THE SCR ANTON TR1BUXE-SATUBDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1896k 1 CHAITAIQIA BOOKS, S5c. Chautauqua Monthly,' per year, $i.8j. Methodist Church Discipline, 25c. & Coin's Financial School, 15c, Cut from 25c McKinley's Portraits, 10 c '. Kid path's History U.S., Latge quarto size, 5 197. Webster's old quarto Dictionary, 97c. Webster s old kt Dictionary, 10c General Sherman's Memoirs, $1.23. General Giant's Memoirs, $1.00. Mark Twain's Am. Claimant, $1.00. Mis. Custer's Ten tins on Plains, 1.50. Chicago Century Cook Book, 75c. At NORTON'S, Book and Stationery Store, 323 Lackawanna Are. HARD TO GET Good Oats on this crop. We have as good as any body. BUT We still have OLD GLEAN OATS Higher in price but really cheaper. M SCRANTON, OLYPHANT, CAR33ND&LL BEWARE OF CGONTERFEiTS. THE GENUINE Have the initial 0., B. CO. imprint ed la Mch cigar. GARNEY, BROWN & CO., MANUFACTURERS. COURT HOUSE SO. DR CHARLES D. SHUMWAY. 308 N. Washington Ave., SCRANTON, PA. Practto Limited to Conservative Surgery of the Lower Bowel, Includ I ug; Hemorrhoid 4, Fissure, Fisiula und Uieeratiou. WILLIAMS' COLLEGE NOTES. New students tills week in larper numbers than usual, several counties heard from tills week. The shorthand department has now 108 students in at tendance, the greatest by odds In the State. Professors nil hard at work. The superiority of our faculty is shown in many ways. Other college managers ici'ognlzlnK the superior ability of our t-iuhers, have this week tried in every way to secure certain of them to teach in other colleges, but in vain. All twelve of the teachers are devoted to 'Villlams' College, and its Army of Hti-d-'nts. Thus our facilities are shown to be the best. The young and brilliant aw or. James Young, appeared before the students at the college yesteray afternoon In two finely rendered selec tions fjom Shakespeare. All were de lighted and wish him to become a worthy successor of Kdwin Booth. His appearance again at the college will bo hailed with delight. BLOOD IS LIFE and upon the purity und vitality of the blood depends the health of the whole system. Experience proves Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the best blood purifier. HOOD'S PILLS act easily and pi omptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick neauacne. Ask Your Dealer Tor McGarrah' Insect Powder, 25 ana 10-cent boxes. Never sold in built Take no other. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 23 cents. Try Jordan's one-half minute stews. MEN'S FALL SHOES. We have just received all of our stock of new Men's Shoes for Fall and Winter. Never before have Men's Shoes been made so comfortable or so serviceable, and at the same time In such good styles. The new goods this year are made in BOX CALF, CALF, ENAMEL and PATENT LEATHER The new Bull Dog style Is the acme of the shoe makers' art. They cost $3.00 and J4.00. We have them in all sizes. SCHANK & SPENCER, '" 410 Spruce Street. ' THGVeHLCO P0PULARP0NCHC1CARS CRIMINAL COURT FOR THIS TERM OVER Not Enough of Evidence te Coevlct Ira a Westcott and Jons Van Hon. CHARGED 1 WITH ENTICING GIRLS They Hire Required to Pa v the Costs. William Couroy and Thomas Mai lav, of .Minooka, Let Off W ith Two Thirds of the Costs--Job- Alle, of t'arbondiile, Scut to Jail for Two Months for Stealing $10. The October term of criminal court ended yesterday. William Conroy and Thomas Malluy. of Minooka, were re turned not gitllty of assault and bat tery on Patrick Peeney, of the South Side, and the coats were divided in the proportion of two-thirds oi the defend ants and ono-third on the prosecutor. John Yonalones was tried on the charge ot stealing a watch from Adam Mik Inskcy was found guilty. John J. White, of Fell township, was tried for stealing $1U from Adolph Schwartung. The evidenoe showed that they had been drinking together. White laiineil that he borrowed the money from the prosecutor. After the latter sobered up and missed the money he i-anie to