THE ECRANTON TBIBUNTS FKIDAY MOBNINU. OCTOBER 2a. 1S9S. Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. Mist Katherine Davis Married (o Alexander Bender by Rev. J. P. Moffatt at Her Home. Alexander Bender and Miss Kather ine Davis were wedded at mum yester day at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Davis, of Wash burn stU'et. Only a few relatives and friends Tvere present. The ollirlatins (clergyman was Hi v. J. I'. Moffatt, pas tor of the Washburn Street Presby terian church. After the worthing ceremony, which was simply conducted and without any attendants to bride and groom, dinner was served. II r. and Mrs. Hender left in the afternoon for a weddime tour. They will, on return, reside on Sumner avenue. Mr. Mender has the best wishes of his friends, and they are many. His bride is a charming young lady. NEW ENGLAND Rl'PPEH. ' At the harvest home fair at the Washburn Street Presbyterian church lust eveninK u New Kntfliiiul supper was served between the hours of t and 8 o'clock. Mrs. Marion Parker Is In charge of the host of ladles, who have the matter in chnnre. After the sup per the fancy booths and the uleoves where useful articles were sold, re ceived attention. Presiding over the booths were: Vegetable booth Mrs. "W. II. Tru man, chairman; Mrs. K. If. Clark. Mrs. K. C. Post, Mrs. Decker, Mrs. I'lorey, Mrs. A. M. Morse, Mrs. S. W. iteyiteilil. Fancy booth Mrs. (Jeorge Zerf:iss, Mrs. T. 1.. I .lice, Mrs. O. Eshleman, Mrs. Sarah Williams. Aprons Mrs. William 11. Hull. Quilts and Comfortables Sirs. Dr. Davis and Mrs. Itarrowman. Confectionery Miss Harris. Miss Cntherine Hnrrowmnn, Miss Potts. Mrs. It. W. Walker, jr., Mrs. David Davis, Miss Anna Ansley, Miss Mary K. Wil liams, Miss Porter. Table No. 1 Mis. George W. Jenkins, Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. P. M. Deilrloh. Table No. 2 Mrs. P.bldry. Mrs. George Chase, Mrs. Duncklee, Miss May Campbell. Table No. 3 Mrs. Henry Morse, Mrs. Vlponrt, Mrs. Dr. A. A. I.liulubuiy. Table No. 4 Mrs. It. W. Walker, sr., Mrs. S. XT. Reynolds. Mrs. K. .1. Wil liams, Mrs. George W. Phillips. Mrs. C. A. Purr, Mrs. Dr. George H. Reynolds. Table No. f. Miss T.izzio Mumford. Miss Faxe. Miss 'Ida Waters, Miss Stevens and Miss Tiumbnlcl. The fair closed last evening. CHOIR WILL ENTERTAIN. The choir of the Plymouth Congro- gationnl church will this evening give an entertainment in the church. The programme is as follows: Chorus. "The Lord Is Great" Choir Piano Solo .Miss S;uli KilwanM Soprano solo .Miss Vunnle Williams Duet, selected, I.lllle and lironwon Jo.-;h Rurltone solo Daniel Thomas Chorus. "The Kinllant Morn" Choir ItocltHiInn, selected Charles Cadwgan Trio. 'Memory," I.lllle and lironwen Joseph and William Phillips. Tenor solo."Txive,s Proving". D. K. Hughes Quartet, "Little I!o l'een," The Mlses Joseph Male chorus. "Little Mountain Church." "Good Night, lleloved" Choir Conductor K. K. Kvans .Miss Winnie Stephens Cake, cream, etc., will be served. ONE MORE HELPER. " Another' new Republican club Is In the West Sidtufiold. It is called the Me Kinley Sound Money club. It Is com posed chlelly of voters from the Fifth wnrd. A meeting was held last night at which business was transacted. The French Roof hall Is the present head quarters. George W. Evans was elect ed president. Rlchnrd Morgan, vice president; William Gleason. secretary; and Henry Evans, treasurer. John Marehant, Samuel Harris and Chester Cammer compose the committee on equipment. The club Invites all Re publicans to Join. ANOTHER EISTEDDFOD. Robert Morris Lodge of Ivorltes will hold their second eisteddfod on March 7. Arrangements are already being made. A meeting will be held tonight at which a committee on the eistedd fod will report. After