The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 19, 1896, Image 1

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Bryan Helped to
Me the Wilson
fis Said Tbat
Would Bring Pros
perity. Did It?
Pn hi imp
That National politics Interfere
with trade is known to evi-ry
American, and nt no time in the
natlon'B history has this fact been
ho apparent as now. Hunks refuse
the ordinary courtesies and accom
modations to their best customers,
Kilt-edge securities pro begging for
loans, and commercial pnpers,
which under ordinary conditions
would be as good as gold, is worth
less for Immediate use, and the
money question is the cause of it
all. Under these conditions, when
manufacturers or Jobbers arc
pinched, there is but one help for
them, and that is to realize for spot
cash in their stoekB so that they
may tide over the present awful
We Had
An Offer
Last week from n larsje Importer
and jobber to sell us silks amount
ing to a limited sum at a t rent ft d
ous discount for cash on purchase,
and as we knew the stock to be one
of the richest In the country, took
advantage of the offer, although
stocks were full for the season.
II Jul
We plflce the first portion of this
matvellous purchase on sale. Here
tire the facts:
15 pieces nil silk Ta ffcla-Armiires.
Full line of lovely new combination
effects. Full us good as usually
sells for U2Vac
Sale Price, 421 -2c
10 plecs handsome. TVUiu Iirncude
silks in the very newest of fash
Ion's wuys. Hoods tbat could not
be sold under ordinary way for less
than Sue.
Sale Price, 63c
1:! pieces Cheney ttrns.' best Print
ed Warp Taffeta silks. In striking
mill elegant styles t hat are new,
novel and beautiful. Worth not
less than 11.25.
. 5ale Price, 79c
10 pieces Irredescent Taffeta silks
in exquisite color harmonies that
leave nothing to be desired. Cheap
est we ever knew silks of this qual
ity sold at was 7jc.
Sale Price, 62 J -2c
8 pieces Kplnglo Chameleon silks,
In rich, subdued triple tones, with
contrasting foliage and figure ef
fects. These represent the latest
Parisian novelties, and are beauti
ful beyond description. The select
New York stores are getting $1.75
for exactly the same goods.
Sale Price, $1;1D
10 pieces Itlnck Gross drain Bro
eades. Kvery pattern is new and
the silk is of standard inn quality.
4 pieces 22-Inch Black Silk Rhad
ames. Superb finish and worth at
least 83c.
Sale Price, 75c
4 pieces Black Satin Duchess, 20
inches wide and value for 75c.
Sale Price, 53c
The quantities specified above can
not be added to at these figures,
and when sold out the bargain op
portunity is gone.
Sale Price, 53c
More Than Twenty Delegations Call on
Major McKinlcy.
They Come Hearing the Manner of
Peace From Widely Separated
State, nud Represent Every Walk
and Calling in'e--l.iilior and
1'npital Hand in Hand.
Another army invaded Canton yester
day. More than twenty delegations called
on Major McKinlcy, and. In all, the Re
publican candidate made eighteen
ppeeches to his visitors. The pilgrims
came from Maryland, West Virginia,
Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michi
gan and Indiana, and they represented
about every calling in life, professional
and laboring men and young and old
people crowding the streets of Canton
and applauding the speeches of Major
Canton, O., Oct. IS. Delegations be
gan to arrive in Canton at 6..,0 o'clock
yesterday morning, the first comers be
ing from Pennsylvania and Michigan.
At 8 o'clock 3UU voters from Monroe
county, Mich., marched up Market
street to Major McKinley's house anil
caused him to dispatch his biealtfust
with haste. They were not kept wait
ing more than ten minutes. Their
rpokesman. D. A. Curtis, of Monroe.
Mich., made a lively address to Major
McKinlcy. and assured him that his
plurality in Michigan would exceed :'0,
Major McKinlcy addressed his callers
as follows:
I nm Kind to greet and welcome you
this morning. I have never believed, as
siiine people have been saying, that there
ever whs nnv dinger about the state ol
Michigan. There lias never been a mo
ment of time when I had the slightest
iloulit where the electoral vole of yo-ir
glorious state would go ill the presiden
tial contest of lMHi. No stale in the I moil
is move deeply interested in the KUiuiiic
American policy that will protect your
property, your interests, your labor, your
mines, the products of your forests from
undue competition from the other sl'le
than the state of Michigan, and there Is no
suite thai is more deeply interested in
haviiiii a protective policy than the state
if Michigan. (Applause.)
