The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 16, 1896, Page 4, Image 4
TIIE SCBANTON TRIBUNE FHIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 180(5. Mlyaod Wtkly. NoSiiaday Edition. Publlshe at Scraatoa. Pa., by The Trlbaaa , PaMlfklng Company. Saw York Offlcn Tribune Bulldina. Fran a Omy. Maiager. tlTUlO T THI rOSTomcl kt ScaHTO. . AS MCOID-CUUU HAIL MATTW. SCRANTON. OCTOBER 16, 1S96. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. NATIONAL. Prldent-WILLIA7TM'KINLEY. Vlee-Preoldent-QAR ttKT A. HOBABT. STATE. Congressmen a. - Lare ALt'SHA liHdW SAMUEL. A. DAVENPORT. CO I'M TIT. Congress-WILUAFcONNELL. 9 Commissloners-S. W. ROBERTS, GILES ROBERTS. . Audltors-A. E. KIEFER, FRED I WARD. LEGISLATIVE. Senate. Slat TJIstrlctCOI,. W. J. eVQTT. Representative. 1st Plstrlrt-JOHN K. FARR; 2d Dlslrlot-A. T. rONNEL. 3d Dlstrlet-DR. N. C. MACKEY; h Mstrlct-JOHN F. REYNOLDS. Some persona have criticised the elec toral estimate printed In yesterday's Tribune because It conceded California, Kansas and Nebraska to Bryan. Our point was simply that Republicans could give Bryan those states and yet beat him easily. We don't for an ln Etant concede that McKlnley has no chance of carrying those three states. If he doesn't curry both California and Wt-braska we shall be disappointed. Last Evening's Meeting;. The eager and attentive interest with which an Immense audience made up mainly of worklngmen listened last evening In the FrothliiRham theater to the brilliant oratory, salient arguments Rnd wholesome advice of Mr. Smith and President WooJmausee, together with the quick and earnest applause which greeted each telling point, dem onstrated to any who had previously been In doubt that the great muss of Industrial workers In this as In other sections are studying out the problems of this campaign for themselves, and are not going to be stampeded by one candidate's reckless oratory into n Jac obin uprising against the existing order of things. In other words, the majority of our toilers by hand, as well as of those who work with their brains, are hon est, patriotic and conservative. They want to do what Is right, what will redound to the general good, what will add to the stability and the prosperity of American Institutions. They are not agitators nor the dupes of agitators. They are capable of listening to ration al argument; they are desirous of re ceiving honest information, and they are preparing to vote strictly on the merits of the Issues. To this condition of affairs the Republican party pins Its hopes. It cannot compete with the other Ride In making deceptive promises, In lifting the false scare of class against class. In firing sectional prejudice and In playing upon the Irresponsible emo tions of the generally discontented. In these directions the Republican party Is out-classed. We may as well be frank and say plainly what every sen sible man already knows namely, that If the determination of this campaign depended upon bluff, screech and swag ger, upon reckless speech, false accusa tion, Impassioned rhetoric and Incen diary teaching, the Republican party would not stand the ghost of a show. But appealing as It does to the calm ' reason of the people; laying its case fairly, candidly and dispassionately be fore the public, and asking for no vote from any quarter which is not the re sult of honest conviction reached after careful tufy, the Republican party can and does hope for success, because not to do so would be to doubt the man hood of the American electorate. The meeting of last night was but the counterpart of thousands of gathering in all parts of the country, at wh'.ch the subjects at Issue are being clearly nd ably discussed. It was only i local specimen of a campaign of education which covers the continent and Is mak ing Its Influence felt In every American home. The result of such a campaign will be the magnificent triumph of Re publican principles. According to the Times, The Tribune lies when it says 412 grains of silver nine-tenths fine, or the amount that would go Into a Bryan dollar, are worth only 60 cents. There Is, of course, no use In arguing against epithets; but we' challenge the Times to try to get more than BO cents for that much silver bullion in the open