THE SUREST WAY TO GET TRADE fS TO ADVERTISE FOR IT IN THE TRIBUNE. Bryan Helped to 'lake thft Wilson Bill x 4 He Said That Would Bring Pros perity. Didltr EIG1IT PAGES 50 COLUMNS. SCRANTOX, PA.f FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1896. TWO CENTS A COPY "eir- -mw - i i --. -Jji z i z-r- r im a. - mm a & na mw m sk mum . I i .i i atw --n-ew & n u . ! . . . . GLOVES FOR And Plenty Of Them eoeoe Tomorrow (SaturOay) we wilt show ua Immense line of new kid gloves thp very best reliable makers, and In all the new fads and fancies full wear. Among; those offered ii ru 25 Marshall, Field & Co.'s Berlti Kid Gloves in Tans, Slate, or White; also 2D teen "I'topla" 4-Butlon length kid gloves In Browns or Slate. Both are regu lur HM qualities, well known In the trade. Price Saturday Only 59c, fvyyvvvv Fall Shades Dent's celebrated best English Kid Gloves, four-button lengths, or clasps, If preferred. Heavy or light gtltchlngs. Also Kcw A full line of Marshall, Field & Co.'s "System Jay" real French Kid gloves In Black, White, Tan, Canary, Butter, Beaver, Pearl or Brown. Saturday's Price, $3.25 Mm Kid gloves, thoroughly reliable, 4 Button or 5-Hook length, plain or fancy backs. All colors. Saturday's Price, $1.00 Gulf Caps For boys' wear, navy blue or fancy shades. The correct caper. All sizes. Prices, 25c to 50c Mauls' Caps In Imported Boucle or plain cloths. The latest things out. Color, Navy, Red or Green. Price, $1.00 Doth Tarns In Blue, Red or Green. Stylish headgear for little money. These have two quills and handsome or naments. Saturday, 25c mmk Tarns' High grade, 75c. quality. AH col or. OLOIBE WAkHOUSE' Srh & unlay Saturday Oily 45c, CANTON WORKINGMEN VISIT M'KINLEY Spontaneous Labor Demonstration a Commanding Feature Yesterday. FOUR THOUSAND MEN IN LINE Large Delegation from Erie and Washington Counties Also VMt the Champion of ProtectionMajor Mckinley Counsels Voters to Exer cise Care in Selecting Congres sional Material. . The commanding feature of the day at Canton was the spontaneous labor demonstration which took place late In the afternoon. Four thousand Can ton worklngmen called on Major Me Klnley. It was all done quietly and without ostentutlon. Hundreds of the men came Just as they left the mills, the foundries und shops, attired In blue blouses and overalls and carrying their tin dinner palls. They arranged 1o cull themselves, and it was In no sense the work of politicians or political managers. They were heurtlly upplnuded. The delegation which came from the north ern part uf Chautauqua county. New York, early In the afternoon, was an enthusiastic one. Congressman W. 15. Hooker was the spokesman. Major MeKlnley was greeted with a storm uf applause and he made one of the most stirring speeches of the campaign. SPEECH TO ERIE DELEGATION. I. nek of t onlidenie Kalhcr Than of Money Causes Fininiriiil Trouble. Cuutuii, .. Oct. A huge deleuu tiun from Kile county. Pennsylvania, und him from Cambridge1 .-iprlngs, Washington county, called on Major MeKlnley this afternoon. There were more than Gut l voters in the delegations. The towns of Corry and I'nion City were hugely represented. Rev. V. K. Smith, of Cambridge SpriiiRs.addrcssed Major MeKlnley at considerable length on behalf of the visitors. Major Me Klnley responded with a ringing speech, in which he counselled the peo ple to be uiindlul of congressional ami legislative selections this fall, and then ilfvoted the remainder of his remarks to money and the tariff questions. quoting a paragraph from MeCauley's history of Knglann, describing the evils of a debased currency In that country. A large delegation from Dunkirk, N. Y were the next visitors. SPKECH TO PKNN8YLVANIANS. McKlniey's speech to the delegations from Krle and Washington counties was as follows: You nil understand that this government is conducted by its leKlHlatlve und r-xecu-tive departments. If the people of this country want lo put Into public admin istration and law any settled pulley th-y must have both the executive officers n:id the congress of the United Stales. You cannot embody your purposes Into law liy Having one or me oilier we must have bolli. and 1 trust that the people of IVnn- sylviiiiiii and (he people of ail the st.iTcs ot I he I moil will See to It that tne millon ii I house and Hie senate of the 1'nited Suites me not neglected at the polls next November. In this contest we huve the a d and As sistance of thousands