The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 12, 1896, Image 1

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He Sail That
Would Bring Pros
perity. Did It t
: Bryan Helped to
Make the Wilson
9rt 5 I
Early Ml
A little early you may think to
mow down prices in correct full
dress Roods, but that's a haMt we've
not. We don't believe in waiting
till the season is over, and then ex
pect to cleun up docks. Experience
has taught us that we can't do it
successfully that way; therefore, as
soon as the first rush of the season
is over, we set about unloading In a
methodical way. and as a result the
stock of this great department la
never one day behind the best that
the Metropolis has to offer and Is
quite free from goods of other days
Tic First Cat
of I he season Is strung, deep unil de
cisive. It proves thut we mean
business and our patrons cannot
fall to appreciate our courage. If
prices talk when backed by fashion
and quality, you cannot ufl'ord to
ignore these:
38 Inch fancy suitings, chevron
weave with silk Htripe effects, a
leading H"',io. cloth.
Special Sale Price, 2Pc
New and attractive Poplin plaids,
immense assortment In blight color
and silk stiine effects. Excellent
value inr a silver quarter.
Special Sale Price. II Pc
3 Pieces
' All wool Jacquard suitings. Ba
lance of rive or six styles In which
several shades have been sold out.
The colorings are all good, how
ever, and their real value is about
Special Sale Price, 25c
50 Pieces
M inch all wool suitings, up-to-date
weaves, unci a full half dollar quali
ty shade list. Cardinal and garnet,
gold, seal and mid brown, dark and
light nuvy. slate, grey, myrtle, olive
und bluck; also gray and brown
fancy mixtures.
Special Sale Price, 33c
2S Pieces
T'ancy Imported suitings: "8 Inches
wide with neat overshot silk check
ellect.M on navy, olive, garnet or
brown grounds. Were 50c.
Special Sale Price, 37c
r. lb ncccs
Handsome silk ami wool pluids, es
pecially designed for waists, tluar
unteed value 7uc.
Special Sale Price, 50c
S8 Inch all wool broken checks in
high colors for children's wear. Fine
goods that actually sold for 75c.
Special Sale Price, 50c
50 inch strictly wool storm serge In
navy and bluck only. An everyday
Ofc. 'quality.
Special Sale Price, 49c
50 Inch storm serge, In navy or
black. Fine make that would be
cheap at 75c.
Special Sale Price, 59c
New and
We have juRt received the first
shipment of the new Zebellne cloths
with camels hair effects. Their
width Is 66 Inches and their special
use la for golf or bicycle suits.
Sale Opens Tucsday90cL 13
The Schooner Lu'ber A. Roby Wrecked
Near Cape Henelopeo.
fierce .Northeast Vale Sweeping
Along the Shore ol Mew Jersey.
Life Saving Station in Hanger of
licinf Swept AwavBad Weuther
AheudDaumse nl Cape May.
Lewis, Del.. Oct. 11. The schooner
Luther A. Koby, from Schiverie, N. S..
consigned to Philadelphia, with plaster,
came ashore at daybreak this morning
in a heavy northeast gale below the
point of Cape Henclopen and almost
Immediately went to pieces. Three of
the crew were lost and Ave saved.
Since yesterday a fierce northeast
gale has been blowing along the coast.
The life saving crews have been on the
alert and all last night patrolled the
beach on the lookout for vessels in eiiu
tress. In the early dawn the Schooner
was seen driving towards the bench.
The lile savers hastened toward;! Ihe
spot she was heding for. but rw
struck before they came opposite to
her. Before the crew could get their
apparatus Into working order, the
vessel pounded to pieces In the heavy
surf. The men aboard of her clung to
whatever pieces of wreckage they
could grasp, and struggled through tin
whirling waters to the beach. Three of
thein never reached it, but the other
live, bruised and battered by the waves,
ilrann ashore by the life savers.
