The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 15, 1896, Image 1

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Bryan Helped to
like the Wilson
He Said That
Would Bring Pros
perity. Did it?
Early Fall
A little early you may think to
mow down prices In correct fall
Urevfl goods, but that's a habit we've
got. We don't believe In waiting
till the HPiiBon Is over, and then ex
pect to clean up stocks. Experience
bus taught us that we can't do It
successfully that way; therefore, as
soon as the first rush of the season
Is over, we set about unloading In a
methodical way. and as a result the
stork of this great department Is
never one day behind the best that
the Metropolis has to offer and Is
quite free from goods of other days
c First Cif
of the season Is strong, deep and de
cisive. It proves that we mean
business and nur patrons cannot
fall to appreciate our courage. If
prices talk when backed by fashion
anil quality, you cannot afford to
ignore these;
35 Pieces
3S inch fancy suitings, chevron
weave with silk stripe effects, a
leading cloth.
Special Sale Price, 29c
25 Pieces
New and attractive Foplln plaids.
Immense assortment In bright color
and silk stripe effects. Excellent
value for a sliver quarter.
Special 5ale Price. 19c
.40. Pieces
All wool Jacquard suitings. Ba
lance of five or six'styles In which
several shades have been sold out.
The colorings are all good, how
ever, and their real value Is about
Special Sale Price, 29c
50 Pieces
12 Inch all wool suitings, up-to-date
weaves, and a full half dollar quali
ty shade list. Cardinal and garnet,
gold, seal and mid brown, dark and
light navy, slate, grey, myrtle, olive
and black: also gray and brown
funcy mixtures.
Special Sale Price, 33c
25 Pieces
Fancy Imported suitings; 3S Inches
wide with neat overshot silk check
effects on navy, olive, garnet or
brown grounds. Were 50c.
Special Sale Price, 37c
25 Pieces
Handsome silk and wool plaids, es
pecially designed for waists. Guar
anteed value 75c.
Special Sale Price, 50c
10 Pieces
88 inch all wool broken checks In
high colors for children's wear. Pine
goods that actually sold for 75c.
Special Sale Price, 50c
15 Pieces
CO Inch strictly wool storm serge In
navy and black only. An everyday
65c. Quality.
Special Sale Price, 49c
15 Pieces
60 Inch storm serge. In navy or
black. Fine make that would be
cheap at 75c.
Special Sale Price, 59c
New aod
1 We have JuRt received the first
shipment of the new Zebeline cloths
with camels hair effects. Their
width is 56 Inches and their special
use lor golf or bicycle suits.
ill 1
Tbe American Dispatch Boat
Bancroft Sails for tbe
After Long and Careful Consideration
tbe United States GoYemnnnt Has
Decided That the Harpoot and
Marsch Indemnities Shall Be Col
lected Before Congress Meets The
Course Before Admiral Selfridge.
Washington. Oct. 14. The little dis
patch boat Uaneroft, of the United
States navy, now about due at Smyrnu.
has not been ordered to force a pas
sage through the Dardanelles, with or
without foreign aid. This can be stat
ed on the direct authority of the presi
dent of the United States. There Is no
doubt that the Bancroft is going
straight to Constantinople just as fast
as steam can carry her.
This fact was stated with explicit
details In United Associated Presses
dispatches from this city on the morn
ing of Aug. 2S last. But that any
forced passage of the Dardanelles Is in
contemplation by the United States
with or without European support can
be set down as simply an attempt to
exaggerate the news originally given
In these dispatches. Undoubtedly the
chief signatory powers of the treaty of
Paris have been informed of the pur
pose of the United States and have
given their consent Under such cir
cumstances the Porte must of neces
sity acquiesce. In this connection it
was stated that no confirmation has
been received either from Minister
Terrell or from any other source o. the
alleged unotllcial declaration of the
Turkish government that It would per
mit no more guard ships to enter the
uoiipnorous, and considering that
nearly ten days have elapsed since this
statement was first cabled "via Sofia,"
Its authenticity Is gravely doubted.
