THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNINa. OCTOBEB 28, 1890. 6 Oar Readj to Wear Comprising an Immense nasor tment made ot ex cellent mate rials, all ex. elusive d e tigns. Cut In the very lat est fashion; guaranteed to lit and wear well. Equal to garments mctie to m asura bj in; swj I m r ctant tailor for Half Tti3 Price. tidium MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. Xew York, Oct. 27.-After a rather ii reuular opening the Btock market re sumed Its upward course and lor a time tn dealings were characterized by buuy uiicv. The feverithiieas at the start was thVresuIl of London selling, hinher rates lor monrv and a fulling off In the demand for wheat, Hefore U o'clock the entire lu-t displayed renewed strength. Sugar wn the g'reut feature and moved up to within a fraction of 11. The market met with a serious setback around midday when a rumor from Washington was put utloat to the effect that General Fitzhugn hud stilt in his report on Cuban ur ft'irs. It was state that In his commnnl ration he had tuken a stand against Spiiln and that the president would cull mi extra session 01 coiigietf lo act oil me matter. Money worked up to 12 per cent, and this added to the feeling of alarm. Prices broke badly. Sugar fallinir Heading; 1, Chicago Gus lvi. Burlington und Quincy Vii, St. Paul l. Rock IsUnd !-. Jxmisvllle and Nashville. 1. Man nuttan is, Leather Preferred 1'., West-t-rti I'nlcm li, and the remainder of the list ,til per cent. I'pon Investigation it wa found that there was no foundation for the stories of new complications with Spain mid early selers started to cover. Purchases for this acocunt brought a rally in Stifrar of 14 per cent., and the other prominent slock recovered anywhere Ciom to 1 per rent. A decline in the money rute to 6 per cent, also hod a good eitect. Jvear the close timid holders be gan to sell again nnd a part of the rally noted was lost, in the final dealings spcculalion was banly steady. Net . nonces show losses of Ual? Per cent., I he latter in Chicago Gas. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL l.LN & CO., stock brokers. Meats build ing, rooms 70j-7mi. Open- Illirh- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lug. Am. Tobacco Co .... "." 7"s 74 74 Am. tfug. Ke'K Co ..llii'i 115J 113 113 Atch., To. it S. fe .. 14', 141, lSi 1-14 Can. South 4ii4 4tl:!i 4ita 4ii'a 'hes. & Ohio V" 1V 1"V 16 Chicago Gas 7" 7"!i W fis'-n Chic. & N. V liKi VK'.a Ml, imi Chic, 1!. & Q 7:1s 7!i T't 74i 1 . c. c. & st. L a 2s 27' 27 . Chic, Mil. & St. P .. 7:l'i n'i 72 72 Chic, It. 1. ti I' OS (S3 (S3 l.. L. & V 155- 15T.;f iXi 155?i l!4. & C. F U'i tW. fi'a Gen. Klectrlc 2!i 2!i 2sU 2S l.iiiis. li Nash 4ii:, 47ld 4ti 4(i ' Al. K. ei Texas, Pr .. Sii 213i 2o?i .Manhattan Kla .... K 3 !U' to! Mo. pReilic 2i'a 2i3i 21' 21'4 Nat. Cordage r 44 4 4 Nat. Lend 24-"i, 2r.i 24 24 N. J. Central W'a iWa 1W'4 . Y. Central ' W',4 V&i W4 X. Y., L. E. & W .... ll'i 14T, ll'4 14T, X. Y., S. W., Pr .. 21'i 2I'3 23'i 24 Xor. Pacific 1IU Ha, J4't ' Hit. & West 144 14'i 14', 14 Dinaha An's 4' ' 4"' j 4'Hy faclllc .Mali 21 'i i.'1'i tin, ' I'hll. & head 2i, 27 85 Southern K. U " tT, S'i Southern R. It., Pr.. 2.V!i 2U 2VS, 2f34 Tenn., C. & Iron .... Si 2474 Si 23T, Texas Paclflo kii SU 8- VTnion Iaulflo 8"i 8 8 Wabash li'i 7 (W BT-A Wabash. Pr 15 1 1.1S, l.-ii West. Union 8'i'i kii'j S4", S4' W. I tii4 ii-i, tSiH 1,14 U. S. Leather 9?t 4 f I". S. leather, Pr .... fi:i 03:i 6!'-, i;, V. S. Rubber 2U"4 2yT. 2U',4 204 CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES. WH1SAT. Open.- High- Low Clos. InR. est est. 1r. 1'ecember 70' W'i C'i RSii Tg W'. W?. December lS'J 1SV, Mav 21? 