The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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One does not nowadays look to poetry
8 the conventional vehicle for exploit
ing a sustained romance. Since Mer
edith wrote "Luclle" the novel In versa
has been little In vogue. Mrs. Julia
Dfitto Young, of Buffalo, a writer whose
minor stories and verses have won
much approval as they have appeared
from time to time in the newspapers
and magazines, has, however, seen fit
to enter the Held which Meredith was
the last to occupy and the fruit of lur
resolve is before us In a considerable
volume called "Olynne's Wife" and done
as to its mechnnlcal aspects In the very
best style of the artistic Hoycroft print
ing shop. The story sought to be con
veyed through the mechanism of Mrs.
Young's Iambic pentameters Is to bor
row from another "of a jealous wo
man who divorces her husband, but
who Is controlled by the love she
thought dead, ,nnd when he has suf
fered for his sin Hies to him ngaln,
forgiving all. The story Is set In a
high key. Mrs. Young Idealizes her
women. flarnet Cilynne is a character,
not the dryfroods frame so common In
current fiction and verse. She bores a
sentimental but selfish husband with
her schemes to uplift the world. He
grows cuKI, and dually wavers In his
allegiance, und the high-blooded wo
man shakes herself free from him. Hu
mor pledges her to nn old and faithful
friend. Oiynne, realizing what he hus
lost, seeks diversion In ocean yacht
ing. The temptress pitifully dies whlla
he Is at sea, and Garnet's heart is
melted toward the dead. She visits
her, lays a tribute of blossoms on the
coffin, and then her love for her hus
bnnd wakes. In the last canto he has
returned home and is going away Again
In his restless voyaging, and linrnet,
who has learned something of his pen
itence, files to him, overtukes his yacht
at night on the bay, and In a scene of
rare beauty, with the moonlight and
the waves for a setting, is reunited to
him and there Is a hint in the closing
lines that she is once more to be
'Olynne's wife.' " We do not ourselves
care for the novel In verse, whether well
111, or Indifferently dime; but It must
be said that Mrs. Young possesses a
spnse of rhythm, a command of melody
and a copiousness of vocabulary which
mark her poem as something to be ad
mired. Maybe by and by she will put
these uncommon talents to better use.
There Is a dash of affectionate about
Richard I.e Oallienne which would
cause most persons to dismiss him
with a short hearing were it not that
the young men has also unmistakable
genius -which Is liable to Hash out in
most delightful evidence, one never
knows when or where. This fact Is
strongly impressed upon the leader of
his second series of "I'rose Fancies"
(Chicago: Heibeit S. Stone & Co.)
These fancies are vagrant and fantas
tic, covering whatever topics relating
to life or art chanced to enter the au
thor's mind. And before all Is this
quaint introduction:
Poor are the gifts of the poet;
Nothing but words.
The gifts uf kings are gold,
Silver and Hocks and herds,
Gurmcnis of soft, strange sillt.
Feathers of wonderful birds.
Jewels and precious stones.
And horses us white as the milk
These are the gifts of kings;
Hut the gifts that the poet brings
Are nothing but words.
Forty thousand words!
Take them a gift of (lies!
Words that should have been birds,
Words that should have been (lowers,
Words that should have been stars,
In the eternal skies.
Forty thousand words,
Forty thousand tears.
All out of two sad eyes.
Probably the best fancy in the book
Is the first, telling of a Seventh-Story
Heaven Inhabited by a most irrespon
sible poet and his bride. The poet
hasn't a sou and doesn't know from
one minute to the next where he is to
secure his next bite of bread; but for
all that he and his little wife taste
the real Joys of life, dream the brave
dreams, sing the rare songs, and roam
at will through the beautiful gardens
and delightful palaces of the Imagina
tion. It Is a pretty lesson in charming
colors that happiness is in nowise de
pendent upon rnnk or wealth or sta
tion, but Is something to be had by
any who merit it. "Indeed," says Mr.
I.e Oalllenne, "our paradises if we only
knew, are always cheap enough: It is
our hells that ure so expensive." Al
most any mood can find in these airy
sketches something to charm and bene
tit. 'TIs a tine book most delightfully
During the past year or two the edi
torial page of the Chicagb Record has
been brightened by a series of idiom
atic sketches of the streets and town
contributed by George Ade. As these
have appeared from day to day they
have attracted pleased attention, but
It was not until the btSt of them were
put together Into a book, called "Ar
tie." from the name of the pert young
ster who is the central figure, just as
"Chimmle Fadden" Is in Mr. Town
send's Gotham sketches, that their full
charm was rendered conspicuous.
"Artie" Is not a Chlcagolzed Imitation
of "Chimmle;" he Is unique and origin
al, wth no end of slang, plenty of brass
and about all the faults that can be
long to a boy who Is mischievous as an
Imp of perdition but not vicious. The
doings of Artie, as pictured by Mr.
Ade's prose, are made more salient
still by the v drawings of John
T. McCutcheon, which certainly ex
press as much character In as few lines
as any book illustrations we have yet
seen. (Chicago: H. S. Stone & Co.)