the conclusion that it was stolen. The Jury found a verdict of not guilty. William Ilogers was acquitted of as sault and battery upon Anna Allen, a young woman residing on the lower end of Lackawanna avenue. She was directed to pay the costs. DID NOT STEAL WHISKEY. A verdict of not guilty was taken In the case In which John Montage and John Mezak were chnrged with steal ing a bottle of whiskey from Andrew Holomlco, of Prlceburg. Alfxander Grass, a Hebrew, was not around to prosecute Thomas Robinson and Henry Johnson, two colored men, for stealing some lead pipe and copper from him, und a verdict of not guilty was taken. Alonzo Haley was tried for aggravat ed nssnult and battery on William Peck, 01" Fell township. The affray took place in a saloon, and it was alleged by thtf prosecutor that he was stabbed during a quarrel which arose. The jury brought In a verdict of guilty of simple assault and btttery. Michael Glzzor was returned not guilty of aggravated assault and battery on Michael Olop towskl and the costs were put on the prosecutor. A verdict cf not guilty was taken In the case wherein John Chester Peck was charged with burglarizing the house of Pavld Wayman. The case was In the courts for nearly two years and was continued from term to term for one reason or another. EVIDENCE NOT SUFFICIENT. Ira G. Westcott and John Van Horn were tried on the charge of enticing girls under 16 years of ago for Im moral purposes. They were defended by Attorneys George S. Horn, John R. I.'dwards and E. W. Thayer. The evi dence was not sufficient to convict and Judge Edwards so instructed the Jury but he sent them out to dispose of the costs, and they returned by putting the costs on the defendants. Mri. Josephine Westcott, who was murdered by George Van Horn, was Westcott's wife, and Van Horn the de fendant, is a brother of the fugitive murderer. The evidence did not ad duce anything further than to show that the defendants used vile language toward the girls. One of them was Maud A. Ross, 14 years 'old, the other was Esther Cole. Both were under 16 years of age. William F. Davis was tried on the charge of being the father of Jane Lidgett's female child. The young wo man lived as a domestic on Eynon street, and Davis was in the habit of calling on her twice a week. She charged him with being the author of her misfortune. He denied he was the father of her child, but admitted him self guilty of unlawful relations with her. The Jury had not brought in a verdict at adjournment STOLE TEN DOLLARS. John Allen, of Carbondale, admitted t'mt he stole $10 from William Thomas, of that place. He is a young man and it v. as his first time in court. Judge Edwards let him off with two months in the county Jail. The money was stolen while the defendant was under the influence of liquor. There was no one present to prosecute Paul Skoda and Kate Czerwack for stealing two chickens and a verdict of not guilty was taken. August Schmltt, of the Nineteenth ward, was tried for beating his wife's uncle. Philip Soar. Attorney John J. Murphy represented the common wealth, but the defendant could not afford to hire a lawyer and conducted his own case. The testimony was con flicting. ' Soar is n old man, and Schmltt Is a young one. The trouble occurred last May. Soar said Schmitt was drunk and hit him twice in the face at the gate. Schmltt said he was not drunk, and .that it was he who got hit in the face. The Jury had not brought In a verdict at adjournment, and Jurors not engaged on cases were discharged. ARE BACK FROM PITTSBURG. Poor Directors Return from the Scene of Their State Conventiou. Poor Directors Frederick L. Fuller, Mrs. Frances B. Swan.P. J. Murphy and F. L. Terppe and Attorney John F. Scragg. solicitor for the board, returned yesterday from Pittsburg, where they attended the annual meeting of the poor directors of the state. W. S. LangstalT, president of the local board, was elected a state vice-president al though he was not present