The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 10, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Brief Mention of What Has Been Going
on During the Week.
'roles. Instructor Hill Ariivo
iii the City .tt(:iuliiy-iiiutor of
.t.:aifinc!s..Srvi'r!il Small House
rnrtiPs-Olciilion of Ihi- .Movement"'
uf Well-Known I'itoiis During the
W ccli Now Pratt inn lo a Clone.
h.-'i .tin-to ami v. i vv. Ii
i . iai.t
i'i.i;.s of tiie mv 'II S"t are m
. d in (a row ami pupu'ar wani"
I hat I IV
y I'll. I I. ill Hill" else to do: at
1. a tie'
t ll.ll, ie ;
i:i.' s, ,-.
i l '::iimi i
links have suppla'di d cvorv-
i m einl way. '-"or m veii'.l w 'i ks
imvuI'i "d lie- time and nt
iif Mniis who wuu'l otluT
uri.itiulr!' i' r Im'o -r
wise u
i v.-i :s :' a ' i. i,i ; ki d end with the r. -Mlit
lint theie is li: t or liothu it to
elu'oiiii ! in i ho way m' formal events
'.. !;. 1 1 nave in ant'liaits of yeii,-s
i Si rant'oi neople :in si i,n t i ti for
1 1 1 1 t nfii'-f). Tlioso !! I'n'iis who for
pl-Vsdi-nl oi 4.1 her I. intuits cannot lay
II;.- i.:ii.o iro and M'e others play It.
li i'
el :v.
Iris ii irt J the tlrt where
il'i'ii to have instruction liy A
'.-A '
n ami next we k .M -. I'.i'iid---
N'cvv York eiiy. ttlii tuv.' les-
K..U;s Win li the Pnks were la d oil., wi
lie li i" in nuc'i a eiUiuii iimulier of
llo'.'i. es. lie will he Inn- on jiniilay.
l. i t i veiiiiie- at 7 o i loi I, tin. Ii -auil-11
1 ! ;.iai .Mill.'in ini:'e in W'.-st I'iitslmi
v as alive willi huiiji!noss ami the r-si-ii'-'iiee
was ii'.ila:-..' niih liuht and c!ict
liilius. Mi' s J'ary Mur.M illau. an ae-4-uiiiili'
li .1 ai i in o n In r youns lady,
i's ...mi d to Waller I'.i'iM'.js, a w !!
kn.iu .i ;i.tnrni'.v of Se-ani'iii. 'i'li"
l ;. Wan I el'f'H Med liy Kev. T. '.V.
Swan, i.nslor of i!ie West IMtiston I'res-liyl-iiaii
elnii'eli, in the juvseiieo of a
manlier of ti'louds and rela.ivs. Tne
v 'il away by her ln'olher, i
n. it. ,MM'.MI:1.
el' :-. il' i playi d 1 In
' Mipenln im's or
weddi;K inai'cii.
'I lie
or was bcaiilifiilly del
raie i i
V i;li
the I
lii.wcrs ntul li'iinical idnuls and
lie win one loin; to be t""ii".ii-
.d. The usli rs w-ie 1!. M. Ii'.!-f-
I'l'i', I'-ranklin Howell and T. V. M isini
oi Sernnton and F. A.KIIIthoip of I'itts
1'iirir. Tho I'lldal party formed up
.-airs and to the nui.sic of the orchesiru
and preceded by the four ushers,
nii'iclicj to the parlor, where the i-civ-loony
v as p -rformed under an inch of
I'liwets In the east bay window. Til.'
bride never looked handsomer and hhe
i H.4 liiin h nilnilrcd In her eoslimie of
. hite satin, trimmed with point lace.
There were nliout ninety quests pres
ent. The nut of town suest s were:
l .'insoiu Cili.-us, Miss Jennie 1!. Shau
ooh. .Miss Ji'iniie Hovell, Miss Stevens,
and J'i'M. .1. U HowGiTh. Jlr. a id
Mis. C. H. i:lii.all p. ml dan.u'l.ter,
Sitniiton; Miss J "n II. Ilonesdale; Mr.
and Mrs. Hubert Macilillan. Avoca;
Mis. Ward 1 1 die, ills. Hrownini;, New
Mr. ntul "Mrs. I'i-,,irs left on (he 9.45
I.ehliili Valley train for Willies-Ra ire
nod Ian r look the midnight train for
New York. Thursday's WilUes-Iiai'iv
I. ' o.'d.
M. I.ati i ai.
edit r of the
.'lss Alice K.
(': i lunula)!' J.f tPl-r. and
('l:ec liauiri ter of Mr.
and Mr 4. V.
I '.. ( 'ha.-e, of t!ie same pi
cc. were ninr-
i ie 1 Wi dncsday evcriiiT in Jersey Cty.
The ceremony was pet f.irnv'd by I! v.
