The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1896, Image 1

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Bryan Helped to
Make the Wilson
Ha Sail Tint
Would Bring Pros
perity. Did It?
ki 11. V .
LX M 1 II TY1 1 1 i fc2T tWaisflpW. VT 51 ' - 1 T -TVr . Vv 1 m MM II V JLVIkAiMaV lLs LV IL 71 sV. JisW WJ .sM
Aed Plenty
Of Themniooooo
Toduy (Saturday) we will show
an Immense line of new kid gloves
the very best reliable makers,
and In all the new fads and fancies
for fall wear. Among those offered
25 teei
Marshall, Field & Co.'s Berltz
Kid Gloves In Tana, Slute, or
White; also
2 taea
"Utopia"' 4-Button length kid gloves
In Browns or Slate. Both are regu
lar $1.00 qualities, well known In the
Fries Sataray Oily
Fali SMes
Dent's celebrated best English Kid
Gloves, four-button lengths, or
clasps. If preferred. Heavy or
light stitchlngs.
Ms New
A full line of Marshall, Field &
Co.'s "System Jay" real French
Kid gloves In Black, White, Tan,
Canary, Butter, Beaver, Pearl or
Saturday's Price, $1.25
Kid gloves, thoroughly reliable, 4
Button or 5-1 look length, plain or
fancy backs. All colors.
Saturday's Price, $1.00
Golf Caps
For boys' wear, navy blue or fancy
shades. The correct caper. All
Prices, 25c to 50c
In Imported Poucle or plain cloths.
The latest things out. Color, Navy,
Red or Green.
Price, $1.00
In Blue, Red or Green. Stylish
headgear for little money. These
have two quills and handsome or
naments. ' Saturday, 25c
High grade, 75c. quality. All col
on. T9 TT TT" TT
Sattinriay Oily
Enthusiastic Delegations From Counties
of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Seven Hundred Voters From the
West Virginia Oil Producing Towns.
.Mnjor JlcKinley's Remarks Ke
crived With Demonstrations of Ap
proval-Tlurty Delegations Sched
uled to Arrive Today.
Canton, O., Oct. 1C The first delega
tion to call on Major McKinley this
morning was a party of businessmen,
farmers and miners from Pennsylva
nia. They represented Bradford, Hust
on, Carbon, Northampton, Luzerne?,
Lehigh and Wyoming. Congressman
J. H. Codding, of Towamla, acted as
spokesman. In responding Major Mc
Kinley spoke at some length upon the
advantage to miners of a settled tariff
policy backed up by n sound and stable
currency. These conditions, together
with the return of confidence to the
business world, lu contended, would
restore the prosperity to the country
that had been destroyed by the enact
ment of the Wilson tariff bill.
ENCE. Major McKinley said In part:
The way to restore conlldenee Is to have
a settled turilY policy thut will enable the
mnnufneturers of this country to know
just whut their competition will be abroad
unit then prepare for It. Then, more than
that, we want to have u currency In this
country that Is unchangeable in value and
eiiul 10 the best money In the world. tV'e
want everybody in and out of this country
lo know that we are not a nation of Ke
pudiaturs (applause!, and thut wc do not
mean either lo cheat ourselves by a short
doll ir or anybody else. (Great upplimso.)
our dollars heretofore ns now, and ever
since 1K7H, shall continue to be worth 1W
cents each in uohl, uml not only at home,
but wherever trade goes. What you want
is the dollar that you have now and the
only trouble that you arc not getting
enough of them und the reason you are not
getting enough of them Is because you
have not work enough. Now, whatever
will put our people to work Is the true,
patriotic nnd American policy, and the
one which by your votes on the third day
of November j ou call determine upon, for
nobody determines a thing for the Ameri
can people but the American people them
Seven Hundred Voters From the Oil
Regions Anions the Visitors.
Cunl.m.O., Oct. 16. West Virginia !
sent a line delegation of 700 voters to
Canton today. They came from the oil
producing town of Sistervllle and tho
counties of Wetzel and Tyler. Tho El
kins Invluclbles, a marching club of 400,
wearing gold hals and coats, were with
the delegation and formed an Important
part of It. Major McKinley made one
of the most exhaustive speeches to
Southern voters that he has delivered
this campaign. It was received with
marked demonstrations of approval.