market. Bryan Should Speak Out. In his Madison Square Garden speech, In his three letters of acceptance and In each of the three hundred or more speeches which he has delivered during his vote-seeking tour of the country Mr. Bryan has deliberately and studi ously refrained from declaring his in tentions with reference to the tariff. He has said what he would do to the currency if elected president; what he would do to the Supreme court; what he would do to the civil service; and what he would do In a dozen other dif ferent directions, but he has not since his nomination last July given a single Intimation of his wishes or his pur poses concerning the tariff. All thattWe know about his attitude on this Issue is derived from his record while a member of congress. It Is a matter of history that he was one of the majority members of the ways and means committee of the Democratic congress which framed the Wilson bill; ! that he was more radical In his denun ciation of tariff Protection than any other man In that conzres; that he declared repeatedly agalnBt placing protective duties on Iron and coal and wool and that he time and again an nounced his complete sympathy with the plank In the Democratic national platform of 1893 which denounced Pro tection as fraudulent and Unconstitu tional, and mads that' plank the text of several speeches which were printed and circulated by the million copies as Democratic campaign documents. Tire voters of Lackawanna county. In common with the voters of other Indus trial communities which have suffered by reason of the P.ryan style of tnrlff, have a natural ajid proper curiosity to know whether William J. Bryan today holds the same opinions on this sub ject which he expressed so freely and so forcibly during the tariff debates of 1S92. They want to know whether If he were elected president he would sign a Protective iarlff bill or whether he would hold out for a tariff bill closing American workshops and giving our markets over in fee simple to the for eign manufacturer. They consider that they have a right to ask for in formation on this point. They are Pro tectionists, almost to a man, and they don't have any fear as to what William McKlnley would do in a similar con tingency. The difference between a speech by Itryan and one by Charles Emory Smith is that the latter has something in it. Read it and see. Swapping Horses In Mid-stream. When the history of this presidential canvass shall be written In after years, one of the numerous curious facts which will eo on record will be the swapping of horses which the Popo cracy tried to effect while In the mid dle of the stream. At the outset Bryan's whole cry was for free silver. With that he expected to catch the farmer vote. The farmer vote. It was flsured, would elect him when added to the vote of those who follow party resnrilless of issues. If a ballot could have been taken a fort night after his dramatic luimitiat in it Is probable that Bryan would have rap tured the farmer vote, and with it the presidency. Hut two months of hard thinking have Intervened, and this short interval has been suflbient to render it patent to the farmer that Bryan's argument is a fallacy. Bry an told the farmer that the fall In price of ills farm products was c aused by the "crime of 1X7:1." and that It ciilncldid with the full In price of sil ver since sliver's demonetization. Hut when the fanner took timte to study his account books, he discovered that farm prices in 1SH2 were very little lower, on the average, thun they were In 1S70, except In the case of wheat, which had fallen in Mice the world over because of overproduction; und he further found out that what he lirnl lust through lower farm prices bad been upon tin; average made ui to him in cheaper store prices. In other words. It he got less money for his crops, that money, when spent for the necessaries of life, went further and bought inure so that the entries on the two sides of the account pretty nearly balanced. To be sure, there has been a consid erable drop in farm prices since 1SUL', but any reasonable man must admit that this cannot juntly be charged against the gold standard, else It would have occurred nineteen years earlier. The only discoverable reason for It. apart