The Bancroft is going to Constanti
nople, which fact has been known here
since Aug. 8 last. This is about all
there is to say. except that the United
(States is bound to have some news in
regard to the destruction of American
missions In Harput before the next
presidential message goes Into con
For some time past the necewaltv nf
having a guard ship at Minister Ter
hell's disposal has been a subject of
earnest discussion In cabinet meetings
and frequent conferences had been held
uy tne secretary of state, the secretary
of the navy and the president, at which
the views of Minister Terrell, who was
exceedingly anxious that a man-of-war
belonging to our government, should be
In Turkish waters pending the long
disturbed condition of affairs In Tur
key, were thoroughly made and under
stood, and more than a year ago a
decision in accordance with Minister
Terrell's wishes In that direction was
reuched, and all details of the Import
ant service were carefully and nd-
visely considered. After the declina
tion of Turkey In January last to allow
all naval vessels to pnss the Bosphorus,
Mr. Terrell promised that If the Ban
croft should be sent he would rind a
way to get her In. The Bancroft left
Gibraltar In company with the Cin
cinnati a week ago last Sunday, and
should have reached Smyrna and prob
ably did reach that port yesterday.
steaming at tne rate or zuo miles per
day. If the navy department has been
advised of her arrival In Smyrna It has
seen fit to withhold the information.
The Bancroft assuredly started for
Constantinople. Orders were given to
tne proper mireau chiefs of the navy
department to fit her for guard duty
In the Golden Horn,, and she was so
equipped in August and September, un
der ten day orders rrom Assistant Sec
retary of the Navy McAdoo. There Is
abundant Information to the effect that
this government intends to collect the
Harpoot. Marash and other Indemnities
before congress meets. National Insult
may be met as a method of last re
sortthe Corlnto incident between
(treat Britain and Nicaragua being
adopted os a precedent in which events
Admiral Selfrldge might seize the cus
toms of Smyrna until the proper
Amount Is collected, and In the opin
ion of some prominent naval nfllcers
here, the admiral will employ his fleet
for that purpose unless apologies and
indemnity are soon forthcoming.
The Mt. Louis Merchant Hcgrets His
Hasty Action.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 14. The twelve
clerks who were discharged by Craw
ford & Co. last Saturday because they
favored free coinage of silver were
asked to return to their positions In the
dry goods establishment of the firm
without prejudice and with full salary.
Several of the clerks have accepted the
In a published statement Mr. Craw
ford regrets his hasty action In dismiss
ing them.
Mr. Crawford was notified by tele
phone that a warrant was out for his
arrest, and he arranged to surrender
himself to Sheriff Troll, at 3 o'clock.
Mr. Crawford called at the sheriff's
office at the hour agreed upon. Deputy
Sheriff Hale served the warrant and
Judge Murphy, of the court of crim
inal rorrrectlon,; who had gone, to the
sheriff's office in order that Mr. Craw
ford might not be put to unnecessary
annoyance, accepted bond for Mr.
Crawford's appearance in court.
The warrant charged Mr. Crawford
with attempting to influence an elec
tor In giving his vote and attempting
to hinder and prevent a qualified voter
from freely exercising the right of suf
frage. .
Officer Elected at a Meeting of the
State Council.
Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 14. The stato
council Daughters of Liberty con
sumed considerable time today In the
consideration of a number of amend
ments and proposed changes to the by
laws and constitution ot the state coun
cil. At 10.46 balloting- for officers for
the ensuing year began. , Barly this
: t'. f'.r.t rf t'-? I" -"-?
was completed and the result an
nounced: State councilor; Edward Zacharlas,
Pittsburg; state vice-councilor, Mrs. K.
U. Steele. Philadelphia; state council
treasurer, John B. Thompson, Philadel
phia: state assistant viie-councll, M.
Alvarine Clarke, Altoonu; state as
sistant secretary, Mrs. Dora Scott.
Pittsburg; state assistant treasurer, M.
E. Ualston, Pittsburg; state guide,
Louisa Junker, Pittsburg; state Inside
guard, Mrs. Alice Moyer, Harrisburg;
state guard, Susie Crlsswell, Pittsburg;
national representatives. Eastern dis
trict. Mary Harp, William Coyle. J. C.
