THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE MON DAY MOBNING. OCTOBER 13, 1890. POLICE PUT A STOP TO THE BATTLE Leonard aad Judfe Were Fifbti'if Viciously When Officers Icterfered. CROWD WAS MUCH DISAPPOINTED Their Appetite Had Been Whetted frt a K. hI Fuuvhiug .Match When CKef Mauling Kntcreil King aud Ktwpped I he ArgumentTwo Inhibitions Preceded the V.o ofthc Kveninc. Abuut 5U0 persons puiil a dollar or fltty cents apiece, according to the lo cution of their scats, to see the Judge Leonuid flKhl at Music Hall. Saturday n!ght. and but for the intervention of the police they would have got ten their liuimy's worth. The men meant busi ness Hnd went at one another hammer and tonprs fashion, so viciously. In fact, that Chief KohllnK's judsment told him U was not a scientific bout for points, as he had been Riven to understand, and after warning them once he put a stop to the slugging by threatening them with immediate arrest if It was persisted in. After a short consulta tion the fighters agreed to quit and for the six remaining rounds there was the worst kind of horse play, to the accom paniment of hisses. Jeers and angry denunciations from the crowd. The crowd's disappointment wa all the more keen beenus'1 It hnd been nlerisurably OlsappolntPd in the char acter of the "go." The tip had been passed nround that It whs to be battle for blood, but this announcement was taken with a grain of bait, because of the number of fizzles to which local admirers of the manly art have been treated, after the promise of renlly truly mills. The first round hnd not beeen on two minutes before it was sen that the men were there to fight. Then the crowd was in great gee. They were to see what had oft been promised, but never given, a genuine punching match. When, after enough had been seen to fairly whet their ap petites, it can be readily imnglned how disappointed the crowd was at the lit t'Tvention of the coppers. TIIKUE WEHE TWO OHJRCTS. The primary object of the meeting . was to catch the coin of the holiday crowd that was in the city Saturday; m condly, each of the men wanted to prove to the sporting world that he was better than the other and thereby put themselves in the way of an invitation to do a turn before some of the metro politan clubs. Hoth are candidates for the first rank among light weights and each bud to get there over the van quished form of his opponent or not get there at all. They were therefore on hand for business, each determined to finish off their undecided six round argument at the Prothlncham, two years ago. They entered the ring at catch weight. Judge weighed 144 pounds to Leonard's l.'iti. The local man also had the udvantnge in height, standing 5 fecet 9 inches as against the G feet 6 inches or Leonard. It was 10.H0 o'cl ick when the preliminaries were over, Mike Keeeley was chosen referee and .hint's J. Coleman time-Keeper. Harry Tuthlll, Leonard's trainer, who Is also the trainer of Uriffo and a number of other light weights, handled the Heuu." Ills manager. P. C. Albright, was also in his corner. Judge had P. .1. Hopkins and I'atriek Murphy behind liim. The referee called the men to the center and gave them a brief talking to. aftelwhlch Chief Robling called tliem over the ropes and cautioned them against slugging. The first round was nearly all taken tip with surveying. Towards the end, however, thev exchanged a few clean blows and got tangled up several times. Judge drew blood from Leon ard's lip with a struight right hand lend. Leonard forced the fighting In the second, rushing at Judge und using his forearm and elbows quite us much hh his mitts. Judge, however, would stop the inltghttnK with a clinch and then pay buck bis shorter opponent with Interest when the long arm work began again. Twice Judge caught Irf-oniird as he was closing in und gave hliii vicious thumps about the face. Jl'DGK tiKTTINfi THK I5EST OP IT. Judge was growing confident and agresslve and was clearly besting the Nf-w Yorker. As the round was draw ing tu u close Judge with his back al most against the ropes stopped one of Leonard's- rushes ami wns fighting him off in good style, when Chief Kobllng jumped into the ring and or dered the men to quit. Keith smiled at the chief as much as to say "why this is Just fun," but he couldn't see it that way aud told them so. On their promise J .. t .1..., !!.. 