4 8 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 189. WILLIAM M'KINLEY AS THE SOLDIER The Splendid MiJi'.sry Record ol a Hero and Patr.ot FACTS WORTHY OF CLOSE STUDY lie Lnlis'.t d as u i'rivate in tho Same It: stmciit with rx-Prcsidcat Hayes, ni'.d V. on l.acli Out! til His l iomo lion by Kurd J-'iiihliux strict Attention to Duly. l'roni tho Philadelphia Ledger. In tliis exciting political campaign It ttenis remarkable tlnit so little litis been written or said of tin? most lull-liu-.il iViimt of the life of the Republi can candidate for the presidency. Wiiiii- i;U political career has been iiiii',1. and every word that he may have tittered ill congress or on the Mump has been criticised and ivmi iin i'.tcd upon, the glorious record of hiM lour ! iitH; years of faithful service in l ie field hull barely l.een touched upon. Vet he was one .f the bravest of sol ttifs in ne of the most lamous regi ments of the fre;;t war, suid, while ioooe.--ty may for;il It's intruding the n i'iiaiy portion uf hi.s life on the public, ii is, at the came time, very question able whether he would he willing to ex change all the political honors that he has gained, or ilnrv thai may coino to him in four years in the AYiiito house, for the gli.rics that luster around the memories of his four years of service in the Army of the rnion. The losrii'vnt In which the young sol dier served, the Twenty-third Ohio In lantry, was one of the bravest and best, and bore upon its rolls the names of many men who afterwards became Il lustrious in the country's history. The lust colonel was William S. Rosoeranffc afterward malor general nnd command er of the armies of the Tennessee nnd O.paiimont of the Cumberland. The nontenant colonel was that splen did soldier, Stanley .Matthews, who, af ter the war. became a senator of the l ulled Sin tea and then eminent as a justice of the supreme court. The major was Rutherford B. Hayes, afterwards brigadier general, anil then governor of i ihio, and nineteenth presi dent of ih? United States. THE WAR'S BEGINNING. When the war began Mcinley, then a boy of is, was teaching a country ichool. The first Run that sounded th'j commencement of tne titanic struggle awoke in the breast of the young schoolmaster nil the fervor and patriot ism that the times called forth, nnd he was one of the very lirst to respond to the rail of duty, enlisting as a priv ate soldier in Company K June 11, 1SB1. For fourteen months he carried tin musket, attaining the rank of sergeant April 15, lNtl2. Veal's afterwards, in re calling this period, "Private William .McKinley," then governor of Ohio, re marked to some frknds: "I always look back with pleasure upon those fourteen months in which I served in the ranks. They taught me a great deal. I was but a school boy when I went into tho army, nnd that first year was a forma tive period of my life, during which I learned much of men and affairs. 1 have always been glad that I entered the service ns a private and served those months in that capacity." September 21, 1st!;, the sergeant was commissioned second lieutenant of 'oii.any Five months afterwards he became lirst lieutenant of Company I :, and on July 25, 164. he had risen to lie captain of Compuny (J. Kvory pro nation was well earned. However, no sooner had ho been commissoned than his value as an ollieer was recog nized, and three months after receiving I. is lirst commission he was detailed as aide-de-camp on the staff of General Rutherford 11. Hayes, j-rom that time until tile close of the war lie served ' .'iiliimaMy as a staff ollieer, being at ni.-i ient limes on the staffs of Generals S. Carroll, George Crook, afterwards i he famous Indian lighter, und Winfleld S. Hancock, the suprb ail of these in. n famous for their fighting qualities. He was breveted Major, on the re commendation of General Phllln H. Sheridan, for distinguished nnd gallant conduct at Cedar Creek nnd Fisher's itill. OTHKU BATTLES. With his regiment, or while on staff duty, he fought In West Virginia, in the Army of the Potomac under MeClellan, and in the Shenandoah Valley und.T Sheridan. He was In ail the early lights in West Virginia, at South Mountain ut:d Antietam, receiving his shoulder straps one week after that Inst named bloody battle, nnd exchanging his mus ket for the sword. His first battle was nt Carnbex Ferry, West Virginia, Sep tember 10, 1SC1. Here the Ohio school boy, his face aglow with patriotism ana hope, his heart overdowinz with love of country, stood elbow to elbow with his schoolmates of yesterday, his com rades of today, offering his young life, as hundreds of thousands cf other youths were doing, in defense of right, und that the republic might not perish. Thus, for four long years he fought in every battle and skirmish, until the very end, doing his whole dutv, gather ing honors nnd adding to his fame as a soldier, fearless and without reproach, fighting nt Townsend's Ferry, Nov. ti nt Laurel Hill, Nov. 12: Camp Creek, May 1, 1SC2: New River, May 6; Pack's Ferry. New River, Aug. 6; in support of Cope's army, Aug. 15; battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14; Antietam, Sept. 10 and 17; Cloyd's Mountain, May 