tn. THE SCIJAXTON TRIBUNE SATUBDAY x MORNING, OCTOBER 17, 1896. mm Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE CABB0N9ALE, trailers will please note thntadvertlse meiu. orders for Job work, and Items tor puLh ation left at the establishment . 01 Simiitiun & Co., newsdealers. North Main Htrwt, will receive prompt attention; K tico open from 6 a. m. to 10 p. in.J CURGLAR ARRESTED. ( unstable Dnniul llenly Captures John SUumpsky. A hotel and restaurant kept by Anth ony Curtner was entered on Wednes day night and money and other valu were stolen. Constnble Healey s suspicions were directed to a man named John Shumpsky. and he was urrested. At first, when he was lnought before 'Squire Glynn, he de nied all knowledge of the affair. How ever, a whisky bottle found In his pos session, bearing Cortner's name, was held ns evidence. Then a large number of coins and small change of all kinds lu h's pocket Rave testimony and he was held to await trial. Various ar-tk-K's were found in his possession which were Identified as belonging to the hotel. . Shumpsky was taken to the county jail, being unable to find ball, to await trial. FOOTBALL TODAY. ontot Between Keystone Acadcmv and Alumni Teams. The Alumni Athletic association's foot ball eleven will play thler first Rttme this afternoon. The Keystone academy team from Factoiyvllle will be their opponents. The visitors will ar rive In the morntnir, and the game will bo called at 2.45 sharp. The line up will be as follows: A. A. A. Keystone. Hui keiiberry lnf t end Hansen kit tai kle Smith Kclliy left Kuard Uavlos Hall center Matthewson Crone quarter M. KeynoUs .Mil!-rl rtk'ht guard Cook ,oitii8 ri'Mit tackle ,..W. Reynolds Murrln right en." Stevens liytr right ha I', back Tiffany Alooney left half hack Cure Kiennun full back Thayer , THE POPULAR DANCES. , . A Crowded llouo Witnessed tlio Kirmess. The largest Ratherlng yet, crowded the Opera House Thursday evening and the perfomance was received with much enthusiasm. Among the witnesses who witnessed the performance were: Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Jermyn, Dr. and Mrs. Frey, Mrs. II. M. Holes, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Goldberg, Misses Archbnld, Holin. Seybolt, Jen kins, Emma Jermyn, Alice Dale. Grace Rose, Florence Fllkman, Jennie Fugler, Frances Moses: Messrs. Brooks, Fuller, Arclibald. Harry Lucas, Edward E. Chase, Will Moses, Nelson Feels, Ralph Wllliumg and Frank McCann, of Scran tou. REUNION OF RAILROAD MEN. The Vnrious Organization of the City Will Hold a Convention. There are various railroad organiza tions In this city, and it is proposed to hold a union convention on Sunday, Nov. '29. Invitations will be sent to all rxilvnad societies in the vicinity and a largo attendance is expected. After the transaction of business in secret ses sion, a public meeting will be held in the Grand upera house. The grand officers of the large organ izations will be present. Addresses will be given by prominent speakers, and the gathering will be useful and entertaining. Arrangements are now In the hands of a committee. RESULT OF INSPECTION. The Sixth Avenue llridge Found to be Defective. The city committee on bridges made a careful Inspection on Tuesday of the newly constructed bridge at the Sixth avenue. The report will be soon made by Messrs. Raker, Bates, Dllts, Eaton and McDonough, showing the unsatis factory condition of the structure. The subject will be considered at the meeting of the select council on Monday evening. The Inspecting committee find cracks in the cement and various places where the rain could' penetrate and injure the bridge. .LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Philip Berryman, of Oneonta, was the guest of his sister, Mia. George Kellow, Thursday evening. Miss Maggie McDonald Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edward Mitchell, of Scran ton. Rev. Father Coroner, of Forest City, was in town yesterday. A. W. Burdlck is visiting In New York. Misses Anna and Nellie Killeen, of Brooklyn street, are being entertained by Scranton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jermyn, M;ss Romalne Seybolt