The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
The man In the moon will be down pretty
To seo what'a become of the EiRlit:
And he'll say with a nob. "I'm out or a job.
Because of that SUBURBAN LIOHT."
The prcatost lnxury In aiuodern home (nit
to a kond bath room) in the Incandescent
Klictrio Liaht. No dwelling is complete or without both. No business place
without the uUer.
Our system, under the alternating current,
is absolutely safe from tire.
citv tokk5 LAUNDERED?
Special facilities with artistic manipulators
of the art warrants your patronage at home.
The Lackawanna
308 Penn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN.
This Space
For Our
Opening Ad.
Of Our
New Store.
luitii, Draperies anl Wall Pap.;.
lli:iM 15I.1CAN .Tl r.llTIMJS.
MOOSir.-FrKlny, Oft. 23. In Piamnml
hnll. KiciikiTs. Attorney John Hull in
borne. Attorney .Ithn .M. Harris, Attof-m-y
H. '. Itrynolilp.
FROVinENPH. Krl'lny. oi-t. 2.1. in Coin
puny H armory. Spanker. Hon. Mar
riott HroPltM, of l.i-.masti'r; Attorney
Homer Un-ene, of 1 lone s-luli-, utul At
torney ". Guyinnl Thomas.
Sot'TH BrDK. Krhliiy. ict. 23, In Xat
tor'H hnll. SpciUi-r.", Attorney A. A.
Vcsburg, Hon. fr T. Ukell and K. K.
WXMimi:.-P.-lilav, Ont. 2.1. Iii l.l l Fel
lows' hull. Siii aki iH, Hon. 11. I Hiitfhe,
Attorney K. II. Shui-ti- It ami Attorney
It. A. Zlmmoimau.
TA V 1.0I!. Sutiirilny, f-t. 21. in Weber's
r)nlt. Speakers, .M-iJor Ke.-rett Warren,
Ulsti-ict Attorney John It. Jones, Attor
ney John .M. Harris .mil oIIhts.
WAVKRI.Y. Saturday, u.t. 21, In the
ha nil room. Speakers, Colonel V. I,.
Mltphcni-k, Attorney H. M. Stieetor, At
torney T. I-', lvnniuu und Hon. John l-
Uiuiills. -
rK( 'KVH.LK. Snturdny, Oct. 21. Ken'
ears. Attorney .M. W. Lrfwry, Attorney
H. C Reynolds and Attorney John l-
El .M DA I.E. Saturday, Hot. 21. Speakers,
.Rev. H. M. HarrlH un-l Mark Kdnr.
SOl'TH SID13.--Satnrday, Oet. 21. In 1'hll-
lln's hall. Sneakers, Attorney It. A.
Zimmerman und Attorney (.', i O'Mul-
rECKVITJ.R. Holiday, O.-t. y,. In I,M
ynrd's hall. Speakers, .Major Everett
Wnrren, Attorney R. A. Zimmerman
nnd others,
MIXl (OKA. Monday, Oct. 2d. Speakers.
Itev. II. II. Harris, Attorney 1-'. V.
Kleitz, Attorney John It. Edwards and
DAI.TON.--Tuesday, Oet. 2". Speakers,
A. .1. C'olborn, Jr., Attorney H. C. Rey
nolds. Ci:XTRAT, fl'rV.-TliiilMday, Oet. . In
the Krothlnptinm. Sneaker?, Uoverror
Pan'.el 11. Hastings, I.utrii. !en
e"nl feeder, Colonel Henry Hall, of
I'ittsbiirK, nnd Hon. Charles F. War
wick, mayor of Philadelphia.
city mti-:s.
An fleetrlo llplit was plae
the pity hall yeste rday.
oil In front of
Tho billMiiiv nnd learners' committers of
the hoard of control will meet InnlKht.
At Nicholson yestenl,".v n reunion of
the Sixteenth an. I Seventeenth cavulrv
volunteers was held.
On Saturday the School of the l,m-k,i-wnnna
Foot I'.all team will play the llarrv
Illllmun tenni in Wllkes-Iiarre.
Tho ladles of All Soul's church will
serve n supper tonight in the cliapel on
J'lne utreet between 11 und 9 o'clock.
Mm. V. 8. ItonbrlKht, of Philadelphia
lectured lust evening to women nnd (,'irls
In Trinity Lutheran church on "Health
anil How to Keep It."
The members) of Cumn Xo. 8. Sons of
Veterans, will ko lo Wllkes-Iiarre tonlulit
o iny a fraternal visit to (.'amp Ilarkiuss
A number of other enmps from this part
of the state will be present.