He said:
The polic y of protection to American
farms, industiy, enterprise anil labor, is
o broad national policy. It has not a
tinge of sectionalism In It; it is sound in
truth and wholesome In practice. It is not
narrow and provincial, but wide In lis
blessings and its beneiits, always promot
ing Industrial growth, serving national
ends, rewarding individual efforts and ad
vancing the Just aspirations and hopes of
Ihe American people. It is the doctrine of
true patriotism; the welfare of our coun
try and countrymen lirst; our home und
our families llrst, an ardent, sincere nnd
genuine Americanism that loves our Hag
better than any other and would rather
subserve our own interests than the in.
terests of any other people, or of any other
nation of the world. It is not the plea of
one state against another, or any group
or section of states against another; but It
Is for tho benefit of all a policy that In
jures no American interests, but pro
motes them all, "It is only perfect when
universal," and It Is only under thin prin
ciple that the Republican party advo
cates its restoration. The wisdom of your
orators who used to talk to you was that
the tariff was a good thing for the Ohio
farmer and laborer, but a nosltlve detri
ment to the West Virginia farmer and ia-
norer; as ir it coum oenent tne miner oi
Pennsylvania but injure the miner of West
Virginia; as if the wheat and grain grow
er in Kansas, or the best producer of Ne
braska would grow rich by Its operations
and the cotton and sugar planters of Tex.
as and Louisiana become Impoverished
under it. Time and ugain you have heard
them declare that while protection must be
u good thing for the north, It was a etirso
to the west and the south. You know bet.
ler now after havine had thrpe venrs and
a half experience under partial free trade. I
(Great upplause.) In vain did Republican
speakers and papers remonstrate ugaii st !
this business, but of no avail; and so Iho j
people guvo It a trial. With what result?
Is It not true that uartlul free trade has ,
injured us one and all? Is It not true that
partial free trnde has Injured every inle--st
and every Industry in West Virginia?
Have not the people and the government
grown steadily poorer under its destruc
tive operations? Have not the producer
and consumer been injured?
The southern. In common with all the
other status, steadily advanced under the
protective system, if there was a differ
ence between them and the northern
states, it was In their favor steadily every
year from 1S70 to IH'M. simply because their
resources were greater and their devel
opment more general and rapid. In Aug
ust, IKS!!, eight years ago, 1 delivered an ad
dress before the Piedmont Chautauqua
association of Atlanta, Ga., in which 1
endeavored to point out to thq people of
that and other southern states the great
advantage It would be to their
interests to sustain and advocate the pro.
lectlve policy and In that connection cited
the statistics of advancement of the south
under the American protective system as
the best possible argument for Its con
tinued enforcement. Imposing as had
been the progress from 1870 to 1880, tho
growth of the south from 1SSU to 1S90 Is
still more remarkable.
Major McKinley then called atetntiun
to the statistics quoted by Gen. James.
Longstreet in a Hpeech at Augusta,
Ga., on the 9th day of the present
month, showing the Increase In prop
erty valuations, manufacturing and
general investment and continued:
This, my fellow-citizens, all occurred
after the so-called crime ofr 1873, when
the free coinage of sliver was suspended.
No other section of this country, no other
section of the world made such progress
as the south made between 1880 and 1890
and during all that period we were on a
Bold basis, one dollar being as good as ev
ery other dollar and all of them equal
to the best; nt the same time we were un
der a protective tariff policy that encour
aged our own development and the In
crease of our own manufactures. Do you
want to turn your backs upon that policy,
men of West Virginia 7 Do you want a re
turn of that prosperity which you so sig
nally enjoyed from 1880 to 1890? (Cries of
"we do.")
