THE SCRANTON TBIBUNE FBIDAY MORNLNG. OCTOBER 23, 1896. 0 MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New Void, Oct. 22. It la a long time -.iitoe the bull feelinR at the Stock Ex- 1 iiiinKe has run aa high aa It did today. Despite the advance In the Bank of KiiUiuml rate of discount and the ad v;imv in the rates of Sterllnsr Exchange, declined only V to i per cent, inid In a very short time the trend of the market was upwards once more. Ah the rise made progress the shorts Wame thoroughly alarmed and their purchases gave an Impetus to the up wunl movement. The hulls had full control uihI lifted one stock after nn-etlu-r with comparative ease. The highest quotations were reached about 2 o'clock nnd nt that time prices show ed an advance of M. to 2:Si per cent., th'-Ti i...-triuls.IvOiilsvllle ami Nashville, the Grangers and the South westerns leudiuir. The df alines were largely pro fessional, but some of the commission 1 house!, did report orders for moderate I amounts from outside account, the lat- j ter i tohahly because of the easier rates for money here. Around delivery hour '-MS !. '$).) news catne about the fur t' i i'en. rniizationtn the wheat tnnrkt and the bears used it to make a drive it the share list. Kvt-n then they met with very Indifferent sueecss. The de cline from the highest was only '4 to per cent., nnd this too, imtw ithstandimj extensive realizations. The market left off sieady at a fractional rally. Net ol-.anjjeH show un advance of lVitfi lrS. Tooaciii leadi'itr. In the wpeelulties Iowa Central jn-iferr.-il lumped 214 and Culil'er preferred 2'4. The total sales were L'l'Ji.sss shares. Kunushed by WltJ IA.M IJNN, Al I.1SN to CO.. stock brokers, Mean billlJ liitf, rooms 70j-7uti. Upon- Illph- Low- Clns Inu. t-st. tsi Ins Am. Tobncco To 71'i IVi 71''. 72"; Am. fotton Oil .... vt-'t l:t;, ls-' 13;, Am. Simar IJe'c Co. MM. Hie,, lm 1 10 Atch.. To. & S. IV .. U- 14',., ijjtj A tun., To. to S. Fit, IT 1.1"s ':in. Southern 47 47' i l..'a ., l'tl", P I.:, l 15.'. r." 2:;i 147'a 45' 25' , I'll . Vh 2- lir.'.'tj M' 1I:,K it's 14 :-.h 2W; 2-t'a " 2ti 2I-; 'i ' 15-' " u !"i 4iTB 15'i III 4 '. 724 2 71'.. 4'ei, 114 ()'4 73'4 ( cos. Ai Ohio ... chicaKO Uas ... CMf. to X. W ., i '1,1c. H. to Q ; . c. c. to St. I .Mil. A St. i t.i.-.. it. I. & Del. & ilOj .. r., L. & w .... I'isl. to C. K .... Gen. Kleetric .. Lake Shore .... l.-'4 til lti" T4 2x 147'i 111 21 44 H3M, n'. 14 'i 40 2.i-"i !- '"to . 27'.i .117'a . 4:f:iK . 21';, . !", . 2't'i . 4t ihiijt,., . at " . ii'i . K'j . 1ST. . 14 . mi . 2't1 . i.'i:ls . ' . 21", . 2.i'.4 . 1 1. I 5"2 27'i 147',, 43", 24 ij ! J KJ'i 113 D'i S'.. l:r 14 3'.' 2"i 2I-Ii 21", -21 i'. '!' 4 17 Louis, to Nash Al. K. & Texas, IT. Manhattan Kle Mo. Pacific N'tit. Cordage ,'ut. Lc-luI X. J. Central . V. Central X. Y.. L. 11 V. V. Y.. S. to W Nor. Paclllc i tnl. & Western ... Omaha I'aeillc Mail I'iul. lt'iul , Southern It. R Southern It. It., Pr, Tenii. C. to 1 , Tvxas I'aeillc l'nlon I'adMe Wabash, IT , Wusteni I'llluii .... W. L r. S. Leather i'. S. her, IT... l S. Ittibiter 24 'i ' 1.V3 u';, CI'', 1S" e'4 15 -i. ' it ti CHI., 17 CHICAGO BOARD OP THAUE PRICKS. WHKAT. Open.- High- Low Clo. Ing est. est. Ire. December 7l'i "Pi "tt't "')' Mfy 7Si 7.v 7-lVss Vi:' OATS. In timber 17 17 IMi .May 21 21'a 20", 21 CORN. D.cember Si 2I'J 23'i Mav 2;', 28 27" 27!j LARD. D.cpmber 4,L' 4.22 4.17 4.17 .lanaarv 4.4o 4.17 4.40 4.10 1'i.iRK. Dr.emlnr !.!.". 7.H i.W f-.'M) .h.imuiy 7.!w "i.'J'i 7.U5 7.75 Scrnnton Bonn! of Trade F.xclinngr Qnntatioiito-AII Qtiotutiuu Uuscd on 1'ur ol 100, Name. Bid. THme Dep. Pis Bnrk 140 S. rsnton Lace Ciirtnlr Co Asked. National Coring to Drilling Co I'lrst National bank (150 S' Tanton Jar ft Stopper Co. .. hhnhurxt Donlevard Co St-ranton Savings P.nnk Unnta Flate Glass Co Seranton I'ncklng Co Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. Third National Rank Thrnop Novelty Mfg. Co. ... S. ranton Traction Co Scranton Axle Works Lnek'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co, Kcnnomy Steam Heat & Power Co BONDS. Scrnnton Bass. Railway, first mortgage due WH Feople's Street Railway, first 25 100 'io 250 150 90 21 80 200 350 'it iii 40 no mortgage due 1918 110 Scrnnton ft I'ittslon Trao. Co. ... W People s Street Railway, Sec ond mortgaKe due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co. ,, Laeka. Township School 5.. City of Soranton St. Imp. 6. Horoitgh of Wlntort 6 Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scrnnton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co 110 100 1H2 102 100 85 100 M New York Produce Market. New York, Oct. 22. Flour Neglected owing to the high prices asked, closing easy with wheat; nominally 10c. under invitations last given. Wheat Spot mar );i dull, 4r'n 47e. lower, with options, elcslng weak; f. o. b.. Sic; ungraded red, 7H:rt2c.j No. 1 northern, 7'.; options clossd unsettled at 4-va4',c. under yester day; No. 2 red, January, "ti'ie.; March, MV.; May, SOc; October, 75c.; Novem ber, 75'ic;; Diccmbir, 77'.c. Corn Spots dull, weaker; No. 2 at 293,a.'lae. ; elevator, 3ta3lo.; options were less active iiiMi ii i vmiuii, viuiiis ry hi r4 . lie- . line; October, ai:,c; December. 