21 21?, 21i CORN. December 21 21"; !4i'. May Si!a 25',a 274 2S LARD. December 4.30 4.3ft 4.2" 4.30 .lanunry 4.5)J 4.D0 4.42 4.50 PORK. December 8 52 .W (!92 l!97 January 7.W 7.U 7.7J 7.82 Scrnntnn Board of Trade Exchange QnotationRAII Quotation Based on Far of 100. Name. EM. Asked. Dime Dep. DIs Ha nit 140 Scranton Lace Curtain Co Natlonnl Korlng & Drilling; Co ... First National Bank 650 Scrnrton Jar & Stopper Co Rlmhurst Boulevard Co 60 80 100 'io 2M 150 'SO 21 80 Scranton Savings Bank Hon la Plate Glass Co Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron ft Steel Co. Third National Bank Throop Novelty hl'fu. Co. ... Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axle Works 200 3D0 Lack'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 115 economy steam Heat & Power Co BONDS. Scranton Paps. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 Fcranton & Plttston True. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 I!ck30n Manufacturing Co. .. 40 110 110 110 100 103 103 100 85 100 M Lacka. Township School B City of Scranton St. Imp. 6. ... Borough of Wlnton 6 Mt. Vernon Coal Co ... Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, Oct. 27. Provisions wore Jobbing fairly at well-sustained prices. We quot City smoked beef, llal2c; beef hams,. tlu.25alG.50, as to average; pork, family. $11; hams, 8. P. cured. In tierces, Sal'k:.; do. smoked, lOaH'fcc, as to average; sides, ribed, In salt, 4'4a4Vic.; do. do. smoked, 5a5'4c; shoulders, plckle-cured, tauic; do. do. smoked, O'iaOe. : picnic hams, S. P. cured, tSaSiic ; do. do. smoked, 'SaC'jc. ; belles. In lckle, according to average, loose, Eal'ic; break fact bacon, . TaTlic, as to brand and average; lard, pure, city refined. In tierces, 6V4ac; do. do. do.. In tubs, DU;a53;c. ; do. butchers', loose, 4U-a4ic.; city tallow, In hogsheads, 3sc; country do., 234a3?ic, as to quality, and cakes, 3-?4c New York Prodnce Market. New York, Oct. 27. Flo'ir Quiet, easy and unchanged. Wheat Market easier; f. o. b., 80'dc; ungraded red. tWaSlc; No. 1 northern, 77c; options closed weak at 17c. below yesterday; January, Vc; J March. 7SHS Muy.l 79c; October, 73i.; November, 74Ue. ; December. 7Sc Corn potn uun, weaKer; iso. 1, iajoc. eleva tor; 31320. afloat; options dull nnd wak October. 29't-c: December. 3uT4c: May, :sfic. Oats Spots dull, , weaker; options weaker, dull; October,' ; December, j;tVie.; May, 25Hc; sportp rices. No. 2, 2?Vie.; No. 2 white, 25c; No. 2 Chicago, 233c; No. 8, SWjc; No. 3 white. 23c; mixed western, 22n24c; white do., 22a31ic; white state, 22a3Hjc. Provisions Quiet, un changed. Lard Quiet, easier: western steam, 84.70; city, t4.40: October, 84.IS5, nom inal; refined, steady; continent, 85.10; South American, $5.35; compound, 4a4c. Hutter Quiet, fancy steady, unchanged. . Cheoae Moderate demand, unchanged in-lces. Kggs Fancr scarce and Arm; State ami Pennsylvania, 18'iu21o.; ice house. nViBHic; western rresh. ItSalSc. Uo. case, S2.70at.50; limed, Uc Chicago Grain and Provision Market. Chicago. Oct. J7 Futures ranged as fol lows: Wheat October, (STNaMSrC! De cember. (Tfcati4C.; May, 74lia7J-I!iC. Corn October, 23V23e.; December, 24;'8a24'ic.; May, 2S'a2J;iiC Oats October, 17kal7c; December, lSSialKHc; May, 21f)ia21ac. Mess Pork December, 86.926.974; Jan uary, 87.tua7.82M. Lard December, S4.3ua 4.20; Janusrry, 84.57a4.50. - Short Ribs De cember, t3.2HaX(2; January. $3.82a3.87:4. Cash quotations follow: IJour, un chaned; No. 2 spring wheat. 6Ga68c.; No. 3 do., tila'ii'-c. b. s.; red, 694a72c; corn, 22,a23ic.; oats. 17Val7e.; rye, 34Va35c; barley, 35c, nominal; flax seed, 691xa70c; prime timothy seed, 82.50, nominal; mess pork, S0.8aat.9ii; lai-d, 84.25a4.30; short ribs, sides, 83.tiOa3.M); Hioulders, $4a4.25; short clear sides, Ha4.1i'; whisky and sugars unchanged. Chicago Live Stock. I'nlon Stock Yards, Oct. 27. Cattle Market steady; common to extra steers, 83.20aa.10; stoi kers and feeders, 2. 