THE: SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY. MORNEtfGr, : OCTOBER 24, 1896, 5 Norrman & Mooro FIRE JNSORflNCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. ii El Tba maa la toe moon will U down pretty uon. To m what' become of the nigM: And he'll y with sob. "I'm out or a Job, Because of that SUBURBAN LIGHT." Tba greatest luxnrr In a modern home (nxt to a good bath room) is the Incandiwent Elrctrie Lfcht. No dwelling is cotniilot or up-to-date without both. No business placo Without the Utter. Our system, under the alternating current. Is absolutely safe from fire. WHY SEND YGUR LACE CURTHNS cTAOT LAUNDERED? fenecial facilities with artistic manipulators I the art warrants your patronage at liomc. The Lackawanna ' 308 Pcnn Avenue. A. B. WARMA.N. WatcH This Space For Our Opening Ad. Of Our New Store. Carpets, Draperies and Wall Pap:r. U7WY0M1N0. AVE. REPUBLICAN MKETIXtJS. TAYLOR. Suturdnv, Oct. 21, In Weber's rnk. 8penkw. Major Kverett Warren, DlRtrlot Attorney John It. Jones, Attor ney John M. Harris nnd others. WAVERLY. Saturday, Oct. 21, in the band room. Speakers, Colonel V. L. Hitchcock. Attorney H. M. Strecter, At torney T. F. Fenmun and Hon. John F. , Landis. PECKVIM.E.-Saturclay, Oct. 21. Speak ers, Attorney AI. W. Lowry, Attorney H. C. Reynolds and Attorney John F. Reynolds. EI.MDALK. Saturday. Oct. 24. Speakers, Rev. II. 31. Harris and Mark Eiinur. SOUTH SIDE.-Sitturdny, Oct. 24, In Phll lln'a hall. Speakers. Attorney R. A. Zimmerman and Attorney C, P. O' Mal ic y. TECKVILLE. Monday, Oct. 20, In Led vnrd'a hall. Speakers, Major Everett . Warren, Attorney II, A. Zimmerman ' and others. JIINOuKA. Monday, Oct. 20. Speakers, Rev. H. H. Hun-is, Attorney V. W. Fliltz, Attorney John R. Edwards and others. DALTOX. Tuesday, Oct. 27. Speakers, A. J. Colborn, Jr., Attorney H. C. Rey nolds. CENTRAL CITY.-Thurwlay. Oct. 29. In the Frothlnisham. Speakers, Governor Daniel H. Hastings, General Latta. Gen eral Reeder, Colonel Henry Hull, of 1 J'lttsburK, and Hon. Charles F, War wick, mayor of Philadelphia. The South Side Foot Ball team will piny the Crescent Foot Rail team of Pine Brook at Schwcnk's park at 3 p. m. Oct. 25. The examination of those de.lrlng a teachers certllicate In nunmore borough will beKln this morning In the high school building. At the Montour county fair In Danville today there will be a special race between Hal Pointer and Raven, owned by Dr. Wentz, of this city. On every Sunday, commencing Oct. 23th, and on ThanksKivlmr Day, Bauer's full orchestra will play at the Hotel Jormyn during the dinner hour, from 6 to 8 p. m. The resolutions of regard passed bv tho councils In "lection with Hon. V L. Connell's in. .nbency vof the office of mayor hnve been placed on exhibition In the window at Williams & McAnulty, Wy oming avenue. The class In vocal music of the John Raymond Institute, under the direction of J. M. Chance, will be organized this eveniiiK nt 7.30 o'clock. All men Intend ing to join this class are requested to at tend the llrat session. Marriaue licenses were granted yester day by Clerk of the Courts John H Thomas to Almon Byron Covvles and Ida Frances Sherman, of Waverlv; Frank Za gawkn nnd Sophia Nadrnduaka, of Scran ton; Martin MncDonough and Agnes if .wiiiicy, oi scranton. A contest for a croM rhnllnn hntn',nn Rev. J. J. Curran, of the Holy Savior church, this city, and Rev. II. li. Donlan, of Dunmore, Is announced as one of the leaturea or a rair wnicn will be conducted by the congregation of St. Mary's church at Dunmore during the holidays. John Riley was yesterday appointed guardian of Thomas. James, Mary, John, Gertrude and Joseph Burns, minor chil dren of the late Michael Burns, of Pitts ton avenue, and In each case he gave a bond In the sum of tM with John P. Mof- iait ana james i: L.avene as sureties. Any person holding one of the fall ex cursion tickets of the New York, Ontario and Western Railway company will be entitled to a guess on the number of votes that will be cast for each presidential candidate. The first person guessing the nearest to the correct number will be given one J.OWJ-mile book, good on any of the New York, Ontario and Western lines City Engineer Phillips yesterday opened tho bids for the piivute contract of eon. Ctructlng the lateral sewer on Harrison avenue, between Pine and Gibson streets. Jennings & Grler offered to do tho work for (2.U4 per lineal foot, and as this was the lowest bid the property holders agreed to award them the