?Se sbll ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY HOBOING, OCTOBER 17, ISM. SOUVENIR ALBUMS OF SCRANTON Photographic views of notable objects and parts of the city. Also pocket maps. All the desirable new boots, Aod the standard old books, In the various bindings made. Staple and fancy stationery for social and business uses in lar ge variety Depository of the Bible Society. Testaments, 5 Cents and Up. Bibles 25 Cents and Up. At NORTON'S, Book and Stationery Store, 322 Lackawanna Ave. HARD TO GET Good Oats on this crop. W e have as good as any body. BUT-. We still have OLD GLEAN OATS Higher in price but really cheaper. I iZmm, OLYPHANT, CARBMDALE. Of THE GENUINE Have the luitials 0., B. CO. Imprint ed Id Men cigar. OARNEY, BROWN &CO., HAflUFACTURlRS. COURT HOUSE SO- CI CHARLES D. SHUMWAY. 308 N. Washington Ave.. SCRANTON, PA. Practice Limited to Conservative Surgery of the Lower Bowel, Includ ing Hemorrhoids, Fissure, Fistula uutl Ulceration. BOY'S PERILOUS POSITION. Dragged Along Underneath a Cnr While Clinging to a Rod. A 12-year-old urchin had a narrow escape Inst nlfrht from boing; crushed beneath the wheels of a West Side ear as It was coming up Lackawanna ave nue. He grabbed at the forward hand rail but missed his hold and fell. In some unaccountable way he rolled be r.cath the car, and but 'for his pres nev of mind in catching hold of a rod. he would have been undoubtedly killed. The conductor saw him, and stopping the car, rescued him from his perilous position. The conductor then administered to the lad a good, sound kicking, and between the effects of this and the fffects of his being dragged along the pavement it is not likely that he will sit down with any degree of comfort for several days at least. A Hint to bargain buyers: Christmas will uoon be here. Fine silver cake bas kets, fruit dishes, tea sets, butter dish es, water pitches, berry spoons, pickle castors, soup ladles, nut picks, all first class makes, will be placed on auction sale to the highest bidder. It will pay you to buy now and lay the goods away for Christmas presents. IXAVIDOW BROS., 217 Lacka. ave. On Acconut of Dullness of the times and the accumulation of unredeemed pledges at our store, the people are given th greatest opportu nity of their lives to buy goods at their own prices. Davldow Bros.' great auc tion sale. Elegant buffet sleeping; cars on Nickel Plate Road. LADIES' BOX CALF SHOES. Our ladles' shoes forfait and winter wear are something new. 'They are made of a new lightweight material called "Box Calf,'' and we have them iu lace and button, with good heavy soles, so they can be worn without rubbers if necessary. Box calf will not wet through and is besides, good and serviceable. These shoes are made with the new toe, which is very com fortable as well as styl ish. We have these shoes in lace, extra high, for skating purposes. We also carry a full line of them for misses and chil dren; made up with the same style or toe. They are the best shoes for school that can be had. We have them in all sizes. ft 410 IPRUd STREET. HE n HILL CO POPyLARPUNCHCIGARS THE COSTS WERE PLACED ON KENNEDY Jury Did Not Believe That He Had Beea Assaulted. OTHER VERSION OF THE AFFAIR It Was to llie Effect That Kennedy Had a Pocket Book Which Did Not ISt-long to lliui.V Case That is 8ur rounded by a Halo of Romance. Murray Entered a Plea of iuilty. fleiusman Returned Not Uuilty. The first week of October term of criminal court was finished yesterday, with the exception of one verdict, which will l taken this morning. Judge Archibald was on the bench this week and allowed n time to be Inst in the disposition of cases, district Attorney John R. Jones was also m.nd rul or keeping the court machinery go ing as fast as possible consistent with Justice, and it Is worthy of mention that of the sivi-nty-two cases on the list, all but three were disposed of. and only one court In session. Joseph Murray, who was on next week's list charged with statutory burglary, confessed his guilt yester day and was sentenced to spend nine months In the county Jail. He broke Into Thomas Hrennan's saloon in Car bondale and stole therefrom a quan tity of wln, whisky and cigars. Oeorg Harris, of Hyde Park, was returned not guilty of stealing 2.H) foot of lumber, the property of David K. Nit-hulls; and the Jury in the case wherein James Sheridan, of llellevue, a IB-vear-old boy, whs charged with striking Jacob Felt, a Hebrew peddler, in the side with a stone, brought in a verdict of not guilty and put the costs on the county. Daniel Helnsman, of fireen Ridge, was tried for pointing a pistol at C. 11. Miller. Mr. Jones represented the