The wind blew a gale and every vessel ,
in the harbor sought refuge behind the j
breakwater. Not a pilot boat ventured ;
to sea. The bark Alice, which was ,
anchored a mile west 01 me ure
water, began to drag her anchor, but
two tugs went to her assistance and
towed her to a safe anchorage in the
The wind Is blowing a fearful gale
from the northeast tonight and the tide
is piling upon the shore. It is feared that
at high water tonight the life saving
stations on the shore may be swept
A'inntlc City. N. J.. Oct. 11. The
northeast storm that has been traveling
along the Atlantic coast struck this
cltv this morning, and. In connection
with an extraordinary high tide, has
done considerable damage. Two of the
three piers along the ocean front have
sustained the greatest damage so far.
About 'MO feet of the Iron pier, at the
t'.ini of Massachusetts avenue, have
been battered away . A sVcYnm of the !
wrecked schooner Metcalf. wtnen was
lying near the pier, was broken away
by the surf, and for an hour or so It
pounded with terrlllc force against the
piling of the pier. The piling with
stood the battering at Hint, but ai iusi
the middle section went down with a j
crush The mass of wood from men me in.. juaryianu aeieganon uiu
wreck Is still tloatlng along the beach ! ol leave until this morning. Major
rr.Tit and more damage may be done ilcKlnley heard a great deal of encuur
l,y n. aging news trum his cullers yesterday
"The center of the pier at the fool of j und today. The Michigan people told him
T"xas avenue has purtialiy given away. I that they are making great progress In
It Is expected that the weakened pari ! ineir siaie alio mat tliey expect to car
will go out to sea before morning. The i ry it by a handsome plurality, though
bulkhead at Chelsea has been de-
stioyed. Kallroad travel on the Cam
den and Atlantic railroad lias been sus
pended, owing to the high water on the
meadows submerging the trucks.
The entire force of the llle-saving
crew are out tonight on the beach i
wutching for any ship In distress,
The cottages on the meadow side of
the city have been surrounded by
water all day and the occupants have
been compelled to use bouts to get to
und fro from their homes. The wind
reached u velocity of fifty-live miles
an hour today. Many railroad ties are
floating lu on the beach tonight and It
Is believed that they Indicate the wneh-
log away of the trolley railroad bed on ,
Hrigaiitine beach.
Sea Isle City, N. J., Oct. 11.- The gile I
has ruged with great fury here toduy I
and tonight the wind Is blowing titty I
miles nil hour. The meadows In the !
rear of the city are Hooded for miles !
and lis fur us the eye can reach there ;
is only a foaming sea. The avenues i
and streets are inundated by the heavy
breukeis that are washing in at the I
upper end or the city. Railroad navel ;
is almost entirely at u standstill and it
ulll ii I if nun h time unit Inlinr to I
lepuir llie damage done to the washed- j
out trucks. This morning n big three
masted siliiioiier. apparently disabled
and sliliiiif under bare poles, was seen
through the mist a short distance at
A ship's yuwl bout, bottom up. was
seen at seu this afternoon, which leads
lo the fear thut some vessel hits found
ered. Many smull yaehls have bei'n
bully damaged. Ocean City Is Isolated,
the railroad leading Into the town hav
ing been badly washed out. The storm
uiiiieiirs to be blowintr more fiirlmmlc
tonight and fears are entertained for !
th damage that tomorrow's high tide
will bring.
Cape May, N. J.. Oct. 11. A north
east gale, which hss prevailed here
since yesterday. Is still blowing tonight
with unabated violence. The tides over
the meadows are submerging the rail
road tracks. Much damage Is occurring
to beach Improvements at South Cape
May and the tide is threatening the
trolley railroad.
The Indications are for a bad night
nnd fuller tides.
Gloucester. Mass., Oct. 11. Schooner
Alsatian, sixty-nine tons off and from
Bath, lumber laden for Boston, cap
sized off Baffer Island this nfternoon
nnd Is a total loss. When the vessel
capsized the crew of four went over
board. They succeeded In grabbing
wreckage that came from the deck load.