Then, my fellow-citizens, the way to ac
complish that is to vote for that party
not for the individual but to vote tor
that party that has always stood for a
protective tariff and believes In protecting
our own against all the world. This has
been the principle now and our party be.
lleves now, and It has always believed,
that the business of this country must ba
done with dollars that are worth 100 cents
In every state of the Union and In every
pert o? the civilised world.
f'r.turday promise to be the liveliest
day of this very vivacious campaign
In Canton. Thirty delegation, are
scheduled to arrive here tomorrow and
the visitors will begin to come as eaily
as 5 o clock In the morning. The indi
cations are that more than 25,000 peoplj
will come to Canton tomorrow, ar.d
that Major MeKin ey wi 1 have-to make
ni fewer than twenty-live speeches.
Proceedings of the Convention at
Pittsburg, Fa., Oct. 16. The Broth
erhood of St. Andrew began the thl d
day of their convention at 6.30 o'clock
this morning In Trinity church, where
"corporate celebra.lon of the holy com
munion" was observed, Rt. Rev. John
Iiowtlen. 1. I)., Lord Bishop of Edln
burg, Scotland, celebrant. The busi
ness session opened in Carnegie hall
at 9.30 o'clock with a half hour de
votional service.
At 11 o'clock a general conference
was held, the subject being "the rula
of life."
At 2.30 o'clock this afternoon the.
Lord bishop of Edinburgh Uowden
delivered un address on "How Scot
land Gave tile Episcopate to America."
From S.IiO o'clock sectional conference
occupied the time of the convention.
Tonight a public meeting was held
In Carnegie hall, at which the sub
ject "Citizenship" was discussed by
Edwin II. Smith, cf Chicago, and Rt.
Rev. Davis Sessums, D. D., bishop of
Louisiana. At this morning's session,
a committee was appointed to prepare
resolution on the deaths of Archbishop
of Canterbury and the late Arthur
Cleveland Coxe, of Western New York.
A letter from W. E. Gladstone was
read dated Huwarden Castle, Chester,
June 28, IWij. It was especially ad
dressed to the young and evinced much
interest in the work of the brotherhood.
Mr. Gladstone also speaks with alarm
tit the operation of the present divorce
laws fearing that they may tend to al
ter and to debase the whole Idea both
of married and of family life.
Nessious Yesterday Sensationally
Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 16. Today's ses
sion of the Presbyterian synod, though
not successful In the disposition of a
great amount of business, was almost
as sensationally Interesting as a politi
cal convention. In fact, in a number of
speeches politics were In no wise for
gotten. The meriting session was a
busy one. After the usiinl half hour's
devotion and the constituting of the
synod with prayer. Moderator Graham
announced the list of standing commit
tees. A large number of delegates who
came in late, reported. State Clerk
Robert Hunter lead the list of papers
in his hands for the synod's action.
Dr. E. R. Craven spoke in behalf of
the Salibulh school work publication
society; Dr. Leighton W. Eckard read
the report of the committee on Lafay
ette college; Dr. David Cunningham,
that of the Western Theological semin
ary, and Dr. I. N. Reindall, that of the
Wilson college.
Dr. Benham read the narrative and
necrologleal report. The entire after
noon's session was taken up with a
discussion and final adoption of the
reports of the permanent and standing
committees on home missions and
church sustentatlon. The main point
was the discussion of the Indiana plan
of raising money. The plan was re
jected, and the system adopted ten
years ago will be continued. The ques
tion of the trannfer of the Reading
churches from the Presbytery of Le
high to that of Philadelphia. North, was
decided by the synod's voting to adopt
the report granting the transfer.
This evening a popular meeting was
held In the Interest of home and for
eign missions, the speakers being Dr.
William C. Roberts and Dr. George
B. Ellenwood.
It is Now the Subject of a Coutro
versy in Washington Courts. '
Washington, Oct. 16. The hat which
President Lincoln wore the night he
was f.ssassinated In Ford's theater,
thia cltv.. was the subject of a con
troversy In the district courts, which
ended today In a judgment for the cus
todian for the museum of the Lincoln
relics contained In the house where the
martyred president died. The evidence
in the case disclosed these facts:
The hat, now a rusty beaver, was
presented by Mrs. Lincoln to Rev. Dr.