50a 3 61; cows and bulls, $1.5ia3.25; cnlves, Texans, $2.8ou3.10; western rangers, 82.5ua 3.90. Hogs Market slow and 5a 10c. lower; heavy pucking and shipping lots, 83.2oa 3.50: common to choice mixed, f3.15.i3 55; choice assorted, J3.40a3.50; light. $3.2ua3.if.; pigs, J2.50a3.l5. Sheep Market sieadv; In ferior to choice, ?1.75u3.25; lambs, $3a4.50. Buffalo Live Stork. Buffalo, Oct. 27. Cattle .Market dull, shade lower; good steers. Jial.Jj; common to good cows, 52.25a3.10; light to good stockers, J2.-IOn3.Ui: feeders, J3.25a3.55; veals dull, !3aii; extra, 55.21. Hogs Market eas. ler; Yorkers. Jo.ijja.C;1-; mediums and mixed packers, J3.0O; roughs. S.la3.15; stans. .'.25112.75. Sheo and Liimlis Mnik t steady; common to fair native lambs. 3.'i5 nl.15; culls to common, J::.2f.a3.C5; mixed sheep, good to choice. J2.75a3.15; culls to fair, Jl.50a2.5o; Canada lamb, steady at ! iai. iv, iuiiks 01 sales, n.ioui.jj. Oil Jlnrkrt. Oil Cily, Oct. 27. Option oil, IIS; credit balances, 117. BEST OF THE CAMPAIGN. Thursday nlsht's demonstra tion in the Frothlngham thea ter will be a fitting climax to the local campaign for Protec tion and sound monpy. The speakers will include Governor Hastings, at all times a favorite orator; General Latta, eloquent and witty; General Reeder, scholarly and effective; Colonel Harry Hall, apt In utiecdote and illustration; and Muyar Warwick, of Philadelphia, who is one of the best speakers In the state. This meeting will be for Democrats as well as Re publicans. Let every citizen attend. 1 i"! SIX PRISONERS GAIN FREEDOM. Second Jail Deliver)' in Louisville Within the Lnst Year. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 2". Another dur ing; Jail delivery was perpetrated to night at the county jail shortly after 5.30 o'clock, six desperate prisoners ex cuping. The delivery was supposed to be a whoV'sule one, in which every prison er confined on the third floor of the old Jail was to gut out, but the watch fulness of the turnkeys prevented this. The men who got out are Jacob Brill, counterfeiter; Harry Brooks, con victed of robbing a postoftlce, and Thomas nnd William McKenzle, Thos. Kelly and Wat Bon Satarly, charged with house breaking. They gained their liberty by scrap- lng the mortar from the bricks in cell No. 5, letting the bricks fall into the Interior of the cell, and In this man ner they got a hole large enough for them to climb through. After getting on the roof they fastened a rope and let themselves' down in a narrow alley between the Jallyard and an abutment of the new Jail. This Is the second Jail delivery in Louisville within the last year, seven prisoners having escaped last Christ mas day. PUTTIN0 GOLD BACK AGAIN. 8,000,000 Withdrawn From 'Frisco 8ubTreasurr in a Hurry. San Francisco, Oct. 27. The sub treasury has just pulled through a rather serious run, which threatened to annihilate its gold reserve and leave It without a dollar with which to re deem the perfect avalanche of green hacks that poured in over the counter. Timely aid came from Chicago ana other sources, and when the outpour ing of gold finally stopped the $12,000,- 000 of a few months ago, despite the frequent additions that have been made during that period, was reduced to a bare (4,000.000. That has since been Increased by the deposit of over $1,000, 00, upon which greenbacks have been withdrawn, and there Is every Indica tion that the flurry is over. Much of the gold withdrawn went beyond the mountains. The sub-treasuries here and at New York are the Inly ones authorized to redeem green backs. Usually the demand for green backs Is steady at the sub-treasury here, as exchange is almost invariably in favor of New York, and It costs less to ship greenbacks than gold. STUMPING TOUR OF MICHIGAN. Messrs. Irih, Waller, Hnincv Sprngnc nnd Fnright Sprnl; nz. Manistee, Mich., Oct. 27. A parly of gold standard advocates, con:!l.