The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1896, Page 9, Image 9

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Eighth Letter of Travel Throuth the
Northwestern Country.
Charming Mountain Scenery, Beauti
ful Waterfalls, Picturesque Grazing
Lands nnd Interesting Frontier
Settlements That Lend n Human
Factor to the Iauorauia-Cowboy
Life in liritish Columbia.
Special Correspondence of The Tribune.
Banff Hot Springs. Canada, Sept. 10.
Banff has one of the liinst summer
climates In America, bright, clear, brac
ing and health-giving and the traveler
la invariably loth to leave thla restful
place. Ilenlly. tJ enjoy the hut kj.i itiff-i
and the glorious air, which Rives u new
lease of life, the visitor shnitld stay here
a month right on the 'shoulder of thi sj
mighty Rockies," a mile nearer heaven
than at the sea level, which is itself a
genuine inspiration. And such nlr!
There Is nothing anywhere elsi like this
Kocky mountain air when the western
wind has brougth the soft Chinook
breezes to temper the keenness at this
altitude. One tourist snys, "How I lon
to bring my friends out of their sick
rooms and let them drink It In." An
other says, "It is like being in Paradise
before one's time."
Our stay at the C. P. Hotel was en
joyable In the extrem". That hotel is
fitted up with all the refinement arfd
creature comforts of life, and from Its
wide verandas on all sides we inhale
the Invigorating breezes, and at the
same time feast cur cy.s ttpnn the mag
nificent panorama without exertion or
fatigue. While the grandeur Is over
powering and the air is oppressively
till, when the locomotive whlsilos, it Is
echoed and re-echoed by a hundred
mountain walls.
It Is only just to Eay that this big
Bummer hostleiy, whore Hilly Matthews
receives his guests, is fully equal to II j
tel Vancouver, where his brother is the
manager, and for situation far more
commanding, lioth are as well quali
fied and skillful managers as are to be
found In the east. It can be no easy
task to manage a hotel where the ser
vants have to be brought two thousand
miles, provisions, eggs, poultry, etc., a
thousand miles, and fruit and vi-gs-tablcs
six hundred miles. Yet, with
American skill and energey, everything
runs smoothly, even when the house is
full with some great Raymond party
returning from Alaska, as was our ex
perience, or when one ot the "Empress
es" has sent on her passengers from
India, Japan and China.
It Is e lively scene that we look down
upon from the galleries and corridors
which surround the large central hall
nnd office. Here Is n group chatting
around the great open fire place with Its
blazing four-foot logs! Another earn
estly discussing plans for the morrow.
American ladles eagerly looking
through the hotel register in search of
acquaintances' names some studying
the books of photographs or reading the
telegrams which give the dully news
.fuonieach end of the continent, others
bartering with the attendants of the
museums for the elegant robes of the
grizly, cinnamon and black bear, or the
antilcrs of the moose, deer, caribou and
mountain sheep found right around
here, as mementoes of their transcon
tinental thrip through the Dominion.
Seeing all this it Is difficult to believe
oneself in the Itocky mountains where
only a few years ago solitude and si
lence reigned supreme.
Our visit here will long live In our
memories as one of the brightest rem
iniscences of our "Wonderland" Jour
The ride from Banff to Calgary,
elgthy-two miles Is a novel as well as an
Instructive experience. The railway
rejoins the Bow river and follows It
eastward through the forrested valley
for five miles to Anthracite station,
properly named, for here are the great
anthracite coal mines and vast, deposits
of coal penetrating a spur of the Falr
liolme sub-range, which rises to the
left nearly ten thousand feet high, right
under the shadow of the Cascade Moun
tain. This coal Is true anthracite, of
high quality and the mines are being
developed rapidly under scientific
methods. The output supplies the
. country from Vancouver eastward to
The scenery along the Bow Is strik
ingly grand. The pass here narrows
suddenly to four miles in width and
each curve of the road brings Into view
endless peaks, rising on each side, with
ranges towering one above another as
far as the eye can reach, all tinted
with rose, bluish pink and silver, as the
nun shines upon their showy summits.
No traveler should miss these marvel
ous effects. They are simply magni
ficent. As we proceed, Rundel mountain is
on the right, nearly 10,00rt feet high,
behind whirh He the Hot Springs just
visited, while the Cascade, though many
miles away,' Is apparently but a stone's
throw distant, rising an enormous mass
boldly to meet us. In fact all the way
out of the Park limits, and for miles,
at every turn, some huge mountain
seems to stand right across our way
with overhanging peaks frowning upon
us, as It we were invaders and had
no business here when suddenly we
find the giant, has been encircled and
left far behind In another direction.