Knox. J. Bayiey, O. Bayle Harvey, A.
J. Koell. William S. Wacker, Laura
Smith, all of Philadelphia; middle dis
trict, Henry Solomon, Harrisburg:
western district, F. D. Thompson and
Flora Becker, Allegheny City.
Itev. Shaefler Held to Bail lor nu Al
leged Ansault on a Young Girl.
Johnstown, Pa., Oct. 14. Homer City,
Indiana county. Is enjoying the great
est sensation that county ever saw in
the accusation and arrest of Rev. J.
W. Shaeffer, the Lutheran minister of
that town, on charges of adultery and
having assaulted Annie Peddicord. a
frail little 17 year old girl, of the same
place. The girl is an orphan. 1
A little over a yeur ago she entered
the Shaeffer household as a servant.
Several months ago she left the house
and since that time had been living
with friends. According to her testi
mony at the hearing today following
the arrest of Rev. Shaeffer, the crime
was committed by Shaeffer while she
was employed' In his home. The girl
says that her cries were smothered by
the minister, and that he Induced her to
say nothing about the matter by mak
ing her Borne presents. He was held
for court in 11, (MM) bail.
Fatal Accident at Hazlcton Thirty Pas
sengcrs in a Trolley Car Are ln ,
jured Three Men Deal
Hazletou, Pa., Oct. 14. Three men
were killed, two others were fatally
hurt, and a score of other people In
jured in a collison between a locomo
tive and a trolley car here this eve
ning. The dead are: David John Wil
liams, of Plymouth: William Staple
ton, a traveling i:ian, of Milton, Pa.;
Jefferson Klrschmer, telegraph opera
tor, of Huzleton.
The fatally Injured are: Morris Ferry,
boy, skull fractured and Internally
hurt; Patrick Doud, conductor of trol
ley car, skull frac tured. The most se
riously hurt among those not fatally
Injured are the following: William Dix
on, leg crushed; Burt Bone, head
crushed; Charles Houdler, of Jeanes
vllle, Pa.; body crushed; Mrs. Hughes,
face cut; Samuel Confer, inotorman,
head and hands cut; a sister of Mercy,
of Scranton, Pa., face cut; Miss Mary
Brice, of Oneida, sister of the Scran
ton nun, who was hurt, body bruised.
James P. Gnugluut, of Hazleton, body
bruised; James Humes, of Jeanesville,
body and head crushed; Charles Humes,
face and hands cut; John Herron, of
Hazleton, face cut; William Davis, of
Plymouth, leg broken; Annie Boyle, of
Hazleton, face and arms cut.
Of the thirty passengers aboard the
trolley car none escaped injuries of
some kind, but the above suffered the
most seriously. The cause of the acci
dent canuot be stated definitely to
night. The coroner is Investigating and
will make exhaustive Inquiry to deter
mine It. The trolley car stopped at the
railroad station to place a mail bag
In the office before crossing the track.
It was night and a heavy fog prevailed.
Several men got aboard the car and the
forward end had just passed over the
crossing when an engine without a
headlight dashed Into the car, cutting It
In half.
Wanton Murder of Policemen by Jacob
White and Son, Wbo Were
Resisting Arrest.
Columbus, Ua Oct. 14. About 2.30
this afternoon Jacob White and Henry
White, his sun, shot and killed two
policemen on Third street. There was
no cause for the crime other than the
men had been summoned before the
recorder tomorrow for some trivial of
fense. Richard Adams was the olllcer
who summoned them to court uud im
mediately presented them with the sub
tmeneas. both armed themselves and
returned to Rumseys bur. The elder
White deliberately raised a Winchester
and shot Adunis just above tne Heart,
killing him almost instantly. Officer
William Jameson, who was patrolling
the adjoining beut, heard the shot and
ran to the scene. He was met by both
the Whites and they began firing upon
him. He was shot four times, but
liver! until 7 O'clock tonight.