Tin re H one thing thai the Republican
party Is dedicated to, and that is labor
llrst," I hen to law and order; thfse are in.
dispensable to the welfare of mankind
and indispensable to the prosperity and
the permanency of the Republic. I am
glad to know I' rum your spokesman, that
you believe not onlv in n protective tar
iff, but that you believe In honest money,
niieat cheering.) When you do your
work, whether it be on the farm or In the
mine, von waul to receive In payment dol
lars thai are good every day and every
ini.nlh anil everewhi re In cverp' purl of
the civilized world. (Applause.)
Mcjor Mi Kinley'! next callers came
with 'drums beating and Hags dying at
!l o'clock. There wen- three deli entlona
in the assemblage that filled the Mo
Kinlev vurd. One was from Altoona.
L..........inn.. i......
i mull ennui., j 'iiii.1.. , tiiiiu, ii."
ing 1.400 men; a delegation of ir,n min
ers came from South Fork and another
! of Kit) miners came from Portage, Cnm
I bria county. Pennsylvania. W. H.
Schwartz, of Altoona. Introduced the
I Ulalr county delegation: .1. H. Dietriok
! spoke for the South Fork visitors, and
' K. II. Hughes, himself u miner, was
spokesman for his fellow-workers from
Major McKinley seldom faced a more
enthusiastic audience than this one of
Pennsylvania workiugmen, and lie
spoke with uncommon earnestness, tie
said :
Tills Is a year of true nm genuine pa
triotism. This is a year which registers a
revival of true Americanism. Rivers do
not divide us; mountains cannot sepa
rate us; suite iines and sectional lines are
all olilitetated. and lids year we sla.el
' unitedly lor the American union, the
! American honor and glorious old Ptars
I'an.l Ktriots. (Ureal ebeerlim.l Two weeks
from next Tuesday I he people of tills cmiii
trj will cxerclsd that majestic sovereign
ly which Is peculiar to no other nation
lint ours. J l is dilllcult to meusure the
full force of a national election, of its
mighty power for good or 111. It deter
mines policies and udminlst rations and
legislation affecting every Industry of
I he country. Its power is both appalling
and Insnlriiig.
if we needed any demonstration of the
mighty effect of such an election as Is to
occur two weeks from next Tuesday, it :a
furnished 111 that of 1C when from sun
rise to sunset, on Nov. , the people
changed the administration, not in tier
son merely, but in purpose. That election
was a verdict for a new policy which w:is
opposed to that which had prevailed f ir
the greater part of the lifetime of the Re
public. The nation stood In dread sileli
ill fenr of its own verdict, nnd with all tlio
rejoicing there was much foreboding. .l"n
looked Into the future with fear and ap
prehension. Orders for machinery were
cancelled; contracts were annulled; buy
ing nnd selling was curtailed; plans
which had been formed for the extension
of business were abandoned; works al
ready built were not equipped with ma
chinery: doubt nnd uncertainty hung over
the country. Have I overdrawn the pic
ture? (Cries of "No!") Did we appre
ciate the full force of that great national
election and the effect of our individual
votes upon its result, and of the result on
the country (Cries of "No!" I fear not.
I speak of this, not to recall the past,
which Is beyond our recall, but rather to
emphasize the seriousness of a national
election. Its vital and supreme Importune",
to the end that we may realize the sacred
and valued Interests which are Involved
In a popular election under our form of
.More inllntely more Is Involved in the
contest of 1WG thnn In the contest of W.U.
grave and serious as It was. We have all
at issue that was then Involved, and more.
Then It was only a question of the prin'-l-ple
of taxation which should govern us.
about which honest men might fairly dif
fer, but about which there is less differ
ence now than then. Now the serious
question is involved of all statutes, of ev
ery form of property, real, personal and
mixed; wages In shops. In mines and on
the farms; Investments In building and
loan associations and savlgs hanks: the
value of every trust estate; the endow
ment of every college and charity, every
salary and income: the savings of frugal
toil, the inheritance of the helpless minor
children, and the pension of every soldier
and sailor or their widows and orphans,
are Involved, and will be affected by the
votes of the American people two weeks
from next Tuesday. (Applause.) Kvery
one of these vital interests Is assailed. Not
one of them escapes. My fellow-clllzens,
shnll the assault be successful? (Crle of
"No, never1.")
Two hundred citizens of Huntingdon
county, Pennsylvania, were the next
callers. Judge Williamson Introduced
them to Major McKinley, who made a
short address.
The ninth speech was made to one
of the largest delegations of the day.