9, i?04; Mitffnlo Can, June 6; Lexington, Juno 10; Otter Creek, June 11; Lynchburg, June 17; Liberty, June 19; Buford Gap, June 2d; Salem, June 21; Sweet Sulphur Springs. June 25; in the campaign against Early, July 14 to Nov. 2S; skir mish at Cnhletown, July 19: light nt Snicker's Ferry, July 21; Winchester nnd Kernstown, July 23 nnd ii; Mnr tinshtirg, July 25; lierryvlilo, Aug. 10; Halltown. Aug. 22; Berryvilli, Sept. 3, where his horse was shot tin lor him; buttle of Winchester. Sept. 19; Fisher's Hill, Sept. 22; skirmish at New Market, Oct. 7: Cedar Creek, Oct. 13; batite of C"dar Creek, Oct. 19 in all, mor.? than thirty battles and Bkirmishes In the very front, from the beginning to the end; from the first shot until the very last mustered out July 26, H65. nfte'r more than four years of continuous ser vice, nevr missing a day's duty or a tight. He was but 22 years of age evn then, yet a veteran of two score and ten engagements, distinguished among the bravest of the brave in the grearest war the world ha sever Been ns a pri vate soldier, knowing how to follow and obey; as an ollieer, how to lead and command. Honored and breveted by the fiery mm THERE'S NO DOUBT ABOUT IT AT ALL. 1 Viiii neror found any ttiin ; elsn In this sture nt iiiv time. We liar no old stock to work off. Ereryililn in fresh mid rig t up to time. The pr I'tiiont nn, nobhient Rood find their wavtothis furnlnhing etore, ud tje prices will please any nised purse. CONRAD. 305 Lack. Ave I Sheridan, when, after his ride from Winchester town, he came on the Held and found Captain McKinley In the storm of the battle calmly rallying the disordered troops and facing them to the front. PRAISE FROM SUPERIORS. General George Crook rays: "I have the honor to earm.st.y recommend Captain William McKinley, Twenty third Ohio Infantry, for appointment to a higher grade thn his preset: t rank for bravery, ge.llr.ntty, soldierly con u.iet and dl-:tingui-hi d set vic3.dnr ng the eunipti'SPs of West Virginia aii-l Shene.i.doah Vc.l'.i y." General I'hil.p II. Sheridan. "Th whirlwind with s-pui-s." as ilcr.ccck so aptly named hiir, forwarded tne rec ommendation of General Crcol with the following endorsement: Headquarters Middle Military Plvl .lit'ni. Feb. 1, 1 !;'. Rspocifully fr v.Elded to the adjutant general of the army approved. The appointment rec ommended is well deserved." Tne recommendations of Generals Crook end Sheridan were endorsed and approved l y Lieutenant General i trant. i.nd this Private McKinley in 1m:i came home with tiie 1 aves of a trr.jr.r on his should r itt:i s. Nn wondei tin t new. thirty year. nf t: r the echo of the last gun has dh:d iiw.w among the hilK and the smoke of the hist buttle has been liTt'ed from the va:iia of our latid, that all 'he ;:!t ri(S of the old fioys come vividly j P."(k to the veterans when one of their I ov. n C'lTiiiade.T is aifaiu In the front. I With him they again get in line, tout h i e'bowj "guide right" and march to j victory, feeling that one wiio sto id I with ili-m In the rani s? In the the I of -he hnttle, oKVrim? his life for hi j ccuntT, can well be trusted to tali.? i command and lead the lepublic to a ! utill more exulted position among the tiniMi'S it the earth. Ilenee the tenia knble speitae'e tint we in w witness of the old soldl- rs nil over the land spontaneously and unan imously tinting to elect their conttud ', Private William McKinley. soldier, here nnd statesman, to the highest honor In the gift of th;? people, ruid it is most gratifying also to observe that the former foes, eX-Corfeibiat soldiers, have, by the tliotfutHl.--, uiiitirily tendered to him their Icyal so, ": ; in this campaign. CONGRESSIONAL DRINKERS It Is Less Common Tlian Formerly All tlough There la Yet Room for Reform-Old Time Soaks. Tenn," In Philadelphia Bulletin. The House Committee on Public Uuildlngs has agreed to report a bill nbolishing the sale of Intoxicating drinks In the capitol nnd its purlieus, so that congress may find it ditilcul to liquor up. 'Yet It Is doubtful whetner public men at Washington are as In temperate as they were in former days. I ll.id that nil the old observers In the cspitol ngree that great as the drink ing now is. It is small in extent com pared to what It was before the w-r. There is less of a demand for whisky, nnd more discrimination In the selec tion of wines. A member of congress who does not touch liquor is not so apt t.) be regarded ns a Joseph Surface as ho waa In the time of Huclmnan a;ii I'luce, nnd. In fact, of the administra tions of utmost all the earlier presi dents. A public man of high estate could not nfford now to have such leputatlons for conviviality nnd potations us Web ster and Clay had without any serious loss of popular strength. But any well known member of congress who goes on a debauch and shows himself In a pub lic place under its inlluenc?.is in dan ger of having that fuct telegraphed the same night all over the country, and In these times there are not muny dis tricts in which Bueh a piece of news would not nrou3 the honorable mem ber's constituency and be received as campaign material by his enemies. The result Is that many a public man In Washington Is more