Phlp.eas Guiiey, then pastor of New
I'jrk Avenue Presbyterian thurch. who
preached the sermon at the funeral
of the dead president. After Dr. Gur
ley's death the hat was placed on ex
hibition by his son In the patent of
fice, whence it disappeared after some
years. It was next seen In the Smith
sonian niusnnn without the card iUt
Ing that It wna a loan from the Cur
ley estate. At that time It was so.n
by irpivsentuUv.'S of the Gurky c.3
tat", but tl.ey made no effort to re
claim It until sonr.e yea's later, when
it had bin transferred to the Lin
coln relic museum. .fridge Cole htld
that this di luy was to the Gur
leys under the operation of the statute
of limitations: that having then failed
ti' assert title they could not do so
Accldcut to Colonel Freeman at a
' Republican Meeting.
Columbus, O.. Oct. 16. The most en
thusiastic Republican ' meeting of the
campaign was held here tonight. The
distinguished party of union oificers of
the .late war, consisting of General
O. . Howard, General Daniel E.
SiekelB, General Russel Alger, General
Steward, General Marsden, Corporal
Tanner and Major Burst, were the
speakers. A feature of the meeting
was the magnificent parade which pre
ceded the speechmaklng.
While the clubs were forming the
horse ridden by Colonel Freemen, the
chief marshal of the parade, fell, throw
ing the rider under him. Colonel Free
man's skull was fractured, his right
leg broken and he is thought to be
fatally injured.
After au Extended Argument lie is
Held to Bail in 92,500.
Philadelphia, Oct. 16. The hearing
of John D. Hart, of this city, who Is
charged with being connected with a
recent Cuban filibustering expedition
on the steamer Laurada, was resumed
this afternoon before United States
Commissioner Edmunds.
After an extended argument the
commissioner held Hart In $2,500 ball
for trial at the November term of the
United States court. ,
Knights of the Golden Engle.
Rending, Pa., Oct. 1C Supreme Castle,
Knights of the Golden Eagle, wound Up
Its business late today. C. IS. Wood, cf
Philadelphia, received degree of past su
preme chief for meritorious work. Newlv
elected officers Installed. Detth benefit
fund provides for monthly payments ac
cording to age and there are three classes
of death bnnts-S2S0, $600 and fLOM.
Rule Also Issued to Restrain Oificers
From Disposing of Property.
William Buchanan the Complainant
is Cited to Appear in a Police
Court on Monday and Answer a
Criminal Charge Made by Camlle
Wilmington, Del., Oct. 16. Ex-Senator
Higgins this morning appl.ed to
Judge Wales to United States court for
receivers for the Bay State Gas com
pany of this city and Boston. The
application was granted ar.d J. Augus
tus McCauley president of th Arti
san's Saving bank, of this city, and
Dwlght Hraman, of Hoston. were
named as the receivers. Bonds In the
sum of J25.0U0 each were demanded and
will be furnished later. A rule was
issued upon the officers of the com
pany returnable Nov. 7, restraining
them from selling or disposing of any
of the company's effects. The proceed
ings were ex parte, the ofliuers of the
company not being represented. J. Ed
ward Addlcks Is the president of the
William Buchanan, of New York, Is
the complainant In the Buy State Gns
company matter. He holds S100.000
worth of the stock. His solicitors ure
j.nthony Hlgglns, of this city, Mr. Fos
ter, of New York, and Frederick E.
Snow, of Boston. The receivers are
bonded In $25,000, their security being
the Fidelity Deposit company, of Mary
land. Late this afternoon Mr. McCauley,
one of the temporary receivers of the
Hay State Gas company, acting upon
advice of counsel for Buchanan, made
a demand at the company's oftlce here
for the contents of a desk there, on
the belief that certain papers would
be found. Clerk Charles H. G aff, who
was In charge, declined to open the
desk and a locksmith was sent for and
the desk forced open. It is reported
that nothing was found In It.
I'p to J o'clock tonight notice of the
action of the court In appointing re
ceivers for the company had not been
served by Marshal Lannan upon J.