It was composed of traveling men from
Columbus and Toledo, O. Several
bands and the Columbus Glee club
were with it. J. Fenimore spoke in be
half of the Columbus Commercial
Travelers, and E. K. Dow for the To-1-do
in ep. Major McKinley made a
j r i gir;$ i tpnonse, saying:
IVju have discovered In the last four
yea vg that It 1 a good deal safer to consult
market! than maxims. (Laughter and ap
plause.) You have discovered that prices
current ami actual exnerlenee in trade and
commerce is a better guide to business
prosperity than anything you can lind In
the books. Your coming together. Demo,
crats and Republicans (a voice, "No Dem
ocrats in Ibis crowd!" nnd laughter and
apphmse,)) well Democrats are now pre
ferring country to party, combicr tngeth'-r
as you have is an act of sterling patriot
ism hitherio almost unknown in American
politics, and promoted only by considera
tions of public h'oocl. Km these are the
characteristic trails of the business and
commercial men of the country. 1 do not
attribute your call to any personal con
cern (or my success. You look beyou I
the candidate to the great principle he
represents and upon that ground and in
that spirit you nre here today, and in tho
sumo spirit I address you now.
No people In the country can be more
Interested in the result or the elections two
Weeks from next Tuesday than the com
mercial men of the United States. Whtt
yon want is business, uml you have dis
covered that you cannot sell If there is
nobody to buy from you. You have suf
fered greatly the last few years nudes the
withering touch of partial free trade ,i:id
the instability of Im-dnesK, and above all.
the absence of conlidence. Shall the com
mercial men now embark in the vastly
more dlsnstioiis und destructive policy of
free silver (cries of "No!"), which l the
party shibboleth, not of honor, but of
dishonor? A gnat many people lind pe a pleasure In the word "free." il.augh
ii r.) It Is a glorious word when pripe
ly applied, l iio not know what you m ly
think about It. but i do not believe in de
stroying either the business, the pi-'oiierty
or the credit of this country, tinder the cry
of free silver. .(Cheers.) We have jnt
pride in our glorious record In favor of
free speech, free soil, free press, free men
und free conscience, but I believe that ihe
grill majority of our eoimtrypien lire nei
ther in favor of free Ir nle, free silver fri
free lawlessness lupplausc and cries of
"No!"), or cheating people ill tile sacred
name of freedom.
The question or hon-st money against
free rilver and Irredeemable paper nioiuy,
both unlimited and both unsound, has been
so thoroughly argued that I do not wish
to occupy yeur time in discussion it. Suf
fice it to say that no valid or simiclent r
; son has yet been given or can lie given
for the t nlted Siates adopting either.
Some things are so plain; some things are
sn clear and distinct: some things nre so
palpable and self-evident that, like day
ami night, every man must sooner or ialnr
recognize them. If human experience has
proved anything, it is that no nation w u
ever bem il ted by poor money, or Injur d
by good money, und that no man ever suf
fered from being honest Hnd no man ever
profited by being dishonest, (looil. homst
dollars hurt nobody, if we have not as
much good money as we ought to have,
let us get more, and we will get npee
whencvir I lie country requires it. l"tt
we will not get them as long as we are
proposing to adopt the financial policy of
China and Mexico.
He I'ntcrtainsn Pnrly ofl uion icn
erals and Listens to (iood News.
Canton. ()., Oct. IS. When Major
McKinley looked out of his window litis
morning lie saw the tirsl snmv of the
season, and Inter in the day lie ob
served that it was a. forliuinto thing
the storm prevailed today Instead of
yesterday, when there were nearly
U00 strangers in tile rlty.
Major McKinley was beaming with
health and good humor today, and had
thoroughly enjoyed the fatigue inci
dent to the urdinuis labors of yester
day. He went to church this morning
and the veteran union generals went
with him. lie walked home from
church in the whirling snow under un
umbrella, with (Jcivral Alger on one
side and UVnera! (.. ( . How ard on the
other. '
'1 lie train bearing the union generals
arrived early this morning. On it was
Oeiteral and Mrs. It. A. Alger, fleiieriil
P. 14. Sickles. Oeneral Thomas A.
Stewart, of I'entisylvaldu; (leneral u.
O. Howard, (ii neral i leorge A. Warden,
of Massachusetts; lleucral James Tunnel-.
Major .1. W. litisl. or llliuuis: tVI
onel ('. Hopkins, ot Detroit. Col.; I.
N. Walker, of Indianapolis. The whole
party dined with .Major McKinley tills
afternoon. Tiny leave for a trip
through Western Ohio in the morning,
after hohliiiir a meeting here at 7.:in.
(leiierul .lger suid this evening:
"We have hail eno. ill us ti.eeli:
everywhere, have visited 10 towns and
traveled about 6.000 miles. Major Mc
Kinley will lie elected and his popu
lar vote w ill be surprisingly large."