We exit from the Canadian National
Park through the Bow river gap on
approaching Canmore, at an elevation
of 4,230 feet. Canmore Is a divisional
point of the railway and from the sta
tion we have not only wonderful moun
tain scenery, but a beautiful level val
ley at our feet. Here Is a striking pro
, file of the "Three Sisters," snow clad
peaks, 8,970 feet high beautiful by
name, and a beautiful sight, together
with Wind and Pigeon mountains, (the
former 10,400 feet,) and groups of Iso
lated, curiously wreathed, conglomer
ate mountains, which are penetrated by
enormous alcoves and ravines "in
which haze and shadow of gorgeous
coloring lie engulfed." These mountains
hold our gaze until lost to view by
Intervening summits. I can testify that
the "White Mountain Notch," In all
its glory, gives but a hint of the grand
eur of the scene here.
As the train- leaves the gap and ap
proaches Kawanaskis station, we get a
parting view of these 'rhonarchs, their
bases deeply tinted In purple and gold,
while In the mists above are distant
enowy peaks. Soon the Kananaskls
river Is crossed by a high Iron bridge
a little above where It joins the How
river. The roar of the Kananaskls Fails
forty feet high, Is distinctly heard from
the railway above the noise of the
irum. me wans tnruugn tne gap hore
i are vertical and rise to diszy heights,
Mfhere the. Bow river arid train, rush
through; and down from the mountain
sides, cascades fall, white and spark
ling. Through these gorges we catch
glimpses of glaciers and other strange
and rare tights, and now and then.
of wild goftts and mountain aheap,
graxlrig on the cliffs far above, near
the snow line. I want to say these
mountains would be oppressive In their
grandeur, their solemnity, and their
solitude, but for an occasional mining
town, or a sportsman's tent which
give a human Interest to the scene.
In the next fifty-four miles we travel
down the valley of the Bow to Calgary.
The broken ravines are now changed
to wide valleys and grassy foot-hills,
with heards of horses iu the lower val
leys, thousands ot cattle on the ter
races, and (locks of sheep on the hill
tops, all seen at once. We pass five
stations and numerous ranches in
quick succession, also sawmills and
bituminous coal mines. The most im
portant station la Morley, a shipping
point at an altitude of exactely
feet above sea level. Reaching Cal
gary, the observation ear that. Me have
enjoyed for 600 miles. Is detached and
for the balance of our Journey we travel
In our lux'xurious sleeper, "Bombay."
Calgary Is charmingly ululated at nn
altitude of 3,388 feet on a hill-side pla
teau at the Junction of the Bow and
Klberon rivers, overlooked by the snow
capped peaks of the Kockies, with a
population of ubout D.000. It Is an Eng
lish colony, settled by representatives
of the best families of England, nnd Is
the most important ns well us the hand
somest place this side of the 1'nclhV to
Winnipeg. 2,:' miles from Montreal.
It Is modern In appearance, lighted by
electricity and the, architectural style
of public buildings and private resi
dences deserves more than ordinary
mention, ow ing to their variety and the
taste displayed. It Is called the town
of Ranches and Indian reservations,
and Is an Important station of the
"Northwest Mounted Police" and post
of the Hudson Bay company. It Is the
center of trade of the great ranching
country nnd source of supplies for the
mining districts beyond. Logs nnd
manufactured lumber are floated down
the How river from here. Quarries of
light gray building stone ere femnd
here. The scenery, while not so moun
tainous. Is grand nnd Interesting.
Before us, eastward, Is the great sea
of open prairies, over which, for two
thousand miles, we are yet to travel.
Bchinil us, on either side, the mountnins
rise in varied forma and endless
changes of aspect ns the liphta and
shadows play upon them. Northward
Is the henvilv wooded and nh rich
ranching districts of Alberta and Atha
basca, which are richly watered by nu
merous rivers and streams, feeders of
the North Haskntchewnn, and the Ath
abasca nnd Peace rivers, which How
northward ami empty Into Hudson's
hay and the Chill regions of the "Fur
North "regions full of moose, elk, bear,
caribou, and all ninnner of fur-bearing
animuls and winged game. Southward,
a hundred miles, is the rich ranching
and farming country about Mticlend,
and fifty miles beyond the I'niP'd
Slates boundary dividing British Col
umbia from Montana, nil reached by
branch lines of the Canadian Pnelllc.
The branch northward extends 1M
miles to Edmonton, the most northerly
railway station on the continent of
America. The fertility of these districts
though, In this high latitude. Is surpris
ing. It Is attested not only by rich re
sults, of cattle-ranching, on the area
over which play the warm Chinook
winds, but In practical farming, where
the largest crops of oats and wheat
known on the continent are found.