at the meet ing. Another honor conferred upon Scran ton was its selection as the place for holding the next state convention in October, 1897. It will bring between 300 and 400 strangers to the city. POLLING PLACE CHANGED. Voters of .Minooka Will Hnve a Dif ferent Place to Cast Ballot. An order of court was handed down yesterday establishing the polling place of the South district of Lacka wanna township in a booth to be erect ed by the county commissioners on a vacant tot owned by the Michael Cos tello estate, on Main street, Minooka, next door to the hotel of John J. Coyne. The polling place used to be for years In the hall of St.. Joseph's Total Ab stinence and Benevolent society until it was burned down on St. Patrick's night last ' KINSLEY WILL BE LEX0WE0. Mayor Intends to Follow the Bebeit of the 8elect Council. In reference to the Kinsley Investiga tion, Mayor Bailey yesterday said: "I take It that Mr. Wagner's resolution officially refers me to the Sunday World charges, and I am now bound to take cognizance of them. The in vestigation will be based on these charges." The charges In question are that some of the teams used in city work are owned by Mr. Kinsley and not by the parties now drawing nay for thom. The investigation will be to determine first, if these charges are true, and sec ond, if there Is anything wrong In them even if they are true. There is a gen eral law to the effect that no city, offi cial shall be pecuniarily interested In city work. PARADE OP RAILWAY MEN. Then Will Have a Demonstration in This Citv Tonight. " The Railway Men's Sound Money clubs of Scranton and vicinity will par ade this evening in this city. Any Railway Sound Money club In or near Scranton that has not received an in vitation Is cordially invited to meet this evening at the Delaware, Iu-kawanna and Western depot and participate in this parade. The line of march will be as follows: Forming at Delaware.Lackawanna and Western depot, passing up Lackawan na avenue, to Adams, to Spruce, to Jef ferson, to Linden, to Madison, to Mul berry, to Clay, to Pine, to Washington, to Vine, to Wyoming, to Mulberry, to Washington, to Lackawanna, to Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western depot and dismiss. PREPARING FOR PARADE. Between Five and Six Hundred Wilkes Barre Republicans Will Take Part in Tuesday Night's Demanstrat ion. Another meeting was held yesterday afternoon of the committee which is ar ranging for Tuesday night's Republican parade, which promises to be a monster affair. The committee will meet again this afternoon at 3 o'clock. George Thompson who went to New York to secure caps and lanterns was present at the meeting and reported that he had been successful In securing a quantity of these articles. That a proper apportionment of them may be made among the various clubs the offi cers of them are requested to send in an estimate of the number of men they will have In line as early as possible. It Is expected that altogether there will be about 6,000 persons In line. 500 or 6t'0 of whom will come from Wllkes Harre. On the following night the Sorantonlans will return the compli ment by going to Wllkes-Barre to par ticipate In the Republican parade there. The following general orders with ref erence to the parade have been issued by Grand marshal Oak ford: General Order No. 4. The following ap pointments of aides to the chief marshal are announced: A. J. C'olborn, Jr., H. P. Simpson, K. M. Boranton, J. IJ. Woolsey, Major J. H. Fish. Walter Brlggs, C. C. .Mattes, W. (1. Parke, Norman Parlte, Hon. Frank T. Okell, William A. Connell, Walter HenwooU, Wlllard Matthews, Cap tain P. S. Syron, Thomas R. Brooks, Frank 9. llaiker, Ed L. Buck, Colonel F. L. Hitrhcoik, Dr. J. L. Rea, -Major Mont rose Barnard, .Major V. S. Millar, E. A. liurtl. Frank Carliiccl, John K. Edwards, Dr. A. Kolb. George B. Jennyn, C'olr.nel George Smiileison, P. J. Baker, George Furber, Kvnn J. lhivl. Bicycle Aides Fred