-.l ns of Rufus F. Sprague, national Dr-mo-cratlc candidate for governor; ex-Clov-ernor Thomas M. Waller, of Connecti cut; Colonel John P. Irish, of Cali fornia; ex-Congressman Charles D. I la lues, of New York; Postmaster John J. Enright. of Detroit, and others, yes terday began a tour of Michigan In a special train and accompanied by a big band of music from Orand Hapids Kxtremely large and enthusiastln mee t ings were held today at Mackinaw City, Potoskey, Traverse City und this city. After holding meetings throughout the loer peninsula the party will end the tour in Urand Ilapld.3 Saturday. Wholesome When shortened with The eottelens trade mrss "(Molrne" sat Mer't htad in cotton-plant tcrrtuk on every tu. THI N. K. PAMBANK OOMPANV, Causes, Utk, Phllsatlfkla, NtUsirr WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS True Story of the Man -Who Fell 995 " Feet THEY RALLIED ROUND THE BEER Itev. Maryland's Experience with the Keg"'uggeU of News for the Kail road Boys"The Erie Paymaster Drops Fvrtr Thousand Hollars. Anions the Politicians County News of Interest. Special Correspondence of The Tribune. Pusouehanna. Oct. 27. After the bal lots have all been counted, and the ' nnlitleiillv ilead have been burled; ; when the victors have been enthused j and laid away their torches and lan terns nnd banners; and when the faces of business men begin to shorten, it will be exasperatingly dull until the merry Christmas time, will It not? When the bands are playing and the frosty air is tilled with ilags and ora tory, the country wakes up from its autumn lethrugy. and new blood ap pears to come coursing through the veins of the people. There are some things worse than a political cam paigndrouth or a cyclone, or a famine in the land! FELL 995 FEET. The truthful Port Jervls Union states that "Fred L. Buckley, a carpenter, fell from the spire of St. John's church to the ground, a distance of feet, and is siill confined to his bed." Very HUely! The only wonder Is that they found ciiouelt of M: Buckley to put Into bed. What a bonanza he might j be to the patent medicine men. 1 leu ul.5 feet. Two boxes of Bonnet's Sorsa parllln cured me of that tired feeling." "I have taken Purple pills for pale people, nnd I can fall 995 feet without spraining my liver." And what tall churches they have In Port Jedvls! The people evidently step from the top of the spires right into heaven! RALLIED 'ROUND THE BEER. I:ev. John Maryland, formerly pas tor of the Susquehanna Presbyterian church, but now pastor of the Congre gational church In Franklin, Delaware county. N. Y., had a lively experience a few days since. The Democrats had a rally, and a crowd came over from Cnudlllit to help along the cause. As Franklin is a no-license villnge, the L'nadllla people brought along a keg ot beer, which they tapped on one of tli- public streets, and proceeded to tally 'round the keg. When the fes tivities were at their hei;-ht. Mr. Mars land appeared, nnd at once proceeded t.i knock out the faucet of the keg. The beer was spilled Into the road. The crowd vowed vengeance, but they took It out In vociferation. They endea vored to secure a warrant for Mr. Mai sland's arrest, but were unsuccess ful. Mr. Mursland made the matter the subject of his sermon on the fol lowing Sabbath. LATE NEWS MATTERS. Colonel George AV. Bain, of Lexing ton, Kentucky, will deliver a free tem perance lecture in the Susquehanna Presbyterian church on Thursday even ing next, under the auspices of the Wo man's Christian Temperance union. Levi S. Page, esq., one of our oldest residents, is critically ill. Mrs. L. A. Jenkins, a prominent and highly esteemed resident of Thomson, died on Monday morning, aged 59 years. She was very active in church und W. K. C. work. She was a sister of Dr. Wheaton, of Wilkes-Rarre. The funeral will occur on