commonvxealth and Attorney George 3. Horn the defendant. Helnsman ' employed by the Lacknwauiu Iron and Steel company at the dumping grounds on Cnoouse avenue, betw.'cn Ash and Poplar streets. Miller came alon1; wii'i j a loud oL refuse, and he all.w that; JU'iusmtinT In a dispute they luul, 1-v- lied a revolver at his head. H;li!man ' said Miller was calling him vil . names j and he did it to check him. Th jury i fr uml him not guilty and made an ; (Itiul division of the costs. : POINTING A PISTO:-. j Constable Max Kochler, of Pvlccbur?, , wan tried for pointing a pistol at Mrs. Charlotte Mursden, of the jam- pl'iic. ; She alleged that Max came t her i nouse on ipru i lasi, unu wane, x ia, take one of her boarders, Jeff Kings dorf, out to identify a cow. She ob jected because Max was under the In fluence of liquor and Rlngsdorf was an old man and was not feeling well. He denied that Jie had a revolver with him that night and that he was in toxicated. The Jury returned him not guilty, but directed him to pay the , costs. I Peter Patrick, Stephen Yourapaw and Michael Scrap, three Polish gen tlemen from the "Con'ental," were ulaced on trial charg-d with assault and battery on James Kennedy, who at one time was a constable In the l wen-ty-first ward. Mr. Jones conducted the case for the commonwealth and Attorney W. R. Lewis represented the defendants. Kennedy alleged that the trio gave hlin a drubbing, but the Jury believed their story, acquitted them and put the costs on him. What they say is that they were over to town one night a couple of months ago to send some money to the old country. On their way home they dropped into a saloon out in Keyser valley somewhere, and after they had their beer, Mr. Scrap, who paid for It, put his pockethook buck, but he put It In a pocket with a hole in it, and on the way out it fell on the doorstep. Scrap went out first and Yourapaw was the last one out. He saw the pucketbook on the steps and pickml it up. KENNEDY CLAIMED IT. Kennedy was standing close by and he claimed the purse. Scrap was ten or twenty feet away, and he had not discovered his loss, and Yourapaw thought It belonged to Kennedy and gave it to him. After they went a few hundred yards Scrap felt the pocket book gone, and they came back Im mediately to lind Kennedy. The lat ter ran to the street, and his hat blew off, and when he came back to get It Scrap had it. He struck Scrap in the breast, and they held on to him to make him produce the pocketbook, but he wriggled away some how, and has not returned the pocketbook. He swore out warrants for assault and battery, they allege, in order to throw the cloak over his own act: and they claimed that if everybody had his due Ken nedy would be held to answer a charge of larceny Instead of posing as a pros ecutor against them. Victor M. Williams was tried for as sault and battery on Evan R. Jones. Attorney John J. Murphy represented the commonwealth with Distill At torney Jones and Attorney Nathan Vldaver appeared for the defendant. There is somewhat of a romance con nected with the case. Williams is a young man, and at one time was an ardent suitor for the hand of Jones' daughter. He was a frequent caller at the house, and was looked upon with favor. One Sunday evening the young lady had the parlor lar.j lit awaiting her lover. She waited Rnd waited and he came not. This, of course, made her sad, but she thought he must have been prevented from coming by some inci dent, not his own fault. She was mis taken. He stayed away purposely, anil stnyed away altogether. WANTED AN EXPLANATION. After a while the neighbors, as all good neighbors will, began to gesip about the abrupt termination of what they had taken for granted was go ing to be a marriage. The young lady's father decided to meet Williams anil find nil trhni wna lha nuim. n tv.a change. By appointment they met one oiin uuuii ii me air snail on vvasn burn street, and scarcely had begun to talk the matter over when a fight arose between them. The old man claimed that Williams attacked him with his fists and struck him several blows In the face, and was prevented from' committing an aggra vated assault by the interference of some men who happened on the scene. Williams claimed that Jones raised his dinner bucket and struck him, and that any blows he gave In return were ad ministered In self defense. The story of how the match was broken off did not come out In the evidence. The Jury retired at 4 o'clock and had not reached a verdict at adjournment. Judge Edwards will preside over quarter sessions next week. Those convicted and awaiting sentence will receive their allotment of Justice today. NEWLY