The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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0c cranfon Zxifau
I'tllyaud Weekly. No Sunday Edition.
Published at Scrantog. fa., by Ths Tribunt
j Publishing Company.
Ktw York omw: Trllnine Rulldlnz, Fnufc a
(iruy, MKiupcr.
VUe-l'reiuUent-UARXET A. HOBART.
Congressmen - a1 - I.nrKP OAHTSHA A.
Cummlsslonors-S. W. ROBERTS, GILES
Audltors-A. E. KIEFER, FRED 1.
Senate, 21st nistrlrtCOT,. W. J. SCOTT.
Representative. 1st District JOHN K.
FA UK; 2,1 Plstrlet-A. T. CONNELLj
8d District-DR. N. C MACKEY; 4th
The worklngmen who attended the
rally In the Frothlnehnm were men
who actually work. There were no
professionals amont; them, and maybe
thnt'a why the Times reporter didn't
recognize them.
Bryan as an Artful Dodger.
When Mr. Uryan spoke at Minne
apolis the other day a determined ef
fort was made to secure from him an
authoritative Btutement of his attitude
toward the tariff. In remembrance
of the fact that Mr. T.ryan helped to
frame the Wilson bill, which has
proved so ruinous In operation, and
In recognition of the live Interest which
the worklngmen of that community,
In common with industrial tollers gen
erally, take In the subject of Protec
tion to American Industries, ex-Senator
W. 1". Washburn, the proprietor of
the bis Washburn milling establish
ment of that city, which suffered so
much from the AVilson bill's abroga
tion of the Ttlalne reciprocity treaties,
propounded by mall to Mr. Bryan a
series of question? with a request that
he give In public speclllc answers.
In substance those questions asked
whether .Mr. Bryan would, if elected
president, sign or veto a bill if It came
from congress providing for such in
creased tariff duties on foreign-made
articles that now detrimentally com
pete In our markets with American
made goods as would both provide for
the government a sufficient revenue
nnd at the same time supply reason
able protection to native industry. We
say In all candor that this was a prop
er Inquiry, and coming as it did from
the proprietary head of one of the
largest Industries in this country an
industry that In Its particular field
of enterprise has no superior In the
world it clearly demanded an honest
answer. Mr. Bryan had himself said
upon frequent prior occasions that the
oandldnte for office Is only an appli
cant for the position of public ser
vant, and consequently the public has
a right to know his opinions and in
tentions with reference to public meas
ures. lint how did this applicant for the
highest post in the federal service Illus
trate on this occasion his favorite
theory of the candidate's duty toward
public Inquiry? lie evaded the sub
ject by an attack upon T.Ir. Wash
burn's character os an employer, and
practically refused to say o word about
the tariff. It is true he contended that
the money question took precedence
over nil other questions; but even if
Itepublicnns admit this, for purposes
of argument. It nevertheless remains
that the tariff la the second most Im
portant Issue before the people, nnd
they have ns good a right to know
a candidate's purposes on that point as
on any other.
In our country, nst we have said, Pro
tection Is believed In by nine voters
out of every ten. Shall these voters
be compelled by reason of one candi
date's evasions to feel that their In
terests are a mutter of Indifference?
Four years ago Mr. Bryan was an
unqualified free trader. Is he so still?
Silence, they say. Is equivalent to con
fession. If he shall continue much
longer to resist Inquiry or this sub
ject, It will be fair to assume that he
still favors the British free trade Idea
and that a vote for him will be a
vote for Idle mills, lowered wages and
all the miserable accompaniments of a
deficit-breeding, Industry-wrecking low
We predict that Brother Vldaver will
cordially support the Lansing city in
terest resolution.
A Simile from Niagara.
There was one point In Mr. Smith's
magnificent speech Thursday evening
which Is comparatively new to thh
campaign, and yet is so apt and force
ful as to Justify repetition. He pointed
out that no country which Is today
on the silver basis got there abruptly.
In every case the descent has been ac
complished gradually and by easy
stages. Twenty years ago silver was
commercially on a parity with gold.