1. 1 ... . T iv, iuiiit ii nun it a. unit- ur HKifeu 10 lei thetii finish the eight rounds. The third round sturted out as nervously us the preceeding one hand ended and sml very fairly begun, when the po lice rushed In and stopped them. There was a general hubbub and after a few minutes wrangling the tight was de clured off. For the remaining six rounds there wasn't u blow struck the men merely ducking and tapping each other pluj fully, Lconurd occasionally giving the referee und Chief Kobllng a rap. Leonard made a speech saying he wns willing to light Judge for any amount at any time and Judge made it like announcement. There was a curtain raiser of three rounds between Thomas Gardner and John P. lioland, two local Bantams and a similar set-to between John Tlghe of this city and Michael , Gibbons, of l'lttston, in which Tlghe did as he liked with the ' Pittstonian, although the latter is a bigger man. Outside of the stage show, there was a laughable entertainment provyided by the crowd, which kept up a citinu al run of comical sallies, expressive of impatience or disgust as the occasion demanded. ' A Wilkcs-Barre "buck" FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE CURES AND PMVIXTS Cold, Cough, Sort Throat, Influenza, Bros, chi tit, Pneumonia, Swelling of the Johns. Lumbago, Inflammations, i uuuiinuuin FROSTBITES, CHILBLAINS, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, ASTHMA, DIFFICULT BREATHING. CURES THE WORST PAINS in from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONB HOUR after reading this advertisement need any one BUFFER WITH PAIN. Kadway't Ready Relief la a Sure Cure for Every Pain, Sprains, Bruises, Paint In th Back, Chut or Limbs. It was the first and la the only PAIN REMEDY That Instantly stops the most excruciating ytxiun, uuuys innammauon, ana cures con gestions, whether of the Luna. Stomach. Bowels, or other glands or organi, by one application. A half to a teaspoonfut In half a tumbler of water will In a few minutes cure Cramps, Spasms, Spur Stomach, Heart, burn. Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Flatulency and all internal nalna. There is not a remedial agent In the world that will cure Fever and Ague and ull other Malarious, Bullous and other fevers, aided by RADWAY'8 PILLS, so quicaiy as kadwaY'S READY RELIEF Fifty cent per bottle Sold by Druggist!. RADWAY dh CO, ." S3 Elm 8 tract, Now York. WWW named Dempsey. who officiated as mas, ter of ceremonies wasn't a bit of a favorite with the crowd and he was made to feel It. TEAM WORK WAS SUPERIOR. Mcrautoa Uoainess College 1'vaai Took a Uame from the Bed. An exciting game of foot ball was played Saturday at Schwenks' park on the South Side between the Scranton Business College foot ball team and the South Side Keds. Over 400 persons saw the game and, loudly cheered their fav orites. Though the college team was lighter than the Keds its team work was su perior. The score was 4 to 0. GOLF NOTES. Mr. Uendelnw, the New York city golf expert and professional coach, will to day begin giving private golf lessons to certain members of the Country club. A sufficient number of persons have en gaged his services to occupy him the whole of the week, morning and after noon. The engagement of Mr. Bende lcw, while under club auspices, is not a club project. The fact that Scran tonians are willing to bear the expense of being coached by so great a player illustrates quite forcibly the Interest being taken in the game In this city. J. H. Brooks on Saturday won the cup offered by T. H. Walkins, the club golf captain, by scoring 108 for 18 holes. Frank Fuller was second with a score of 113. H. P. Simpson tallied 119 and Reynolds Bedford 124. Mr. Brooks lowered his record from 111. The'first match game between Scran ton and Wilkes-Barre golfers will be played on the 24th. The next one will be on the 30th. There will be five play ers on each team. M EM. WORTH HEARING. Three better orators tliun Charles Emory Smith, James H. lloyt and P. D. Woodmansce. who will spenk next Thursday evening at the grand Republican mass mooting in