A Ion it the base of the mountains adja
cent to Calgary, the country la well
watered, the foot bills nre clad with
abundant timber. Coal also is plenti
ful. The soil too, Is rich and deep,
game Is abundant and the climate
The region about Calgary Is the na
tive grounds of the warlike Blackfeet
Indians, which nre found here In the
saddle, clad In bright blankets and
mounted on small piebald and parti
colored ponies. The mounted police
here, ns elsewhere in the territories, act
ns efficient and assuring preservers of
the pence. The town though, with all
its multiform and restless life Is suld
to be usually quiet and orderly. This
too. Is the center of the great ranch
country where the "Cow boy" gaily at
tired and well mounted, is in his glory.
Nowhere have we seen such horseman
ship or a more free and picturesque
It is Interesting to listen to the stories
of these ranchmen nnd one Is sure to
find n cordlnl welcome In visiting their
ranches. You And them nil along the
foot-hills, their countless herds over the
country, summer nnd winter alike. The
wnnn Pacific winds which blow across
the mountains, tempers the severity of
the winter, and keep the ground free
from snow, except for a day or two at
a time, nnd the nutritious nnd naturally
cured grasses, are always within reach
of Hip cattle, which look as sleek as if
corn fed.
They tell us that In the spring and
autumn nil the ranchmen Join In a
"round up," to collect and sort out the
animals according to the brands of the
different owners, and then the cowboys
appear In all their glory. To see these
splendid riders "rutting out," or separ
ating their animals from the common
herd, lassoing and throwing them, that
they may be branded with the owner's
name, or herding a band of free-born
and unbroken horses. Is well worth a
stop-over or even a trip across the con
tinent to behold. These ranchmen are
a fine looking lot of fellows, mainly sons
of the best families in the East and in
England, living here In n lordly, ro
mantic way. Being admirable horse
men, with abundant leisure and unlim
ited opportunities for sport and their
Intense love for this country and a
roving life, it Is no wonder that every
day brings more young men of the
best class to Join them.
William C. Carl, the eminent concert
organist, has been engaged by Wnlter
Dnmrosch to appear with the Sym
phony orchestra, at Carnegie hall. New
York, Nov. 8. Mr. Carl will play two
new works by Gullmant, for orchestra
and organ. ( (
"The Isle of Champagne" Is to be
transplanted to England, nnd will soon
be presented at one of the outlying
theaters of London. Of late the Eng
lish have been very timid about mak
ing such ventures. "Robin Hood."
which coined money In the United
Stntes, was brought out in London
under the name "Maid Marian," and
proved a Hat failure. Since that time
It has been practically impossible to
Interest English managers In Ameri
can operas. "The Wizard of the Nile,"
which was one of the few profitable
offerings laBt season, has Just, been
brought, out In Berlin with most nat
tering success, though Arthur Clark
spent the summer in London vainly
trying to arrange for a production
Lillian Blauvelt sailed last Thursday
for Germany, where she Is to sing In
concert for a while.
Carl Hallr, the violinist, will come to
America early In November and effect
his entrance on the lncal concert stage
at a concert of the Philharmonic socie
ty on Nov. IS.
Camllle Seygard, soprano of the
Theater de la Monnale, is to give con
certs In the United States this 3eason.
Edgar Stlllman Keliey Is to be pro
fessor of harmony and composition at
the New York CoIlge of Music.
Teresa. Carreno.has been composing
lately, so it Is Raid,. It is also Fold that
she Is writing a paraphrase nn
"American Negro Melodies" for the
plnno-forte, and that the melodies
which are occupying her fancy are
"The New Bully," "I Want Ycr, My
Honey," ','IM;'8,n,m'y Serenade."
"Honey, Meet Me, Do," and "The Old
Folks at Home.jJ
Mlsi Badle Kaiser, who completed her
course at the Royal Academy, Lon
don, some time ago, has been meeting
with great success in concert work
throughout England.
Miss Kathnrlne Tlmberman, who has
been engaged as vocal instructor In Mr.
Pennington's conservatory of music at
301 Madison avenue, has the endorse
ment of some of the leading musicians
of the woi Id. Miss Tlmberman Is pre
pared to give opinions upon voices at
any time, free of charge.
Alfred Wooler, solo tenor at Elm
Park church, has been achieving con
siderable fame recently as a writer of
campaign gongs. Mr. Wooler Is not
only a musical composer, but has
much talent as a writer ot verse.
11 I1 'I
Heeve Jones, concert pianist, expects
to appear at YVllk-?s-Barre. where he
is a great favorite, during the present
This afternoon and evening Stowe's
mammoth company will produce "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" ut the l'rothlngham. The
Voungsiown Tribune ays of the per
formance: "The company is strictly
np-to-dute, nnd every feature of the
play wits admirably rarried out. With
forty members they were prepared to,
and iliii produce thv best Uncle Tom
performance It has evi-r been our good
fortune to witness. The singing by the
negroes especially during the death
scene of little Eva, was beautiful and
moved many to tears. The scenic ef
fects were gorgeously grand and the
magnificent transformation scene at
the close of the performance, requiring
an entire carload of scenery to pro
duce, wns something never before wit
nessed in this place. The company cur
ries two full brass bauds, a drum corps
and a first-class orcheutra."