Whoever Albert Kinross may be, he
has written in "The Fearsome Island"
(Chicago: II. S. Stone & Co.) a book
that there wasn't much call for and
one that would not have been missed.
It purports to be a modern rendering
of the narrative of one Silas Fordred.
a master mariner, who is shipwrecked
on an unknown Island, where there is
a ensue with devilish devices for kill
ing people, a great Idol with diamond
eyes and arms that broke and tore in
two the luckless iconoclast who sought
to gain possession of the tempting
gems, and a whole lot of other grim
and ghastly paraphernalia of mischief
that Isn't worth describing. There
would be some excuse for this book If
It were half way respectable In point of
literary execution; Dut the fact Is It Is
bungltngly done, and the one who reads
It simply wonders why it was ever
penned or printed.
"The Story of Electricity" by John
Munro Is the latest number In the Ad-
pleton's library of useful stories. It
describes understanding and under
standably what Is known concerning
inis mysterious iorce in nature, ex
plains the workings of most of the
common electrical appliances, such as
storage batteries, telegraphs and tele
phones, phonographs. Roentgen ravs.
etc., etc., and Is a really Instructive
manual for the average lay reader. The
value and timeliness of such a book are
A handy volume for young men Is
published by Laird & Lee, Chicago, un
der the title "Lee's Home and Business
Instructor." It Is a compact and ac
curate guide to bookkeeping, penman
ship, letter-writing, business forms and
law, social forms and various other
subjects which enter into the life of
the practical business man.
A harbinger of the holidays comes
from the same publishers In the form
Of Hnnthpr flf U lmomnn AihUu'a
Sopular books for boys, "Air Castle
on: or. from Dreamland tn H.rilnan "
I - Is a wholesome juvenile novel which
teaches the lesion ithat It pays every
bright boy to be up and doing.
6 There seems, says a writer In the
hlcago Record, to be. a disposition
among reviewers and critics to write
down Richard Harding Davis as a tire
some, caddish creature, a perpetual
candidate for the services of the kick-Ing-master.
Somehow the estimate of
his private character has been allowed
to assume this phase until It Is now
almost a certainty that if you pass be
yond the man's books and talk of the
man himself you will find that your
friend has gathered to the full the idea
that Mr. Davis, divorced from his lit
erary work, must be counted only as
a dreary, tedious and even despicable
upstart. Mr. Davis has been charged
as one who looks down upon the days
of his newspaper apprenticeship to lit
erature, and indeed this fugitive para
graph has been quoted often against
him a paragraph which bears upon its
face its own contradiction: "Mr. DavU
Is setting forth that he Is very tired
of being pointed out as the man who
wrote 'Gallegher.' He says: 'That story
was all very well, but It has a reportor
ial curtness and crystallization about it
that I have now soared far beyond.
"Uallegher" has the thumbmatks of thi
poor, pawn-ticketed, free-lunched hack
reporter on Its pages. I want to for
get that part of my existence. I want
to wipe off the newspaper-shop part of
my life. I will sacrilice "Gallegher"
and the royalties thereon, If people
will only forget that I was once that
scorned thing a reporter!' "
As a matter of fact, there Is docu
mentary evidence In the hands of one
now writing this, which Is to the direct
effect that so far from believing III of
the reporter's craft. Richard Harding
Davis has been a stanch supporter of
the theory of its high standing. One
time a man wrote a story of western
military life. In which a newspaper
correspondent, acting purely in the
capacity of a reporter, figured. The
story was based upon an enmity sub
sisting between a second lieutenant
and the correspondent, and on the in
cident that once when both were In
toxicatedtogether with a lot of other
ctnvlval junior officers and civilians
the lieutenant committed the unpar
donable sin of criticising the conduct
of the campaign of the general com
manding. Realizing the gravity of the
olllcer's action, the temporarily Irre
sp( nsihle correspondent, drunkenly re
joicing at this chance to do ill to the
man of his enmity wrote an account of
the episode and forwarded It by courier
for publication In his far away paper.
When he had recovered his sober senses
the horror of his offense presented It
self to him and his life was a torment
until a copy of his paper arrived and
lie discovered that the story was not
printed It had been Intercepted on the
way and had never been wired. Such
thought as there was In the narrative
centered upon the remorseful feeling of
a normally decent man who awakes to
the fact that while Intoxicated) he has
committed a sin against honor and the
just man's religion of being fair. ,
People who submit contributions to
such publications as Harper's Weekly
become familiar with printed forms of
rejection, but this declination was not
printed. It came as an autograph let
ter from the editor, Mr. Davis, and no
stenographer had knowledge of it. It
ran In sprawling, scrawling c Urogra
phy in these terms: "I write you per
sonally about this story, because I
want to ask you not to submit it else
where. . I would not like to see It In
print, and I fear that if offered further
It will be published. For my part I
would not dare to use It, for the reason
that there are already too many peo
pie who are anxious to have a chance
to say that the newspaper worker is a
person morally reprehensible, and I do
not want these to have the satisfaction
of saying that one newspaper man
who ought to know wrote and another
newspaper man who ought to know
published a narrative depicting a re
porter as a drunkard and a cad." At
first the rebuke was bitter, but, al
though differing somewhat from the
editor as to the actual purport of the
story, the "newspaper man who ought
to know" promptly made a burnt offer
ing of his manuscript, departing from
the usual course of huckstering it to
other publications. But the letter was
preserved and It serves now, four or
five years afterward, as a reminder of
the fact that the ready pencller who
Insists that Richard Harding Davis,
the editor, was ever ashamed of the
Richard Harding Davis of the report
ing staff or, Indeed, of the life and
associations of a reporters' room well,
that pencller, we remark, makes posi
tive statements upon negative facts.