abstinent than he would be from natural choice. The members of congress in these days are not nil models of sobriety; but there are few of them that would have the temerity to appear in the cap itol drunk. With the exception of a few graceless scamps, the congressmen who are In the habit of drinking take care to conceal the facts as much us possible from the public; or, nt least, not to lapse Into opon inebriety. Such a man knows well that if he were to indulge his weakness openly or freely, he would find nil the newspapers, churches and temperance societies holding him up to ridicule and con tempt. The public, indeed, is no longer disposed to look upon drunkenness as nn eccentricity of genius that must be forgiven in a statesman. SICKLES' ILLLUSTRATION. General Daniel E. Sickles once de scribed tho habit of whisky drinking as It was practiced by members of con gress In the days before the war. Gen eral Sickles was a members of that memorable congress which was In ex istence during the last hnlf of Ruchan nan's term. It is his belief that the nervous excitement which excessive tippling produced In that congress had not a little effect In perclpitating the re bellion. It was a congress of whisky drinker. They drank whisky by day and night. Scarcely a committee room was without Its demijohns. The result was threats, angry ppeech?s, flrhts nil caused by whisky. "If the French assembly," said Sickles, "were to drink some morning one-hnlf the whisky con sumed on nny one day by that congress it would declnre war against Germany in twenty minutes." The old Whig party nnd the Demo cratic party In the twenty years before the war were full of the wrecks of lead ers whom whisky had demoralized an I broken down. Webster's potatinns were notorious, especially in th p'-inT years of his life. Clay wa njii:.-: ;.l to indulgence. Stephen A. I:nt-,!.-s..t died In the prime of his life a vh t m of rum. It was In that school that An drew Johnson formed the habits which made him Biu.h a spectacle when he had to cling to fh" marble pillars of the capitol when he was Inaugurated as vice-president. When the southern tire-eaters wished to fri-jhteti a north ern man they soaked theim-clves In rum. Preston Hrooks, when h-u--ault-ed Charles Sumner with a bludgeon, had nerved himself with strong drink. Jefferson Davis, when In the senate, was one of the tr.OEt notorious patron of the Washington bar-rooms. Hril llant men of both parties, like Klchard Yates, of Illinois: James A. MclJougall. of California; Sargent S. Prentiss, of Mississippi: Lawrence M. Keitt. of South Carolina, and many others ruin ed their intellects und shortened th dr lives by habitual debauchery. The proceedings of the congresses in the ante-bellum period show that drunken representatives were such familiar ob jects that Jt was only when they got into duels or pummelled one another In the capitol that they attracted more than ordinary attention. ABE YOL'It WIFE ANO CHILI) HEX PROTECTED by insurance? More than ten million peo ple have policies. Twenty-tlve million people are trusting to those pnlkicM io care for them when husbands and fathers are deaiW In lsflj the companies paid pol icy holder, and their families lltii.pjj.iiio. equivalent to Bold. If they could have paid in silver dollars, they would have paid but little more than half of that. The difference would not have been mnde by the companies, but by th? nun who borrow gold dollurs from the companies ami would repay idlver dollar: The sliver men wish to take half your Insurance away from your widow and children, and give it to the men who bor rowed from the companies. ' From fifty cents to three dollars saved by purchasing tickets Via the Nickel Plate Road. SHERIFFVS PROCLAMATION. GENERAL ELCTION PROCLAMA tion. Pursuant to an act of the Gen eral Ass. mbly of the eminonv;ealtb of Pennsylvania, cniUleu "An act relat ing to elections." approved the second ':: of July, Anno r-omini one thousand eight hundred a-tid thirty-nine, and ulfo the acts aonroved the thirtieth day of January, one thousand eUrht hundred and seventy-four.and theuniendeU con- l siiiution. It is made the duty of the sheriff of every county in the common wealth, to jive notice of the time of holding the general election, and In each case to enumerate: First The oPicers to be eleeted. Second Designating the place ot which the elections are to be held; therefore. I, FRANK H. CLEMONS. High Sher iff of Lackawanna county, common wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known nnd give nutlet to th elec tors aioivsuii' that an election will be held in the txid county of Lackawanna on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1S95. For thirty-two persons to fill the of fices of Presidential Electors. For two persons to till the offices of Representatives at Ir.rre in Congress. For one person to fill the otliee of Representative in Congress, Eleventh Congtessionnl District. For one person to till the off.ee of Sen ator In the General Assembly Twenty-!ir-t Senatorial District. , For one person to fill the office of Representative In the General Assem bly First Legislative District. For one person to fill the ofilce of Representative in the