Captain George Young, of the steamer
Helen May Butler, immediately started
to their assistance. Upon overtaking
the wrecked sailors, Captain Young and
Steward C. E. Anderson manned a boat
and put off to save the nearly exhaust
ed men. With great difficulty Just as
the victims were sinking they were
hauled into the boat. Two of the ship
wrecked men were unconscious but
soon recovered. Owing to the heavy
storm that was ranging the rescue was
an heroic one. Captain Young nnd his
steward nearly sacrificed their lives, as
the boat filled three times before the
shipwrecked were got on board the
Highland Light, Mass., Oct. 11. An
Increasing northeast gale has prevailed
here since noon. Hurricane signals
continue along the roast. A high sea Is
running outside and It is a bad night for
Vineyard Haven, Mass., Oct. 11. A
northeast gale has prevailed here to
day, and it Is Increasing In force to
night. No shipping; disasters are re
ported in this vicinity.
London, Oct. 11. A northeast gale ia
prevailing. The Danish teamer Scotia
has gone ashore at St. Abbey head on
the east coast of Scotland. Her crew
were rescued. The schooner Carniel
has foundered in the Mersey. Six of
the crew were drowned. In many
places the gale is accomt muled with
Letter Received t'romt Scotland
quiring lor a Girl Who Disappeared.
Ruhway. N. J., Oct. U. The "Rail
way mystery" is again revived by the
receipt of a letter from Scotland mak
ing inquiry about a girl who disappear
ed in America about the time of the
murder March 7. ISS7.
It will lie remembered that an un
known young woman was found mur
dered on Central avenue, on the out
skirts of this city, on the above date.
Although some ot the best detectives
in New York spent weeks uoou the
case, no clew was ever obtained to
her identity, and her remains now All
a grave in the Runway cemetery,
marked " An unknown woman."
A letter was received by Chief of
Police Wright today from John Mi
Dermott and postmarked "Smyleun
Park, Lenark, Scotland." The writer
said that he was in quest of Miss Mary
Lambert. . ho lelt Scrotland in March,
1KST, for this part of ihe country. Since
then no tidings had been received from
her. McDermott did not give the name
of her father, but. said that he had
been requested by her parents to write I
for information. j
Chief Wright will forward n photo- 1
graph of the dead girl and all the facts j
in his possession to Scotland. At the
time of the murder many who viewed i
the body expresred the opinion tout tne j
victim was a Scotch cirl.
A Brief Season of Rt Is Enjoyed by
the Overworked CandidatePro
tromm.' for the Week.
Canton. I).. Oct. ! I. Major McKinley
spent a quiet Sunday. He was up bright !
and early, took a short walk and al- i
tended church In the morning. In the j
afternoon, In company with Mrs. Mc- !
Klnley. he went for a drive and called I
upon his mother.
There were few callers at the McKln- I
ley residence. Mm at Halstead and ex- I
Congressman Finlay, of Missouri, who
nave been here a few days, called to
say good-bye to Major McKinley before
leaving for the west. Congressman
Houtelle, of Maine, who assisted Major.
McKinley In yesterdays great reception
of delegations, left for a speech-making
lour In the west last evening. To the
correspondent for the United Associat
ed Presses, Major McKinley said today
that the labors of the arduous week
which closed last night had not over
taxed his strength in any way "I feel
well todav, and expect to be in excel
lent condition to resume my campaign
work tomorrow. I think the next two
weeks will be full of activity, and I ex
pect no rest until after the election."
There are a good many of the visitors
who came to Canton yesterday still In
the Ix-mocruls lutve not abandoned it
and are currying on a vigorous tight lu
every county. The news which reaches
Canton from the south is of a particu
larly agreeable nature to the Republi
cans. .Major McKinley 's friends here
now feel confident he will carry Vir
ginla. West Virginia. Maryland and
Kentucky. This week will be a lively
one. Mure than thirty delegations are
already scheduled, and the list is likely
to be Increased by the addition ol a
dozen or fifteen more.