H. Kingsbury, A. H. Sloi'is, It. A. Wambold, George A. Gardner. William Softly, W. K. Decker, ('. S. Jennings, Percy F, Megargle, Harry Van Horn, William J. Brown, Franklin Henshnw. General Onler No. 5. Headquarters will be established at 7.30 p. in. uut'ne coT of Mulberry Btreet and Franklin avenue. Line of march will be as follows: Frank lin to Lackawanna, Lackawanna to .Ad ams, Adams to Spruce. Spruce to Jeffer son, Jefferson to Pine. Pine to Washing ton, Washington to Mulberry, (Mulberry to Peun, Penn to Spruce, Spruce to court house square, where the 'parade will be dismissed. The parade will be mude up in live divisions. First The Wllkes-Barre clubs S-eond The West Side clubs. Third-The South Side clubs. Fourth All other clubs, including thoe from the central city. Fifth-Bicycle clubs and unattached wheelmen. Thn divisions will form OS follows: First division on Lackawanna, right resting on Franklin, facing east. Second division on Mulberry, right rest ing on Franklin, facing west. Third division on Linden, right resting on Fraklin, facing west. Fourth division on Spruce, right rest on Franklin, facing west. Fifth division on Linden, right resting on Franklin, facing east. Parade will move promptly at s o ciock. Clubs must be In position not later than 7.45. J. W. Oakford, D. B. Atherton, Cnlet Aiarsnai. Chief of Staff. The following are hereby appointed ss aides to the marshal of the bicycle divi sion: H. P. Hitchcock, I. L. Rollson. C. F. Knight, Harry Pierce, Harry Northup, E. E. Chase, George Brooks, E. B. Jer myn, Frank Depue, Frank C. Wettllng, Sam Lewis. Wheelmen will form on Franklin ave nue, right resting on Linden street. Lan terns will be distributed on Linden street, court house square. E. A. Gilmore, Marshal, Wood's Actual Business College! scrnniuD, i n. A school of actual business from the start. 100 scholarships sold for organization at $15 each. The advanced thought In business education. Easily learned in one-fourth the time taken by former systems. Wait tor our representatives and lit erature. W. P. Gregory St Co. A Plrnsnnt Ciowd. Everybody has a smile on their face who attend Davldow Bros", great auc tion sale. The great bargains can't help but make them smile. Special Attention and private dining rooms for dinner parties at Lolimann's, Spruce street. Service and cuisine un excelled in this city. Watches! Wntches! Watches! Elgin, Waltham, Springfield and Hampden watches in gold or sliver cases, at your own price at Davldow Bros', great auction sale. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has feoon used for over fifty years hv mil lions of mothers for their children white xeeinuig, wim peneci success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and call for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. The Contents ol GILGALLON'S Liquor Store, 318 and 320 Spruce Street, For Sale at Half Cost, Including Fixtures, Stock, Safe, Desk, License, Etc. Inquire on Premises. . THE KEELEY CURE Why 1st roar home and bnslnees be destroy, id tbronjtb strong drink or morphia, when r on can be enred ia foar mb at the Kesle tnettute, 19 Msdleon arena Seriate. Fa. The CfS Will Sear lav tigi I. ARRESTED FOR MURDER. Fraik Sivrtrta, Takea Into Cnstody at Priccbw-f for Crime Craaitted Year Ago. County Detective Leyshon arrested a man latt night In Priceburg who is suspected of murdering another near Swoyer's Patch, between Avoca and Sfhithville, about a year ago. The man Is Frank Sivruta, a Russian Pole, 25 years old, and his victim was John Sokoloskle. Mr. Leyshon brought about the ar rest in a very skillful manner. lie was sitting in court one day last week listening to an ordinary assault and battery case In which the parties con cerned were Polanders from Prlceburg. One of the witnesses was a woman and in her testimony she seemed averse to saying anything about some one. Mr. Leyshon judged from her manner that whoever she was trying to shield must be guilty of something, and he