. Tho Pastor's Call. A new monthly journal has made its appearance in this city, as a help to the pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The Pastor's Call is an eight page paoer, edited by ltev. Charles Lee, and will give the local church news and a review of the Sunday school lessons for each month. It will also contain interesting items of Chris tian Endeavor news, and prove a help in pastoral work. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Samson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burton were in Plttston Thursday evening, where they attend ed the wedding of Miss Lou Stephens and William I. Howarth. C. W. AVilmnrth, of Aldenvlllo, who has been 111 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes, has returned to his home. M. H. Sullivan Is visiting friends in Bridgeport, Conn., and New York city. Mrs. John Hallstead is expected home Iroui Floetvllle today, where she has tetw visiting friends. Michnrd Lee. of Terrace street, has Ytn appointed janitor of the central school building. Mr. A. R. Sawyer, who has opened a new millinery store in this city, has gone to New York, where he will pur ihase goods. Miss tirace Oreen has returned tn her home In Krooklyn, N. Y., after a visit with Mrs. John llalstead, of Dun ilulf street. Miss Mary Maxwell will spend the next two weeks in Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brownell were called to Jersey City, where their grandson lies dangerously ill with pneumonia. Ueorge Swift, who has been vlsltlnff friends In town, has returned to Water town, N. Y. Miss Kmiiia Holmes, of Forest City, was the guest of Miss Maud Carter, of Spring street. Miss Annie Walsh, of Pike street, who has been visiting in the country, has returned home. Miss Flo (iiddimrs, of Vnlondale, who has been the guest of Miss Mary Fer rel, of Wyoming street, has gone to New York, where she will enter a train ing hospital for nurses. Mrs. II. D. Reynolds and Mrs. J. E. Oakley are visiting friends in Scran ton. Mrs. George lii-nton and Miss Min nie Uowen have been visiting in Forest City this weeek. Mr. and Mrs. William Shannon and son Frank will spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kliphulet Wilcox, at Nine veh. A number of pennle from this city attended the Republican rally in Sus quehanna Thursday evening. Miss Sarah Kadilen.of orchard street, is 111 with diphtheria. Jeremiah Walsh and James Gorman left yesterday for a trip to New York city. Mrs. Oeorire Pet rel, of Wilkes-Earre, spent yesterday In this city. Frank Berry leaves todav for a Visit In New York state. Mrs. C. V. Holmes, of Washington street. Is visiting friends In Scranton. Professor K. J. Manaton will be in this city this evening, where he will meet those who are desirous of form ing a singing class. E. J. Rumes. of Ringhnmton. will be one of the speakers at the Licmocratio ally this evening. ' Tut Old Glory out to wave for Mo Klnley, Protection and sound money. FOREST CITY. The many friends of Mrs. George Gnrd will be sorry to hear of her dentil. Mrs. (lard died ut her home in Jermyn on Friday morning of cancer in the stomach. Mr. and Mrs. Gard resided In Forest City for a number of years previous to moving to Jermyn. Mrs. Gard is well known In this vicinity and her death will be keenly felt by her many friends and relatives. On Saturday evening, the 14th Inst., the Mendelssohn Glee society will hold the first of a series of concerts which are to be held at Davis' Opera House this winter. Prominent musicians from Scranton and Wilkes-Rarre will par ticipate. The programme will appear In this column as soon as it Js announced. Mine Inspector Edward Roderick vis ited the Hillside collieries her on Fri day. J. M. Whltmore, a Philadelphia elec trician, was here on Friday looking over the No. 2 shaft plant. Eighteen Forest City miners left for New York on Friday evening. They will participate In the parade to be held In that city today. Professor J. Luther Morgan has been CARPETS FOR FALL TRADE All the latest, from a 20c. In grain to the best Wilton. Oil Cloth and Linoleums, all widths and prices. Window Shades and Curtains, all the latest novelties. Fancy Hocking Chairs, uphol stered in plush, tapestry and broc Htelle. Also a fine collection of cobbler scats, and our price al ways the lowest. J. SCOTT INGLIS, Carpets, fttt Tan n a.. I Dr " . 