Ira O. Wescott, who is charged with en-tii-lnjr
minor females for Inunoial pur
poses, entered bail yesterday before Judge
Archbnld In the sum of Jl.ouo. I). M.
Sieklsr became his bondsman.
Marrlnite licenses were granted yester
day by the clerk of tho courts to Fred A.
Hrerg nnd Flora Van Uorden. of Hcrnnton;
William F. Murphy anil Nellie T. Connor,
of Tiivlor. and William Miller nnd Phillip
pine Wliiegard, Scran ton.
The work of laying the single track n
Wyoming avenue and Mulberry street be
tween Wyoming avenue and Linden street
anil 1'onn avenue ami Mulberry street is
completed, and outward bound eats are
again passing along Wyoming avenue.
The exploding of n bottle of carbolic
acid In the hands of James Murray, of
Sand Rnnks, Tuesday night, burned out
one of Murray's eyes and seriously af
fected the other. He was sent yesterday
to a Philadelphia hospital for treatment.
A committee composed of representa
tives of the various patriotic societies
has under way a movement to have a
special service every Sunday afternoon nt
one or the other of the various churches
for the combined societies. The purpose
is to have one patriotic sermon, nt leust,
preached in this city every Sunday.
The permanent certificate committee1 has
announced that an examination of teach
ers for permanent certificates will be held
on Saturday, Nov. 14, at the high school
building. Any candidate for examination
Is hereby asked to notify a member of
tho committee on or before Xov. II. The
members of the committee are Miss K. It.
Stevenson, W. II. tiraves nnd V. A. Sto-ie.
The Women's Relief corp.", auxiliary to
the Grand Army of the Republic, will
sour supper at the home of the president,
Mrs. Rachel t Hull, 6 I.aekawanna
avenue, this evening, from 5.30 to 8
o'clock. A Renernl Invitation Is extended
to all. and especially to those wTio are
Interested In the welfare of the bovs who
wore the Blue. These ladles are engaged
In a most worthy charity, that of assisting-
the Unkm veteran nnd his dependent
ones. As the cold woitthor approaches
they have many calls for assistance!
Choice Importations of lings. '
Among which ara Bokhara, Mpcea.
Khiva and Uaghagtan to be shown a
few days only. A rare opportunity for
great values.
Economy Furniture Co..
225-227 Wyoming ave.
' Try Jordan', on.-half mlnut. .tews.
Soulh Side Voters Turn Out to Hear
Addresses on Campaign Issues.
Shotted How I'ndcr a Republican
Administration of Affairs tho Comi
try Prospered and rcw-A Return
- to Protective Tariff lie believes
M ill Restore ProspcrityAddrcssca
by Hon. C. P. O'.MnlUy, Attorneys
11. A. Zimminermuu, J. M. Walker
nnd H. Vi. Lowry.
An enthusiastic Republican rally was
held last night at Mueller', hull. Pros
pect avenue and Cherry street. ThotniL
C.ritllths. president of Colonel K. II.
Ripple i lub of the Twentieth ward, wan
chairman and introduced the speakers.
Attorney F. W. Flelm was ft rut Intro
duced ami in a losjical und easy style
discussed the tariff and financial ques
tions ho that his heHrers were able to
see the fallacies of the doctrine ex
pounded by the adherents of the Chica
go I lenmcrncy. Mr. Fleltz brought out
in eloquent manner the unjust nttempt
of Mr. Hrynn and his followers to array
the mnsses against the classes.
An invitation hail been cordially pre
sented 'to William Council to come to
the rally so that the Republicans of
the Second district of the Twentieth
ward mlKht meet him and testify their
appreciation of his candidacy for con
gress. He was introduced and said
that most of them knew him as a work
er rather than a talker. He has been
busy all his life worklnjr, and as he
was coining to the hall he noticed a
great clmniro In the place, n strange
change from the time the hills were
bare nfut there were no houses.
Vnder a Republican form of govern
ment a wilderness has grown to a city.
For thirty years this country prospered
under Republican rule. This time the
Issues of the two parties are well de
lined. On one side there is sound money
ami protection to Anierlcun industries.
The money question Is not so material
as a chance to earn It, His Judgment
Is that a return to protective tariff will
restore prosperity. He cited facts to
show the losses that hnvi been sustain
ed by the wage earners by the enact
ment of the free trad measure. The
loss in one department alone, that of
fi ill-ending.' was $2ti.(l0ii,nmi In one year.
The pay roll nt the LacUawannn Knit
ting Mills Is $10.00(1 a month. That in
dustry hail to nuspenil operations re
cently tjecause of a lack of orders; and
so had the mills of the Lackawanna
.iron and Steel company.