and tens of thou sands of Democrats In every part of the country, who think more of the honor or the government than they do of political associations. We hid them welcome welcome allies In this great cntliet, for the maintenance of the public honor. Some people say we have not enough money. The trouble Is, my fellow-citizens, we have not enonish confidence to put In circulation the money we now nnve. vt e nave just as mueu money as we ever had in all our history. and it Is as good as It ever was. but the trouble is. those who have it are illsiru it fnl of the future and they won't Invst It in Industries anil enterprises that give Employment to labor. Now. what we want to lo nrsl or all is to restore punlle and i-rlvate ronlldence: let the whole world know this. year that this nation proposes to keep all lis contracts Inviolable ami continue a currency that is worth a hun dred cents on the dollar every day and everywhere. I rend this morning a re markable statement written by Jlacauley in his "History of England," which pre sents In the most striking and Impressive manner the evil of n debased and fluctuat ing currency. He says, speaking of a pe riod in th history of ICngland when the great instrument of exchange, which was money, became thoroughly uerangeif, "all trades, nil industry were smitten as with palsy. The evil was felt daily and hourly in almost every place and by almost everv class, In the dairy mill on the threshing floor, by the agricultural and by the loom, on the billows of the ocean and in thu deplhs of the mines. Nothing could Ml purchased without a dispute. Over every counter there was a Wrangling from mora, ing to night. The workman and his em ployer had a quarrel as regular as the Saturday came around. On a fair day or market day the clamors, the reproaches, the taunts, the curses were Incessant and it was well if no booth was overturned ami no head broken. No merchant would con tract to deliver goods without some stipu lation about the 'coin' in which he was 10 be paid. ' BUSINESS MEN BElLDERER. "Even men of business were often be wildered by the confusion Into which all pecuniary transactions were thrown. The simple and careless were pillaged without mercy by extortionists whose demands grew, even more rapidly than the money shrank. The price of the necessities of life, of shoes, of oatmeal rose fast. The laborer found that the bit of money which, when he received it. was called a shilling would hardly purchase a loaf of rye bread when he wanted it, where artisans of more than usual intelligence were collected in great numbers, us in tko dockyards r.t Chatham, they were able to muke com plaints heard ami to obtain redress. But the li-nornnt and helpless peasants were cruelly ground between one class which woulc give money only by tale and which wotilt- take it only by weight. They counted out the money to the laborer who could only get rid of It by weight." Do you want money of that sort In the United States, my fellow-citizens? (Loud cries of "no, no, never.1') That Is one thing In name and another thing In value, a thing which you take for a dollar ami which Is tnken from you at whatever its market value may be In the commercial centers of the world. No, I answer, for ever no. If there Is any one thing that should be honest It Is the money that rep resents the wealth and labor of the Ameri can nation. (Continuous cheering.) Then, my fellow-citizens, we want an op portunity to earn that money, and the wuv to do that Is not to do our work In Europe, but to do It at home. SPEECH TO THE CHAUTAUQUA DELEGATION, j "The great Empire state la now re spected everywhere for her free. Inde pendent and powerful voice in the coun cils of the nations. She stands proudly erect this year for eountry. patriotism and national honor. (Ureat applause). She refuses to wear a party yoke, which would lead to national dishonor or re pudiation. The glorious old flag Is her only banner. She refuses to march un der any other, and I am told that from 1 1 e buttery to. Forty-second street In i lie great city of the country "old glory" wuvei her spotless stripes and itain- , less start upon every block and square, appealing for national honor and exhal tation of the American name. It is a sight which Inspires the young and makes the old young again. Let it wave, holy banner of the free. (Ap plause). It was never Btalned In de feat, and it never will be. (Great cheer ing). It was