the business ses sion an entertainment will be held. Howell Harris will deliver nn address on "Politics and Politicul Theories." NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. The misses Margaret King and H. Norton are visiting In Pittsburg. Miss Jennie Griliiths bus returned to Dnlton after a visit here. Mrs. Ira Tripp, of North Main ave nue, will leave in a few days to spend the winter at Los Angeles, Cal. The Welsh Philosophical society will meet tomorrow nljjht. Ambrose, 6-year-old son of Frank J. Johnson, of North Rebecca avenue, was Am 4 THESE CHILLY AUTUMN w If 1 i FOR II We place ourselves in your way and want your next clothing pur chase, especially if you want good clothing, with style and character, and at a very moderate price. If the clothing we furnish you is not as you want it in every particu lar, return and get your money. (tiara Dealing Clothiers, of lb? Stibtirbs. bitten by a dog Wednesday. Dr. Car roll dressed the wound. Miss Elizabeth Mann, of Altoona. has returned home from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Acker, of South Main avenue. The West Side Hosltnl association has received checks from Reese G. Brooks and Colonel Ezra H. Ripple; one for J100, the other for $23. The funeral of the late Miss Martha Matthews will take place today. In terment will be made at Pittston, where the deceased formerly resided. "Dutch George" was sent to the Hill side home yesterday. The funeral of the late James W. James will take place this afternoon nt 2.K0 o'clock. Services will be held in the Jackson Street Unptlst church and interment will be made in Washburn (itret cemetery. . Mrs. Kvans. of I.ansford, spent yes terday with Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Har ris, of South Main avenue. Miss Jennie Howell, of Scranton street, entertained with a tea yester day afternoon. 1). M. Jones, ex-Postmaster, who has been seriously ill nt his home on South Main avenue, was in a very encourag ing condition yesterday. Mis. P. K. Struppler, of South Main avenue, roturney yesterday from a vla ii nt (lerninntown. t Keystone lodge. No. 37, Loyal Knights of America, held nn important business session last evening. Arrangements worn completed for the reception of tli members of llartranft lodge, who re cently amalgamated with the Keystone boys. , , St. lirenden Councils' Literary circle met last evening. An Interesting pro gramme was carried out. West Side Itiisiness Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS. FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty; 101 South Main avenue; two door from Jackson street. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you have to fell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 701 to 709 West Lack awanna avenue. l'KOVUIKNCK. Vrvvth End voters should not tn" to ntteml the Republican rally to he held this evening in Company H armory. Among the prominent speakers who will be oreseiit are: Hon. Marriott Drosius, if Lancaster; Attorney Homer Green, of Ilonesdule, und Attorney W. Gnvlorrt Thomas. The funeral of the late William P.urke, who died Tuesday morning at his home on Wayne avenue, will take place this morning. A high mass of requiem will be celebrated at Holy Ruwiry church and interment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery. .Mrs. M. J. Gerrity, of Wayne avenue, Is dangerously 111. A parte of Indies, consisting ot Sirs. William Field, Mrs. H. 11. McKeelian. Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Iluicher and Mrs. Hiphlleld, spent yesterday ut Lake Winoln. The Kpworth League of the Metho dist Episcopal church'held an Import ant business meeting last evening, in th; church parlors. A short programme of music and recitations was carried out, after which a social was given. The funeral of an Infant child of Patrick Rowland, of West .Market street, who died a fuv days ago. took place yesterday afternoon, interment w as made in Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery. Robert Ruins, of William street, was painfully Injured yesterday in the Leg gett's Creek shaft. He was employed as a driver, and was unhitching a mule from a. trip of cars, when Ije wan (aught between the curs and badly squeezed. The North Christian Endeavor choir met for rehearsal last evening in the Presbyterian church. OBINSKI KNOCKED DOWN. Iligliunviurn Tried to 'l ake n Basket Away from Ilim. About 2 o'clock yesterday morning as. Olllcer Duggnn was on patrol duty near the Ward farm house on Capouse avenue he discovered two men scuilling. Hastening to the snot he saw one of the men fall to the ground while the other one ran away, carrying a basket on his arm. Duggan gave chase and the unknown man ran like a deer in the direction of Washington avenue. He dropped the basket when a few rods away and soon disappeared. The man who had ' been assaulted proved to be Paul Olilnskl, an employe of the Kreusernian Iron Fence com pany, and the basket dropped by the assailant was the property of oblnski. The unknown man attacked Oblnski and tried to get the basket, which con tained fruit, away from him. During the struggle Oblnski was knocked down and was in a dazed condition when rescued by the otllcer. The King of EEECHAM'S. Pills Iz Beecham's.- Try Jordan's one-half minute stews. DAYS MUST BE A 11 SAMTERS Kaitars a.iJ fwtototi . SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Address of Sapl. Gcorie Howell Befo.e the Y. W. C. A.-Johi H. Senker Buried. Those who were so fortunate as to attend the association rally at the rooms of the Young Women's Chris tian association on Cedar avenue, last night, were treated to a tine programme of musical and literary numbers. The address (if Superintendent George Howell, of the Scranton schools on "The Dcnetits of Education" was a rure treat. He said in part: We Fcmctimes talk about self.made men. men who have been the urehiteets of their own education and fortune. Hut every man who is a loan, is self-made. Our annul elt.-tlny is just what we make il. Nothing can take the place of personal effort. If all the means and methods of e. hi ration, and all the great teachers were IuoiikM together and made to bring their work to bear u:o:i a boy or girl, -ail they could do would be to furnish the oppor tunities of Inoiroveineiit. Nothing but a miracle ean teach u boy or girl anything in i? pendi Mly of his or her own exertion. We are Intellectually the making of our selves. When Plato defined education as SVlf-aetlvity he gave the world a defini tion that philosophers eonlil not criticise, that teachers coulij not reject. This is such an extremely practical age that many people are led to believe that our schools can give a boy or girl u pi i -Heal education, one. that exclii les theory. Hut our schools ean not do Oils. First, practice must originate In theory, our Intelligent acts are directed by premedi tation. Practice not founded on theory is ull chance. No business man would make a venture without a credible theory. Tins mechnnlc who Invents a valuable machine must have a plan orstheory. He can not make an engine by working at random or trusting to the doctrine of chance. Co pernicus, who established the correct theory of the prevent solar system mid overthrew the nld'l'tolcmalc system, had his theory. Columbus had his theory for western land; Franklin for lightning; Stcphi-liFon for (tie locomotive and Whit ney for the cotton-gin. Every great social and economic reform hail Its Inception In theory. ' A practical