The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 26, 1896, Page 7, Image 7
7 NeuJs WEST SIDE EVENTS. After the Ciroer Loafers Police Pro. ppii to Take Radical Step Next Sunday Nifht to Stop Practice. Street crowds loafers Is a better name are causing no end of trouble to the police every Sunday night. The favorite stamping ground Is between Washburn and Jacksun streets on Main avenue.. Last Sunday night one young man was arrested and lined $3. Hut the example seemed to have no effect. Last night Patrolman Tom Jones was kept busy In moving the loiterers. The render of the nuisance Is largely fem inine; this makes arrest the more dis tasteful to the police but next Sunday tijght radical steps will be taken. DEATH OP MISS MATHIAS. Miss Margaret Mathlas. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VanM Mathlas, of 1318 Price street, died Friday In New York city where she was employed an an expert milliner. A telegram was re ceived here Saturday telling of the death. The deceased was 27 years of age and she was born in Danville, but has lived here with her parents since infancy. She was a young woman of many friends. The death was a groat shock to both parents and friends. I'he remains arrived here at 6 o'clncn Sat urday evening. Undertaker Will Price met the train at the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western station and re moved the body to the Mathias homo. The funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Hev. Thomas Bell, of the Plymouth Congregational church, will olllelate. Interment will be made In Washburn street cemetery. CLUB ROOM SECUKRD. Members of Electric Cily command ery. Knights of Malta, wIVl on Nov. 1 take possession of a suite of rooms recently occupied by Photographer George X. Stumer, at the corner of Main avenue and Jackson ntreet. The Knights of Malta lodge has a wonderful record. They started on this side less than a year ago; now they have near ly four hundred members. If the club success be as great as the lodge the "West Side will have a rousing big so cial organization. And not only will pleasure be the purpose of the club, but It will also have an educational side. Classes will meet nightly for instruc tions by competent teachers. The fee for admission In the club will be nbout 75 cents. The name Is the "American." Membership will not be confined to the Knights of Malta. THE OXFORD AOAIN. Complaint was made last night at 10.30 o'clock that two men and a woman were acting disorderly In a house near the Oxford breaker. Officers Peters. Ourrell and T. Jones went down and arrested the trio. They will be given a hearing this morning. D. M. JONES IS DEAD. The death of Hon. D. M. Jones Is re ported In another column. The sketch of his eventful life Is a great tribute to a successful man. On the West Side Mr. Jones will be missed. He was ever active and always generouH to any movement for the public good. DEATH OX HAMPTON STREET. Miss Jennie Raymond, aged 30, died at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon at her home on Hampton street. She was quite well known In trie lower part of Hyde Park. The funeral will be Tues day afternoon and Interment will be made In Washburn street cemetery, NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Joseph Hltchner and Wlllard D. Howe, of Plttston, called on West Side friends last evening. A special meeting of the Republican league will be held this evening. Mrs. James Orr and Mrs. David Evans and children, of Plttston. spent the past couple days with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Williams, of North Sumner ave nue. The members of the Rryan and Sewall club have swung an American flag with their presidential candidates written beneath, to the breeze on North Main avenue. Frank Roberts, of Sharon, Pa., is vis Jting on Lafayette street. E. M. Clarke Is In New York city on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Card, of Oneonta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eld red, of North Hyde Park avenue. The funeral of the late James Mulli gan took place yesterday morning from St. Patrick's church. Interment was made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The Rev. Mr. Ahzdarian will lecture on "The Armenian Massacres," In the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church tonight. Admission free. Mrs. Thomas Davis, of the rear of .North Bromley avenue, Is able to be about the house after an elcht weeks' Illness of typhoid fever. The Columbia Hose company