Edward Addlcks. Mr. Addlcks is said
to be In New York. It Is rumored that
the Interesting developments will fol
low the application for receivers.
New York, Oct. 16. William Buchan
an, of New York, who petitioned today
in Delaware for a receiver for the Bay
State Gas company, was tonight cited
to appear In a police court on Monday
to answer a criminal charge made
against him by Camllle Weldenneld, of
the Arm of Lawson & Weidentleld, of
Boston and New York. The summons
was issued by Judge Wentworth, city
magistrate, on depositions, -which set
forth that "the said Buchanan had cir
culated, contrary to the Btntutes of
New York, false statements, rumors
and Intelligence in the presence of said
Weidentleld and others, concerning the
Bay State Gas company, of Delaware;
stating that It was insolvent and bank
rupt and that the president had dis
torted millions of dollars of its capital
stock to his own use, and the said Bu
chanan threatened that he'would ruin
the said president if he had to spend
$150,000 to accomplish that end; that
he had arranged to bring suit against
the company and secure a receiver for
it unless he was paid $235,000 for his
securities by 12 o'clock Friday, Oct. Hi;
if this was paid to him he would with
draw his suit and stop all operations
in the matter; that unless this payment
was made the suit In Delaware would
be pushed and the whole matter would
be published In the evening papers
of the day." With the deposition was
filed an affidavit by the treasurer of the
Pay State Gas company setting forth
under oath that the corporation was not
insolvent or bankrupt; that, on the
contrary, during the present year he
paid off all its indebtedness, at one time
amounting to over one million dollars;
that at the present time it has only a
small amount of current debt and cash
on hand to a considerable amount.
The treasurer further alleges that the
president has not stolen any of its cap
ital stock and so far as the new Issue
is concerned he has not received or
owned a -single share of it.
New York, Oct. 16. The Bay State
Gas company of New Jersey for which
a receiver was appointed by the United
States court at Wilmington today, was
Incorporated In 1889, principally for the
purpose of consolidating the fourteen
Kas companies then supplying the city
of Boston. This company, in addition
to obtaining control of all the Boston
Gas companies, subsequently absorbed
the Brooklvn Gas company, at a cost
of about $125,000.
The financial statement on January
1. 1H96, showed the capital stock to be
$15,000,000, and that the total stocks and
bonds Issued by the company amounted
to $29,000,000.
Dwlght Bragan has been selected as
co-receiver In Boston of the Bay State
Gas company.
Wilmington, Oct. 16. Mr. Addlcks
could not be found here this evening,
but Charles H. Kllllnger, his private
secretary, was seen and he stated that
his belief was that the whole affair was
a conspiracy against Addlcks, and that
proceedings on the charge of conspiracy
would be Instituted against all con
cerned in it.
desertsHryan and sew all
Simon P. Hherin Ex-Secretary of
National Committee Bolls.
Indianapolis. Oct. 16. Private tele
grams received from Hon. Simon P.
Sherin, ex-secretary of the Democratic
national committee, state that he has
renounced allegiance to the Bryan
Sewall ticket.
He does not regard the platform as
Democratic; he thinks Bryan Is a
Populist and not a Democrat: he does
not believe the cause of free silver will
win. The recent fusion of Populists
in Indiana Is, however, what caused
him to Anally make up his mind to
quit the party.
Chicago Syndicate to Make Paper of
Kanknkec Swamp Urnss.
Michigan City, Tnd., Oct. 16. Chicago
capitalists have secured options on f,ev
eral thousand acres of land In La Porte
and adjacent counties, this large ana
being located In the Kankakee region,
for the establishment of an industry
that promises to revolutionize a branch
of the paper-making industry.
It Is elated that experiments havs
demonstrated that by a new process an
excellent quality of binding; twine and
building and roofing paper can be made
out of the long grass that stretches
cvay for miles in the Kankakee
The process Is controlled by a syndi
cs tt of capitalists, and It is proposed
to develop a new industry on a large
scale by the establishment of a num
ber of plants.
Ilig Loan Not Authorized by Trus
tees Must Be Paid.