Major McKinlcy has Itcajd a great
deal of encouraging news t n'liy, unit II
does not ull come from politic tins. K.
o. Mi ('orntick. passenger turittle iii'in
uger of the Hig Four system, Is one
of the most widely u quainted busi
nessmen In the ceiitial und border
southern states. He said today:
"I .have talked with near;" a ben
dred well-inl'ornieil men representing
all shades of politico I faith and thiamin
within the -week, and have been over
u considerable portion of the country
A great change bus taken place In
public sentiment since the llrst of Sep
tember in Indiana. Illinois, Michigan.
Kentucky. Iowa and ..Mlninsntj. I have
taken ptiins to discuss the situation
with many workinginen in many
places, niul T lind the silver semi el t
everywhere declining with surprising
rapidity. The fe Tug tint McKinlcy is
likely to win obtnins in the business
world nnd the railroads nr- fe' ling
the evidence of returning cotilid' Hee in
very considerably Incieasi d frel.fht and
l-a-'senger traillc."
A good many delegations will visit
Clinton this w-ek. Wednesday, which
Is Illinois day, will lie a memorable one,
nnd Saturday promises to be n Ilvi ly
and almost as crowded as usual,
Not Known Whether the Little Vessel
Will lie Allowed in the llosphoriis.
Constantinople, Oct. R The Con
stantinople representatives of the
I'nited Associated Presses telegraphs
that considerable anxiety Is felt regard
ing the condition of affairs In Cacserla.
On Friday a telegram was received
from n prominent lutiiily in that town
"We nre alive. It Is bclivede In Con
stantinople that the Washington gov
ernment has arranged with the Porte
for a pence.i'.de passage of the Dar
danelles by the I'nited States practice
ship llnncroft. Mr. Terrell, the Ameri
can minister, has not. however, applied
for permission for the -,upsag of u
guardshlp since last January, when the
Porte objected to the prrmnr? of an
American vessel in the Poiiphorus on
the ground that if the permission
should be granted to the l'n:tcd States
that smaller nations would follow her
example." ,
Final Sessions Held by the Iirothcr
hood of St. Andrew.
Pittsburg:, Oct. IS. The eleventh an
nual convention of the Hruthcrhuod of
St. Andrew was brought to a close"
at Carnagle Music hall this evening
with a farewell meeting. The anniver
sary sermon was preached at Trinity
church this morning' by Hev. Henry
Benjamin Whipple, bishop of Minneso
ta. This afternoon a mass meeting wu.i
held at Carnegie Music hall, the sub
ject being "Social righteousness the
mission and power of the church to
proclaim it."
A large crowd, composed of many
workingmen and women was In attend
ance. The speakers were Dean Hodges,
Of Cambridge University, J. H. Can
fleld, LL. P., of Ohio state university,
and Rev. C. H. Brent, of Boston. A
number of delegates will remain in the
city a day or two to visit the large in
dustrial establishment!, ,
It Will Increase Mckinley's Majorities
io tbe West.
P. I. Armour Says He Will Carry
llliuoi by !O,00OThe Itise n
Convincing Answer to Silver Argil
incuU- Ml Hiimiiicss Helped by the
Farmers' Prosperity.
New York, Oct 18. What llltle wind
there was left in Ihe i'opocnuie sails
must have been spilled out yesterday by
the movement of the wheat market.
The last week has been a very trying
one for l'opocratic orators eveiy whet e,
but yesterday capped the climax. In
the face of an advance of 4 cents In the
price of wheat in one day and of over
0 cents in three months. It will be
daily more ditlicult to convince the far
mer who gets the benefit of the advance
that ln can hope for no better price
for his product until the money of the
country Is debused. Wheat steadily
rising in value und silver steadily fall
ing are object lessons w hich the soph
istries of the l!oy Talker and his spon
sors will find Increasing dillicitlty in ex
plaining away.
The New York wheat murket was
boiling yesterday. It was the greatest
duv yet witnessed. Tile bulk of the
dealings were In the Pecember option;
that Is, In wheat to be delivered 111
December. The opening price was 8o''ii.
against a ( losing of T'J on Friday. Sub
sequently there was a decline to Sfl' j.
Then the price started upward nt a rap
Id rate. The advance continued unin
terruptedly until the close, when the
limitation was SITi. making the gain
for the day L':!i cents a bushel. The
total dealings were ltl.OOO.UOU bushels.
Dispatches from Chicago said the deal
ings there were almost unprecedented.
The advance was based on hl,'hor
prices in Liverpool.
The net advance In corn was three
quarters or. a cent, and In oals three
elghlhs of a cent.
vicnic foii tuf, nri.LS.