will make a grand success of their fair to n iff fe THESE CHILLY AUTUMN DAYS MUST BE A ER FOR We place ourselves in your way and want your next clothing pur chase, especially if you want good clothing, with style and character, and at a very moderate price. If the clothing we furnish you is not as you want it in every particu lar, return and get your money. TH? SAMTERS Scuare Desiinz Clothiers. oi ib? Sdbfirbs. be held at St. David's hall on Dec. 8, 9 and 10. Mrs. Isaac Williams, of North Sumner avenue, attended the funeral of a rel ative In Maplewood last week. . Weil Side Business Directory. HARRIET 3. DAVIS. FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty; 1M South Main avenues two door from Jackson street. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for anything you have to sell. 'Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 701 to 706 West Lack awanna avenue. GULLS KIUUK. rntm marrlnfro if Miss Flora D. Van Gorden to Fred A. Urelg took place on Thursday evening at me wine the bride's parents on Marlon street. The Hev. A. F. Chaffee, of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, oillciat ing. The bride was attired In a travel ing suit of soldier blue and with pearl ...i ..,,!... iiuu f'.rnttn Vnn (lorden. a sister of the bride, wore a trench brown serge. Ueorge urcig, a uranti of the groom, acted as best man. The house was very appropriately decorat ed with palms and ferns. Miss Myrtle Wolfe, of Park Place, played the wed ding march. A reception was after ward tendered to a large number of guests. Mr. and Mrs. Breig were the recipients of some very valuable pres ents. Thev left on the 1.40 u. m. train for New York city. On their return they will reside in their handsomely furnished house on Diamond avenue, Park Place. AT.. U'llllnin TVlnn. nf Fordham street, has been entertaining relatives from Factory vl lie. A lfif.tura i-tll lio p-lvpn with Ster- eopticon views in the Asbury Metho dist Kpiscopal church this evening by Mr. Johnson, a returneu missionary from Japan. He will nlso preach In that church Sunday morning. There was a pleasant surprise party given In honor of Hiram Prlvjl" at his home. 1444 Mylert avenue. Friday evening. Dancing, singing nnd games were Indulged In. Refreshments were served and an enjoyable evening .pont by all who uttended. Music was furn ished by Harry Peters and James Uns worth. Those who attended were Misses Christina Chrlstenson, Mngggle Warren, Polly Warren, Lulu Warren, Stella Higgins, llcssle Stanton, Mina Stanton, Polly Simpson, Clara Simp sun, Katie Courtright, Sadie Wnldon, Millie Wakefield, Rose Hudson, Iiessle Stevenson and Mrs. Hiram Pringle. A. Makelicld, Fred Matealf, Fred Reh ling, Olova Day, Manle Day, George tlavigan, William Simpson, James Smith, C. Higgins. James Onsworth, John Alsworth, O. Myers, Arthur Hud son, A. Leynle, D. Jones, W. Schlager, Samuel Kirshuw, Hurry Peters, L. Stanton, Ueorge Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Peters. Mr. and Mrs. James Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. James Ons worth, Mr. and Mrs. William Pringle. lMtOVIDKNCL. Reese Owens, of Wayne avenue, was painfully Injured Saturday morning in Storr's shaft, where is employed as footmnn. He was uncouiking cars, when they came together, catching his pft hand between the bumpers and badly smashing It. Miss Uertha Simmons, of Plttston, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Howell. Davis, of Warren street, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Burltt, of Pltttston, and Miss Nellie Hengoff, of Oregon, spent yesterday with Miss Annie Jenkins, of William Btreet. The Democratic rally that was to have been held last Saturday night on the Providence Square, has been postponed 'until this evening, when it will he held In St. Mary's hall. Miss Gertie Harris, of Rrick avenue, left Saturday for Hartford, Conn., In company with her aunt, Miss Sadie Miller, who has been visiting In this section for the past month. Miss Lizzie Davis, of Brick avenue, returned home Saturday from Mont rose, where she was stenographer at the teachers' Institute held there the past week. Mrs. James Kelst and family, of Ox ford, N. Y., Is visiting her parents on East Market street. All members of the F. O. W. social club are requested to be present at an Important business meeting to be held this evening. The Green Ridge. Assembly dancing class was largely attended last Satur day evening. Members of the Needle Work Guild are requested to Btnid garments