The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 29, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Markets and stocks
Wall Street Review.
New York. Oct JS.-Hlgher rate, for
money, cull loans having advanced to 1-jt-r
omt. hai a disturbing 'nH"enf
the Stock excanK today and the prom
inent Usui durins the early trading ; ex
hihiiinir marked weakness. Price win
f.r--.i down V,a2 per ceiiU Sugar reu
;urlliieton and Quincy Chicago oa
IS. Si. I'aul 1,. KiKk Island l-,. Central
Klwtrie 1, Louisville and Nashville
.Manhattan Ps. -Missouri lat'itlc l'y. Jer
fy Ontrul li. Tt-ntimseo Coul 1 L.cain-t-r
Preferred U4, and Western Union 1. in
tho eia-clultiis Consolidated Oas dropped
2'... 1-oiilKVllle and Nashville wa solil ou
th imksiiik of tho dividend on NaKhvlllu.
OlvaitanooKii and St. Louis and the de
cline in ChicuBu Ou was attnliuted to a
rumor that tho qu.-stiou of distributing
the company's surplus wil not b acted
upon Just now. In the afternoon trading
a firmer tone, prevailed and a recovery of
huI-I per cent, ensued, Chicago as and
Suxar leudiiiK. Sugar was favorably tu
lluenced bv un uuvunre of cent in re
tined. liaws were also advanced us much.
Tho general 1st was benefited by a sharp
rise in wheat and a decline ill the money
rate to t, per cent. Final transactions in
call loans were made at 8 per cent, and
there were rumors of a stueezo late in the
week. Stocks at the close, while quiet,
were barelv steady in tone. Net changes
show losses of 'ja?; per cent. llanhuttan
rose ' per cent. Total sales were 137, &
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL
LEN & CO., stock brokers. Hears build
ing, rooms 7uj-7Wi.
Open- Illeh- Low- Clos.
inu. est. est. . Inn.
Am. Toliar.-o Co .... V'3 74 7:114 74
Am. Cot. OU M'a M'i M'a Hl
Am. SntT. ltc'g Co ..111 1M H-'a H-Vi
Alch.. to. & 3. Fa .. Wi M's ".
Can. South iit 4';'4 4!'i ''
Ches. & Ohio !."' l.Vs 1;V w
Chicago Oas IS- -:it
Chic. & N. Wt lt"S J""'"
Chic. H. y 74 7:;-'k 71'
c. c. e. m et. l .... T,i -su
Chic, .Mil. & St. P .. VI :' 71U fl'fc
Chic, H. I. & P IS C.i.j IU '', 64'
Delaware & Hud l-l!t J2'
Dlst. & C. F t's ''a '
Oen. Klectrlo S7'a I
Lake Shore l"'i 47'4 347 117
1-ouls. & Nash "4ii 4';' 45 4",'i
M. K. & Texas. Pr .. 2,Vi IV, 20' i '4
Manhattan lile 93
Mo. Pacilic 2l aiia 20'j 2o-4
Nat. Cordngs 4 4r-i 4rSi 4"
Nat. Ial K! 2:sl4 2:S" 2'4
N. J. Central -01 1N lull V3
N. Y. Central 9J"'H W,
N. Y.. S. & V Pr .. 2a'a SUij 2:i UV
out. & West 14 14 V.'H K'j
Omiha f. Il'i 41 i 4't-'i 4ii'j
racltlc Mall 21 21'4 2"'3 21'
Phil. & Head 2.V4 2(1 h
Southern J. p. X' 8'i f' S'i
Southern It. ., IJr.. 2.Va 2Ma 2I'4 :r
Tenn., C. & Iron .... 2;t'i 2a 23'- 23'4
Texas Pncino 7'j S 7'-j 8
I'nlon Pacilio S'i SJ 8 8
IPs I'i
i.v-, r,i r.'i
5s 84'i wf-
fi-: 6'i
9' 3 .U !"4
20'. 20 20
abash. Pr 1.V,
West. I'nlon
V. L 6iJ
V. S. Leather 9;l
V. 8. Leather, Pr ... fil's
U. S. Rubber a!4
WHEAT. Open.- High- Low- Clos-
lng. est. eat. !r.
December iw'4 71 H m 71
7iTs W-'ii 75
December K ISi IS'i 1SH
-May an, 210 21? 21ft
December rt- 214 24H 244
M-'V 27' 3 27v,
December 4.3R 4.30 4 20 430
146 4.uU 4.42 4.M
6.90 (.SO 6.90
7.S0 7.05 7.8(1
Fcrnnlon Hoard of Trade Rxchange
yiioirtiinus-All Quotation liaied
on rnr ol 100.
Dime Dep. & Dis Tlanlt 140
Pfrniiton Lace Curtain Co
National Coring & Drilling Co ...
First Nationnl Hank 650
Scranton Jar & Stopper Co.
Klmhnrst P.oulevard Co. ..... ...
Seranton SavliiRS Hank 200
Honta Plate Glass Co
Seranton Packing Co
Lackawanna Iron Steel Co. ...
Third National Bank 350
Throop Novelty M fg. Co
S ramon Traction Co 18
JVranton Axle Works
I.acl:'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 145
l.Vonomy Steam Heat &
Power Co 40
Seranton Pacs. Railway, first
mortpage due 1918 110
People's Street Rnllway, first
mortgage due 1918 110
Prranton & Plttston Trac. Co. ...
People's Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage due 1920 110
Dickson .Manufacturing Co
Lnckn. Township School 6
City of Seranton St. Imp. 6. ...