Wednesday. After a long Illness, Mrs. Robert Oakes died at her home on the Oakland Side on Saturday, aged 29 years. The funeral occured from Grace Episcopal church on Monday afternoon. Rev. B. H. Abbott. of Carbnndale. officiating. Father O'Neill, of the Dominican or der, will lecture in St. John's Catholic church this evening. FOR RAILROAD BOYS. Susqnohanna was largely represented at the union meeting in Carbondale on Sunday. The Erie paymaster dropped about J40.000 in town today, in 100-cent dol lars. The railroad men will hold a big sound-money rally in this place on Thursday evening. The speakers an nounced are Hon. E. Y. Bell, of Pater son, nnd Mr. Zimmormnn, of Scranton. The programme Includes a big parade. Neighboring towns will send delega tions. The Erie Is again experimenting with compound locomotives, with the Woo ten boiler and compound cylinders. It Is sold that the company will adopt this style of engine. The Erie has abandoned the scheme of running passenger locomotives con tinuously from Jersey City to Susque hanna. The Erie Employes' Sound Money club In Hornellsvllle numbers over 300 members. A veteran Democrat Is president of the club. OTHER RAILROAD MELANGE. Superintendent Down, of the .Wfer son division if the Krie. denies in mto the published rrnnrf that Eric em ployes are bring intimidated, pol'tic ally. There Is a rood deal of buwihoo nnd bosh about tills cry of "intlmlcln tlon." It is an insult to the Intelligence of the men. That cry ought to be 'alt- n In out of the eld. It is bt-OSt-bitten. Jefferson Tilviflnn Conductor Polk Palmer, of Stisnuchnnna. has an ex cellent loiter in a recent issue of th, ' New York Sun. "Wh;- the Railroad Man Should Vole for McICInlev a"d Hoba-t." The railroad boys should read it. It is said t'n'.t Erie train 2 on the Sus fl'H'hnima betve-i J-'miem. ville and Hinghiiii'ton. is the fastest train in the world. rynnln.T the 117 I miles In two hours and five minutes. An apparatus h being exh'Mted In Onenntji. the :'iirncse of which, when , attached to n Inco'imtive, is to show the amount of steam necessary to pill a train. 1'y this test it is expect-i to show at what t.nir'ts on the railroad the most pressure is needed. Ot'R FRIENDS. Mrs. Honey Sherman 'and Mrs. Hughes, nf Hyde Park, were guests of Siioiiuehnnna lrieids lust w'eelr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Case, of Fi ran ton. are visliing relatives in town. .Mrs. Helen Morrison, of. Sv.etlnort, past dcMU'tiiient piesldout, is nttoudr lug tlie V. ii. C. district convention In this :daee. MARRIED THUF.E SUJTKKS. As the tlrst wife of Erastus J. Mason, of Stratford coiners, was dy ing, she requested that If he married again ho would s.ltct his wife (Voni among her clsters. lie did so. When the second wife died she made the same request, and u few dus ago he mar ried his third wife from the same fam ily. She was .Moitie C. Morris, and is twenty years old. while her liu; hand It fifteen years older. It is understood that Mrs. .Mason No. 3 lias a l'?w m;rj sisters. POLITICALLY SPEAK1NM. Mrs. Helen Johnjon, nf Cony, Pu., will address u L'rynn rally in this place on Saturday evenln;;. Dr. Wilson ,of Mont rose, nnd James McKlnney, uf Susquehanna, Demo cratic candidates lor Representative, will address u rally in Thomson on Wednesday evening and at I'nlnndnle on Thursday evening. "Love's labor lost." Honi James T. Du IJoI. of Washing ton, will address the Republican of New Mllford on Thursuav evening. Hon Rienzl Strleton, and Dr. Wil son, of Montrose, will address a Demo cratic gathering In Jackson ihts even ing. The Montrose Democrat insinuates that Mr. Wanamaker is furnishing the shekels for the Republican campaign in this county, but It neglects to state who Is putting up for the Democratic Is abating. The Blnghamton Methodist Episco pal Ministerial