to their directors, during or before the first week In November, so that distribution of clothing may be made. HAVE YOU A HOOK 131 A SAV. INGS BANK f In lf-05 4,875,519 persons had deposits of (1.844,357,798 In savings banks, all as good as gold. The substitution of the sliver 'toi ler would transfer nearly half of this from the depositors to the men who have borrowed the funds of savings banks and would repay silver dollars. ff 11 Hatters and Furnisluri Ml SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Forty Hoar Devotion at St. Mary's Polish ChurchFoot Ball Game Ended in a Row. Forty hours' devotion began at St. Mary's Polish church yesterday morn ing after the 10.30 mass. The mass was celebrated by the pastor, Hev. Father Dembinskl. At 7.30 In the even ing the sermon was preached by Rev. Father Klonoskl, of Wllkes-Banv, after which benediction of the Blessed Sacra ment was imparted to the congrega tion. There will be several Polish priests present to hear confessions today and tomorrow. FOOT BALL AT SCHWENK S PARK. Two local foot ball teams, the Cres cents and the South Scrantons, met at Hchwenk's Park yesteruay afternoon and contested for supremacy. It was ; nip and tuck during the llrst half and 1 neither slile could score. The second hRlf was only started a few minutes when ft dispute arose and one of the clubs left the field refusing to accept the referee's decision. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Pcbroloslcy, of the Flats, will take place this after noon. Interment will be made In the Greek cemetery, Mlnooka. The fuivral of Willie, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Getz. of willow street, will be held this afternoon. Interment will be made In Mlnooka cemetery. DUNMOKI.. Edward Mlttoer, of Webster avenue, a rising young actor. Is making prepar ations for staging a new drama. llnll Thornton, of Drinker street, has leatvd the stone quarry, situated near the Klnihurst boulevard. The school board has derided to em ploy Miss Walsh as teacher of elocution In the schools in tills borough. The "hit and miss" social held by the Young People's society of the Chris tian Endeavor of the Dudley Street Huptlst church, last Friday evening, proved a grand success, socially and financially. The social was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hughes, on lilakcly street. Miss Eva Hess, of Clay avenue, has returned home after spending the suin nien months with relatives In Hemlock Hollow. Mrs. H. Krause, of lllakely street, has returned home from a visit with friends In Waverly. A meeting nf the principals of the school buildings of the borough will be held in the High school building, this afternoon at 4 p. m. The Misses Florence Fowler, Lydla Farrell and Lucy Decker, have return ed from a short visit with friends In Cnrbondale. William Bees, of Clay avenue, has gone to spend a few days with his parents In Shenandoah. Peter Hobday, of Schumacher ave nue, nnd Frank Bogart. of Ward street, are in Pike county, attending to the fix ing of their bear traps. An oyster supper for the benefit of the Armenian relief fund will be given by the Young Ladles' Mission Circle of the Presbyterian church In the church parlors, Friday evening, Oct. 30. The Sixth Ward Republican club will be addressed In the Christian church on Tripp street this evening by William Connell, candidate for congress, and Messrs. Roberts and Roberts, candi dates tot county commissioners. M. H. Wolf hns opened a New York novelty store at the corners. The. Junior Order of American Me chanics' band has changed Its head quarters from Boyle's hall to McAn drew's barn on Butler street. Ml NOOK A. The South district appears to be minus a polling place. Heretofore the citizens desposited their ballots at the old Father Mathew hall, which was gutted bv fire on last March, and as the handsome new building will not be ready for accupancy on Nov. 3. The St. Joseph's society will not allow their place to be used, and they have served notice on the court to that ef fect. The vacant plot owned by the Costello estate on Main street, was mentioned as an available place, but Luke O'Boyle, the executor of the es tate will not permit the citizens to trespass on the property. An Infant child of I'eter Coyne, of Five Points, died yesterday. E. A. O'Donnell, of Jermyn, called on friends in Greenwood Sunday. The Democratic club will meet this evening at No. 1 school. A Republican rally will be held this evening at Fasshold's hall. It behooves every