TiorotiKh of Wlnton 6 ...
ML Vernon Coal Co
Kcranton Axle Works ...
Scrar.ton Traction Co ...
New York Produce Market.
New York. Oct. 2S. Flour Steadier, tin
changed. Wheat Fairly active; f. o. b.,
S2:;4c; ungraded red, 71uSSc.; No. 1 north
ern. 79a 7U' 4c ; options advanced S'.iaS'tc,
I'ecllncd 'tc. on realizing, closed steady at
1 va'2 cents over yesterday; No. 2 red Jan
uary, 7Hc: 'March, 81?ic.; May, 81c; Oc.
tuber, 75Kc; November, 7C4c.; December,
T7"-sC. Corn Dull, firmer; No. 2. 3O04a31c.
Icvtaor; 'Jl'ialll'ic alloat; options dull
mid firm at "Jinlc. advance: October,
:'"'xc,; December, 8le.: May, 34'ic. Oats
Dull, firm; options firm, quiet; October,
"2l4:; Decemlisr, 2S'iC.; spot prices. No.
2.; No. 2 white, 25c- No. 2 Chi
cago, 24c; No. 3, EO'ic; No. 3 white, 22c:
mixed western, Eaakr.; white state and
western, 22.i31c. Provisions Inactive, un
changed. Butter Quiet, prices unchang
ed. Cheese Steady, price undhanged.
l'.i?gs Moderate demand; state and Penn
sylvnnlu, lSH-ailc; lee house, I4'4alc.;
western fresh, lUalSc; do. case, 2.7oa4.j0;
limed, 15c.
Chicago Grain and Provision Market
Chicago, Oct. 2J. 'Futures ranged as fol
lows: Wheat October, (SCabc.; Do
cember, fliuTO'SiC.; May, 7u'Sia755c. Corn
October, 2234a23V4c.; December, 2l'iia24'va.j
May, 27a2ls',4c. Oats October, 17al7'jc;
December, 18'4nl8Uc; May, 2iaj,a21'.o. SIobs
Pork December, $0.80at!.!H); January, S7.75
a7.S0. Lard December, $4.25a4.30; Janu
ary, f4.45a4.GO. Short Ribs December,
f3.S2V4a3.62l4: January, f3.82Via3.87'i. Cash
quotations follow: Flour, unchanged; No.
2 spring wheat, 6V4alc.; No. 3. 62aCSc. by
sample; red, 70a72'4C.; corn, 23a23V4c; oats,
17-1al7'4c.; rye, 3.5c; barley, 35c, nominal;
llax seed, 69a9V4c: primo timothy seel,
J2.40, nominal; mess pork, fti.90a7; lard,
$4.25a4..".0; ahort ribs, sides, W.OOaS.KO:
shoulders, f4a4.25; short clear sides, fla
4.12',j; whisky, J1.18.
Philadelphia Provision Market.
Philadelphia, Oct. 28. Provisions -were
steady and In fair Jobbing demand. We
quote: City smoked beef, llaJ2c; beof
hams, flij.25nl6.50, as to average; pork,
family, fll; hams, S. P. cured, in tierces,
fa 10c.: do. smoked. lOallVic, as to aver
age; sides, ribbed, in salt, 4'4a4V2c; do. do.
smoked, 6a5V4c; shoulders, pickle-cured,
5V4a5Vic; do. do. smoked, eViaec; picnic
hams, S. P. cured, SaS'tc; do. do. smoked,
6af,Vic; bellies, In pickle, according to
average, loose, 6u6V4c.; breakfast bacon,
7a7V4c, as to brand and average; lard,
pure, city refined. In tierces, 5V4a5V4cj
do. do. do., lu tubs, CH-aa'Sc; do. butch
ers', loose. 4K.a4-i;c eitv li.Ih.w in
heads, 39c; country do., 2-)ia3iic., as to
Chicago Live Stock.
Union Stock Yards Oct. 2S.-Cattle-
.iioiirci in hi aim rmiiic. nigner; common
to extra steers, f3.30a5.10; utockers and
feeders, f2.60a3.65; cows and butchers', f2.55
a3.16; calves, I3a6; Texans, f2.60a3.23; west,
em rangers, f2.35a3.IS0. Hogs Market slaw
and 5al0c lower; heavy packing and ship
ping lots, f3.15a3.45; common to choice
miAl 'I 1fta9 C(l. Kv.l. . , ... ...
f.4u; light, f3.15a3.50; pigs, f2.50a3.40. Sheep
"-"'. jw.wv iruu; maraei aieaay; in
ferior to choice, fl.75a3.25; lambs, 2.75a4.2i.
Oil Market.
OH City, Oct 28.-Optlon oil, 118; credit
balances, 117.
From the Industrial News.
Messrs, Roberts and Roberts, the Re
publican candidates for county commis
sioners, are daily gaining strength and the
l.earer election dav anDroaches the larirei
grow tht-lr majorities. They are deserv-'
Ing of a re-election and those who favor
honest and economical administration of
the county commissioners' office should
-rota for Uau.