It has taken a decade of overproduc
tion of the white metal to bring It
down to a level where It is worth com
mercially only half the coinage ratio of
16 to 1.
"A Bhlp," Bald he, and we quote his
thought rather than his, words "may
sail with safety on the Niagara river
on the level above the falls, If It will
take care not to get too near the preci
pice. It can Bail with equal safety,
within a limited territory, on the level
of the river below the falls, if it is
willing to occupy so low a level and
does not venture too near the whirlpool
rapida. But the managers of the Bry
an free- coinage campaign are the first
mariners who have ever contended that
It would be practicable for the ship of
state, avoiding the circuitous and grad
ual descent of the Welland canal, to
plungs boldly, ovar tht ltdgs and makt
the sheer descent In one Instant of
tkne. So foolhardy a proposition has
never before been advocated by any
other set lof men in any nation on
earth." ,
The voters of this country are not
likely to sanction the taking of any
such risk,
'A candidate for the office of presi
dent of the United States who Is so
eager to solicit votes that he will get
up at C o'clock in the morning and ap
pear before an audience in his night
shirt may be an embodiment of seal,
but he certainly is not the personifica
tion either of dignity or of propriety.
Energy is worth little In an office like
the presidency of this great nation
unless It is tempered by discretion.
That's something Bryan evidently
hasn't got,
Schools and Politics.
It may perhaps be a germane thought
In view of the fact that this has been
Institute week to call attention to oni
direction In which the public schools
can be more helpful than they have
hitherto been in forming correct Id' at
of government in the minds of their
pupils. Under ordinary circumstances
the average school, whether city or
rural, withholds most of Its instruction
In civics until the pupil reaches the
higher grades and then there is a per
functory study of some dry text-book
on civil government and the subji ct
The effect of this indifferent syst.m
of Instruction upon one of the most
vital subjects of citizenship Is that a
splendid opportunity Is Irrevocably lost
to guide the thoughts of the younu.-r
generation toward higher political
idials. If time were taken by the teach
er at a very early moment In the school
period to point out how local, county,
utato and federal governments are eon
Oucted, following in Instruction the or
der named, and If In addition there
were, at a somewhat later stage, prac
tical exercises In the mock election of
officials, the organization of depart
ments, the formation of school and
health boards, councils, etc., with
pertinent demonstrations of how
abuses start, are encouraged and do
great mischief through the neglect by
the Individual citizen of his political
duties, it would not be long until the
graduntes of our schools and colleges,
instead of losing themselves in the high
altitudes of theoretical mental specu
lation, would naturally and easily lit
intc their political surroundings, com
prehending how to act toward better
It may be held that this would amply
throw an extra burden upon schools
which are already staggering under
multiplied demands. Our reply wjtild
be that the first duty of a state-supported
system of educatlan Is to the
state; and If In order to make way for
a proper recognition of that duty It
shall become necessary to trim off som?
of the superlluous frills that bedeck
the modern public school curriculum,
off with them, by all means, and nor,c
will be the sadder.
When a Democratic speaker of Impor
tance comes to Scranton the Republi
can papers report what he has to say,
fairly and Impartially. That in where
in they are different from the Scran
ton Times, which, thinking to be funny,
succeeds in becoming only pitiable.
The Profits of Reciprocity.
In view of the brief reference made
Thursday evening by Mr. Woodinan
see to the Wilson bill's rep?al of reci
procity It may be Interesting to con
sider briefly what that repeal cost the
farmers and the Industries of thj Unit
ed States. In doing so w avail our
selves of the figures compllej fram
official sources by M. H. Davis, presi
dent of the Winter Wheat Millers'
Under the McKinb y tariff and the
reciprocity feature, tur expoits of agri
cultural products In ISM exceeded our
exports in 1895 by $JG.r.,000.000. Under
the Wilson-Gorman tariff our Imports
of agricultural products In lS'JH ex
ceeded those of 1S92 by J6Ti.00O.0nO, Com
paring the two years, the loss to the
American farmer amounts to J:i30,000,
000. As there ure 4,5uO,O0O farms In the
United States this means an average
loss of nearly $80 per year to every farm
In the land. The loss to the. farmer
alone Is a sum sufficient to purchase
the entire wheat crop of this country
for one year at 80 cents per bushel.