3H"io.; : May, 331c. Oats Spots dull, easier; op tions stendv, dull: October, 23Ue.: DeceIn ber, 2:)'ic.; spot prices. No. 2 nf 22.a2,c. ; . z wnite, iso. s cnieago, 2l'-c: No. 3 at 2'e.; No. 3 white, 2,V2c; No". 2 Chicago, 21'i,c.; o. 3 nt 21c; N.i. 3 white, 23a; mixed western. 21h25c: hite do. and state, 22a32c. Provisions .Dull, nominally unchanged. Butter Kirm, fair demand; prices unchanged. Cheese Klrm, better demand, steady. K:rgs Fancy, scarce, linn; State nnd Pennsylvania, lStyiLUc.; lee house, 14'.a1Cc; western fresh, lti'ia 19c; do. case, t2a4.M; limed, 15c. Pliilndelphin Provision .Wtirkrt. I'hlladclphla, Oct. 22. Provisions wero firm and in steady, moderate Jobbing do mum!. We quote: City smoked, betf, 11a I2,M beef hnms. J16.25nH5.GO. as to avernge; pork, family, $11; hnms, S. P. cured, In tierces, Salop.; do. smok"d, lOallVic, as to average: sliles, ribbed, In salt, V.'4:iV'''. do. do. smoked, 5a5'i".; shoulders, plcklo enred, BUnj'aC.; do. do. smoked. CUafic; picnic hams, S. P. cured, BwiKe.; do. do. smoked, 6i.a7c.i bellies. In pfckle, accord ing to average, loose, naC'ic; breckfast bacon, 7.i7'jc., as to brand and average; lard, pure, city refined, in tierces, B'inu'c. j do. do. do.. In tubs, OyiPTie.; do. butchers', loose, 4,a4!4e.; city tallow. In hogsheads, 3".c; country do., 23'.., aa to quality, and cakes, tc. Chicago Crain nnd Provision Mnrkrt Chicago. Oct. 22. Futures ranged as fol lows: Wheat October, 7o",,0)7' ,c. : De cember, T3Tka70,!c.; May, 784a"4,e." Corn October, L'L'a22c; December, Z'fiia'Sr.', May, 27l!.a27,!.c. Oats, October, pesanUc; December, lrinlStw.; Mav, 2oT21. Moss Pork December, :95nfi.90; January, t7.S5a 7.75. Lord December. tl !"a4.171'.; Janu ary. t4.40a4.40. Short Ribs December, Januan . t3.H5n3 8214. Cash quo tatins follow: Flour Weak; hard wheat spring patents, $la4.fi0 In wood; soft wheat patents, t3.5Uu3.75: hard wheat bakers, t2.'J0 nS.lo in sacks; No. 2 spring wheat, S7'4a 7P4C.; No. 3 do., ftlaCStc. b. s.; red, 7W,a 75''4C.; corn. 22,i23c; osts. 17'ic.; rye, 23'i 3lc; barley, 3Hc. nominal: flaxseed, 71a 72c; timothy seed, I2.W) nominal; mesa pork, f59.a7; Inrd. t4.17M-a4.20; short ribs, sides, t3.';0a3.80: shoulders, t4a4.25; short clear slies. t4.2.".a4.37',4; whisky, tl.U; sugars unchanged. Buffalo Live Block. Hilffalo, Oct 22.-Cattle Steadv; light butchers steers, t3.70s3 .85; fair to gooj heifers, t3.25n3.30; stockers and feeders, Via 2.30; veals, Ilrnier; good to extra, t5.75a6.25; common to fair, t3.60a5.50. Hogs Fairly active; Yorkers, good to choice, t3.G0a3.; mixed packers, t3.5oa3.fi0; extreme heavy grades, t3.50a3.u5; roughs. t3a3.10; stags. J2.25a2.77i. Sheep and lambs Steady, fair to good native lambs, t3.K5a4.25; extra, 4.30 4.35; culls and common, I'ia3.50; mixed sheep, good to choice, t2.75a3.25; culls to fair. tl.Gttal 0; yearlings and wethers, t3.3 uJ.'uO; Canada, lambs, Ha4.3i. Chicago Live Mock. Vnlon Stock Yards. Oct. 22. Cattle lie eelpta not Klven; market barely steady; common to extra steers. 3.:i5it5.3; stock, els and feeders, t2.4DaU.75; cows and buPs, tl.ryiaJ.i'.: calves, $3at.l; Texans, fc'.Gta 3.1.'j; western rangers. t2.5uu3.K5. Hogs Market firm and 5c. hlfther; heavy pui-k-ing and shipping lots, t3.2.'ui3.."5; common to choice mixed, K.ijii3.c: choice assori. ed. tU.5iiii3.Ktl; Hunt, t3.2Cm3.C0; pigs. ti.o"a 3.50. Sheep Market firm; Inferior to choice, tl.J0a3.25; lambs, t:i;i4."if. (Ill Mnrkt't. Oil Cltyl Oct. 22. Option oil and credit balances 114. gUEKIFF S HALE. OF Valuable Real Estate -ON- SATL'ItbAi, NOVRMBElt 14lh, 1S9. Bv virtue oi sundry writ of Fieri Fa cias. Levari Facias and Venditioni Kx punns, Issued out of the court of common pleas of Lackawanna coumy. to me di rected? I will expose io public sale by ven due or outcry, to the highest and bcitt bidders, for cash, ut the court