association met at Springvllle yesterday and will con clude its labors today. Great Bend has but six quarantined cases of diphtheria, and the epidemic is abating. ( The Forest City News has been sus pended by the sheriff. It is to be hoped that the sprightly paper will reappear in the near future, with Brother Brown at the helm. Montrose continues to revel In the ex citement of a semi-occasional balloon ascension. Business is generally sus pended and everybody, except the peo ple in the jail, turn out to see the dar ing young man on flying trapeze. The editors of the Great Bend Plaln dculer and the Hallstead Herald are again making faces at each other across the raging Susquehanna. Hons. William A. Stone, of Pitts burg, and James T. DuBols. of Wash ington, will address a Republican rally In Montrose on Friday evening. Hon. Galusha A. Grow, of Glenwood, will speak et Nicholson on Saturday next. Fortunate Nicholson. SEVERAL MATTERS. The Tunkhannock New Age hastens to Inform a waiting world that "the mineral water from the Carpenter Hoi loy oil well has been analyzed, and found to contain more Ingredients than a druggist's prescription." Hurry and bottle it! It ought to be nasty enough to kill or cure. Advanced thinkers are beginning to believe in the reconciliation of, worsh p and recreation. They should cease to pull In opposite directions. Why do the geniuses who have In vented flying machines talk so much about It in the newspapers? Why don't they Just fly? Whichever way the elections go next week, England will not build bonfires. She Is all for gold, but If McKlnlev Is elected with him will come a protec tive tariff, according to the View of British Journalists and statesmen. She Is also for free trade, but if Bryan Is the choice, with htm will come free sil ver, which England cannot swallow. In either case, she Is in the dilemma of the colored brother who proposed to take to the woods. TUESDAY'S TIDINGS. The Woman's Relief corps, G. A. R., held a district convention in this place today. Delegates from several coun ties are present This evening a camp fire will be held In Hogan's opera house. Rev. J. Erwln Broadhead, rector of Christ Episcopal church, will on Sun day next close his pastorate here, and return to Old Forge, Pa, Rev. O. H. Boughton, for the past two years pastor of the Baptist church, on Sunday preached his farewell ser mon. He will become an Evangelist and continue to reside In Susquehanna. The coal business on the Jefferson branch is brisk, and the Delaware and Hudson and the Erie trainmen are happy. Susquehanna and Carbondale have experienced the throes of a klrmess; and, after the general round-up, the consensus of opinion apiiears to be that an enterprise of that sort has wonderful possibilities. The projectors and the participants have considerable hard work, pleasure and excitement. but somebody else has the lion's share of the ducats. The proposed pilgrimage from Sus quehanna to Canton has evidently been postponed Indefinitely. It is a sad fact, and one greatly to be deplored, that a large number of our people have considerable more political enthusiasm than cold cash. Vhltney. Leave Buflalo 6.35 a. m., arrive Chi cago 9.00 p. m via Nickel Plate Road. fill GAS li ELECTRIC FIXTURES, Steam and Hot Water Heating FURNACE WORK. THE T 5 CONNELL CO., O LACKftWAMU a'JEij: AYLESVVORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the lltj. The latest improved luruish tags onil apparatus (or keeping meat, Littler and c";s. 223 Wyoming Avenue. EICYCLES. OS KD AFTER fEPT. 1ST, IHM. WE will i Sir 1.11 uf the Inlli.vluir nlnels inf. 7 l.avi in ! it t .lolil er's l'ri'-es : Woif-iTi.