General Assem bly Sei.ond Legislative District. For one pel turn to till the office of Representative In the General Assem bly Third Legislative District. For one person to till the office of Representative In the General Assem bly Fourth Legislative District. For two persons to till the otlk-es of County Commlssloneis of Lackawanna County. For two persons'lo fill the oflieos of County Auditors of Lackawanna coun ty. And I hereby make known and give notice that the following Is the official list of nil candidates with parties, or policies represented, whose certificates of nomination and nomination papers have been filed as provided In Section 6 of the act of June 10, A. D. 1M)3, r.nd who are to be voted for in the County of Lackawanna at tho ensuing election to be held Tuesday, November 3rd, 1H. REPUBLICAN. For President nnd Vice-President. McKinley and Hobnrt. Presidential Electors. Joseph Wharton, Alexander K. Patton. William Witherow. Peter L. Klmberley. John S. Pearson. Allen R Rorke. Frank P. Hemiley. William M. Taggart. Leonard Myers. Joseph H. Huddell. William F. Solly. John Fritz. Henry L. Johnson John II. Lnndis. Everett Warren. Rider Wellington Wilde. Harrison Hall. David W. Miller. Henry C. Prevost. James V. Brown. Frederick H. Eaton George Parron Miller. Reuben Hathaway Shlnd-L George Thompson swank. Samuel Edward Wilson. William Maurice Randolph. Emnnttel WY-rtheimer. Josiah Sneer. Edward Everett Abrams. Isador Sobel. William Schnur. Joseph C. Campbell. Reprcsentntlves-nt-Large In Congress. Gnlusha A. Grow. Samuel A. Davenport. Representative In Congress. William Connell. Senator in the General Assembly 21st Senatorial District. Willinm J. Scott. Representatives In General Assembly. 1st dlst. John R. Farr. 2d dlst Alexander T. Connell. ild dint. Nnthnn C. Mackey. 4t ft dist. John F. Reynolds. County Commissioners Giles Roberts. S. W. Roberts. County Auditors. A. E. Klefer. Fred. L. Ward. DEMOCRATIC. For President und Vlee-Pref Ident Bryan and Sewall. Presidential Electors. Thomas Sterrelt. Lewld N. Ireland. A'exander H. Coffroth. Thomns G. Delenunty. John H. Keenan. Albert M. Hicks. John J. Taylor. Tnotnas MeCulloush. John Hngan. Robert A. Thomrsotl. Charles n. Kaler. John IS. Storm. Thomas K. Kaak. Charles F. Rentrlor, .Ir Charles H. Schadt. , Thoma.t R. Phillies. I, Jesiph . Sartaln. John K. Royal. John M. Crrrnll. Charles J. Rellly. J. P. Heffa. Mil had Dclnniy. A. J. Prady. George V. Rhine. J- l-n '. Patten. V.illieltl Welhe. Samuel v.'. T:i.;ck John J. MrF.-irlainl. C. H Alters. John L. McKlnney. S. S. Hfcltett. James J. Kltrf. Rei,ies jntntivi s-rt- Large in C.ingrers. DeWItt p..ivi;t. Jerome T. A"Tnn. Reptvenrptive (,) C.in"!vns. Edward A. Veiriitolil. Senator in the Goiio.-nl Assembly 21st Senatorial District. David V,'. .Mrfki i'"V. RepreF'-ntJlive In -ne-i Assembly. l.-l ,l!i!.-.I,ihtl A. l.-i rt:.. l ,vi. (rni:- T. iV'.l-' r. I'd di-t.--Vprfin C. J'ii'cm 4th ii' -!.-Michael F. ' Faibl-n 'oi'iit v Commissioner Jihlt IVOiUtll. William J. Ihirlte. Ci.tn'tv At;di!ut:. ttolierl ' pn"V Patrlc!: M. r,t.:.. PfUMtTPTT'ov For President nnd Vlce.p.-i f.-dont. Levering and Johnson. preFliV-ritial Electors. James Vcnse). SiiiTiU"! pni-r". Hiram DeV'uH. clivi r Ii. Holeomb. A r drew Tfertzc!. John ZeHlcr. Fdwnrd Cnmr boll. Wllllntn A. Stiiuffer. Lewis I,. 'lls. Frank It. Lrnth. GenrT" Irwin. Sihis C. Swallow. A. Foter Mullln. .1. W. RtiTh. Robert S. Cln-s. Geo. W. KVeIt. Joel R. Merrimnn. pen.iamin n. Cnrr.on, George G. Ritchie. C'.ntit P. PVr'-Ti?!. ' Horace SI. Vnlton. . " M!lon J. Fiery. Noah Pettebone. Jonathan Brown. Juhn Martyn, Sr. John A. Sln?mnster. William R. Wharton. Jesse F. Undine. Joseph B. Holts. Howard Coates. ' George Drayton. Richard T. Osden. Rpprcsentative-at-Large In Congress Abraham A. Barker. George Alcorn. Ropresentatlve In Congress. Harry J. liockenberry. Senator in the General Assembly 21st District. James L. Kill-ore. Repress ntatlve in General Assembly. 1st. dist. Giles L. Clark. 2d disl. John F. Broadbent. 2d dist. George W. Weldy. 4th dist. .Mark Walker. County Commissioners. Amos Washer. Momculm W. Edwards. County Auditors. Ira Davits. Richard W. Kcllow. PEOPLES. For President and Vice-President. Lryati and Watson. Presidential Electors. Ak'"amler H. Coffroth. 1 human Sterrett. Lowla N. Ireland. Thos. G. Delahuniy. John H. Kecnan. John J. Taylor. Thoe. McCullough. Robert A. Thoniaon. Chas. D. Kaler. Jos. S. i?nrtnln. "Albert M. Hicka John Ha''an. William Stuhler. John H. Storm. Thos. E. Hauk. Ciias. F. Renrrler. Jr, Clms. H. Schadt. Thou. R. Phillips John X. Royal. John M. Carroll., Charles J. Rellly. J. P. Ho!Ta. A. J. Drady. Geo. W. Rhine. John C. Patton. William Welhe. John J. McFarland C. H. Akei. John L. MeKlnnev. S. Hacketl. Miehnel Delunry. '., Samuel W. Plaek. Representatlve-nt-LttrKe In Congress. Jerome T. Ai'miri. John P. Correll. Re:re.ientutive in Congress. John Sylupas. County Commissioners. Rees "tV. Davis. John R. Skkler. County Auditors. John A Rarron. Albert riutternmn. SOCIALIST LABOR. For Preshlent nnd Vice-President. Matchett and MuGuire. Presidential Electors. William H. Musk. Clement J. Cassldy. Charles W. Rlcker George Q. Anton. Edward Kupplnge