419 LICXA WANNA Ml offered the leadership of a Baltimore Presbyterian church choir. Mr. Morgan la giving the matter an earnest con sideration and in all probabilities will accept the same. It would be a serious loss to Forest City should he decide to leave. His undertakings in the mu sical line in the post has been very successful. A choir under his director ship competed at two musical eistedd fods and were successfuLeach time. Al most every church and Boclety here has been beniited by the earnest work of the professor. Cantatas, concerts and other musical events have been the means of securing vast sums of money in their behalf. At present he Is leader of St. Agnes' church choir and for good singing it stands at the head of the Catholic choirs in the valley. While the citizens of Forest' City would be sorry to see Mr. Morgan leave yet It la their earnest desire that he may prosper in his new undertaking should he decide to go. ... . Exhibit today the American flag. Fy that sign let Republicans conquer. FACTOR Y VI LLE. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Capwell. of Scranton, were calling oil friends in town Thursday. Mr. und Mrs. John Wrlvtley, of Lake Carey. Pa., were visitors to our towu Wednesday and Thursday. Republican votes are oil that Will be counted next Tuesday. Ifcm't vote any thing else and throw away your vote. The remains of Mrs. Jannette Mat hewson were brought here from Scran ton last Thursday at I.XU p. in., for In terment. In the old cemetery on North Main street, where the last sad rights of Christian Science burial were admin istered. We noticed a quartette together the other day, composed of old gentlemen residents of our town. They just hap pened to meet by chance, and their combined ages just happens to lie .'inS years, as follows: J. G. Capwell, 7(i; J. M. Rrown. 75; Tllllnglinst llreytoti, M; IX T. Capwell. 72. This is something one does not see on the street every day. or you will not find them In every small towir They are all hale and hearty and lnokas If they were all good for the century mark. Put those nre not all. We have several more old gentlemen here that are as old, (or nearly sot, ns the above named four, and we have two that are older. I'ncle Charlie Jackson, ss the boys call him. Is In his &:tnl year, enjoys good health, is our Sunday "news boy," and Is always ready for a scr.ip" with the boys. The nloest resi dent that we have Is Daniel Biddleman, whose age Is 84 years. Itst ednesdav evening Red Jacket Lodge. I. O. O. F., conferred the second and third degrees on candidate Thomp son, of tr, Mill City lodge, and candi date Famam. of Red Jacket loige. After the conferring of degrees a very nice supner was served by Caterers' Lilly and Hard, to Mill City lodge and all brother Odd Fellows present, our genial district grand master, brother G. V. Stanton had charge of the vm Ing's entertainment, and did all in his power to make everyone present have a s-nod time. Mill City lodge had two charter members-'present viz: Urothers Asa Frear and Smith. Red Jacket loilgi has only one charter member liv ing any more, and he was there, Hrother Charles Jackson. He has been a mem ber of the order 48 years. The visiting brothers departed for their respective homes nfter expressing their sincere thanks, extending a very cordial Invi tation to Red Jacket lodge to come over nnd portnke of their hospitality and good things to eat. Rev. Abel Wrlgley was calling on friends In town yesterday. Put Old Glory out to wave for Mr Klnley, Protection und sound money, AVOCA. Mrs. A'. Illnes. of Lincoln Hill, Is seriously III. Mrs. Richard Uier, of Richniondale, was a visitor In town this week. The school board Will meet In regular session on Monday evening. The Delaware and Hudson company will tap a United Press wire at the stu tlon today. It will be used on Tues day evening and the residents of the town will learn the returns of the elec tion as soon as receive'! at the central olllce. Contributions have been re ceived for the expenses Incurred from same and all contributors will be al lowed in the station on Tuesday even ing. A fee will be charged for ull others who wish to enter. Mrs. FltKpatrlck, of the West Side, Is suiYering from a fractured