education without good the ory Is Just as Impossible as colored flow ers without sunshine ami lust us useless us an automaton In a foot bull game. Wo underestimate the value of HxeM standards of excellence. Before the art ist puts upon canvas the f.iee of the mother he must have In mind Die form and linage which his brush must paint. lie fore the sculptor carves from the Inani mate marble a lifelike statue he must have his moded. And the man or woman who expects to carve out u good character in history without a moiled, will, in old age Unci himself or herself, like a storm tossed mariner without compute and with no port In sight. Keep be fore you the forms and faces of me n and women who have served the peooli well und you will kindle the heart ith Maine of Inspiration, a burning zeal of enthusiasm that can never die. Ft'NERAL OF JOHN H. SENKER. A large concourse of peopl-s attended the funeral of John H. Senker yes terday morning. The remains were ar ranged on a couch In the front parlor of his mother's home, 612 Stone ave nue, and were almost hidden under a profusion of wreath of (lowers bestowed by friends. The manner in which the remains reposed for view wus sug gested by Mrs. Margaret Sporr, of Meadvllle, ait. aunt of the deceased. The; young man looked to be only asleep, John Hovle O'Reilly Council, Young Men's Institute, attended the funeral In a body nnd the pull and flower bear ers were selected from It. The former were Edward Morris. John ltrogan, Frank McDonald. W. S. MeOoe, SI. F. llrown and James Hayes. The latter were George McMullen and Thomas Hayes. The council sent a large floral piece. A high mnss of requiem was cel ebrated In St. Mary's German church by Rev. George J. Stooper and inter ment was made In the Twentieth ward cemetery. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. Michael Cannon cA'ebrnted his re lease from the county Jail by sending a stone throu'.'h one of the front win dows of Melvln's hotel on Cedar ave nue. Constable Wool Iters Is after him. Miss Ka'.hryne McDonald, of Wilkes llarre, is the cucst of South Side friends. The Silver Mill Social club will hold its first annual bull at Uermania hall. South Side, on Christmas eve. UUX.MOKI-. A "hit and miss" social will be held at the home of Miss Surah Hughes, of Blakoly street, this evening. The so cial is to be given under the auspices of the Young People's society of the Dudley street church, the members of which extend a cordial invitation to everybody. Harry E. Spencer will open a meat department In the store of Harber eft Stevens, formerly occupied by Pulmer llrothers, situated at the corners. Edward McGuire is very ill at his home on Sport Hill. Miss Diana Capwell is slightly indis posed nt her home on Cherry street. The election of ofllcers for the Chris tian Endeavor society of the Adams Avenue Presbyterian church, has been postponed from lis regular time to Tuesday evenlnir, Oct. 7. Election to take place at the home of the pastor, Rev. John A. Dunn, of Marion street. The Improved Order of Heptasophs are making great preparations for a grand entertainment, which is to be given on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Mnnley, of Chest nut street, have returned home from New York. , Miss Louise T.utz, of Drinker street, hns accepted a position in Gerson's millinery stm-e, Scranton. The Italian societies of this borough held a parade last night, headed by the band of Roma, after which they held a grand ball In Hurschell's hall. Ralph Wat rous was declared winner in the recent shootins match, held In Spencer's range. lie scored 74 out of a possible 7ii, the distance being 200 yards. Mrs. Hayes, of Hrooklyn, N. Y., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer, of