After the commission of the second
murder the two men walked leisurely
up First avenue to their home. In an
swer to knocks upon the door Officer
Huberts received a bullet from
White's Winchester through . the
stomach. He staggered to the street,
mortally wounded, and at this time,
though alive, no hope is entertained for
his recovery.
By the time the third policeman had
fallen a crowd of over 100 armed men
had reached the scene and the mur
derer's house was surrounded. Tom
Jackson, marshal of Ulrard, and Zeno
Pickett, an ex-pollceninn of this city,
volunteered to run White out of his
house. Four other brave men offered
to follow them, and the crowd charged
on the house, firing hundreds of bul
lets Into the windows and doors.
When the fusillade ceased Jackson
and Picket forced open the door, where
upon WJiite began firing upon them.
The two men rushed in upon him, and
after shooting him a half dozen times,
dragged him into the street. Immedi
ately after delivering White's body to
the crowd, Pickett fell to the sidewalk
from the effects of what Is believed to
be a mortal wound. He was taken to
a nearby house, where he Is still, and
though in a critical condition, there Is
a faint hope for his recovery. The
young White escaped from the house
and crossed the river into Alabama,
where he was captured tonight. He
was brought to this place and put In
Jail. It is believed he will be lynched,
though the town is quiet at midnight.
Brotherhood of 8t. Andrew. ,
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 14. The eleventh
annual convention of the Brotherhood of
St. Andrew opened In Pittsburg this morn
ing with a quiet hour service at Trinity
Episcopal church. Sixth avenue. The ini
tial service was conducted by Rev. J. C,
Roper, of Toronto, Ont. The convention
will continue until Sunday night.
Victory for Magcc.
Harriwburr, Oct. 14. Judge McPherson
today declared Invalid the certificate of
nomination of James K. O'Doinell, Demo
cratic candidate In the Forty-third (Alle
gheny) senatorial district. C. L. Maget'a
eertiOcate as tie candidate ef the Dmo.
cratlc party ef the same district was ad-
Large Delegations of Jolly Pennsyl
vanians the First Callers.
Patriotic Address Made to the Kepub
licaus of MucDonald" A Backward
Glance at American Institutions.
The Policy of Revenue Kei'orm.
Street Railway Men and Keiidents
of the Cumberland Region the Last
Canton, O., Oct. 14. Twelve carloads
of gleeful Republicans from Macdonald,
Washington county, Pennsylvania,
came to Canton on a special train to
day. They marched up to Major Mc
Klnley's and were the first of his callers
this week to be received at his resi
dence. When the Pennsylvania people
were within three hundred feet of the
McKluley residence, the Barnum circus
parade, swung around the corner and
proceeded down Market street, bringing
the delegation to a forced halt. Major
McKinley, who was on the porch to re
ceive the delegation, saw the parade
and Mrs. McKinley Joined him. Karller
In the day a committee representing
the circus attaches presented Major
McKinley with a handsome silk flag.
The spokesman for the Pennsylvania
delegation was C. A. Wyteshot. He
assured Major McKinley that not only
were there many oil producers among
his visitors, but that the miners, farm
ers and business men were well repre
sented. Major McKinley responded at
some length.
Major McKinley suld:
"We can look over the whole stretch
of our national life with pride and ex
ultation. We have had our ups and
downs, our periods of panic and de
pression, resulting from one cause or
another, but none of these, nor all of
these combined, have thus far stopped
the triumphant march of the Ameri
can republic. We have a right to re
joice over the good fortune which has
attended us in the past. The condition
of our people is better than the con
dition of the people of any other na
tion on tbe globe. Wages have been
higher, labor has been more dignified,
more Independent. more exalted.