arm. The home camp meeting at the Methodist Episcopal church during the week have been largely attended. A number of visiting clergymen have conducted the services. Messrs. Jacob Webster, Edward Gib bons und J. J. Morahau attended the directors' meeting ut Wilkes-Hurre on Thursday, The A. O. 11.. R. of A., banquet at Herbert's hall on Wednesday evenimr was one of the most brilliant events of the season. The hall, decorated In Mowers and plants, presented a bower of elegance and splendor. After the en tertainment the guests repaired to the dining hulls, where n sumptuous re past was served by Mrs. M. A. Golden, assisted by an excellent corps of wait resses, who worked zealously to ap peae the appetites of the guests. About one hundred couples were present. Mrs. llowells. of Duryea. will visit Avoca twice a week, where she will re ceive pupils for voeul und Instrumental music. Miss Teresa Rurke. of Jermyn, Is vis iting friends In town. The borough and township t".'iehers returned from Institute yesterday. - Miss Helle Connor was a visitor In Scranton yesterday. Miss Kate Campbell Isvislting friends In Wilkes-Marie. .Miss Maine Hariett. of Hazleton. 1 the guest of her cousin. .Miss Mr.rg.'iret Kelt ley. Miss Jennie Whyte is visiting friends in Parsons. Exhibit today the American flag. J'.y thut sign let Republicans conquer. OLYP11ANT. Tonight the Republicans of this place will hold their monst-r muss meeting at the Father Muthew opera house. It promises to be the largest meeting ev-r held in tuwn. Speakers of pi oinir,en-e will discuss the issues of the dav. Every sound money udvocnte, regard less of political faith, should attend. Mrs. Rouhright. of Philadelphia, will deliver a lecture on "Health and How to Keep it." at the Rlakelv Bap tist church this afternoon to ladies. Xo admission will be charged. A sacred concert will be given In the Congregational church tomorrow even ing by the choir, under the direction of Prof. John Aston. W. J. Schubmeh! will receive the election returns at his office on Lacka wanna street Tuesday night. William Lawrence, of Providence, called on friends at this place yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Xealon attend ed the funeral of James Kearney at Scranton yesterday. A Hallowe'en social was held in Club of '9."i hall last evening. About twenty couple were In attendance. Rev. Peter Roberts is spending a few days at Plttston. M. K. Harnden spent yesterday at Carbondale. OLD FORGE. Mrs. Miles Smith and son, Frank, of Wyoming, jvere visiting friends in town on Wednesday. Mrs. John Word, who has been vls Itlrs friends in Kngland for the past three months, returned home on Wed nesday night. Drake and Stewart have Just re ceived n car load of potatoes. .'-'in Hnrbor Is limrnvlne hi . . r. d V. "t ' ---. T d br- af i ft 1' ' 'd t" vVi ' . itu ih.lr u..ugiiicr in Sugquunannu. WILpjARRE, THEY WILL PLAY GOLF. Team From tiio Wyoming Country t'lnb to Uo to Scranton. To-day the team of the Wyoming Country club will go to Scranton to play Scranton Country club. There is no end of Interest In this tiroject, and the team from this city will be accom panied by a big delegation of friends who will be supposed to root for the Wyoming Valley people all the time. The Wilkes-Itarre team contest of to-morrow will probably be made up from the following: Hemming, John son, Fred llillmun, Charles lAtvelutid, George M-Leun. George Ilillmitf. John A. Turner. Hlllard Bell, Wtillium Slmrpe, Fred North. Death of Mrs. I'urscl. Mrs. Mary Catharine Pursel, widow of the lute Peter Pursel. died lit 1! o'clock yesterday afternoon. She was M years old and lived in this commun ity tile greater part of her life. She was held in high esteem for a beautiful character, ami all the virtues that go to make a good Christian. She is sur vived by a daughter. Mis. IOIWn Heyea, of luinmore, Pa and a son, Artemius Pursel. of this city. The funeral will be at 10 o'clock on Monday, from the homestead, lo I'uion street. Hi Skull rrnctiired. There was a free fight at the tipper end of Canal street yesterday, and Thomas Harton was struck in the head with u stone and his skull was frac tured. He was admitted to the hos pital. I.VilOKiou nl'tJn. Joseph Conroy. of NaritlcoUo. was burned by an explosion of gas yester day utternoon at the