But this is only part of the story.
"Closely allied to the producer of
grain," as Mr. Davis points out, "is
the manufacturer of flour. The mill
ing Industry of this country is by far
the greatest manufacturing interest en
gaged In converting raw mateilal Into
finished goods. In lSBO'the value of its
output was JT.14,000,000. In 1SD2 It
doubtless exceeded JCOO,000,000, and It
paid out for labor alone nearly $10,
000,000. The mills of the United States
encouraged by the law of 1S9D increased
In capacity until In 1894 they could in
ten months convert Into flour every
bushel of wheat produced In one year.
Given the proper foreign outlet, Ameri
can millers can now furnish a home
market for all the wheat American
farmers can produce, thus supplying a
ready and better demand while saving
to our own people the cost of manu
facture and the possible profit In the
business. That this is possible, It Is
only necessary to consult statistics
showing the results under reciprocity
after less than two years of trial, when
the exports of flour ehow an increase
of 4,000,000 barrels per year, 2,000,000 of
which went to Latin American coun
tries alone. Now, under the Demo
cratic law of 1894, this increased trade
Is lost, and In 1895 the flouring mills,
with a crop of 475,000,000 bushels of
wheats, ground less than 250,000,000
bushels into flour."
As Mr. Davis pertinently adds:
As the manufacturer of flour suffers by
loss of trade and enforced Idleness, so does
not only the producer of grain, but In pro
portion this restriction of business ap
plies to kindred industries, the maker of
mill machinery, the manufacturer of
staves, heading and cooperage, and of pa
per and cotton sacks. Remove the milling
Industry from our country, and our wheat
must go abroad and come in competition
with the cheaply grown wheats of Europe,
India and Argentine. Not only this, but
the offal would be lost to our farmers. The
miller Is the farmer's best customer, for
he is always In the market and always
pays the highest pries the market affords,
Tht foreign miller will not ust Amsrlcaa
wheat until Its price is on a par with the
cheapest wheats; but given extended mur
keta abroad under reciprocity, the Amerl
eun miller would put his product Into ev
ery port of the world, because his nutive
wheat Is the beat, his methods the bent
an. J most economical. hi flour superior,
hla push and enterprise greater than hU
foreign competitor's.
A restoration of reciprocity means most
to the farming and milling interests, but
it means much to our pork arid beef in
dustry. It means millions to the packing
houses, the allied farming Interests and
to all engaged in the distribution or mani
pulation of the products of our fisheries,
forests and miners. The Iobs of foreign
trade in breadstuff In ISS3 as compared
with 1802 was l$t,7u,GUi). The loss in 1S33
compared with lWM In valuo of cattle, hogs,
canned and fresh beef and salted mcuts
was 118,898,577. In Mi the exports of
fresh beef amounted to 20,5Ti4,i;i7 pounds
while In 1895 they were but 191.S3S.487
pounds, according to the United States
treasury statistics. The effect of recipro
city had been to Increase the exports of
fresh beef In 1892 to over 45,OiM).0UU pounds
above the average exports In 1889, 1890 and
1891, whllo the abrogation of reciprocity
treaties not only lost to the trade the gain
that had been effected, but demoralized
the market at home, and entailed loss to
the producer and the .packer.
Mr. Bryan was one of the men who
framed the Wilson bill nnd struck down
the favorite project of James G.
Blaine. Can any Protectionist con
scientiously reward him with a vote?
Assuming that it still has some re
gard for the character of Its utter
ances, might we nsk the Scranton
Times why It calls Abraham Lincoln
a free sllverlte?
Law vs. Disorder.
"Is this a government of law? Can
we keep the peace by law? That Is the
question. Is this a government of the
people? Can the people make laws that
the people are bound to obey? Shall
we be bound by the decision of the
highest tribunal or shall we depend up
on the mob? That is the question. I
hate the mob spirit. Civilized men
obey the law. Civilized men believe In
order. Civilized men believe that a
man that makes property by industry
and economy has the right to keep it.