The following delegations are expect
ed from Pennsylvania: Monday, min
ers of the Monongahela valley; work-
lugiiien of Kosco. Pa. Tuesday, niln
era und mechanics of the Lehigh Valley
Wednesday. McKinley und ilobart
clubs of McDonald. Ha. Thursday,
citizens or Cumbrldgeboro. Pa,; politic
al clubs or Allegheny county: Erie
county, l'a Republican elubj. Friday,
eterun .McKinley clubs of Bradford:
citizens of Bedford. Suturduy. clubs of
Huntingdon coiyy; Republicans f
Blair county; eiirKoyes of Oliver Bros.,
l'iltsburg: McKinley and Hobart
worklngnu-n's clubs of South Fork. Ha.
- -
I Industries at Anderson H ill Itesumc,
FuriiinhiiiK Kiiiloynient tor Mail).
Anderson. 1 ml.. Oel. II. The Ameri
can I'lute Class plant at Alexandra,
now the largest III the world, since It
was rebuilt and extended this summer,
will resume Monday. Notices to thut
eiVeet Were posted and 5HII hands will
be employed to begin with.
The American Wire Null company of
Anderson will put on their full force of
eight hundred men, .Monday.
An Occuu Tragedy tertiiii.
Xnnlticket, .Mass., Oel. 11. Information
of whut limy have been another oee.ui
tragedy was ohtnlneil yesterday when
J lines l.'. Mel 'leave pii ki il up on the snnili
shore u bottle containing the following
Iristily scribbled on ihe ler or a book:
"September Hi. We are off Nuntuckel,
twenty miles anil are about to sink. Plcife
notify my wife. Mrs. Mary I'razer. of
Gloucester. Mars. (Signed) John C. Ft-.i-xer.
We will never reach snore alive.
(Uiod bye." The Rale lias Increased stead
ily for the past twenty-four hours ami Is
blowing a hurricane tonight. Smull bn.its
are being sunk at their moorings, but ship
ping was so thoroughly warned In tel
vunce that no other wreckes are antici
pated, Anti-Siiltnn Demount rnlion.
London, Oct. II. An nutl-stiltnn detnon
stiaiinu was held in llyile Park today by
the woiklnRinen of London. The weather
was very cold and dull, but a lure number
or persons took part in the procession that
formed on the Thames embankment and
marched to Hyde I'aik. the line being
thirty minutes passing. Twelve platforms
had been erected and the speukers de
nounced the sultan tar the horrors of the
massacre of his Christian subjects. Reso
lutions were adopted calling upon the Hrlt
lsh government to bring Increased pres
sure to bear upon Ihe gr-at powers to se
cure united action to prevent the sultuu
from continuing the carnival of blood.
Murder in Kentucky.
Louisville, Oct. 10. While Congressman
John W. Lewis was speaking in Chaplin,
Ky., last night, Joseph Prather slipped up
behind William Keeling, who was In the
crowd around the sneaker's stand, and
shot him three times, killing him Instantly.
After a frightened horse had trampled on
the body It was removed and the speaking
went on.
Snow In the Adirondnck.
Saratoga, Ort. 11. The second snow
storm fell In the Adirondacks last night.
The heaviest frost so far this fall pinched
this entire region. Ice forming on many of
the small rnds. The mercury here
dropped to 12 degrees below the rreeslng
Bismarck Is III.
Txmdon, Oct. 11. The Standard will to
morrow publish a dispatch f, om Paris
Mating that advices received thsre show
that the health of Prince Bismarck Is
causing serious anxiety.
Puis New Construction on the Act ol
Jane U. 1893.
Claim Thut Certificates of ('audi
dates for Ihe Home of Representa
tives Should lie Filed with County
ConiniiioncrftA Point of Law
That May Cause Chaos lu Political
Pittsburg. Oct. 11. E. J. Brennen, of
this city, forwarded a letter last night
to Chairman John M. Oarman, of the
Democratic state committee, in regard
to the construction of the act of June
111, ISM. relative to the filing of nomi
nation papers. Mr. Brennen contends
that the certificates of candidates for
the tate house of representatives
should be filed with the county commis
sioners instead of the secretary of the
commonwealth, the former provisions
of the act of ISM having been repealed
by the act of 189X If Mr. Hronnen Is
correct it is claimed every nomination
m&de for the legislature this year by
boih parties Is Invalid and as' it Is too
late to file certificates with the coun
ty commissioners, nomination papers
would have to be resorted to. A nice
point 01 taw is involved In the ques
tlon, and it Is stated that Mr. Brennen '
will tile a bill In court, which will neces
sitate a decision.