Alden mine, lie was taken to the hospital. NOTES. Miss Moore, of New York, who has been the guest of Mrs. John X. Conyng hum, returned this week. The Daughters of the Revolution will meet on Monday night next, to hear an address on lininilioii. Warren J. KlU'k has returned to his California fruit farm, after a visit with his mother in this city. The coining folo chumpetre will be the next thing to absorb the attention of the young people. William D. llewnrth. clerk in the Miners' Savins lhnk, 1'Utstor,, and Miss Lou May Stevens were- tciln.ul In lvaiiiiice on Thursday evening, Rev. W. G. Simpson. Resisted by Rev. T. V Swan, performing the ceremony. Miss Margaret W. Lcilch. who has been for m.inv yeurs a missionary In India, will deliver a lecture ut Me morial Presbyterian church November fi at S p. Jii. under the auspices of the Wilkes-Carre Christian Kndeavor union. The subject for her lecture Is "Hindu Life, Religion und Manners." An invitation is extended to ull Kn denvot'S to be present. The following Wllkes-Rarreans i"it ed New York dining the week: .1. 11a r ber, A. Patterson. F. Theis, jr.. Mrs. Athortnii, i:. M. Klintz. C. J. Rice. Miss Lizzie McNally. of Philadelphia, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Her imrd Mobney. of South Sherninn street. Miss MiNallv formerly resided on the Heights. Mrs. Jerome Mever nnd children, of 1:S S.iulh Huiicck street, anil Mrs. A. Giiis. of Scranton. left for New York yesterday to attend the wedtlim? of their brother, a lawyer of that place. R. H. Dnvies, of llie Pittsburg Press, n cousin of If. W. o. Da vies. Is spend ing a few days ns the hitler's guest. Mr. Davies In here more esoeclaliv in the interest of the Christmas eistedd fod at Pittsburg. Among those who were in town this week to attend the obsequies of the late Mrs. K. H. Chase were the follow ing: Harold T. Chase. Topeka. Kans.; Mr. iiml Mrs. Samuel White, Haver hill, Mass.: George S. Che.i. Csm biiilce. Mass.: Kdmtiud Teylor. New York city: Mrs. John Tnyl-'f. Misses Annie nd Hessie Tm lor and John nod Robi rt Taj lor. of Hellil. iu.in. i: i Miss Clara Wilson, of Putorson. N. J. Put Old Glory out to wave for .Ve Kinley, Protection and sound m imy. MO-CO VY. Miss Ida Luvelaml. of Sen.ntoii. Is the yiiesl of her brother, .1. K. Love land. prank Cameron,, of ScriiTitun, la vis iting his uncle, !'.. .1. Cameron. Mrs. a. M. Whlltoii:. who lies been spending a few wiil-s In town, re turned to her home In ikiltlniore on Tuesday. Deputy Sherir L. C. Hi if tree, who has been vl.-itlug his dau",bter. Mrs. Kilwjrd WntiiOaeker. in Colorado for the pasi two months, fium d home this Week. Chuiies Csitii. nui. of Lour; Island city, spent a few !nys ihM week m his home here. Mllti'ii. lino 'l. who lis spent the past year ni Kil'v-rali! Colony. Gmir i.i. lvlmic'l In ne .'.i.in.l., Mrs. V S. IPIllien. hi" T br.ntr.t, spent Monday wiiii Mrs. II. L. Gaige. Allell l.il.M'i lUr. of S.THIIlon. 1 1 teaching I tie !lira' bund. He gave I'n-iii their lirsi rehearsal on Saturday night. i.osi oe Dale, of Siiaiilo'.i. was hunt ing iinasa!Hs in Ihis vicinity on Tii'S duy. Miss Pet.-rs. of lloboUi-ti. X. .1., was the guest ol tile Mioses i aiinoii during Hie w.-ck. Mrs. W. W. l.'Amoivuitx ai.l Mrs. J. Ftormtli. sometimes called wuti'i'lirnsh, mill bliliiilio' ::in. distress, nausea, dys)cia, arc cured by Hood's Sursu parillu. This it itreniiipiislifg because with iU wonderful power us u biood purifier, Hood's .S:ifs:iiafilla "entiy tones and strciitiicns the stomach und digestive organs, invigorates the liver, create un iippi'titc, gives refreshing sleep, und raises the health tone, in ease of dyspep-ia mid indigestion it serins to have a magic touch. " For over 12 year 1 guttered (rum soar Stomach with severe pains across my (shoulders, and great dial rets. I had violent nausea which would leave me very weak and faint, difficult to get my brer.th. These spells came oftener and moro revere. I did not receive any luting benefit from physicians, but found such happy effects from trial of Hood's Bareapnrllla, that I took several bottles and mean to always keep it in the house. I am now able to do all my own work, which for six years I have been unable to do. My husband and son have also been greatly bene fited by Ilocd's Sarsaparilla -far pains