lob. The sewer will be 806 feet In length. The other bids were as follows: P. J. Thornton, 13.75; M. J. Gib bons, $2.25; P. F. .Mulligan, $2.20. As Eugene Shifter was on his way down Lackawanna avenue at 10.30 last night le noticed 'Myer Davidow's shoe store tilled with smoke and he stopped another per son. They notified Patrolman Goerlita and while he wus deliberating about burst ing open the door Mr. Davidow approached and opened the store. A search from cel lar to garret failed to locate any fire, but the smoke was still present. Mr. Davi dow snld he smelt smoke when ho waa closing up, and he looked over the store and found everything all right. After going to his hotel he became uneasy and returned. The Investigation showed that the smok appeared to be coming from , some place next door.- ' Ladies' Coats. To-day we offer a bis: drive In Ladles' Coats; regular 110.00 garments for only 17.05, Come and see them. , i MEARS and HAQAN. ' Auction 1 Auction t at Davidow Bros., 217 Lacka. avel Watches, Jewelry, etc., at less than one-half original value. r . ' Try Jordan's one-half minute stew To Car. a Cold la One Day. Take laxative Bro'mo Quinine Tablets. All dmaclsu refund the money If Jt falls to cur, tse. in lit ' I Hrruvrn cvn nic I A ROUSING RALLY Ccogrcsimai Broslus and W. Qaylord Tbomis tbe Speaker. CHEERS FOR ALL THE CANDIDATES Hears Politics Ex poaaded by a Maa Whom tbe Re publican National Committee Die patched to the "Enemy's Country." Mr. Thomas Makes Ills First Ap pearaacc Doriag the Campaign and Delivers a Strong Speech. In the matter of speeches, attendance, enthusiasm and all else that goes to make up a successful political rally, the one held lost night at Company H ar mory under the auspices of the North End Republican club stands second to none held this campaign. Hon. Marriott lirosius, congressman from the Lancaster district, was the principal speaker of the evening. As to who Mr. Uruslus la nothing need be said. Of his ability as a campaign orator and and an Indication of the treat which the Priivldenee people received. It Is sufficient to say that he has Just re turned from a three weeks stumping tour through Kansas, Nebraska and North Dakota, where, as the national Republican committee expressed it when they sent him thither, "the waves of the battle roll highest." A. A. Vosburg presided over the meet ing and with him on the platform were Select Councilman Flnlay Ross, Alex ander Simpson, John Van Berger, John J. Morgan, William J. Owens, Walter B. Christmas, I. 8. Jones, Alfred Pierce, Henry Itoberts, Hon. John R. Farr, and Major T. F. Penman. William J. Owens In behalf of the North End Re publican club, Introduced Mr. Vosburs; as chairman and he, after a) few happy remarks. Introduced W. GaylorU Thomas as the first speaker. ' Mr! Thomas In on eloquent manner painted tho picture of prosperity en Joyed by this nation, state and county during the twenty-five years of Repub lican rule and then contrasted It with the condition of misery and want which set In with the capture of the govern ment by Grover Cleveland and a free trade congress. The Democratic sirens, said Mr. Thomas, told us then that the land would flow with milk and honey. Maybe it has but, he asked, was not the milk sour, and did not the foreign capitalists gather the honey? During; Harrison's administration $259,000,000 of the national debt was wiped out. Dur ing Cleveland's term the debt was In creased $262,000,000. THEY CHANGED THEIR CRY. Mr. Thomas made a very happy allu sion to the state Democracy which to a man declared for gold at Allentown, but which when the Chicago heresy went forth turned around and shouted for silver. Every honest Democrat In Pennsylvania, Mr. Thomas argued, should be found on the side of sound money. He closed by pleading for a united support of the entire ticket. Mr. Connell, the congressional candi date, he said, was a man of the people, one whose record was a glowing exam ple of the possibilities of American cltlzfj ship. He characterized Mr. Con nell as one who had done more than any other one man for the industrial welfare of this Industrial community and urged that now that he asks the honor of representing it in the national legislature he should and would be giv en the largest vote ever cast for a congressional candidate In this district. : Mr. Thomas also asked that conven tion differences be burled and that John K.Farr be sent back to the leg islature by a majority which would Bhow that his