from large crops, Is the fact that since muny millions of American worklngmen have been out of work nr else working on reduced time, and thus have been compelled to cat only the cheapest food and n restricted amount of that. With supply large and demand ubnorinally small because of Demo cratic tariff tinkering, farm produce has necessarily fallen since 1 K!2t nut because of gold or silver but because of Cleveland, Wilson, Chirm an and this self-same William Bryan who now tries to shirk the responsibility of his ruinous work In the ways and menus committee room of the Fifty-second congress. A recognition of these facts has taken from Bryan a large percent age of the furmer vote, and he and his managers saw that they would have to make good the loss or lose all hope of carrying the election. What did they do? Thoy decided to change the Issue. Free silver meant higher prices, and that didn't fascinate the workingman, who could see no as surance that If prices rose hiswages would rise . proportionally. Therefore free sliver was sidetracked, and Bryan started out to rail against corpora tions, , syndicates and trusts, to pal aver the poor man, tickle the fancy of the "masses" and ansle assiduously for the labor vote. lie complained vol ubly at imaginary coercion; pummelcd men of straw whom he set up as rep resentatives of the wealth of the land and made a great show of compassion for the folks who qVm't get along very well in life. If you have read his speeches from day to day you will have noticed that since this swapping of horses was decided upon because of the defection of the farmer vote, Bryan has said comparatively little about sil ver. His main theme since then has been the denunciation of wealth and the making of a great grand stand play for the discontented vote. In the meantime it is interesting to note that William McKlnley stands squarely and firmly by the first utter ances of his campaign and has not de viated one lota from a manly but de termined championship of Protection and sound money. Ho at least is no mere opportunist with sails reversible to fit every new breeze that blows.- The weakest point in Bryan's w hole argument is that he does nothing but find fault. The faultfinder soon be comes tiresome. Worth Guarding Against. We have reason to believe that strenuous efforts are being made by the local Democratic organization to elect Burke and Demuth, thus over turning Republican control of the county commissioners' ofilce and add ing a large reinforcement to the free trade enmp. Many artifices ar6 being employed to Induce Republicans to di vide their vote so as to give one or the other of the Democratic candidates a lift. With one Republican Burke Is the man In whose behalf a vote Is solicited; with another, Demuth; but In both cases the representation Is made that such a vote would be "only a compliment." .But what would be the result of eucIi a compliment, if many of them were to be given? Very obviously, the elec tion of one Republican and both Dem ocratic candidate?. In a county where the normal Republican majority is not large It would take comparatively lit tle of this kind of ticket-splitting to overcome the regular party lead and throw the election to the Democrats. Where a Republican Voter deliberately wants to strengthen the enemy, of course nothing more can be said. This Is simply Intended as a warning to Re publicans who do value party success as represented In the election of hon est and capable candidates, so that they will hereafter be on their guard. "I want good sense and business. Do not deceive us with debased coin. Give us good money, the liteblood of busi ness, and let It flow freely through the veins and arteries of commerce. That is what we want business. We won't have it unless we have confidence In the future, and no sensible man In the Vnlted States will have any confidence In an administration to be governed by the new Democracy. We want credit. Credit is based on confidence, and when Vwe have good -times, you know, everybody nearly has credit. Every man's mouth is a mint that Is sues dollars. When a good fellow with a good Job goes to the grocer and says, 'give me $5 worth of sugar, 5 worth of coffee, charge it,' he has added $10 to the currency of the