Schools of learning have been within
easy reach and without price to every
boy or girl of the republic, and the
poor boy with the rich boy enjoys equal
opportunities to draw from these foun
tains of knowledge. And under our
system, the poor boy can rise, for he
Is given an opportunity to rise and
reach, as he often has, the highest
place In the gift of a self-governed re
public. We can truthfully claim also
as Americans that our national admin
istration, whether federal or Democrat
ic, or Whig or Republican, have. for
the most part conducted the govern
ment with credit and honor and ef
ficiency. They will contrast favorably
with the administrations of any other
government on earth. (A voice: "It
beats all of them," laughter and ap
plause.) To our credit be .It said that
not one of these administrations, what
ever may have been their mistakes and
failures, ever suggested, much less at
tempted, the repudiation, directly or
indirectly, of a single dollar or cent
honestly due to a citizen of this or any
other country on the globe, nor coun
selled the establishment of a money
for the uses of the people tainted with
the slightest dishonor. Shall we now
consent or seem to consent by our
votes to lower that high standard or
reverse the proud policy which this
government has pursued from Its be
ginning. (Loud cries of 'Never.') Shall
we tolerate a policy that shall beat any
of our creditors who ever or wherever
they may be? (Cries of 'No.') Shall
we tolerate a policy that would de
prive the brave men living or their
widows or orphans of a farthing of the
pensions that a grateful government
has granted to them? ('No, never.')
Yet, my friends, no other logical con
struction can be placed upon the
proposition now before us to reduce
and depreciate the value of our dol
A delegation in which much Interest
centered and to which Major McKinley
made an Interesting little speech was
one which came quietly without any
banners or beating drums. It was
composed of nearly 300 members of the
Early Settlers' society of Cleveland,
and Cuyahoga county. Major McKln
ley's venerable mother was at her son's
residence and assisted In the reception
of the visitors, most of whom were of
her day and generation.
At 3 o'clock several hundred employes
of the Cleveland Street Railway com
pany called on Major McKinley and
were addressed briefly. The lHxt .Le
gation arrived after sunset and came
from Cumberland, Md. They marched
to McKlnley's residence with torches
and a band. The spokesman, George
W. Snyder, referred to th pnmnnuitu
character of the delegation and to the
fact that Major McKinley was sta
tioned in Cumberland during the war
Major McKinley said:
There is another thing that can be
said of. our government. We have al
ways had good money so far as the na
tional authorities were concerned. We
steadily aim at a better citizenship a
more exalted and enlightened citizen
ship have encouraged a higher stand
ard of American manhood and Ameri
can womanhood and we do not propose
to lower that standard nuw. (Ap
plause). We want In this country a
free ballot and an honorable, indepen
dent, self-respecting, free and consci
entious, citizenship. We sweep away
the suggestions of birth, cluss, caste, or
condition and boldly proclulm In the
words of Jefferson, tittered more than
120 years ago, that "nil men were cre
ated equal." (Applause). Why unlike
any other country we have always held
that, good and only form of economy
and the highest economy and Insisted
that by Improvement, effectiveness of
methods and machinery, we could pay
more and better wages than were giv
en to the people of any other country.
This we could and did do under a pro
tective tariff.
We have tried the policy of revenue
reform. Are we satisfied to continue
It? (Loud cries of "no, neer"). Or
rather will we substitute for It a tariff
policy which will abolish the deficien
cies In the treasury, light up our almost
abandoned factories, and call back
from Idleness to work and wages the
men of the country, and send cheer and
light and hope to many American
"It Is a long time since I addressed
a Republican meeting In the city of
Cumberland. When I spoke to you
then passion and hate characterized
the political contest. Fortunately the
passion and prejudice which then pre
vailed has disappeared, and those who
were then divided are now together
fighting the battle of honest money,
and the public honor. Tour state has
old time majority and registered a
splendid Republican victory. Let there
be a repetition this year of the great
victory so decisively and honorably
won last year. Eliminating all minor
Issues, It Is a contest for the preserva
tion of law and order, and the Inde
pendence, dignity and integrity of the
federal judiciary. What will the an
swer of Maryland be to that open chal
lenge? It Is for the continuance of
honest money gold, Bilver and paper,
till equal to the best and everywhere
as good as the best and the restora
tion of the protective tariff system,
without which we cannot hope to have
either permanent prosperity among our
people or sulllclent revenue to support
the government. Surely the voice of
Maryland will not lie heard In the nega
tive upon any one of these vital propo
sitions. A state of her proud record In
the revolutionary war, and In the sec
ond war with England, the slate of Car
roll and Pinckney and of Wirt and of
Francis Scott Keys will surely not
falter now In any campaign affecting
the national honor."