II is also stated that Mr. Brennen is
so sure of his premises that he has
caused nomination papers to be circu
lated In his own district and will on
or before Tuesday next present the
pa tiers to the county commissioners for
tiling and In case they refuse to do so,
will bring the matter before the courts
on u writ of mandamus.
The Boy Orator Allows His Vocal Organ s
to RelaxProgramme for
the Week.
St. Faul, Minn., Oct. 11. The sweet
balm ol rest has been William J.
Bryan'B today, after his hard week
throughout thefouth, mlddlewest and
northwest. He was up bright and
early this morning to meet Mrs. Bryan
on her arrival here from Lincoln, and
ut 11 o'clock they went to the Central
Presbyterian church together. The
churcn was well tilled with people who
came to see the candidate and his
wife. Most of the afternoon Mr. Bryan
received callers, Including Senator
C. Squire, of Washington, who bolted
the St. Louis convention und platform;
Senator Tillman, of South Curollna,
who was passing through St. Paul;
Ignatius Donnelly und Representative
Charles A. Towne. who also abandon
ed the Republican party und declared
for Mr. Bryan.
Mr. Towne has a hot fight on his
hands in the Duluth congressional dis
trict, and Mr. Bryan is going up there
Tuesday to help him. A general outline
ot Mr. Bryan's programme for the re
mainder of the campaign has been
made out. It Is as follows, subject to
Minneapolis to Duluth, Tuesday. Oct.
l:i; Wisconsin und the northern Mlchl
guu peninsula. Oct. 14. speaking at
Marquette In the evening. From Mar
quette to (irand Rapids, Oct. 16; Grand
Rapids to Detroit. Oct. 17: Detroit
Saturday night and Sunday; through
Ohio Oct. I!. and lift -.through Indiana
Oct. L'l and --; Illinois from October
2:1 to ::u, going as far as Cairo and
spending the L'xtli, I'Hth und 20th In
Chicago, leaving Chicago lo.IIO p. m.
Oct. :H) for Council Bluffs, Iowa, and
speak there on the afternoon or night
of the aist; Sunday, Nov. 1, probably
in Omaha; Monday night, Nov. 2, will
end the campaign somewhere In Ne
braska, probably at Kearney; election
day, Lincoln.
t'oiupiuint By Boys on the Massa
chusetts Training Ship Enterprise.
Boston. Mass.. Oct. 11. At ihe hear
ing yesterday in the mutter of charges
agulnst certain olDcerii of the Massa
chusetts training ship Enterprise a
wrangle occurred over the board's in
sisting thai charges should be present
ed In writing. Fluully counsel for
.lames P. Clare, father of the cadet who
died of diphtheria, tiled a declaration
that his son and other cadets on the
ship during the recent voyage were
given poor and insufficient food and did
not receive proper care or medical at
tendance. Mr. Clure testified to visiting his son
at the hospital after he had been re
moved from the ship. The boy, accord
ing to the father's testimony, said to
Mr. Clare:
"If I hail had half a show before I was
taken sick I would have been all right.
But I whs starved and neglected by the
ntlicers and doctor of the ship. Captain
Eaton treated me well. I have nothing
against liim, but some of his officers
were brutes. They made us work hard
all the time and kept us on poor food.
The doctor neglected me. He wns ln
toxlcnted about two-thirds of the time.
Mr. Nazavo abused me and the other
Cadets William R. Franklin, of Brain
tree;: Tinker, of Dorchester, and
Charles H. Clare told of poor food and
neglect. Dr. E. O. Russel, of Dorchest
er, testified that he was now treating
his son and several other cadets who
had contracted throat troubles.