Civilized men believe that that man
has the right to use it as he desires,
and they will Judge of his character by
the manner In which he uses It. If he
endeavors to assist his fellowmen he
will have the respect and admiration
of his fellowmen. But we want a gov
ernment of law. We do not want labor
questions settled by violence and blood
shed. "I want to civilize the capitalist so
that ho will be willing to give what la
bor Is worth. I want to educate the
worklngmnn so he will be willing to re
ceive what labor is worth. I want to
civilize both to that degree that they
can settle nil of their disputes In the
court of reason, but when you tell me
that they can stop the commerce of the
nation, then you preach the gospel of
bludgeon, the gospel of torch and gun.
I do not believe lnthat doctrine. I be
lieve In a doctrine of kindness, reason
and law.
"The law Is the supreme will of the
supreme people, and we must obey It,
or we go back to savagery and black
night. I stand by the courts. I stand
by the president who endeavors to pre
serve the peace. I am against mobs.
I am against lynching, and I believe It
is the duty of the federal government
to protect .all Its citizens at home and
nbroad; and I want a government pow
erful enough to say to the governor of
any state, where they are murdering
Amerlcnn citizens without process of
law, I want the federal government to
sny to the government of that state,
'Stop, stop shedding the blood of Amer
ican citizens, nnd if you can not stop It,
wo can.' "From a speech recently de
livered In Chicago by Colonel Robert
G. Ingersoll.
The more one thinks about President
Woodmnnsee's picture of the two
Mines on the smokeless furnace stack
quarreling over the money question
while Uncle Sam In the yard below
vainly tries to light the furnace fires,
the more one realizes the point to Ma
jor McKlnl"y's pithy saying that re
lief can come not from open mints but
through open mills.
Wo ore sure there Is no Intention
al discourtesy In the use by the news
papers In tluir Institute reports of
the term "schoolma'am." It Is a word
which has become a fixture in our lan
guage; It saves space; and unless It be
positively objectionable there will bo
a continued use of It.
While every indication points to a
comprehensive Republican victory In
this county next month, it is never
theless a good plan to remember that
In politics no fight Is ever decided until
the last vote Is polled. The Issues at
stake are worth fighting for to the last
Speaking about coercion, wasn't that
a horrible example of It when Mark
Hanna ordered his Michigan ore mines
to close for three hours and directed
that the men's pay should go right on
while they went to hear Bryan?
Luzerne and Lackawanna counties
seem determined to send none but Re
publicans to the next legislature, and
their example Is recommended to gen
eral Imitation.
Thejfiore his record at Harrlsburg Is
studTed the greater becomes the prob
ability that Representative Connell
will be re-elected. Merit still counts.
To use a colloquialism, Bryan should
at least keep his shirt and vest on.
Daily Horoscope Drawn by Alacchui
The Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabe cast: 8.1C a. m., for Saturday,
Oct. 17, 1S96.
A child born on this day will notice that
the innings of the political Mad hi of the
West are rapidly drawing to a close.
The massage of Mr. Boland's "glad
hand" seems to have lost Its power to
hypnotize voters In the interest of silver
The local Democracy has been suffering
from a lame feeling In the head ever since
"Prop." McAnulty joined the band of cam
paign orators.
Mr. Vldaver still seems dissatisfied with
his part as a "curtain-raiser" to the Mer
rlfleld boom.
The chrysanthemum has been entirely
sidetracked by the campaign button this
Ajacchus' Advice.
Do not take too serious a vIjw of life.
Every one usually has grief enough at
one time or another without hunting for
it with a dark lantern. .