PAVED STREET SINKINO. Large Area Ncnr Robinson's Brewery . Has Settled Four Feet. The southerly half of Swetland street, alongside and extending the whole length of Robinson's brew ery, Is slowly but stead'ly finking. Yes terday the surface htd gone down on much as four feet In some places, and at no point in the disturbed area is the depression less than a foot. Street Commissioner Kinsley, after a thorough Investigation, .arrived at the conclusion that the disturbance Is due to the settling of the earth over a sew er laid there some three or four years ago. The flUinav bo aays, wat'prob- ably r.ot. packed p-opcrly. and the weight of the stone iaemeut Just laid has crushed it down. The tewer. it e f . 13 wcrkirg all right. Indicating that It has not beea broken. The city ha3 accepted ths pavement and wbl. t her; f ire, have ao stand the damage. The pavement will have to be torn Up, the depression filled In and the pavement relaid. Nothing will be done in the way of repairs until the subsidence ceases. AS TO NON-RESIDENTS. Street Commissioner Say He Hat Never Employed Any. Mayor Halley Thursday s'gnd a res olution of councils directing the tt;eet commissioner to discharge all non-resident employes of the city. A copy of the measure was yesterday delivered to Mr. Kinsley. He was very much at a loss to know how to obey Its man date, he said, as he has never and does not now emp oy non-residents. "Furthermore." he added, "as far as my knowledge extends, the employ s of the street department are not only ail residents, but citizens and taxpayers. There are a number of laborers, rec ommended by councllmen. who may not be residents or citizens, but every man that I put to work Is both." BOOTH TUCKER HERE. Delivered an Address in ths Elm Park Church Last Night Spoke Encouraging Words. Booth Tucker, of New York, who suc ceeded lialilngton Booth as leader of the Salvation Army in this country, when the latter instituted the Ameri can Volunteers, paid hi first visit to Scranton last night and addressed a large audience at Kim Park church. His wife was expected with him but a sudden attack of illness prevented her from coming. He was accompanied by Brigadier Kvans, of Philadelphia. Commander Tucker arrived from Philadelphia early In the afternoon and was met at the station by a reception committee of Salvationists from the West Side. The band attached to the barracks In Wilkes-Barre arrived later in the afternoon from that city and proceeded to the West Side. In the evening at 7.30 a parade was formed at the barracks on South Main avenue, and led by the band a large assem blage marched ns nn escort to Com mander Tucker to Elm Park church. After a short devotional service at the church the commander began his address to the Salvationists in this city. He paid that when he was in India, the people'there used to ask him what was the difference between their religion and the Salvation Army. They used to say that their religion taught them that they would go to heaven when they die, and his taught him the same. What then was the difference? His answer to them was that their religion taught them that they would reach heaven when they died, but his enabled him to enjoy the spiritual de lights of heaven by serving Ood In this Hie and he, therefore, hud the advan tage of not needing to wait until he died. He urged upon all to serve Ood In this life and they would experience the joys of spiritual blessings. During his address he said that the Salvation Army In this country now has 12,000 officers, 4.000 stations, and 250,000 per sons kneel down in their stations every Sunday and wralse Ood. After his address a collection was taken up for the benefit of the debt on the West Side station, and liberal responses were mudc. The band es corted the commundcr and the Salva tionists back to the West Side after the meeting. t FINE CHARACTERACTING. One of the Rest Irish Impersonations Ever Seen in Scranton. The performance given by Hopkins' trans-oceanic star specialty company at the Frothlngham was a clean and interesting variety bill. For one fea ture alone it would deserve commenda tionthe skit of Irish comedy given toward the last by the Nawnn. The impersonation of an elderly Irish la borer offered by Mr. Nawn in this connection was by all odds the most genuine Dlece of true phn.rnftr artntr ever seen on the boards of a Scranton theater; It was almost the exact coun terpart of the "Widow Murphy" seen here In "Chimmle Fnddpn " unt icumi almost like talent wasted In so limited a setting. Other admirable features were the character dancing of Kosle Rendel, the Work of Sulmo. the flinfnrllnnlilt ami equilibrist, and