("hmles Herr, D of the First Pre-
byicriau church, of that place. The j" was anemic I by Ale'-nnder Va i
i-i'Koiii.r, of Now York and Miss Alan I
li xt' i'. of Hr 'oMvn. N. V. Jlr. mill
Mis. l.tithrop wdl v's t New Yo It
Uiehtnocd ami W asliinivton, and will
ret urn lo Curbondale about Oft, 15.
Miss Maii'iir t Ann'e Joies was mar
ried Salui-day even hit; to Unvbl J. at the bride's home on North
Hyde I'ark n venue by cv. D T'. Jot es.
pastor of the Tabernacle tViiKfrRu-
tirnal cliutidi. '
Miss Nellie Oakley and Hi". Tiw'cht
church, of thi.4 city, were married at
I e
liiurie of
ill Cruve
s !airi.t
;d, and M
the bride's parents In
Wednesday eveninir.
Wetlvily was brides
itirie" C'liurcli Acted as
I man. The ceremony was pel-
f.'ficil by Hev. ti. V. Hovvery. A. M.,
of Kdmoidon. N. Y. Halph Newton.
I'eit Wheeler. AVlllis Leonard t'lid Mr.
CoXe. of this eiiy, were the ushers. 111',
an 1 Mrs. ("hiirch will reside in (treen
Monday niir'nt u birthday party was
l.eld in honor of Charl 'S Itichl at his
residence on Capouse avenue.
Miss Maud MeHiifrh, of North Main
a venue, was tendered n surprise party
Tuesday evenins at the home of her
priivats. Mr. and Mrs. It. P. Mellus'.i.
Tlioinas Jones and fainily. In compli
ment to their ilepi'ture for South Afri
ca, where Mr. Jones litis nceeptcd a po
sh Ion as foreman In a mild mine, were
tendered a party Tuesday evening at
the home of Air. and Mrs. John Lirif
litlis. of Fverctt nveinie.
A farewell surprise parly was on
Monday evenini; tendered Mr. and Mrs.
(I. F. Soden. ut their home on North
1 iiiiinley uveiiue. It was a pleasurable
affair and vim imjoyed by all present.
Tiie wcddiiuT of Miss Mary Timlin of
the central idty. to Patrick Gilroy. nf
thi' South Side, took place nt .1 o'clock
YYednesday afternoon lit the cathedra!
by Kev. J. W. Malone. The brides
tuaid was Miss Anna McNamara and
Peter McNully was best mnn. After
the roremony the bridal party repaired
to the home of the bride's brother, Pat
rick Timlin, tif Keyser avenue. North
Ftnl, where a reception was held.
Anionic the Btiests were: Misses Mar
uarct mid U. Timlin, sisters of the
bride. Alary and II. (lilroy. sisters of
the ttroom. atnl Cussle McNamara, If.
Murphy. Nora Leonard, H. Donnetrnn,
Mrs. Alice Honneiran, Mr. and Mrs.
Mi-hnel McNamara, Mr. nnd Mrs.
"Dominie Corcoran, Hichard Timlin,
tirotherof the bride. John Martin, Law
rence SIcNamnra. A. Mahon. M. (Iran
ahain. Patrick. Lynn, Peter Ward, J.
K. Murphy.
Miss Hannah Hycs, daughter of Mr.
anil Mrs. John T. Rees, and Kvan
Hopkins were married "Wednesday
pn-ninit nt the bride's homo on Hamp
ton street bv Kev. F. O. Kvans, of
Vandlimt, I'tt. Among the Rtiests
were: Mrs. Hannah Astor, of 'Wilkes
r.arre, and Mrs. Mary Kvans, wife nf
Councilman Thomas O. Evans, nf Kd
wardsville, and Mrs. Lewis and Mrs.
Jones, of Duryea. Mr. and Mrs. Hop
kins will reside on the West Side.
Mrs. Sarah F.risht and Watkin T.
"Wl'liams wire united In mniane
Monday evening at the bride's home on
South Hyde Park avenue by Kev. J. H.
Pvveet. Dustor of the Simpson Metho
dist church. They will reside on North
Main avenue.
At the home nf Mr. and Mrs. Robert
FurrlnKton. of North Hyde Park ave
nue, Wednesday evening, their daugh
ter. Mlsn Ada, was married to William
Tldd, of Taylor, bv Kev. Mr. Klnpr, of
the, Methodist Episcopal church at
Carhondale will have Its nil of Klr
iness next week. Interest In the event
has spread aa far as Seranton and on
Thursday nlglit a lnrg-? rarty of prom
Inorit pociety folk propose Rolt'R up to
the Carliondnltf danceis. MIhw Lllii
Stewart, the Ramo person who direct
ed the two Seranton klrmess h. Is iiuui
ugiiiK the Anthracite city uffair.
Mrs. AV. II. Peildiia entertained the
manasera of tho Home tor the Friend
less at her home on Vine street yester
day. ...