Which is only another way of saying
that he mistakes.
Having entered upon this theme, let
us follow It to its legitimate conclusion,
and that conclusion is a deprecation of
the tendency to "backcap" successful
men. The backcapplng system prevails
in literature, business, politics every
where. A man perfects something ad
vantageous, of which his neighbors had
never thought, and the neighbors, In
stead of being In a neighborly way glad
of It, proceed immediately to pick flaws
in the work. One spends hours, days,
years In bringing some performance to
a fruitful issue and another damns It
with a sneer, which occupies only a
fraction of a second. A citizen Is nom
inated for governor and he loses the
vote of his own town because his own
town cannot understand why on earth
he was hit upon as being better fitted
for the high ollice than any of the oth
ers of his townsmen themselves. In
deed. they conclude that his selection is
in the nature of a slighting rebuke
rather than a compliment to his resi
dent associates. It Is too bad. And the
worst of it is ihat strangers, when
one's character or capabilities are under
discussion, find it easier to believe 111
than good of the absentee. It would
be a happy provision it the unwritten
eleventh commandment were presented
In tha wnfila "Thou shall nnl hnnknnn "
and If the new law had an emergency
clause attached and severe penalties
were provided for its infraction.
The Bun comments thus upon An
thony Hope's new novel: It seems clear
that now at the end of the century
the great story tellers of the type of
the elder Dumas, the masters of plot
and Incident, as distinguished from the
careful students of character and mo
tive, are to have once more their In
nings as they had seventy years ago.
The author of "The Three Musketeers,"
after being eclipsed for more than a
generation, found a.compeer In the au
thor of "The New Arabian Nights,''
and now the mantle worn so dashing
ly by Stevenson has fallen upon An
thony Hope. In one obvious respect,
indeed, the two last-named writers can
scarcely be compared. We did not look
In the writings of the elder Dumas
for the fastidious style of Gautler, nor
did we find in the narrative of "The
Prisoner of Zenda" the amazing flex
ibility and curious felicity of diction
for whlch-Stevenson is likely to remain
unrivalled In our time. There Is no
doubt that Anthony Hope, however,
has a style admirably adapted to his
purpose. It Is crisp, lucid, fluent, force
ful; the right Btyle for a tale weaver,
who should not for a moment seek to
wrap the attention of his auditors from
his story to the vehicle of expression.
Neither Le Sage nor Eugene Sue nor
Dumas nor Scott ever did that. Had
they done so they could not have kept
the minds of those who read them
strung tense with eagerness to follow
the windings and the doublings, the
surprises, the puzzles, and the prodigies
of an inexhaustible invention.
We make this qualification of praise,
If It be one, at the outset, because in
all other ways It stms to us that
"Phroso," Anthony Hope's new novel,
the publication of which has Just been
completed in McClure's Magaslnt, u
likely to rank among the master works
of sensational and exciting fiction.