in the back, and after the grip. I gladly recommend this prad blood medicine." Mrs. Peter Bubby, Leominster. Mnss. Sarsaparilla In fir '.ut--: if "eiir --fit iv A"il i ?l".fl , , cm a Live I:U hi i IsOCd S PillS hick 11 ft.Kicb'uu. i InJOOds Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report s ABSOLUTELY PURE N. Noack spent Wednesday in Sivan toll. Tho Honesdnle District Preacher's meeting was held In the Methodist Kpiscopnl church on Monday and Tuesday. The programme was very interesting and the sessions were Well attended and much enjoyed. KxhSbit today the American flag. Ry thut sign let Republicans conquer. ci.akk's ;ki i:x. Harry Austin, of Mount Clair. X. J., spent Saturday and Sunday with rela tives and friends here, returning to bis duties us ticket agent on Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Jones on account of poor health of the latter, will take up their residence with their daughter, Mrs. It. K. Wheeler, very soon, cur usually quiet vllluge was aroused from its somnolence on Sunday after noon by the cry of lire. N. S. Davis' burn being the object of Its fury. Fire originated bv the kindling of a fire in his little girl's playhouse which she had arranged for the time in said burn. .Much anxiety was felt for the safety of a considerable portion of our vil lage, ns several buildings In the direct line, caught from the ylng sparkes the wind being a brisk northern one. blew It directly toward the village. The barn wos entirely consumed. R. I. Robinson killed his dog, on hav ing Very strong suspicions that the animal was on the verge of hydro phobia. The Hallowe'en party hnJJ at Mr. C. C. Cooks was largely attended and en joyed by the young people of the vicinity. The Methodist church Is undergoing a cont of paint of u drab color trimmed in white. Put Old Glory out to wave for Mc Klnliy, Protection and sound money. CL AUK'S SUMMIT. Mi-s Lottie Ace Is staying with Mrs. Rryon Lambsher for a short time. Miss Lilly Stark Is Improving from her recent illness. The water company are having an engine bouse built over the artesian well at last. We il! hope tor the water soon. Hick Colvin Is buildinff a fine house on Summit Park. ' " NICHOLSON. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. M. Ellsworth, of Imrrancetown, spent Thursday after noon with their cousin, Miss Maggie Switzer. A game of foot ball between the Wy oming und llerwlck teams will be played on the Seventh street grounds this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. John Lloyd received a dispatch from Colchester, Ills., Thursday, that her mother, Mrs. William Lee, was dead. Mrs. Lloyd left Wilkes-Rarre yesterday at 3 p. m. for Colchester, w here she will arrive Sunday at 6 a. m. 1 . T. Leucock, who bus been eon lined to his room for the past three weeks, was able to sit up fur a few minutes yesterday. liiirglHis entered the drug store of II. T. Gregory Thursday night. They gained an entrance through the front door by breuklng the lock. After go- FOUITEBTLMD EXTERNAL USE tiUlS AND lilKVKNTS C'.IJs, Count", Sure Thrvat, Influenza, Bron chitis, I'r.i'i.nicnla, twclling of the Joints, l.umbuKo, Inflummuiions, iiflKTIl, NEURALGIA, FROSTjiHS, CHILBLAINS. HCHE, T0.1THHCHG, fliTHIJIJ, DIFFICULT BREATHING. mil'S TUK WORST PAI.Va In from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after ivailniK this advertisement need any one Sri'TKR WITH PA IN. Kadr.uy's Ready Relief Is a Sure Cure fur livery Piin, h rains. Bruises, t'alns in the liuc.';, Chest ir I Imtis. It was the first and is tne only PAIN ktMI.UY That Instantly stops the most excruciating pains, iilluy.-i liirtaniinatloii, un l cures C'on-f-'eMiuns, viiet!rer of the Lungs, Stomach. Knwels, or olher glands or oik.iiim, by one aj, I'li, .u ion. A half to u teaspnonfnl In half a tumbler of uaicr will la :i !'. mintn-s cure t 'ramps, S,myn:s, Sour Sloiaarh, Heart, bin ii. Xervo'.isiicss. Sic ",iessncs, Siek lleailaehe. liiarrhiu. Leutei y, C'olie. liatuli Hi y an, I all Internal pains. There Is not a remedial agent in the world that will cure hever an, I Ague and all other Malarious, liitlioiis ami other fevers, nl, led bv It A 1 V A V'rf lil.l.S, so .pili kly as UAIiWAV'8 ItKAIiY RKI.i i:i.'. I'ilty cents per bottle. Sold by l)i ovists. RADWAY & CO., 55 Elm Strest, New York, . GREEH'S 607. 