started an investigation, which led to the ar rest. Sokoloskie was beaten so severely with stones that he died in four days from his Injuries. There were two oth ers; in the fight and they were arrested and brought to Wllkes-Barre jail. Sivruta was upstairs when his compan ions in crime were arrested, and he Lamp season is over for the makers. It's just be gun for you and us. In New York last week we were for tunate in securing the sample lines of several makers. Lamps that have paid for themselves as far as the factories are concerned. We bought value for cash. Today we facturer loses. You and ourselves pocket the gain. There's only one of a kind in most instances. Each lamp is, natu rally, the pink of perfection, ples. We mention a few. Come and see them all: Number One of the new 1410 style library Lamps with dec orated globe. , Good burner; oil tank ot opal glass, nicely decorated. Lamp and globe go for the price of the globe alone, $1.39. Number A handsome ban 835 quet lamp, worth double the monev Stands 26 inches high, brass base, decorated opal glass pil- lar and oil tanK, decorated fflobe: a really erood looking lamp. Only $1.69. Number A silk shade 853 lamp, stands 26 inches high, 6 inch pillar of genuine onyx brass base and bowl. Center draft, round burner complete with full size 18-inch, all silk shade, for $2.90, well worth $5.00. Number 1009 A handsome lamp. Bowl and base heavily THESE PRICES hold good, of course, only while this lot lasts. That you will see such bargains again for a year is not to be expected. We've only been able to men tion a few. The whole paper would be necessary to tell you of all the lamp wonders to be seen at this great sale. REXFORD'S, MONDAy Saturday and Monday . A Great Drive In Ladies' Coats at $7.95 Real Value. This is the best opportunity of the season to get a good coat cheap. We ljave a complete range of styles and sizes and they fit. SPECIAL Ask to see our Dress Goods at 59 cents. They are the best value you ever saw at the price. WEARS let himself down the side of the house with the ropes of his bed. He came to Prlceburg six weeks ago and boarded with a Mrs. Kolchlnskl. The name ot the woman he went boarding with af ter leaving her Is not known, but when Mr. Leyshon and Constable Barron, of Prlceburg. went to the place last night, the prisoner began acting nervously and suspiciously, and did not appear surprised when informed they had a warrant for him. It was sworn out before Justice of the Peace Logan, of Dickson, and charges Sivruta with felonious wound ing. Under his own admission ho was held to bail on this charge. He ad mitted to Mr. Leyshon that he assault ed Sokoloskle, and admitted it at the hearing. He was so nervous that his stories were very Incoherent. Mr. Leyshon telegraphed to County Detective Kckert, of Luzerne, last night and expects him up today to take charge of the prisoner. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. 25 cents. The little Red Hooped Keg at your grocers holds something good. Leave Buffalo 6.35 a. m., arrive Chi cago 9.00 p. m., via Nickel Plate Road. An Unparalleled Offering of Lamps. 500 of Them. Sample Lamps. them for a fraction of their put them on sale. The manu since they were made for sam plated with iS-karat gold. Warranted not to tarnish. Pillar is one solid piece of genuine onyx, beautifully marked. On this lamp we put a handsome silk shade and sell you the lamp com plete for $5.90, worth $10. Onyx Brass tables with Tables handsome top of real "onyx. Ele gance in home decoration within the reach of all. This table was made for a $5 lead er, but what we have are yours, if you're in time, for $3.48. One This is one of the More handsomest onyx ta bles in the city. Large top, 12 inches square, of the finest Mexican onyx. Open work frame around the top. Fluted legs with hand some brass trimmings. A ta ble like this usually brings $15. These are yours for $7.90. 