never lowered In dishonor, nnd never will be. (Renewed cheer ing). And the government whose se curity and honor IS enshrined upon every fold and emblazoned upon every star, will not be lowered or dishonored. (Continued cheering). "There is one thing the people of this country will not to that of the savings of the poor shall be squandered and wasted by a depreciation of the hard earned money which they have luiil uslde as the result of their thrift and economy. (Applause und cheers and cries of 'good.') "Let me tell you what I think If n better, a safer and more honornble policy. Let us restore the protective tariff system and pay as we go. (En thusiastic cheering nnd 'hurrah for Me Klnley.') Protection favors the United Slates it ii tl the Hug of the United States. (Ap plause. It favors the people of the United States und is the true friend of every American girl and boy struggling upward. It builds up so it never tears down. If you favor the restoration of prosperity, the honest payment of our debts, the fulfillment of our obliga tions und the continuation of otlr high rank and importance among the great nations of the wot Id, men nf New York, 1 bid you tso weeks from next Tues day to cast your vote that way." ANOTHER DR. BR1GGS CASE. Lutheran Spiod Agitated Over the Dismissal ol Kev. Dr. Uanglier. New Yolk. Oct. 15. At today's ses sion of the Kvaiigclieitl l.uthcrn synod of New Yolk ami New Jersey the dig liilied unanimity of the ynocl was mi lled for the llrst lime when Itev. .1. liimuierniun. of Syiui use, introduced u resolution threatening Pennsylvania college at Oettysl.uig, with the with drawal of I lie synod's suppoit if Itev. Dr. H. L. Haugliei1, president of th i general synod, was not reinstated in the Oreek professorship, from which be was dismissed without trial and without charges. lie declared that the dismissal of Dr. Hniigher was an attack on Luthernn Istu. Uev. Dr. Luther Albert, a trustee of the college, defended the college, and said that the friends of the dis missed professor had better not press the matter toi strongly lest their ef forts prove to be even more Injurious to him. The discussion was It de veloped that the tight was on the lines of the celebrated Dr. Urlggs i ase, Dr. Mnugher being an udvamvd student in theology. A resolution expressing r.'gn t. and generally much milder in Its tone, was finally carried, by a vote of ol to 7. It nsks tlmt the b: aid of trustees of Penn sylvania college communicate Its rea sons for Its action on Dr. Baugher's case to the synod. WATSON'S ACCEPTANCE. A Letter Mailed to Senator Iluller. The Orator's Throat Improving. Atlanta, Ca., Oct. 15. A special from Thomson. f!n., to the Constitution says Thomas E. Watson has mailed his let ter of acceptance of the Populist nomi nation for vice-president to Senator Marion Butler, at Chicago. Senator Hutler is expected here tonight, and he will not get the original letter until he returns to Chicago. Mr. Watson has not given oul the contents of his letter, but says that he bus put it In mail. Mr. Watson's throat Is improving. Dr. Richardson, his physician, says that there is absolutely nothing the matter with .Air. Watson except a trou ble local to his throat and that It will be well in n few days. The doctor says Mr. Watson must not make nny more speeches for some time to come. CLOTHING DEALERS FAIL. Judgment is I'.utereil Against llcttcr Brothers of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Oct. l.V Judgment against the firm of Hexter Brothers, manufacturers and wholesale dealers In clothing, this city, was entered today for $81,000. The firm is composed of Samuel nnd Esther Hexter, and the creditors are mostly In New York and Philadelphia. The liabilities. It is announced, will reach about $170,000. The failure Is said to be due to stringency In the money market, which caused the banks to cur tail accommodations. The house Is an old and reputable one, arid Its credit has never been questioned heretofore. The firm was credited with a capital of $:'00,000. Tho assets are not known. PRINTERS REJECT FREE SILVER. International I nion Votes Down a Resolution Endorsing It. Colorado Springs. Oct. 15. The In ternational Typographical union, after a warm discussion, voted to strike from the minutes the following resolution: Resolved. By the I. T. U., in conven tion ussembled on the summit of Pike's Peak, on this Ilth day of October, 1H!8, that we believe In the free and unlim ited coinage of silver at the ratio of lti to ?, and the adoption of luws re storing silver to its rightful place, ns the same existed prior to 187:, and this without waiting for consent from any other nation. Steamship Arrivals. New York, Oct. ir. Arrived: ' Achen, from Bremen: Workendam, from Itolter dam. Arrived out: Augusta Victoria, ,"t Plymouth; Havel, ul Bivmei haven; Wet. mar, at Hrenierhnveii : Clivassla, at .Mo. villi; Ems, al (leiion: Spaiirndam, ul Bou logne. Sailed for New Yolk: Werra, from Oenoa. Sighted: Phoenicia, from New York, for Hamburg, passed isle of Wight: ii ninia, irom .