Chicago, net. 18. It has been a pic
nic for the bulls on the Chicago board
of trade for the last fortnight, nnd the
bears have been in n orresnondingly
feverish state of excitement and worry.
Tlie steadv advance of cereals, espe
cially of wheat: the demand by Cal
cutta nnd the Islands of the South
si as. nud the fluctuations of the Liver
pool markets caused the greatest un
certainty, and there Is baldly a specu
lator on 'Change who knows hulf the
time where he's nt.
Wednesday's fluctuations In wheat
bewildered every one. There were
few, even among the nervy specialists,
that had stood In the pit all day, who
wire certain at the close of the (lay
that they could correctly Interpret the
(pieer experiences tney had been
through. The mnrkct opened strong
enough to milk- the best prices that
had been reached up to tlmt time. Ill
Ihe first hour of trading there was so
vast an amount of wheat offered for
sale Ihat the price slumped two cents.
Yet. with all Ibis, and the fact that the
cables brought more selling than buy
In"; orders, there was more long wheat
sold ubove Til cents than at any time
since the bulge started. With export
houses at the seaboard reporting1 an
absence of foreign demand, ami
only live cargoes for export bad been
taken, San Francisco came to the front
wilh prices five a cental higher and re
ports of large sales for the orient, a
report that Counselmnn Pay alum- had
i.aketi over I'.miii.liuil bushels for May
n::d the effect of rallying prices over
one cent inside of ten minutes.
"What Is the cause of the market's
firmness und strength'.'" Is u riuestion
asked on all sides. Many old-limers
confess Ihat they cannot unswer It
satisfactorily to themselves.
"l think," said P. 1J. Armour, "that
the recent advances In grain have onlv
Increased the majorities In those west
ern states of which Mr. McKinley was
sure before. He will carry Illinois nv
"nu.tiuo. Why. his majorities will be
simply overwhelming. This, however,
is not news to anybody who lives in
Chicago. We all feel it and know it,
und have known It lor some lime."
The Chicago Tin-brand is Well Satis
fied Vt ith New York.
New York, Oct. 18. Coventor Alt
geld, of Illinois, spent a quiet day at
the Fifth Avenue hotel. During the
morning he paid a brief visit to Dem
ocratic headquarters In company with
W. P. St. John. In the afternoon he
received a visit front friends. At f
o'clock Mr. St. John and Congressman
Sulzer accompanied the governor to the
( !rand Central depot, where he took the
Chicago express.
Congressman Sulzer said the gover-
nor was delighted with his visit und he
considered the Cooper 1 nion meeting
a success in every respect.
(lovenior Altgeld. before leaving to
day, said: "I ant more than pleased
with the cordiality und heartiness of
my welcome to New York and the
kindliness and consideration shown me
on every side. My reception by the
audience on Saturday night was all
that I could wish for. It has never
been my lot to address a more en
thusiastic or intelligent audience. I
believe that New York state Is going
to go for lirynn. I am confident thnt
they will acquit themselves creditably
us will the people of Illinois. Of Illi
nois there is not the slightest shadow
of doubt."
Two Stories of the Life of Miss Price,
Yt Iio Committed Suicide.
New York, Oct. 18. Amy Price, n
stenographer, who formerly lived ot
108 West Fortieth street, this city, com
mitted suicide by shooting herself with
a revolver, in Philadelphia, on Friday
night. Miss Price was employed In a
downtown house. It Is said by her
relatives that she had been engaged to
be married, but that when her Intend
ed husband had furnished a home for
her, he was taken ill and died. His
funeral took place on Friday, and Miss
Price attended It. In the afternoon she
left this rlty to visit her married sis
ter, Mrs. Carrie Clausen, of 1H2 Vienna
street, Philadelphia. When she ar
rived there she told her sister that she
had little to live for. Sirs. Clausen
tried to cheer her and told her she
should go to bed and get a good night's
rest. Miss Price retired, and about an
hour afterward Mrs. Clausen heard a
pistol shot. The door of the girl's room
was locked, but when It was forced
open Miss Price was found lying on
the bed dead. There was a bullet
wound In her breast, and a revolver
was clasped In her hand. The body
will be brought to this city for burial.
Persons who said that they knew
Amy Price declared yeBterdny that she
was really not Miss, but Mrs. Price,
having been married to a man named
Price, who lived in San Francisco. Sbe
came here a year ago last August, it
was suid, and tried to get a position in
the cotnpuny which was to support
Mrs. Cora I'rquhart and Kyrle llellew
in "The Queen's Necklace" at Daly's
theater. Site was accepted, on the
ground of her beauty, for one of the
court ladies In the pluy. She then, it
was declared, proceeded to fall In love
with Mr. Kelleiv. In the course of the
reheursals Mrs. 1'otter took a dislike to
her, and she was discharged before the
play opened. After that she remained
In New York till some months ago,
when she went to Philadelphia.