Miss Klsle V.vown entertained a num
ber of friends last Thursday afternoon
I In honor of her cueni, Miss Lillian
j Davis, of Mi. t'arr.iel.
I mm
I 5li;i, (It'oro P. (iiiflitiis entertained
a number of li lends r t earls yester.'ay
afternoon at her h. me on IJulncy ave
nue. ; I'KIISoX.M. .MKXTUi.V:
U'lllaid I). Howe was a .West Side vl
' llor Tuesday.
.i liiur I., .ioivan, of I'liee sireet, was in
, l'iiisliiiri; iiioii'l.iy.
eiiy S' Hi itur .lnrai'4 II. Toi r. y was in
."lit -linrj; Monday.
.1. M.iiiwan. nf I'lttston, sn-nt Sunday
with fVianlua fiii mly.
llmi. .Morgan I:. W'Mllams was on the
j AVi -I Hiii" over Sunday,
i .Miss Knie W'.ilsii, of 1'ittsliia, spout ilii
; P 'i liatii with frionds in tl'.U eiiy.
Mr-. Itatli Kiia'io. of Ai i liM'iii avenue,
is vlit!i! friends hi iiveiiy, N. .
' Heiu Jon''.--, of .l.iek.-ioa su-nei, has re-
lii'tii'.l tram a vi.-il ill I "li i I ;i i : .
! .liis Anna .Vlei' r.f 1'riee streei, lias
I returned afier a visit at .Marion, (ihio.
P T. I'nl. y. of Uriint avi em', lefi Muii
dny fur a visit to fiieiiils ai Newark. N. .1.
! .lames I lyniliiiaa. of iikes-liavre. snein
; Sit'iday Willi Km uk lianea, of Teiita
Al. I?. A in . of ;ailield avenue, spent
' this week at Klk lake, tSiisipu'liannu
1 eiinntl'.
1 Tiie Mese Soli,, illnley and .Margaret
"usii k, of l.afayeiie stieet, have n turii' d
from a visit in Svrarii.--e.
; Mis. II. I'iiiliiiey. of crook strn'i, Iniii-
more, has rriiiriu d luuae alter speadiiii;
a Tew months in Knuluitil.
.Miss l.illl.'ii Mae Suuver. of liatile ("reek,
j In., ntiirni'il Inline Wednesday after a
I V'sit lo I rii lr:s la i jty.
.Mrs. William Vnmu;s, of Vew Vork, in
I the (jiiest of Mr. and .Mrs. Wiliiiiiu Web
I ber, id' liriuker strei IMinnuire.
s. n. Siiliwell. of tlu.s eiiy. lusi Siitur.lay
iiileiiil.'il I lie niei ;iinr of ine Stale Ki.-n
. commission, which elected hi.n prcsldciu.
j Mr. aii'l Mrs. .l. K. Sandei's. of I'lun di
i street, were ill Xortlnunherl.ind Monday
. in ailciulaiiee at the fiineiul of a 1'lI.i-
! liVe.
.M ssts Cassie H vine and Anna I'.iu-
roii. ol Prospect avenue, and Misses Sara
atld Maine ruiiwav were thr
VllesltS t
lay of friends ai t'illstoa.
I'M waii
Piiviilow has returned from New
York city.
Miss Alice (idllRpn,
Ins in 1 iianniiri'.
of Plttston is visa-
; Hon. and Mrs. .Tnini
is. Fan- are visa-
Inc. in New i ork eiiy.
Frank llnuen, of Tenth
street, was In
New York city this week.
I Miss K.ssl" M. Smith, of Iiald Mount, is
I visiiliif,' Sernnton trieitds.
Itev. ami Mrs. cooper, or ttawtey, were
West Side visitors Thursday.
Mi-s Annolinc Cvaiit, of New York city,
speni last week Willi Imnniore friends,
Mi.-s Annie l'leminic Iveiniedy, of Ply
mouth, was a West hid" vi-utiM' this wc. k.
Mrs. .1. Si lt'crt and .Miss I.aiiri'. H'U'ieit.
of I 'lya.eiil a, are visitinij on tin1 West Side.
Siiiniiel Diniiuian. of llaniptoti sttvei,
has I'tturnod from a visit at Xw Mil for' I,
.lames Cnrr, of South WasnhiKton ave
nue, set sail ai noun Wednesday for ids
former home In lrelimii.
j tieorite Ci'iiedlei. of .North Main avena:',
: Jft l Monday to lake up a course of study
I at 1 'ii kiiison I.avv school.
Mrs. K II. House mid children left
Woi'n s lay to Join Attiency House, who Is
I at A.-hvi'le. Norili ('aroliiia.
I M'ss .MaitKio Walsh, of IMne street, is
! home after a three weeks' vacation trip
ihriaicli Xew Jersey and Delaware.