Here Is a story wherein the elements
of the real and the fantastic are so
adroitly mixed that, according as it
falls into the hands of the young or of
the middle aged, it will be perused with
breathless Interest as a truthful record
of adventure, or with the smile of
gratification which rewards the happy
tour de force. Mr. HoDe has hit upon
the only viewpoint and the only mode
of narration suited to the disclosure
of the abnormal and the marvellous
at this end of the century. Careful to
avoid an Intimation of skepticism on
his own part, he shows himself keenly
sensitive to the skeptical temper of his
time. So, when of bewildering compli
cations and moving accidents, dis
astrous chances, and hairbreadth
escapes It Is hiB lot to speak, he does
not grip you with a skinny finger and
hold you with a glittering eye. but
draws his chair up to yours In a club
smoking room and tells his tale be
tween the whiffs of a cigar. You may
laugh, he seems to say, but you shall
listen, and listen. Indeed, you do. You
listen as no doubt In Bagdad the Sul
tan listened through the Thousand and
One Nights, not caring much whether
what he heard was vero or ben trovato,
but held from sleep by Intensity - In
terest, and devoured with curiosity as
to what would happen next. With re
gard to "Phroso," the book before us,
we care not how sated and cynical a
man may have become, we defy him to
lay It down If he once takes it up; he
will finish it at a sitting and count a
night's rest well lost. The authoi
plays with our curiosity as we play
with a hooked trout; there Is something
bewildering in the multiplicity of inci
dent, something almost labryinthlne in
the concatenation of the plot. A dozen
times we think we see only plain sail
ing in the story, and a dozen times
some unforeseen and troublesome ob
stacle pops up. Yet we recognize later
that there was a kind of logic in the
unexpected; that the unlooked-for ob
struction to the quick termination of
the tale was not arbitrary or casual,
but the probable. If not the inevitable
outcome of the situation and the ac
tion. Viewed merely as an example
of intricate yet methodical construc
tion, "Phroso" deserves high commen
dation, while as regards Invention, It
contains materials enough to furnish
forth a dozen novels of the ordinary
We have no intention of forestalling
the reader's pleasure in the slightest
degree by outlining the adventures of
Lord W'heatley and the Lady Euphro
syne. Lord Wheatley himself shall tell
their story, for the book is auto-bio-graphical
in form, a form which ren
ders it difficult for the hero of a tale
to do Justice to himself without incur
ring the imputation of being cither a
braggart or a prig. The pitfalls of an
autobiography are (Skilfully avoided in
this Instance; we scarcely know which
of the lovers to like or envy more, for
both make us well understand why
since the days of Byron an English
gentleman and a Greek lady have been
deemed an Ideal combination. The ar
dent sympathy, which both elicit, sup
piles conclusive proof that the author,
while not professing to be an adept in
the projection of character, is really
capable of sterling service In that much
eulogized field of art. Not only Lord
Wheatley and "Phroso," the pet name
by which Euphrosyne will be recalled
by those who love her, but the Turkish
Pasha who figures as their redoubtable
antagonist, are firmly drawn upon the
canvas, and stand out sharply in the
memory. With the one additional re
mark that the adaptability of the story
to the stage, jumps as the French say,
at the eyes, we leave the readers of Mr,
Hope's new novel,, whose name will be
legion, to the delight In store for them.
Apropos of the current Invasion of
America by two of the foremost scribes
of Scotland, the Rochester Post-Express
observes: That genius Is merely
the capability for concentration and
hard work Is acknowledged by all who
have achieved success In any walk of
life. In no vocation is this truer than
In the pursuit of letters. It Is also true
that no work bears so little the Im
prints of toll as a literary production.
The well written essay or story reads
so easily that the mind fails to com
prehend that each word was selected
with the same precision and care that
a bridge designer displays in determin
ing In advance the exact size of each
piece of iron and stone that enters Into
its construction. Lacking the ele
ments of harmony and perspective in
construction, force and precision in the
choice of words, a literary effort is
of no value, replete as it may be with
virile ideas. There is a school of ad
vanced realists today who deny that
style Is an essential in literature. It is
the boast of its followers that any pro
duction outside of a transcript of the
life which environs the writer Is not
literature. That is to say, the farmer
must write the bucolic novel; the sailor,
the sea stories; the soldier, the war
romances; and so on without end. The
possibilities are infinite. The qualities
of a traned writer are not to be con
sidered. To one possessing a grain of
mother-wit such assertions are amus
ing. They do no harm, while they af
ford their propagators a decided pleas
ure. o
"Another theory of these latter-day
verltists Is that a production to be of
literary value ought to be written but
once. Revision saps the vitality, the
truthfulness of an Impression. This
utterly fallacious theory explains
many of the crude productions that
are being printed today; for, strange
as It may seem, this school has many
followers whose books have had a cer
tain popularity. Realistic fiction is the
cry of the hour.Reallsm indeed, the
very term Is not only a hoax but a par
adox. The fictlonist can not be a real
ist. He may choose his types from fa
miliar characters, his scenes may be
drawn from personal familiarity, but
the action, the dialogue, the denoue
ment are creations of the imagination.
Zola, himself. Is a romancer. He cre
ates, he does not report. It is a popu
lar belief that a story with a somber
or revolting finale is a piece of real
ism. This is as false as the theory of
realism in fiction. There Is but one
realist the newspaper reporter. His
work alone is a transcript of life's
ironies and pleasures from day to day.
In this age of rather slip-shod work
it is a pleasure to know that we have
visiting this country two Scotch writ
ers who hold their art so high that the
slightest carelessness constitutes a
crime. Barrle and Maclaren are ex
amples of what careful, conscientious
work will accomplish. Barrle writes
slowly, painstakingly, and only when
the mood Is on him. He revises and re
writes and polishes to an extent that
is remarkable for endurance. More
than two years have elapsed since any
thing from his pen has been published.
During this time he has been writing
his "Sentimental Tommy," which is
pronounced a masterpiece. The author
of the "Bonnie Brier Bush" stories is a
painstaking craftsman. In a recent In
tervlew he is quoted as saying: "I envy
those men who are so self-confident
that they consider whatever they do
excellent though the whole world con
demn it. I have alwavs felt that the
next story would bring the smash.