Theodore Gey. Abraham Levin. Max Keller. Gustnve Zeglln. Theodore Rlckert. Ernest Duerlng. William Feinhals. Herman Kreiiner. Henry Ilroegger. Martin V. Held. Brooklyn B. LevengonQ. Ebenezer C. Howartb John H. Lewis. Thomas Grundy. James Cooke. Adam Kuttenberger. Anthony Beckers. Simmon Segal. John H. Dreher. John Shmeleskey. Micah Began. John O. Smith. John Lentz. ' Charles F. Englert. William H. Thomas. Michael Klemann. Josiah W Burrows. Representative-at-Large In Congress. Emil Guwang. Fred. W. Lon g NATIONAL. For President and Vice-President. RentU-y and Southgate. Presidential Electors. J. Acker Guss. William Cooper. Robert Cameron. James Dodds. William F. Boyd. Jacob Ruse. Jacob Reese. Sntr.uel IS. Luckie. Clement L. Butnell. Albert T. Sharpley. lsnnc D. Johnson. Isaiah C. Lnndis. Joseph Kift, Jr.' Thomas II. Webb. T. Howard Webb. Daniel M. Wehlman. Francis P. Willlts. Samuel E. Horner. ChcRfer R. Drown. Clayton G. F. MMIer. Charles W. Vnn Sickle Joseph T. Phillips. John W. Ballard. Dnvls Yurnnll. Joshtm E. Hftnnum. Finncls W. Hicks. Hanson P. Passtnore. Charlei (terner. Alvs C. Rro.-.lus. William A. Matter. William H. Farley. Elmer E. Gregory. James H. Alcorn. John Dennis. Reprepcntatives-at-Large In Consress. Henry S. Kent. I. G. Pollurd. FREE SILVER. For President and Vice-President Hryan and Rewnll. Presidential Electors Alexander IT. CVffroth. Tlii iiiaa J. Sterrttt. Lewis N. Ireland. Thos. O. Delahunty. John H. Kcepitn Albert V. Hicks. J' hn J. Tnvlnr. This. M((M:!li,;th. Jehu H.'icnn. Robert A. Thoinnaoli. .'nines J. Kh:". John I!. Storitn Tiiomns E. Haak. Clierl- F. Ri'ngr-r J 'hnrl s if. t-Vhadt Tims. U. Phlll'-" Chns. (. K.-ilet-; .bd n K. TIevi 1. John M. Chit. l. ".irs. J. Helllv. J. P. H- fta. ' Jos. S. Sartaln. A. J. 'tin,'- :..,.. iv. t;!,; ,,., J"hn .'. I'a'ten. WHllp.m Well.e. Siit-Viiei W. KImcV Jol'n J. McFarland. C. H. Ailie,ls. John L. A'cKlnnev. S. S. H.ukett. Michael DelHtiey. R(proentat!vr'!-.it-l.arge In fongresi ' i-V.'Itt ". rn'.VItt. Jen me T. A:ii: an. M'KI?;Lvy CITIZENS. Tor rt-rllert nnd Vice-President. McKinley an 1 Ilebai t. Preiiid'rtlal Electois. Jos.-ph Vi'l n. ton. Alexander F. Pntton William Withi row. Peter L. Kimherly. Jchn S. Pearson. Allen f. Rotk'. , Frank P. Iff ndlev. Willinm M. T.iggar' Lronnrd Myrts. '' ' Jorcph H. Hiir dell. iWlilam F. Solly. John Frits. Hnry L. Jobnson, Jonh H. Land Is. Everett Warren. Blder Wellington Wilde. Harrison Ball. David W. Miller. Henry C. PrevosL James V. Brown. Frederick H.JCaton. George Barron Miller. Reuben Hathaway Shlndet. George Thompson Swank. Samuel Edward W.lsun. William Maurice Randolph. En anuel Werthelmtr. Josiah Speer. Edward Everett Abrams. Isador Sobel. William Schnur. Joseph C. Cumpbdl. Representatlves-at-Large In Congress. Galusha A. Grow. Samuel A. Davenport. JEFFERSONIAN. For President and Vice-President. aPliuer and Buckner. Presidential Electors. William M. Singerly. Augustus S. Landis. Stephen C. McCandlccs. John Ulanchard. John Samuel. Nicholas J. Griffin. Charles Henry Jones Jacob Muhr. Henry JL. Welsh. John B. Hinkson. James Tracy. Jeremiah S. Hess. Louis Kraemer. George Steinman. i Orlando S. Johnson, George R. Wright. Henry Buyer. James J. Pull. Chauncey S. Russell. Frederick Ely Embick. Isaac West. Samuel E. Henry. John M. Mell. Donald E. Dufton. John Y. Woods. Thomas C. Lazear. James Bredin. James M. Hustead. Thomas Bradford. William A. Galbralth. E. H. Lamberton. Frank Fielding. Representatlves-at-Large in Congress. Benjamin C. Potts. Hay Walker, Jr. And I hereby make known and give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid general elections In the sev eral cities, boroughs, townships and districts within the county of Lacka wanna are as follows, to wit: Archbald orough Districts. First ward. First district At the hotel of A. Miles, In said district. First ward, Second district At the hotel of Abram Howells, on Ridge ave nue. In said district. Second ward, at he house of John J. Swift, In snld ward. Third ward At the borough council rooms, in said ward. Benton TownBhlp District. At the house of D. L. Potter, In said township. Blakely Borough Districts. First ward At the office of S. W. Ar nold, In said ward. Second ward At the store building of the Lackawanna Coal company, on the Providence and Carbondale turnpike, in said ward. Third ward At the borough council rooms, on Blakely street, In said ward. Carbondale Township Districts. Nortwest district At the Powderly school building. In said district. Northeast district At No. 4 public school house, In said district. Carbondale City Districts. First ward. First district At the house of B. W. Dix, in said First ward. First ward.Third district At a porta ble building nearthe D. & H. Canal Company's depot In front of Gillen's hotel, In said First ward. Second ward, First dlstrio-At a portable building near Poland's store, at the corner of Seventh and Terrace streets. In said Second ward. Second ward, Second district At Robert Maxwell" hotel, No. 38 Main street. In said Second ward. Second ward, Third district At the house of Thomas Scott, In said Second ward. Third ward, First district At the house of John H. Thomas, formerly known as the Flynn hotel, in