and Albert Hunt, of Scranton, witnessed the Kirmess Thursday evening. Mrs. H. L. Davis, of Oneonta. Is vis iting at the home of Mrs. William Bun nell. Miss Jennie Kelley, of BInghamton, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. P. McCoy. f. W. Altken Is on a business trip to Chicago. Misses Jennie Bunnell and Mary Fel ter spent yesterday as the guests of Mrs. H. A. Purple. Frank P. Kelly, who has been visit ing in Philadelphia, has returned home. Richard O. Jones, of West Plttston, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Charles Lathrope, of Garfield avenue. Misses Ruth Davis and Lydla Lewis, of Catasauqua, were guests at the CARPETS FOR FALL TRADE. All the latest, from a 20c In gruin to tlie bent Wilton. Oil Cloths nnd Linoleums, all widths und prices. Window Shades and Curtains, all the latest novelties. Fancy Kocking Chairs, uphol stered in plush, tapestry and broc atclls. Also a fine collection of cobbler scats, and our price al wuys the lowest. ' . SCOTT INGLIS, Carpels, Wall Papers and Draperies. 4i9 ucxawim mi Latest U. S. Gov't Report home of W. R. Baker, on Garfield ave nue, this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowdcn have moved into their new house at Reyn shanhurst. The Rev. J. M. Boal. of Los Angeles, Cat., is the guest of Mr. and .Mrs. J. B. Von Bergen. Mr. Boal will occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church at the morning services on Sun day. Mrs. George Van Keuren, of Jersey City, made a special trip to this city to witness the Kirmess Thursday eve n'ng. Mrs. James Herbert and Miss Lena Histed are visiting friends in BIng hamton. Will Berryman, of Oneonta, was the guest of friends In this city this week. Miss Ella Horan, of the West Side, Is visiting friends In Dunmore. Mrs. Andrew Farrell. of Olyphant, visited Mrs. Patrick Murrin, of River street, this week. Mrs. Frederick Frank was a guest at the home of iMayor Nichols on Wash ington street, Wllkes-Barre, this week. Mrs. Mary Boylan, of Pike street, is visiting in Pittston. W. C. Buck, division freight agent of the Erie, was in town yesterday on business. Mrs. N. L. Brando, of Susquehanna, who has been visiting at the he me of her sister, Mrs. , John Estabrook, has returned home. Miss Amelia Davis, or Park street, is visiting friends In Scranton. TUNKII ANNOCK. Mrs. William N. Reynolds and Mrs. D. W. Stark left this morning for New York city, where they will visit with Z. Wells Reynolds and family. Mr. Milhauser, of Scranton, visited his daughter, Mrs. Louis lumowlch, yesterday. John Hnhn, of Meshoppen, was a caller in town this morning. Thursday evening the excursion to Canton passed through here. There were about 200 passengers aboard nnd among the number were several ladles. George Roberts, Henry Prevost and P. R. Borden Joined the party at this place. Major H. W. Bardwell, Dr. U E. Mend and David Gray intended go ing, but changed their minds at the lust hour. Dexter Prevost and Charles Little spent the morning hunting. County Treasurer William I. Avery made a large shipment of honey to day. Wednesday night there was n Re publican parade, and the production of "Faust" by Lewis Morrison in Wilkes Barre, The following from this place were In the city on that evening. Chas. Graham and wife, Fred Billings, Car rie Graham, E. W. Fargo, Dr. F. J. Bardwell, Ernest Little, Judson Ban natyne, Mrs. L. T. Burns and Mrs. C. J. Reed. Dr. E. F. Avery took several of his trotting horses to the Wallsville fair last week and ns a result one of the most valuable of them Is dead. The horr took cold nnd the veterinary sur geon gave too strong a medicine, which blistered the horse's mouth from the effects of which it died. Thursday evening Charles H. Stocker and Miss Nellie Armstrong were united in marriage. The youngsters about town got wind of this, although it was intended to be kept quiet, and such a din as they did make. But it was short lived, as a treat was in readi ness. Mr. Stocker is day operntor at the depot and came here from Meshop pen. Miss Armstrong is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Arm strong, of Gravel Hill. Mrs. Ruel Billings and Mrs. John