voter, regardless of political af filiations, to attend to hear the Issues of the campaign clearly Bet forth by a collection of well known speakers. MrsK-Thomns Flynn, of Youngstown, O., is visiting friends here. The remains of a child of Michael Flaherty, of Gllmore avenue, was In terred In Mlnooka Catholic cemetery yesterday. M. J. McCrea was In PHtston yes terday. PKICIUUKG. The Rryan and Sewall club held a rally at Fadden's hall Saturday eve ning. Among the speakers of the eve ning were Edward Merrlfleld, William Conory and A. F. McNulty. Berten Kloy visited friends In Peck villo yesterday. The employes of the Johnson Coal company are taking u lively interest In the question of building a miners' hospital in this district. On Wednesday evening, Oct. IS, the Republican club of this town will hold a grand rally In Smith's hall over the postolllce. Among the many promin ent speakers of the evening will be John F. Reynolds, the Republican can didate for the legislature from the Fourth district. All are cordially In vited to attend. Thomas Meehan was a visitor In Elmhurst Saturday. At an early hour yesterday unknown thieves broke one of the large win dows In the company store of the Johnson Coal company, and secured as booty an assortment of gents' furn ishing goods. YOUNG IN DAVID GARRICK. It is a l'lnv Altogether I'nsiiitcd to the Company Supporting Him. "David Oarrlrk," as presented at the Academy of Music Saturday night was not a very entertaining performance to say the least. Young, himself, was quite capable, but the good Impression he created was counteracted at every time by a mediocre company, which did not know the lines. It Is a play replete with long speech es and therefore required the best kind of work to prevent the Interest of the audience from lagging. Mr. Young and his company were not equal to the re quirements of the piece. GUARDIANSAPPOINTED. Minor Children of Decerned Parents Provided for by the Court. On Saturday the court appointed M. J. Horan guardian of Eva, John, Mer cedes, Mildred, Mattle, James and Daniel Horan, minor children of the late Anthony Horan, of Dumnore, and entered bond In each case 1 sum of $400 with P, J. Horan as surety. John C. O'Malley was appointed guardian of Edward and Frank Gib bons, minor children .of Kate Gibbons, late of Dumnore. Mr. O'Malley was also . appointed guardian of Bessie, Annie. John and Thomas Corcoran, minor children of Owen Corcoran, late of Dumnore. Harry E. Race was appointed guar dian of Eunice. Madge and Floyile E. Robinson, minor children of William B. and Caroline Robinson, both de ceased. Court directed John C. O'Malley, guardian of the Corcoran children, to raise the sum of JS00 by mortgaging the estate of the late Owen Corcoran, of Dunniore, of whom they were heirs. ABRUIZl'S TOUR. The Noted Italian Duke Visits Ningurn falls. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Oct. 25. The special train tendered the Duke of Abruzxl, commander Bertolinl and other officers of the Italian cruiser Cristofur Colombo, now at Philadel phia, by the Lehigh Valley railroad ar rived here at 7 o'clock this evening. The train consisted of two cars, an observation car and a dining car, part of the magnificent outfit of the famous Black Diamond express. Those In the party were H. R. H. the Duke of All ruzzt. Chevalier E. Frlgeri". his aide lie camp, Commander Bertolinl of the Crlstofor Colombo, Lieutenant L. Rosio. Dr. L. t-iurn. Lieutenants Ayer merleh and Mlnspeare, liollln H. Wil bur, general superintendent; Henry II. Kingston, general traffic manager: Charles S. Leo. geneliil passenger ngent of the l,ehl;rh Valley railroad; William C. Huston, jr., F. R. Reets, J. H. Seal and F. C. Cutler, o!so of the Lehigh Valley company. f'n the run over the mountains the fluke and others of his party occupied Sf-ats on the observation platform. His highness expressed great pleasure ut the magnificent scenery in the Switzer land of America and the wonderful view of the Wyoming valley, and ev inced much Interest hi the movements of the train and the conrtruction of the rood. Remarkably fust tioie wis made both In ascending and descending the mountain. On arriving here the party was driven to the Cataract house, wnere, after the Italians of the town had paid their re spects, carriages were taken for the power house. The prince thoroughly Inspected the works, descending the shaft 1HS feet to sen the working of the turbines. From there they were driven through Prospect Park, thence re turning