said Third ward. Third ward. Second district At a portable building on South Main street, near Klnback's furniture store, In said Third ward. Third ward, Third district At tho house of M. Larkln, in said Third ward. Third ward, Fourth district At the office of John Gibbs, on High street, In snld district. Fourth ward, First district At the house of Michael Connors, on Pike street, In said Fourth ward. Fourth ward, Second district At the house of A. Battle, in said Fourth ward. Fourth ward, Third district At the house of Peter Dougherty, In said Fourth ward. Fifth ward. First district At the office of L. L. Bunnell, corner of Bel mont and Canaan street. In said Fifth ward. Fifth ward, Second dlstrlct-At the house of John Crune, on Dundaff street, In said Fifth ward. Sixth ward. First district At the store of N. C. Purdy, on the East side of Belmont street, in said district. Sixth ward. Second district At the premises of Thomas Hart, 200 Dundaff street, in said district. Clifton Township District. At the Fayette school house ,ln said township. Covington Township District. At the Dalevllle town house, In said township. Dnlton Borough District. At the ofilce of F. M. Francis, in Bald borough. Dickson City Borough Districts. , First ward At the borough build lne, In said district. Second ward At the house of J. A. Rarron, corner of Lincoln and Jack son streets In said ward. Third ward At the store of Michael Matelavltz, in said ward. Dunmore Boroush Districts. Fits! ward. First district At the hous" of the Neptune Hose Co., on hr'nkcr street, ill said district. I First wnrd. Second district At the hotel of Martin Gibbons, on Drinker turnpike, in said district. Second ward. First District At the ' house of John J. Scott, in said ward. Second ward. Second district At the i lK U'. e -f M. D. Freer, in snid ward, i Third ward. First district At the I hoti-o- of Mvs. A. Burschell, In said i Third wnrd. Second district At the ! outbuilding of James McAndrew. near j the corner of Sixth and Mill streets, in iaid ward. ' ....... Third wnrd Third district At the u,t.a f Anc-.ist Wffhler. in said ward. Fourth ward At the house of Mrs. Bridget Burke, on Northerly side of Drlrkcr stvet. In raid ward. Fifth wnrd At the Ixuse of P. Tim lin in said werd. Sixth wnrd, First district At the hotel of Jacob Smith, in said ward. Sixth ward, Second district At the public school house, in said ward. ' Elmhutst Borough Plstr'ct. At the public school In said borough. Fell Township Disttlets. First dist! let At the Coal Brook school house, tn said township. Second dist: let At the SlnipFon sdiool hot'se. In sell towns!' tp. Third d'rtilct-At the Clinton school house. In snld township. Fourth district At tho Richmond school house, In Fald district. Olenhttrn Borough D strict. At the Hull school house, In said bor ough. Gouldsboro Borough D'etrlet. At the schojl house. In snld borough. Greenfield Township District. At the Greenfield town house, In said township. Jefferson Township District. At the school house known as the Red Oak school house, In said town ship. Jermyn Borough Districts. First ward At the house of Peter Ditmore, on North Main street, in said borough. Second ward At the borough build ing on Second avenue, in said bor ough. Third ward at he house of MT. F. McDermott, in said borough Lackawanna TownBhlp Districts. South District. At the Father Mat hew hall, in said South District. West District At the Loflus Central hotel, near the Delaware and Hudson Railroad station. In said West District. East district At the office of the Sloan breaker. Northeast district At the house of Christian James, In said istrlctd. Southwest district At a portable building at the corner o f.Main and Blade streets in said Southwest dis trict. LaPlume Borough District. At the School house, In said borough. Lehigh Township District. . At the Pint Grove school house, In said township. Madison Township District. At the store house of Charles Noack, in said township. Mayfleld Borough District. At the house of E. F. Edmunds, In said Borough. Newton Township District. At the Van Sickle house, in said township. North Ablngton Township District. At the house of Giles Roberts, in said township. Old Forge Township District. First DiBtrlct At a portable building erected on the southwest corner of school house lot on the'easterly side of main road from Scran ton to Pittston, in said district. Second district At the house of J. O. Kehr, in sal township. Fourth district At the store of John A. Wood, in said district. Olyphant Borough Districts. First ward At the building of Pat rick Jordan, In said First ward. Second ward At the hotel of Win. Mahon, in said Second ward. Third ward At the public house ot Patrick H. Martin, in said Third ward. Ransom Township. First district At the hall of the es tate of Thomas Johnson, In Milwaukle. Second district At the- school house near Mayer's farm, ill said district. Roaring Brook Township District. At the school house In said township. Scott Township District. At the hotel of William L. Smith, In said township, SCRANTON CITY DISTRICTS. First ward. First district At the Bristol House, In said ward. First ward, Second district At