! The .Misses Krilibs ard Site llo i. uf liuf-
falo, sprat Monday with Mrs. Andrew A.
Koi.rrtso'i, of Xorih it 'lecea avenue.
Miss M'lriaivct Willlnnis. ol'Teiuh street,
visited her parents last wc-'k. Sh" is a
student at rdoomshiirit Suite Normal
Miss Jesise D.idd and Miss fiiTtl'iide
Keti Iritn, of Xew York i lly, have re
turned heme after a visit to Miss t'ora '
Storm, of South Main ii venue,
Mr. and .Mrs. D. lunne, of Howells. X.
V., lcive issued invitations to the marriage
of their ilmiKhter, Asnes, next Wednes
day nfterjiooii lo Frank I'Mer, son of Mr.
and Mis. (ieoiRc Filer, of CI rove street,
Mrs. Thomas Coyne, of Codar avciiae, is
vl-illnir In Buffalo.
.Miss Martha Smith, of North Hyde Park
avi inie, has return from New S'ork city.
Misses Ainin ltevan and ltose Smith, of
Wilkcs-iiarre, are visiting Seranton
f rii'ii'ls.
.Mrs. P. I). Simpson is atleiulinij the
sl."te coiivetiilon of tin- Women's Chris
tian Teieperuhee union In I'IUmIiiiik.
Mrs. Miirmui Kvans, of Lansfiinl. I'n.. Is
visilintr Air. and Mrs. Thomas Ki"liar Is.
coriier of Jackson street and liartield ave.
J. K. Harris, Newton Jackson. Mrs. X.
K. Hiee and Mrs. S. P. Keniier were rei;is
ternl ut tiie St. Denis in Xew York last
week. z
Sol Oottintrcr. of the Economy Furni
ture company, left on an extended trip to
P.altlmore, Washington, did Point Com
fort und Sr. Aurfiistiae.
Mrs. Andrew Spnrr, of Meailville. I'n.,
pud lit-r ni"ce, -Miss Mary liewliiiuh. of
Clcvi'liind, O., are visiting Mrs. M. Honker,
of Sti iini" avenue, who Is a sisler of tile
Mi's. P.inlel Lewis and "Miss Sarah
Reese, of Plymouth, who have been visit
inii at the home of Howell Powell, of
SpiiiiK street, for the past few days, re
turned lo their home yesterday.
Miss Francis Falkenluiry, daughter of
Mrs. All'e M. Falkenluiry, will be mar
ried to K.miene Hale Hays, of Philadel
phia, on Wednesday evening, Octcber -1,
ai (Mia o'clock, at lhe family residence, l:a
Adams avenue.
Just Arrived.
Ladies' waists made from three-toned
chaiiKeahle silk, while collars and a
nice assortment of black silk waists.
MEAIIS K 11 A (i FN.
M at fur
.llmi)" Year n
in iMindalc,
IJcsiilcnt of
"Mrs. Lois A. relict of Hie lale
(!eori;e L. Alorss. of Curbondale, I'n..
died suddenly at her late home yester
day. 1 licensed v an daiiKhter of (len
eral Jell la I Tattle, and was born in
Windham, Oreeiic county, N. Y.. Sep
teniliei' IT, isl'i. She was married al
Windham Iiecembcr 1.1. 1X41. and re
moved to Carbiiiidale in July, 1'-!-.
where she has since resided.
Deceased is survived Ivy three daugh
ters. Mrs. L. W. Morss. of Seranton.
nnd .Misses Amanda L. and Lois I:., of
("nrbondale. Funeral services will be
held at the late residence Monday nt i
p. m. and Interment will lie made nl
Mnplewood ccineicry.
W. II. Gal way, Radford, Va., asks
tinder date of Sept. ist:
"Have you any particular Medicine
that is as elective in Curing !iulio,cs
tion as "77" is in Curing Colds?"
Dr. Humphreys Specific Xn. 10, for
Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weak Slum-
.ich is equal in Merit to "77."
Dr. I'cviimiiieyV Homeopathic
or Discasks Vm.K at vorit Dnt.uoisTs on
MAII.EUOX Kequkst.
Smnll bottles of pleasant peliets, lit the
vest pocket. Sold by drugtglsW, or sent on
receipt of centa or live for SI. Hum
phreys' Med. Co., Cor. YYllllum & John
8t New York.
Chronicling ot Particular InUrcst to
Church-Going People.
It t'pinpliitt'ly Overshadowed All of
Hie Oilier llclieiuiiM Events of Hie
Wcck('onlcroiice lo lici:iu .11 on
day in the ion Lutheran Church.
.Notes About Church Woikcr--Scr-viccs
in City Clinrclies Tomorrow.