603 AND 609 Corner Washington Avenue and Thp Lite ROTircHT HARTHOT.OW PUD FKSSOR r MATKRIA AIIODICA, GKN KRAI. THKRAPEl'TIOS. unj HYDIKXR nf JEFKKKSUX MRDIOAL, CUVI-.10OW nf I'lillrUi'lplil i. said in his last work on niPilii'nl elctviolly: "Thn time Is not f:ir off when electricity for inc.llcnl nie will take the plnce of many druKs with the funi phenomenal suicess tluu nan marked the prepress of this science in the moving of cars lichtiiiR of streets and houses nnd for mineral motive power." It was In 1700 that UALVANl discovered the action of Bnlviinl"ni on ihf- nerves by experiment ins 'on a fnm. Kor 1K! years galvanism has continued to grow in prominence as a euro for disease. T.KT IT RR TUnROTTOHI.Y T7NDER PTtOD that Dr. Green is a graduate in medicine and phnrmecy, he has prescribed for thousands of patients who have never had an npnllrntlun of electricity, but ex perience and study has convinced him, ns It has Marton. Rockwell, M.nsey and o'h ers of prominent; that electricity Is the KIVO tiK MF.ntifAL RKXIKDIES. Benr in mind that proper electrical treatment. Willi tirst-clas'S appliances, Is NOT PAIN Fl'L. If you wish to know the result of Pr. Green's treatment for Rl.heiimatlsm write to H. E rtostiek. 2017 East Cumberlnnd treet. PhllMdelnhtn. Pa., of care Sea bury & Johnson, New York. Dp. Green's Elecfro-Therapelific Inslitiite, 607, 608 and 609 Mears Building, Scranton, Pa. Elevator Day and Night Open frost tvy m.t i p. m. to $ p. to. t 7.30 p.m. to 0 p.m. ItoEdn rowfa ing through the money drawer and get ting only a few pennies, they went through the safe, scattering the con tents ubout the room and leaving a pair of mining shoes in exchange for the damage done. - - WYOMING. Manley Mackay will address a politi cal meeting ut Field's Lrook school house tonight. The West Nicholson bund will be there. Dotl't. fiHVi'l thut ir.,n rv,i....i.- . - - n- ". VIUIIIPIIU -A. Grow will address a large assemblage at the opera house this afternoon, and mai jou win miss a goon thing If you are not there. Albert Hodney, of Clark's Summit, who o wiled u house and lot In this place, bus exchnnireil It fur ti, i,..,..i property at t'iereevllle. nie niir oy tne ludles of the Unl veisulist church hus been postponed from the nth and tith to the 11th and 1-th of November. This county Is assured two hundred for MeKiolev Tim 1?,m,i.ii..., .....t mute Is live hundred und the Demo cratic estimate is three hundred for isryan. ine difference is two hundred for McKlnley. Harry Wilson expects to move on his farm at Glonwood next spring. .linina ten ltifr.,1 ... ...! i... ki- - - - - p.. ,,,v,u iiii,j iiiti new house in Oak street Park the forepart of this week. Professor Hut ton. magician, gave two entertainments In the opera house this , eonesuay anu 'J nuraday even ines. There whh a i.in,l ait,,n.innna each evening. Eyhlhit t, win v Ihj A MD.lAn m e r . - ..ni. ... i, , , iin, i.i J that sign let Kepubllcans conquer. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their hii. while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tne cnua. sortens the gums, nllnvs all Daln. cures wind oniin ' the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be Bure ana caii tor "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. From fifty cents to three dollars saved by purchasing tickets via the Js'trk..! Plate Road. TAILORING. We Are Still at It Making suits at prices the people of Scrauton never heard of before. Our trade increases from week to week for these reasons : We sell cheaper. Our fits, in even the cheapest suits, are not surpassed in Scranton at any price. We cut, fit and make all our own goods right here in Scranton, and we are the only people making garments at any where near our prices that do this. K Suits from SI 1.00 (o $10.00. frauts from $3.00 up. Wl ' Wvomlnit Ave. . VJr V IO, Arcade Building. THE ROOMS I AND 2, COItl'LTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. MADE AT MO09IC AND RUSH. L.ALB WORKS. LA F LIN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric GidtcTii'a, Electrin Exiil'j.lsM. f ir ox plot! lut: blasts, Safety Kiisu, ituil Repauno Cloical Co. 