Engagements for visiting delegations
are still being freely made. Among
them was the Huston Herald's pilgrim
age sound money men of New Eng
Chairman ol the Jeffersonian Demo
cratic State Committee Will Do
Work in the Northern Tier.
Philadelphia, Oct. 14. Chairman Wil
liam B. Given, of the Jeffersonian state
committee, will start Friday morning
on another tour of the state to con
sult with third party workers In various
counties. This time he will visit coun
ties along the northern tier from Lack
awanna to ETie, intending to be absent
from this city for nearly a week.
On Saturday morning at 9 o'clock a
meeting to be attended by Mr. Given
and the Jefferson leaders of Luserne
county will be held in the Wyoming
Valley hotel, Wllkes-Barre, and on the
afternoon of that day the sound money
Democratic workers of Lackawanna
county and probably from some of the
adjoining counties will hold a confer
ence with Chairman Given in Scranton.
The Jeffersonian chairman has an
engagement to meet his lieutenants In
the city of Kile on Monday morning at
10 o'clock where the sound money Dem
ocratic campaign managers of Erie and
Crawford counties will be assembled.
Returning cast Mr. Given will con
sult with the workers of Lycoming,
Clinton and other counties in the I'pde
graff house, Wllliamsport, on Tuesday.
He expects to be back In Philadelphia
on Wednesday, as a meeting Is to be
held on Thursday of the state executive
committee, composed of eleven mem
bers of the general state committee,
representing all the auctions of Penn
sylvania. The chairman expressed confidence
that the third ticket would get a much
stronger support In Pennsylvania than
has been expected.
Defeats Williams by Sturdy Foot Ball
Plnying--Score 2? to O.
New Haven.Conn., Oct. 14. Yale gave
another exhibition of steady foot ball
playing here this afternoon, defeating
Williams 22 to 0. The visitors' backs
made fully as long gains as the Yale
players, but mufTs or punts at critical
moments gave Yale four touchdowns.
Connor played a fine game for Yale
and Van Every made the largest gains
through the centre. The work of Wil
liams was, except mulling of punts, by
substitutes, by far the best ot any seen
here this year. The line up:
Yule. Williams.
Bass left end Chadwell
Kotrers left tackle Carr
Chadwlck left guard w rlslit
Chamberlain center MeGownn
Murray rlcht guard 1.012
Murphy right tackle Piter
Connor and iiuiier aim
Hazen right end Whitney
Ely quarterback Ryan
V:tn Every and Davis and
Gilmore left half back Branch
Hrnjumln and
Mills right half back .'....Denman
HInkev and
Chauiivey full back Draper
Referee G. T. Adee (ale). Umpire
John Ives (Ynle). Linesman T. B. Hull
and Walter Daugh. Touchdowns Van
Kverv. Connor. Koriirera and Gilmorn.
Goals Hinkey, 1; Chuuncey, ii. Time vt-
minute Dulviat.
Tigers Defent Cnrlisle.
Princlon. N. J.. Oct. 14. Princeton played
one of her hardint games today nmiinHi the
foot ball eleven of Carlisle's Indian sehuul,
the score b-'ing 22 to U. The Indian team
averaged 180 pounds each, and but for
magnificent ttum play the game mltslit
have reunited disastrously to the Orange
and lilHi'K.
' At Cumbrldiie Harvard. 28: Wesleyan. 0.
At Andover Massachusetts Institute, of
Technology. 6; Andover. .
At Boston Boston A. C, 20; Bowdoin, hi.
Archbishop Ireland Kcfusesto Be In
terviewed at Washington.
Washington, Oct. 14. Archbishop
John Ireland, of St. Paul, reached
Washington last night, accompanied by
Bishop McGoldrick. of Duluth. He
visited Mgr. Martinulll this morning.
Replying to an inquiry the archbishop
said: "There's a time to speak and a
time to be silent. This is scripture; you
can't get around It. It Is time now for
me to keep still."