East Drinker Rtreet. The school board expects to visit all the schools In the borough next Tues dny to And means for accommodating the overcrowded condition of the schools at present. William Drinker street, is able to be out again after a three months' Illness. William Connolly is suffering from a badly, lncerntpd hand, the result of an accident while nt his employment In the planing mill owned by George Bing ham. The P.ryan nnd Sewnll club met In Holnnel's hall last night, nnd listened to addresses made by Attorneys P. .P. Replogle, John J. Murphy anil John P. Qulnnan. A Repuhllenn rallv will be held In the Odd Fellows' hall tonight. Ad dresses will be made bv H. F. Hughes, of Philadelphia. R. A. Zimmerman, and E. H. Shurtleff, esq. RECEPTION TO THE WHITE CAPS. Took Plnce I.nst Night in Pcnn Avc ntic Bnplisl fhnrcli. In the lecture room of the Penn Ave nue Rapt hit church lust night the mem bers of the general reception commit tee, which did such efliclcnt service at the recent Christian Endeavor state convention, were tendered a reception by the Endeavor society of the Penn avenue church. It was an Informal af fair and was much enjoyed. Short addresses were made by the captains and lieutenants and also by several members of the committee of 'KB. Before the reception terminated refreshments were served. The .mem bers of the reception cominiu wore the white raps and badges which dis tinguished them during the days of the convention. Last night's reception was the first of a series of similar events which will be given by the different Christian En deavor societies of the city. MINER LOSES A LEO. Fell Ucneath n Trip of Loaded Cars in ltnpid Motiou. John Chunchkl. an Austrian mlnir. was brought down from Throop (o the Lackawanna hospital y?sterday with his right leg so badly crushed that It hud to be amputated. He jumped from a trip of loaded cars while they were In rapid motion and stumbling over some obstruction fell beneath the wheels. DONATION DAY AT HOME. Those Who Remembered That Worthy Institution with Their Offerings Yes terdayMany Cash Donations. Yesterday was donation day at tne Home for the Friendless and that wor thy Institution was remembered dur ing the day by the. following: Mrs. Ko?nnnu Trlpi A Friend W. H. Gear hurt Charles Sclilng-.r Mrs. l. K. Taylor Miss Anna K. Sanderson f. .Mrs. Katherine X. S.-iunton ... It. M. Winton -. Mrs. W. D. Kennedy Dr. N. V. l.eet John J. Gormiin Mrs. W. W. Watson Mrs. Conrad Sehioeder A. II. Vnnclllng Airs. Kate Price Mrs. A. K. Hunt Mrs. W. I). Ku.-sel! .Mrs. J. A. Robertson .Mrs. William .Miitthews 't) W 11 2i l 2.i ! 2." mi lei mi in ml 10 (hi hi mi III mi In mi 111 ml PI hk PI mi .". mi 5 mi r. mi A mi f. mi 5 IK) 5 mi 5 mi D mj o m A 00 s oi 5 0) r mi s mi n ii'i n mi I Mrs. C. S. Wool worth .Mrs. J. li. Kurd hum Mrs. H. 1'. Kingsbury .Mrs. W. I-'. Klesel C. P. J.-iilwin Mrs. G. l,. Hick-con Mrs. Gooilhmiel Clark Mrs. C. It. Sc-ott Mrs. I.. .M. .Marvlne C. II. Welles Mrs. C. i. Simpson .Mrs. C. K. Kobinsnii -Mrs. I.uther KelK-r Mrs. Jeilm Morris .Mrs. F. H. Gerloek Mrs. U. Howell Mrs. I'ultiskl Carter Mrs. II. W. I. lice Mrs. Cora Mi irlfield Mrs. I'runk Bediroeder Mrs. I'Uillp Sehnell Mrs. ,1. It. Cohen , Mrs. A. Ileiiilrb-k , Mrs. William Sullivan , .Mrs. G.Jorge Hib-kens , Mrs. Wllliiim Illume 2 mi 2 mi 2 m 2 mi 2 mi 2 mi 2 i'ii , 2 mi 2 mi 1 i:ii 1 mi 1 ml I mi 1 mi D. Neiiffer, three Mrs. Joseph Ansley . Dry llooils, Etc. C boxes of hoys' caps .vi rs. i. k. T.iy lor. candy; .Mrs. W. F. Halltitead, piece of muslin; .Mrs. N. V. I.eet, case of corn, eae of tomuto.s; Goldsmith Urns., shoe's; Mrs. H. W. Archbald. shoes: .Mrs. J. T. Rey nolds, towels: Mrs. William Illume, cloth ing; Mrs. S. W. Edgnr, pair pillows; .Mrs. Joseph