Therefore, I have no pleasure in my
writing; I feel the catastrophe cannot
be long delayed." It is enheartenlng to
behold a writer of genius revealing
himself thus as an artist. He offers a
refreshing contrast to certain of our
young writers whose promising but Im
mature work has served to turn their
heads. Hard work, a proper Ideal of
the dignity of literature, and the desire
to conscientiously live up to that ideal
are the factors of permanent success.
The October Century Is notable for
bringing to an end Professor Sloane's
masterly life of Napoleon; also for get
ting out of the way Mrs. Humphrey
Ward's and Mr. William Dean Howells'
tiresome serial stories. The Century
seems to be somewhat unfortunate in
the kind of material which it selects
under the guise of elongated fiction.
St. Nicholas for October continues the
fanciful "Oobollnk" nlcturos and
frhymes which are so well relished by
the little folk and has beside the usual
array of poems, stories and Instructive
papers which mark it as the best
juvenile publication we have.
We have already in an editorial con
nection quoted liberally from ex-President
Harrison's timely and forceful pa
per In the October Forum exposing the
misconceptions and wrong conclusions
of the free sliver movement and from
Hugh H. Lusk's description of the
genuine Australian ballot; it only re
mains to be said in this place that this
number of the Forum has also one oth
er particularly notable paper Lord
Chief Justice Russell on "International
Law and Arbitration" which every
thoughtful citizen should read.
To our notion there Is no more en
tertaining subject for fiction than the
new socialism which alms to re-emphasize
and restore a true democracy; and
no one better able to write that kind of
fiction than T. C. Crawford, whose
stories of Washington life in the Cos
mopolitan Magazine have been so much
admired. Therefore we are glad to see
In the October number of that interest
ing publication the beginning of a new
serial effort by Mr. Crawford, dealing
with the problem of syndicates and
Timed to Rev. John Watson's Ameri
can visit the current McCiurc's prints
a most readable character sketch of
this popular and effective story writer.
Next to this human document,
Chester Holcombe's paper on Li Hung
Chang interested us most. Mr. Hol
combe, it will be recalled, Is the aur
thor of that bonk, "The Real China
man," which was last year's best con
tribution to the English language's
ethnological literature.
In looking over the October Bookman
for points worthy of special notice one
is impressed more with the general
and Increasing excellence of the vari
ous departments than by striking "fea
tures." In other words. It Is a maga
zine which has to be read through to
bo thoroughly enjoyed. And come to
think of it, perhaps that's the finest
possibh) tribute.
The "human documents" which spe
cially attract attention In the October
Louker-On are biographical studies of
Antonin Dvorak and Kobert Franz, the
former by H. IS. Krehblel and the lat
ter by Henry T. Klnck. It will interest
all friends of this excellent music
magazine to know that beginning with
the November number its price will be
reduced to ten cents a copy. Now if
only its inapropos "name could be
changed, also!
Notwithstanding some measure of
affectation and sklttishness at the
start, Chap-Book is now settling down
to a steady pace which bids fair to land
It among the foremost of our maga
zines. It is no longer to be snickered
out of court. If anyone wants proof pf
our assertion, let him note the qual
ity of Its October issues.
Walter Blackburn Harte Is bringing
the Lotus up sharply and roundly.
For October he has prepared quite a
savory spread, with salad by Bliss Car
man and Walter Foss, strong drink
by Eugene R. White, pastry by a host
of pen chefs of greater or less renown,
and last, but not least, a huge rasher
of meat and trimmings by the expert
critic who signs himself Jonathan
Penn, not to mention the editor's own
chestnuts and Alberts at the rear end.
We are beginning to enjoy the Lotus.
Popular Science News continues to
add new departments so as more thor
oughly to cover-the field of current
scientific achievement and discovery.
It is practically a monthly review of
the whole subject of scientific progress,
and is admirably edited.
From the Sun.
Very soon green tomatoes will be
plenty and cheap. Few housewives
kiow that with little trouble and ex
pense they can have fresh, ripe to
matoes iu January by taking care of
the green ones. The green tomatoes
should be carefully wrapped separately
In papers and spread out upon shelves
on the floor of a dark, cold closet, where,
however, the temperature should be
about freezing. If kept in this way, the
vegetables will slowly ripen. When they
are required for use, expose them to
sunlight and heat for a couple of days,
and you will have tomatoes as firm
and nice as those offered in the mar
kets at little expense.
When roasting small birds always
fasten the heads under the wings and
lay a thin slice of pork under the
breast of each bird and a piece of bread
underneath. A bird would not be com
plete without its bed and blanket.
To make one's own extract of vanilla
secure five Tonciuin beans and one va
nilla bean, clip them and put them into
a bottle with ten ounces of alcohol, six
ounces of water, and three of sugar. Let
the mixture remain from six to eight
weeks, shaking it frequently; then
Btrain and it Is ready for use.