No less than seven distinct, full ptnge
illusions, will be given by Magician Kel-
l liir during his entertainment In this
city, in nddltion to a budget of novel
experiments in slight of hand, at which
he has never hail a peer. "Out of
Slirht" shows the gentlemen In the au-
I ilience how to crel rUl of their wives
j without the necessity of a dlvorcj
; court, by simply csuifOng them to dls-
solve Into thin uir; "The Ciissadega
Propaganda" shows the cabinet seances
of the spiritualists in Its true light for
Kellar accomplishes nil of their mani
festations, with a little cabinet, not
lurco enough to contain a doll. The
"Simla Seunee" exposes the famous ar
tifices of the Davenport brothers and
shows how they deceived the public.
"Fly-To" .Illustrates the power of the
Mahatmns of India to project the as
tral body of a man to any part of the
world nnd how to manufacture people
out of the nir in broad daylight. In
a word seven illusions, every one a
masterpiece, will be given at the Acad
emy next Monday evening.
At Davis's theater next week, an or
ganization will appear, which hns only
been before the public for a short time,
but w hich has made a name for itself,
which no vaudeville company ever put
b-fore the public has ever made, In so
short space of time. This organization
Is known by the somewhat euphonious
title of liobie's lioheniian lurles(Uers
and ns regards scenery, electrical nnd
mechanical effects, roKtumes, pretty
girls nnd the general grouping. It Is
simply superb, AmmiK the list of cele
brated performers In this company are
Harry C. P.ryant, Hilly H. Van. William
Watson, Jere Mahoney, the Misses Mae
Lowcry, Vevl Nobrign, Marie Carr,
chorus of sixteen benutlful young girls.
John W. Ishnm's "Oriental America"
will be the attraction at the Academy
of Music on October 21 and TX. All the
handsome scenery la brought with the
company which together with the beau
tiful costumes has established the com
pany ns one of the most handsomely
equipped on the road. The musical
numbers are particularly attractive and
the airs of the old masters are harmon
iously blended with the good new tunes
that have set the world singing. The
operatic, selections aro correctly cos
tumed and scenlcnlly environed. The
company number sixty people among
which are over a dozen principals who
are counted the best talent among the
colored race, In this country,
Next Friday and Saturday night
James Young, of l'.altimore, a young
tragedian who Is fast winning fame for
himself, will be seen nt the Academy
of Music. On Friday evening he will
produce "Hamlet" and on Saturday
evening "David Garlivk." Ills leading
lady Is Miss Rida Louise Johnson, also
of Haltiniore, who Is described ns a
beautiful woman and an exceedingly
clever actress.
Daniel Sully's Impersonation of
O'Hrlen.the contractor. In his play "The
Millionaire" brings into view a beauti
ful and tender homeliness and a noble
sincerity, as well as n courageous man
liness, that arouses sympathetic Inter
est and raises the spectator quite above
mere theatrical convention. There Is in
the character no false sentiment: he.
speaks no fustian nnd he performs no
superhuman acts, but he Interests us at
the moment of his first appearance on
the scene and compels us to go with
him through all the vicissitudes of his
fortune 'till his final triumph and as
surance of the battle won.
The leading dramatic novelty this
season will be W. H. Power's produc
tion of Edward E. Kitldler's latest work
"Shannon of the Sixth." The ploy deals
with life In India and Introduces an
English general, In command of a mil
itary post near Delhi, and his family,
a number of English officers, the widow
of a fighting captain, a chivalrous
young Irishman, the lirahmtn priests,
Sepoy soldiers and a young Scotchman
who prefers anything to lighting. These
characters all unite In perfecting a
story of peculiar dramatic interest,
with the charm of originality.
TIip management of the Frothlnghnm
has been successful In securing the
greatest of American actresses. Ada
Rehan. for n single performance at that
theater next Friday evening, Oct. 21.
when she will lie seen In her renowned
creation of Katherine in Shakes
peare's merriest comedy "Taming of
the Shrew." The appearance of Miss
Rehan In Seranton supported by the
favorite members of Atigustln Daly's
New York company, will mark one of
the important events in the history of
our city's nmunemonts. The sale of
seats opens next Wednesday morning
and the prices will be exactly the snme
pb nt Mr. Daly's home theater, New
, Our
, Pov cloepn't lie.
Dill rlopsn't flirt,
s ' Dog doesn't hit-, ' '
Cot doesn't steal.