Figdres Which
Point a Moral
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
When the Republicans read the returns
of the national election In 1892 they were
discouruged. Cleveland's electorul major
Ity was the largest In twenty years and
many thought the Republican party had
gone to pieces. When the votes were
counted, however, tho Bhowing was much
better. His popular plurality was only
S59.UU0, and he received far less than half
the votes cast. But succeeding elections
have shown remarkable changes. Since
192 every state In the L'nlon but nine have
deserted Democracy for the Republican
party, except North Carolina, which was
carried by a fusion of Republicans nnd
Populists. This table shows the electoral
vote and pluralities in ls!'2 and the vote or
the sumo state with pluralities since that
1892. Electornl vote.' Since 1S92.
R. 1. P. Pin. R. D. P. 1111.
Ala 11 62.9T.7D 11 Si.tKiD
Ark. ... 8 J,9r,nl) 8 48,7241
Cull. ... 1 8 H7I 9 I'ai.tKXK
t'olo. .. 4 ll.WP 4 IW.lUf.R
Conn. ., 6 6,37"I) 17,'iSMt
1'nla. .. 3 49SD 3 1.221R
Kiu 4 ,-,,aiNii 4 kohi: j
ia J3 M.0Vil 13 4S,OHI
Ida 3 1.9211 3 Sl.imit
111 24 2i.99;tl 24 1H3.472R
lnd 15 7.I2.M'15 44.ti.i7K
Iowa ... 13 S3.72MI 13 D9.2.VJK
Kun. ,. 10 6.874 P 10 81,41111
Ky 13 40,ir2D 13 8.91211
l.n 8 f.9,9.'D 8
Me 6 14,97911 C 48,0001
Md 8 21,13'IR 8 18.7-i7K
Muss. ,, 15 l!,lillll 15 4,(iSlR
Mich. .. 8 5 20.12U 14 Y1.4S7II
Minn, .. 9 21, Mil 9 0.0l;lrt
Miss. ,, 9 f,2.7sil 9 44,NiU
Mo 17 41.4X01) 17 3.0H4H
Mont. ..3 1.27HK 3 r.,.WU
Neb.... 8 4.07911 8 12.IKI0lt
New ... 3 4.453 P 3 l,i2 P
N. H. ..4 S.M7K 4 12,2:1211
N". J. ... 10 14.974D 10 ;,9IU
N. Y. ,. SO 45,5181.) 36 156.HHR
N. C, ... 11 '11 20.741 K
N. D. .. 1 1 1 1MI.) 3 l-I.IMlR
Ohio ... 22 1 1.072U 23 92.22K
Ore 3 1 8.0I7K 4 15,011 R
Penna. .32 C3.747U 32 241.39711
R. I. ... 4 2,!7Ii 4 10.8IHIU
8. C. ... 9 41.3I7D 9 22,2291
8. D. .. 4 8,:i1IK 4 13,8-mt
Tenn. .. 12 38.MSD 12 748U
Tex. ... 15 157.70ID 15 74811
Utah ... Novole 3 2,31411
Vt 4 21,77R 4 4D.QOIR
Va 12 B0.7I5I 12 4'i,7"l It
Wash. .4 ,(C,7ll 4 19.047U
W. Va. . 4.17ID f! 13.5HOI t
Wis. ... 12 G.54ll 12 53,!iOOt
Wyo. .. 3 732 R 3 3,18lit
1I5 277 22 344 89 14
I! Lieutenant-Governor.
In most Rtatesjhe vote of 1S9I Is given on
state officers. t) California and Nebraska
persotinl unpopularity defeated tho gov.
ernors, but elected tho rest of the tickets.
In West Virginia the vote on congressmen
is taken, while the votes this year are
given approximately, the official vote not
yet being at hand.
Thus it will be seen that since 1892 the
Republicans have carried thirty-four states
casting 344 electoral votes, the Democrats
nine casting eighty-nine votes, and the sil
veritea (Nevada) casting three votes, and
fusion of Republicans and Populists
(North Carolina) casting eleven votes. The
silver mining states, though nominally Re
publican, are not counted on this year. But
it is dilMcult to see how tho Popocrats,
even with all the fugjons that have been
arranged, expect to win. After studying
this table Senator Quay's statement that
llryan can only lay claim to 110 votes docs
not seem extravagant. The burden rf
proof is on the popocrats to show how
tin y expect to carry more. The only thing
that can elect llryun Is a complete revo
lution of sentiment. The only revolution
so far Is in the Democratic party, which is
split over Bryan. Defections of Republi
cans are scarcely worth mentioning. How
does Bryan expect to be elected What Is
the basis of Ms cluim In view of the in
creasing Republican majorities in all the
so-called doubtful states?