Ryan were in Kingston today. Last Wednesday evening the Shakes peare club met with Miss Sara Hoad ley. William Custard, who for many years had been a resident of Tunkhannoek, committed suicide Thursday by taking laudanum. For some time he has had this on his mind and on several occa sions expressed his Intentions of end ing his life. Yesterday he purjhase.rt a four-ounce vial of poison and In com pany with John Morgan went to his room which is in the upper part of his son's house up the turnpike. Both had been drinking and Morgan laid down on the lounge while Custard went to bed with his clothes on. This morninij Custard was found dead and the" bot tle empty. Coroner Denlson empaneled the following Jury, who gave a verdict In accordance with the above: L. E. Mead, E. S. Handrlck, J. Wood Piatt, Asa Keeler and Dr. Brundage. TAYLOIt. A meeting will be held tomorrow to try and organize a choir for the Christ mas eisteddfod. Mrs. Kinney and Miss Jenkins, of Moosic, visited this place on Thursday. Miss Phoebe Grifliths, of BInghamton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. P. Grif liths, of Railroad street. Preaching at the Methodist church tomorrow. At the morning service the pastor, Rev. F. A. Kins, will preach; m the evening the Rev. M. 8. Hand, D. D., assistant secretary of the Church Extension society, will deliver a ser mon. As the base ball season is ended, it would be u very good Idea to organize an indoor base ball teum. The Rods were very successful on the diamond the past season, and as the club is coin posed of active young men there is no reason why with a little practice, thot they cannot be as successful with the indoor game. The Anthracite Glee Club will meet tomorrow afternoon to make arrange ments for their eisteddfod, which will be held at Weber's rink on Christmas DRy. The festival last evening at the rink by the First Congregational church was well patronized. A handicap shooting mulch will be held this afternoon at James Maple son's hotel. Shooting will commence at 1 o'clock sharp, distance from twenty one to thirty yards. Entrance fee $:t, seven birds each. There will be four prizes given. All local marksmen are invited. Mrs. David Powell, of Taylor street, who has been confined to her homo by sickness, is rapidly recovering. The many friends of Miss Helen Lloyd tendered her a party at h.;r home in the Archibald on Thursday evening, the occasion being her fif teenth birthday. Games mid other amusements were the order of the even ing and refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Mary J. Lloyd, Mary Jones, Alice Pfaff. Helen Lloyd, Annie Stevens, Mamie Morris. Phoebe Fern, Vlnnie McAndrew, S'tella Fraley, Esther Minnich, Jennie Davis, Mamie O'Lenilian, and Harrv BarrlT William Plaff, William Nnri. Herbert Lynch, Frank Morris. William Majors, Owen O'Lenlhan, William McAndrew, John Lloyd, Patrick Gibbons, Ezra Cann. If the Jlnby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup hns been used for over Miy years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, soften the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo and H the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and rail fir "Mr. Wlnlow' Soothing Syn;:." and tu:.t r.n oth r kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. WILKES-BARRE. EXPLOSION OF GAS. Maun Damage Done Bat No One Was Injured. An explosion of gas occurred In the Mt. Lookout mine at Wyoming about 11.30 o'clock yesterday. The explosion was In the south side of the mine near what is known as Rapson's tunnel. A large volume of gas had accumulated in a chamber In which a miner was at work and having a naked lamp, he set it off. The explosion was something terrilic and has made a wreck out of that part of the mine. The miner es caped Injury, as did others working near the scene of the accident. The force of the explosion was felt 3,000 feet away. The timber and brattice work were badly shattered and it was neces sary to begin the work of repair at once. Mine Foreman William Thomas und his assistant, John McUraw. have a gang of men at work repairing the damaged parts, and timber Is being sent down the mine