Family doesn't quarrel.
Church doesn't arht. . ',
" Firm doesn't Cheat.
Town hasn't got malaria,.
Partv'i stir to win. '
. . . Judge.
Enormous Recent Increase in the Cost
of President-Making.
Expease Accounts for '00 Estimateu
at $5,000,000AII to Be HaUed
by Voluntary Subcriptions-Tbc
Collection a Political Science.
GloDe-nemocxat'g Washington Letter.
Competent Judges predict that not
less than J5.000.000 will be spent by the
two national committees In the great
political battle now at hand. This is a
careful estimate, made by those con
nected with the campaign work, and Is
bused on past experience. The expen
ses of the campaign will add to rather
than subtract from the amount named.
The use of money us a potential fac
tor in presidential contests is a growth
of the last thirty years. The late Gov.
Curtin, of Pennsylvania, said to me not
long before his death that It cost less
to elect Lincoln in 1S60 than la now of
ten spent in a single congressional dis
trict. "The Republican national com
mittee In that year," said the governor,
"spent a sum that now seems con
temptible, but the work wus Just us
thoroughly done, and ns successfully,
too, as that of any committee the party
has had since."
The use of large sums of money by
national committees began with the ;
two committees that managed Grunt's j
cunvnsses In 1MJ8 and 1S72. unci so rap- I
Idly did the extravagance increase that
In ISmO, at the time of Garfield's elec- '
tlon, the national commutes handled, !
or others handled for it, more than $1,- I
W0.1KXI, while it has been estimated by
those whos.j opportunities for knowing i
were good that throughout the country '
there were spent by dinerent commit
tees In the uggregato more than $4,001,
tXio. The expenses of the campaigns of
ISM and is'ss were about the same. In
the campaign ot the national com
mittees, each collected and expended
over $l.r00.000. and the state committees
collected for their individual use about I
one-quarter or tnat sum. How are
these vast sums expended by the 'cam
paign mnnugers to whom they are en
The charge that the greater part is
used to corrupt voters and purchase
votes, though often mnde, Is a false
and silly one. Nwirly all. If not all of
the moneys collected are anticipated
by the legitimate expenses of the cam
paign. These expenses cover a wide
range. Four years ago the Republican
natlonnl committee expended $1:00,000
In the publication and circulation of
campaign documents. An additional
SKIO.ODO was devoted to the campaign
orators and their expenses. A little
over SJOO.OOO went to congressional dis
tricts where the contest was close and
the outcome doubtful, and where it was
used to pay band hire and the cost of
the uniforms of marching clubs and of
parades nnd public meetings. Some
thing like $:t00,0'H) was sent to the chair
men of the state committees of the
doubtful states, and the cost of main
taining the national headqunrters and
of the local campaign in New York
city consumed the balance of the funds
raised by the national committee. The
committee in varied In some minor
detnils, but Its funds were expended
through about the same channels us
the Republican committee, the cam
paign methods of both parties being
very similar.
With the growing use of money In
politics it has been found more nnd
more desirable that the chairman of u
national committee should be a man of
large private fortune and of high stand
ing In the business world. When sub
scriptions aro slow In coming In, and
he has as yet only promises in lieu of
cash, ho must become responsible for or
advance the funds needed to meet cur
rent expenses. These advances fre
quently amount to several hundred
thousund dollars, while If there Is a
shortage at the end of the campaign
tlie chairman Is the one Junked to to
make It good. Contributions to the
campaign funds come In the main from
the men of large means within the
lmrty, some of whom give as high as
$100,000. Large corporations also con
tribute handsomely In hope of secur
ing political favor. In some cases these
large concerns give to both of the
great parties, thus inn king themselves
safe In any event. There is a consid
erable class of men anxious to secure
political prominence or to occupy high
positions who give lavishly ns a means
of advancing their political Interests.
Finally comes the aggregate of small
popular subscriptions, which foots up
a large sum, and which represents men
of moderate means, who take a patriotic
pride in the success of their cause.
Presidential candidates, as a rule, nre
not depended upon for large subscrip
tions. The only exceptions, I believe,
have been Mr. Tilden and Mr. lilalne.
The former is said to have spent over
half a million dollar in the campaign
of 1870. A tale hangs to Mr. lilalne's
contribution to the campaign of 1SS4.
At the outset of that campaign Mr.
lilalne drew his check for S2."i,000 and
sent It to the committee ns ills share
of the campaign expenses. In the clos
ing days of the campaign, when the ef
fects of the Burchard Incident and the
Field banquet were making themselves
felt, the members of the nationnl com
mittee In direct charge of the Republi
can campaign became badly scared
over the result in New York. New uer
sey and Connecticut, and decided, as
a last desperate expedient to save their
candidates, that Ht was necessary to ut
once raise $iro,00O, to be used In New
York city and In two or three of the
larger New Jersey cities. The usual
sources of financial aid had already
been pretty well exhausted, and the
committee was able to rise from these
sources at short notice only I.