Quite frequently one may hear from fair
choppers complaints regarding the Ill-nature
of clerks that wait upon them in 'he
dry goods and millinery stores of the city,
and the shoppers can never understand
why a salesman or saleslady should not
always look ns happy as the customer who
has just purchased a hnndsome dress or a
"love of a bonnet." While the fact that
clerks are sometimes cross and snippy to
customers mny surprise many who ure
aware that they receive pay for being an
gelic on all occasions, those who have ever
hail experience with genuine shoppers will
wonder that the clerks can refrain from
profanity when upon the rack before one
of the "lookers" who never tire. An exam
ple of the manner in which the patience of
the average clerk Is destroyed was given
in one of the prominent stores of the city
recently. A pleasant-looking visitor,
came Into the place and expressed a de
sire to look at some wraps. She iwus con
ducted to the cloak department, where for
the next hour or so she entertained the
saleswomen in charge. She staled that
she always lilted to try on a number of
cloaks before making a. purchase so that
fhe would know just how each style would
lnok on I would be suited with the pur
chase. The obliging clerk brouulit forth
clonk after cloak, and sacks and wraps of
nil styles, in order that the buyer niisht
be suited. Jt is no easy task to pull sacks
on and oft of customers for an huur at a
stretch, but the lady In attendance neve
murmured or looked cross during the cr
deal. As the woman seemed so well
pleased with the garments, she thought
that a purchase would follow the exercise.
After the visitor hail been fitted with be.
tween twentv-tlve and thirty garments,
she turned to the clerk and sweotly
thankeil her, concluding: "I expect to buy
a cloak when 1 get back home, and 1
wanted to see what the styles were so
that 1 would know what to select. Uood
A good story of the manner in which the
Sleepy eltlsens of Wilki s-I'.arre are often
astonished at the push and enterprise of
the Klectrln City is told ill connection with
the Scranton board of trade stock black
board. As Is well known, the board of
trade of Wllkes-ltnrre Is a decidedly slow
alTatr when compared with Sciunton's or
ganization, and the stock quotations form
a feature that is looked upon with nlmost
fear by the average member of the Wilkes.
Harre board. Upon the occasion of the
visit of K. A. Niven, the new-elected sec
retary of the Wllkea-llarre board, who
had come to Scranton for pointers, Secre
tary Atherton resolved to give Wilkes
Barre an eye-opener. At the hour of tho
visitor's exoected arrival Secretary Ath
erton gathered a number of his waggish
friends about the stock blackboard in the
board of trade rooms, while he kept watch
out the window for the Wllkes-Uarrean.
As Secretary Niven started up the stairs
leading to the room, Mr. Atherton gave
the signal and the occupants of the room
raised a din that would rival the noise at
the New York Stock KXchane during a
boom In tho market. The eyes of the
Wllkes-Barre secretary widened as he
cautiously opened the door and gazed lino
the room at the crowd of anxious and ex
cited bidders. In a few seconds, as the
boys were getting short of breath, Secre
tary Atherton brought his gavel down on
the desk anil closed the market. The oc
cupants of the room wandered out one ty
one leaving the two secretaries alone.
"Great heaven! Is It aa bad as that?"
exclaimed the visitor, as he gazed on the
last bidder's retreating form. "Oh, yes.
This is a lively board." responded Mr.
Atherton. "Well. I never could have
dreamed of anything like this. 1 must go
right back home and tell our fellows!"
And the Wllkes-Barre secretary left with
out obtaining much more Information
concerning the workings of the Scranton
board of trade.
If we might see the beauty of the morn
But once a lifetime its splendid glow;
If gorgeous rainbows in the sky were
As only once a century to show,
How would we prize the radiant skies,
How seek the rainbow bridge to know!
If roses blossomed ages far apart.