as fust as it can be done. It Is thought that it will take some days to repair the damage. It seems miraculous that all of the min ers working in that part of the mine escaped being burned. Soon after the explosion considerable excitement pre vailed, the miners getting to the sur face as quickly as possible. COMMON PLEAS COURT. A Jury Disacree-Catc Against the Traction Compnnv on Tiiul. In the case of Bates vs. Edwards, the Jury could not agree, and after lHrii? out since last evening were d.s charged. Tne case of McMahon vs. Aston was settled by agreement, and the Jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, the defendant not to be held liable for costs. The euse of Samuel Salsbuig, of Plymouth, against the Traction com pany for damages for the lo.s of his 4-year-cld child, who was killed by a trolley car at Plymouth nearly three years ago, was placed on trial this tnornlrifc before Judge Woodward. The plaintiff alleges that the car was run ning at a high rate of speed and wai not under control when the child was struck and kilied. A. C. Dodge vs. William Meier; Rule Is granted to show cause why judg ment should not be opened and defend ant lt into a defense. President Isaac Lewis of Sab'ma, Ohio, : U highly respected all through that ! scctiou. lie has lived in Clinton Co. ! 7S years, and hus been president of thc'Subiua Bank 20 years, lie gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa- pnrilln, nud what he says is worthy attention. Ail brain workers find Hood's SursntJitrilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It mukes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "I am glad to say that Hood's Earsapa- I rilln is a very good medicine, especially h a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several yean I Buffered greatly with pains of Neuralgia in one eye and about my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood's Sareaparilla which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia . and headache. Hood's Sarsaparllla has proved itself true friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very much." Isaac Lewis, Sablna, Ohio. Sarsaparilla I luiucuiie i rue oiuuu i uriiivr. Aiiuiugisis. 91. ! Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mass. u rii are prompt, efficient and HOOd S FlllS easy lu effect i&eouU. Bank iHloods GREAT SHOE BARGAINS TODAY. . IllEi 1 S PATENT 307 Bfivrrn nninnniRi 1 101 UAVUUW ANY WONDER how we can sell shoes lower than any hv.use in the city. We will give you a few of the reas ons: t First We buy our shoes for spot cash. Sec ond We sell entirely for spot cash. Third We sell on a small profit. v Fourth These are dull days for manufacturers. It seems they'll take any offer that means spot cash. These are a few of the replies we make to the pebple who ask us how and why we sell our goods lower than other houses in Scranton. Yesterday There Came to Us 350 pair Men's Fine Calf Shoes at practically give-away figures; regular prices $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, for $1.50 and $2.00. 275 pair Ladies' Fine Shoes, hand-sewed, worth $3.00, for $1.49, 275 pair Misses' Fine Shoes, lace and button, worth $1.50 and $2.00. at 99c. Child's Shoes at 20c, 35c. and 50c. Boys' Shoes, 75c. and $1.00. 8" The above are only a few of our great bargains. We invite you to call and ex amine our goods before buyiug elsewhere. Remember, there is no trouble to show goods, and make our store your headquarters, aud you will sava money by it. IYER D AVIMVS SHOE HOUSE, Scle tyesiy (or Stacy, Adams & Ca's, Gray Bros.' and A. C. Hodse vi. H. H. Howe: Same as the, above. Peter Bartlwokskl vs. Levlson et. aU, and congregation of B'cai B'rtth. The preliminary injunction Is continued un til Saturday, Nov. 18, which time is f xel for argument. Mary A. Winters vs. Clark Winters: Decree in divorce awarded. NOTES. The Wllkes-Barre Poultry, (Pigeon and Pet Association offers a reward of $10 for the arrest and conviction of poultry and pigeon thieves. Mrs. Thomas J. Lewis, of Railroad street. Empire, was assaulted by high waymen near her homo at about 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. She