.Waiting fur a Relaxation of Police
Vigilance to Inaugurate a Reign of
Terror in San Francisco.
Chicago, Oct. IS. A special from San
Francisco snys the Highbinders of the
Chinese colony in this city are waiting
for u relaxation of police vigilance to
inaugurate u reign of terror. 1
The Chinatown police squad has been
so largely Increased of late that the
Highbinders ure afraid to take any
openly concerted action, but many
murderous plans nre said to lie on foot
as a result of the efforts of Fung Yung
Hang, the Chinese consul, to break up
the See Yups, reported to lie the most
lawless nnd desperate of the Highbind
ers Culmls.
Tbe president nnd vice president of
tho four companies comprising the See
Yup society are reported to be In hid
ing, havintt learned that their death
wnrrnnts have been signed by the High
binders of their society and committees
have been appointed to kill the ofllcers.
The Highbinders accuse their ollicers
of treachery In having signed a treaty
of peace with the ofilcers of opposing
societies, in pursuant to orders from the
Chinese minister nt Washington. The
Highbinders nlso charge their president
with the embezzlement of See Yup
funds. The Chinese are furious at the
consul for the destruction of Highbind
er rooms and josses. Tbe See Yups
yesterday obtained an Injunction from
the superior court to prevent further
consular demolition.
Thinks McKinley is Sure ut 'Ml
i:iecloiu! Votes.
.Washington, Oct. IS. The following
revised estimates have been received
heie from Cii-neru! (Jrosvenor of Ohio:
"There have been some significant
changes in the situation since my llrst
bulletin, and I have taken very great
pains, by the use of all available means
to ascertain substantially what the re
sult Is to be. There is yet some doubt
and uncertainty about some of the
stales, but I think the following may
be safely placed in the absolutely sure
column: McKinley and Holmri will
have In New Kngland, 9; New York, M;
New Jersey, In; Maryland. S; Delaware,
:!: Pennsylvania, SI!; West Virginia, li;
Ohio, Indiana, 15; Illinois, 24; Michi
gan, II; Wisconsin, 12; Iowa, lit; Min
nesota, U; South D.ikota, 4: North Da
kota. S; Wyoming. H". Nebraska, 8;
Kentucky, III; Oregon, 4: Washington,
4; California. !. Total, 202.
There Hi e some stales which T do not
class us sure for McKinley which I be
lieve will elve him their vote, to wit:
Kansas, in; Virginia. 12; Tennessee, 12;
Missouri. 17. Total. 51.
The stales which do not seem to lip
doubtful und which must be conceded
practically without controversy to liry
iin remuin us in my first table, except
that Florida has disclosed an uncertain
ly as to her still us. und T think Unit
Texas and Louisiana may lie added to
the sure vote for ISryan, in my opinion.
Thus, we have 2H2 voles for McKinley
and llobarl with 221 necessary to their
election, if th y gain in the sumo ra
tio for the next three weeks as they
gained in the Inst three, litis Is a very
conservative of the electoral vole for
'I'nlk of Subsidizing More Mcrclitint
Vessels t Act as 'misers.
London. Oct. IS. Since the czar com
plimented the "very line escort" which
the Channel squadron afforded him In
his ( rossing from Portsmouth to Cher
bourgh. Increased Interest has been
taken in the condition of the British
nuvv. .Vr. Cioscheit, first lord of the
admiralty, has been devoting much
thought during the recess to the whole
question of naval defense; and he Is
credited with the Intention, in next
year's naval estimates, of considerably
increasing the sum at present provid
ed for substituting merchant vessels
to at t as armed cruisers in time of
The present amount set apart for
this purpose is IMN.Tnn, nnd rumor has
it that it will be increased to ut leait
NO.ttiH). In order to allow of nine morn
vessels participating in the sum an
nually set aside. Among the new con
ditions imposed will be not merely an
increase in the number of ships, but
greater efficiency in their manning; and
equipment. It is renorted that the
price to be paid for the new first-class
cruisers Is iMU.WHi eiich. The highest
tender was Messrs. Armstrong's, their
price being about taOU.M'JU. evidently
showing that they did not want the
wot k.
Six Desperadoes Capture Carney mid
Secure Several Thousand Dollars.
Guthrie, Oklahoma, Oct. 18. A band
of six unknown desoeradoes rode into
Cnrnry, thirty miles east of here, last
night, and held up tho whole town, rob
bing twelve stores and the postoftlce.