people appreciated the grand work he has and Is accomplish ing. The applause which followed the mention of Mr. Farr's name Indicates that this would be done. Congressman Broslus was then In troduced and for two hours kept the closest attention of the large audience with his masterful treatment of the campaign issues. He has a happy faculty of most aptly fitting in illus trative anecdotes and being supplied with vastly more than the usual con gressional Btore he had his hearers laughing quite as often as applauding, and they fairly punctuated the address with applause. Among Mr. lioslus' ut terances were these; "We are now In tho midst of our grand quadrennlel unqulsltlon on our own political affairs. Since the war the people have never felt such pro found solicitude for the country's weal. Never was there such wise Judgement called for. Never were the vagaries of political adventurers so prominent. But withal we are not despairing or fearful of the result. We have realized that when great exegencles have over taken our people there were always those who felt that their patriotism was above their partisanship, and we have these same patriots today. All honor to those Democrats who have risen above politics, broken away from party ties and party name to rescue their country from an impending peril. I like to contemplate this heroic pa triotism. Like Douglass and Chrate in the days of rebellion, they refuse to fol low a party that does not uphold their principles. When they saw that the Populists had hived the Democratic bees they said 'We will make no honey In that hive.' When they saw their grand, old ship boarded by pirates and beheld the black flag at the mast head, they declared t'ney would not sail In that craft and foreswo. - alKgl. ence to the false commander on the quarter deck." How did It happen that these two widely varying, heretofore antagonistic parties coalesce? Democracy was without a leg to stand on. It could not go before the people on any of Its for mer Issues. It had to devise something new. Populism had a hobby. It want ed help. It stretched out its hand to Democracy, the proffer was accepted, and now we have the spectacle of these two Incongruous parties wedlocked in an unholy alliance. They always hated and loathed each other. They are like the girl who vowed she would never marry an Irishman, a Presbyterian, or a preacher, but who before she died was glad to be led to the altar by an Irish Presbyterian pastor. These two political parties which had never dreamt of an allance were greatly per plexed as to how they Bhould act when the sudden marriage occurred. When they got up to Chicago they didn't know how to mix the drink which they were to give out to the American people, so they fell back on the great American Institution the cocktail, which caused a bewildered Frenchman to exclaim upon seeing one made, 'grand contra diction.' You put in a little sugar to make it sweet. Then a little lemon to make It sour. Then a little schnaps to make It strong, and a little water to make It weak. Next a little whiskey to make It hot, and Anally a little ice to make it cool. The Popocratlo drink was like this. a grand contradiction. First there was a little Democracy to make It sweet. with a dash of Populism to make It sour. Bryan 'was dropped In to make It strong and Altgeld to make It weak. Tom Watson got In to make it hot, and Bewail was put In to make It cool. That's the way we came to have this great American political cocktail. Who's going to drink It? My prediction Is that any man who partakes of that concoction on November 3 will be a sick man In the morning. Beware of It. "Before you can advance the first step In the study of the silver question you have to ask yourself what will be the effect should It be adopted.. ..The Chicago people tell us that it will put us on a bl-mettallo basts. I say, ana I am backed by the experience of every nation that has opened Its mints to the free coinage of silver, your country will descend to monometallism and the level of such monometallic countries as Mexico, India and Japan. It is Impos sible to maintain the concurrent circu lation of the two precious metals ex cept at the ratio which the commercial world dictates. Our first financiers, Jefferson, Hamilton and those others were Impressed with the Impossibility of circulating silver except at its mar ket ratio, when they sent abroad into the markets of the world to learn the commercial ratio of the two