The hearing was adjourned until next
Democrats and Populist Will Fight
l'uder the Bryan Fanner.
Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 11. The
Democrats and Populists stale commit
tees met here yesterday and effected a
fusion on the electoral ticket.
The fusion proposition came from Mr.
Bryan, who wrote Senator Jones, chair
man of the Democratic national com
mittee to use his Influence In bringing
about a consolidation ot the silver
forces In Arkansas.
The Prohibition Candidate Will
Spea' in "even 8iates
Baltimore, Oct. 11, Joshua Levering,
the Prohibition candidate for president.
will begin his stumping tour through
the south tomorrow aftern&on, when h
will leave for Alexandria, Va., where
he has an engagement to speuk ut
Mr. Levering will be gone till the enil
of the month and during his absence
will speak lu seven states. He is In
splendid trim physically and mentally
for his tour, and Is promised a cordial
welcome by the southerners.
Mi Crane' Hand and Arm Swelled
Kapidlyller Condition Serious.
Newburg, N. Y.. Oct. II. Miss Oer
trude Crane, duughter of B. T. Crane,
of Luke Muhopac, lies in a serious con
dition ut the home of her father from
the effects of a bite of a black spider.
Miss Crane picked up a piece of rotten
wood In the yard of her residence two
or three days ago. As she did so a large
black spider crawled out of the stick
and lilt her upon the hand. Home rem
edies were applied at first, but the In
jured hand and arm also continued to
swell rapidly. Dr. Reed was afterward
summoned nnd took charge of the case.
It is feared that blood poisoning will
set in.
Father Ludcke Collected About One
Thousadd from Parochial' School
Children and Had a Bonfire.
New York, Oct. II. A lively crusade.
has been instituted by the Rev. Francis
Ludeke, assistant pastor of St. Vin
cent de Pnul's church, in North Sixth
street, Williamsburg, against the
wearing of motto buttons by the pu
pils of the parochial school attached
to that church. He began on Friday
morning by visiting the school, col
lecting anout
thousand buttons fruin
he scholars and then burning them In
a big bonfire which he lighted for the
purpose in the back yard of the school.
Father Ludeke has a reputation as
a fighter in the Eastern District, and
has carried several crusades to a suc
cessful end. The practice of the boys
and girls in his school of wearing from
one to ten buttons, with varying kinds
of inscriptions on them, was noticed
by him a few days ago during a visit
to the school. The motto "Lend Me
your Wife," which he found pinned to
the coat of a seven-vear-old '-hoc.
! brought matters to n crisis.
The priest went to the Academy
building on Friday morning and called
the teachers together. Then the chil
dren were assembled In the large class
room, made by opening some folding
doors. The teachers separated and took
up their stutions In various parts of the
room. After placing a large basket on
the platform he turned to the children
nnd said that all who wore motto but
tons on their persons must come for
ward and put them In the basket.
This announcement created a sensa
tion, and the eyes of the children tilled
vlth tears. Many of them began to
secrete their treasures, but seemed
moved by the appeal that the priest
made. He Is very popular with the chil
dren. When the buttons were all put
In the basket they numbered about one
thousand. Campaign buttons were re
turned to the owners. At the noon re
cess the children were all taken to the
back yard, where a big tire hud been
built, und they watched the destruction
that followed.
In speaking of the matter yesterday
Father Ludeke said: "These buttons
have played havoc among the children.
They neglected their lessons and some
seemed to have tline for nothing but a
comparison of their collections. The
principal objection, however, was on
account of the Immoral Inscriptions
that I saw upon some of them. The
nature of some of them was such thut
the law ought to be Invoked to stop
their manufacture. They are danger
ous to the children and could work the
greatest harm. I did not take all the
buttons, making the exception in cases
of campaign badges. To have taken
them would be to destroy their ideas of
patriotism. All these I returned to
them and these they will be permitted to
John Thiel, ol' Spruce Street, la a
Heavy Loser by Heasen oi'Thicvea.