The bandits secured several thousand
dollars. A posse of about one hundred
citizens was organized and left in pur
suit of the outlaws.
The news was received here by tele
phone and only meagre particulars can
be obtained.
Weather Indications Today!
Qencrally Fair; Cooler.
1 Circntest Day on llecord at Canton.
Wheat Continues to Climb Upward.
Tom Watson Quits the Ticket.
2 Estimates of Appropriations,
lirynn a Drawing Card.
Markets and Stocks.
3 Eleventh Anniversary of St. Peter's So
Anniversary of 8t. Luke's Parish.
Annuul Meeting of Florence Mission.
4 Editorial.
Object Lesson in Sound Finance,
8 (Local) Two Years for Greaves. '
Highwayman CiuikIh.
Prytherlck Named for Blewltt's Place.
0 Foot Ball Season Is Now On.
Beats the Yarns In Arabian Nights.
7 Suburban Happenings. 1
1 New Up and Down the Valley.
He Sends a Telegram to the Middle of
the Road Committee.
Their .Mission is to Check a Probable
fusion of Kc publit-nus and Popu
lists in .corgiu--Wnlon May o
on the Stump at Virginia Ncit
Topeka, Kus., Oct. 18. Yesterday
Abe Steinberger, secretory of the Mid
dle of the Hoail Populhit committee, re
ceived this telegram from Thomas K.
Watson dated at Thomson, Ga.:
Hand this to the secretary of state. Do
not certify my name on the Abilene ticket
to the county clerks. My nllldavit with
drawing my name was mailed you.
Thomas K. Watson.
Atlanta, (la., Oct. 18. Oeorge F.
Washburn and H. W. lleed. members
of the National Populist executive com
mittee urirved here last night on their
way to see Thomas K. Watson.
Both Mr. Washburn and Mr. Heed de
clined to discuss their mission beyond
saying that there were certain politclul
matters concerning which they desired
tu consult with Mr. Watson.
Mr. Heed said that he signed the re
cent address to the Populist party be
cause at the time It wus the licst thing
that could be done. Neither he nor
Mr. Watson were satislied with the
fusion nrarngentents made In the West
by the populist leaders, but air. Heed
hnd come to the Vimcluslon that nn at
tempt to break 11 would Injure Bryun
and the silver cause. One purpose of
their visit to Georgia is to checkmate
the efforts of the Republicans to get
fusion with the Populists.
Mr. Heed believes Mr. Watson will ac
cept tho situation when he gets the
account from Mr. Washburn. A move,
ment Is on fool now between the Dem
ocrats and the Populists of Georgia, to
fuse. This will lie discussed at the con
ference between Watson und Wash
burn and Iteed. Watson's plans are
plastic. He may go on the stump In
West Virginia next week. ICverythlng
depends upon the result of the con
Thomson, (in., Oct. 18. The much
heralded trip of Committeemen Reed
and Washburn culminated nt Thomson
nt noon toduy where they were met anil
driven at once to the home of Mr. Wat
son. Tonight they were seen in com
pany with .Mr. Watson at his home,
and Mr. Washburn said: "We hiive
nothing to give out to the public. We
have spent a quiet day in private con
sultation and have greatly enjoyed the
day In this genial Georgia climate."
Mr. Watson was asked If ho would re
turn to Atlanta tomorrow with Messrs.
Heed and Washburn, and said he would
not go before Tuesday. Mr. Reed said:
"Mr. Washburn and I will return to
Atlanta tomorrow and if there Is any
statement that we desire to make pub
lic, we will make It there, though I do
not know that there will lie any."
Mr. Washburn added: "The newspa
pers seem disposed to attach a signifi
cance to our visit lo Mr. Watson that
Is hardly justified by the circumstances.
There has just been held a meeting of
our national executive committee nt
Chicago at which was issued an address
to the public, bearing on the campaign.
It seems most reasonable that after
stub action a sub-committee should
come lo report to our candidate, w ho
was not present ut the meeting, all that
transpired I here, to give him nil of the
details of the meeting which brought
about theuddress we Issued to the pub
lic, to exchange views with him on the
situation and to consult with him as to
the' future of the campaign. If there
should be anything of a public nature
resulting from our conference or uny
statement regarding any future steps
in the campaign, Ihut we desire to give
to lite newspapers we will do so tomor
row in Atlanta." Turning to Messrs.
Weed and Walsotl be said: "That cov
ers Ihe case, does il not?" and both re
plied in the alllrmalive.
Messrs. Iteed and Washburn will re
main the guests of Mr. Watson at his
home tonight and return to Atlanta to
morrow morning.