Mr. lilalne was Informed of the emerg
ency and the difficulty of meeting It,
and on the nrsurrance that the money
would be collected and repaid t:i him j
luter, he advanced the sum of $I0il.- j
000. In this way the required sum
was mnde up and promptly placed
where it wns thought It would do the
most good. Unt when the Republlcins
were defeated further subscriptions
could not be obtained, and the national
committee closed up its affairs, leaving
the $100,000 due Mr. I'lalne unpaid nnd
unprovided for. And it was thus that
to the sting of political defeat was add
ed chagrin at a pecuniary loss which
was without remedy. There are many
who believe thnt this loss was the
cause of Mr. Illaine's reluctance to
again become a candidate in 1S.SS. when
the prospects of heavy expenditures
were as certain as in 1SS4. while the
outlook for success seemed a good deal
more uncertain than It did in the form
er campaign.
The caution of contributors, coupled
to the close watch which one national
committee kept on the doings and dis
bursements of the other, reduces to a
minimum the possibility of campaign
funds being misappropriated. Though
they are disbursed in large measure
of honor, and a final accounting is ec-1-dom
had, still their management Is gov
erned as fan aa possible by strict busi
ness rules, and, handled ns they are by
men of the highest character and Integ
rity, Instances In which they fall to
reach the channels for which they were
Intended arc very rare ijjideed. it can,
I think, be said with1 'truth that 'the
funds of a natlonnl committee are as
carefully managed as those of any large
business corporation. In INKS ' John
Wanamaker was at the head of the
finance committee which had In charge
the work of raising the Republican
campaign funds. Ho carefully super
vised all disbursements, for which he
received vouchers. Still, as I have just
said, the disbursement of the party
funds Is In iarge measure a matter of
honor, and the innovation introduced
by Mr., Wanamaker has not been re
The lmiKirtance and influence of this
potent electioneering argument hard
cash has developed some very success
ful and shrewd beggars of money for
campaign purposes. Republican vet
erans, when In a reminiscent mood,
delight to talk about the late Marshall
Jewell, who as a collector of campaign
funds, perhaps never had his equal.
When others failed Jewell always suc
ceeded, and It Is told of him that in
Boston In a single d;iy he raised $170,
000. As a beggar Ids methods were
mor.t witminir, and it was seldom, in
deed, tbut he left a business office or
counting room empty handed. Had he
been us skillful in the use as he was
In the collection of cuinpi'.ign funds he
would huve ranked first among the
great political generals of his time.
Zruii Chandler was a good deal of a
diamond in the vou'ih, but he was a
shrewd judge of human nature, and he
knew pretty well what chords to strike
in order to make men generous. He
wns chnlrmnn of the Republican na
tional committee in 1S7C, and there was
no luck of funds In thut campaign.
Stephen W. Dorsey, who managed the
ltcpuhllcun campaign in ItsP, never at
tempted to collect much money him
self, but he was surrounded by men
who raised it for hint, nnd he used It,
as results showed, with consummate
In 1S84 Tl. F. Jones and Stephen Tt.
Elklns contributed liberally to the Re
publican campaign fund, nnd were
very successful in Inducing others to
do the same.
In 1SS John Wnmninker and bis
frb lids contributed St'UUK'O toward the
campaign fund disbursed with so much
skill by .Senator Quay. Four yenirf ago
the financial affairs of the Republican
national committee were in the hands
of C rmllus N. llliss, and with the n'd
of men lllce William A. Russell in l!os
ton. Thomas Dohin In Philadelphia.
Mark llanna in Cleveland, nnd Rusell
A. Alger In Detroit and Chicago, the
New York millionaire brought that
body through nn exciting mid costly
campaign with only a small deficit to
face at the end.
The lute August Rehnnnt, who, as
chairman of the Democratic national
committee in the years immediately
following the wnr, was for a long
period one of the financial pillars of
his purty. Eminent as a banker and
llnuniier, he always knew where he
could fiul nid when money was need
ed, and, while It has often been re
marked that he did not use campaign
funds us skillfully ns he collected th"m,
it Is still a well-known fact that the
discipline nnd system Introduced by
Mr. Helmont did much to reorganize
and rebuild the Democratic party.