house, in the city of Scr.inton, Lackawanna coun ty, on SATURDAY, the FoCUTKlON'! II DAY OF NOVlO.MltF.R. A. D., 1SW at 10 oVloek In the forenoon of said day, all the right, title and interest of the de fendants In and to the following de scribed lots, pieces or parcels of InuJ, viz: No. 1. All the right title and interest of thtf defendant. .Mrs. S. W. Kdgar, In and to all the following described lots, pieces and parcels of land situate In tjio city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, and slate of Pennsylvania: First All that piece, parcel, or lot of land situate, lying nnd being In the illy of Scranton, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, described 11s fol lows, to wil: Ueginnlng at a stake at the southwest corner of lot No. 11 In block "D" of Von Storch's village plot as laid out by II. J. Phillips and on the north east side of Hreaker (formerly Centci I street, thence running north llfty-one Ml degrees lifieen (.15) mlr.utes west along the northeast side of said street fifty t.Vn feet to n corner; thence north thlrty-elglit t;is degree forty-live (45) minutes east along line of lot No. seven (7) In said plot, ninety (901 feet to a comer; thence south llfty-one (511 degree fifteen (15 minutes east flftv (5'D feel to a corner, to line of said lot number eleven (II); thence somh thirty-tight (38) degree forty-five (15) min ute west along the line of said lot ninety (90) feet to the place of beginning; b-.'ing lot No. nine (9) In the block and plot afore mid; improved with one two-story frame dwelling house and outbuilding thereon. ALSO, All that certain lot. piece or parcel of laud situate In the city of Scranton. conn, tv of Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania, described as follows, to wit: On the northeast forty-live (45) feet more or less in width by Deacon street; on the north west one hundred and thirty-nine (1.19) leet more or less in depth by the middle gar den lot; on the southwest forty-live (l.i) feet more or less in width by the trans verse line; and on the southeast one hun dred and thirty-nine (139) feet more or h ss In depth by the southeasterly line of the Homestead." being tile same lols of land described us "purpart V" In the re turn or the Jurv of linpilsitlon In the pro ceedings in partition had In the orphans court of Lackawanna county of the es tate of Euphemla W Int, deceased. No. 2!'i Series A. which said purpart was award ed Io Cornelia H. Kdgar. Seized and taken 111 execution at the suit of Cleland, Simpson to Taylor vs. Mrs. S. W. Kdgar. Debt $32.15. Judgment No. PHi. Mav Term, 1M. Vend ex to Novem ber term, 189"l. PKCK, Aity. ALSO. No. 2. All the dofendnnt's right, title to. anil Interest In the following ilcscrlli-d piece or parcel of real estate .situate, ly ing und being In the Borough of LMinmote. eountv of Lackawanna and state of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a stake on a street In lino of A. H. Silknian's land, thence southeast nlong said A. U. Silk man's land. 157 feet to un alley; thence northeust along said alley loo feet to a stake; theneo nortliwes,t 157 feet to the uforesald street; thence southwest along said street loo feet to the place of begin ning. Containing about one-half ('2) of an acre of land, more or less, coal and minerals reserved. Being same premises conveyed to Albert Butterimin by .deed dated August 30th, ISSti. recorded In Lacka wanna county In D. B. No. 38, page 42ti, etc All improved with a two-story and basement single dwelling house, a doulde house arranged fur two families and out. buildings thereon. Second All the right, title and Interest of the defendant In and to all the surface or right of soil of that certain lot of land situate in the Fifth ward of the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, described as fol lows, to wit: Being 50 feet In front on the southeasterly side of Shermnn ave nue, and 225 feet In depth, and known ns lots Numbers 1! and 20 In block No. 2t, according to a plot, or map, entitled Price ft Pancoast's addition to the city of Scran ton, coal nnd minerals reserved. All Im proved with a two-story frame dwulling house and outbiillilings thereon. Seized nnd taken In execution nt the suit of John S. Bortree vs. Albert Butter man. Debt tl,79tl. Judgment No. rJ. January term, lhiti, n. fa. to Nov. term, lS9li. 11VLSLANDER & VOSBVRO, Attys. ALSO .No. 3. All the right, title nnd interest of tV defendant, Grnee Franey. admlnistru trix of the estate of Michael Franey, de ceased, In