He compared the manufacturing in
dustries In America and Europe. We
have as modern and complete machin
ery here and as skilled workmen, in fact
more so, then why can they manufac
ture goods abroad cheaper? Hccause
the workinif men here are paid higher
wages. Hut we do not want, said he,
cheap labor or cheap money. This Is a
great government nnd can do much,
but it cannot make GO cents worth of
silver worth a dollar. Only the Al
mighty can make something out of
Mr. Coimi II said that the enactment
of a free coinage law would benefit no
one but the silver mini.' owner of the
west. He arcticd that it would be us
Just for coal operators to ask the gov
ernment to place a value on coal by
legislation as the request of the sil
ver men Is. On the question of the
masses ugainst the classes he said that
it is only necessary to look back over
a lifetime In this city and see that the
men who ure prominent In business
today were then poor men. When he
came to Scrnnton he worked for five
years at the rate of $10 a month. What
success he has accomplished has been
through frugality, diligence, patience
and honesty. In conclusion he advised
every person to vote the strnlirht He
publican tlckeffrom McKinley down to
the bottom.
Hon. C. 1. O'Malley paid that four
years niro there was no money ques
tion, it was free trade then that the
country needed. The sons was "Four
years more of Grover, und four years
more In, clover." Those who advocate
protective tariff sail that It will in
crease wages und loFcr prices, and sta
tistics prove It. The Olnss works In
Ci recti Rldse were sold out two months
ago by the sheriff, and the sale brought
hardly enough money to pnv for the
lumber In the buildings. The Olass
works over in Helgltim are supplying
the market that the Oreen Ridge works
formerly suoplied. That Is due to the
Wilson bill.
When the McKinley bill was passed
EnglLsh capitalists came over from Not
tingham nnd built lace works In Oreen
Hi.lge. Mr. O'Malley met a man who
a few years ago was earning good wag
es In the lace works and today Is tamp
ing ties nt JI.2S a day for the Scranton
Traction company. The lace that ought
to bo mnde In Oreen Rtdge Is being
made over In England again. The
I'nlon Pacific Rnllroad company had
an order for fln.000 tons of steel rails to
give out. The Lackawanna Iron and
Steel company bid $21 a ton. An Eng
lish firm bid $20, and the order was
made in England. Mr. O'Malley the
other day saw grass growing in the yard
at the North works.
The candidacy of Alex. Connell was
spoken of In high terms by Mr. o'Mal
b y. He said he henrd Alex say on the
diiy lie was nominated that his record
was open for examination, and any
man who found any fault with It could
vote against him. The speaker told
from personal knowledge what the can
didate in the Second district has don".
He had a bill put through which gave
to the Scranton Poor district $17,000
last year from state appropriation, re
ducing the poor tax of every person In
this district 25 per cent. He succeeded
In having the superior court hold one
of lis sessions in Scrnnton: he had
the mechanics' lien law nmeniled, and
hud a drainage bill passed, and opposed
the reduction of school appropriations.
Mr. O'Malleyy assured them that the
district would be honored more by
sending Mr. Connell to the legislature
than he would.
Rrlet addresses were made by Attor
neys R. A. Zimmerman, J. M. Wnlkcr
and M. W. Lowry.
The Arrangements Tor It Are licing
Rapidly Pushed Korunrd.
The committee having In charge the
big Republican demonstration of next
Tuesday met yesterday afternoon in
the board of trade rooms and Issued the
following call:
To the Republican Clubs of Lackawanna
There will be a parade of Republican
clubs held In the citv of Scranton on Tues
day evening, Oct. 27. The committee in
charge hereby extends a cordial Invitation
to every Republican club in Lackawanna
county to participate in the parade. Clubs
are requested to notify the marshal, James
W. Oakford, Commonwealth building,
Scranton, as early as possible us to the
number of members they expect to have
In line. Uy order of tho
Executive Committee.
Judging frcm the reports received yes
terday thef commutes estimates that
there will bo at least 5.000 men In line.
Every club in Lackawanna county Is
expected to participate and Wiljkes
Hrre will send a large delegation. J.
Rennett Smith, of the latter place, at
tended yesterday's meeting; and stated
that delegations from the various 'Uni
formed Republican club, of Luzerne's
capltol to the number of, 500 are ar
ranging to coine. On Wednesday night
Scranton will tend a delegation to par
ticipate In the Wilkes-Barre demons
tration. I). B. Atherton, who has charge of the
wh"elmen's division, reported that he
will have one of the largest turnouts of
the kind ever seen In this city.