Or grasses grew but in some valley fair;
If love at last could only touch the heart.
How then for these or that our souls
would care,
But right along love sings her song; .
And summer visits sverywhsrsl
October is the supply month for household and
personal needs. The Bazaar never was so pre-eminently
the supply house for Prudent Buyers.
Women's Wraps Dresses
$2.98 to $24.98 Is the Price Range.
$2.98--Black Beaver Capes, with full sweep and trimmed with strap seams.
$4.98--adie?' and Misses' Kersey and Boucle Walking Coats, new box front, but
ton high at the neck and tailor-made.
$9.98--Most exquisite two-toned Boucle, Frieze and Kersey Walkiug Coats, lined
throughout with silk, button high at the neck, the perfection of finish.
$9.98--Dresses of Black and Blue Cheviot Serge, double-breasted coat, half silk lined,
seams all bound, newest notch collar, skirt correctly shaped.
$12.98--Ladies' Walking Costumes, made of Fine Storm Serge, in navy and black.
Both Coat and Skirt lined throughout with changeable silk. Coat has a
double-breasted box front, and skirt measures 5 yards around.
r3?For Sflturdav's Trad
ritz Kid Gloves, in tans, browns, slates, ox-blood and white,
Blue Delf
Is now in demand,
and it should be, for
it', artiatie to the
lnst degree. We are supplying this demand
aluug with overy other la our
Sec Qooda In Show Window.
The demons, Ferber,
0'malley Co.,
Pants to measure, $3.00
And Up.
Suits and Over- t i nfk
coats to order, 9 t-UU
First firm in the city to make
clothes to order at popular prices.
Over two years of success prove
we are the best.
3I9 Lackawanna Ave.
Turkeys, Cocks, Chickens,
Fresh Every Day.
Prairie Chickens,
Wild Ducks.
I H. E. Pi AVE. Mil
Oust Issued.
417 Sprues St.. Opp.Ths Connoswtaltb.
nnnoru .flurrr
Immense Variety, .
Latest Novelties,
Perfect Fitting,
. ' Excellent Workmanship,
Rock-Bottom Prices.
Branch 14. 427 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. Branch 14.
Malcolm Lots.
Clongti & Warren,
And Lower Grades al
Very Low PriC2i
831 Linden,. Opp. Court Hous,
Sola Agonta for Richardson Boynton'i
Furnace and Kanges.
Small lots of the highest grade Cloaks and Capes to
be marked down to prices never betore'seen in the city.
Seal Pltish Capes Full sweep, silk lined,
beautifully braided and trimmed with
fine Thibet fur; good value 4 QO
at 18.50. Our price $TuO
Presey Coats Fine wool Beaver, blue
nnd black, silk lined, shield fronts, with
handsome buttons; well worth 4F9 CO
17.00. Our price $J.uO
Fine Tailor-made Coats, In all-wool bou
cle and astrachan cloth, lined throtiKh
out with rhailuma silk; ac- QO
tual value psice J12.00 QDiUO
Tan Brown nnd Oreen Kersey Coats
Striped seams, silk lined, box fronts;
Rood value at 10.tW. Our Qg
For the coming week we offer a most ex
quisite line of Hundsome Suits at
$7.98, SS.9S, $9.98
Our Suits of Chameleon cloth ara silk
lined. 7-eored skirts, full sweep; any
nn nn ,. nt a L'lanee that the
that they
are cheap at uur
Elegant Silk Wnlsts, In silver gray, pan
sy, garnet and green, two-tone effects;
the like never seen In this part of tho
., country before. Your choice J J gg
at 75 cents the pair.
An Inspiration
la almost lost when your pen catches
and your Ink spreads on your paper.
la one of the necessaries of civilization
that la Indispensable. A favorite loca
tion for all classes Is that of REY
NOLDS BROTHERS, where a fine as
sortment of everythlna; In first-class
Stationery and Office Supplies can ba
purchased. Students, lawyers, com
merctal men and society in general get
their supplies here, as everyone can b
suited, both In price and quality.
Reynolds Bros.,
Stationers and Engravers,