Ansley, jr., clothing; Mrs. Levi Harringic:n, twenty-one yards of carpel; P. 1!. I-'inley. piece of flannel; MIms Den. man, clothing; Kinerson Hose, books; Mrs. C. C. IJuse. clothing: Mrs. JoHt-ph Ober, clothing; Dr. und .Mrs. O. W. Roberts, piece of muslin; Mrs. II. H. Crane, cloth ing: King's Daughters Elm Park church, b(el linen: Mrs. Sumes, clothing; Mrs. K. F. Chiimliirlnln, clothing; Mrs. R. H. Willlums, towels, stockings, etc.; Mcars & Hagen. under garments; Mrs. Thomas Moore, piece or gingham; Mrs. B. M. Winton, cunt nnd hnt. Provisions. Etc-. Clarke Store company, cases of salmon, tomatoes, fruit, crackers noil soap: lieizel Collins. Imrrel of crackers; Mrs. I). I.nngstaff, box of soap; Mm. G. V. Ilushnell, sugar and tea; Mrs. Simon Rice, apples; Mrs. H. II. Crane, canned fruit n ml soap; 'Mrs. W. 8. Con ta.l. meat: Mrs. II. II. Ware, canned to matoes; Storr tk Conrad, half cioz-n brooms; J. I,. Stelle. three dozen cans of vegetables, box of soup; nine & Swavze, vegetables: Mrs.-J. D. SheivY, ense of to matoes; Mrs. Henry Hc-lln, tub of butter; Mrs. John llrown. pickles ami Jellies; Mrs. W. Mcl'lave, fruit und jelly; Mrs. Montrose- liarnai'il, potatoes; Kverttt Hros., sugar and ont flakes: Mrs. H. S. Moffat, box of soap; Mrs. C. H. Penman, $:) worth of suuar: barrels of flour from Mrs. R. G. Urooks. William H. Netiffcr, W. W. Wat son. C. p. Matthews. Mrs. Henry I'.e'.ln. Mrs. C. 8. Weston nnd Mrs. E, H. Rtpnle; Walter Matthews, two barrels of apples; Wlllard Matthews, PiO pounds of buck wheat Hour; D. l. Evans, ense of corn: .Mrs. F. W. Mason, one case of corn stnrch. catsup and pickles; Mrs. Henilrick, rolls and enke; Mrs. Watson, canned fruit and pickles; Mrs. IVttlgrew. preserves; Mrs. R. II, Williams, potatoes, soap nnd fruit: Mrs. Han ford Rnlsley, vegetables; .Mr. Henshaw, apples: Muyor Halley, ease of tomatoes; Mrs. John Genler, case of noodles; Mrs. A. It. Stelle, box of soap; Mrs. Joseph Curter, eggs anil honey; H. II. Frear, box of soap; Rev. Richard 111 orns, Ituwers. WANTEDT0 BURN HIM. Negroes in a Florida Mill Attack the ManagerHs Kills Two and Wounds Others In Defending Himself. Chipley, Fla., Oct. 22. Uesiegcd by Infuriated negroes, J. M. Crlghir, man ager of Hanerman's lumber mills at Hager Station, four miles west of here, defended himself with such effect that he killed two of his assailants and wounded four others. Crlglar became engaged in a quarrel with one of his employes, and the other negroes drew pistols and began firing at the man ager. Crlglar rati to his olllee, locked himself In and opened fire with a Win chester on the maddened negroes who surrounded the building. For nn hour the battle continued, and when the Louisville and Nashville train arrived at the station the negroes were prepare lug to set fire to the building and cre mate Crlglar. The train crew nnd pas sengers, however, rushed to Criglar's aid and dispersed the negroes. The negroes had fired over 200 bullets In the buildings, hut Crlglnr escaped by lyinsr on the tloor. As scam ns the ne groes tired a volley, however, he would rise and shoot at them through the windows. The negroes killed are Amos Judson and John . Alexander. The wounded are Henry Simpson. Jack No bles. Andrew Miller und Albert Lister. Simpson and Lister ore thought to be fatally wounded. DIRECT FROM THE ORIENT. Choice Importation of Rugs. Among which are -liokhara, Mcccn, Khiva and Daghastan to lie shown a few days only. A rare opportunity for great values. Economy Furniture Co., 225-227 Wyoming ave. Gold Coming Our May. New York. Oct. 22.-J. W. Sellgmnn & Co. are advised by their San Francisco uuents that they have-ethls day received $2.:C.".IJIK) In gold from Australia and hnvo ordered nn additional $2.;I7.'