ami to all those certain lots of land situate: In Scrnnton, Lnckawanu.i eountv, Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: No. 1 Commenclivt at a corner of un, alley on the south side c f Brick avenue being .forty-two (42) feet front on said avenue, and forty-two (4J) feet In rear, nnd being one hundred and lirty (150) feet in depth and Including nil the land and no more lying between the aliev and the lot owned by the estate f.f A. P. O'Donnell, familiarly known ns "Happy Jerrv," coal and minerals re. served. All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling, barn and outbuildings thereon. No. 2 All the surface or right of soil of all thut lot of land situate in cltv of Scrnnton. county of Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, situate on Nicholson street In the Second ward of said city. Said lot Is on the southerly side of street known on Pierce's tnup us Nicholson street en map made under direction of the city of Scranton is called Thompson street, sui 1 lot is designated In said Pierce's map as lot No. twenty-two (2i) and Is fifty ( feet front and rear and one hundred and flftv (150) feet deep. No. S All the surface und right of soil or nnd to nil that lot of land situate In said city of ranton. county of Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, viz: two lots on southerly side of Nichol son street und known as lols Nos. seven teen (17) and eighteen (1M each lot being fifty (50) feet front nnd rear and one hun dred and llfty feet deep. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of W illiam Dunn vs. Grace Franey, administratrix of the estate of Michael Franev, deceased. Debt tl.iiOQ. Judgment 134. Nov. term, 1891. Fl. fa. 10 Nov. term, 189. T. J. Dl'UGAN, Atty. ALSO . No. 4. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, M. O. Webster, In and to all that certain lot of land lying In the Borough of Dunmore, county of Lacka wanna and Mate of Pennsylvania: Be ginning at a corner of lot on Mill street, number fifty-five, as appears on map of Pennsylvania Coal company's lands, run ning In a northerly direction one hundred ad forty-four feet to an alley; thence In a westerly direction along said alley tif'y feet; thence in a southerly direction one hundred and forty-four feet to a corner on Mill street; thence in an easterly direc tion along Mill street to the place of be ginning. Being tlfty feet In front and one hundred and forty-four feet deep, and be ing lot No. 53 on mnp of Pennsylvania Coal company's lands, excepting nnd reserving all coal and minerals beneath the surface. All Improved with a two-story frame, dwelling house, with an "L" attached on the front and a two-story frame house and a shanty on the rear and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of Scranton Savings Bank and Trust company vs. M. O. Webster and Nancy E. Webster. Debt tl.W0. Judgment No. f7. Nov. T., 189. fl. fa. to Nov. T.. 1890. WILSON. Atty. ALSO No. 6. All the right, thle and Interest of the defendant. fatrlcK w. Murphy, In ami to all the following described lot of land ' situate io the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, being lots Nos. one !, two (2).-thro (3). four (4). five (5), six CD, and that )art of seven (7) lying between the southerly side or said lot six (I!) and the Remington line, all In block No. seventy-seven (77) und situated upon street called und known ua Stafford street upon the town plot of (he city of Scranton; each of suid full lots being forty (10) feet In front, the same In rear and one hundred and fifty (150) feet In depth. Coal und minerals reserved to the legal owners thereof by sufficient terms in law. Seized and taken In execution ut the suit of Margaret Simon and K. W. Gunster. executors of Fred Simons, deceased. Debt 5341.53. Judgment No. 229. Nov. term, lSUii. fl. fa. to Nov. -term, 1S91!. WOODRUFF, Atty. ALSO, No. (I. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Henry Dovle, In and to all the surface or right of soil of all that cer tain lot of land situate In the township of did ForRe (now borough of Taylor), coun ty of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylva. nia, bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at a point on northerly side of Sampson street at Intersection of said strtet with Center avenue, thence easter ly ulong Sampson street 50 feet to corner of lot No. 2; thence nlong line of said lot In northerly direction 150 feet to a corner; thence In a westerly dlreotlon at a right angle to said last mentioned line 50 feet to Center avenue: thence In a southerly direction nlong snld avenue 150 feet to scld Sampson street, pl-tee of beginning. Heirs lot No. 1 In block C of a plot of lots of New York, Susquehanna snd West ern Coal company. In village of Rendhani. Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania. All Improved with a two-story framo building used as dwelling house by res tuurunt. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of .M. M. Williams vs. Henry I1oyk Debt tlS1.25. Judgment No. Hi. May T., 1830. fl. fa. to Nov. T.. lS9ti. TAYLOR & LEWIS, Attys. " ALSO. No. 7. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Daniel Mitchell, In and to all that certain lot or niece of land situate In the township of Old Forge. Lackawanna county. Pennsylvania, uouuu- ed and described as follows: Beginning at a eorvr on Fallon street; thence alone same westerly llfty (50) feet to lot of Thomas Gllh U: thence along his lot about one hundred and fifty (If)! feet in a southerly direction to land of Ebe- neser Drake; thence along said land east or,y about sixty (ilt'i feet to a corner; thence northerly one hundred and ninety one (1911 feet moie or less 10 a corner, the place of beginning. Containing eighty-live hundred square feet of laud, the same more or less, and being lot number forty two (42) on the plan of lots of Thornis Smith rstute. Coal and minerals reserved. Being the same nremises widen were conveyed by Jane S. Smith, executrix to Daniel Aiueiio.i, oy ded date 1 uecemrjer 1st. 18!m. recorded in Lackawanna county in Deed Book 88. page 24:!. Improved with one two-story house, barn, outhouses un,l fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Drake ft Stewart vs. Daniel Mitchell. Debt tl21.IW. Judg ment No. 815. January T., 189ti vend ex. to November p., IOK. DEAN, Atty. ALSO No. 8. All the right, title und Interest of the defendant, .Margaret Ruddy, ad ministratrix of Miirtln J. Ruddy, deceased, in and to nil those three certain pieces or parcels of land situate in the city of Scran ton, enmity 01 i,:u km wanna and state 01 Pennsylvania described as follows, to wit: The lirst thereof beiiiK lot number twen ty-four (24) in square or block number two hundred und twenty (220) and situute upon street called and known as Capouse ave nue upon ine pun 01 Mcinnton, inienucu to be duly registered and recorded, said lot being forty (401 feet in front and one hun dred and fifty (150) feet In depth and rec tangular with an ulley In the rear sixteen (1) feet wide for public use, with the privi lege or using ten (10) reet in rront ot the fiout line of said let on Cupouse avenue, also ten feet in front on Ash street for yard, vault, porch, piazza, cellaiway and bay window. All Improved with a two- story bakery building, brick und frame oouer nouse and lrume nam in I lie rear. Thu second thereof being lot number thirteen (13) In square or block number two hundred nnd twenty-one C!21) uml situate upon street called Bid known as Capouse, avenue upon the plot of Scranton Intended lo be duly registered and recorded, sai l lot being forty 1 loi feet in Donl nnd one hundred and fifty dim feet in depth, and is rec In 11 K ilia r with an alley In the rear sixteen feet wide for public usu, with I he privilege of using ten feet in front of the front line of said lot on Capouse avenue, also ten feet in front on Ash street for yard, vault, uoreh, piazza, cellurway nnd bay windows. All Improved with a two-sluiy brick dwelling house and out house. The third thereof being all thut certain piece or puree! of land situate in the Sev enth ward of Scranton on the south side of Phelps street and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning nt ihe easterly corner of lot sold to Ralor and running southerly aiong nis line one nunureo and rorty feet; thence easterly twenty-six feet and eight inches; thence northerly one hundred an 1 forty feet to Phelps street; thence west erly uliing the Hue of said street twenty six feci and eight inches to the place of be ginning, lieinu a part or lot number thir teen In square or block number three of Phelps and Winlon's addition to the citv of Scranton. improved with a two-story frame dwelling house, barn und outbuild ing thereon. Sized and taken In execution at the suit of Michael M. Ruddy vs. .Margaret Rud dy, administratrix of the estate of Martin J. Ruddy, deceased. Debt. jill.iMl.ii'l. Judgment No. i;s), January Term. !;;. Lev. fa. to November Term. isw. IB HiAN. Atty. ALSO No. 9. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, William Dawkins, ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Jane Williams, late of Lackawanna coun ty, deceased, in and to all that certain mt, piece or parcel of bind situate in the cilv of Scranton, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Being lot si numbers llfty (5n) nnd !lfty-oni (51) In square or block number nlnete .n (19i ac cording to a plan or map entitled Price b Pancoast's addition to the city of Scran ton. Kaeh of saiil lots belli:: twenty-five (25) feet In front on Everett avenue, the same In rear and one ha ml red nnd eighty- t?i,iSfiTi,til..-4 Irua Lin. RESTORES VITALITY istuay. JLVVeli Mar lota bay. of Me. TBE GPtAT 30th Day. jFxi3SJxrox2: xxuivrinxaTr produce the nbovc results In .10 durs. Its U liowemilly and qnirkiy. Cures when sllcthrrs fail Voiiuk men will rraaiM thc.r lest manhood. and olr men will recover tlir mnitljiul tuor by nsln. KKVIVO. It quick yO'i.Uurcly rcMo isNVnous ncss. Lot Vitality, liiu'im ncv. Mai.tiy tnusmom best power. Failing Memory. Wuoitiu Pin m au til effects of self-ubiiHc or exce- and i!i(iiretior " Inch untitMir.o tor s business orru'rlnr. Ii lot only 1 in by sUrting at the seat nf d. ene b '.a a great ner-.e Ionic and hfuocl hnlbler, briuf "H back the p iik Rlmv to pale rlierl'. d ri lo:i.;B the (Ire of youth. It words nit Tpumii nil ( on innptlon. Insist en, l !ir. I can be carried i:i v.-st joeii, t. by in- i 1 .110 per package, or sin tor b.'i.oo, n lib n pc re written KO'irautce to cure or refui e money. Circular tree. Addrts - VniDiH" -"-. c CHtC'CO '-' For Sole by MATTIIFW'S ISKO.4., Drug gist Scranton, Pa. . ' iaf'r What 5arah Bernhard My 7, seven and one-half (187!) feet In depth. Improved with a single frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit or West Side Bank vs. William Dawkins. executor of the lust will and testament of Jane Williams, deceased. Debt. 1200. Judg ment No. Wi, Nov. T.. lS9ii. Ii. fa. to Nov. Term. !. THOMAS. Atty. ALSO No. in. All that certain lot of land with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate In the Fourteenth wurd of the city of Scranton, county of Lackawan na and state of Pennsylvania, described according to a survey thereof, made by A. B. Dunning, Jr., surveyor, doted Nov. 1st, 1894, as follows to wit: Beglnnig at a point on the northeast side of West Lack awanna avenue at a distance of 25 feet southeastward from the southeast side of Eighth street, containing In front on the said West Lackawanna avenue. 25 feet and extending of tlmt breadth in length or depth notUic'aslward 150 feet to an alley. Being the same premises which Allen Ko senkrana and wife by an Indenture dated the 1st day of July, 1S92, and recorded in Deed Book No. Io3. pp. 102, etc., granted and conveyed unto the said Philip Bartron, his heirs and assigns for such estate und for the remainder of such term of years as vested In the said Allen Rosenkruns under and by virtue of the deed from the Scranton Stove works to the said Allen Rosenkrans dated the 12th day of Febru ary, A. D. 18KI, and recorded in deed book No. 21, pp. 5:'2, etc. Excepting and reserv ing all the coal and minerals beneath the surfuce of said lot as mentioned In the nbove recited Indenture. And the trustees of the Proprietors' School Fund of Provi dence by 1111 Indenture dated the 7th day of July, 1S93. and recodred in deed book No. 100, pp. 99, etc., granted, remised, re leased nnd quit claimed unto the said Philip Bartron and his heirs and assigns the above described lot of land subject to the leasehold interest therein of Joseph Fellows, his hell's and assigns. All Im proved with two-story wagon shop, with tenements above and one f'-ame two-story tenement in rear with outbuildings, ete. Seized nnd taken in execution at the suit of The Pnlted Security Life Insurance nnd Trust company of Pennsylvania vs. Philip Bartron. Debt, $5,045 00. Judgment No. C90, Nov. T., 1S95. Lev. fa. to Nov. T., M. COMEOY8, Atty. ALSO No. 11 All the right, title nnd Interest of the defendant. Sarah D. Lec, In nnd to all that certain lot or piece of ground sltuato In the Second ward of the city of Scrnnton. county of Lncknwnnna, state of Pennsyl vania, Becinnlng nt a point on the north side of Llnvd street at the distance or one hundred aixly-elTht Os) feet westward from the west side of North Main avenue, containing in front or breadth on snld Lloyd street fifty (50) feet and extending of that breadth In depth northward ono hundred and fifty (150) feet to an allev; being the same prem'ses which W. W. Wlntnn and wife by deed dated Jnnunry 24, 1K9S. gronted and conveyed onto the said Snrnh D. Le? In fee. Coal and min erals reserved to the legal owners thereof hv terms sufficient In law; all Improved with a two-story and basement framo double dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized nnd token In execution nt the suit of Mason & Snowden vs. Sarah TV Lee. Debt, X130.TU. Judgment No. 3"9 May Term, 1S95. Fl. fa. to Nov. Term. 1S!. D. W. BROWN, Atty. All of which will be sold for cash only. FRANK II. CLEMONS. Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Scranton, Pa., Oct. 23, lMHi. ! AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET ! The Finest In (he City. The latest Improved hirnlsh ings and apparatus fur keeping meat, ' Liittcr and'egjs. 223 Wyoming Avenua. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL.. Coal of the best quality for domestlo uss nd of all lzes. Including Buckwheat and Blrdseye, delivered in any part of lha city at the lowest price. Orders received at ths Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No, 8; telephone No. 2C24 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to.Dealt-rs supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. I RCQinS I AND 2, COaUTHBI'O'G, SCRANTON, PA. POWDER MA DIC AT MO09IC AND RUB DALE WORKS. LAFLIN A RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Pnttorioa, ElnntrU KxtiloJlers. f-r ox lauding blust-i, Kii'ety t'tiHv, und Repanno Chemical Co. 's HKIH EXPLOSIVES. W AND BLASTIKS Grand Republican Will Be Held as Follows; ODD. FELLOWS' HALL, DUNMORE, Friday, Oct. 23d, 1S95. Spsaksrs of the eveniug will be Hon. B. F. , Hughes, of Philadelphia; R. A. Zimmerman, esq., E. H. Shurtleff, esq., and ' John F. Reynolds, esq. The issues of the campaign will be discussed iu the fullest manner by able and eloquent orators. Let no person neglect the opportunity of being fully informed upon the questions at issue. All are "earnestly and most cordially in vited to attend. THE LEW 124-126 Wyoming Avi Will pluce on sale the following extra ordinary values and we can safely say the foods we place befora the public are "5 per cent, cheaper than same class of merchandise can be purchased elsewhere. We can tilso assure you that every dollar's worth of our stock is new and all of tl inc lntest styles and newest ideas and at prices thut should attract atten tion. 3 gross Curatona, skin and complexion soap, regular price 2Jc. per cake; Leader's frice, 3 cakes for 21c, nnd every purchaser of cakes receives a premium, choice between 'i doxen silver plated forks, table spoons, -) dozen tea spoons, or 1 sugar shell and 1 butter knife. One lot of fancy Silks, goods usunlly retail at "ue. and Hm. a yard; ehoico of any 49c. 100 remnants fine Dress Goods, in lengths running from two to five . yards, at about 25c. on the dollar. 33 pieces all-wool fancy Dress' Goods, these goods sold early in the stuson at 45c. and. Mc; Leader's Price, 2.1c. 23 pieces fancy Boucle Dress Goods, in all the newest colorings, retail all over the country at 50c; Leader's I'l lce, 37c. 73 pieces plain and figured Black Dress Goods, guaranteed every thread wool, in three lots: Lot one, worth 60c; Leader's Price, 25o. Lot two, worth COc; Leader's Price, 29c. Lot three, worth SOc; Leader's Price, 39c. Children's Cloth Caps, Leader's Price, 19c. . Children's Cloth Caps, Leader's Price, 25c. Fancy Hats, for misses and children; Leader's Price, 39c. and 49c Ladies' Alpines at 39c, 49c. 59c. 69c, und 98c. These goods are 25 per cent, less than regular prices. 20 pieces 10-4 Bleachecjf Sheeting, regu lar price, ltic; Leader's Price, 12VjC. 23 pieces yard-wide Bleached Muslin, regular price, 6Vic; Leader's Price, 4c. SO pair extra heavy 10-4 grey and white Blankets, $1.25 kind; Leader's Price, 85c. CO Ladles' Heaver Capes, braid trimmed and velvet collar, worth J2.00; Leader's Price, $1.19. 23 Ladles Beaver single and double Capes, nicely trimmed, worth 11.00; Leader's Price, $1.99. 48 Ladles' Plush Capes, fur trimmed, lined throughout, worth $4.00; Lead r er's Price, $2.99. 24 Ln tiles' Black Beaver Jackets, new collar and sleeves, all sizes, worth $4.50; Leader's Price, $2.74. 