United States. He has Inflated the money; and when another buys a horse and gives his note for J100. he has Inflated the money. And, nfterwards, when times get hard, they won't credit, then they say money Is scarce. There is just as much money as there was before. Ccredit Is scarce. That is the trouble. Confidence Is gone, and we must restore It." Colonel In gersoll. It Is pointed out by the treasury de partment that since the repeal of the purchasing clause of'the Sherman act, In IS!3, 17,SCt,l'Jl silver dollars have been coined at the mints of the United States, which Is more than twice us many as was coined from the beginn ing of the government to the "crime of '7:." Hut the trouble with those dollars, according to tint silver mine owner's view of the matter. Is that the profit in coining them went to the government. The mine-owner wants tbut profit himself; and Bryan's elec tion would give it to him. It is announced that In every doubt ful utato and in every state where there Is any particular, object In con centrating the free sliver strength, fu sion between the Democrats and the Populists bus been effected at least bo far as the electoral ticket. This means a S(tiare, fair, up and down fight be tween sound money and the silver Btandard, and It behooves every friend of the former to stand to his guns. One of the handsomest souvenir is sues ever gotten out by a Pennsylvania newspaper comes from the presses of the Sit. Carmel Dally News and Is an Illustrated description In neat folio form of the industries, social advan tages and miscellaneous attractions of Mt. Cnrmel. The publication reflects great credit upon Its compiler, Mr. Lou is l'crcivul lllne, niul upon its publish er, Mr. R. J. Wilson. - - . . "I um In favor of honest money. I am In favor of gold niul silver. I am In favor of. paper with gold and silver behind It. I believe In silver, because it Is one of the great American pro ducts, atid I am in favor of anything that will add to the value of an Ameri can product: but I want a silver dollar worth a gold dollar, even If you have to make it four fjeut In diameter." Cululiel IngeMoll. Four years ngo Bryan claimed thnt It was Protection which was ruining the country. He had his way. Protection was overthrown. A revenue tariff was substituted and things got a thousand fold worse than they had ever been. And yet this buoyant philosopher now refuses to say a word about the tariff, and claims It's our money which Is wrong. What grievance will he spring next time? President Diaz puts the case frankly when he intimates that Mexico has the silver standard from necessity rather than from choice. He would jump to the gold standard in a minute If he could. Fortunately America doesn't have to use inferior money. Major McKlnley, when elected presi dent, will sell bonds only as a last resort. But a decent protective tariff will preserve his administration from that unpleasant necessity, provided the people give him a Republican congress. According to Walter Wellman, Iowa Is as safe for McKlnley as Pennsyl vania or New York. - For that matter, so ure Indiana and Illinois. But it will do no harm to go right on piling up the sound money majorities. The gold standard never gave any trouble, but on the contrary steadily conduced to this country's prosperity until In 1S!2 Bryan and his associate free traders looted the federal revenues by deforming the tariff. Teller complains that while stumping for Bryan he has to pay his own ex penses. But look what he would make it free sliver should win? As sliver goes down wheat continues to go up, leaving the wheat-and-sllver parity argument of the Bryanltes ripped open at both ends. TIIE UNREQUITED. They have no plnce in storied page. No rest In marble shrine; They are past and gone with a perished age," They died, and "made no sign." But work that shall find its watxt-s yet, And deeds that the Clod did not forget, Done for the love Divine These were their mourners, and these shall be The crowns of their immortality. Oh! seek them not where sleep the dead. Ye shall not find their trace; No graven stone Is at their head. No green grans hides their face; . Hut sad and unseen Is their silent grave It may he the sulid or the deep sea wave, Or a lonely desert