the Frothlngham theater, are not to be found. This t meeting will be open to all and ev. ery voter will find It worth his while to be there. BOUNDARY COMMISSION. Conslderimj Reports on the Veneiuetan Controversy -A Number of New Documents Submitted. Washington, Oct. 11. The Venezue lan Boundary commission held Its first meeting yesterday since the summer adjournment. All the members were present The session, which occupied the entire day, was devoted to the con sideration of the reports presented. No final decision, however, can be arrived at until after the receipt of the report now being prepared by Professor Burr, whose return from Europe is expected by the end of this month. Among the documents laid before the commission were advance sheets of a book entitled, "The Boundary Question Between British Culana and Venezue la," devoted to a defence of the British claim by Joseph Strickland. There was also presented a revised copy of Mr. Mlurrow's summary, hith erto published, of the proposed brief for the Venezuelan government, lo which has been added a caustic note on the Schomburgk line, and a second brief entitled, "The Venezuelan Ques tion, prepared by William L. Scruggs, of t ontine! for the South American Re pill. lie. Two hundred and thirty-six pages In the shape of advance sheets of a third brief prepared by a commission of the Venezuelan government at Caracas were also laid before the commission. Much of the mutter in these documents was already familiar. The next meeting of the commission Will be held on Wednesday, October 28, at which lime Professor Burr is ex pected to be present, and from that time on continuous sessions will prob ably be held until a final decision is reached. London, Oct. 11. Lord Salisbury ar rived at the Foreign olllce at three o'clock yesterday afternoon. Sir Julian Pauncefote, British ambassador to the United States, arrived ten minute? later and was at once admitted to conference with the premier. Mr. Chamberlain ar rived at the Foreign office at 3.30 p. m. and held long conference with Lord Salisbury und Sir Julian Pauncefote. the subject Of which, it Is understood, was the Venezuelan question. M PRISON ALL THE TIME. Sarles, the "Escaped" Convict of Auburn, Found in a Cupboard. Auburn, N. T Oct. 11. The mystery of Lewis Sarles, the missing convict, who sawed his way out of his cell In Auburn prison on Thursday night, was cleared up late this afternoon. He was found In a cupboard in the olllce of Keeper Johnson. It Is In this office that all of the letters and bundles for the prisoners are Inspected, and It was here. In one of the most conspicuous depart ments of the institution, that the fugi tive was found. He was provided with a bottle of pickles and a few cookies, which he had purloined from a package consigned to a fellow-convict. He also had in his possession a large pair of tongs. He was crestfallen when pulled out from his hiding place, and he was immediately conducted to a dungeon cell. Sarles will have to serve nine years and three months additional for his two attempts to escape within a month. One of the peculiar incidents of the af fair is that one of the keepers, tired out by his search for the missing man, last night Blept for six hours on the very cupboard on which Sarles lay con cealed; SUPREME COURT MEETING. The Missions 01 1800-7 Will Open at Washington. Washington. Oct. 11. The Supreme court of the United States will meet to morrow and open the term for 1896-97. When the court meets tomorrow no business will be transacted save to re ceive motions for admission to the bar. When these have been, disposed of, the court will adjourn, and' accompanied by the clerk and marshal, call at the White House and pay their respects to President Cleveland. On the succeeding days of the week the calendar will be called, but it is not expected that any arguments will be heard until next week, when the cases that have been advanced for hearing will come up. LAST OF THE RECORDER. The New York Tribune IO Absorbed the Promising Paper. New York, Oct. 11. The New York Tribune has absorbed the New York Recorder. - The papers Involved In the transfer were signed yesterday. This morning's Issue of the Recorder will be the last to appear