The small stone crocks used by many
for holding butter should always be
well washed and freshened before being
refilled. The best way to freshen them
Is after washing to fill them with boil
ing ammonia or borax water, allowing
a teaspoonful of ammonia to a quart
of water. Let the water remo.In all day,
and then fill the crock with sweet milk
and let it stand over night.
When clothing has acquired a close,
unpleasant odor from being packed
away where the air cannot reach It, a
few pieces of charcoal laid among tho
folds will soon remove the odor.
Among the simple remedies which
should be in the family medicine closet,
one of the most useful Is mutton suet.
For cuts and bruises It is unequalled,
as well as for chapped hands and
faces. It Is best to procure the suet at
the butcher's and fry it out at home,
turning it into small moulds to cool,
and then roll it in tin foil. A camphor
ice may be made by putting a piece of
camphor the size of a walnut with half
a cup of mutton tallow, and melting
them together. Pour the mixture Into
a little cup or mould to become cold.
Among decorative plants for 'the
house the African asparagus, common
ly called asparagus fern, is most use
ful. The graceful fronds last a long
time; they are rarely troubled with In
sects, and gas and furnace heat do not
affect them so quickly as many other
An egg that has been boiled soft and
become cold cannot be cooked again
and made hard: but a soft-boiled egg
that has not had ttfe shell broken may
be reheated by cooking three minutes
In boiling water, and It will taste as
well as If freshly boiled.
Housekeepers desirous of making
their own baking powder can do so
with very little trouble. The following
formula Is one that has been used for
many years. Weigh six ounces of flour
and thoroughly dry It, without brown
ing it. In the oven. Procure six ounces
of the best soda and thirteen and one
half ounces of cream of tartar. Add
them to the dried flour and rub to
gether half a dozen times through a
sieve, "then put them In air-tight Jars
or cans and keep In a dark closet, using
the powder from a small Jar so that it
will retain jts strength,
Save tea leaves for washing var
nish paint. When sufficient leaves
have been collected steep them for halt
an hour In a tin vessel and then strain
through a sieve. This water gives a
fresher, newer appearance to varnished
wood than ordinary soap and water.
Peculiaiitics About the Chief Execu
tives of the Keystone State.
Pennsylvania was admitted Into the
union six months before New York,
yet. says the Sun. while Mr. Morton Is
the thirty-third governor of New York,
Mr. Hastings Is only the twenty-first
governor of Pennsylvania. The pres
ent state constitution of Pennsylvania
was udopted by the voters In 1873, and
from that time until the present, twenty-three
years, there have been only
five governors of the Keystone state
General Hartranft, who took office In
1873; Henry M. Hoyt. who succeeded
him In 187; Kobert E. Pattlson, first
inaugurated In 1S,X3; General Beaver,
who took office in Harrisburg In 1887.
and General Hastings, who has held
office since January, 185. The mul
tiplicity of generals among governors
of Pennsylvania has been very marked,
but under the former constitution of
the state, adopted in 183S (Pennsyl
vania was then usually Democratic)
civilians predominate.
It is a peculiarity of Pennsylvania
governors that one mark of recogni
tion has been theirs uniformly; they
have had counties, cities, streets,
squares and turnpikes called after
them. Thus the first three governors of
Pennsylvania, Mllllln, McKean and
Snyder, had counties called after them.
In the early history of Pennsylvania
the governors were either plain men,
or, at least, men with plain names,
but when the constitution of 1863 was
adopted, it appears to have been
thought necessary to uphold the digni
ty of Pennsylvania under it by the
election of governors having elaborate
and unusual names. The first three so
elected were David Rittenhouse Porter,
Francis Rawn Shunk and William
Johnston. With the beginning of the
slavery controversy. In' which Penn
sylvania took an active part, the elec
tion of governors with plain names
was resumed, and William Bingler,
James Pollack and William, Packer
were Jn office until January 15, 1SG1,
when Andrew O. Curtin, the war row
ernor of the Keystone state, was In
augurated. He held office for six
years, and was succeded by John W.
Geary, a Republican, who held the of
fice for a like period, until. In fact, the
constitution of 1873 was adopted. Gov
ernor Curtin, who died loss than two
years ago, was one of the best known
of Pennsylvania lenders, and. In addi
tion to holding the office of governor
In Harrisburg. became afterward Unit
ed States minister to Russia, and, later
on. Democratic congressman from the
Center county district. He was a resi
dent of the town of Bellefonte.
One reason for the small number of
governors of Pennsylvania and the
larger number of governors of New
York Is this: While New York gover
nors have been honored by elevation to
or nomination for the presidency, have
been elected to the United States sen
ate, or have found places of promin
ence In the cabinet, governors of Penn
sylvania, almost without exception,
have been permitted to serve out, un
molested with suggestions of promo
tions, the terms of office to which they
were originally elected. There, be
sides, is no Instance of a Pennsyl
vania governor who died In the office,
and only one of a Pennsylvania gov
ernor who resigned that office.
A Grand Junction (Col.) man offers to
bet two unencumbered city lot worth $liiO
even that Bryan will be elected.