-r i an. l'liTce lYt'r-.T'jfcMcjii, Weverly nrnl F uthi rstuno l.ino. This is 1111 riroi tiinltv lo tet u tood wl eil clieup. We stiil have tlio la i ons ('rcwfonl," a vhcil tluit runs a r.lilit mi'l v tmi mars tqual to any S IO nnuMi.i' mi ibc ii nrkc t. Cou-e nud see what vm cau d fci- you in uiir Hut. E. L PBKBL ll SPRUCE SI. 1HP. IDEAL AMI RICAN TRIP MOk'l HI'iUN S1HAMSHIP LO.V.PANY. Tim feupi'rbly Appo.ubi'd and Cuiuw iious fc tOfl tl'HTHRl'ip. NORTHWIiST AMI NORTHLAND, Airi rir ,u tliroiiKli ami ilir i (fli. leave bulr'Nln '; n t.fnv i lid Fridiys 0.30 p.m. for Clcc!anil. Dctruit, .Mackinac. The Soo. Duluth, mid Wrsiern Points, paming ull pU'eof ilieret ky UuyliK'it liiconaucliou THE OREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it frirniH tliH most direct route, and from ev ery p Int i f t ii'!urison. tlio most dolightful and comforts! 1m otiu t jlinnrnnolls, 8t. I'anl, Oreut Foil", ileluna, 1'llttn. Spokane nnd Pa rifle roast. Th cnW trncixontin.iitiU line innuliiK tli. Umons buff.t, library, observa tion car. Vsw 117 I'onr tra'n for Prrtland vis Rpokunc HOTEL. LAPAVETTB, Lake Mlnnetonk., 16 miles from MiuiK-apolif, largest und must Ijcautlul renort in tlio west. 'i iuk.ts and any information of any agent or A. A. HEAKD,, General Passenger agent, Buffalo, K. V. 1 WHEELS fj?fo WHEELS adway's Pills Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable, MILD, BIT EFFECTIVE. Purely veretshle, act without P'ln, ele git uly coated, tasteless, small .and mmt to take. K ; 1kv' Pills insist nature, sliiuuUt iug to healthful activ.ty the liver, bowels' and other digestive organs, ear n tlie Imwelmn a natural condition without any alter effects. CURE Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Piles AND All Liver Disorders. RAU WAY'S PILLS nre nrrely veeetsble. irild and re.i.tble. iaue P rivet Digestion. I complete abHor,.tlon a d hi'nltlitulreMUlurity. 'J. ........ . K . A ll,. ...I.,,.. A. V... ,;! "book of Adv.ce" free by mail. RADWAY 8c CO.. No. SS Elm Street, New York. JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Hat Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrtace en tide next to First National Bank. Be bat now io a 1 lie ill Comprising everything requisite for line llsrehant Tailoring. And tb. same can be shown to advantage in his spin didlj fined op rooms. A SPECIAL INVITATION If Bitended to All Readers el The Trib al to Call oa "OLD RELIABLE" In His New BnslnoM Homo- rs Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer of tlie Celebrated ft CAPACITY i iootooo Barrels per Annum .i3- yrtvi !,i iTf-1- - ii-..a What 581 Prphs-d .w JUDICAL. LADIES Quickest Relief. Dr. King's Celebrated Cotton Root Pills, nrer tail, absolutely ri'll.tMc, siife and b:irui I S3. By mail 1.(0; rnrtlrulnrs free. KINO REMEDY CO., 181 William Street. New Vork City. KiSTORES VITALITY mm Made a Well Mar. 1st 1)07. 4 Wf of Me. lSta Day, TUB GiBAT 30th Dot. produrrs the nbove results In noila. It a h poworiully oiiu.iuh klir. curi s whou ill others fail Vouutilucuwilln'KiiiM tbi-ir lo: mauliood. and nlu men will recover their yontlitnl vnror by nslns KKV1VO. It qiiiriiiy and surely rrio.PBN rvou mus. Lot Vitality, Impotriicy. Nuiiitly Eminnioni-'. Loatl'ower.Fsiliuit .M.niory, tVatliut Diseases, and ill eirects ot Kelf'ttbuiio or etces and iudincretion n bicb ttnllts one tor s nily. buincsR or marrisae. It lot only cures by sorting at tbe seat ot d. lease , but Isatmat tien tonic aud blood builder, brluv Ing baek tlie pink glow to role rbeeksa'idre ito:i!ig tlin Are ot youth. It naril off fnsanit md Consumption. Imiit on bavin RKVIVO, m I her. It ran be carried In vest pocket, liy in Ml 1.0(1 per package, or sli for S3S.OO, with a psi vo written guarantee to rare or return ' '40 money. Circular frea. Address w'. W'OICIKS O t'vr St.. CHICAGO. For Sola by MATTHEWS BROS., Drug gist Seramon, Po, R ei IB Eii r.'" (run liif. 