Major Jumes W. Oakford attended
the meeting and accepted the appoint
ment of marshal. Secretary Vaughan
reported thut Captain George U.
Thompson is now in New York looking
after cups and torches. Communica
tions were received from a number of
clubs giving notice of their intention
to participate and asking to be assigned
places in the line. These were referred
to Major Oakford, the grand marshal.
The committee requests club presi
dents to call special meetings to ar
range for the parade If their regular
meeting night docs not come between
now nnd Tuesday. The committee ad
journed to meet again this afternoon at
3 o'clock in the board of trade rooms.
The following has been Issued by Mr.
There will be a grand torchlight proces
sion of all McKinley and iloburt clubs
In this vicinity Tuesday evening, Oct. 27.
It Is osptclully desired that every wheel
man a tit wheelwomun In the city turn out
on this occasion, and If possiole eclipao
our lust etTort, which was without doubt
the greatest show of riders ever seen In
this city. We should have ut least one
thousand wheels In line. Each' rider will
equip himself or herself with a slick tied
to the handle bHrs, from which will be
suspended two lanterns. Those having
lanterns of their own will please Use them,
as the nunib.r at the disposal of the com
mittee Is limited.
Wheelmen will form on court house
square, right resting on Linden street.
Let us take an Individual Interest In tills
important ilcmonturation. Just at the close
of the greatest cuntpuign sinco 180U, und
make It u grand success.
Wheelmen from un and down the val
ley are cordially Invited to join In this
lillal celebration.
Come one, ccme nil, both short and tall,
and swell the party vote this fall.
Fraternally yours,
1. It. Atherton, .Marshal.
The following orders have been Is
sued by Major James W. Oakford, the
grand muishul of the purude: -
Oflice of Chief Mnrshal.
Scranton, Pa... Oct. 22, ISM.
The chief marshal appointed by the
executive committee having in charge the
urrungemcnt of a .McKinley and Hobu 't
parade for Tuesday evening next, hereby
announces Ids acceptance of the honor utul
publishes the following orders:
Generul order No. I. 1). !. Atherton
Is hereby uppolnteU chief of staff.
Uencral Order No. 2. All clubs desiring
to take part In the parade are requested
lo notify the chief of staff ut once, stat
ing name of club, number which It will
turn out anil the name of Its captain.
This notice can be sent to Mr. Atherton
at his gIMcc. 421 Lackawanna avenue, city,
or he may be seen personally at the rooms
of the Central Republican club- nt 7.oO
o'clock Saturday evening, it is important
that clubs should furnish the above In
formation to the chii f of staft so that the
formation of the parade may be an
nounced at the curliest possible date.
The order of formation of the parade and
the line of march will be published later.
tieneral Order No. 3. To till the vu
cancy caused by the appointment of Mr.
Atherton chief of staff. K. A. Oilmore Is
hereby appointed marshal of the blcy.-le
division. Jumes W. Oakford,
L. 11. Atherton, Chief .Marshal.
Chief of Staff.
They Held n Largely Attended .Meet
ing Lust .Night.
There was a very largely attended,
meeting of the Junior Republican club
in the Central Republican club rooms
last night, which was presided over
by the president, Ueorge W. Marshall,
Jr. Thirty-two propositions for mem
bership were considered and the fol
lowing were elected honorary members:
William Council, Fred W. Fh-lt. M. W.
Lowry, Giles Roberts, S. W. Roberts,
11, C. Reynolds anil A. J. Colborn. Jr.
Addresses were delivered by M. W.
Lowry and Rev. H. H. Harris, of Tay
lor, which were enthusiastically ap
plauded. Air. Lowry devoted his atten
tion to the local candidates and the
money question, anil Rev. Mr. Harris
showed the urgent necessity that exists
nt this time of electing the national
standard bearers, McKinley anil Ho
bort. Tomorrow night the Juniors will par
ticipate in the parade at Taylor: Tues
day night they w ill be a part of the
big demonstration In this city;
Wednesday night tjiey go to Wlllces
Harre to take part In a parade there
as the guests of the First Voters'
league of thnt city; Thursday night
next they will escort Governor Hast
ings and the other speakers to the
Frothlngham meeting, and Saturday
night, Oct. ill, they will tnke part in
an out-door demonstration nt Carbon
dnle. Captain Ocorgo Millet desires
all of the members! of the club to re
port at the Central flub rooms not later
than 7 o'clock tomorrow night ns the
cars chartered to convey the Juniors
to Taylor leav at 7.15. Rnuer's band
will accompany the voters in all of
these parades.