Valuable Real Estate
By virtue of sundry writs of Flrl Fa
cius. Levari Facias and Venditioni Lx
ponas, issued out of the court of common
picas of Lackawanna'coutity, to me di
rected, I will exiose to public sale by ven
due or outcry, to the highest and beat
bidders, for cash, at the court house. In
the city of Seranton, Lackawanna coun
OF XOVKMBEH, A. D., 1H96, at 10
o'clock In the forenoon of said day, all
the right, title and Interest cf the de
fendants In and to teh following de
scribed lots, pieces or parcels of land,
No. 1. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant. John Edwartowskl in and to
all that certain lot or piece of ground with
the buildings and improvements thereon
erected, situate In the. Twentieth ward cf
the city of Seranton, county of Lacka
wanna and state of Pennsylvania, de
scribed as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point on the southwester
ly side of Palm street at the distance of
two hundred and forty-five C245) feet south
easterly from the southeasterly side of
l'rospect avenue, containing in front or
breadth on the said Palm street forty (101
feet and extending of that breadth In
length or depth southwesterly at right
angles with the said Palm street one hun
dred and fifty (1501 feet.
Excepting and reserving all coal nnd
minerals beneath the surface of said lot
or piece of ground, being the same land
conveyed to the said John Edwartowskl by
the United Security Life Insurance and
Trust company of Pennsylvania by du.'J
dated tho 25th of April. 195. and duly re
corded In the office for recording deeds
In said Laekawnna county in deed hook
No. 124 nt page Ms. etc. All Improved with
a two-story and basement double brick
dwelling house.
Seized and taken In execution nt the
suit of United Security Life Insurance
and Trust company of Pennsylvania vs.
John Edwartowskl. Debt, tl.823.25. Judg
ment No. 1102. September Term, 1S96. Lev.
fa. to November Term, 1S!W.
No. 2. All the right, tltlo and lnter?st
of tho defendant, James Cunimings, in and
to all that certain lot or piece of ground
with the buildings and Improvements
thereon erected, situate In the X'ouvteenth
ward of the city of Seranton, county of
Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania,
described according to a survey thereof
dated the 18th of June, 1&95. made by A, H.
Dunning, Jr., surveyor, as follows, to wit:
Situate on the southeasterly side of
Chestnut street, beginning at the distance
of two hundred and sixty-nine and five
hundredth 2'i 6-100) feet southwesterly
from the southerly corner of said Chest,
nut street and Swetland street, containing
In front or breadth on the said Chestnut
street fifty (50) feet and extending of that
breadth In length or depth southeast
ward ly one hundred and fifty (ISO) feet.
Bounded northeastwardly by ground nf
James Guhagan, southeastwardly by
ground of R. McCSowan, southwestwardly
by ground of P. Kearney and northwest
wardly by said Chestnut street (which
premises Sylvanus F. Brown by an Inden
ture dated the Sixth day of February, A.
D 1&& and recorded in deed book No. 5,
page 14', etc., granted and conveyed unto
the said James Cunimlnys In fee). Saving
and reserving all coal and minerals be
neath the surface of the said lot as set
forth In the said Indenture. All Improved
with two (21 two-story and basement
frame dwelling houses and out-bulldings
Seized and taken In execution nt the suit
of United Security Life Insurance and
Trust company of Pennsylvania va James
Cummlngs. Deht. fl,425.67. Judgment No.
1101, September Term, 1896. Lev. fa to
November Term, JS!Ki.
No. 3.-A11 the right, title nnd Interest
of the defendants, Josi ph Kolar nnd Anna
Kolar, In and to all the surface of a lot
of land situate In the borough of Wlnton,
county of Lackawanna and state of Penn
sylvania, In tract known as "David
Brown" tract, described as follows, to wit:
Being lot number twenty-one (21) in
block K and situate Upon street known as
Second avenue, us shown on map recorded
In Lackawanna county In deed hook No. 63,
page 47, etc., said lot measuring fifty (5u)
feet In front nnd one-hundred and fifty
(150) feet In depth and being In rectangu
lar shape. Being the same lot of land con
veyed by Isaac T. Hand, trustee to Josph
and Anna Kolar as recorded In Lacka
wanna county, Improved with a two story
frame dwelling house and out houses.
Seized and tuken In execution at the suit
of German Building association No. 7, vs.
Joseph Kolar and Anna Kolar. Debt,
t2,8O0.00. Judgment. No. 98, November
Term, lSUd. Fi. fa, to November Term,
BAUuLVN, Att'y.
No. 4. All the riht, title nnd interest of
the defendants, Peter Jackson and Julia
Ann Jackson, In nnd to all that certain
piece of land situate in the borough of
Dunmore, county of Lackawanna and
state of Pennsylvania, being the northerly
half of lot number two (2), In square or
block number eleven (11) nnd fronting
Sherwood street; the said lot being fifty
eight and one-half (5SVfcl feet In front on
Sherwood street and two hundred and
twenty-five (2251 feet In depth, being a
part of the Parker & Throop allotment of
the Sherwood fujin and conveyed to Peter
Jackson and his wife, Julia Ann Jackson,
now deceased, by deed made the 15th dav
of May ,18U4. as recorded in Lackawanna
county In deed book No. 114, page 1X1, etc.
Improved with a two-story frame dwelling
house and outhouses.
Seized nnd taken In Execution at the
suit of German Building and Loan asso
ciation, No. 7, vs. Peter Jackson ami Julia
Ann Jackson. Debt, fl.OOO.OO. Judgment
No. 99, November Term, 181)6. Fi. fa. to
November Term, li!W.
BAUMAN. Att'y.