303 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Good Muslin, Unbleached, worth 5c, for D.t II...... Deei neaij musnn, ii Best Fine " " " 7c, for Good Muslin, Eleached, " 6c, for Hill Musi n, leachad, " 7c for Lonsdale Muslin, Bleached, " 7c for Fruit of Loom, Bleached, " 7c for $10.00 6-4 Pillow Case Muslin, " 13c for 10c 10-4 Brown Sheeting, " 20c for lfc 54 Blea. Pillow C Muslin, 12c for 8c 10-4 Half Bbached Sheeting, 22c for 18c 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, worth 18c for 14c 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, " 20c for 15c Canton Flannel, heavy, " 10c for 6c 415, 417 Lackawanna W - H I W T FOR DECORATING. Largest assortment in the city. Latest Novelties. E CHINA HALL, MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyoming Avenue. Walk in and look around. GOT DAMP QUICK DIDN'T IT? UMBRELLA BROKE ISN'T IT? WILL TAKE II 10 FLOREY'S WON'T YOU? REPAIR IT WHILE YOU WAIT SURE, New Cover, New Ribs, New Stick, JNew Any thing. Wyoming Avenue, Y. M. C A. Building THIELE School of Music,. 520 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Singing. Ernest Thiele, Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both teachers at celebrated Scharwcnka Conservatory, New York. Also other competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele is the successor to the late HERR KOPFF. THE IDEAL AMHRICAN TRIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. To buperUly Appointed and Cummndioui Ftm-l Stenmahips, NORTHWEST AIND NORTHLAND, Americitu through and inrmiith. 1T6 Buffalo Tu. pdaT and Friday 0.30 p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Soo, Duliith, and Western Point, passing all placoa of interest by Uaylivbt in connection W" THE OREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms tbe most direct route, and from ev. ery point of comparison, tbe most delightful and comfortal le on to .Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ureat Falls, Helena, I!ntte. Kpokana and Pa cific coast. The onlv transcontinental line runniiiK tbe famooa buffet, library, obserT. tion car. Newg honr train for Portland via Spokane. HOTEL LAPAYETTE. Lake Mlnnetonka, 18 miles from Minneapolif, largest and meat beautiul resort in tbe west. '1 icketaatid any information of any agent or A. A. HEARD, General Faseeuger agent, Buffalo, N. Y. BARGAINS. Monday Morning from 8 to 12, Positively Not a Minute Longer. 3c 5c 5c 4c 5c 5c 5c II II 7. II Avenue, Scranton, HAGEN. SPEBA We offer about 50 Boys' 3-piece Suits, (short pants), sizes 12 to 16 years, at al most nothing. These Suits are heavy weight, nice mixtures, and formerly sold for $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00. Choice for $5.00 EACH At this season of the year over) one thinks of clothing. Cold weather is not fur off and people want to be well clad. There is special reason why the children should look well and be comfortable. It is necessary to have their clothes well made and to stand the hard wear. Our prices are right, and our goods are right t 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . . 41s the Newest Mao the Cheapest Also the Largest Porcelain, Onyx, Bte Silver Novelties In Infinite Variety. Latest importations. , Watches, Di fl. E. ROGERS, eweler and Watchmaker, 210 Lackawanna In Clotiro, IMerfumisfro Mil Ladies' Heavy Underwear, white, 12 1-2C 25c and 50c. goods assortments broken. Muslin Corset Covers, , . 10C Gents' White Shirts, . . .N 37C Good Muslin, same make as our $1.00 Shirts. AH Linen Crash, 5c Stevens' Best Lined Crash, frilled . 6 1-C Table Linens, oil red, worth 35C, for 23C Table Linens, oil red, worth 39c, for 29c Damask Tabic Lincns,half blca., worth 35c, for 23c Damask Table Llnen.half blea., worth 30c, for 29c Damask Tabic Llnen.half blea., worth 25c, for ITc Men's Natural Wool Underwear, worth ji.oo 75c Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Underwear, worth 35c, 2C All Wool White Blankets, worth 4.00, for $3.25 All Wool Wute Blankets, worth $5.25, for $4.30 Pa.