Clnclnati. Oct. 16. In the United
States court today Judge Sage an
nounced a decision which becomes a
precedent of great interest to bankers
and other business men.
E. L. Harper, of the Fidelity Nation
al bank, borrowed $300,000 from the
Chemical National bank of New York
city, March 2, 1SS7, to place in the
bank. He made the loan on his own
responsibility, and did not consult the
bank trustees.
When the bank failed the Chemical
entered suit against Receiver Arm
strong to recover the $300,000 with In
terest. Armstrong fought the suit be
cause the trustees had not authorised
the loan.
The complaint alleged that they were
doing business with the accredited of
ficer of the bank, and made the loan
In good faith, and had no means of .
knowing his misdoings. Judge Sage
decreed for the complainants, and gave
judgment for the amount with Inter
Armenian Women Whose Husbands and
Fathers Are in America Will
Be Allowed to Leave Turkey.
Washington, Oct. 16. The United
States has obtained an important con
cession from Turkey in regard to nat
uralized Armenians.
Secretary Oln ry is in receipt of tele
graphic dispatches from the United
States minister at Constantinople to
the effect that he has at last obtained
telegraphic orders from the Turkish
government to permit the departure to
tho United States with safe conduct
to the seaports of all the native Ar
menian women and children whose hus
bands and futliers arc in the United
States of America. The subject Is one
that has been before the Porte a long
time and for the gratifying result cred
it must be given to -Mr. Terrell, who has
pushed the matter with conspicuous
tact as well as indefatigable seal.
Stale Department Discovers Flaws in
the Baker Ballot Law.
Harrlsburg, Pa Oct. 16. The state
department has discovered an import
ant omission in the Baker ballot law,
section 14, of the aet of 1891, requiring
county commissioners to print on the
ballot the names and residence of can
didates, but section 14 of the aet of
1S93, a substitute for the original law
omits the requirement about residences.
Under the last administration the state
department omlted residences from
the official ballot sent to the county
commlslsoners and Secretary Reeder
followed this precedent last year.
In section 9 of the act of 1893, the
residence requirement as to the ballot
was not stricken out as was intended
and after consultation with the attor
ney general It was decided at the state
deartment today to certify the official
ballot to the county commissioners
with names and residences of candi
dates. This will not affect the county
commisioners as they are not required
to print the residences on the ballot.
Resolutions of Censure Adopted I'pon
Management of Pittston Colliery.
Pottsvllle, Pa., Oct. 16. A convention
of the United Mine Workers of America,
which organization has a membership
of 30,000 In this region, was held here
today. John Fahey, president of the
anthracite district, presided, and there
was some fifty branches of the order
represented at the meeting.
Strong resolutions of censure were
adopted upon the management of the
Pittston colliery, where so many lives
of miners were lost recently. The order
also adopted measures with a view of
compelling the enforcement of the
semi-monthly pay law, which Is being
violated In this region, particularly in
the Shamokin district.
The Italian Banker Awaits Requisi
tion Papers in Philadelphia.
Phlladelphla.Oct.16. Adolphus Cohen
Coles, the late New York banker, who
was arrested here yesterday on the
charge of extensive embezzlement com
mitted two years ago, will probably
not be taken to New York for several
days. It Is believed that it will re
quire from four to five days to secure
the necessary requisition papers.
The daughter of the accused visited
him In his cell at the central station.
The Speaker Confined to His Hotel
in Fort Wayne.
Fort Wayne, Ind., Oct. if!. Speaker
Thomas B. Reed, of Maine, who spoke
here last night, Is confined to his hotel
in this city with sickness and was un
able to resume his speaking tour this
morning. His voice has given out and
he is unable to speek above a whisper.
His engagements at Cambridge City
and Peru have been cancelled. He
leaves for Chicago at 4 p. m. today.
Gettsbnrc Defeats Franklin.
Gettysburg, Pa.. Oct. W. Gettysburg
college defeated Franklin and Marshall
at foot ball here today by the score of
10 to 0.
Weather Indications Tsdayl
Fair) Ceoltr; Northerly Winds.
1 McKinley Talks to Many Canton Pll-
Carlisle Exhorts Wage-Earners.