was ac costed by two men, one of whom was dressed in woman's clothes, who threw her to the ground and held a bottle to her nose and searched her pockets, but could find nothing. They were scared away by two boys who were passing. Colonel E. N. Warner, of New York, was the guest of his sister. Mrs. B. F. Stark, for a few days this week. D. D. Searl, of New York, who has been vlsltlns his sister. Mrs. W. M. Miller, for some time, returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sterling have closed their cottage at Glen Summit, and are In town for the winter. Mrs. Sterling's nelce, Miss Georgia Beards ley, of New York, Is visiting them. Mrs. W. H. Dutcher is entertaining her nephew, W. W. Klple, of Scranton. At the residence of Harry Dalley, 74 Northampton street, a double wedding took place Wednesdny evening. The happy couples were Woodln B. Moore and Miss Nellie Rover, and Joseph Kester and Miss Clara Alcker. Rev. H. C. McDermott, of Kingston, offici ated. After the ceremony a reception was given at the home of Mrs. Moore, 43 South Main street. MOSCOW. Miss Emma Cure, of Tonipkinsville, spent Monday evening with Miss Sue Pyle. Mrs. Thomas John and Mrs. John Lyman spent Wednesday In Scranton. Mrs. Edward Parmeter. of May field, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Lumley. Mrs. B. H. WardeU visited Scianton Tuesday. jM Mr?. Deckent and daughter, of Cata wissa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Posten. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noack spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Evans at Madisonvllle. Miss Minnie Norrjs, of Scranton, was ELECTRICITY IS KING. GREEN S ELECTRO 607, 60S AND 609 Corner Washington Avenue and The late ROBERT RARTHOI.OW PRO FESSOR of MATERIA MBDICA. GEN ERAL THERAPEUTICS, and HYGIENE of JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE of Philadelphia, said in his last work on medlonl electricity: "The time la not fur off when electricity for medical use will take the place of many drugs with the same phenomenal success that has marked the progress of this science In the moving of cars, lighting of streets and houses and for general motive power." It was in-17W that UALVANIi discovered the action of galvanism on the nerves by experiment ing on a frog. For 100 years galvanism has continued to grow in prominence as a curs for disease. LET IT BE THOROUGHLY UNDER STOOD that Dr. Oreen is a graduate In medicine and pharmacy, he has prescribed for thousands of patients who have never had an application of electricity, but ex perience and study has convinced him, as It has Marton, Rockwell, Massey and oth ers of prominence that electricity Is the KING OF MEDICAL REMEDIES. Bear In mind that proper electrical treatment, with first-class appliances, Is NOT PAIN FUL. If you wish to know the result of Dr. Green's treatment for RLlieumatlsm write to E. E. Bostlck, 2047 East Cumberland Mrpet, Philadelphia, Pa., or care Seabury & Johnson, New York. Dp. Green's Elecfro-Therapetitic Institute. 607, 608 and 609 Wears Building, Scrantoi, Pa. Elevator Day and Night Open from 9 a. m. to n m.j 1 p. m. to g p. m 1 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. LEATHER SHOES, WORTH $3.80, FOR $1.49. m niinr I Lackawanna Avenue. the guest of her aunt Mrs. H. L. Qa'ge Wednesday. Metsrs. Charles and Garret Coleman, o Easton, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noack. . Ruth Gardner returned Thursday from Peckvllle, where Bhe has been spending a few days. Mrs. A. D. David returned f;om Scranton Thursday, much improved in hea th. Miss Sanford has been spending a few days with friends in Scranton thi3 week. Mrs. Shaffer and grandson, Wllbr Shaffer, of Prook'yn. and Mrs. Fr d Stevens, of Dunnn re, aie guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Yeager. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hornbebcker spent Thursday In Scrant-jn. Mrs. John Scanlin visited Scranton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Depew are guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. S. La Touche. Misses Nellie and Mae Hinds are spending a few days with friends in Scranton. Vegant dining cars and unsurpassed service on the Nickel Plate Road. 1 For Suiting; and Overcoating? Heavy Weights for fall and winter. Low Prices for hard times. Elegant Fall Suits and Overcoats for $15, $16 and $18. A great variety of the latest novelties in Overcoat ings just arrived. Come and see them. We do not advertise what we haven't got nor what we cannot dp. W 1 DAVIS aijWyomlna- Ave. VV. l. Uty lO, Arcade Building. MEARS BUILDING Spruce Street, Scranton, Penna. The best of references, no charge for con sultation, an Institute equipped with the latest achievements of Morton, Edison, Ranney, Rockwell. McRrlde, Mcintosh and others. Electro Static Machines, Gal vanic, Faradlc, Sinusoidal (Magnetic) Galvano Vautertes, and electrodes of ev ery description. We have the finest X-Ray apparatus made. With electricity as a basis of treatment we are successful In caws of Rheumatism, Gout, Paralysis, Eczema, Tumors, Skin Troubles, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, the Wasting of Muscles, Poor Circulation, and all Nervous Diseases for which electricity Is doing so much of late. The blood clot causing Apoplexy and Paralysis can be dissolved and carried away by proper application of Galvanism and Faradlsm. Cures of Catarrh are being made by the Inhalation of ozone from the Electro-static machine. We mlpht mention hundreds of troubles which are amenable to electric treatment, but space will not permit. Dr. Green treats all cases amenable to electrical treatment. Is a graduate and ex perienced practitioner of medicine, has the best of references, and will charge noth ing for consulation. Those who cannot call should writs for information. 307 Lackawanna Ave. P. Cox's Fins Shoss. THERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE . A magnificent collection of Oriental textiles consist ing of over six hundred specimens of the Eastern Weavers' Art is now on exhibition and for sale at 502 Lackawanna avenue, corner Washington avenue. Every Rug is beauti ful and many of them rare in coloring and design. Come in and be convinced that the price asked for them is so low that it will induce you to become the t owner of some more gems from The Orient. JAPANESE m CHH GOODS Take a look at the varied assortment of Eastern Art Potter3 Much of it is modern, but there are many rare an tique pieces, including some Moragi Jars from Corea, Porce lains. Bronzes and Beautiful Cloisonne, Carved Teakwood Pedestals and Tabourettes. Also Banares Ware from India, R. W. S03 AND 502 LACKtWINN AAENUE, ESTABLISHED 1373. KERR'S 30x60 in. Smyrna Rug, worth $2.50. now $1.50 26x54 in. Velvet Rug, worth $2.50' now 1.50 36x72 in. Velvet Rug, worth $3.50. now 2.50 China Matting 12Jc and 15c per yard , Worth 20 cents and 25 cents. Ingrain Carpets 20, 25 and 305 a W orth 30 cents, 35 cents and 40 cents. All-Wool Ingrains 50c, worth 65 cent CURTAIN MATERIALS. 500 Yards Madras andTwiss 10c, 12c and 15c. Per Yard. Worth 30 cents, 40 cents and 50 cents. S. G. KERR, SON & CO., CARPETS AND DRAPERIES, 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. 3nniiiiiKniiiiiinttiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiniiiunnig Ml Mi I top com Eotton) Prices, $12 a-J $12.50. Black and Elm Ker sey or Melton Over coats, $9.50, $12.59 a 1 mm 4 2 M4 d mm 1 mm 3 4 mm 2 mm mm A mm 1 m 4 urn 2 ! S Doesn't msan doin without, nor does it mean hying cheap clothing. The tetter grade you get the most economical it is in the long ran, Good clothing costs little if only yon Luy at the right store. The right store is this store. We mean to sell more clothing than anyone hereabouts. That means low prices. It means, too, that the clothing mnst be the leiy latest styles and cf the best material. It means economy to yon-big business for ns, CASH OR CREDIT Get what yon want and pay as yon can. 2 3 For Men 11 EM 3 Trousers for Gentleman. $1.10 1.75 2.50 3.50 4.00 5.00 S a Lu iiuiimuuumniiiiimiiHnmnmnumuuMHiinmntMii 01 Ui WESTCOTT, JR, Direct Importer SCRANTOfl, PA. SPECIAL BARGAINS 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. 11 iHfrsuni ; LUU1IU1IIJ ; THAT m ; I N I $8.00' I ; 9.00 : I Pinto i; ! I 111 Go Li,, 218, f t