-New Horn, ror Copenha gen, etc., passed Dunn Head, Steel Works Resume. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 15. The Edgar Thomson Steel works has resumed work In all departments altera two wo ks' shut down. The present order Is from the Japanese government und culls for lo.imo tons of steel rails. The Oarnegle com pany's big works ul Duipiesne and Home stead are also again In full operation. Claim 940,000 Indemnity Constantinople, Oct. 15. United Stale Minister Terrell has lodged with the Turk ish government a claim for tto.oon indemni ty on 'behalf uf Mrs. Lens, mother of Prank Lenz, the Pittsburg bicyclist, who was murdered by Kurds while traveling through Asiatic Turkey In 1SS5. Heed Will Stump Indiana. Buffalo, Oct. 15.Hon. Thomas H. Reed left hire at H.20 o'clock tills morning for Indiana, where he Is bonked to speak next. Mr. Rted has been suffering from hoarse ness and exhaustion and his rest here did hliu much good. Tynan Released. Boulogne-Sur-Mer, Ort. "i. Patrick J. Tynan, the alleged dynamiter, whose ex tradition to England was refused by the French overmnent. was released from prison this evening. . It is stated that for tne present ne win remain nere. IN DEFENCE OF THE NEW YORK BANKERS Letter from Assistant Secretary Cnstis to-Hon. C. W. Dabney. BANKING BUSINESS IS EXPLAINED The Terms Used by Heated Cnmpnign Orators and Writers Are Somewhat Misleading When Applied to Our HankersThey Are Not Anxious That Gold Shall Leave the Country. Washington, Oct. 15. Assistant Sec retary W. E. Curtis, of the treasury department, whose duties have brought him Into frequent communication with the shippers of gold, returned from New York today, gave out for publication a long ollicial letter addressed to Hon. Charles W. Dabney, jr., assistant secre tary of agriculture. In his letter Mr. Curtis says: "Refer ring to your letter and our conversa tion of yesterday coneerning the cam paign attacks upon the bankers of New York in their relations with the gold reserve, 1 desire to submit the following considerations: "The term 'raids by bunkers at New York upon the treasury' is one fre- liieiilly used by writers and speukers who have not accurate knowledge of the met hud from which notes lire pre sented for redemption at the sub-treus-ury in New York, or the character or number id' persons milking such pres entations. The term bunker seems to lie assumed in most cuses to cover a class of men who are apparently en gaged in withdrawing gold from Hie government's reserve and putting it away in iheir private vuults for their own sellish purposes and to accomplisli certuin alleged improper objects. The facts in the case are so different from these fanciful statements that it seems worth while lo call attention to them. "liy operation of. certuin natural commercial luws. without the interfer ence of legislation New York has conn to be the settling place of almost all contracts for the sale of our products mill In that market bill of exchange, which represents products exported, are offered for sale. At the same time people desiring to remit money abroad to pay obligations or to buy merchan dise, are in the same market, and In order to pay their obligations pur chase these bills of exchange to remit to their creditors abroad. The natural results is that when we are selling our goods abroad there are more bills of exchange in the market than there is demand for. which is the case at pres ent, the price of exchange falls. On the other hand, when we are not sell ing as much abrond, and nre buying more or are paying our debts to a greater extent abroud the price of ex change rises. BANKERS CLASSIFIED. The people engaged in the banking business in New York may be divided Into three classes: First, the officers of the regular banks at deposit or Is sue. Including the national