No. 5.-AU the right, tltlo and Interest of
the defendant, Joseph Casscsse, adminis
trator of Dominlo Uorafolo, deceased, In
and to all that certain messuage or lot
of land situate in the Borough df Dun
more, county of Lackawanna and state of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described ss
follow? to wit:
Lot numbered sixty-seven on plot of vil
lage: lot laid out by Andrew D. Spencer In
said Dunmore, commencing at a corner of
Franklin street and Mortlmore street,
thence north 63Vi degrees west one hun
dred and twenty-three feet to a corner
thence north one degree east seventy,
three and one-hulf feet to a corner, thence
east C3V4 degrees south one hundred and
fifty feet to a corner on the edge of Frank
lin street, thence south 22 degrees west
along the edge of Franklin street sixty,
five feet to the place of beginning. Con
taining about eight thousnnd nine hundred
and seventy square feet of land, the same
more or less. Excepting nnd reserving the
coal and minerals beneath said lot.
Improved with a two story frame dwell
ing house and outbuildings. Seized and
taken In execution at the suit of Thomas
Kelly, assigned to D. G. Wescott, vs. Jo
seph Cassesse, administrator of the estate
of Dominlco Garafola, deceased. Debt,
11.154.25. Judgment No. 643, September
Term, 1S96. Lev. fa. to November Term.
1S36. M. F. SAN DO, GEO. S. HORN.
ALSO ,AiVya-
"No. . All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, Patrick Dougherty, In and
to all the following described lot, piece or
parcel of land situate in the city of Seran
ton. county of Lackawanna and state
of Pennsylvania, described as follows:
Being the front part of lot No. 24, In
square or block No. 83. and being thlrtv
one and eight-tenths (31 8-10) feet In front
on Prospect avenue, the same width In
rear, and thirty-six and one-tenth (36 1-10)
feet In depth, with the right of way to a
private passage way eight feet wide on the
southerly side of said lot. Improved with
a story and half frame dwelling thereon.
Being part of the same land conveyed by
John Qulnnan, ext. of the last will of Pat
rick Davltt, deceased, to Patrick Dough
erty, by deed dated 9th of October, 1893,
and recorded In Lackawanna county in
deed book No. 106, page 93, etc.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit
of assigned to Daniel Langstaff vs. Patrick
Dougherty. Debt, flOO. Judgment No. 669,
May Term, 1834. FI. fa. to November
Term, 1896. STREETER, Att'y.
No. T.-Atl the right, title anil Interest of
(ha dtftAdaata, Annie Daao. arimlnlitra-
trlx of Michael Dano, deceased; Annie
lmiio, widow of Michael Dano; Joseph
fcuhwa. guardian of Mary Ondeek and An
nie Dano. minor children and heirs of
Michael Dano. deceased, in and to all those
Lertuin lots of land situate in. the town cf
.teacup, borough of Winton, county of
Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at the corner of Grassy ave
nue and Meylert avenue, thence running
northwesterly on the easterly slue of Mey
lert avenue 200 feet to an alley thence
northeast on said alley 126 feet near the
public road, thence on a line with said pub
lic road 210 feet, more or less, to Grassy
Island avenue, thence southwest on Gras
sy avenue W feet to Meylert nvenue and
place of beginning. Being lot No. 106 and
parts of lots No. M and 102, on the town
plot of Jessup. Coal and all other minerals
reserved. All Improved with one frame
hotel building, ono double and two single
frame dwelling housese and other out
buildings. Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of E. Robinson's Sons vs. Annie Dano,
administratrix et al. Debt, J1S9.S4. Judg
ment No. 135, .March Term, ISaO. Vend, ex.
to November Term.
O'BRIEN & KELLY, Att'ys.
No. 8. -All the right, title and interest of
the defendant. Emily F. Smith, surviving
executrix of John 8. Smith, deceased, in
and to all that certain lot or piece of land
situate in the township of North Ablng
ton. county of Lackawanna and stute of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: :
On the north by land now or late of Ira
Tripp; on the east by land now or late of
Benjamin Swallow; on tho south by land
now or late of S. W. Blatchlev; on the
west by land now or late of Newell Callin
der. Containing twelve acres and elghty-elj.-ht
perches of land, be the same more or
less. Being the same property as was con
veyed to said John S. Smith from J. C.
Miles, et al., by deed dated Sept. 25th, 1S82,
which deed is recorded in the office for re
cording of deeds. In and for the county
of Lackawanna, In deed book 81, page 88,
Excepting and reserving therefrom all
the land mentioned nnd described In deed
from Isaac Ellls.'ot al.. to N. T. Purdy,
which deed Is dated May 10th, 1SM3, and is
recorded in the office for the recording of
deeds, etc., In and for the county of Lack
awanna, in deed book No. hH). page 2W,
etc. Being about four acres and thirty
two perches of land, more or less.
Second All tho right, title and Interest
of the defendant In and to all that cer
tnin lot or piece of land situate In tho
borough of Dalton, county of Lackawanna
and stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to wit: On the
southwesterly side by lands of Mrs. War
ren and the Fnctoryville and Abington
turnpike: on the northwesterly side by
lands of Frank Colvin: on the northeaster,
ly by lands of Martha N. Dean and the
estate of Mrs. M. A. Dixon: on the south
easterly side bv Iike street and land of
Mrs. Warren. All Improved with a two
story frame dwelling house, barn and
other outbuildings thereon. Also fruit
Seized and taken In execution nt the suit
of O. K. Brink vs. Emilv F. Smith, execu
trix. Debt, 108.21. Judgment No. 296,
September Term. 1896. Vend. Ex. to No
vember Term, 16D0.