.ojki to arrive about Nov. 111. The amount of gold re eelveil, orciereel nnd now on the way from Europe and Australia since Aug. 23 Inst Is about fil.0J,uuO. Jordan's b'kw't cakes, sausage 10c. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. lh fie- A trtry I FOR Or. Van Pelt's Alan. f hlV cVic-tilnllM V. WOMENSf font. in. cua triiibia urecuno ctahle Oruilules cu-;i- anrt maintain irecunor.itive lne-xhmni.. tiuii nrnl debility peculiarly inuld-mt to' woman or tinner roiistittitiutii In Vouth alt: i nil! a::o 'flier have no equal. 1 bo fncultv .'I........ ... n .. rl It..., lluMti..CC..l.- 1 en'nr tree, tent ecuiely uriil'd. Juvenlaj tout! (.0. , llfpt, o FrfiiD? tcnan Hldg. .N BOTTQJBSi AN ELEGANT with each EET CIGARETTES AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A COLLECTION OF BUTTONS WITHOUT COST. We cannot only boast of prices extraor dinary low, but also for lit, quality, style, cut and general appearance of every gar ment. This Is nn entire new department and is replete with all that Is new and up-to-date lelen:i bought with great care from manufacture! s of repute only, which gives us the right to o c. S 3 O m c? a 1 3 CD to cia 3 0G TOP COATS of F.r.gMnh Covert Cloth. We have a sperlal fine assortment of nobby cut garments, well made and lined as low as $10.ii(l; others up to t'.S.dU. This department Is in charge of .Mr. D. R. Dtf lany, formerly of Messrs. Jlartln & De la ny. js.oci Hl'VS a fine ltlue or Mack Cheviot Sack Suit, single or double breasted. latest cut, property trimmed and lln isned. guarnnleed absolutely fast color, heller for $ln. and 1!. get ITCH TWKKD Sl'lTS In Tlnlds and Stripes. There is that smart tailor tone In these suits coupled to ull that Is re fined and rorreet III tone and the prices ranse from J12.V9 to $18.00. SsSBss E. ROBINSON'S Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tha Celebrated CAPACITY I iootooo Barrels per Annum BICYCLES. ON AXD AFTER PErT. 1ST, IBM, WE will effer i,)l of the following wheels vro may liavu iu stoi k nt Job! er'a Prices : Wolf American, l ioree. Ivar-Julinson, Wavorlynnd Fiathirstuno 1 Hie. This Is sa opportunity to pet u i.ood wheel chcaji. We still have tho famous "Crawfoid," n ivhcel that rutin ns light nnd ropy unci went, equal to ony S'uO machine on th n art ft. Couie nod luo nrunt we cuu dj fur you iu our Hue. si CM) si. I L I PHll 321 ME BUTTON FREE package of CAP0RAL D III FURNACE WORK. THE i 424LKCK1WMN1 IVENUL JAMES MOIR, Ha Movtd t Hit Ntw Quarter 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on aldo next to Firat National Bank. He uaa now In Cornpriilng everything reqnlalte fer floe Merchant Tailoring. And the aame can be abown to advantage in bi apl.B dialy fitted up rugae. A SPECIAL INVITATION U Bxtended to All Readers nt The Trlb. ne to Cell on "OLD RELIABLE" In HI New Bullae Home ' ON THE LINE OF THE are located tho finest fishing and hunting grounds in tho world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest, Vanvouver, Beattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all tbrought trains. Tourist cars fully ntted with beddlntr, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may bo hud with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, eta, on application to E. V. SKINNER, 0. E. A.. 383 Broadway, New York. CALL UP 3682i HUNT & CONNELL CO imcinoR Nlllf ClIW PACIFIC n MSLOIT Gil SND MnNOfmDRlNG CO. ftiiKir OFFIOC AND WAREHOUSB. Ml fO IS! MERIDIAN STREET. . M.W. coiuns, llftuager SPECIAL SALE OF ' ORIENTAL RUGS at CARPETS AT 124 Washington Avenue. . BY MICHAELIAN BROS. A CO. BAG.DAD PORTIERES AT $2,00 KARABAQH RUGS AT $3.00 - Fine Antique Rags at 25 per eent. leas than usually sold. Beside we bare rewired on euuaignmi nt a fine iotof Japanese ware which we will sell at cost. THE FROtfllNGMM. Wagner A Kel, Lessoeaand Manager. John L. Kerr, Acting Manager. FRIJ1Y EVENING, OCT. 23, Miss ADA REHAN Under the direction of Mr. Augustin Daly, . in her world renuwuttd erection ot KATHERINE. in Shakespeare's aturriitat Comiwiv. T A Ml N Q THE SHREW Mlas Reban will be supported by the faror ite members of Mr. Dalv'e Company. PRICES-aoc, 7gc, ioi, Si:so and Si. oo, according to location, hide of seats oPili. Wedneeday, Oct '21, at 9 a. m. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Friday and Saturday, Oct aj-aj. On Pliday evening JAMK8 YOUNO will pre sent with k-orRuous cenlo etnbelllsb- inenM, aliaKiiciieare'a HAMLET. ft On Hatnrday evening Mr. Yonng will be seoa In thut rommtio and impressive comedy, DAVID GARRICK, To be followed by the merry corned y.'f "Katharine and Pe truces." "With mirth and lauithter let Old Yt rlukiee coma. Mr. Young is Miitod by Miss Rldt Louias Jobuson nn l a company of competent and well chosen uiay ere. Prlcee-Uallery Ita, balcony ib and Mc. orobnatra circle 40c; parlor chairs and orches tra 76c ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY. OCTOBER j: First time here of Wm. Gillette's Greatest Comedy Success TooHuch Johnson .MunnRrment of CHARLES FROll MAN With a p!end1(J Cast and Elab orate Scenery, PRICES-Uallery. ici Balcony, a Rows, fse; Balance, sact Orchestra Circle, aoc; Orchestra, 75c; Parlor Chair, i. 00. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 22, 23 end 24. T, J. GRIMES' Grand Spectacular Novelty, A MAMMOTH PRODUCTION embrnclnT a Wealth nt Matrnitinent Nci-ncry, Beautiful Transformations, Dazzling C'oatumea, De ligbtful JUusic. Admission 10, 20 or 30 Cents. Two performances dally. Doors open at 1.J0 and 7. Curtain rises at 2.30 and $.15. NOW ON EXHIBITION At 400 and 402 Lacka. Ave. M I. Combined with Prof Rorgor's Wonderful AUTOMATIC EXPOSITION, for u few days only. Ureateat, grandest, moat ingenious, elaborate and scientific rolle'-tion of (cutomatio works lu the world. C'rniplie-mlomi of ma chinery, unparalleled monuments of uoniui. skill and patience. Everybody ahould see them. OpenDu.m.toliip.m. Admission to all. Including reserved seats for ladies, ONLY 10 CENTS. And You Will be Hap?, The way to keep your home comforta ble at this seas jn or the year is to buy one of our Gas or Oil Heaters Just the thing for your dining room in the morning, or your bath room, and in fact any place you wunt a little lieut without start ing your furnace or boiler. We have over 20 styles sizes of fas heaters, and 10 or more of Oil leaters. Without question the best assortment in the city. M 1.9 WfiSHINGTOJ mVil Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO.. U. I CROFUT, PROPRIE.a.l I D li KEEP OOIQRTABLE THIS HOUSE la strictly temperance, is new and well furnished and (jPliNKD T(J THE PUBLIC THIS YBAll RuUKD, Is located midway between ttinghumton an.1 Scranton, on the Montrose and Lacka wanna P.allroart, six miles from D., L. A W. R. R. at Alford Station, and five miles from Montrose; capacity eighty-five, three minutes' walk from railroad station. House situated 109 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entire length of tho house, which Is 100 feet. Row Boats, FIshinK Tackle, Etc. Free to Uuests. Altitude about 2,000 foet, equalling In this respect the Adirondack and Catsklll Mountains. Fine groves, plenty of shade nnd beaut!, fill scenery, maklnn a Summer Resort un. excelled In beauty nnd cheapness. Dancing pavilion, swings, croquet grounds, etc. COT.D SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OF MIT.K. Rstes $j to f to Per Week, fi.go Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all station oa DAetW, tines. Porter meet all trains,