'i'lie Clirlsiian Endeavor convcin ion
aiviiated local rei-oiis circles this
week as they have never before been
stirred. Thoiinh the visiting delcKiitea
did not number no to tiie crowd ex
pected, yet Seranton has never enter
tained, al a sincle time, a Reenter num
ber of religious workers. U was a b'.lsy
week; perhaps, tiie preliminary prepar
ation as more arduous Ihaii lhe real
reception and entenalnlPK. Thai the
delesnt'-s were well lookeil uTter is cer
tain. The lesser number made I be
sweets of li'lelltioli mi 11 pi'rater dis
tance and in creator abundance than
if the ileleKiites were more numerous.
Every local church has not a Christian
linden ver sm ieiy. yet every church was
to some di'Kl'ce uflecled by the assem
bled hosts. Where there was 110 church
society encoiirimemeiit and nsslstame
v. efe offered. The convent ion coinplele
ly overfhaibiwed , any lesser religious
cveiil; indeed, there were few il'irinur
lhe week. Til" iiillucncc of the I'IihIchv
oi'i'is was felt every v. here. It has
stirred up local religions; circles to il
m use of importance heretofore not at
tained and the city will be the better
for lhe visit.
The (Senium Methodist Episcopal
church on Adams avenue has been re
opened after undei-Koiim Improvements
I'ostinir Sd."'"!'. The cost of the repairs
was sustained by the members of the
connTon'iillon. The Interior freseoeliiR
was the wmk of Artists Italdwin and
HubelMli in, of Ft leu. N. Y. New car
pets have been laid and the scats have
in "ii rc-c.islili'iied. A nmv roof, new
fctice. new sideivalks and re-arranK' d
lawn 'tie some of the changes fur the
bell"!'. The pn.-'tor of the church. Rev.
Pliilin llendifcis. was chulrmnn of the
bit'.liliiiK committee. At tile openini?
service last Sunday, Rev. J. J. Mess
r.ier. of Newark. N. J., preached and
tile eveninu service was In charge of
Key. A. F. Sinter, of New York city.
The Rev. (-,. (!. Kunkl". of Hoi-wick,
will move 10 Scranion in n short time
to Hike i liarce of St. Paul's Lutheran
mission at Providence. Tills mission
lias boon without a pastor diiri'itt the
past year. It Is hoped thai under the
cnorrotio supervision of the Rev. Mr.
Kimkl" the work will prosper. There
will 'in prenclilufr on Sunday at rt.S'ft p.
m. In St. Paul's chapel, conducted by
Rev. A. L. Runnier, pastor of St. Marie's
church. On Tuesday cvenintr of next
week there will be services in the cha
pel conducted by Rev. Kunkle and in
sisted bv some of the cterjry attendlns
the Lutheran conference lo lie held in
Zion Lutheran church of this city.
The "Wilkes-Rarre Conference of the
Evangelical Lutheran church will be
in session October 12 to 14 In Zlnn's
Lutheran church of this city. The con
ference will open on Monday nlffht.
Hev. L. Litidciistruth. of .Alauch Chunk,
the president of the conference, will
preach the npeninn sermon. Following
the sermon will be the celebration of
the Holy communion. The business
Kcssii.n will heirin Tuesday morning and
continue to Wednesday evening,
l'he customary state convention of
the Young Men's Christian association
will not be held until February. 1X!7.
Instead, a special convention of the
Northeastern Pennsylvania nssocla
tons, including Seranton, Wilkes-Harre.
and Towanda distilcts. will be held at
Piitston on Friday. Saturday and Sun
day, Oct. hi. 17 and 1.
A period of forty hours' devotion was
observed at St. Patrick's church. West
Side, beginning nt 10."0 o'clock Sunday
morning with high mass and closing
at !i o'clock Wednesday evening. Sun
day evening Rev. Peter Christ deliv
ered a sermon mi "The Blessed Sacra
ment" and on Monilfly evening Rev. J.
V Smoulter, of (ilyphant, preached.
There was no sermon Tuesday night
end the devotion closed Willi a mass
Wednesday morning.
Revs. J. I!. Sweet and F. P. Doty
Were in Ashley, Pa.. Wednesday.
Thursday was a day of prayer for
young women throughout the land.
Tiie ladli s of St. David's Episcopal
church served tea Wednesday evening.
Rev. L. Sliellioen. ihe Fnited States
evangelist, was in the city for a few
davs of this week.
Hi v. X. .1. McManus. rector of Holy
Rosary church nt North .Seranton. re
turned Saturday from his European
I!ev. C. W. Cooper, of Remington,
Iml., a former pastor of the Providence
Cluistian church, circulated this week
aineiig ids .Seraiiloii friends.
The congregation of St. Mark's
church. I iiinniore. will next Tuesday
eveilltig celeluule -itli n supper the un
nivil'iaiy of tiie entry into lhe new
ii'ev. T. C. Edwards, of 'Cing.-toii.
but evening delivered a lectiiie nt the
First Welsh Coiigregatioiial church on
"Thtoitgli I'ails pi lome." M was
under the ausiiices of the l.adii ?" Aid
Tiie City Pastors' union im-l Monday
at tin- Young Men's Christian associa
tion. Then- were scvenle. n ministers
present. The union is in need of funds
and the members will ne reminded of
the same.