to the hotel. Tomorrow morn ing the party will be shown the falls from both sides of the river, nnd. after a ride on the gorge road, will take a special train for Philadelphia at noon. The Duke of Abruzzl, nephew of the King of Italy and one of the most Im portant men of that country. Is now touring this country. Yesterday at 12.4i p, m. lie passed through Wllkes Barro over the Lehigh Valley road en route to Niagara Falls, where he pro posed to spend a day and then return to New York. The Italian residents of this city and county upon learning that he was to pass through this region conceived the Idea of bidding him to visit the Electric City nnd yesterdny when tho train ar rived at Wilkcs-Bnrre he was greeted by n delegation of Lackawanna county Italians numbering 50, heuded by Frank Cnrluccl and bearing an official Invita tion from Mayor Bailey. The train stopped for so short a time that the duke had barely time to leurn their mis sion. He said he would give the invita tion clue consideration ind if it was possible would avail himself of their kindness. He however felt that It would be Impossible to accept as It would very materially Interfere with his set plans. AMUSEMENTS. Tuesday evening at the Academy of Music William Gillette's most amusing stage creation "Too Much Johnson," will l e produced by one of Frohman's excellent companies. This comedy ran for an entire season In New York. Among Mr. Gillette's other plays may be mentioned "Held by the Enemv," "The Private Secretary," "Mr. Wilkin son's Widows," which have always been successful, and his present New York success, "Secret Service." "Too Much Johnson" is described as being a study in laughter, which begins with the rise of the curtain and never ceases until Its final fall. r1 A mnniF iVin 1 0A mAtnlinra ' . f T nr-n n a D. Van Osten's "Miss Philadelphia" company there are over fifty who are expert bicycle riders and they have or ganized two separate clubs, each have their racing team, and several mem bers of each club are century riders with records. It Is no unusual sight, after the big company arrive in town to see them in their natty costumes start out for a spin in the country. Mr. Col lier Is an enthusiastic wheelman, as is also Miss Maeusker and Louis Allen, and this trio have records for six-hour rend riding which compare favorably with some of the professionals. The sale of seats for "Miss Philadelphia" will open at the Academy box olllce this morning. "The Brand of Cain," the new play that will be seen at Davis' theater, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Is a well conceived and forcibly written ple of dramatic work. The play con tains much that Is original In dlaloguo and the development of the various scenes and situations. The story of twin brothers, while not entirely new to the singe, has been most Interestingly han dled by the author, and In a way to entitle hhn to credit for originality. The "Diablo Chasm" in Spain Is faithfully represented, also a stone quarry In Lon don. Great care has been taker. In mounting the play and the manager, Arnold Wolford. has spared neither pains or expense in doing st. Benefit to the Associated Charities Tuesday af ternoon. - INFCSTED BY HIGHWAYMEN. Robbers Lying in Wait for Stupe f'onrhes in .New Mexico. San Antonio, N. M. Oct. 25. Keeper Rice, of Mountain Station, on the stage road to White Oaks, came in on horse back last nlsht with the news that the men who "held up" the stage coach In the Oecuro Mountains a few weeks lieu are tit 11 1 In the .hills, and thnt they have In all probability rob bed two coat hen within the last few days, uh the Wednesday and Thursday stages civ not yet In, and Red Can yon Is infested with armed men who are lying In wait fur the San Antonio mail. Rice came to seek assistance. When the stages did not appear yes terday, he sent a man out to look for them. The mesenjer, while entering the dreary canyon, was confronted by two masked men, armed to the teeth, and, turning his horse, lied for his life. The men were In waiting for the coach from tills point, undoubtedly. They compose a ;art of the band of robbers who "held up" the Atlantic and Va cilic ex.nvss u few weeks since, when their loader wns shot. Posses have been scouring the mountains for them. Postofllce Inspector Fredericks Is sup posed to be on one of the overdue stages. VOLUNTEERS DRUGGED. litirglar in- the Hooins of Two Olli cers of II Kington Booth's Army. New York, Oct. 25. Captain Nellie Den man and Lieutenant Edith