hanks; sec ond, the dealers In securities, some of whom s have foreign connections through whom they market a '-irge amount of securities and upon whom they draw a corresponding amount of exchange In payment for securities sold abroad, and to. whom they remit exchange or gold In payment for se curities sold here: third, agencies, or branches of foreign houses, who are perhaps nlso dealers In securities, but whose main business Is buying and selling exchange on Europe for the profit which can be mnde in tho opera tion itself. "The first class nre especially Inter ested in the general prosperity of the country and in keeping up the value of securities, because If there Is a fall In securities held by them as collateral they are compelled to call In their out standing louns, which reduces their lines of credit, diminishes their profits, prevents them from discounting com mercial paper, restricts mercantile and industrial enterprise, and In the end creates failures in business and gen eral financial and commercial distress. The second class are directly Inter ested in keeping up the value of se curities in this eoustrV which they huve largely sold abroad and their In terests are to avoid gold exports and the public apprehension arising from n reduction of the gold reserve. The third class buy or sell exchange when ever an opportunity for profit offers. The leading members of the third class in New iork can be numbered on the fingers of both hands, and. in fact. three or four do almost all of the with drawing of gold for export purposes, as will be seen by an examination of the list of parties exporting gold to Europe published In the Dally press during its continuance. It will thus be seen that a great majority of the bankers are pecuniarily Interested in keeping the gold reserve up to. its full amount, and for this reason they have been willing In the past and are still willing to make considerable sacrifices, and in order to prevent shipments of gold nave- contributed large amounts of money to pay a dealers In foreign ex change the profit they would have made by such shipments. This was notably the case In the operations of the so-called syndicate which bought the bonds of the government under the contract of Feb. 8, 1895, and again in the early part of this summer. RECENT APPREHENSION. "Although withdrawals for export have been going on for several years It Is only within two years that an apprehension that the government might be unable to redeem Its obliga tions in gold has caused withdrawals for any other purpose, and at no time has there been any evidence that with drawals of gold from the treasury was made for the purpose of affecting the market. The contraction In the active currency Is caused by the large In crease in the balance of the United Slates treasury arising from the bonds Issued and from the hoarding of gold and of notes redeemable In gold, which have been going on among the peo ple for some time In view of a pos sible failure of the United States to continue their payment In gold. "It must not be forgntten that the confidence in the situation which has placed the country in its present sat- isfactorv condition -nirut-.llir u .,.i.i reserve wus largely due to the efforts ui ins ounsers ot new Xork in the early summer. "If the parties attacking these trans actions would examine the dally re ports and see who withdrew or import ed the D-nhl t, nil whut Hi. uw v. : " " " EAbuanKi: market was, and whether the exchange rates were high or low. much misap prehension on these subjects would be uvumeu. THE BIG APPLE CROP. Agricultural Department's Report Shows It Is Heavy. Washington, Oct. 15. The October fruit rpnort nf thir Aorlpultiiral donapfr. ment shows a heavy apple crop and aa especially fine qaulity In the northern tier of states. Prices are extremely low. This is particularly the case in Michigan, .where the markets are glut ted. The disastrous storm of the last week in September did much damage to fruit along the Atlantic coast. The loss was particularly heavy In parts of Pennsylvania and New York. Some complaint of the dropping of fruit comes from the middle west. The October returns on hops show increase In New York nnd Wisconsin nnd heavy decreases In the. Pacific states. There is a languishing condi tion of the hop growing Industry, par ticularly In the latter region. Many yards throughout the country have been neglected, and a part of the crop will not