to bear the name. The main sheets of today's issue of the Recorder were printed on Tribune presses, the services of the Recorder's employes having been dispensed with yesterday. All the subscriptions to the Recorder will hereafter be filled by the Tribune. Many of the well known Recorder feature will be Incorporated in the Tribune, the colored supplement on Sunday among- others. The Tribune, however, hus hut purchased the plant of the Recorder. When 1 asked Col onel tleorge Turner, the receiver of the Recorder, the sum paid for the good will and the franchise of the Recorder, he said he did nut care to slate the con sideration given. Asked if he would have charge of the Recorder features to be Incorporated In the Tribune. Mr. Turner stated that the details of hiu connection with that paper had not yet been decided uion. GERMANY'STROUBLES. Probability That Reichstag Will Re fuse to t.raal Naval Credits. Berlin. Oct. 11. The Kronrath. or Crown Council, which was held at Hub ertusstook on Wednesday at the sum mons of the kaiser, who is spending a hunting season at that place, was an Important affair. Inasmuch a It for mulated the policy of the government In regard to the legislation which is to be submitted to the Reichstag at the next session of that body, which will begin on November 10. Suffi a council is very rare, only two having been held since 1K90, when a Kronrath preceded the dissolution of the Reichstag and the resignation of Prince Bismarck from the Imperial chancellorship. It is learned by the United Associated Presses that the council held this week at Hubertusatock was summoned by the emperor at the direct instance of Prince Hohenlohe. who believes that the gravest Issues depend upon the coming session of the Reichstag. "The ministers who attended the council were unanimous in the belief that the present Reichstag will refuse to grant the naval credits which the emperor wants, but they differed as to the ex pediency of dissolving that body. This Reichstag will expire by limitation in 1898, and many of the ministers were in favor of waiting and allowing the house to die a natural death. The council agreed to convert the German 4 per cent bonds Into 3'6 per cents. The Crown Council may result In a change In the cabinet, and thin possibility is causing a great deal of uneasiness in official cir cles. DEATH OF DR. BENSON. The Archbishop of Canterbury Passes Away Aged 6? Years. London, Oct. 11. The archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England and Metropolitan, the Right Honorable and Most Rev. Edward White Benson. D. D. and privy counsellor, died suddenly today while attending divine service In the church at Ha warden. The arch bishop was the guest of Mr. Gladstone, through whom he was appointed to the archbishoprlce of Canterbury, and. In company with the Gladstone family, went to the Hawarden church this morning. 'After the service had com menced a commotion was noticed In the Gladstone pew, and Immediately there after church attendants were seen re moving the archbishop, who, It wa supposed, was suffering from a fit. He was taken to the rectory, and medical assistance was hastily summoned. The doctors worked over him in vain, and at 11.45 o'clock he died. The physicians Fiate that death was caused by apo plexy. Archbishop Benson was sixty- seven years oi age. I ir Iten inn innrl left in 1S."i9. MarV. daughter of the late Rev. William Sldgwlck. of Sklpton, Yorkshire. The annual value of the see of can terbury is $73,000 and the archbishop is ihu tmtrun r,f it)." livlnn. In addition to his archepiseopal residence at beth place, ne had a scat at Aitaingiun Park, Croyden, Surrey. BIG MINES RESUMING. But the New "liners at Lendville Are Guarded By Troops. Leudvllle. Col., Oct. ll.-The big mines are gradually resuming. New men are apnlylngr for work almost daily. A hundred and eight men were bnught In from Joplln. Mo., yesterday. They were met four miles below Lead ville by a company of citizens and sol diers, who escorted them to the city, where they were met by 2W Infantry, twenty-five cavalrymen and two artil lery pieces, and escorted to the Little Johnny Mine In safety. The J.ittie Johnny uow has 175 men and will resume work tomorrow, A crowd followed the men and the sol diers up the hills, but there was little disposition to provoke trouble. One striker cursed one of the soldiers, who smii-k him over the head with the butt end of a gun. After this there wus no more interference. TO INVESTIGATE THE POISONING. (rand Jury W ill l'ouidei the Attempt to hill the Brandy King. Trenton, N. J.. Oct. 11.