William H. liarnum, who succeeded
Mr. Helmont as chuirmnn, was nn able
collector of campaign funds and a fine
tactician. Mr. Tilden always gave
freely to campaign funds, and he had
numerous friends vim were equally
generous In their contributions, tlood
authority reports that Edward Cooper
and Abram S. Hewitt gave $100,000
apiece to tno first Cleveland cam
paign, although It does not appear that
they got any special recognition from
the administration. The late William
L. Scott, of Erie, gave freelv to the
same campaign. Once, when Mr. Bar
num talked of closing the committee
rooms for lack of funds, Mr. Scott drew
his personal check for $2:1,000, and
raised $100,000 more within a week.
Apropos of Mr. Scott's part In the
campaign of mi an amusing story Is
told. Shortly after the ilrst Cleveland
administration got Into running order,
so the story runs, Mr. Scott turned up
at the state department and asked Mr.
Bayurd to make some friend a consul
or minister. "Please file vour papers
for him," said Huyard. "What?" said
Scott In astonishment, nnd Jiayard re
joined: "You will have to (lie a paper;
It will be duly considered." Then Scott
stood up in front of the secretary's
desk: "Look here, Mr. Bayard, I've
been filing papers with the Democratic
party for twenty years, while you've
ben drawing papers from the govern
ment and giving nothing to the party.
I want you to undi rstund that I got
through Illiiig papers when Cleveland
was elected. Hell's full of fellows who
will sign papers to your satisfaction.
Hood day, sir."
Later, however. Mr. Scott's friend got
the olllce ho wns seeking, and In the
campaign of 1M the former wns again
the anchor sheet of the Democratic: na
tlonul committee. I huve it from a
source that Is entirely reliable Unit in
thnt year Mr. Scott contributed $00,
000 toward the election of Mr. Cleveland.
Still, after the election the committee
had debts amounting to half a million
dollars, and these were pnid by Chair
man Calvin S. Ilrico from his own pock
et. In IW12 William C. Whltnev and E.
C. Benedict, the banker friend of Mr.
Cleveland, between them raised a quar
ter of a million dollars with which to
open the campaign.
Roswell P. Flower and Oliver P. Mor
ton, the one a Democrat and the other
u Republican, have nevor.I believe, been
connected with a national campaign In
nn oillelnl way, but both are famous
fund misers. Mr. Flower In collecting
campaign funds follows a method that
is original and effective. He makes out
a list of those upon whom he Intends
to call, with the amount he thinks ench
man should give set opposite his name,
heads the list with his own subscription
for a generous amount, and then goes
the rounds. As those upon whom he
culls are rich men like himself his
tours are generally productive of speak
ing results.
Mr. Morton very rarely sets out to
make a purse, but when he does his
methods are very similar to those of
Mr. Flower. He prepares a list of men
whom he knows on the street, sets
down opposite their names the sums
ho thinks they ought to give, nnd then
visits them. Not many words are
passed. The business men look upon
the matter ns a business transaction.
They feel that Morton has good rea
son for culling noun them. Perhaps
one will soy: "Do you think I ought
to put my name ilov.n for so much. Mr.
Morton?" and he replies: "If I had not
thought so I wouldn't hnvo named the
amount." Indeed, after the famous
Fifth avenue Conference of l'.SO, It Is
pretty well established by tile Horsey
revelations and letters (lint Mr. Mor
ton raised nearly a million dollars for
the Repu'dlenn national committee.
.The moneys expended by the natlon
nl and state committees represent only
n part of the cost of a oresldeiitinl oiim
paicn. Conventions like there held In
St. Louis and Chicago cost at a modest
estimate from one end one-half to two
million dollars aph 00, nnd the check
of htiHtness during the campaign which
folllows them Involves 11 loss of many
millions more. Taklnj nil these things
Into consideration. It may bo roughly
estimated that n presidential campaign
co3ts the country about ?;0,000,000.
Tlis Mini. Clcnr on One Point.
"I pei they huve discovered the North
Pole," remarked Uncle Alie n Sparks, wip
ing his eye-giuKes. "If It's ns magnetic,
us the Tele thnt'n bc'n traveling throm'h
tlds conrtry plnylng the ptano, tt's golilg
to cost the people a l:oup of money before
they're done with It. I'm dead sure of
thut."-Chlcago Tribune.
Rural Light I'ncilities.
Mrs. Ecpp "Z"pp. ert up and open the
door; Bumeone's knocking. '
Zeni "I nm up and putting tn my
breeches so I can strike a match Flieg
enile llluetter.
I C" D DrTVuii Pelf
I PUn thlv ReeulHtlnz Vei.-
WOMEN .lirtm
conthimiUH trnfle an H 1 ormirrtiv ir.-xUuufi.'
tlou nnd debility peculiarly incident to
! women of tender rouHtitutioui
'old otto. Tl:ev Imvo no inuid. Tho faculty
strongly recomn:end thorn. Iienrriptlve dr.
rnlsr tr, sent recur""!? cidri1. Juvenla
Timet t n., Pert, ft Prenytcrln lttdgi , N. V.
cf good cookie g comprise nothing that is of more
importance than good shortening; Your food will
be deliciously light and free from the greasiness
and richness that make lard so objectionable if
shortened with or fried in pure, clean, sweet
Loots for the Cottolone trado mark "CbOolcrur" and ttttr1! tod n ooUonylant
wrtathon every tin.