Hjur cerg, who command the Harlem section of Commander Ballington Booth's American Volunteers, were: chloroform ed and robbed In a most mysterious manner In their rooms on the fourth lloor of No. 175 East one-hundred and Twenty-third street.last Monday night. The burglars entered through a window and took $43. When the two women awoke they both complained of feeling 111. They found their rooms tn confu sion;' bureau drawers, trunk and clos ets had been ransacked and the con tents strewn about the floor. The hall door was found open. The fumes of chloroform tilled the room, and hand kerchiefs and a strip of linen which had been saturated with the drug were found on the floor. A number of trink ets besides the $45, which had been tak en from a satchel that bung In the closet, were missing. Dr. Harris, who lies In the neighbor hood. wa5 called in. and declared from the symptoms of the two women that chloroform had been administered. No traces were left by the burglars. The police think they entered the house by means of a skeleton key. Captain Den man said they had been robbed once be fore of $30. KEROSENE TRAGEDY. A Camden Woman Succeeds in Killing HerselfNarrow Escape oi Hus band and Children Cnmden, N. J., Oct. 25. The hasten ing of a fire with kerosene brought the shocking death of a mother and Im perilled the lives of her sick husband and five little children this morning. Harris Freelandcr and his family oc cupy a little two-rtory dwelling No. SCN Sycamore street. Freelander has bi cn ill with typhoid fever and the f.milly has been In sore straits. When Mrs. Freelander arose this morning she found that her kitchen tire died out during llio night. She saturated some kindlings with kerosene oil, placed the can on the top of the stove and t niched a natch to the kindlings. Next Instant thf wns an explosion that shook the hot:se nnd mingled with agonizing seroams, It startled the sick man above stubs and aroused the sleeping child ren. Freelander leaped out of bed and ran down stairs. Neighbors, who heard the explosion and the screams sent In a call for the firemen. Meanwhile the children, aroused by th confusion, attempted to get down stairs, but the oldest girl held them back when slu1 found smoke pouring up the stnlrway In such volume, as to al most suffocate her. Led by the eldest girl the children climbed out upon a shed. The elder children had forgotten the sleeping Infant In the confusion, but the little heroine of the) occasion never flinching, clambered back through the window, got the baby and brought It out In triumph. Responding to the alarm the firemen reached the house, nnd soon had the flames In the kitchen subdued. As the smoke, cleared away the shapeless form of the unfortunate wife and mother was found on the floor. The (lames had charred her body Into an unrecog nizable mass, and she was buried before dark. THE HEALER COMES EAST. Schradcr is FH'ccting His Alleged Miraculous Cures in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Oct. 25. August Schra der, who cnlls himself the "divine heal er," arrived in this city from the West last evening, charged with the especial mission of curing the nfilicted. This Is Schrader's first visit to the East, and he givs as his reason for beginning work in Philadelphia that he has been urged to do so by many residents of the city, who have written to him continually on the subject. The large number of hand kerchiefs sent to him by Philadelphlans to be blessed has also had the effect, he says, of convincing him that he is want ed here and will be cordially received. Sohrai'er has gained fnme as "healer" since the advent In the West and South west of Schlatter. Schrader said today that he had made thousands of miracu lous cures In the western part of the United States. He intends staying in Philadelphia for two weeks, when he will go to New York. From the latter place he will visit New England. There was a constant stream of callers upon Schrader today, and several cures are said to have been made. DESERTED HER THREE YEARS AGO. Mrs. Minnie Holthum Suet for a Divorce front Her Husband. Mrs. Minnie Hollharn, of Green Ridge, on Saturday commenced proceedings to secure a divorce from Thomas Hol tham, the well known hotel man to whom she was married June 17, 1874. In her libel which was filed by At torney E. H. Shurtllff, Mrs. Holtham says that her husband deserted her three years ago and has ever since per sited In her desertion. HOW DOES IT HAPPEN t Free coinage advocates, who claim thnt