I!c!,-ular services will be laid in the
Providence Methodist Ktiisi'opal
i church. Trenching by lhe pastor, Kev.
! William Edgar. Morning suhlecl, "Th"
! liatnier I'nlnrled:" evening sill ji-ct.
'Converted in prison."
The Free Methodists' co,i:'et'eice has
closed its session iii Smith Canaan and
l.'cv. John Ciivntmugh has bom rp
pnitil 'd to labor in this section. Mr.
OaviinauKh expects to build up a con
Sietalioi! on me Side.
Rev. John Loii'thi an. pisu r of St.
Joseph's church. Minooka. in a sermon
preached last Sunday morning, de
nounced in vigorous terms the lawless
ness which has recently disgraced the
city line neighborhood. Pet her Lough
ran blamed the narents for not hold
ing their si ns in check.
i;i . . Dr. ('ha"!. .'-, M. t'ililin wili speak
at Flm ."ark olmren toni.trt mi i n'ng
on "I'olitles Witnout Ecs," the li "st
o' a series nn the mora! aspects of the
polliicu' campaign. The second topic
T.'IU be "Politics Without Conscience,
or Mt. Sinai in Politics;" the third,
"Politics Without Heart, or War lie
t .Veen I he ( "lasseii."
Rev. K. .1. Meil.y. pastor of Si. John's
iviiiich. Snulli Side, returned Saturday
from a tour months' trip to Europe.
The appearance nf Father Melley was
unexpected by his congregation. They
were preparing a reception for him.
but he came unheralded and before the
understood flme. which was a week
hence. Father Melley has been Rieally
benefited by the trip.
Rev. 'j. P. Moore and wife, who have
been so succissfui in evnngclistlc meet
ings 1.1 Carbondnle nnd other places
where they have worked, are rsist'ne
the pastor of the Street
Methodist ICirfscopcl church. Mr. Moore
is well known be his music. "The
Haven of Rest." They w!. be here for
a week or more, and will then leave
for other fields of labor.
A novel service will he held In the
armory of the Volunteers of America
on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock when
under "Old Glory" and the Volunteer
standard the first enrollment of recruits
of the Seranton post will take place.
This service has been easerly looked
forward to by many beside those hav
ing u special Interest In it. Stuff Cap
tnin Lindsay, commanding olticer of the
Pennsylvania battalion, will conduct
the servlte. The public is cordially in
vited. Staff Captain J. J. Lindsay, of Phila
delphia, will conduct the meetlnfc's on
Sal unlay and Sunday evenings in the
Volunteer armory, tils Washington nve
nue. Holiness meeting Sunday morn
ing at ltl.ttu o'clock. Christian praise
and prayer service nt S.4.i p. m., to be
addressed by Hev. (S. L. Aldrich. En
rollment of recruits Sunday evening at
S o'clock by Staff Captain Lindsay. All
are cordially invited.
St. Luke's church Rev. Rogers Is
rael, rector Nineteenth Sunday nfter
Trinity 7. :I0 a. in.. Holy communion:
ii.l'i a. m., Sunday school: a. in.,
morning prayer and sermon: S.M p. in.,
deaf mute service. Rev. J. M. Kochler.
7..' n n. in. evening prayer and sermon,
Si. Mark's chtincl. Duiiirlore Rev. ii.
J. liaus'iton in charse. Nineteenth
Sunday nfter Trinity, pi.'tn a.m.. morn
ing prayer and sermon: .'! p. in.. Sunday
school; I p. in., evening prayer and ser
n'lii. Si. David's church, corner Jackson
street and llroinley avenue Kev. M. 11.
Mill, rccior. .Morning prayer and ser
mon at in.:!) a. in.; evening prayer and
sermon at 7.".o p. in.; Sunday school at
2..'"it p. in.; Friday evening session ut
7.30. Seats free.
Penn Avenue P.nptist church Rev.
Ji eph K. Dixon, D, D., pastor. Preach
ing ut I'VIo u. in. and 7.:t' p. m.; Hiblo
school al L' p. m.: Young People's meet
ing at (!.:!0 p. in. sharp. The fall rully
of the church and Sunday school will
be held tomorrow. Dr. Dixon's topics
arc: Morning, "The Church for the
Souls:" evening, "How to Succeed." All
nre most cordlrlly welcomed.
First Presbyterian church Rev.
James Mc Lend, D. D., pastor. Services
ut ID.SSO a. in. and 7."0 p. m. The sacra
ment of the Lord's supper will be ad
ministered in the morning. Sunday
school, 12. Iii noon: Young People's So
ciety Christian Endeavor. R.:I0 p. m.;
prayer nrd conference meeting Wed
nesday 7.4" p. in.