metals. They judged it to be 10V4 to 1. They were only human, however, and their mistake drove gold out of the country. In 1854. Jackson, Tom Benton and their associates thought to bring back the gold by re-establishing the ratio. They investigated abroad and came to the conclusion that It was 16 to 1, nearly. But they, like their fathers, were only human, and not Infallible and their mistake of a fraction caused the silver to disappear so rapidly that they were compelled to lessen the weight of the established dollar In order to keep the silver bullion from going abroad. Isn't It strange that Bryan says that that ran be done which no country, no financier ever believed let alone de clared could be done. It Is a reflection on the intelligence of the American people. WHAT WILL HAPPEN. "Tho second question Is what will happen after we arrive at the mono metallic stage. We will witness a con traction of our currency by the driving out of all the gold, and we will see great inconvenience, embarrassment and loss through our fiscal dealings with other nations, which have the gold standard. A dollar here will have only half the purchasing power of a French, German or English gold equivelent. "Free trade Is bad enough, but the country could live under It like a wounded giant. We could live with free coinage but on a lower plane. But to this country that revolutionary doctrine contained in the plank of the Chicago platform attacking that grand Institution the. Supreme court, Is noth ing less than death." Mr. Broslus concluded by saying that he had trassled through many states d.urlng this campaign and could say In all candor that the omens of victory were multiplying on every hand, and he felt that there waa no longer any fears for the safety of the grand old ship of stifte. SOUTH SIDE MEET1N0. Natter's hall, Alder street, waa filled last night at a rally conducted under the auspices of the Eleventh Ward McKlnley club. Dr. A. J. Kolb Is presi dent of the club and he acted as chair man of the meeting. In presenting the speakers the doctor made a brief ad dress, outlining the duty of every Re publican in this campaign to be an ear nest and hearty supporter of the ticket from top to bottom. Hon. Frank T. Okell was the first speaker, and he handled the currency question In a masterly way, bringing out the fallacies of the silver argu ments clearly and artistically. Mr. Okell's tribute to William Connell was greeted with enthusiastic applause and the mention of Alex Connell's name was similarly received, as well as was that of the other local candidates. There Is no question from the sentiment expres sed what support the ticket will re ceive in that district. Attorney E. K. Hall was the second speaker,- and he confined himself more to a discussion of the tariff question. His language was simple, yet eloquent and entertaining. He answered the ar guments of free silver agitators. At Mr. Hall's mention of the candidates on the local ticket there was renewed enthusiasm. RALLY AT DUNMORE Odd Fellows' hall, Dunmore, was packed with voters last night at the rally held In the Interest of sound money and protection. Senator B. F. Hughes, of Philadelphia, was the prin cipal speaker, and he aroused a great deal of enthusiasm. He charged the Democratic party with being mainly responsible for all the Ills the country has suffered in the past 50 years, and maintained that the prosperous times that the ship of state has experienced has been due to the policy of the Republican party; a pol icy never wavering, or equivocal, al ways the same, protection to American industries. He compared McKlnley and Bryan as men. The one has always been found advocating sound measures. As a young man he served his country on the battlefield. His next step was to forge to the front rank as a lawyer, gaining distinction which his fellow men recog nized and rewarded by sending him to congress, and afterwards electing him governor of his state. Bryan on the other hand Is young and comparatively inexperienced. He was nominated In a frenzy of excitement at Chicago and the platform on which he is running was adopted during a frenzy. McKlnley was nominated after months of deliberation, and the plat form he represents was given the same forethought. Senator Hughes made a hit In Dunmore. - William Connell spoke for n few min utes and was followed by Attorney R. A. Zimmerman, who treated the finan cial question very ably. POLITICAL JOTTINGS. The Republican Club of the Third