The meeting next week will be held
on Friday night on account -of the
Frothlngham muss meeting, fllee.
mandolin nnd gulttir clubs hnve be-n
organized among the members, and af
ter last evening's meeting a number
of selections were rendered. The club
members then proceeded to the resi
lience of William Connell and tendered
him a serenade.
Letter from a Former Scrantoninn on
the Political Silnntinn.
A' letter received In this city a dny
or two ago from John T. Franier, a for
mer Scrantoninn who now resides in
Fainnount. Ind.. gives encouraging
news concerning the political situation
in the Hoosier state. Among other
things Mr. Frnzier says:
"We are working hard for the man
ota tor anil Hobart. I have been
through four counties. Ornnt, Madison,
Tipton and Hamilton, within the past
ten days and I find everything looking
favorable for the Republican ticket.
The manufacturing centers In the gas
belt, such as Ehvood. Anderson. Munch-,
Tipton, Marlon, Fall-mount. Frank
lin, Alexandria and a host of other
town which are glass and tin-plate
towns, appear to be solidly for Mc
Kinley. The only opposition we have
is in the farming districts. You may
Inform my old friends in Scranton that
Indiana Is nil right for McKinley. We
do not expect to roll up as large a ma
jority as old Pctmsy, but It will be ta
handsome one, you can rest assured."
The McKinley clubs organized among
the employes of the Delaware, Lucka
wanna and Western car shops and
Delaware, Lackawanna und Western
locomotive engineers and firemen will
parade Saturdny night. Serenades will
be tendered General Manager W. F.
Hallstead and Superintendent Carrett
llognrt at their renreetive residences.
These clubs will also take part In Tues
day's big demonstration.
II !! II
The rally In Call-ry's Arcade, Twen
tieth ward, which was fixed for Inst
nigut, was postponed on acocunt of a
lecture In St. Joseph's church, Minooka.
It will be held next w?ek.
Strum Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley, 231 Wyoming ave.
Dr. McDowell, dentist, 240 Adams
We give away dinner seats, hand
somely decorated, with 33 lbs. of tea;
decorated tea sets with 18 lbs.; printed
toilet sets with 12 lbs. Special atten
tion given to club orders. Scranton
Tea store, 525 Lackawanna avenue.
Tnllor made fall suits and overcoats,
latest styles, John Ross, 107 Spruce
Met la Thirte nth Annual Session in tbe
Rooms of Griilin Post.
All But a Few Comrades Were Pres
ent nt the Meeting, VI hich Regan at
3 o'clock--.! d o'clock tho Run
quelling Ucgau-AII tho Old O Ul
cers Were lle-eli .led Unanimously.
An Interesting Literary Programme
nt tho lltiuquet.
The thirteenth annual reunion of the
I-nlon Ex-Prlsoners-of-War associa
tion of Lackawanna county was held
yesterday afternoon In the rooms of
Lieutenant Kara S. Orlltln Post, No. 139,
.Grand Army of the Republic, and the
eomrudes enjoyed a banquet at Han
ley's dining rooms beginning at C
o'clock In the evening.
In the absence of Halspy Lathrop, of
Peckvllle, president of the association,
Charles 11. Metzgar, of Vilke3--Harrc.
first vice president, presided. Comrade
Lathrop was unavoidably detained,
and sent a letter of regret. The meet
ing was called to order at 3 o'clock, af
ter the comrades had gathered around
the Hug nnd the colors In the center
of the room and joined In 'America,"
and Rev. S. C. Logan, D. D., the chap
lain, hnd offered a fervent prayer and
Invoked the divine blessing.
Colonel S. A. Urquhart, of West
Pittston: Captain H. W. Lorlng, of
Owego. Tioga county, N. Y and An
drew Hibbert, of Heaumont. Wyoming
county, were proposed for member
ship. They were unanimously admitted.
Captuin Luring is a brother-in-law
of Dr. Logan und has a brave
record for heroism in the Civil
War. He ran away from home in
youth, became a cabin boy, and stuck
to the sen until he became commander
of the ship.
He was In Ford's theater, Washing
ton, when the immortal Lincoln was
shot and was the second person to en
ter the box nfter the shot was fired,
and he helped to curry the wounded
president across the street to the house
where he died.