plare; For they needed no prayers and no mourn ing bell They were tombed In true hearts that knew them well. They healed the sick till their hearts were broken. And dried sad eyes till theirs lost light; We shall know at lut-t by a certain token How they fought and fell In the light. S-ill tears of sorrow imbcheld, passionate cries nr.chronlcled. And silent strifes for the right Angels sbull count them, ant' earth shall sigh That she left her best children to battle and die. - - . Sir Edwin Arnold. Timely Thotighis for Wage-Earners From the Indianapolis News. It should be remembered by every man that works for wages that in. case Mr. Hi. van Is elected there will be no need of legislation to put t! country on a silver basis. If the fact of his election is not of Itself su tlh' lent to do that, all that will he needed will be for his secretary of hj treasury to begin redeeming' greenback.) and treasury notes In sllveri When that policy Is begun guld will immediately gu to a premium, und the silver dollar will begin to depreciate. What this will mean for the wage-earners ought to be clear to any sensible man. There can be no doubt of the depreciation of the silver dollar. That Is the result which Itryan wishes to bring about. Ho openly declares that he means to make prices higher. The man that now gets $i a day would still get ?-!, but when he came to spend them he would II nd that they would buy much kss of the necessaries of life than now. There Is no dispute on this point. Is the workingman Intereste'd In having prices raised by cheapening his wages? Does he not feel that he Is fortunate when he ran make his wages go as far as possi ble? Even if his wages were nominally doubled, wouldhe be any beter off with prices doubled, too? What Mr. Bryan has got to show Is that wages will advance more than prices. 1'nless they do, the workingman would gain nothing by free coinage. It they advanced less than prices he would be worse off than now. If they advanced equally with prices he would be just where he Is now. The two-dollar-a day man would have four dollars, and he would have to pay double for his purchas es. If they advanced more than prices he would be the gainer. But no one will maintain that they will advance more than prices. Therefore, the result will neces sarlly be that tlio workingman will be worse off than now, or at most no better off. t)f course the fact Is that wages would not keep pace with prices. It is all easy matter for a merchant to mark op prices, ami for the landlord to raise his rent. Itut how are wages raised? In the first place they cannot be raised at till unless the conditions of production war rant It. When times are good and produc tion Is large there Is always a chance for nn advance in wages. But It can hardly be expected that a policy which even Mr, Bryan has declared will bring on a panic will have a stimulating effect on business. So this point must be kept In mind. Krc-o silver so far from bringing good times would bring industrial panic. The whole testimony of history Is iiinler cheap money the workingman nl ways gets the worst of the business. It is easy to see why this must be so. In the nature of things wages cwnnot rise pro portionately to prices. They rise some what, but by slow degrees, and It Is rare ly that they cvr get So high as prices. There Is always a margin against the workingman. He has to sell his labor ev ery day. lie cannot afford to wait. Hut prices move upward almost Immediately. There ere many worklngmen who under stand all this perfectly. But some of them no doubt feel yet, as they did earlier in the campaign, that in some mysterious way free silver will henelit the country at large und help the "masses." So they are willing to make the sacrifice. It should be known that nothing can be good for the country which Is not good for its tollers. The "masses" In America are made up of tollers. What Is good for them Is good for ull of us. And It cantu lie shuwn that tint policy Is good for them which proposes to decrease the purchasing power of the wages of the workliignieli. That such will be the effect of the Bryan policy is per fectly clear. h.OW 11 ITS CHAMPIONS. From the Pittsburg Times. The list of men known throughout the nation who have spoken