district of the Fifth ward met In the French roof hall, Thursday evening. In opening the meeting remarks were made by President George W. Evans and Vice President Richard Morgan, after which D. W. Morgan was called upon to deliver an address on the money question. It was a clear and lucid exposition of the evils that would follow In the wake of the free coinage of silver. He expressed his willingness to answer any question that might be asked him, and many of his hearers took advantage of the opportunity to secure information on phases of the subject that were not entirely clear to them. Short addresses were after wards made by Secretary James Gleas- on and Messrs. Foote, Beynon, Kramer and Jones. The club expects to make a big showing in next Tuesday night s parade. The following election officers were appointed yesterday by the court: By ron Buckingham, as judge of election for the borough of Elmhurst to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of D. C. Brink; James J. Moore, as Judge of election In the Second district of the Eleventh ward; Alfred Parry, as ma jority Inspector in the First district of the Second ward to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Dr. Strang; John H. McAndrew and James Strong, as minority and majority Inspectors respectively of the borough of Wlnton. III! II The Young Men's Republican club held Its regular weekly meeting last night and initiated 35 members, making the membership now 355. After the routine business was transacted, Attor ney John G. McAskle was Introduced and he engaged attention for over 30 minutes in a clear, logical discussion of the currency and tariff questions. The club decided to participate In the par ade next Tuesday ntsrht. A lart;e and handsome flag has been stretched across South Main avenue. In front of the Republican LeafeU rooms. The lettering names the local Republican ticket in big black type, headed by the name of William Connell for congress. :, . . . . II II II ' On election night the members of the Scranton Athletlo club will receive election returns In their rooms In Ger mania hall, Cedar avenue. ,t-(,' The Crystal Lanndrr makes a specialty of care Ail work. Order, promptly attended to. CHIEF U. S. . . . .li Another Well Known Citizen ' Celery Compound, "... -V .V VSS?S3B fej&a Above Is the picture of another of the thousands of well-known citizens whom Paine's celery compound has made well. Chief Postofflce Inspector M. D. Wheeler, of Washington, D. C, writing to the proprietors of this most wonder ful of curatives, says: "I have used Paine's celery compound with marked improvement In health. At the time I commenced using it, I was very much run down from over work and was advised by a friend to try it. I began almost Immediately to improve, and after taking three bottles felt well enough to discontinue Its use, and have been permanetly benefited. I heartily recommend it to the public. Mr. Wheeler has found out what every one should . learn that putting heart and soul In one's business no longer means sticking to the desk, counter, or workroom till the head grows dizzy, the back aches and neu ralgic twinges shoot through the frame. They are the short-sighted men and women who put up with this state of things when the risk is so great and the remedy so easily within their reach. As weakness, nervousness, langour and sleeplessness are clearly the result of low nervous nutrition, so permanent re lief will come from rapidly building up the wasted nerve tissues. Paine's cel ery compound is the means best calcu lated for this end. Paine's celery compound purifies and reinforces the blood in a way that no THEY HAVE OTHER PLANS. Common Councils Will Bo Circum vented in Its Opposition. Select . Councilman Lansing, whose resolution calling for a monthly report of the cash accounts In the city treas urer's office, met with such a sudden death In the Democratic common coun cil. Is not at all undaunted, but will follow up this first step until he suc ceeds finally In recovering for the city the thousands of dollars which these accounts annually earn. "We will not turn back now." said Mr. Lansing to a Tribune reporter, yes terday. "Common council will never accede to this demand while the pres ent political conditions exist, but there are other means of bringing about the desired result, and we propose to adopt those means. It Is just and proper that councils should receive a report from the treasurer or any other official when it sees