No. 9. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant. James VV. Barber, In and to
all the following described lots, pieces or
parcels of land, situate, lying and being
In the township of Madison, county of
Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
The first thereof, beginning at a point
of lands now or lute of Isaac Depuy and
Anthony Mnloney, fifty feet at a right
angle from the center of grade of the Del
aware, Lackawanna and Western railroad,
on tho westerly side of said road, thence
north twenty-four degrees east, forty-one
rods and nlc'een links to a stake on tho
east side of jnilng Brook, In line of lot
No. 159, south fifty degrees east two hun
dred nnd twenty-six rods to a stone cor.
ner; thence by lot No. 193 of the Drinker
Survey, north forty degrees east one hun
dred and forty-four rods to a stone corner;
thence by lots No. 200 ami No. 193 of the
Drinker Survey, north fifty degrees west
two hundred nnd fifty-seven roils to a stone
corner; thence north: then north sixteen
degrees west eighty rods to a stone Cor
ner: thence by land in name of Lewis Ear
ner, west ninety-two rods to stones at fal
len Hemlock on original corner; thence by
land In name of Wllllnm Well, south two
hundred seven nnd a half rods to a polrft
fifty feet at risht angles from the center
of said railroad on the westerly side;
thence hy line running parallel with same,
to the place of beginning; containing threo
hundred and slxty-onu acres and two
Excepting nnd reserving therefrom, how
ever, about eleven acres sold to D. Whee
ler, thirty-four acres sold to J. M. Rhoads;
thirty-seven acres sold to Enoch Gardner;
twenty-five acres sold to William Simp
son; ono acre sold to Mrs. K. Gardner;
thirty-six acres sold to A. Van Cleef;
about fifty acres sold to U. O. Schoon
maker. and about five acres sold to Robert
Rollston. There being about (137) one
hundred and thirty-seven acres of land In
aforesaid described premises which are
conveyed or Intended to be conveyed by
this deed, be the same more c less.
Second Also nil the right, tltlo nnd In
terest of the defendant In and to all that
certain lot. piece or parcel of land, situ
ate in the township of Madison, county of
Lackawanna, slate of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning nt a small Beech, original cor
ner a corner nlso. A corner nlso of War
rants of John Weltzel and Ruth Bronaon;
thence by the last named Warrant nnd by
part of original lot No. 157 east, one hun
dred and ninety two perches to a stone
heap corner; thence by part of lot No. 100
nnd port of lot No. 159, north fifty degrees
west about one hundred and ten perches to
a stone corner set In line of lot No. 159:
thence by other part of lot No. 158, west
about twenty-six perches to a post set for
a small piece of land of about one-half
acre, by George Swartz for Larry Miller;
thence by that survey nearly south, six
and three-fourths perches to a post;
thence southwest per said survey, ten
perches to the turnpike road; thence hy
the same, southwardly about four perches
to a slone corner of other landu sold to
L. Miller by George Swnriz on said turn
pike; Ihence by said land south 81 degrees
west about seventy-one perches to a
beech sapling, corner In line of warrant of
John Weltzel and thence by said land
couth, to a small beech, the place of be
ginning. Being part of original lot No. 158, except
ing and reserving out of this last described
lot of land, twenty and ninety-seven one.
hundredths acres of land sold to W. G.
Third Also all the light, title and In
terest of the defendant in and to all that
certain lot, piece or parcel of land, sit
uate in the township of Madison, county
of Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at the southeast corner of the
John Weltzel Warrant, . thence nloriif
south line of said Warrant, north elghtv
elght and one-half degrees, west, one
hundred and twenty-four perches; thence'
along lot now or late In possession of John
and James McCandless, north one and a
half degrees east seventy-two perches;
thence along line of lot now or late In
possession of Simon Schwartz, south eigh.
tv-eight and n half degrees east one hun
dred and twenty-live rods to Warrant line
thence alone the same, south, two degrees,
west, seventy-two perches to the placo of
beginning. Containing about tlt'ty-slx
acres and four perches, be the same more
or less.
Fourth Also nil the right, title and In
terest, of the defendant In nnd to all that
certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situ
ate In the township of Madison, county of
Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described ns follows, to wit:
Being the northern half of lot No. one
In Colt's survey of Butler's tracts and
containing forty-four acres nnd six perches
of land be the same more or less, and
bounded on the north by lands now or late
of Edward Simpson, on the enst by lands
now or late of R, Noble, on the southby
lands now or late of Amos Carl and west
by lunds now or late of Israel Depuy.
The four above described lots of land
being part of the same lands described In
deed from P. J. Kinney, sheriff of Lu
zerne county, to N. G. Parke, dated June
6. 1S7S, ami recorded In Luzerne county, In
deed book No. 213, page 359, etc
Improved with one large dwelling house
known as the Homestead, one small dwell.
Ing house, one hay-barn, one cow barn,
stable and wagon house, one barn on the
back end of the farm and two apple orch
ards. Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of Sarah Lotllse Barber, assignee of N. G.
Parke, executioner of estate of W. C. Gll
dersleevo, vs. James VV. Barber. Debt,
38,493.79. Judgment No. 1219, September
Term, 1898. Lev. fa. to November Term,
1896. C. H. WELLES, Att'y.
No. 10. All the right, title and Interest cf
the defendant, William Hardwlck, In and
to all the following described lot of land
In Throop, Lackawanna county, Pennsyl
vania, described aa follows:
Lot number sixty-five (65) and situate
upon street called and named Murray
street, upon the plot of lots of said Pan.
coast Coal company, entitled "William
Bayne's Hick M. E. map of lota of the
Pancoast Coal Company," wt Ich map or
filot Is recorded In the office for record
ng of deeds, etc., In and for the county
of Lackawanna, la deed took No, 26, page
6C2. said lot being sixty (60) feet In front
and one hundred and eighty-eight (188)
feet In depth on southeast side, and one
hundred and ninety -six and one-half (196Vy
feet in depth on the northwest side. Be
ing same property conveyed to said Will
lam Hardwlck by the Pancoast Coal com
pany, by deed dated 3rd March, 1S90, re
corded In said recorder's office In deed
book No. 69, page 262. Coal and other min
erals excepted and reserved. All Improved
with a two story fnvne, shlngle-roof
dwelling house, outhouses)) fruit trees,
shrubbery, etc.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of the New York Mutual Savings and
loan association vs. William Hardwlck.