10 Indies figured Brilllnntlno Skirts, lined throughout and velveteen bound, worth fl.49; Leader's Price, ,93c. 1 4 dozen ladies' fancy Flvnnelctte Skirts, nicely made, worth 35c; Leader's Price, 25c. Pi dozen ladles' line Dressing Sacques, In eiderdown nnd funcy trimmed flan nelette, worth $1.00; Leader's Price, 69c, 10 dozen ladies' Muslin Gowns, mother hulilmrd yoke and cambric rutlle, worth 50u; Leaders Price, 33c 20 dozen ladles' Muslin Skirts, with cluster of tucks and wide hem, worth 30c; Leader's Price, 29c. 100 Indies' heavy ribbed Vests and Pauls, fleece lined vests, long sleeves, all sizes, worth 25c; Load er's Price, 15c. SB dozen men's heavy white and natural Merino Shirts and Drawers, In all sizes, worth 39c; Leader's Price, 25c. 100 26-Inch Silk Gloria t'mbrcllas, with paragon frame, steel rod and hard wood stick, every hiip warranted, worth $1.49; Leader's Price, 98c. 5 gross Castile Soap, large size bars; Leader's Price, 4c. 1 1 LLIJ the nc bboox inn somi nn THIRTY YEAR 5 PER CENT. FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS, FREE FROM TAXES. INTEREST PAYABLE APRIL 1 AND OCTOBER 1 The Spring Brook Water Supply Company offers to the pub lie ONE HUMMED THOUSAND DULL VKSof Ilic above described bonds. ' Tre company furnishes the entire water supply of the Lackawanna and Wyoraini; Valleys, from Scranton to N'anticukc, including, among others, the following cities and boroughs, to wit: Wllkes.Uarre, rittston, West Pittston, Avoea, Durjea, Wjo lnliiir.Liizerne, Kingston, Kdnartisrllle, Parsons, Miner's Mills, South Wllkes-llarre, Ashley, Sn?ar Notch, Warrior Run, etc. The bonds are secured by mortgage oil the entire system. The company has un hesitation in offiring and recommending tfcse bonds as a safe and desirable investment. The history of the companies in the system shows tint water companies are free from the fluctua tions and disturbances that afl'.-ct industrial and railroad enterprises. A thor ough investigation of tin Wilkn-Birre Wa cr systsm, ovcriaj a piriod of forty-five years, shows an annual increase over ths previous year, without exception, and this through a period covering several financial panics an 1 the Civil War. The company is takiu; care of the increased growth of the valley in its demand lor a good and pure water supply, a sufficient number of bonds being held in the treasury tor this purpose. Scale 1 proposals will be received for the whole, or any part of the bonds ofl'cred, until Wednesday, Oetober 28th, i8j6, at 10 o'clock a. m., at its office, at Scranton, or any of the fjlljwi j j banks, where further information, if desired, may also be obtained: SEC 9X1) X 1TI0X VL BANK, WIlkevBirre, Pa. PE9PLK'd BANK, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. FIKVT XATlimi BANK, Pittt9i, Pa. MINKUS' SWINGS DANK, Pittston, Pa. DKPOSir AD SVVlN ii BINS, Klil?U9!l, Pa. SClUmv SAFIVGt BVNS Syl'USW C )., Sznat9n, Pa. THIRD XATiOVAL BIN', Spriatan, Pa. JI VX tl'lUL A (mVKi, Bmiers, ill Liberty St, New York. All bids should be adlresl to TIlJ Shrill BPJl'i Water SU?pIf fOllipnil). The company reserves the right to reject any or all bids and all bonds for which bids arc pccepteJ are to be paid for within five days after Oct. 28th. The officers anJ directors of the on.ntiy arc as follows: h. A. Hnlres, President, J. Rotors M:iivill, Pres. C. II. R. of N.J. CD. Niinnson, ;Po. I'.Haker, Hrei.ltt ationnl Hank,N.V Lemuel Amernian, Vice Pre. W. Y. II illU'ud,'jeii..I n.D.,L. & W.ll. It T. II. Walkius, Seerctnry. John Welle llolleubnck. Samuel T. Peter. Hubert C, Adam, Treaiurer. .Morgan U. William. THE SP.1INS BM3X WATER SUPPLY COMPANY, 2,000,000 BARRELS Alade and Sold in Six Months, ending flarch 1, 1896, 0 Total Product of 1 RI II I The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from tha Pacific Coast to St. John's, New FounUlaud, und in 1 upland, Ireland and Scotland very hwgcly, and is recognized aa the best flour in the world. aEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, j X. L. Steel, f AA Toe and Side Weight &J?& NEVER5LIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAQONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. ITTENBENDER $ THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOiSTINS AND PUUFING MACHINERY. Ueneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. L"rDV lAftTMVIAIVI J Pi Ss 8oxaeMiDMneeU ntiible. sDr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills TheT are prompt, ' trU ecrtaln In renlt. The r.nolne (Dr, Pm1 octct dlny. twiut. Seutuwhuro, 11.00. Aildrou t&xi. ttisiciza U UctiIiuO, O. For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cer. Wyoming Avanua an Spruoa Straab Scranton, Pa. By L. A. WATRES, President HELL ALL SIZES OF CO, SCRANTON, PA. Monthly, mnUtlnff medicine. Only barmlMtil Horse