- It Is the In tention of Prosecutor Stockton, of Mer cer county, to call the attention of the grand Jury to the attempted poisoning of Captain Charles Van Kirk, known us "The Apple Brandy King." Van Kirk Is wealthy and lives near Prince ton. For several months the captain had been ill, und finally he suspected tl.ut an attempt was being made to poison him by two of his servants, C'hi.'l.- Dolly and Maria Miller, both colt red. A quantity of soup was sent to Pro fsor Cornwall, of Princeton college, for analysis, and he found that It con tained poison. The captain accused his servants, und it is alleged that they confessed, but before they could be ar repted he sent them to Virginia. CANNOT "RAISE CAIN' IN THE BEND. Mayor Strong Refuses to Allow Sal vation Army to Do as They Please. New York. Oct. 11. A Salvation Army officer called on Mayor Strong yesterday and asked permission to march through the Mulbery Bond dis trict, with authority to halt and hold mectinps whercvpr they chose. The mayor emphatically refused the request. "Yob folks 'raise Cain' by go ing into certain districts," he remarked, "and we have many complaints of these disturbances. I have no objection to your holding meetings at given points, but I do not think it wise that you should march from place to place In certain districts, stopping where you please, as It usually causes trouble for all concerned." Permission lo hold niee i;s Jn Mott and Mulbery streets, only, was given. JURY FINDS EMLEY N01 GUILTY. l imbic to Agree ia Charges Against Thompson and Mather. Paterson. N. J.. Oct. Hi After being j out ail nignt. tne jury in the rases of Dr. -Mather. F. A. Thompson and Fletcher Kmley. on trial for alleged conspiracy in obtaining gfi.OOO from D. Romalne Van Riper, returned to court yesterday before Judge Dixon. The foreman announced that the Jury had found F.mley not guilty of the charge, but could not agree as to the guilt or innocence of Dr. Mather and Thompson. Cmley was thereupon dis charged from custody, and the two oth ers were released on bail. The Jury was discharged. Chicago Urnin Market. I'nion Stock Yards. Oct. 10. Cattle-Re. ceipts. 200 head; market steady; common to extra steers, $; atockera and feeders, $2.50n3.65; cows and bulls, $125a 3.50; calves, $5.50a.25; Texana, $2.50a3.76; western rangers, $2.3oa2.7T. Hogs Re ceipts. I.'.OOO head; market weak and 'a inc. lower; heavy packing and shipping lots. $3.u5a3.4?; common to choice mlxeJ, 3.10a3.55; choice assorted, $3.3oa3.i0; light. t1.l0a.lS5; pigs. S2't3.50. . Sheep Receipts, 15,000 head: market steady, inferior to choice, $1.7582.75; lambs, $3a3.4. Oil Market. OH City, Oct. W.-Optlon oil, -US; credit balances. 116. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Heview. New York. Oct. 10. The railway slock speculation was Irregular and In the main heav y today. Sugar was a marked excep tion and held decldely firm on covering of shorts. This stock advanced 2 per cent, to 1074 oa heavy dealings. The declining tundeucy of the general market was at tributed to the weakness in consols In Lonoaujii, lower yrices for the American erwaAiea and an advance In the discount rate by the Imperial abnk of Germany, l'art of the selling was credited to con servative operators who wish to reduce their lines over the election. Further en. gagements of gold In London for ship ment to New York had no effect and neither had the bank statement. The Grangers, Anthracite Coalers and Louis viilo and Nashville were among the weak, est stocki. Jersey Central got down to 100, the lowest figure In some time. The loss In the Grangers and Louisville and Nashville was equal to per cent. Manhattan was erratic, ranging between W and KH, closing at 90. Speculation, except in Sugar, in the closing dealings we weak, and the leading stocks scored net loses of 'ial'i per cent, in the day. Sugar gained nearly two points in the day. The total sales were lM.Ml shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL. LEN & CO., stock brokers, Mears build ing, rooms 703-706. Open- High- Low- Clos Ing. est. est Ing. Am. Tobacco Co .... 