Colonel E. H. Ripple, the secretary,
read an olllclal circular from Charles
F. fhcilff, of rittsburg, commander
of the national association' of ex-prls-oners
of war. He was elected last
month at the twenty-fourth annual
convention held In St. Paul. In the cir
cular the commander addresses hlm
Belf In part:
"Comrades, let each resolve that he
will add at least one name to our ros
ter; so that when we meet a year hence
nt Huffalo. we may show to the world
a solid united body of men who, though
starving, naked, and without Bhelter,
remained true to their government and
Hag; thus proving to the whole world,
that I!' we are not a nation of soldiers,
(as taken In a foreign sense) yet that
we nre a nation of patriots, who stand
ready ut all times to defend 'Old
Glory." "
The treasurer's report consisted of
the simple statement that all bills are
paid and there Is a balance of $1.73
In the treasury. The only comrade who
died during the year was George W.
Porter, of Ctirbondale. After a rising
vote of thanks vfis tendered to Grif
fin post for the use of the 1-ooms for
the nieetlns:, the order of election of
oltlccrs was taken up.
AH the old officers were unanim
ously re-elected as follows: Presi
dent, Halsey Lathrope, Peckvllle;
vice president, N. S. Harri
son, Montrose, Charles U. Metzgar,
Wllkes-Iiarre: secretary, Colonel E. H.
Ripple; treasurer, C. I.. Mei-cereaii.
Scranton; recording secretary, Edward
L. liiick, Scranton; standard bearers,
O. A. Parsons, Wllkes-Rarre, and Mil
ton McFarland, Scranton: executive
committee. Captain G. W. Simpson,
Nanticoke, and II. P. Tewksbury, New
Milford: chaplain. Rev. S. C. Logan,
D. D. The meet Ins adjourned for the
banquet. Colonel Ripple nsked
that his resignation bo accepted, but
the comrades would Lit hear it.
The banquet, or "around the camp
fire," as the comrades like to call If,
began nt Hanley's nt 6 o'clock. Willi
few exceptions all the comrades were
present, and many of them had their
wives nnd daughters with them. The
banqueting hall was filled, and the
tables wera loaded with eatables fit for
a prince.
Colonel Ripple introduced Dr. Logan,
the chaplain, who said grace and of
fered a short prayer. Everybody then
sat down and after the lust number on
the menu card was over with, the
stories around the cumflre began. Com
rade N. S. Ilnrrison, one of the vice
presidents of the association, spoke on
the "Old Yank In the Now South," nnd
was very entertaining. He pictured
the difference one finds In South Caro
lina nowadays to what is was in slav
ery days.--
Captain H. W. Lorlng told how to
escape ftom a rebel prison. The rapt
tain was a seaman and when he was
In prison the Confederate guards used
to tie him up with ropes nt night, but
he used to wiggle out of the ropes nnd
He down and have a good sleep. In the
morning he would put the ropes back
again and the guards used to say that
they didn't think they tied him so
tight. He used to tie ropes tighter thnn
they did.
Dr. Logan gave a touching account
of the wounded and sick In the Army
of the Patonmc, and Colonel I'rquhart
told of his escape through the tunnel
from Llbpy prison. Miss Susan Dick
inson spoke of John Hrown of Ossown
tamie, who was hanged nt Harper's
Ferry in isr.ff. Comrade T H. Dibble
recited "Skipper Ireson's Ride." The
programme was Interspersed with
numbers from a graphaphone, which
Colonel Ripple provided for the oc
cuslon. After a short service to th"
memory of comrades who have crossed
the dead line, benediction was pro
nounced and the thirtieth re-union
tl rits of Habeas Corpus Asked far
Andrew Pnllyo and John Pnndy.
An application was made yesterday
by ex-Judge W. H. Stanton for a writ'
of habeas corpus to secure ihe release
of Andruw Pallyo from the county jail
where he Is confined on a charge of
murdering George Sehmo in Dunmore
two weeks ago. Argument on the writ
will be heard next Tuesday.
Attorney Clarence Rallentine also
asked for a writ of habeas corpus for
the release of John Pundy, who is de
tained as an accessory to the same mur
der. Argument In that case will also
be heard on Oct. "7.
.11 rs. Striae Makes Her First Public
Appenrnnce in Scrnnton. '
The leadlns feature of the entertain
ment by the Epworth league In the
Elm Park church lecture room last
night was the recitations of Mrs. Helen
Judd Strlne, who made her first public
appearance in this city. She is a tal
ented young woman with a pleasing,
well trained voice nnd a power of facial
expression that Illumines ns It were
and gives life and expression to what
ever she recites. She avoids the stilted,
heroic style, ho prevalent ar.iong recit
ers, and by her naturalness of method
proves how thoroughly she is In sym
pathy with the spirit and feeling of
the umbers Bhe essays.