All Souls' Cniversallst church, Pine
street Rev. F. W. Whippon, pastor.
Morning subject, "Friendship with
Jesus." Evening subject, "Lessons
from the Field of neology." The com
munion service will fullow the morning
Church of the Oood Shepherd. Oreen
Ridge street and Monsey avenue. The
nineteenth Sunday nfter Trinity. Holy
communion. 8 a. m.: morning prayer,
litany nnd sermon, ift.nrt; Sunday school
and rector's Bible class, 2.S0; evening
prayer and sermon, ".go. All seats free.
All welcome.
Oreen Ridge Rapt ist church Rev. W.
J. Ford, pastor. Services al 10.S0 a. m.
and 7.f.0 p. m. Subject in the morning.
"The Secret of Power;" In the evening,
"Ought We to Expect Dellnite Answers
to Our Prayers."'
First Paptist church, Sernnton street
Rev. S. F. Matthews, pastor. Subject
for Snbbath morning, "'The Cirent Con
vention." The morning prayer will be
preceded by a prayer meeting. Commun
ion nt 10 a. m.. led by Deacon Owens.
Subject for evening will be. "To the
I'nknown Uod." Sunday school 2 p. m..
Dr. Heddoe, superintendent. Young
People's prayer meeting 6 p. ni leader,
Delia V. IVrshimer. All are cordially
Grace Lutheran church, corner 51ndi
son avenue and Mulberry street Rev.
Foster l Gift, pastor. Services at 10.30
n. m. and at 1.30 p. m. Morning sermon
on "The Temple of the Holy Ghost;"
evening sermon, "Lessons From the
First Church of Christ (Scientist) No.
."il'.l Adams avenue Sunday service 10.:'0
a. in. Experience meeting Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock. All welcome. Seats
Christian Alliance Auxiliary, 14.11
Penn avenue Prayer meeting 9 a. m.
to 10 a. m. Service 3.45 p. m., led by
Hev. W. T. McArthur. Meetings Tues
day afternoon and evening at 3 and 7.30
Elm Park church Rev. C. M. Giffln,
1"). 1). pastor. Preaching nt 10.30 a. m.
and 7.30 p. in. by the pastor. Subject
for the evening, "Politics Without
Eyes," the first of a series of sermons.
Sunday school at 2 and Epworth league
at 6.30 p. nt.
Washburn Strepl Presbyterian church
Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Servic
es at 10.30 a. m. und 7. 30 p. in.: Bible
school ut 12.00 m.; Christian Endeavor
at (i.20 p. m.; Junior Christian Endeavor
ut 4.00 p. m. The pnstor will preach in
the morning on "Drawing the Net." and
in the evening on "What Have I Re
ceived from the Convention?" Collec
tions for the board of education will be
taken morning mid evening. All cor
dlnlly Invited to all the services.
Second Presbyterian church Rev.
Charles E. Robinson, 1). D pastor.
Services nt 10.30 a. in. und 7.30 p. in. The
sacrament of the Lord's supper In the
morning. The pastor will m-each In the
evening, by request, on "The Pavilion,
the Rock und the Heights." All seats
tree in the evening. All welcome.
Trinity Lutheran church, Adams ave
nue, corner Mulberry street Kev. Kd
wln Ltrm Miller, pastor. Services at
10.30 a. in. nnd 7.30 p. m.
Oreen Ridge Presbyterian church
Hev. John li. Worrall, D. D. will preach
ut 10.30 a. in. ami 7.30 p. m. Evening
Mormon specially lo young people. Hlble
Heboid nt 12 o'clock. Endeavor society
service at 0.30. All are welcome.
Shtilah Baptist church. Wyoming ave
Grand special retail sale of over six hundred beauti
ful Turkish and Persian Rugs and Carpets in all sizes.
Some of the pieces are of the richest and most luxurious
character, representing a lost art never to be produced again,
for the patterns and colorings are from designs which were
perfected in the da3rs when Damascus, Xiueveh and Babylon
were in their glory.
Rarely does one see such a fine collection of Pottery,
Porcelaines, Bronzes, Cloisonne Teakwood Pedestals, Brass
Goods, etc., from China, Japan and Indita, as we now exhibit.
We will place on exhibition one of th; finest specimens of
Wood-Carving, a Teakwood Cabinet, valued at $Soo.
R. W.
nue Rev. E. T. Irwin, pastor. Treadl
ing at 10.45; Sabbath school, 2.30 p. in.;
communion, 3.30 p. ni.; Women's Tem
perance union. 7.30 p. m.
Grace Reformed Episcopal church.
Wyoming avenue below Mulberry
street Divine worship at 10.30 a. m.
nnd 7.30 p. in.; Sabbath school, 12 m.;
Young People's Society Christian En
deavor. 6..I0 p. ni. Seats all free. Stranir
crs welcome. Preaching by the pastor.