Carroll Johnson's mlns- uei BKeicnes. The attendance was medium, A YANKEE IN CUBA. Drniiin of that Name Given by Payton Company at the Academy. "A Yankee in Cuba" was a very popular personage at the Academy of Music last night. The aud ence cheered him and cheered him again. Mr. Pay ton and his company gave a fine in terpretation of the drama throughout. It was preceded by the curtain raiser "Lend Me Five Shillings." In the af ternoon Mr. Payton and his company produced "Kathleen Mavourneen." This afternoon "Drifted Apart" will be given at the matinee, and tonight "The Plunger" will be the attraction. ITS ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY. St. Peters Soeicty V ill Have a Cele bration Tomorrow Night. On Sunday night St. Peter's Total Abstinence and Benevolent society of Bellevue, wll celebrate its eleventh an niversary in St. Peter's hall on Fourth avenue. Rev. F. P. McNally, of Hyde Park, will be the orator of the occasion and Senator J. O. Vaughan, the society's first president, will give a history of the organization. M. A. Collins will preside over the meeting. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Under this heading Bhort letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer' name. The Tribune will not be held re ponaibl for opinion here expressed. Mr. Smith's Side of the Case. Editor of The Tribune. .Sir- In last Thursday morning's Is sue of your paper appeared an account charging Z. S. Smith with larceny tf the furniture of Mrs. Mill. Eighteen nonths ago I purchased the property where 1 now reside and had for tena its Mrs. Mill and family. Six months ,110 my house and household goods being burnt I gave notice to Mrs. Mill to va cate. When leaving they were in ar rears for rent and left as I supposed and (which was the understanding) a washtub, clothes wringer and few cook ing utensils to be returned when I re ceived my rent. She has now sued me for the return of her goods without coming and asking for them, nor have she paid the rent for which she was In arrears.- Z. 8. Smith. To Cure a Cold in One Day. -Take laxative Bromo Oulnlnn Tnhlnt. PAH druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. zoc. MAKUIED. PEET-W1 DENOR Oct. 15. lSJfi. at the residence of the bride's paren s, No. 64V vvasningion avenue, Dy tie v. uorge Jb. Aldrich, Miss Bell Wldenor to Mr. Earl 11. FmU NEXT INSTITUTE IN CARBQNDALE Teachers Decide Not to Meet Here, after in This City. THE RESOLUTIONS THEY ADOPTED Teachers Should Make More of aa Effort to Have the Provisions of the Compulsory Educational Act En-forced--Olyphnnt and Carbondale Nominated for the Honor of Eater , tailing the Next InstituteThe Closing Lecture. The last session of the county teach ers' institute was held yesterday morn ing In Y. M. C. A. hall. It was decided by the teachers to hereafter hold their instiutes at some place outside of the city of Scranton and Carbondale was selected as the place. As usual the sessions opened with music led by Professor Cogswell and Dr. Mara L. Pratt gave the last of her series of talks on "Child Study." She took occasion during the course of her address to make some comment on the bad taste of the reporter who re ferred to the teachers as "School Ma'ams." in his reports of the insti tutes. She looked upon this as a dis respectful title. Dr. Pratt's talks was preceded by a humorous recitation by Professor Power Richards. In respond ing to an encore he gave an Imitation of a lecturer he saw address a meeting in Liverpool, whose words, could not hear a word he said. Professor Byron W. King president of King's school of elocution and ora tory at Pittsburg, was the next per son introduced to the members of the institute, and entertained the teachers for a short period. His efforts were re ceived with much favor. BUSINESS MATTERS, Professor J. II. White, of Archbald, read the report of the treasurer at this point. It showed the receipts of the lust institute to be expenditures, S68U.42, leaving a balance of JlTti.tiU. Professor J. H. Hockenberry. of Car bondale, read the report of the commit tee on resolutions as follows: Resolved, That the thanks of this body are due to the officers and Instructors who have rendered the mcetinfs so Interest ing and instructive, anil w'also tender our thanks to the press of this city for the ex cellent reports of the proceedings. Resolved. That we. as teachers, should give every effort to promote the enforce ment or the compulsory scnool law. Resolved, That music antt drawing should be added to the course of study in all schools that do not now provide in struction In these branches. Resolved, That In the death of Miss Liz