68, 69 8 ''S'.i Am. Su'g Re'g Co ..105 107V4 lOi 107 Alch., To. & fl. Fe .. 12'i U'4 12H l'.j Ateh. T. & S. F Pr. ltd, 18'i 18 181 j Chicago Gas SM. 59 GS's 584 Chle. & N. W 97' 97i M 97 Chic, B. ft Q 674 67? C. C. C. & St. 1 24', 2P4 34 Chic, Mil. ft St. P .. fi ti 67' 68 Chic. It. I. & P W m Wi Sll'i Delaware & Hud ....120V 12fl:. 120 120 Oen. Klectric S5U ZV 251, 2TH Lake Shore , 144 144 144 141 Ixniis. ft Nash 42 42i 4Hi 414 M. K. ft Texas, Pr .. 21i 214 21ai 'Manhattan lle 91 '3 92i 90'j, 9W Mo. Pacific 18; lg-a 18?, '8' Nat. Lead 20 20 20 20 N. J. Central luO loot, W 100j N. Y.. S. ft W., Pr .. 20" v4 194 l-"4 Nor. Pacific. Pr .... 19 19 19 19 Ont, ft West 13i n Vt 13i Pacific Mail 19'i IS' 19 19 Phil, ft Head 23 23 21'4 22'4 Southern R. R 8 8 7"4 7 Southern R. R Pr.. 2W, " ' 20 20 Union Pacific 5"i 6 f4 6 Wabash, Pr 13:14 K n Hi West. Union 82 82'. 811 82 W. U 5H :.' C's, 5"1 U. 8. Leather 8 8j 8'j 8'i V. 8. Leather, .Pr ... mi 66 W 864 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. WHEAT. Open.. High- Low Clos ing, est est. Ing. December 684 (19 6si 69 May 72'3 7:S 7S'a 72;, OATS. December 17', 18', 17'i 17'4 May 19 2u4 19 '4 20, CORN. December 234 22H 2.1i 24': May ffiii, 271 26' i 27'S LARD. December 4.22 4.30 4.21 4.30 January 4.42 4..i0 4.40 4.j0 PORK. January 7..",6 7.81 7.50 7.82 "eranton Board of Trade Exchange QuotationsAll Quotation Based en Par of 100. . Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. ft Die Bank 140 Scranton Lace Curtain Co National Boring ft Drilling Co ... First National Bank 650 Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank 200 Bonta Plate Glass Co Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron ft Steel Co. ... Third National Bank 350 Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co Scranton Traction Co 16 Scranton Axle Works Iuk'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 145 Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co GO 80 2S 100 "io 250 150 M 21 80 CO BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, flrat mortgage due 1918 People's Street Rullway, first mortgage due 1918 Scranton ft Plttaton Trac. Co. People'! Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. Lacka. Township School 6.. City of Scranton St. Imp. 6. ' Borough of Wlnton 6 Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co 110 110 W 110 100 102 102 10O 85 10O 95 Hew York Produce Market. New York, Oct. 10 . Flour-Steady, dull und unchanged. Wheat spot market dull, tinner; t. v. b., 67 V; ungraded red, 67 79c; No. 1 northern, 761.'.; options closed steady; No. 2 red May, 7"Sc: October, 73' sc.; November, 74Vc; December, 751e. Corn Spots quiet and firmer; No. 2, 30o. elevator: 31c. atlout ; options were firm; Oc tober. 30c; December, 31c; May, SPfcc. Outs Spots quiet, tinner; options firmer, quhrt; October, Sc; December, 23c; spot prices, No. 2, 22c; No. 2 white, 2V.; No. 2 Chicago, 24c; No. 3. 20c - No. 3 white, 22'ac; mixed western, 2a23c.; white do., 21u2114c; white state, 2la30c. Provisions Finn, steady. unchuiiKed. Lard Firm; western steajn, 84.62a4.6Ti; city. $4.25; Oc tober, ft. 65, nominal; refined, quiet; conti nent, 4.50; South American, t5.15; com pound, 4H.u4a Butler-Steady: state dairy, luulBo, ; do. creamery, llliulic; western dairy, 6'vullc; do. creamery, ll'i 12c; do. factory, 7a Uc; Ulgtns. lsc; Imita tion creamery. 9al2e. CheeseQuiet, firm; state large, 7a9c; do. small. 9alUc.; part aklms, S'jaU'.-c; full skims, 2a2-jc Eggs Choice linn; state and Pennsylvania. 17a 2c; lee house, H'iulfic; western sleum, 17ul8c; do. per cuae, $2.503.50. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, Oct. 10. Provisions were In fulr Jobbing demand and steady. We quote: City smoked beef, HaUIc; beef hums. S16.25ul6.5li, as to average; pork, fam ily. S10.f.uall; hums, S. P. cured, in tierces. 9aluc; do. smoked. 