Some time Saturday morning thieves
broke into John Thiel's merchant tail
oring establishment on Spruce street
ami made off with a couple of hundred
dollars worth of goods, including suit
ings und muke-up goods, some of which
belonged to customers who were having
their clothing altered.
Kntrancv was effected through a win
dow in the rear. The thieves left no
clue behind them.
Girl I'utnlly Injured by Machinery in
Which She Was Caught.
Rrideton. N. Oct. 11. Bessie Weiss,
a H-yeur-uld girl, is reported to be in a
dying condition at her home. In Carniel,
near this place. Her father is employed in
the shirt factory there and she also found
work in the same place.
Before stopping work for the day yes
ter day a bobbin fell from her machine.
In attempting to pick II up her hair cuine
against a flywheel and she was drawn Into
It. The girl wus carried around three
times before her father succeeded in res
cuing her.
It was found that her scalp had almost
been entirely torn off and thut she suffered
terrible hurts about the body. She wus re
moved to her home, but the doctor who at
tended her said she would die.
Invited to Shed Blood.
Pails, Oct. 11. M. Jean Barthou, who
was minister of public works In the Du
puy cubinet, has sent a challenge to fight
a duel to Al. Corrudet, the writer of an ar
ticle published in La Lunlerne, In whieh
M. Barthou was accused of corrupt prac
tices In connection with the railways wh"n
he was minister.
Du Mnurier Cremated.
London, Oct. 11. The body of George
I)u Mnurier, the artist and novelist, who
died on the morning of October 8, wns cre
mated at Woking yesterday afternoon.
The ashes will be Interred In the Hamp
atead churchyard on Tuesday, October 1J.
Weather Indications Today ;
Rain; Dangerous Northeasterly Winds.
A Claim That All Nominations for the
Legislature This Year Are Invalid.
Destructive Hurricane Raging on the
Atlantic Coast.
Vnlted Stutes Legation in Turkey Is
Not Guarded.
McKinley Addresses 2H.O0O People and
'Makes Twenty Speeches.
England and the Eastern Question.
(Local) Sermon by Rev. Dr. Glffln.
Temperance .Men's Big Parade,
Whut Blaine Wrote About McKinley.
Canton Pilgrims Return.
(Destructive Fire on West Lackawanna
Police Take a Hand In the Judge.
ueuDUia ecru?.
Wall Street Review and Markets.
Suburban Happenings.
Mews Up nnd Down the Valley.
Has Made No Request for the Admission
of the Bancroft.
Constantinople Jails Are Crowded.
Procedures Against Armenians Are
Said to Be Lacking in Klenieut of
JusticeThe American War Ships
How on the Way to Smyrna.
Constantinople. Oct. 11. Minister
Terrell denies that he has made any
request ot the Porte In behalf of his
Government for the admittance of the
Cnlted States gunboat Bancroft
through the Dardanelles, but he ex
presses holies that arrangements were
made for her admittance before the
Bancroft started from America for
Turkish waters.
Mr. Terrell Is the only diplomatist
who has left the protection of Thera
pia. He Is living in Pera, and the
American Legation is the only one that
is not guarded. Mr. Terrell has pointed
out the houses of Americans which re
quire special guards, but has declared
to the Turkish police that it is their
duty to guard the legation without a re
quest. The jails are so crcrtvded with Armen
ian prisoners that it seems impossible
for them to hold any more. The special
tribunal organlied for the purpose of
trying the Armenians Is wholly inade
quate to dispose of the cases, and a
second court will be organized to ex
pidite matters.
Washington. Oct. 11. The cruiser
Murblehead left Mersina, Syria, this
morning for Smyrna, making the fourth
ship of the European squadron now on
the way to that port to Join the flag
ship Minneapolis, which arrived there
last Wednesday, the San Francisco
having left Genoa for Symrna on
Thursday and the Cincinnati and Ban
croft having been, steaming for the
same destination from Gibraltar since
Tuesday last. By the middle of next
week Admiral Selfrldge will have his
entire fleet directly under his eye, and
It will then, perhaps, be possible to
learn what b,is instructions are.