for the Chicago platform mid candidates and those of the Populist party can be counted upon the lingers. It Includes Allgeld, Tlllmun, the two millionaire sliver mine owners, Stew art and Teller, ami Senators Daniel, Blackburn, Jones and Dubois; Hoke Smith nnd James II. Weaver. Against this paltry list It Is instructive to set the galaxy of great names arrayed upon the side of sound money. From the Democratic party alone the following leaders of national reputation have de dared against liiyun and Sewall or Wat son: drover Cleveland nnd John (J. Car lisle Daniel Lnniont, Hilary A. Herbert, J. Sterling Morion, Juilson Harmon, David It. Francis, Richard (ilney and William I.. Wilson of his cabinet ; Fulled States Senators John M. Palmer, William F, Vilas, John 11. flurdon, James Smith, Jr.. William l.indsapy, Donclson Caff cry and Calvin S. Ilrlce; Thomas F. Bayard, Wayne MacVeagh, F.dwurd J. Phelps, Hoswell P. Flower, Doll M. Dickson, Simon B. Buckiii r, perry Belmont, Henry WalU'rson, Churles A. Dana, Alexander K. McClure, William M. Singerly. Carl Bchurz, Oswald ottendorfer, Bourke Cockran. Daniel F. Sickles, William C. Whitney, William 1). llyntim, iKdward H. Bragg, Wilson H. ltlssell, John It. Fellows, James W. Bradbury, Thomas M. WalPr and a host of others utmost equally pioml nent. Then take the magnificent array cf statesmen and lenders trusted and hon ored by the people who from the Repub lican ranks are standing up for the na tional honor. Space prevents more than a brief selection from the legion of nanus which includes Benjamin Harrison, Thomas B. Heed, John Sherman, William B. Allison, Shelby M. Cullom, Oliver f. llownrd, Ceorge F. F.dmunds, William O. Bradley, John Wannmiiker, Horace Por ter, Chaunccy XI. Depew and John J. In. galls. No one can carefully scrutinize 'he lists of those who favor nnd oppose the Popocrutle ideas, being familiar with the record and character of the men who compose them, without coming to the con clusion that the safe ami putrlotle course Is to follow the example of the great lead ers who are united In their opposition to Bryanism und all that the name implies. 31' C LI' HE rTTEHS PROPHECY. From the Philadelphia Times. It may now be accepted as reasonably certain that Chicago city will give McKln ley a mujorlty of from to 7u.m, und that ho will come to the city of Chi cago with a majority of not less than 2.1,ia. Unless all careful and dispassion ate inquiry is nt fault, McKlnley will carry thp state of Illinois by Utile l.ess than lUO.wXI nnd probably by much more. This attitude of Illinois clearly settles the position of the surrounding states which are now the theater of a hand-to-hnnd contest between the grent opposing forces of honest and dishonest money. Unless all logical calculation Is to prov? deli.slve, thee Is not a single doubtful state 111 the list of Illinois, .Michigan, Minnesota, Wis consin nnd Iowa, with chances largely m favor of McKlnley In Kansas anil Nebras ka. TOLD BY THE STARS. Daily Horoscope Drawn by Ajncchus The Tribune Astrologer. Astrolabe enst: 1.11 n. m., for Friday, Oct. K. ISM. A child born on this day will regret that the fellows who know how to run a news paper "better'n" the editor. Invariably In test their talents und cash elsewhere and confine all efforts to criticism. The contemplation of fat times and nil around prsperlty that would follow a sea son of free silver, uccording to the nver uge white metal il reamer. Is enough to make the ordlnury man feel too lazy to breathe natural., Billy Bryan was doubtless talking In lis sleep when hf made that speech in lis light shirt yesterday. The Times "Forum of the People" begins to show a lack of atmospheric pressure. The man who Imagines that there Is nothing uncertain ubout a certainty, should guess on the verdict of a Jury. Breakfast fhnt . Of course Mr. Bryan Is a very, very rich man. Why do you think so? Because they say "money talks." , S SHOPPER'S October is the supply moutli 'for household and personal needs. The Bazaar never was so pre-eminently the supply house for Prudent Buyers. Women's Wraps Dresses $2,98 to $24.98 Is the Price Range. $2.98-$4.98- $9.98- $9.98- $12.98- Black Beaver Capes, with full sweep and trimmed with strap seams. i Ladies' and Misses' Kersey