'vur . V:' THE SPRING BROOK WATER SUPPLY COM THIRTY YEAR 5 PER CENT. FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS, FREE FROM TAXES. INTEREST PAYABLE APRIL 1 AND OCTOBER 1 The Spring Brook Water Supply Company offers to the pub lic 0XE HUNDRED T1101 vYND DOLLARS orthc above described bonds. Tre company furnishes the entire water supply of the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys, from Scranton to Xanticoke, Including, among others, the following cities an ! boroughs, to wit: WHkesBarrc, Pittston, West nttstou, Avoca, Duryea, Wyo m!n;,lnzcrne, Kingston, Edwardsvllle, Parians, Miner's Mills, Sooth Wllkes-Carrc, Ashley, Sugar Notch, Warrior Ron, etc. The bonds are secured by mortgage on the entire system. The company has - no hesitation in offering and recommending th; t bonds as a safe and desirable investment The history of the companies In the- system shows tint water companies are free from the fluctua tions and disturbances that affect industrial and railroal enterprises. A thor ough investigation of the Wilkes-Birre system, cmriaj a period of forty-Gve years, shows an an null increase over tin previous year, without exception, and this through a period covering several financial panics ani the Civil War. x The compauy is takiiij care of the increased growth of the valley in its demand lor a good and pure water supply, a sufficient number of bonds being held in the treasury lor this purpose. Scale 1 proposals will be received for the whole, or any part of the bonds offered, until Wednesday, Oetober 28th, 18)6, at 10 o'clock a. m., at Its office, at Scranton, or any orthc fjllowiaj banks, whira further information, if desired, may also be obtained: SECDX!) NlTirmL BANK, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. PEOPLE'S BANK, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Pittston, Pa. MINEItS' SAVIXG BANK, Pittston, Pa. DEPOSIT AXD SAVINHS BANK, Kington, Pa. SCRAXTJV SAYING BlNK & TilUiT CJ., Scranton, Pa. THIRD NATIONAL BANK, Scranton, Pa. MAXWELL & GRAVES, Bmkers, 113 Liberty St New York. ah bids should be addressed to The Spring Brook Water Supply Company. The company reserves the right to reject any or all bids and alt bonds for which bids are accepted are to be paid for within five days after Oct. 28th. The officers and directors of th: onpiay are as follows: L.A. Walres, President, J. Roger Mat well, Pre. C. R. R. or N.J. C. 1. 8impson, tleo. F.Boker,Pres.lst National Bank.N.V Lemuel Amermau, Vice Pros. W. F. Hallstead,(en.!IIan.D.,L. at W.R. I T. tl. Watkins, Secretary. John Welles llollenbaolt. Samuel T. Peters. Robert C. Adams, Treasurer. Morgan B. Williams, THE SPRING BROOK WATER SUPPLY COMPANY, Mkmw ) . 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending larch 1, 1896, . Total Product of 1 ffHWAMD The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels. Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from the Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in England. Ireland and Scotland very largely, and i recognized as the best flour in the world. IEGARGEL WHOLESALE WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, !X. L. Stee!, : Toe and Side Weight NEVERSLIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. jBITTENBEHOER h 11 i THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAPiNE, PA, MaiNJfeoturora of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AfiD PUUF1NG MACHINhnT. EVERY WOMAN CoaeMtnos neoJi a reliable, monthly, recnlatlng medicine. Only naraUssta tbe purest drura should b. used. 11 yea want the beat, get Dr. PcaFc Pennyroyal Pills Tber are prempt, safe aid certain In result Tbe senulna (Or. Fast's) oerar UaO Boiat. gent anywhere, tl.09. Audnas Muwiaa 1, UeTslud, O, For aalo by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avonuo Spruce StrooL Soranton, Pa. By L. A. WATRES, President. CONNELL AGENTS. ALL SIZES OF orse hoes SCRANTON PA. Oeneral Ottieas SCRANTON, PA. n H