their scheme for M-cent dollars would benefit the whole people, should explain how It happens thnt the most civilized countries hnvo gradually abandoned the silver standard; that the great commercial nations which do the largest portion of the world's business are all on the gold basis; that no Important country has ever gone back to silver after once using gold as a measure of value; that wages are far higher In gold standard countries than In China, Mexico and all other silver countries; that the condition of the American farmer Is so greatly superior to that of the ryots who cultivate the soil of silver standnrd Jmlia; that if it be true that the gold stand ard lowers the price of goods this is iot deslrnble for our sixty-live million con sumers; that wherever the experiment cf cheapening the currency has been tried It has alway.4 Injured most the masses whose Inbor produces all wealth; and that the men most anxious to' overthrow our present standard are the silver mine owners, speculators and f lice seeking politicians. YOU WILL BE WELL, when yrur blood Is rich, pure nnd nourishing. Hood's Hats iparilia muhes the blood rich and pure nnd ou'-es nil blood d s eases, health and vigor. HOOD'S PILLS are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure Indigestion, headache. 25c Strike Contemplated. London. Oct. 25 At a meeting of tlie dock laborers at Southampton today It was decided to take a ballot In two Weeks to decide whether to go on strike to "-e-cure better wages or whether to wait until the dock laborers should be better organized. Jordan's b'kw't cakes, saurage 10c. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. WHEELS rj WHEELS BICYCLES. ON AND AFTER PEPT. 1ST, 1W6, WE will i ITer nil of the following wheels we may havct in stock nt Job! er'a Prices : Wolf American, i'ierce. Iver-Johnson, Wnverly nnd Fi atherstono Line. This is an opportunity to list tond wheel rheup. We still have th famous "Crawford," wheel that runuM light nnd entvV suit wrnrs itl to niiytKO machine on tuu n nrkot. Cou sod tea what we can dj fcr you In our line. 1 1 PH, 321 SPRUCE SI. THE LEADER 124-126 Wjosing An Will place on sale the follow ing extraordinary values in new and choice merchandise. We invite inspection through out our establishment, and you will find we are money savers for you: Assorted lot of Black Dress Goods, every piece all wool, worth from 60c, to 7Ec. Leader's price, Sic One case Double Fold Plaids all colors, worth 15c. Leader's price, 10O. 8 pieces Coverts, very heavy ES-lnch In navy, brown, grey and black, worth oc. Leader's price, J3c 10 pieces Boucle Dress Goods In nil shades, worth 69c. Leader's price, 37c. One case Towelling, worth 6c Lead er's price, 2Mic. One case 0-4 Unbleached Sheettnc, worth ISc. Leader's price, 11c. 100 doien Ready-Made Sheets, 10-1, ex tta heavy MuBlin, regular prico 6uo, Leader' price, 39c. One bale 26-Inch, Unbleached Muslin, worth 6c. Leader's price i. 10 pieces all Linen Half-Bleached Table Damask, regular price 26c. Leader's price, 19c. 10 Pieces all Linen Half-Bleached Table Damask with red border, CO Inches wide, worth 65c. Leaders price, S8c. One lot Plaid Tarns, worth 19c. Leader's price, 10c. One lot Pic In Tarns, worth 25c. Lead er's price, 19c. One lot Untrtmmed Felts In latest shapes, wo. th 69c. Leader' price, 49c. One lot Plaid Walking Hats, worth lc. Leader's price, 49c. One lot Silk infants' Capi, worth 49c. Leader's price, 25c. One lot Trimmed Hats, worth 12.98. Leader's price, 11.98. One lot Trimmed Felts, worth 13.98. Leader's price, $2.98. Velvet Hats In latest designs, worth 15.00. Leader's price, $3.98. 60 Seal Plush Capes, fur trimmed, full sweep, worth $4.00. Leader's price, $2.90. 25 Seal Plush Capes, thlbet, fur and brown opposium trimmed, silk lined, full sweep, worth $6.00, Leader's price, $4.49. 24 Plain Black Beaver Cloth, Double and Single Capes, fur and braid trimmed, worth $3.00. Leader's price, $1.98. 35 Black and Blue Beaver Cloth Capes, velvet collar, braid trimmed, worth $2.00. Leader's price, $1.19. 75 Children's Reefers, all colors, sailor collars, braid trimmed, all sites, worth $2.50. Leader's price, $1.99. 20 Ladles' Beacer Jackets, box fronts, the newest sleeve and back, worth $5.00. Leader's price, $2.79. 25 Ladles' Tallor-Made Jackets in all wool boucle made In the latest style, worth $6.00. Leader's price, $4.49. 