As the result of an election wager, a
man In Ripley, O., Is going to shuve bis
head, gild It and walk a mile without hi
hat If McKlnley Is elected. His opponent
will silver his head If Bryan carries off
the prize.
A wager was drawn up at St. John,
Kan., tho other day as follows: "V.
Glasscock and O, Burnett make an agree
ment this day that If McKlnley is defeat
ed Glasscock Is to pat a large, warty toad,
but if he is elected Burnett is to eat tho
A novel bet was mndo Inst week bv S.
C. Frost and J. h. Fuller, of Hhosh'one,
Idaho. Frost has fidu tons of hay cut and
stacked. Fuller Is to pay Frost I'l per ton
for said liny If Bryan Is elected president,
and should McKlnley be elected Fuller
gets the hay for nothing.
Another novel bet has been made In
Philadelphia. The loser Is to resign his
present position and for a year take up
one in an entirely different branch of in
dustry. Two young men of Philadelphia have
been paying very marked attention to the
same young lady. They have decided to
let the election settle matters for them.
If tho Democrat wins, the Republican Is
to stop calling on the young lady for six
months, and vice versa.
1'nder the requirements of an election
bet Druggist Krautzman, of Sedalla,
Neb., will saw anil split a cord of wood
In front of his store In the event of Bry
an's success, whereas Mcivlnley's victory
will call for nllke exercise on the part of
V. R. Hall, the other party to the wager.
A Valuation.
"My daughter has been accustomed to
every luxury."
"Well", replied the duke, "don't I come
high enough to rank as a luxury ?" Truth.
be a
hannv one,
A healthy baby is the real jewel for which
the wedding ring is only the setting.
There is no place in Nature's economy for
a childless marriage. Wedded couples that
are childless are never truly married. A
baby is the tie that binds. The baby is the
pledge that makes husband and wife one in
nature and in fact, and that teaches mutual
self-sacrifice and sympathy. Thousands of
couples are childless because of the wife's
neglect of her health as a woman. Too few
women fully appreciate the importance of
keeping healthy and vigorous the organs
upon which motherhood is dependent. As
a consequence, tbey are weak where they
should be strong, and motherhood is either
an impossibility or a torturesome and dan
gerous ordeal. This is easily remedied.
The most wonderful medicine for women
is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
acts directly and only ou those delicate or
gans upon which the perpetuation of the
race depends. It allays inflammation,
soothes pain and makes those organs
healthy and vigorous. It prepares for
motherhood. It makes the expectant period
comfortable. It makes baby's coming easy
and almost painless and insures health in
both mother and child. Druggists sell it.
" I take pleasure in expressing my faith In
your ' Favorite Prescription,' " write Miss Edith
Cain, of Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pa. " After two
years of nlVering I began taking Dr. Pierce's
medicine and now I am entirely cured. I had
been troubled with displacement of internal
organa for some time and also with ulcerative
weakness, but now I am well anil happy. 1 will
cheerfully recommend Ur. Pierce' Favorite Pre
scription to all invalid ladies."
The profit side of life is health. The bal
ance is written in the rich, red, pure blood of
health. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
constipation and make the blood rich and
Blue. They pever gripe. By druggist.
Take No Substitute
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand
. - nns
Hal always Mood ITKST In tha estima
tion of tlt Amtricin People. No otbar If
"just aa good." Best laf sat Food.
liildless I Hi
larrlaee II II
a warn mWL
Remarkable Cure of a Boston Man
who was Afflicted with Salt
Rheum and Rheumatism.
From tht JItrald,
Those who have had the misfortune to be
afflicted with salt-rheum, more especially
when it lias come iu eurly childhood, can
appreciate what it is to "doctor" for this al
most incurable trouble. They almost all tes
tify that they have "doctored" for years,
and often with some of the leading physi
cians, spending large tutus of money without
obtaining relief.. When tikis is complicated
with an attack of rheumatism, especially iu
the case of a man whose avocation is one
that exposes htm to it, the serious nature of
bit physical ills may be imagined, and also
the potent efficacy of inch a remedy at Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, which
has proved able to conquer such a concensus
f bodily problems, and to put the man into
condition of vigor at substitute for one
f a moat disheartening outlook.
In view of the circumttancet it it not iur
prising that many in Boston, especially those
it the railroad men, who have been familiar
both with the individual and the attendant
lircumitances, should make to much com
kieut on the cure wrought in the cose of Mr.
James Freeman, for number of years pott
employed as a brakenian on the Old Colony
Division of the New York, Mew Haven and
Hartford Railroad. This gentleman had
been afflicted with alt-rheum from infancy
and hit blood had a decided tendency to
humors, in addition to which the exposed
tharocter of his occupation promoted an ag
gravated attack of muscular rheumatism
which threatened to destroy his usefulness
ml deprive him of this meant of livelihood.