be harvested. The contirii'd lew price Is the reason for this neg lect. The report say that. In vie.v of the grent increase In the production of malt liquor, this condition of things ought not to exist, and adds: "it Is, however, but another instance of the injury to the farming Industry brought about through the subs'tutl l of chemical for the more healthful agri cultural agent in manufacture, w'reh seems the inevitable trend of invention." PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD. Two Hundred Members Attend the Convention at Uclleluntn. Bclleronte. Pa.. Oct. 15. The Presby terian synod of Pennsylvania convened in the Presbyterian church here at 11 o'clock this morning. Dr. J. V. Stock Ion, the retiring moderator, preached the opening sermon from the text found In Acts viil:i:t: "Then Philip opened his mouth and preached unto them Jesus." At the close of the er mon the moderator called the synod to order und constituted it with pruyer, after which a recess was taken until i.:m o'clock. This afternoon the roll of delegates was called, showing about 200 members to be in attendance. Kev. Francis A. Kerns, of Pittsburg, and Kev. J. H. Laird, of Philadelphia, were elected temporary clerks, after which Dr. Loy al Y. Oraham, of Philadelphia, was elected moderator by acclamation, there being no other nominee. This evening popular meetings were held in the Interest of church susten tion, freedman's aid, and higher edu cation. HENRY MILNER LYNCHED. An Atlanta Neg Pav the Penalty for Committing an Assault. Atlanta, Oa., Oct. 15. Henry Milner, a negro, was lynched near Oriftln this morning. Yesterday he committed a criminal assault upon Miss Blanche (Jrny, a highly refined young lady, who was returning to her home from n visit to a relative In Henry county. Milner was captured late at night and was taken before Miss Gray. She identi fied him and he then confessed to the crime and said that he regretted It. On leaving the Gray house, Milner broke away, but was shot In the back and recaptured. He was taken to Grif fin and a physician began to dress the wound, when a crowd of fifty or more men rode up nnd seized the negro, car ried him half a mile out of town and swung him up to a tree. Milner was recently released from the county chain gang. CAVE-IN AT P0TTSVILLE. A Hole Fifty Feet Deep Is Made Near Dwelling House. Pottsvllle. Pa., Oct. 15. An immense cave-In occurred at noon today at St. Nicholas, beneath the yard used by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron company to store timber and lumber. From 10,000 to 15,000 feet of heavy mine timbers went down the breach Into the St. Nicholas colliery. The cave-In came to the back doors of three blocks of houses and the fami lies, fearing that another breach would occur, have vacated the prem ises. A hole 150 by 250 feet deep was made. The roar of the cave-In was heard for miles around. The Philadelphia and Reading Gilberton station and the col liery stables are in danger. LARGEST VERDICT ON RECORD. 0,91. (irant Awarded 931,527.05 iu Suit Against S. & W. R. R. Elizabeth, N. J., Oct. 15. The largest verdict ever rendered In a damage suit In New Jersey was given by the Jury In the Union county circuit court to day. George M. Grant, of the Wood stock Lumber company, Jersey City. sued the New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad company to recover damages for Injuries received Jan. 31, 1MI5, at Jersey City. He was leaving his lumber yard with his son and they were run down by an engine. The son was killed. Grant lost an arm in the accident, and his brain Is affected as a result. He brought suit for $100,000. The Jury awarded him $51,527.05. Another suit Is to be begun against the company for killing the son. UNION VETERAN LEGION. Oliicers Selected at Washington Yes terdayltow Between Factions. Washington, Oct. 15. At today's ses sion of the Union Veteran legion the following oliicers were elected: Na tional commander, John P. Donahue, of Wilmington, Del.; senior vice-commander, William R. Wooters, of Phila delphia; junior vice-national command er. J. H. Carpenter, of Reading. Pa. The morning session of the Women s auxiliary was devoid of Interest, save for a row between factions of the Dis trict of Columbia branch. The trouble arises over money matters, Mrs. Cylin da Foard, the president, holding the money una refusing ti place It in charge ot the duly elected treasurer. Sirs. Tina Dunn. The affair caused quite a breezy discussion. - Treasury o1d Reserve. Washington, Oct. 13. The treasury gold reserve at tile clime, of bushiest ludav stood at $U!