Brom age's shoe store, 42S E. Market street, in said ward. First ward. Third district At a port able building near the corner of North Main avenue and Parker street, in said ward. First ward. Fourth district At a portable building on the lot of oJhn Cousins, westerly side of Parker street, between Hollister and Spring streets, In said district. First ward, Fifth district In the store building of Finley Itoss on North Main avenue, corner of Watklns street. Second ward, First district At the arnviry building of Company H, on North Main avenue, in said ward. Second ward. Second district At the house of John Hawks, In said ward. Second ward, Third district At a portable building on East Market street, near the corner of Dickson ave nue, in said ward. Second ward, Fourth district At the house of John Timlin, on the southerly corner of Brick avenue and Green street. In said ward. Second ward, Fifth district At a portable building at or near the public school house on Perry avenue, In said ward. Third ward. First district At the house of J. J. Flynn, in said Third ward. Third ward. Second district At a portable building near Cusick's hotel, in said ward. Fourth ward. First district At a portable building. North Main avenue and Jackson street. Fourth ward, Second district At a portable building on North Main ave nue, near the corner of Swetland street, in said ward. Fourth ward, Third district At a portable building at the corner ot Gar field avenue and Price street, In said ward. Fourth ward. Fourth d'strlct At the store of N. C. ,Mayo, No. 3U North Lin coln avenue. In raid ward. Fifth ward, First district At the of fice of Alderman Blair. In said district. Fifth ward. Second district At a portable building at the corner of Main avenue and Washburn street, In said ward. . Fifth ward, Third dlstrlet-At the hotel of George W. Evans, No. 1610 W'nshburn street. In said ward. Fifth ward. Fourth district At a portable building at the intersection of Fourteenth and Academy streets, in said ward. Sixth ward. First district At the house of P. Golden, In said ward. Sixth ward. Second district At the house of Mrs. Margaret McDonough in said ward. Sixth ward, Third district At Ave nue D, No. 1,1, lot of John Williams. Seventh ward. First district At the house of John R. Kelly, on the east erly side of Capouse avenue, In Bald wnrd. Seventh ward, Second district At thr house of John O'Donnell on Mineral street, In said ward. Seventh wnrd, Third district At the house of E. W. Wlnti.'t's, southerly cor ner of Capouse avenue and New street, In said ward. Eight ward, First district At A. R. Raub's building. Spruce street. Eight ward, Second district At the building known as 228 Spruce street, In said ward. Ninth ward, First district At a port able building on the westerly side of Adams avenue, In said district. Ninth ward. Second district At a portable building on the easterly side of Adams avenue, near the corner of Olive street. In said ward. Ninth ward. Third district At n port able building on vacant lot Madison avenue, between Olive nnd Pine street-i. Tenth ward At the house of Wil liam Stein, in said ward. Eleventh ward. First district At the hotel of George Mertz, In said ward. Eleventh ward. Second district At the oilice of Alderman Peter Robling, in snld ward. Eleventh ward. Thirl district At the house of Philip Graff, in raid ward. Twelfth ward. First district At the house of Martin Lavelle, in said ward. Twelfth ward, Second district At the house of Robert Atkinson, in i-aid wnrd. Thirteenth ward. First district At the building of the Scrnnton Iron Fence company, on the northwest side of Ca pouse avenue, between Larch and New York streets, in snid ward. Thirteenth ward. Second district At the house of William Weber, No. 1423 Penn nvonuo, in said district. Thirteenth wnrd, Third district At a portable building on Dickson avenue, near the corner of Green Ridge street, in snld wnrd. Fourteenth ward. First district At the basement of the furniture store of B. J. Neville, corner of Main avenue, and Price street in snld wnrd. Fourteenth ward. Second district At the hotel of Philip Sehuell, on Lacka wanna avenue', in said ward. Fifteenth ward, Flint district At a portable building near the corner of South Main avenue and Eynon street, in snld ward. Fifteenth ward, Second district At io Fellows building, corner of South .".fain and Luzerne streets, In said ward. Sixteenth ward. First district At the Eagle hotel, In said ward. Sixtenth ward. Second district. At the hotel of William H. Whyte, Nos. 500 jyjd S2 Booming avenue, on easterly corner of said avenueTand Vine street. In said district. Seventeenth ward. First district At a portable building on Spruce street near corner of Jefferson avenue, In said district. Seventeenth ward. Second district At a portable building at or near the corner of Madison avenue and Mulber ry street. In said ward. Eighteenth ward At a portable building on Railroad avenue, near Sev enth street, in said werd. Nineteenth ward. First district At the house of John C. Dippre, in said ward. Nineteenth ward. Second lstrlct At the house of Nicholas Sossnng, 1028 Prospect avenue. In said ward. Nineteenth ward. Third