The two stepped to a news counter,
bought papers and started on a brisk
walk for the papal legation. As they
went out Bishop McGoldrick said In
answer to a question respecting the po
litical situation In his state: "It is very
difficult to say anything about the re-
Biilt with us. The rarmers ana work
Ingmen are all one side, and some are
wearing McKinley buttons wno win
probably vote lor Bryan.
Ilrpckinridse Noininnted.
Frankfurt, Ky., Oct. 14. The Seventh
tion met here this afternoon and nominat
ed l Oionei . v. r. tn.-.-nini mso iut lvh
gress. There was no opposition.
Weather Indications Today J
Fair; 5lfghtly Warmer.
1 Dispatch Boat Bancroft Will Go to Con
Republican Candidates Talks to Many
v iHitors.
Famous tilack-Perr'ne Lawsuit.
3 Brvan. Tours Michigan.
Wllkes-Barre Elopers Arrested.
3 (Local)--Social and Personal. "
Criminal Court Proceedings.
4 Editorial. . ,
Cry of the Poor Against the Rich.
5 (Locnll New Ideas Before the County
Clonitm Sessions ot Lutheran Confer-
, erne.
t Wall Street Review and Markets,
7 Suburban News.
s Vetre rp an Down the Valley.
The Famous Lawsuit Grows More Com
plicated Daily.
The Action in Which Appeals and
Technical Points Are Bewildering
Is Assuniiug New PhnncwA Bill
for the Reformation in the Statutes
licnriug on the Qucstiou Has Ueen
Introduced in Congress.
Washington. Oct. 14. The somewhat
famous case of Slack vs. Perrlne, in
volving the custody of the children of
Mrs. Slack, promises to develop a sen
sation along new lines, a controversy
between the supreme court of the Uni
ted States and the courts of the Dis
trict of Columbia over the question of
jurisdiction. The case possesses many
singular and interesting features, and
one very important question Is wrap
ped up in its disposition. Mr. and Mrs.
Slack, who were residents of the Dis
trict of Columbia, separated. Mr. Slack
died while visiting his sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perrlne,
in New Jersey. By his will, probated In
tne district, he confided the custody of
his children, two little girls, to his sis
ter, Mrs. Perrlne. Mrs. Slack instituted
proceedings in the New Jersey courts
to obtain possession of her daughters
and a Judgment in her favor was ren
dered by Vice Chancellor Bird, whose
decision was afterward set aside by tho
cnanceitor, on the ground that the court
had no Jurisdiction.
Afterwards Mrs. Slack renewed her
efforts, this time (n the District of Col
umbia, to get possession of the children,
two actions being Instituted against the
Perrlne, one for Inlunctlon and the
other for writ of habeas corpus. Early
in June, the district court of anneals.
.t a nmjuniy opinion, neciaeci imit
Mrs. Slack was entitled to the custody
of the little girls, and subsequently an
order was granted by the two associ
ate Justices of i he court, a majority of
ine nencn directing the Judge of the
lower court in which the habeas cor
pus proceedings had been begun to Is
sue an order giving Mrs. Stack the cus
tody of the children.
In the meantime, however, nnd after
ine court or appeals had made its de
cision In favor of Mrs. Slack, the Per-
rlnes had prayed for a writ of error
to carry the case to the Supreme court
of the Cnlted States, and it had been
granted by Chief Justice Alvey, of the
court of appeals, the Perrlnes signing
a bond In the sum of $10,000, which It
was claimed acted as a writ of super
Now counsel for the Perrlnes have
applied to the Supreme court of the
I nited States for a writ of supersedeas
directed to the district courts which
have been engaged In the matter for
the purpose of annulling the order ot
the lower court of the district and the
order of the associate justices of the
court of appeals, on the ground that
their action subsequent to the issue
of the writ of error was In violation
of the laws, and Inderogatlon of the
dignity and rights of the Supreme court
or the united States, as by the Issue
of that writ, it alone obtained juris
diction of the case.
The will of Mr. Slack, by which he
made his sisters testamentory guar
dian of the children was the subject
of debate In congress In which Senator
Hale remarked that If the laws of the
District of Columbia permitted a man
to take his children out of the custody
of their mother by will, it was time
the laws were changed. A bill to ef
fect such a reformation In the statutes
was Introduced in congress.