10all'vc., as to aver Hge; allies, llblind. In salt, 4a4'4e. ; do. do. smoked, 4'iailc; shoulders, plekle-curedi 6V; do. lo. smoked, 6'aii'ic ; picnic hams, S. P. cured, fiifcuec; do. do. smoked, 6'4u7c. ; bellies, in pickle, according to average, loose, 5a614c ; breakfust bacon, 7a PROTECTION, PROSPERITY. SOUND MONEY, Grand' Mass Meeting Under the auspices ot the Central Republican Club, AT THE FROTHINGHAM, Thursday Evening, October 15, 1896. SPEAKERS Hon. Charles Emory Smith, of Phil adelphia, ex-Minister to Russia; lion. James H. Hoyt, of Rlevelaud; Hon. D. D. Woodmansee, President of the Cepublican National League, and others. . Bauer's Band will furnish the music. Seats free to all the people. The Club will escort the Speakers to the meeting. All the Peoole Are Invited THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Av& We have purchased during the last three weeks fifty thousand dollars worth of the latest and most desirable mer chandise at prices 25 to 40 per cent cheaper than we could have bought same ear lier in the season. We Will Give Our Customers The Benefit Of This Great Saving. Our entire stock of dam aged goods have been dis posed of. We guarantee ev ery article in our establish ment absolutely perfect, or money refunded. SALE CO.mNCES SnTiJRDH. OCT. 10 7'iic, as to brand and average; lard, pure, city refined, in tierces, 4?tii5c. ; do. do. do. In tubs, 6a54c.; do. 'butchers', loose, 4',4C.; city tallow, in hogsheads, 8ic; country do., 24u3',.c, as to quality, and cukej, 3o. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Oct. 10. The leading futures ranged us foliows: Wheat No. 2 October, 6ta6et4c; December, 68Wa69c; May, 72lka 724C Corn No. 2 October. 23a231Jc.: De cember, 23:4o24V4C ; May, 26Va27ic Oat No. 2 October, l"Hal7MiC.; December. 17'ia 17"4c; .May, 19Sia20'c. Meas Pork De cember, 6.95a7.05; January, $7.5oa7.K!'i. Lard December, !4.22fea4.30; January, 4 42lia4.50. Short Ribs December, 3.65a 3.65; January, i3.72a3.87f Cash quota tions were as follows: Floutwas dull and firm, prices unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 67V4U694C; No. 2 sphlng wheat, 63a67V, by sample; No. 2 red, C9u7uc: No. 2 corn, 234u23?c; No. 2 oats, 17al8c.; No. 2 rye, 3fHic.; No. 2 barley, 35c, nominal; No. 1 flux seed, 74'u7ic; prime timothy seed. $2.50, nomlnul; mess pork, per barrel, I7u7.05; lard, S4.27'a4.30; short ribs, sides, loose, t3.6nu3.75: dry salted shoulders, boxed, 34u4.122: short clear sides, boxed, 34a4.12li; whlskv. distillers' tlnlsh, tl.1; sugars, out-loaf, 15.32; granulated, $4.76; standard A, $4.40. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo. Oct. 10. Cattle Market steady, firm; veals firm lo strong; good to choice, $5.756.75. Hogs Market easier; Yorkers, $3.70; mixed packers. $3.0ua3.'iri; medium. $3.6Ua3.65; heavy grades, $3.4IU3.45; plus, $3.5Uu3.55. Sheep ami Lamb .Market strong for good grudes of lambs, others firmer; sheep unchanged; native lumbs, good to choice, $4.9a4.6i: common to fair, l3.6Tfa4.15; culls, $3.2Tu3.75: mixed sheep, $3.10a3.15; culls and common, $1.75a2.75; Canada lambs, $1., lBlCK I .THE LIOOSIC POWDER CO., R00K;i IND2, COrLTHBrffS, SCRANTON. PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUB DALE WORKS. LAPUN 4k RAND POWDER CO' 9 ORANGE OUN POWDER Elevtrto Batteries, Klectric Ginlodera, for ex ploding blasts, Safety Fuae, aud Repanno Chemical Co. 's HIOH EXPLOSIVES, WHEELS (ffi) WHEELS BICYCLES. ON AND AFTER SEPT. 1ST, IPSO. WE will offer all ot the following wheel we may have in atork at Jobber's Priroa : Wolf. American, Pierce, Irer-Johnaon, Warerlyand Kratherstone Line. This ia an opportunity to get a good wheel cheap. We atill nave the famona "Crawford," a wheel that rnnaas liKbt and eaar and wears equal to any $100 machine on the market. Coma and sea what we can do fcr you in our line. L I PB, 321 SPRUCE SI. CALL UP 3682. CO. 0 OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO Ifll MERIDIAN STREET. 1L W. COLLINS, Manager. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL, Coal of the beat quality for domestic ue and of all altea. Including Buckwheat and Blrdseye, delivered in any part ot toe olty t the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, first floor, Commonwealth building, room No. t: telephone No. 2624 or at the mine, tele, phone No. 172. will be promptly attended to.Dealors supplied at the mine, WM. T.SMITH. AYLESWORTH'5 j MEAT MARKET ! The Finest in the City. The latest Improved furnish ings and apparatus fur keeping meat butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Avenue), ,jl ' f What .!ifc itieri mv iHKDICAl,. LADIES' Quickest Relief. Iir. King's Celebrated Cotton Root PIIU, never fail, absolutely reliable, safe and harm, less. By mall $1.00; particulars free. KINO REMEDY CO., 8a William Street, New York City. A I "OB s 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Harch 1, 1896, Total Product of 1 The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Accord. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from th Pacific Const to St. John's. New Foundland, and in England, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and la recognized as the best flour in the world. fflEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. WE ARE STILL ROOTING FOR THE FASTEST WHEEL ON EARTH, No Matter Who Rides It B. F. KELLER, ON A SPALDING AT THE National Meat at Wilkes-Sarre, SEPTEMBER 16. Waa the only man (with one exception) oat of the entire Scranton puah that won anything, boating out Rome ot the fastest men on the circuit. Auain we say, get a Spalding and Lo happy. C. M. FLOREY, Agt. Hotel Walton Broad and Locust Streets, Philadelphia. One of the moat magnificent hotels in the world. Palatial In every detail. Absolutely Fireproof. European Plan $1.50 Upwards, American Plan $4 Upwards. Situated near ail the leading theatres and railroad atatioua. STAFFORD, WHITAKER & KEECH I. D. CRAWFORD, Manager. PICKLING CUCUMBERS Pickling Cucumbers, Cauli flower, Horse-Mis. Root, Pickling Onions, Ginger Root, Red Cabbage, Mangos, Hot Peppers, Dill. W. I Pitt H I.L MARKET THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The Superbly Appointed and Commodious Steel Steumahlpi, NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, American through and through, leave Buffalo 'I m fdnV" and Friday p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Soo. Duluth, and Western Points, passing all places ot interest by daylight In conueetiou with THE tlRRAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forma the moat direct route, and from ev. ery point of evmpariaon, the moot delightful and comfortable one i Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ureat Falla, Helena. Butte. (Spokane and Pa ri Ho coast. The on It trancontiueutal Hue running the lamoua buffet, library, observa. tion car. New 6" hour train for Portland via Spokane, HOTEL LAPAYETTE, Lake Mlnnetonka. 16 milea from Minneapolis largest and in use beuutlnl reaort in thn wat. 'I icketaand any Information of any agent or A. A. HEARD, Oeuerul Paaaeager agent, Buffalo, N. V. FOR T5rrTnPlt'e Msn-I thlv Rca-u at n Ve WOM El IM mand andmamtain'd coutiu'ious traae aa a recuperative inwxhaus. tion and debility peculiarly incident to women of tender constitutions In youth and old axe. Thev hare no equal. The faculty atrongly recommend them. Descriptive cir cular tree, sent reenrrly sealed. Juvcnia IQMetlo., iiepi. P preanyicnan piog .n. T REVIVE RESTORES VITALITY. Made a 1 at Day. Well Man IStnDay. TOfXtf 0f Me. TKE GREAT 30th Day. rnENon xt,3sxziir produces the above retails In SO days. It acts powerfully aud quickly. Cure, when all others fail. Young men will regain tlietr lost manhood, and old uicn will recover tbeir youthful visor by using KRVIVO. It quickly and aurrly restores Nervous neiM, Lout Vitality, Impotrncy, Nightly trolMlona, Lost Pow.r, Failing Memory, Wastlna Diaeaaes. and all effect of jKFlf.nbiue w uceaa and iadiaeretiea. which unfits otie for amity, business or aisrriags. It sot ouly cum by atartinit at the seat of esease, but Is a gn at nrrretnnle and blood builder, bring ing beck the pink glow to pale checks and re storing tke Are of youth. It wars a off Inwnity ind Consumption. Inalst oa having REVIVO, D Mwr. It can be carried la veat pocket. By mail, I .UO per package, or alt for 13. OO, with a nosl- ri wrliteu ffiinriantee to rare or re rand he money. Circular Iroo. Address MrMrMr -- --ct rmnar!" Fur Sale by MATTHEWS BROS,, Drug gist Scranton, Pa. t mt m. ate ui iiniiyMD HELL
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