Debt, 719.04. Judgment No. 1214, September
Term, IS. Lev. fa. to November Term,
1896. WATSON & DIEHL, Att'ys.
No. 11. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, Antonio Alello, In and
to all the surface or right of soil of all that
lot of land, situate In the city of Carbon,
dale, county of Lackawanna, stute of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
Beginning In the south-easterly line of
an Irregular lane, at the westerly corner
of lot of land heretofore conveyed to Katie
T. Linen, thence by said lot, south fifty
seven (57) degrees east forty-eight (48) feet
to a corner, thence by another irregular
lane, south twentv-three (23) degrees
west, seventy-seven (77) feet nnd north
seventy and three-fourths (70-) degrees
west, fifty-eight (5s feet to the aforesaid
line of the first-mentioned lane, thence by
said lane, north twentv-nlno and one
fourth (29Vi) degrees east, ninety (90) feet
to place of beginning, being the same lot
which the president, managers and com
pany of the Delnwnre and Hudson Canal
company, by deed duted tho 24th day of
May, 1892, granted and conveyed to the
said Antonio Alello and further described
as lot No. 506 on a may of out-lots of said
company, on a tract of land In the war
rantee name of Jacob Porter, with a two
(2) story frame dwelling house, a one-story
frame store building and outbuildings
Seized and t.-.ken In execution at the
suit of John Gilbert vs. Antonio Alello.
Debt, f744.oo. Judgment No. 781, January
Term, 1MHS. Lev. fa. io November Term,
ISM. Also nt the suit of John Gubert vs.
Antonio Alello. Debt, fl.OOO.ilo. Judgment
No. 11 March Term, 1895. FL fa. to No
vember Term. 189'J.
No. 12. All the right, title and Interest
of the defendant, Antonio Alello, In and to
nil that certain lot of land, situate in the
First ward of the city of Carbondale,
county of Lackawanna, state of Pennsyl
vania, being the easterly half of lot No.
60S, on map of out-lots of the Delaware
und Hudson Canal company, bounded and
described as follows:
Beginning In the southwesterly line of an
Irregular lane, at the northerly corner of
out-lot No. 507 on said man conveyed to
Lulgt Fazio, thence hy said lot No. 607
south twenty. three (23) degrees west one
hundred and fifty-eight (158) feet tnd
eight-tenths (8-lo) of a foot to land of Mary
Cavlston; thence along land of said Mary
Cavlston north seventy-one and ono
fourth( TP.,) degrees west thirty-live nnd
eight-tenths (X5 8-10) feet to a corner half
way across said lot. No. 608; thence In a
northly direction and through the middle
of lot No. 5ti6, one-hundred and fifty-nine
(159) feet to said irregular lane; thence
by said line of lane south sixty-nine and
three-fourths (69) degrees enst thirty-live
and eight-tenths (35 8-10) feet to the be
ginning, being the easterly half of lot con
veyed by the Delaware & Hudson Canal
company, to James Dnttoli and Antonio
Aiello, by deed dated November 21, 1894,
coal reserved. Improved with a two (2)
story frame dwelling house, a bake oven, a
frame barn and outbuildings thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit
of John Gubert vs. Antonio Alello. Debt,
tl. ("10.00. Judgment No. 11 March Term,
1895. FI. fa. to Novemher Term, 1S96.
No. 13 All the right, title end Interest
of the defendants, Ralph Romano and An
tonio Aiello, and to all that certain lot,
piece or parcel of land situate In the First
ward of tho city of Carbondale, county of
Lackawanna and state of Pennnsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point on the easterly side
of Dundnff street, In said city, on the
north bank of the Delaware and Hudson
Canal company's canal or race; thence
northerly along said Dundaff street fifty
three (53) feet more or less, to a point, be.
ing southwest corner of land of Ceasar
Mazzlo; thence In an easterly direction
along land of said Mazzio and at right,
angles to said street, sixty-six (66) feet
to a corner; thence In a southerly direc
tion and parallel with said street, fifty
three (53) feet to line of land of Van Ber.
pen & Co., thence In a westerly direction
along land of said Van Bergen & Co. sixty-six
(6(1) feet to the place of beginning,
Improved with a three (3) story frame
building used as a hotel and a store, with
a small frame kitchen attached, and out
buildings thereon.
Seized and token In execution at the suit
of the Carbondale Miners' and Mechanics'
Bavlrgs bnnk vs. Ralph Romano and An
tonio Alello. Debt, $3,500.00. Judgment
No. 72, Novemher Term, lSDi. FI. fa, to
November Term, 1896.
All of which will be sold for cash only.
Sheriff's office, Seranton, Pa., Oct. 14,
CALL UP 3632,
I uu niiu m
1LW. COLLINS, Manager.
Complexion Proservsd
Removes Freckles, Pimples.