Bay State Gas Company In Receivers'
2 Bryan Talks from Early Morn.
Wall Street Review and Markets.
t (Local) Last session of Teachers' In.
4 Editorial. .
5 (Local) Pu'sentat Ion to Ex-Mayor
Accidents of a Day.
6 Social and Personal.
Church and Church Society News.
7 Suburban Happenings.
8 Fortunes Taken from Pine Trees.
Claims the Earth Is Wabbling.
Wonders of the Queen's Dominions.
The Matter of Campaign Funds.
10 (Story) "The Hara-Klrl.
11 World of Letters.,
11 Nswe V and Down the Vails
Eloquent Speech Made by the Secre
tary of the Treasury.
la an Impromptu Ovatiou the States
man Hurls Some Hard Knocks nt
the Silver Halluuinations-Sound
Advice Prepared for the Men Who
Earn Their Dollars by Hard Labor.
Washington, Oct. 16. Th Wage
Earners' Patriotic league of Maryland
to the number of 200 called on Secre
tary Carlisle today at the treasury to
invite him to address them In Balti
more at his convenience. The secret-iry
received the delegation on the south
steps of the treasury, where Mr. H.
K. L. Johnson, the leader of the dele
gation, made an address in which he
said they were Cleveland and Carllrle
Democrats who proposed to vote for
McKinley as tho representative of hon
est money. Secretary Carlisle mount
ed a chair and ns he did so some one
in the crowd called out: "Tell the
truth." He promptly answered: "I will
try to do so." Then he said:
"Gentlemen, I am very much obliged
to you for this visit, and very sorry
that It Is not in my power to comply
with the request you have come here to
make. The reasons why I am not able
to do so, I think, are tolerably well
understood by the public. My business!
has been so arranged as to permit m
to make a few speeches in my own
state, but under the circumstances it
would not be possible for me to go else
where. I can not, therefore, accept
your invitation to go to Baltimore, but
one or two things have been suggested
by the addresses just made about which
I would like to say a very few words
to you while you are here. If there
Is a laboring man In the United States
who really believes that the money he
is now receiving for his wages is too
good for him, that It is buying too
much food, too much clothing for him
self and his family, or that it Is pay
ing the rent for a better house than
he and his family ought to live In, .it
is his duty to vote for the free and
unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio
of lfi to 1. (Cheers.) If there Is any
laboring man In the United Stales who
has saved money out of his earnings
and has deposited It In a savings bank
or building association or paid it on a
policy of life Insurance for Ihe bone
fit of his family, and who desires to
have it paid back to him in a cur
rency worth about half as much an
the money he paid out, he ought also
to vote for the free and unlimited coin
age of silver, for that will give him
exactly what he wants. On the other
hand, every man in the United States,
whether he works for wages or not, who
waits to preserve the value of what
he has already accumulated, and to
Insure tho value of what hr may here
after receive, ought to vote against
the free and unlimited coinage 'of sil
ver and for the maintenance of a sound
and Btable currency in this country.
While every man who works for
wages or receives a fixed compensation
for his services must be deeply In
terested In the result of the pending
contest, those men who work for rail
road companies and other transporta
tion companies, many of whom reside
in your city, and some of whom are
perhaps here, have a special interest In
the questions involved, because their
employers are confronted by a situa
tion which mukes It Impossible to soon
increase wages as to compensate for
the dhnlnshed purchasing power of the
money In which wagees must be paid
If the policy of free coinage of silver
at the ratio of 16 to 1 Is adopted. Theso
companies cannot Increase wages un
less they can Increase the receipts from
their business; they cannot increase
the receipts from their business unless
they can Increase the charges for car
rying freight and passengers, and if
they should attempt to increase the
charges for carrying freight and pas
sengers, it is safe to say that the very
men, the very people who are now most
clamorous for the free coinage of silver
would be the first to protest against
it nnd demand legislation to prohibit
it in all cases where such legislation is
not already existing. (Applause.) The
man, therefore, who works for a trans
portation company would find himself
the helpless victim of a pulley which
dhnlnshed the purchasing power of his
wages about one half and compelled
him to work on and on for the same
number of dollars he received before,
thus destroying all hope of Improve
ment of his condition. But, gentlemen,
the laboring men have their fate in
their own hands. They have the power
to protect their wages against the de
predation and to protect their country
against financial disturbance and ruin,
and if they are us intelligent and pa
triotic 1 believe them to be they will
so exercise their power that no reckless
agitator will hereafter dare to approach
them In behalf of this wild and revolu
tionary scheme of finance and civil
government. (Prolonged applause.)