Last night she recited a number
of selections running the whole gamut
of comedy and pathn3, and was ever
true In her Interpretation. Her efforts
were received with unbounded ap
plause. Among the numbers she recit
ed were "Our Senator," "Tom's Little
Star," "My First School," and a medley
of various selections, serious, humor
ous and dialect which was arranged by
Mrs. Strlne.
Her recital was varied by singing by
the Elm Purk church quartette.
He Tells it Pittsburg Newspaper
About Lnckawniinu Politics.
From the Pittsburg Leader, Oct. 21.
rcstmnster Frank Vnndllng, of
Scranton, is in Pittsburg attending the
United States court. Mr. Vnndling Is a
leading Democratic politician In his
home county, but this year Is not In
accord with the Chicago ticket ir plat
form. "Lackawanna county will In
crease her Republican majority this
year," said he this morning. "William
Connell, the Republican candlate for
congress, will be elected by prtibably
5,000 majority. Almost every leader the
Democratic party has had In recent
years has deserted It in this tight, and
while the free silver men who so be
lieve are sticking to their cause, the
sentiment of Lackawanna county has
been misrepresented, for It will go over
whelmingly for sound money."
Regarding the situation in surround
ing counties, Mr. Vaudllng stated that
he believed that Klrkpatrlck would bo
elected In the Northampton-Monroe-Pike
district, and he further believes
thnt Morgan H. Williams will defeat
John M. Gurman in the Luzerne county
Will Uo One of tho Attractions nt
Saturday Night's Tournament.
Joe .Wlllischek, who will participate
in the boxing tournament of the Excel
sior Athletic club in Music hnll Satur-
i dny night, defeated J. Frenchy in the
tournament or the Caledonian Athletic
club Wednesday night In Philadelphia
and will meet William Holland tonight
In a continuation of the same tourna
ment to decide the finals of the 125
pound class events.
Tomorrow night In this city Wlllis
chek will meet either Bob White, of
Trenton, N. J., Harry Woods or An
thony Gordon, of this city. Wlllischek
Is in fine form and those who attend
Saturday night's tournament will see
some clean, scientific sparring.
She Was Formerly n Resident of This
Mrs. W. A. Plerson died yesterday In
New York city after an illness of two
weeks. Refore her marriage she was
Miss Franklin, of this city. Shi; was
the daughter of Mrs. W. H. Franklin,
and the sister of W.M. and E. R. Frank
lin, of Green Ridge. She was a member
of the Second Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Plerson'B husband Is a mechan
ical engineer In the electrical works at
Schenectady, N. Y.
Choice Importations of Rugs.
Anions which are Dokhara, Mecca,
Khiva and Dashastan to lie shown n
few days only. A rare opportunity for
greut values.
Economy Furniture Co.,
225-127 Wyoming ave.
On every Sunday, commencing Oct.
2."th, and on Thanksgiving Day, Rnuer's
full orchestra w HI play at the Hotel
Jermyn during the dinner huur, from
6 to 8 p. m.
A dainty line of Children's Coats -at
the Baby Bazaar, 012 Spruce street.
Jordan's butter cakes and coffee, 10c.
Our advertitntnunt -only bo ins la newt-papers
the. Mtroiigcut part of tliein is their ful"
Ailment u giving values tlutt force recognl
tion hi neliuiilH win uppraeiu
and instill coidldt-ncss. Facts ara what count
not promises,
( ( hildron's Trimmed hats.
This Week 97c good aud serviceable, value
. I 2.(H
I Children's Trimmed
This Week $1,37- BaK nil colors, good value
at M-io.
f Ladies' Nicely Trimmrd
This Wek ti ti J'inrl-nns, Koiuid Hats
nis ween i.J7 -I RI, 1 iress Sh-ipos. Eegu
liar price, f r.y.
( children's Velvet Trlm
Thls Week 62c mod Sailors, nil colors,
I wcrrh Sl.SS,
Thl wi( eJ M ssos, Tam O'Shanters
inis week 5tin Klna Cloth, worth 4So.
I Ladies' (.'umol's Hair Soil
This Week 77c-. ors an-l Walking Hats. Keg-
( ular price, (l.'tii
Thi w..k no'-5 '"Z--n Fine Black Birds.
This Week oc.,, VIllm, nt 03,..
th, iy,1, I C' ciiio Fcutuura, all colors,
This Week S , wortb luc.
Costs nothing to so..
A.R. SAVVVKK. 132 Wyoming Av.
lA'.utical Director of the First Presby
terian Church )
Teacher of I'iano, Organ and
Harmony; Also the Art of Accom
panying Tntight. Studio ut Resi
dence of the LATH HERIi KOPFF,
502 Adams Avenue, Scranton.
loclnillng to. painless extroctin; of
ttatk by an entirely nu-.r process.