zie Martin, of Olyphant, the teaching pro fession has lost an earnest worker, and we tender to the bereaved family our ym uathv. Resolved, That the educational Interests of this county would be promoted by hold ing the institute occasionally in sgme otner place man scranton. The resolutions were adopted as read and M. W. Cumminrs then nominated Ulyphant as the place for holding the next Institute. Mr. Taggari, of May. field, moved an amendment to Mr, Cummlngs' motion to the effect at the Institute be held outside of Scran ton. A vote was taken upon the amendment and Superintendent Tay lor announced that the motion was lost and that the teachers had decided not to have the institute held outside of Scranton. ThlB decision was questioned and another vote was ordered upon the question, all persons voting being com pelled to stand up and be counted. The result of this vote wus as follows: In stitute outside of Scranton, 151; Insti tute in scranton, lis, CARBONDALE SELECTED. Professor Hockenberry thereupon nominated Carbondale as the place for holding the next Institute and the nomination was seconded by Mr. Tag gart. The contest for the honor was then between Carbondale and Oly phant. and the former won by a big majority. The last lecture of the Institute course was delivered by Professor Hol brook on "Pedagogy." "At the basis of all our teaching there must be an In terest In the pupil shown. There must be freedom and a spirit of friendliness between teacher and pupil. The teach er must not be domineering in his de meanor if he wishes to secure good re sults." , POOR BOARD MEETING. Few Applicants and Littlo Routine Business. Only five applicants for relief ap peared before the poor board at its regular session yesterdny afternoon. All were found worthy and assiuled ec cordlng to their needs. The board afterwards wrestled with THE KEELEY CURE Why let your home and btulnen b destroy ed through atroDK drink or morphia, when von can be oared In four week, si th Keel.y Institute, 728 Mndison T-na 8crataa,Pa. The Cora Will Bear lavutlfatlM. Cloak Department Misses Melton Coats, in navy and russet, 0 to 14 years, worth $4.00, $2.95 Ladies Coats, full tailor-made box front, storm collar, Irish frieze cloth, in bcrge and blue steel mixtures, $4.75 This is our leader. Ladles Crepe Boucle Coats, new collar, latest sleeves, perfect fit, real value 15. $10 75 LadlCS' SllltS. in Cheviots and Tweets, new and very stylish. We are showing complete as sortments of Jackets and Capes Which for fit and style are unsurpassed. BARGAINS MEARS the subject of orders Issued by con tractors ana aecidea that hurealUT the board will deal only with the con tractor. Their reason for this Is that oftentimes, as was the case In an In stance, yesterday, the orders are great er than the amount due the contractor and the members of the board feel that it is not their place to decide which of another man's creditors shall receive first consideration. Football This Afternoon. At Athletic nark this afternon the School of the Lackawanna foot ball team will line up against the Wyoming seminary team of Kingston. The teams are very evenly matched, and an exciting contest Is anticipated. The local team has bem practicing faithfully under the director of Coach Bliss and are confident of mak ing a good showing against their old time rivals. Horan cV Merrill. 316 and 318 Lackawanna avenue, want to see you. They have everything per taining to strictly high grade clothing for fall and winter, and their prices are as low as you will pay elsewhere for very Inferior goods. Ask Your Dealer for McOarrah's Insect Powder, 25 and 10-cent boxes. Never sold in bulk. Take no other. Try Jordan's one-half minute stews. The King of Pills la Beecham's.- BEECHAM'S. REXFORD'S. Two Days flore Two days more of the jewelry selling. All the prices in yester day's advertisement are to hold good for two days more. Some of the goods are almost gone. Jtain and storm could not kdep the peo ple away. Today we add the fol lowing items to the unusual offers of yesterday: Mantel Clocks. A fortunate purchase for yon and us. Handsome black enam eled clocks, such as usually sell for 5 to 7 dollars without the fig ure, are yours today for the ask ing and four dollars aud ninety cents. And to make the offer more complete we give you a handsome bronze figure free of charge. Silverware A whole case full of new goods. Goods so bought that we can sell them at less than wo usually have -to pay. Here's a money-saving hint of help to housewives. Tho lot consists of tea sets, berry dishes, oastors, cracker jars, cake baskets, butter, dishes, pickle cas tors, bon-bou dishes and