Now gentlemen, I thank you again
for this visit, and 1 tender to each and
every one of you my best wishes for
his prosperity in whatever calling he
may hereafter be engaged."
Then the secretary retired amid ap
Mills Slopped to Permit Workers to
Hear Politiral Speeches.
Concord, N. C, Oct. 16. The manag
ers of the Cabarrus Cotton mill and the
Cannon Manufacturing oompuny of
Concord, N. C. stopped their mills for
about twenty-five minutes today, and
Mr. Laurus Loom It, of New York city,
made an address on protection for the
South. McKinley clubs will be organ
ized In their mills, but no coercion on
the part of the mill owners will be
brought to bear on the employes. The
Cabarrus mill was stopped to enable the
operatives to hear Mr. Bryan on his re
cent visit.
Steamship Arrivals.
New York. Oct. 1C Arrived: St. Tatil,
from Southampton; I.iicunla, from Liver
pool and QiiPenstnwn: Columbia, from
Hamburg, via Southampton and flier
bourg: i'nlatia, from Hamburg; Nnrge,
from Copenhagen, etc. Arrived out: t'"m
pania. at Oueenstown; Spuar ndum, t Rot
terdam: Ems, at flenou. Sailed for New
S'otk: Werra, 'from Naples: Furnessln,
from Movllle; Willehal, from Bremen.
Sighted: Mississippi, from New York lor
London, passed isle of Wight.
The Herald's Heather Forecast.
New York, Oct. 17. For t1n Middle
states today, fair to partly cloudy anil
considerably colder weather will prevail
with fresh westerly and northwesterly
winds, followed by killing frosts In all the
northern districts. On Sunday, fair, colder
weather will prevail, with frssh north
westerly wind.
bjOl. SC ,r O 0 O
The Greatest HEALTH GIVER and
A'Gnsad OppMeily
CORSET really Is.
The Expert Fitter of Her Majesty's Cor.
set commences one week's engagement at
our store, on .Monday, (let. 10th, and end.
lng on Saturduy, Oct. 24th.
It will glvo her great pelasure to explain
the nuiny merits of this celebrated Corset,
ami five fittings, thus Illustrating without
doubt the exquisite figure and long grace
ful waist It will create. ,
We also desire U call special attention to
Her Majesty's Corset made In extra long
waist, which is without doubt the longest
walsted and most exquisitely formed Cor
set ever produced.
We desire it to ho distinctly understood
that ladles will not b expected to pur
chase a Corset after a fitting Is made un
les they so desire.
Engagements for fittings ran be made
with Mrs. Ruth by mall or telegraph.
We keep a romplete assortment of Her
Majesty's Corsets in all qualities, also In
HlKh und Low Bust and Kxtrs Long
We also have on exhibition a line of Her
Majesty's Corsets, made of satin of the
most beautiful designs; these goods are
very light in weight and comfortable.
We highly recommend thia Corset, and
feel confident that ladles will receive,
from wearing it, Perfect Satisfaction.
510 AND 512
Busy o. Busy
Selling Fall Footwear.
' Every department com
plete, wholesale and re
When you pay for Jewelry you mtrht as
well get the best
A fine line of Novelties for Ladles aaJ
W. J. WeacheE
408 Spruce St.
Atallc Lcai
French Ziac,
Enamel Pails,
Carriage Paints,
Reynolds9 Pare (Celors,
IteynoMs9 Wcad FMsi
Crockett's Preservative.
Ready Mixed Tinted
Qloss Paints, Strictly Pure
Isjta&eed pili Quaraotced