fit to ask for It, -and it comes with very bad grace for any official to oppose a request for Informa tion concerning his department. "This movement has no politics con nected with it. It was begun before a city treasurer was elected, and would have passed had not the result of the election been foreshadowed. When the Democrats at that time defeated the project they received notice that it would come up again and now it is on. You can say for me that it will not down." ' ' Dental Work. If you have any dental work you want done you will save money by see ing me before going elsewhere. When I say I am Inserting GOLD AND .SILVER FILLINGS guaranteed to save the teeth from fur ther decay, I mean it. I am doing the very best dental work at lower prices than others, and can prove It by call ing at my office. Examination costs you nothing. If you want a Gold Crown or TEETH WITHOUT A PLATE Called Crown and Bridge Work, re member I make only one grade, the very best 22k gold, and good weight, and the price Is right, DR. BARRETT, Dentist. Next door to Hotel Jermyn. Elegant buffet sleeping cars on Nickel Plate Road. Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In Harris' drug store. Hour. 9 a. m., 6 p. m. . Fine Alarm Clocks. Sold yesterday at Davidow Bros, auc tion sale for 35c, 45c. and 50c. Tickle your babies with a pound of Diet Butter Crackers, at your grocers In Red Hooped Kegs. Opening. A dainty line of Children's Coats at the Baby Bazaar, E12 Spruce street, The King et Pills la Beechara's. BEECHAM'S. Jordan', butter cake, and coffee, 10a MARRIED. DRIEG VAN GORDER. By the Rev. A. V. Chaffee, on Oct. 22, 18S6, at the rest- denca of the bride's parents, 608 Marlon " street, Frederick A. Drleg to Miss Flora D. Van Gorder. WARD-ROBERTS A't. St. Luke's Eplsoo- Eal church, Scranton, Pa,, Oct. 22, 1808, y Rev. Rogers Israel, George Ward and Annie IOwens) Roberts. SEYMOUR-ABBOTT - At St. Luke's Episcopal church, Scranton, Pa., Got. 21, 1896, by Rev. Rogers Israel, Philip Seymour and Eleanor Abbott. ..,...... . . . " INSPECTOR. - Who Owes Health to Paine's other remedy has ever attained. There comes an immediate clearing of the Jaundiced, muddy complexion; neural gic and "sick" headaches cease to af flict, and the formerly wretched Bleeper enjoys the blessings of sound restoring sleep. Given the hearty appetite, the sound sleep and the pure blood, all the other needful things that go to making what we call perfect health, arc sure to follow. Low spirits, constant brooding over fancied wrongs and imaginary slights, melancholia and frotfulness are not treated as seriously ns they deserve. They are evident faults of the tired, nervous system and are to ,be corrected by putting an end to the neglectful condition of those vital parts. Don't wait for nervous prostration. When headaches continue and that tired feeling keeps up, or pain Is felt over the kidneys, arouse tho body from its unhealthy condition, get rid of not only these symptoms, but of the under lying causes, by prompt recourse to Paine's celery compound. This great nerve and brain restorer will not leave a vestige of kidney disease, nervous ness, unhealthy state of the liver or heart trouble. Its way of curing these Rlarmlng complaints Is direct nnd unfailing. It replaces unhealthy tissues by new and healthy parts and cleanses and purifies the blood until the tired body regains the elasticity and high spirits that are the sure accompaniment of perfect health. CLOAKS WORKS OF ART. The value of a painting dopends neither upon the amount of material nor time used In Its production, but upon the genius and technical skill of the urtlst. Likewise the merltjn fashionable upparel cloes not de pend upon the material or actual labor In producing It, but in tho artistic skill dls. played by the designers. Mr. W. R. Black has returned from New York with a new line of Capes and Jackets, which will be opened today and marked to sell at popular prices for high grade of goods. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR TODAY. . Sold for No $8.50 Ladles' Black Kersey Cape, 190 sweep $0.00 12.00 Ladles' Black Kersey Jacket; very nobby 8.50 7.00 Ladles' English Novelty; separ ate skirts 4.50 1.50 Misses' Jackets; Mixed Scotch Tweed fl.50 20.00 Ladles' Jackets; fancy silk lined H.50 10.00 Ladles' Afternoon Tea Gowns. 6.50 CLOAKS. NEW CLOAK DEPARTMENT. 