and Boucle Walking Coats, new box front, but ton high at the neck and tailor-made. Most exquisite two-toned Boucle, Frieze aud Kersey Walking Coats, lined throughout with silk, button high at the neck, the perfection of finish. .Dresses of Black and Blue Cheviot Serge, double-breasted coat, half silk lined, seams all bound, newest notch collar, skirt correctly shaped. -Ladies' Walking Costumes, made of Fine Storm Serge, iu navy and black. Both Coat and Skirt lined throughout with changeable silk. Coat has a double-breasted box front, and skirt measures 5 yards around. (ST'For Saturday's Trade we will make a special offering of Foster's $1.00 Biar ritz Kid Gloves, in tans, browns, slates, ox-blood and white, at 75 cents the pair. Ii now In domnnil. rtlllf I If IT nmi It Khimki l... IW -'' if. artist!.! to thn last degree. Wo an- siipplyliiK tais doruand ulontf with every other in our line. Sec Goods in Show Window. The demons, Ferber, O'malley Co., ;2 ucKAWAim m. SO YOU WOULD SEE IT. Pants to measure, $3.00 And t'p. suits ana uver- t t A - A coats to order, P 1 Tirst firm in the city to make clothes to order at popular prices. Over two years of success prove wc ure the best. GREAT ATLANTIC PANTS CO, 3I0 Lackawanna Ave. POULTRY. Turkeys, Backs, Chickens, Fresh Every Day. ALSOo. Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. II FIERCE. PISS At ill Christian Endeavor STATIONERY Maps und Souvenirs ot Scrsnlon. New York nd I'hllsdelphla ropers. Full Proceedings of convention. Four Dollar Teacher's Bible, $1.8 a. BEIDLEM. THE BOOKMAN 437 Sprues St.. Opp.The CommonYeaJth. 1 V Immense Variety, O Latest Novelties, O Perfect Fitting, Excellent Workmanship, Rock-Bottom Prices. GREAT EASTERN SUIT AND PANTS COMPANY Branch 14. 427 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. Branch 14. FINE TAILORING WITHIN High Grade 1 Sbair Emerson, Malcolm Lots. Clc-ugh & Warren. Carpenter, Waterlox And Lower Grades a) Very Low Prices. J A J. '03 SPr.uXE STREET. WOLF & VVENZEL, 531 Linden., Opp. Court House, PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUMBERS Sola Agents for Richardson Boynton's Furnaces and Bonnes, !TP1IC dlLMiu No Charge for Alterations. piaBELPHIfl AND SUITS BARGAINS FOR THE COMING WEEK : We are now ready for a busy, busy trade. We intend offering the greatest bargains ever seen in this city of first-class goods. Skillful buying in large quantities for ready cash and selling to you at bar gain prices that's our policy from now on. Watch us. ALL WOOL KERSEV CAPES-Iull sweep wran snd stitched seams inlaid, velvet collar. CI QA Instead of SUA' J'y0 BLACK BEAVEK DOUBLE CAPE Trimmed with lirald nnd fur, C I Ofi fallhwep: cheap at Sl.flM, at l,yo JAUNTY REEFI'.B VHONT COATS -Fluo Bowl,! and Antraltlmti cloth, silk lined, modo to sell nt SM CE Ofi Oarpriro BLACK BEAVKR I'OAT-Box front, four buttons, storm collar, cheap CI Oft nt I.". W .. W'yo Bl.OlSK AND NoKFOLK WA1STS Mixtnres and Shepherd's I'lui'ls.lined tliroUKliout,cheap CI ?C at Si. Our Price TAILOR-MADE KUIT.S-A11 Wool Cloth, newest similes, brown nnd irreen mil iums; double breasted Rt-efer t Jackets, silk f:ici-d; cbonp nt CC QQ jWiW. Our price pJ.yc (STYLISH hUITS-In new mixtures, chev iots, all wool srtre. Imx nnd reefer jnck.'U, three-fourth silk lin-d: full skirts lined and bound, reg. C2 Oil nlar price 9V2 W. at dO.VO Jl.'MT RECE1VED-A new lot of Figured Muhsir skirts In twotnno effects; also plttin backs, tut full, lined and bound Homo valuta up to 13 C 1 Oft aud . at JPl.yO TAIFETA BILK FH1BT VA18TS-ln ehsliReablr colors, lined, well made, can be worn wl'ii attsnhalile rnl lars and culls, elsewlicr. JB.OO, CLA AQ Our price Z. WEI 421 LACKS. AYE. BAZAAR. REACH OF ALL An Inspiration Is almost Inst when your pen catches and your Ink spreads on your paper. GOOD STATIONERY Ta one of the neepssnrlos of civilization Unit is Inillypenaiibli-. A favorite loi'ii tlun for all I'lansea Is that of REV KOI.PM BROTH I0HS, where a fine hs sortinent of rvi'tythinif In Ilrst-class Stationery and mice Hupi'lles can bo purchased. StmltntK. lawyers, com mercial men and noi-iety In general set their supplies here, as everyone can bi suited, both in price and quality. Reynolds Bros., Stationers and Engravars, HOTEL JERMYN BUILDING. f "'V