Washington. Oct. 18. Th's evening
Senator Hutler, chairman of the Popu
list national commit lee said to a re
porter for the I'nited Associated Press
es that he bad not yet received Mr.
Watson's letter In response to his own
notifying the (lorglan of his nomination
presidency by the St. t, mis convention.
Senator Hutler said he did not care
to) coment upon the telegram from
Thomson, published this morning', in
which Mr. Watson-'was quoted its sny
ing that he had mailed the Icier to Mr.
Hutler last Wednesday nnd that It
should have reached him on Friday.
Indiana Is Also Safe in the Opinion
of (Governor Hustings.
Pittsburg, Pa.. Oct. IS. Governor and
Mrs. D. 11. Hastings arrived in Pitts
burg this morning from the west,
where Ihe governor has been stumping
for McKinley. In speaking of the po
litical situation in Indiana and Illinois
the governor suid:
"I have no doubt about Illinois giving
IDo.UOU majority for McKinley. I think
Altgeld will probably cut down these
figures from ir..i'il to 20.WM). Indiana. I
as confident will go for McKinley. The
outlook In the congressional districts of
these two states is very good for the
return of Republican members."
Governor Hastings said that Major
McKinlcy had not made a single mis
take since his nomination from bis let
ter of acceptance to his Inst speech,
and has strengthened his cause dny by
day. The governor w ill make several
speeches In this state during the week
und Saturday night will speak at
Bridgeport, Conn.
Steniiiship Arrivnls.
New York. Oct. 1S. Arrived: La Gas
cosrne, from Havre: Ohdam, from Rotter
dam and Koulogne. Arrived: Paris, nt
Southampton: La Hoiircogne. at Havre.
Sailed for New York: Etrurla, from
yueenstown. Sighted: Southwark, from
Antwerp for New York, passed Prawle
!olnl' ,
Memorial lo William I.
Berlin, Oct. 1S. The memorial to Em
peror William I nt Minilen, Westphnli.i,
was unveiled today by his grandson, Em
peror William II. The etnoress and n
large number of notables were present and
the town was crowded with visitors from
ull the surrounding country.
Would Not Talk on Sunday.
Jackson, Miss., Oct. IS. Palmer nnd
Biiikner passed through here this even
ing, but declined to address the small
crowd at the depot to see them, giving as
their reason that it was Sumluy.
Folcv's Awful Crime.
Qneenstown, Oct. 18. Edward Foley,
aged U years, formerly 'a ticket collector
on river steamers, last night hacked his
wife and two children to death with a
razor. He immediately surrendered him.
self to the police. Family trouble)) wore
the cause of the tragedy.
C(l..S,r OOO
The Greatest HEALTH GIVER ant
ItKAl'TIKtER of the FlUL'KK vr
learn what a PERFECTLY. F1TT1NU
CORSET really is.
The Expert Fitter of Tier Majesty's Cor.
set commences one week's engagement at
our store, on Monday, Oct. 1911). and end
ing on Saturday, Oct. 2h.
It will give her great pelasnro to explain
the many merits of this celebrated Corset,
and give tlttlnits, thus Illustrating without
doubt the exquisite liuure and long grace
ful waist It will create.
We also desire to call special attention to
Her Majesty's Corset niado In extra long
waist, which Is without doubt the longest
waisted and most exquisitely formed Cor
set ever produced.
We desire it to be distinctly understood
that ladles will not be expected to pur?
chase a Corset after a filling U made un
less they so desire.
Engagements for, fittings can be mads
wilh .Mrs. Kuth by'nia:t or telegraph.
We keep a complete assortment of Her
Majesty's Corsets In all quulities, also in
High and Low llust and Extra Long
Waist. We nlso hnve on exhibition a line of Her
Majesty's Corsets, niiwb) of satin of tint
most beautiful designs; these goods arts
Very livht in weight and coinforlabla.
W hiKlily recommend this Corset, and
feel eonlident that ladles will receive,
from wearing it, Perfect Satisfaction.
510 AND 512
Buisy ,o Busy
Selling Fall Rratwcar. -
a ) 'V
Every department com
plete, wlo3e5ale and re
tail. 114 AND 11 WYOMING AVE.
When you pay for Jewelry you mlffM a
well get the best.
A fine line of Novelties for Ladlet an!
W. J. Weichel
403 Spruce St.
Atlantic Leat
FrencSi Ziic,
Enamel fm
Carriage Paiats,
Reynolds' Pare Colors,
Reynold Woad Fiaisi
Crockett's Preservative,
Ready Mixed Tinted
Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure
Ufvea fill, Guarafljtecd