S. G SNYDER, D. D. i
m tstuuSU, Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
Such prices would be con
sidered remarkable even when away out of season. Irish
Point curtains, $1.50 pair, others at $10.00, $15.00, &c.
SIEBEGKER & WATKINS, Lackawanna Avenue,
Opposite Wyoming House.
fill HI
1. UI MR! DH
An I Wi SeS tta
We keep all sizes and
423 Lackawanna Avanji.
MEN'S Flno All Wool Overcoats in bin.
aud black: eleuant quality, perfect fit
Why py f 10 for an Overcoat wbM it
will sell a bettor oae for 17.8s. .
Another Music Dealer Offered an
Ivers & Pond
(Good as New)
FOR $225.00.
This Is certainly a REMARKABLE RECOH
A1ENDATI0N from competitor, as th.
had hard usage for nearly i. years la a "Club
House" and still "flood as New."
buy new ones Is at
flusic Store.
Have you come to our new and beau
tiful store yet ? If not, do not miss
it. It will be a treat o you and your
friends. Open stock Dinner Ware la
large varieties. Toilet sets lo beauti
ful new designs. Lamps in tbe latest
shapes and decorations. Now Is tbe
time for selecting Christmas presents.
All the latest novelties. Come early
and get Grst choice.
Altars Bldg, Cor. Wash, and Sprue. St.
From here to the land of
the Pyramids and never find
such values in Draperies as
we are now offering.
Now is just the time when
home-loving people are doing
their best to brighten up their
rooms and make them as cozy
as possible for the long win
ter evenings.
i I
118 II
You want tbe Beat Values
you can get
Now and at All Times.
That', why no one disputes out
claim when we say that our
Fine Stock of
Fur Coats, Fur Capes, Col
larettes, Neck Scarfs,
Huffs, Etc.,
Cannot be competed with by an)
house la the city.
Fine Wool Seal Cape., S yards
wide, HO inches lonpr. trimmed
with American Martin, cheap at
$23.00, Sale Price, $9.93
Fine Imitation Martin Cape,
S yards wide, 30 inches Ion?,
handsomely lined, cheap at
$30 00, Sale Price. $10.9.4
Fine Astrakhan Cape, 3 yards
wide, 80 inches long, hand
somely lined, cheap at 27.00,
Sale Price. $9.93
Fine Boucle Cloth Coat, with
Velvet Collar, Cheap at $u 25,
Sale Price, $2.9
Fine Cloth Cape, SO inches
long, cheap at (5.00, Sale Price 93 1
Turbans, Toques and Walking
Hats, At $1.49 and $2.49
Children's Trimmed Hats, At $1.39
Have your Furs repaired by the
only practical Furrier In the city.
138 Wyoming Avenua.
Reduced Prices.
Children's Tam O'Shanters,
worth 25c. our price 10c
Quills, all colors, worth 8c,
our price.. . lc
French Fur Felts, worth
$1.JM, our price 98c
Black Prince of Wales
Plumes, worth 75c, our price....25j
Camel's Hair -Hats, worth
98c, our price ....... 49o
Ladies' Walking Hats,
4!)c. 73c, 9Sc, $1.25
Black Birds, worth 25 our
price IOj
Children's Trimmed Huts at
98c, $1.25, $1.49
Ladles Trimmed Velvet
Hats at $1.50. $1.98. $2.25, $2.49
Ladles' Trimmed Turbans,
worth $4.25, our price .-.$1.98
Hats Trimmed Free
II. LANGFELD, Successor,
324 Lackawanna Avenue,
At Length
Does not convince as examina
tion. See what we offer in
Dinner Sets:
English Dinner Sot, decorated, fJP Cft
112 pieces, low at 17.60; our price, 9U,UU
American Dinner Set. decorat
eilj 112 pieces, low at tlO.Uu; our g 5
English Dinner Set, decorated, 1 O QfJ
112 pieces, low at 115.00; our pi le
rice, w s.iww
Carlsbad China Dinner Set, 10
pieces, low at I21.0U; our price.
Purchases made of us mean money
saved for other household things.
131 Peon An Cpp. Baptist Chares.
Middle of the Block.
Alderman 8tb Ward, Scranton
OFFICE BOriUS from T.80 a. m. to t p.
as. (1 hour Intermission for dinner n4
tartlc.lar Attention Give. t. Collections.
Prompt settlement Onarantecd. Veur ISa-et
bMM Is Respectfully Solicited. Telephone IJ4-