Liver . Molls Bliekheadi,
Sunburn and Ttn, and re. '
stores the skin to its origi
nal treynncss, producing ai
clear and health; com-tj
plcxlon. Superior to all faro
preparations snd peneetly
tiruggitts, or moiled lor JOeu.
hirmle.a, At "ell
Beud ior Circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP Unplr InwmpviMe u a
Ikln uiirTli Snip, uatiinlM for the tolta, Mil vltbont ft
rlv.1 for the nuwry. Ahaolut'lr pur. ul Sflhtimy MSI
raud. Atdraniita, Price 25 Cents.
fk. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo. O.
For Bale ty MATTHEWS BROS, and
JOHN H. PHELPS. Seranton. Pa.
fraa lib.
Made a
MthD.y.JfF' of Me.
TKB O.PKAT 30th bay
produces the above results In 30 days. It ctf
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail
Young mea will regain their lost manhood, and old
men will recover their youthful visor by tulnn
RKVIVO. It quickly and surely mtorea Nervous
neas. Lout Vitality. Impotency. Nlfbtly KmlMlou
Lost rower, Falling Memory, Wantlns Diseases, and
all Acts of self-akuM or temsaad Indiscretion
which nnflta one for r ady. biistneaa er marriaf a. It
not only enras by atartlna at the seat et iMUt. bin
is a f mat nene tonle and blood builder, brine
Ing back the plak (low to rale cheeks aid r
(tertng tba Are of youth. It wards off fnianlt
tod Couumvtlao. lasiat oa baying RBVI VO, a
'ther. It eaa be carried In teat pocket. By mail
l.OO per package, or ail for SS.OO, with a pos
e written guarantee to ear or rerun
he money. Circular free. Addreaa
"'l Mruicme f 8f CHICAGO, w
For Sale by MATTHEWS BROS, Drag
Ut toraatoa. Fa.
124-126 Wyoming Ave,
Will place on sale the follow
ing extraordinary values in
new and choice merchandise.
We invite inspection through
out our establishment and
you will find we are money
savers for you:
Assorted lot of Black Dress Goods,
every piece all wool, worth from Cue.
to 75c. Leader's price, J..e.
One case Double Fold Plaids all colors,
worth 10c, Leader's price, 10c.
8 pieces Coverts-, very henvy 56-lnch, In
navy, brown, grey and black, worth
69c. Leader's price, 33c.
10 pieces Boucle Dress Goods In all
hades, worth 59a Leader's price. Sic.
One case Towelling, worth Cc. Lead
er's price, 20. ,
One case 0-4 Unbleached Sheeting,
worth lac. Leader's price, 11c.
100 dozen Heady-Made Sheets, 10-4, ex
ttu heavy Muslin, regular prlcu Sue.
Leader's price, 3!)c.
One bale 36-Inch, Unbleached Muslin,
worth 6c. Leader's price 4c.
10 pieces all Linen Half-Bleached
Tuble Unmask, regular price 25c.
Leader's price, 19c.
10 pieces all Linen Half-Bleached
Table Damask with red border, V0
Inches wide, worth 65c Leader's
price, 39c.
One lot Plaid Tarns, worth 19c. Leader's
price, 10c.
One lot Plain Tains, worth 25c. Lead
er's price, 19c,
One lot Untrlmmed Felts In latest
shapes, worth 69o. Leader' price, 49c.
One lot Plaid Walking Hats, worth 69c.
Leader's price, 49c
One lot Silk Infants' Caps, worth 49c.
Leader's price, 25c
One lot Trimmed Hats, worth 12.98.
Leader's price, $1.98.
One lot Trimmed Felts, worth $3.98.
Leader's price, $2.98.
Velvet Hats in latest designs, worth
$5.00. Leader's price, $3.98.
50 Seal Plush Capes, fur trimmed, full
sweep, worth $1.00. Leader's price,
25 Seal Plush Capes, thlbet, fur and
brown oppossum trimmed, silk lined,
full sweep, worth $6.00. Leader's
price, $4.49.
24 Plain Black Beaver Cloth, Double
and Single Capes, fur and braid
trimmed, worth $3.00. Leader's price,
35 Black and Blue Beaver Cloth Capes,
velvet collar, braid trimmed, worth
$2.00. Leader's price, $1.19.
76 Children's Reefers, all colors, sailor
collars, braid trimmed, all sizes,
worth $2.50. Leader's price, $1.99.
20 Ladles' Beacer Jackets, box fronts,
the newest sleeve and back, worth
$5.00. Leader's price, $2.79.
25 Ladles' Tailor-Made Jackets In all
wool boucle made In the latest style,
worth $0.00. Leader's price, $4.49.
25 Ladles' Flpured Brllllantlne Skirts,
Ave yards wide, lined throughout and
velveteen bound, worth $3.00, Lead
er's price, $1.69.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants,
tleece lined, worth 25c. Leader's price,
36 Ladles' Changeable Taffeta Silk Waists
In all the newest shades; lined through
out; worth $6.00. Leader's price, $3.9.
Men's Neckwear In most exclusive
shapes and patterns, new and gor
geous colorings, worth 75c. Leader's
price, 49c.
20 Dozen Men's Night Shirts, ex-.ra
quality, plain and fancy, worth 50c.
Leader's price, 35c.
20 dozen Extra Quality Men's Fleece
Lined Underwear, all sizes, worth C9c.
Leader's price, 49c.
Eoys' Black Ribbed Hose, spliced
knees, sizes 6 to 9'4, worth 25c. Lead
er's price, 15c.
Ladles' Black Cotton Hose, worth 12'4c.
Leader's price, 3 pair for 25c.
500 pieces Black and Fancy All-Silk
Ribbons, In widths from three to five
Inches, none in the lot worth less
than 25c, and some as high as 50c.