Meeting of the Pennsylvania State
Association at Carlisle.
Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 14. The morning
session of the Pennsylvania State Sab
bath School association today was
largely attended and was presided over
by L. W. Munhall, D. D. Reports for
the year were received and the ap
pointment of committees occupied the
time of the morning session. Hon.
John Wanamaker addressed the asso
ciation on state work.
The delegates visited the Indian
school and examined the different In
dustrial branches of that Institution.
This afternoons session was called to
order at 2.30 o'clock. After music by
the Indian choir. Rev. N. Meyers, sec
retary of the state home department,
delivered an address. He was followed
by Hon. John B. McPherson on "The
Sunday School in Relation to Good Cit
izenship." Other addresses were made
by Jesse L. Hurlbut, D. D., and Way
land Hoyt, l. D.
Millville (-lass Factory to Start as
Well lis Fnrnnres.
Pittsburg., Pa., Oct. 14. Notices have
been posted at the Monongahela Fur
naces, McKeespurt, that the furnaces
will resume operations on Oct. 18 at lii
per cent, reduction.
Wliitall. Tatum & Co., of Mlllville,
N. J., are not working their flint glass
plant because of a dispute on the wage
rate. Representatives will meet Pres
ident Smith, of the Flints' association,
tomorrow and sisn the scale, so that
the factory can resume next week.
Remarkable Case of Mrs. l.ooinie,
Who Started on a Visit.
Canton, Pn.. Oct. 14. Mrs. Eliza
Loom Is, who was 100 years old, started
to walk from Elmlra. N. Y., here, a
distance of thirty miles, to see her
daughter, Mrs. Fassett, of Canton.
Ten miles from home she got lost In
the darkness nnd sank exhausted by
the roadside. She was discovered numb
and unconscious, and died yesterday.
Steamship Arrivals.
New York. Oct. 14. Arrived: State of
Nebraska, from Glasgow and Movllle; Ma
jestic, from Liverpool and Queenstown.
Sailed: St. Louis, for Southampton; Fries
land, for Antwern; Britannic, for Liver
pool. Arrived out: Havel, at Southamp
ton. Slchted: Edam, from Amsterdam for
New York, passed Dover; Spaarndam.
from New York for Rotterdam, passed
Lehigh Defeats Rutgers.
" IMhlehom, Pa., Oct. 14. Lehigh easily
defeated Rutgers today hy the score of
44 to 0. The game was played in the rain.
The Herald's Weather Forecast.
New York, Oct. 1S. In the Middle states
today, partly cloudy to fair, silThtly
warmer weather and fresh northerly to
northerwesterly winds will prevail, preced
ed by light rain on the coast north of Cape
May. On Friday, fair and slightly warmer
weatner win prevail wun ugnt to iresn
variable winds, followed toft tiM in too
northern districts.
Corset o o o
The Greatest HEALTH GIVER and
BKAI'TIMUR of the FlUUlUi ever
To have an EXQUISITE FIGT7RE and
learn what a HERFECTLY FlTTLNtf
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The Expert Fitter of Her Majesty's Cor.
set commences one week MiKagment at
our store, on londay, Oct. 18th, and end.
Inir on Saturday, Oct. 34th.
It will give her great pekuuir to erplain
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ami give, fittings, thus illustrating without
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We also desire to tall special attention to
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sm ever produced.
We desire ll to bo distinctly understood
that ladles will not be expected to pur
chase a Corset after a titliug la made un they so desire.
Kngugenienta for fittings can he made
with Mrs. Huth tiy mall or telegraph.
We keep a complete assortment of Her
Majesty's Corsets in all qualities, also In
Hlvrh and Low Bust and Extra Long
We also have on exhibition a Una ot Her
Majesty's Corsets, made of satin of the
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very Hunt in weight and comfortable.
We highly recommend this Corset, and
feel confident that ladies will receive,
from wearing it, Perfect Satisfaction.
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Ready Mixed Tinted
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