But learning of the remarkable testimony
which had been given to the efficacy of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People when
tver tried for these anil kindred difficulties,
particularly auch at arise from an impover
ished or disordered condition of the blood, he
wot induced to try them, and the result hot
been to gratifying that he has became a
pioneer in recommending them to hia fellow
workmen, who through his worda and the
manifest results of hit example have thown
constantly increasing use of the pills.
In view of the decree of attention which
the cose attracted, particularly in itt effect of
promoting the use ot the pint among men
who are not in the habit of taking medicine.
the circumstances were deemed worthy of
personal Investigation, and accordingly a re
porter made a call at the cosy home of Mr.
Freeman, at 233 Shawmont Avenue, Boston,
Mass.. where he and his wife were found to
be thoroughly free and unreserved in stating
the facts, anil most cordial in appreciation of
me nine fins.
" Yes, it is trite," he said in response o
Inquiry, " I have the greatest satisfaction in
giving my word at to what Dr. Williams'
Pink PHls have done for me. I have no per
ianal interest in speaking about the matter
except that I feel grateful for the cure they
have caused, and I think it it only right that
I should try and let others have the tame
opportunity for benefit at myself." In re
gard to the origin of hit use of the Pink Pills
he remarked : i
" I was first led to try them on account of
ft certificate from a Montreal man winch was
published in the papers, and I thought the
tame tiling that had done to much for him
Would help me.
" I needed to rake the Pink Pillt for the
Sondition of the blood and for rheumatism.
The fact is that my blood hot lieen of a very
butnory nature and I have been troubled
with talt-rheum from infancy. My head
2,000,000 BARRELS
Made and Sold In Six Months, ending larch 1. 1896,
Total Product of
The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels,
Largest Run on Record.
Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from the
Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in England, Ireland
and Scotland very largely, and is recognized as the best flour in tht
Juniata Steel,
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Toe and Side Weight ililV
Put Your Ad
Barton, ilau.
wot covered with it and good deal of D
hair came off. It was very uncomfortable
and nothing that I could do seemed to cure it.
"Then came my rheumatic trouble dur
ing three mouths of last winter. I tbiuk it
came from exposure in the railroad yard dur
ing bad weather. It wat muscular rheums
tism and wat located principally in my right
arm to that I could hardly lift it that high."
Here Mr. Freeman raised hit outstretched
right arm tlowly to a poaitiou below the
middle of hit breast and gave a graphic idea
of the difficulty and distress which acoom-
Knied that eflurt before taking the Piuk,
"I began to receive benefit from the first
time that I took the pillt, and I have never
known them to fail of doing good. The
trouble with a good many people is that they
think they do everything by taking the first
mall quantity of any remedy. 1 am not
one of those who are satisfied with that kind
of tampling, and when I beenme satisfied
that they were the right thing for me I re
solved to use them with fullest effect. I toon
secured about 25 boxes. I bought them
mostly from Janet' Apothecary Store on
Washington Street- Oue of the first good
effects I found wat an increase of appetite
and the benefit of a general tonic. My blood
liecame purer and better, and the effects of
the muscular rheumatism rapidly disappear
ed. At I took no other medicine the wholo
effect must have come from Dr. Williams'
Pink Pillt. I wat to gratified with theii
effect that I must have bought altogethei
about eighty boxes.
"The result wot that I wat enabled to at
tend to my work as a brakeman on the cars,
which you know requires a pretty fret
strength in the arms, and I found my gener
al health and spirits toned up.
"In the early periods of taking the pillt I
took one at a dose, and latterly I increased to
two and then three, the toning ellect being
all the ttronger without any disagreeable
" I wot to pleab?d with the results of the
Pink Pills in my cV?e that I recommended
them to ail the railroad; n and others with
in my knowledge that I VWW would need
their benefit. As a coiisequeucd 'quite a num
ber began their use. and from all that I bear
their elleets were very satisfactory, sowat 4
doubt not they would he willing to reinforce
my certificate with their own testimony."
Mr. Freeman's remarks were corroborated
at intervals by his wife, who wat a partici
pant in tne conversation ann mamiestiy
shared his genuine enthusiasm for the cura
tive effects of which the hod been a witness,
and for which the name of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills bus become synonymous.
He certainly looked well and no one could
imagine by his appearance and inanifestatior
of energy the double siege of rheumatism
and talt-rtieiim from which the Pink Pillt
bat rescued him.
" I am so satisfied' be said, " as to the true
results which the Pink Pills have brought
me that I ran readily give nn nflidnvit before
a Notary to that effect. All who know me
and the circumstances of my case will, how
ever, feel convinced without the need of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a con
densed form, all the elements necessary togive
new life and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. They nre an unfailing spe
cific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia,
partial paralysis, Kt. Vitus' dunce, sciatica,
neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the
aftereffect of In grippe, palpitation of the heart,
pale and sallow complexions, all forms of
weakness either in mule or female. Pink Pills
are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post
paid on receipt of price, CO cents a box, or
six boxes for $2.50 (tbey are never sold in
bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr. Wil
liams' Medicine Company, Schenectady. N. Y.
, PA.
in the Tribune