-.'.iM'i,iKKi. The day's withdrawals at New York were S7M.40U, one lot being JiWO.OOO. No explanation is given for the heavy withdrawals. THE NEWS THIS M0RMNU. Weather Indications Today! Fain Cooler; Northwesterly Winds. 1 Canton Worklngmen Ylsit MeKlnley. Defence of New York Bunkers. Bank Wrecker Captured. 2 Bryan's Early Morning Address Wall Street Review and Markets. S (Local) County Teachers' Institute Criminal Court Cases. 4 Editorial. Timely Thoughts for Wage-Earners. 5 (Local) Republican Rally at the Froth- Ingham. Boland s Interest May Be Figured Republican Rally (Concludedjk f 7 Suburban Happenings. Mew Vp and Down the Yanejt ' ) THE CAPTURE OF A BANK WRECKER Adolphus Coben Coles Nabbed by Offi cers In Philadelphia. FORMERLY A NEW YORK BANKER But iu 1804, It Is Alleged, He Skipped Out with the Available Funds of the Bank and Sailed fur Italy-Recog-uized by His Old Partner, Who Is Now a Day Laborer. Philadelphia, Oct. 15. Adolphus Co hen Coles, at one time a banker of 211 Canal street, New York, and an al leged absconder with $150,UUU was ar rested this afternoon by Detective Donaghy In the Broad street station of the Pennsylvania railroad. The detec tive was assisted In the arrest by Al fred De Mayo, of this city, an Italian Interpreter; Leonard Morrelli, the late partner of Coles, and John Diu, an Italian citizen. Morrelli was In a cigar store; when he was surprised at seeing Coles en ter. He hud not seen him since De cember 24, 1SS4, when he alleges Coles got away with $500,000 which belonged to 155 Italian bunking houses In New York and Pennsylvania. When Coles left the cigar store Morrelli, being un able to speak English fluently, followed his man to the railroad station In com pany with interpreter De Mayo and John Din. De Mayo then hurried to the city hall, where he secured the ser vices of Detective Donaghy while the others kept Coles in sight. It was but the work of a few minutes to place him under arrest. When searched 2G0 were found in Colo's pockets. Coles was arraigned before Magis trate South und was committed to await the arrival of requisition papers from New York. He said that the only thing be will have to defend Is that he failed 'for $18,000. He denies that he embezzled the $500,000. MORKELLl'S STATEMENT. Through Interpreter De Mayo, Bank er Morrelli made this , statement: "Coles and myself hud been In the banking business on Canal street In New York for almost two years, and no Idea of anything wrong concerning him ever occurred to me. As we were doing a good business with our deposi tors and correspondents in the towns outside of New York, things began to look very promising for us. He was a shrewd man of business, and the smaller merchants of New York hud as much confidence in him as I had. It was on the eve of Christmas, 1894, that I last saw him. On the next banking day I went to our place of busiress, and was completely shocked on the discovery I made, that I was almost tempted to take my life. All the safes were empty of cash and negotiable securities, and the bank was wrecked. The amount missing was a little over a half million dollars. 1 waited for some time for my partner to make his appearance, and thinking tnat ne was sick, sent a messenger to his house to ascertain the cause of his absence. I awaited with much impa tience the answer to my message, and when It came I was still more greatly snockea. "But after awhile the truth dawned upon me, and then I believed that my partner had become an embezzler. As soon as possible I placed the matter In the hands of the proper officials. and was greatly grieved when I learned that he hud sailed for his native home, Italy. "So, when I saw him on Ninth street today, I was very much astonished and followed him to the depot, Where I supposed he was going to take a train to get away from me again. My friends have helped me, and I succeeded in helping to have him placed under ar rest." VICTIMS OF COLES. The victims of Coles alleged perfidy extended through all the little towns In New York and Pennsylvania coal regions, as well as many of the Italian bankers In Philadelphia, All the little fruit sellers lost their deposits In the crash, as well as those outside of New York, who had collateral deadlngs with Coles and Morrelli. Greble Youngson. of New