's iFo'siVcs. ELECTRO-TKERflPEOTIC INSTITUT MEARS BUILDING Spruce Street, Scranton, Pcnna. The best of references, no oharse for pon Hiiltatlon, an Institute equipped with the latest achievements of Morion. K llson, Rnnney, Rockwell, McHrlde, Mcintosh mid others. Klectro Static Machines. Gal vanic, Karedle. Sinusoidal (Magnetic). Oulvano Vauterles, and electrodes of ev ery description. We have the finest X-Ray apparatus made. With electricity as a basis of treatment we are successful in cases of Rheumatism, Hoiit. Paralysis, Fcirema. Tumors, Sk'ri Troubles, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, the Wasting of Muscles, Poor Circulation, and all Nervous l!sea.s for which electricity Is dolus so much of late. The blood clot cnnina- Apoplexy an'l Paralysis can be dissolved and carried away by proper application of Galvanism and Faradlsm. Cures of Catarrh are belnjr made by the Inhalation of ozone from the Electro-static machine. We mleht mention hundred? of troubls which are amenable to electric treatment, but space will not permit. Ilr. Oreen treats all cases amenable, to electrical treatment, Is a emduate and ex perienced practitioner of medicine, has tho best of references, and will charge noth ing for consulatton. Those who cannot call should write for information. AUCTION 1 ffriiT Minimi nima i" in i 1 1 mi phi i in u mil Mini. 11 . 1 1 Having determined to retire from the Oriental Rug business, (on account of poor health), I have decided to dis. pose of my entire collection of Antique and Modern Turkish and Persian Rugs, Carpets, Hall Rugs, Draperies, Teakwood Cabinets and Pedestals, Antique Bronzes, Fine Bric-a-Brac, Pottery, Cloisenne, Ktc. The collection of Rugs and Car pets was selected with much care for a fine retail trade and you will find hundreds of very silky antique pieces to select from, many of them rare gems of the Oriental Weavers' art. The collection of Bric-a-Brac and other Oriental Art Goods from Japan, China and Iudia is so large that we cannot go into detail in describing it, but a personal visit during the exhibition days will more than repay you, A descriptive catalogue of the Rugs can be had on ap plication at our store. Exhibition, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 2, 3 and 4. AuctJon Sale will commence Thursday, Nov. 5, at 2.30 F. m. and 7.30 p. m. and continue each day at the same hours until the entire stock is disposed of. Seats will be reserved for ladies. j. By order of R. W. WESTCOTT, Jh, Importer of Orisntal Goods, 500 1ND 502 yOur Bargains f6r this week are great in Carpets, Rugs', Draperies, Upholstery Goods, Window Shades, I Easels, Screens, LioipIimsJ()U Cloths, Mat ' tings, Carpfet Sweepers, Etc. -I . LarfStTrSt0C finest Assortment. We Invite In spection, ve Urge Comj Read a1 of the bargaina advertised then come td Qur establishment and you wUl find everything here, quHty for quality AT L(ER pRCES. m, Odd. Main Entrance to Wyoming Hume. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF Scranton. -L Special Attentti Qven to Busirless and Per. sonai Accounts. Liberal Accoi to Calances and Res xmsibility. 3 Interest Afrowed :uimii:iinium:i!H!i!iuf 1 LOOK EVERYWHERE I 5 licn you go sliojiijing get tlie best don't be persuaded by plans- 3 5 ibis argtimcnts. Don't Imy lor tricudsliip's sake. Don't pay out a g 2 penny uutil you are nirii. It's far better to spend a little time in God- S ini; the best llian to spctid days regretting that you budn't bought at n g the best store. t g 0 i , r vt ,,'Xi I If Yoti 1 Wish to Shine 1-1 g Anions your circle of friends ycu B should wear good v.c!l made a well fitting Clothes You can. K We make it easy for jou pay a K little at a time. 1 Suits, $7.03, $9.00, $10, I Overcoats, 6,50, 8.50, llihB n&T 1 I Tinware ft M&? 3 0a Credit, tmJ:s a Too. --s-- . a i i a 225-227-218 iiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitinniiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiuiisl SALE OF 1 LftCKsWBM AVENUE. COR. WISHIRGTOIL Established 1873 SON & CO., 40p LACKAWANNA AVENUE. imodations Extended According on interest Deposits. ...miiimiiimiiiiimiiiimiimiiig READY FOR SALE ' I Now 50 Kockcrs tb it swia Up. s holstercd in plush, broca telle ana S and velours extra large size, made S B a fM mm a a mm a i a a M ti 3 Lace Certains and Otter Hangings On Credit, Too. a a Wyoming Avenue. 8 S fSlSlWj
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