Will Be Held as Follows:
ning, Oct. 19th, 1896. Speakers of the evening will
be Hon. John H. Fellows, J. Ball Osborne, esq.,
ex-United States Consul to Ghent, Belgium; James
J. H. Hamilton and Hon. John R. Farr.
ning, Oct. 20th, 1896. Speakers of the evening will
be John M. Harris, esq., A. J. Colborn, esq.,
and others.
Friday, Oct. 23d, 1896. Speakers of the evening will
be Hon. B. F. Hughes, of Philadelphia; R. A.
Zimmerman, esq., E. H. Shurtleff, esq., and
John F. Reynolds, esq.
The issues of the campaign will be discussed in the
fullest manner by able and eloquent orators. Let no person
neglect the opportunity of being fully informed upon the
questions at issue. All are earnestly and most cordially in
vited to attend.
Intellectual and practical training far
tettuhum. Thrte courses of Mudy besides
preparatory. Special uttentlon Kiven to
preparation for collcnn. Students nd
milted to best collejies on certlficnto.
Thirty graduates pursuing further studies
lust year. Oreat advantages for special
studies in art nnd icalo. Model school of
three hundred pupils. Corps of sixteen
teachers. Menntlful crounds. Mnsnideent
buidlngs. Large grounds for athletics.
Elevator nnd infirmary with attenrtnnt
nurse. Fine trymnaslum. Everything
furnished at nn average cost to normal
students of tM a year. Fat' term, Aug.
S. Winter term, Dec. 2. Spring term,
March Id. Students admitted to elnsses at
any time. For catalogue, containing full
Information, apply to
S. II. ALDKO, Principal,
Mansfield Pa..
mucuurtE turns need covering.
lias tho stock aud can satisfy most
any on .
Tho Euperbly Appointed nnd Commodious
f li 1 Stcilirub'P.
Aiiiei'icsii through unci ihroiti;b
leave Kuiralo I iv tilv. nml Fridays 0.30 p.m.
for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Soo,
l.ululh, unit Western Points, passing ull
plsres of lnturon by duylltrut. Inconnoctlon
It foruis the most direi t routo, and from or.
ery print of rcnijmi isr n, tho most delightful
snd eemfnrtiillnone t Minneapolis, Kt. l'anl,
Ureat Falls Helens, ?ntte. Spokane and Pa
cillo cosst. The onlv trmi.rontlnotjtal line
runnlnu the famous buffet, library, observa
tion car.
New 0" honr train for Portland vis SpnUanA,
HOTEL LAPAYETTB, Lake Mlnnetonka,
111 miles Irom tl nneapolif, largest aud must
boautiul resort in the west.
j lcketsand nny information of any igout or
'.' li,K&RU' Fnaseuiier agent,
Btiuaio, 2i, X,
will offer all of the following wheels we
may huvn in stui k nt Johher's Prices : Wolf
American, Piorro. Iver -Johnson, Wnverlyand
Fiatlierstoao Line. Tins Is an opportunity
to xt k rood wheel cheap. We still have the
famous "Crawford," a wheel that runs as
light and tatty and wrurs equal to any S1U0
n achiUB on the market, Come aud see what
we cau da fcr you In our line.
L R. PB, ll SPH SI.
Coal of tho best quality for domestic use
nnd of all sizes, including Buckwheat and
Birdseye, delivered in any part of the city,
at the lowest price.
Orders received at the Office, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. (;
telephone No. 2624 or at the mine, tele,
phone No. 272, will be promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied at the mine.
Hotel Walton
Broad and Locust Streets, Philadelphia.
Onoofthe most maprniflcent hotels lath
world, l'alatinl in every detail.
Absolutely Fireproof.
European Plan $1.50 Upwards,
American Plan $4 Upwards.
Situated near all the leading theatres aud
rallr jad stntious.
I. D. CRAWFORD, Manajer.
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St., New York,
Opp. lirace Church. -European Plan.
Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upwards.
fn a moilnat and unobtrusive way thre are
fow better conducted hotels in the metropolis
than the St. Denis.
The (jreat popu arity it bas acquired esa
resdily be traced to its uniipie loratinn, Ita
homolike atmosphere, tlis peculiar excellence
of us cnislue aud service, and lta very moder
ate prices.
jOletn-ntcd Vernal
. Powders never IslL
)W llJ'.U"JiA.r."lLl