York. lost $0,000 in cash, and later failed for $100,- 000; Felix Boofon &Co., of Hazelton. Pa., was compelled to assign for $fi0, 000. The other heavy failures caused by the absconding of Coles were An- gelo Demlnto, $10,000; M. Lamy. $20,000: P. Polonlus, . $40,000; Felix Bendllllo, $90,000; all of New York, and Frank Desanto. of Bridgeport, Conn.. $50,000, Morrelli did all he could to make good the loss, but he could raise only $95, 000, and this he paid to the creditors. He Is now a laboring man. TWO PATRIOTS TO BE SHOT. Snuchex and Hernandez Will Suffer Death Today iu Cnbn. Havana, Oct. 15. The so-called Insur gent lieutenant colonel, Blenvendio Sanchez, will be shot today. In Mantan zas, and the Insurgent Incendiary, Jose Hernandez, will also be shot, in the Cahanns fortress, in Havana. The In surgents have blown tip the railroad from Nuevitas for a distance of twenty rails in length, with three dynamite shells. Captain General Weyler, In the name of the Queen Regent, has congratulated the company of the .Maria Cristina reg hnent and the garrison of Port Cascor- ro for their heroic resistance to the seige by Maximo Gomez and the in surgents. Gold Is quoted at 1B?4 per cent, pre mium over Spanish bank bills. Certificate Invalid. Harrlsburg. Pn.. Oct. 10. The Dauphin county court today declared Invalid the certificates of nomination of William B. Meredith and W. II. Kitler. the contesting Kepiihlican candidate;! for senator in the Annstrong-Hutler district. The court says .(ere B. Kex, us a representative of the stale committee, hud no right in the conference. Tfnin Record Hrokpn. Lexington. Ky., Oct. 15. The world's team record for trotters or pacers was broken here today liy Miss Kitu and Josip B., Orrin Hlskok driving. They went to ine quarter in .u,. nun in, ill mrec quarters In 1.U7, mile in 2.094. Muirideofa Veteran. Lebanon, Tn., Oct. 15. George Mock aged 60, a veteran of the lute war. commit' led Kiili'lrle here toduv hv hanulnir hlln ilf In the attic of his home. His wife and he came here from Altoona, Pa., a year ago. He wus a pensioner. Whipped in Two Minutes. Buffalo. N. Y.. Oct. 15. It took Just two mimes for Charlie Strong, of NewarK. N. J., to do Joe Butler, of PhlludelDhlu. be fore the 'Empire Athletic club of this elty tonight. i The Herald's Weather Forecast. New York. Oct. U.-In the HtldcHe states today, the weather will be mostly fair, with slight temperature changes. On Sat uroey. fair, cooler weataer ui prevajt. Fill FY .1 ii JLM iLlLt Ji Her Majesty's Curset . . The Greatest HI'TALTlf GIVER and BEAITTHUER. ot tho F'-OURE ever Produced. A Grand OpportmMy ' To have an EXQUISITE FIGURK nnd learn what a PKIIFECTLX iMTTl.Ni CORSET reully U. MRS. A. RUTH, The Exnert Fitter of Her Malestv's Cor. set commence ouu week's e4igugoment ut our store, on Monday, Oct. 19th, and end. lug on Saturday, Oct. 24th. It will give, her great pelt-sure to explain the many merits of this relebruted Corset, and give fittings, thus Hlustrutlng wit Sou t doubt the exquisite iik ur aim long grsov ful wnist It will create. We also deslr to call special attention to Her .Majesty'! Corset made In extra long waist, which Is without doubt tho longest wuisted r,d most exquisitely formwd Cur set ever produced. We desire ii to 1m distinctly understood thut ladles will not be expouted to pur. cIihsh a Comet after a tlttlng la aiade an. less they so desire. Engagements ror ntnngs can no maae with Mrs. Rath by mail or telegraph. W keeo a. eomclete assortment of He Mujesty's Corsets in all qualities, also In High and Low Bust and Extra Long Waist. We also have on exhibition a lino of Her Majesty's Corsets, madn of satin of the most Deautmu ai-signs; tnese gooas are very light In weight and comfortable. We highly recommend this Corset, and feel confident that ladles will receive, from wearing it, Perfect Satisf action. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Every department com plete, wholesale and re tall. 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVE. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP FINE CAN BE SEEN AT When you pay for Jewelry yon mlfUt u well get the best. A tine lino of Novelties for Ladles aa Gentlemen. . W. J. Weichel 408 Spruce St. s Atlantic Ixai French Zinc, Enamel" 'Palate, ' Carriage Paints, ! Pure Cote, 1 Crockett's Preservative, Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Busy . Busy Sdllng Fall Footwear. A Y 101 ' JEWELRY