bread plates. All are quadruple plate and warranted to wear for ten years. For two days your choice for $1.98. All the same price al though some are worth more than othars. Come early. Been Up in the Lamp Room You ought to go up. We are showing the nicest line of medium priced lamps in the city. Just the kind of a lamp you want to buy, not merely look at, at from, say two to ten dollars for lamp aai shade. Between those two prices is found what most people want. We 'have them here in great pro fusion. Higher priced ones, too, and some cheaper. Better look them over they're educators in lamp buying. Gent's Watch Chains 50 gent's watch chains bought with this lot of goods, worth from one to two dollars. Today they go on sale at seventy-five cents and stay at that price until all are gone Our buyer is now in New York hot on the trail of some China bargains. Look out for ns next week. We will have something to surprise you. REXFORD'S. 303 Lacka. Ave. Dress Goods at 29c A Large Assortment ot Serges, Coverts, Cheviots, Henriettas, so Cents We open Saturday a new line of High Class Novelty Dress Goods, Bourettes, Boncles, Billow Cloths, Basket Frieze, etc., in the new shades, corn flower, blue, russet brown, storm grey, autumn green, dahlin, etc. ALL AT $1.25 PER YARD. Real value $2.00. FOR 415, 417 Lackawanna WHITE CI1IMI Hi tl I H 3 3 1 I H FOR DECORATING 1 T E G H I If yon intend do ing any work for Christmas, now is the time to make your selection. Just opened sever al import orders of the very latest novelties in Jardi nieres, Fern Dish es, Cuff Buttons, Vases, Pudding Dishes, Manicure Sets,Blotters, etc., all of finest French China, at prices, quality consider ed, lower than elsewhere. MILLAR ft FECK, 134 Wyoming ire. Walk In and look around. VHIH3 31IHW GOT DAMP QUICK DION' IT? UMBRELLA BROKE ISN'T IT? WILL TAKE IT TO FLOREY'S WON'T YOU? REPAIR IT WHILE YOU WAIT SURE. New Cover, New Ribs, New Stick, iNew Anything. Wyoming avenue, Y. M. C A. Building THIELE School of Music, 520 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Singing. Ernest Thiele, Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both teachers at celebrated Scharwenka Conservatory, New York. Also other competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele is the successor to the late HERR KOPFF. ' mnlrn &n Innnnrieaeent elentrte I llitht cam a shadow. Will really S I give more light than three ofVi half the cas you now consume. g THE GAS APPLIANCE CO.. .7 120 IN. Washington Ave Domestics. Lapland Flannel,- 12 l-2c These are heavy goods with long nap, suitable for chil dren's coats, for dresses; also for night bath or loung ing robes. Outing Flannels, - Sc lteal value 12 l-2o. We have a full assortment of colors. Unbleached Canton Flannel,6 l-2c A very heavy cloth with a long nap, real value, 12 l-2c. Cotton Blankets, 43c A 10-4 White Blanket, real value COc. Cotton Blankets, 59c A heavy 11-4 White or Grey, real value, SRc. 10-4 White all-wool Blankets )3.25 11.4 White all-wool Blankets .J4.25 White Saxony Blankets 17.25 Avenue, Scranton, CHINA HALL THS IMFHOVMO W iWelsbachg LIGHT 9 SATURDAY and MONDAY. 1 We offer about 50 Boys' 3-piece ouits, (short pants), sizes 12 to 16 years, at al most nothing. These Suits are heavy weight, nice mixtures, and formerly sold for $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00. Choice for EACH At this season of the year overyone thinks of clothing. Cold weather Is not far off and people want to, be well clad. There is special reason why the children should look well and be comfortable. It is necessary to have their clothes well made and to stand the hard wear. Our prices are right, and our goods are right. 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . Also the Newtst. Also th Cheapest. Also the Largest. Porcelain, Onyx. Bta SUver Novelties la Infinite Variety. Latest lmsrUUoaa Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler and Watchmaker, 215 Lackawanna in Notions. Kid Gloves at $1.00, the beHt in the city at the price, made from flne selected skins, cut full funhlou cluse thumbs self, and embroidered backs. Fabric Gloves, Fine Fleeced, Lisle Jersey, Cashmere and Tuil'ettt, the 60-conc kiutl, assort ment broken, for 25c Handkerchiefs for 15c, fine Swiss Embroidered, real value 25c Rihhons, special in Satin and Cjroi Grain, all shades, number 6 for 7c, 7 for 9c, 9 for 12jc, 12 for 15c, 16 for 20c, 22 for 25c, 40 for 30c, 60 for 39c, 6-inch for 43c Corsets for SO cents, full French model, equal in fit and form to a $1.00 Corset Umbrellas In order to close before holiday line arrives, we offer all our $2.00 and $2 26 Um brellas for $1.38 Pa. $5.00