Choice of any, I2V2C
What Prh Bernht'd
Caaemte sr tmc HiaHtar Maaicai. Atmrasmi.
rtiwEYou irrnDDU
'asthma wimnnn
IftHatra will cure you. t
wondernil boon tn sufferer
from Vela's, SoreThraat
laflwenva. H roaehltlc
orllAY FTTVCK. AWimi
immttHattrtlttf, anrnlcleu
rem,w1w. inn,,nl,nt tn rmrr:
tn Borkat.reartT to Jl on Brat Inrileattnn of cold.
Ceatlaeea Vim AsTeeta Perniaaent Cnre.
SatitfacUon guaranteed or mvney re funded. Price,
9 eta. Trial tree at Urnaglita. Registered in all.
leeuu. La(SlIslCr.,tarliTwlbillD.l.l
HPMTUni Taa eumt and aafert remedy fre
HIKII I nvi, all aklndlaaaseSjRrsema. Itch.Sa'
Rbeamirt nreejiuriia. Cut. tVsnderml rei
tdrforrll.Ka. r Mea, A eta. at Drug-D g I '
ita or by mail pri'xl. A miresa aa aboT. OeW
For Mia by MATTHEWS BROS, and
10HN U. PHELPS, Seranton. Fa.
Coal Eschange, Orp, Hotel Jcrnyn.
We have the finest store aud most eonii'.ete
stock In all this suction, of
Our Prices are always bottom.
If you have not seen us In our new atore it
w ill pay you to call.
The butrbly Appointed nlid Coinniudlotu
S'te.'l FfMiiiMhip.
Amerleau tlirougb ami through,
leave Bullnln 'I iifKrinv and Kririuys 9-30 p.m.
fur Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Soe,
Duluth, and Western Points, pasaiug; all
).lucea of interost by la-li;lit in conuoc tiou
it forma the moat direct route, aud from v
cry of ruiuparisnn. tho most delightful
and comfortuMe one t" .Minneapolis, bt. I'aul,
Great Kalis, l.eloua. t'.ntte. hpokuno suit Pa
lifio coast. Tlie tram-continental line
runuing the famous buffet, library, olwrva
tion ear.
New tt7 hour train for Pc.rtlnnd via Srokan
HOTEL LAPAYETTB, Lake Minnctonka,
10 union from Minneapolis, largest and must
beuutiiil resort in the west.
'1 ickotsumt any information of any agent or
A. A. liKAliU, UetiOrul lJusoti;er agout,
Buffalo, K. Y.
Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens,
Freeh Every Day.
Prairie Chickens,
Wild Ducks.
1. 1 Flftt Ptl Iff. ill
M CkleaMtrrt Eagllafc IMaauail Braa&
PHJJ7V "rllnl and only Venuioe.
Dmiciit for rhirhrttnr B X t-iluk Dta-t
mond llraitri in Iti-d and tiotd mpiftllia
(tminit. iiai'M with tilue rUben. Take
Init Othr Krf$e (fatiorroiii ttihiftfw
l tent aud mifufitin. At limit iii, 4.
In tatnpf ttr pftrtkalrni, fslimoQlah tn4
"lOUcf ftr t.crilrV Uur, bT rvtara
Hull. lO.tMMt TVi'imorPftli. Nmt t'aper.
V ail kwki iruuta.
Made and Sold in Six Months, ending flared 1, 1896
Total Product of
The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Carrels,
Largest Run on Record.
Washburn, Crosby's Superlative Is sold everywhere from tho
Pacific Coust to St. John's, New Foundland, and in Kngland, Ireland
and Scotland very largely, and is recognized aa the best flour in tb
Juniata Steel,
X. L. Stee!,
Toe and Side Weight
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Oencral Oliicet SCRANTON, PA.
For saia by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor Wyoming Avanua an
Sprue Steaejtj Seranton, Pa,
Has Moved U His Nw Qtartars.
402 Lackawanna Avenue
Entrant on aid next to First National
Bank. Ha hag saw la a
Comprising everything raqnlglta fat las
Uerahant Tailoring. And tha same eaa
be shown to advantage in his spies
wow bum up rv
b Extended to All Readers el The Trio
erne to Call eet "OLD RELIABLE" la HI
New Biulaass Hea
Manufactured at tha Wapwaltopan MUta
Luierne county, Pa., and at WU
mlnaton, Delaware.
General Agent (or tha Wyoanlng District.
lit WYOMlNd AVENUE fcraataa, Pa
Third National Bank Building.
THOS. TOnrV Plttston, Pa.
JOHN B. 8M1TH A SON. PlraiOUtn. Pa.
B. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes-birre, pa.
Agents for tha Kepauno Chemical Ooava
laniy's High Exploalvaa,
Coal of the best quality for domestlo use
and of all eises, including Buckwheat and
Blrdseye, delivered in any part cf toe city;
at the lowest price.
Orders received at tha Office, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No.
telephone No. 2A24 or at tha mine, tele
phone No. 272. will be promptly attended
to.Dealers supplied at tha mine.
When In doubt what tn use lot
Nervous Debility. Lose of Power,
Imjwcnry. Atrophy, Varic ocele and
other weaknesses, Irom any cause,
use Serine Pills, Drains checked
and full vigor Quickly restored,
I f nlert. il, .nfe irmibN mult 'lUllr.
Mailed for $ 1 .00; fi boxes $5.00. With
$."X'0 orders we pivea guarantee to
cure or refund the money. Address
FtAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, O.
'I J'