25 Ladles' Figured Brilllantlne Skirts, five yards wide, lined throughout and velveteen bound, worth $3.00. Lead er's price, $1.09. Ladles' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, fleece lined, worth 25c. Leader's price, 15c. 38 Ladies' Changeable Taffeta Bilk Waists in all the newest shades; lined through out; worth tti.UO. Leaders price, $3.98. Men's Neckwear in most exclusive shapes and patterns, new and gor geous colorings, worth 75c. Leader's price, 49c. 20 Dozen Men's Night Shirts, ex;ra quality, plain and fancy, worth 60c. Leader's price, 35c. 20 dozen Extra Quality Men's Fleeoe Lined Underwear.'all sixes, worth 69c. Leader's price, 49c, Boys' Black Ribbed Hose, spliced knees, sIzeB 6 to 9ft, worth 25c. Lead er's price, 15c. Ladles' Black Cotton Hose, worth 124o. Leader's price, 8 pair for 25c. 600 pieces Black and Fancy All-Silk Ribbons, In widths from three to five Inches, none In the lot worth less than 25c, and some as high as 60c. Choice of any, 1254c THE MIC POWDER CO., H00BS AMD 2, COffl'LTH i'L'VS, SCRANTON, PA, ITIININ6 AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AND RUSaV DALE WORKS. tAPLIN & RANIJ POWDER CO' ORANGE OUN POWDER Electric Batterii. Electric Exnlu'lor far ex ploding Llusts, Safety Fate, aod Eepanno Chemical Co. 's man EXPLOSIVES, CALL UP 3682i OFPICB AND WAKBHOtSB. Ml TO i(i MERIDIAN STRBBT- CO. HW.C0IXLS.Mf.nifer. SPECIAL SALE OF ORIENTAL RUGS CARPETS AT 124 Washington Avenue. BY MICH ABU AN BROS, ft CO. BAGDAD PORTIERES AT $2.00 KARABAGH RUGS AT S9.00 Pine Aatlqaa Ruga at ti per etnt. tm than asually aolu. Braidoa, w hava rowlrad on conaicnniont a Una lot of Javaneae ware which e will Mil at coat. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. . TUESDAY, OCTOBER aji First time here of Wm. Gillette's Greatest Comedy Success TooHuch Johnson Munagfrnent of CHARLES FROIl MA.N With a splendid Cast and Elab orate Scenery. PRICES Gallery, igc; Balcony, s Rows, MCi Balanca, jc! Orchestra Circle son Orchestra, 7cj Parlor Chairs, f i.oo. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Wednesday and Thursday Oct 8-g. The Massive Production Miss Philadelphia with the Popular Comedian WILLIE COLLIER, and 100 People. Ladles' Symphony Or chestra. PRICES Gallery. 25 cents; Balcony, first two rows, 75 cents; bal ance, 60 cents; Orchestra Circle, $1; Orchestra and Parlor Chairs, $1.50. DAVIS' THEATER Maodiy, Tuesday and Wednesday, Octo ber.6,j7tsd 18. Arnold Wolford's Stupendous Bcenio Production, The Brand of Gain Dlable Chasm, Stone Quarry, Spanish Inn, Explosion of Power House. Admission 10, 20 or 30 Cents. Two performances dally. Doors open at 1.M and 7. Curtain rises at 2.W sod 111 TUESDAY. AFTERNOON, OCT. S7, Benefit to the Poor The entire proceeds so to the Board of Aaso ciatad Charities. KEEP COMFORTABLE And You Will ba Happy. The way to keep your home comforta ble at this seas an of the year Is to buy one of our Gas or Oil Heaters Just the thing for your dinln; room in the morning, or your bath room, and in fact any plaee you want a little heat without start ing your furnace or boiler. We have over 20 styles sizes of f as heaters, unit 10 or more of Oil leaters. Without question the best assortment in the city. FOOTE SHEAR CO, 119 WASHINGTON MENU! Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO,, U. L CROFUT, PROPRIETOR THIS HOUSE is strictly temperance, 1 new and well furnished and OPENED T(J TUB PUBLIC THE YEAR ROUND, Is located midway between Binchamton anj Bcranton. on the Montrose and Lacks, wanna Railroad, six miles from D., L, A W. R. R. at Alford Station, and Ave miles from Montroae; capacity eighty-five, three minutes' walk from railroad station. House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entire length of the house, which In 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc. Free to Uuests. Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling; In this respect the Adirondack and Catsklll Mountains. Pine groves, plenty of shade and besutl. ful scenery, making a Bummer Resort un. excelled tn beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion, swings, croquet ground. et COT.n PRINO WATER AND PLENTY OP MILK. Rates $7 to f 10 Per Week. St.go Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations oa Dm L. eV W. Unes. Porter meets all trains. Has been predicted all through the season fust past. THIS IS THE WAY HUMBERS HAVE BEEN REDUCED. '06 Price. '97 Price. Roadster, $110.00 $115.00 Tourist, 112.50 117.50 Lady Kumber,. 117.50 122.50 Racer, 125.00 150,00 Prices seem high, but then you know it's 11 UMBER QUALITY. (I GREAT SUP IN HOT PB CHASE & FARRAR 515 Linden Street