district At the house of August Neuis, at the southerly corner of Irving avenue and Willow street, in said ward. Nineteenth ward. Fourth district At the house occupied by Charles Beck at 822 Meadow avenue. Twentieth ward. First district At the house of p. Corcoran, on Cedar ave nue, in said ward. Twentieth ward. Second district At the house of Frank Moeller, on Pros pect avenue, in snld ward. Twentieth ward, Third district At tha house of R. J. Callery, on the upper side or Blrney avenue. In said ward. Twentieth ward. Fourth district At the house of Andrew Hartlneti, corner Stone avenue and Palm street, in said district. Twenty-first ward. First district At the office of James Mears, corner of North Main avenue and Ridge street, In snld ward. Twenty-first ward. Second district At the house ot Ann Y. Jones, in said ward. South Ablngton Township District. At the office of Dr. Evans, tn th village of Clark's Green, in said town. ship. Spring Brook Townshtp District. At the Scott school house, in said township. Taylor borough. First ward North Main street in said borough at the office Of John E. Davis. Second ward In a room of the build ing owned by J. B. Winslow ft Co., in said district. Third ward At Weber's rink, in tald borough. Fourth ward ortable building va cant lot of William P. Griffiths. Wash ington street, in said borough. Fifth ward Building on land of D.. L. & W. R. R. Co., westerly side of Main road, opposite property of Jra Atherton, In said borough. Throop Borough. At new borough building in said bor ough. Waverly Borough District. At the Waverly band building, oa Church street, In said borough. West Ablngton District. At a building on premises of H. E, Capwell, in said township. Wlnton Borough. First ward At publlo school hous No. 1, In said borough. Second ward At the No. 5 school house on road leading to the old Deck er Bridge, in said ward. ' Third ward At the publlo house of Thomas Keddington, corner Church street and Clarkson avenue, in said ward. I also make known and give notice, as In and by he thirteenth section of the act of July 2, 1869, I am directed: "That every person, except justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or ap pointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or this state, or in any city or Incorporated dis trict, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed un der the llgislatlve, judiciary or execu tive departments of this state or tha United States, or any city or incorpor ated district, and also that every mem ber of Congress and the State Legis lature, and of the Select and Common Councils of any city, commissioner of any Incorporated district is by law in capable of holding or exercising at tha same time the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this commonwealth, and that no in spector or judge, or any officer of such election, shall be eligible to any offlc then to be voted for, except .that ot an election officer." Also, that In the fourth section of th Act of the Assembly, entitled "An act relating to elections and for other pur poses," approved April 16, 1874, it is en acted that the thirteenth section "shall not be so construed as to prevent any; militarv officer or borough officer from serving" as judge, Inspector or clerk, at any general or special election in this Commonwealth." Also, that in the fifth section of ths act of January 30, 1874, It Is enacted that every general and special election shall be open at seven o'clock In tho forenoon, and shall continue without Interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shnll be closed. Also, that when a judge by sickness or unavoidable accident Is unable to at tend such meetings of judges, then tho certificate or return aforesaid shall ba taken charge of by the inspectors or clerks of election of said district, who shall do and perform the duties requlrj ed by said judge unable to attend. Also, that In case the court has sine the last election made changes in tha polling places not mentioned in this proclamation, then the correct polling place will be In the place designated by, the court. Given under my hand, at my office at Scranton, this twenty-third day of October, In the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six in the one hundred and twenty-first year of the Independence of the United States. God save the Commonwealth. FRANK H. CLEMONS, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Scranton, Pa., Oct. 23, 189S. DU FONT'S IWilNG, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen 1(111 Luzerne county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District) US WYOMING AVENUE, Scrantoa, Pa Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: THOS. FORD, nttston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth, Pa, ri. V. MUi.L.ierAl. v iihrvDriT, r Agents for tne ttepauno uuenuciu anv's High uxpiowves. Hotel Walton Broad and Locust Streets, Philadelphia. One of the most magnificent hotels in ths world. Palatial in vvery detail. Absolutely Fireproof. European Plan $1.50 Upwards, American Plan $4 Upwards. Pittintod near all tho leading theatres and rallrsad stations. STAFFORD, WHITAKER & KEECH L D. CRAWFORD, Maaiger. POWDER