It is asserted at the navy department
that the men whose times have expired
will be transferred from the other
ships to the Marblehead, which will
then come home, unless some emergen
cy requires her continuance in Turkish
waters. Naval officers continue confi
dent that an arrangement will be
reached enabling the Bancroft to go to
Constantinople, as contemplated by
Minister Terrell, and In their opinion
the little ship will proceed to her des
tination without much delay.
London, Oct. 11. The Standard will
tomorrow publish a despatch from Con
stantinople slating that there has been
a steady downward condition of affairs
miring tne past tnree weeks. European
prestige dally dwindles at the spectacle
of diplomats without instructions and
without the heart or courage to intimi
date any steps for themselves. The
better Informed Moslems are anxiously
awaiting foreign intervention, especial
ly t.y (ireut Britain.
The Porte continues its policy of ex
terminating the Armenians and devas
tating the country occupied by them.
The arrests are as numerous as ever.
The special tribunal continues to con
demn innocent persons to long termsjf
imprisonment ut nam labor, and large
sums of money are extorted from the
richest Armenians.
Old Man Bun Down by n Delawnre,
l.ncknwuuua and Western Engine.
A Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern switching engine going across the
"Y," on lower Lackuwannu avenue,
Suturduy afternoon about 4 o'clock
when the street was thronged with
people, ran down an old man named
Thomas O'Malley, who failed to see the
approaching engine and walked direct
ly in front of it He was knocked
down, but the engineer saw him just as
he was about to be struck and quickly
brought the engine to a standstill,
thereby preventing his being run over.
O'Malley was taken to his home at
S52 Second street, where Dr. O'Malley
attended him. The only Injuries dis
covered were a fractured collar bone
and a few bruises.
tegular Democrats Will Fight the
"National" Title.
New York, Oct. 11. At Democratic
lieuibiUaTi ters tonight it was stated that
unnttlciul information had been re
celed that Secretary of State Palmer
hud decided to disregard the protest of
the Democratic slatecommittee against
the use of the name of the National
Democratic party, on the official ballot
by gold Democrats.
It was Immediately decided to carry
the case Into court. Counsel will ol
tain from the supreme court an order
to show cause why the secretary of
cratic party" is not a party certificate
of nomination by the "National Demo
cratic party" Is not party certificate
of nomination under section .'6, article
S, of the election law of 1SSI6.
People's Party Call.
Washington, Oct. 11. Senator Butler,
chairman of the People's party national
committee, lonlnht tssueu a call for a Hirel
ing of the executive committee to be held
at the Sherman House, In Chicago, next
Tuesday. Chairman Butler leaves for that
city tomorroy morning. He deelineil to
discuss the reason for the meeting further
than to say that the location was near
the great battleground and was of easy
access to the member.) of the executive
III Memory ol Pnnicll.
Dublin. Oct. 11. Today was the fifth an
niversary of the funeral of Churles Stew
art Parnell. The day was observed by a
procession which marched through the
city to the cemetery where wreaths were
placed upon Ihe grave of ihe statesman.
The procession wus an hour und a iiulf
in pushing. Among those who took purt
were the lord mayor of Dublin, the sheriff
nnd the I'uniellile members of the house of
Judgment Overruled.
Columbus. O., Oct. 11. The circuit coin't
for this county yesterday overruled the
judgment of the trial court, which con
victed ex-Senator J. y. Abbott und Ueorge
Oden of soliciting bribes when members
of the legislature and sentenced them to
the stale prison for two years each. The
action of Hi" court Is based upon errors of
practice in the trial court.
Herald's Weather Forecast.
New York. Oct. 12. In the middle states,
today, vktudy with slight temiieraturo
changes, rain and dangerous northeasterly
and northerly gales on the const, as the
center of the Atlantic cyclone off the Del
aware capes mives to the northward and
northeasterward. On Tuesday, partly
cloudy te clearing, slightly warmer, pre
ceded by dangerous winds ou the count,
from Cape 'May to Boston.
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