13a WYO MINO AVENUE. A. R. SAWYER. REEVES JONES, CONCERT PIAMST. (Musical Director of the First Presby terian Church.) Teacher of Piano, Organ and Harmony; Alsb the Art of Accom panying Taught. Studio at Rcsi deuce of the LATE HERR KOPFF, 302 Adams Avenue, Scranton. BEST SETS OF MB, 38-00 Inelnding the painless extracting of teeth by an entirely new process. S. C SNYDER, D. D. S., M arscaSt., Op p. Hatel Jermyn. you ns AY TRAVEL Such prices would be con sidered remarkable even when away out of season. Irish Point curtains, $1.50 pair, others at $10.00, $15.00, &c. SIEBEGKER & WATKINS. Lackawanna Avenue. Opposite Wyoming House. I LIB 'lUiEVIfDAY Ant We Sen Ik! PLAIN GOLD RINGS. ID ill! We keep all sizes and shapes. 423 Lackawanna Aventn, $11.98. satin topped FLY FRONT OUERCOflT The satin la this garment is made absolutely pure dye silk and guaran teed to wear two seasons. The Kersey is superior to anything that was ever offered Tor $16. The tailoring is cor rect and we are selling them in men's sizes in blue or black for $11.98. 1 UNDER THE HEADINQ SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PIANOS Another Music Dealer Offered an Ivers & Pond (dood as New) FOR $225.00. This is certainly a REMARKABLE RECOfl MENDATION from a competitor, as the Piano bad hard utage for nearly la years In "Club Houso" and still "Qood as New." THIS IS TRUE?h.0enTy- Duy new ones is at POWELUS flusic Store. TOILET SETS, LAMPS, DINNER WARE, LADIES, Have you come to our new and beau tiful store yet? If uot, do not miss it It will be a treat to you a ad your friends. Open stock Dinner Ware in large varieties. Toilet sets in bcauti ful new designs. Lamps in the latest shapes and decorations. Now is the time for selecting Christmas presents, All the latest novelties. Come early and get first choice. METROPOLITAN CHINA HALL C i. WEIC1IEL, JMears Bldg, Cor. Wash, and Spruce St. From here to the land of the Pyramids and never find such values in Draperies as we are now offering. Now is just the time when home-loving people are doing their best to brighten up their rooms and make them as cozy as possible for the long win ter evenings. I 1 MS I 1 Sill 11 You want the Best Values you cau get Now and at All Times. That's why no one disputes out ' claim When we say tuat our Fine Stock of Fur Coats, Fur Capes, Col larettes, Neck Scarfs, Huffs, Etc., - Cannot be competed with by any uouae iu mo city. Fine Wool Peal Cares. 3 yards wide, SO iuches Iouk'. trimmed with American Martin, cheap at 1:5.00, Sale Price, $9.93 Finn Imitation Mart n Cnpe, 3 yards wide, 80 inches ong, handsomely lined, cheap at $30 00, Sale I'rice. $10.93 Fine Astrakhan Cape, 3 yards wide, 30 inches long, hand, somely lined, cheap at f27.00, Sale I'rice, $9.98 COATS. Fine Boucle Cloth Coat, with Velvet Collar, Cheap at $(t 25, Sale Price, $2.9 Fine Cloth Cape, SO inches long, cheap at (5.00, Sale Price 93 TRIMMED. MILLINERY. Turbans. Toques aud Walking Hata, At $1.49 and $2.49 Children's Trimmed UaU, At $1.39 Have your Fura repuired by the only practical Furrier In the city. J.BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avenus. Millinery at Reduced Prices Children's Tam O'Shanters, worth 25c, our price 10c Quills, all colors, worth 5c, our price. la French Fur Felts, worth $1.50, our price 98a Black Prince of Wales Plumes, worth 75c, our price. ...25a Camel's Hair Hats, worth 9Sc, our price 49a Ladies' Walking Hats, 49c, 75c, 08c, $1.29 Black Birds, worth 25c,, our price 10 j Children's Trimmed Hats tit 98c, $1.25, $1.49 Ladies' Trimmed Velvet natsat $1.50. $1.08, $2.25, $2.49 Ladies' Trimmed Turbans, worth $4.25, our price $1.98 Hats Trimmed Free s n. LAN GF ELD, Successor, 324 Lackawanna Avenus. WHITE FRONT. Turn on the Cathode Rays See what immense bargains we offer in Imported China: Dainty little A. D. Cups and Sauc ers, given away at 25c. Special 15c. Each About 300 different patterns of Cups and Saucers, all sizes, just arrived, to induce you to visit us sold at COST FKU'E, from 10c. to $1.25 each. Rich Decorated Combs, Brush Trays, regular price 85c. Reduced to 55c. Our Motto High Grade Goods at Bottom Prises. t 31 Peon ku Cpu. Baptist Churci Middle of the Bloc!;. WILLIAM S MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 9 OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORKER UY0H1NG ATE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE OrR8 from 7.30 a. m. to t p. Bv. (1 hour lntormisslon lor dinner sol auppsr.) Particular Attention (liven to Collections. Prompt tettlemrnt Guaranteed. Vnur Dual u Kaapccllully bollclted. 1 cleplione 134. Bl HATS AT Dunn's