Morning subject, "The Blessed Meek
tines," Matt. 5: B. Evening subject,
"The Sun-Clad Woman." Rev. 12.
! Thursday at 7.45 p. m. union Bible class
for lesson study. All welcome.
Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church
Rev. John GriMith, pnvtor. Morning
service. 10.30, subject, "When the Tide
Comes In." Evening service, 6, sub
ject. "Violent Efforts to Grow." Sun
day school at 2 p. m.
St. Mark's Lutheran church. Four
teenth and Washburn streets Rev. A.
L. Itanicr. l'h. D., pnstor. Services
10.2U a. m. and 7.30 p. in.
St. Paul's Lutheran Mission. Provi
denceServices nt 3.311 bv Rev. A. 1
Rainer, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran
Calvary Reformed church Regular
reivice at 10.30 a. m. lu the evening
there will lie a Christian Endeavor
platform meeting.
I'irel Session nt the linyiiinnd Insti
tute Tuesday Allernooii.
At the John Raymond Institute the
lirst regular session of the free hand
drawing class for young ladies at the
John Raymond Institute. Ytiung Men's
Christian association building, will b
held on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The (iiiipment for the class comprises
a complete set of models and drawing
materials and the instruction ofi'or d Is
the best that can be secured in the
country, ns Mr. Lyons, the teacher, has
had the training both of the Americnn
anil European schools.
For any young lady who wishes to de
Vclope the artistic Instinct, this class
affords a valuable oppcv.f unity. In
(piiiy should be made cither at the
Young Women's Christian association
or at the odice of the Young; Men's
Christian association.
Three better orators than
Charles Emory Smith, James H.
lloyt and D. D. Woodniansee,
who will speak next Thursday
evening nt the grand Republican
mass meeting in the Frothlnahum
theater, are not to be found. This
meeting will be open to all and cy.
cry voter will Und It worth his
Willie to be there.
r.sieclallv in Foreign Mines It Is n
Source nl ('rent Danger.
Mine Inspector G. M. Williams, w-ho
with Superintendent Morgan R. Mor
gans recently returned from Wales,
made a tour of Inspection of the Welnli
sc'in-nnihrncite collieries and made a
study of the workings. Mr. Williams
brought with him n number of books
with relation to the Welsh mines and a
number of reports of Inspectors issued
after nccidents.
A Record representative yesterday
asked Mr. Williams why in his opinion
Clint accidents in the Welsh mines are
so much more frequent and disastrous
than in the anthracite mines of this
region, and ho staled that the Welsh
ii'incs nre deeper and the workings are
longer nnd It is harder for a b uly of
men to escape. The Welsh mines are
nlno tilled with very line dust, wh'ch
is agitated by these explosions, nnd 111 -miners
in nltemptlng to i scape breathe
this dust und are suffocated. Tills, in
Mr. Williams' opinion, is the cause of
u great ninny deaths. The dust In the
ni' of this region is heavier and is
ni t so great a source of danger.
V iiKes-LSarre Record.
I nlcss Directed by n Joint Resolu
tion of Councils.
Mayor Pallcy sayshe w'H-not pay any
attention to the allegations ngiirst
Street Comm'ss'nner K n-ley unless in
structed to do so by a Joint resolution of
The law directs that the mayor shall
sup. ivise the conduct of all city ollict-is
and condui t th? investi ration of
charges preferred against them. In view
of this fact it would seem th" mayor
does not place much stock in the Khis
li y charges.
He was extremely reticent about the
mutter, yesterday, and would nut say
anything more than what Is not -d
W liethcr Gold or Silver Wins
' The Tribune will continue to lie
the winner to the progressive
business man. We need not say
why. The people leiiil It. atld peo
ple are buyers. Its circulation is
so thorough Hint nil comniiiiiities
in Northeastern Pennsylvania are
brought to a knowledge of tie
bargains in store for tlieni in the
many business houses represented
in its columns. Printer's Ink has
created many fortunes, and It will
do for you what it has done for
others if It l-i intelligently done.
The Tribune's columns offers an
WESTCOTT, JR., Direct Importer
Committee of Teachers That
Have Charge of II. '
The eighteenth annual institute of
the teachers of Lackawanna county,
except those of Seranton, will begin
next week in Young Men's Christian as
sociation hall. The programme ar
ranged for the week was published this
week in The Tribune. For the ensuing
term the following districts have been
formed for the purpose of holding local
Institutes, and teachers have been ap
pointed to take chante. They are:
First district. Greenfield, Fell and Car
bondnle townships J. K. Ureuiiiin, chair
man; Fred Woiiii, .Mary C. Hai'ivtt. K. A.
Dcluney, Jouna Cure, Lizzie is, law hull, Ma
A. While.
Second district, Mnyflcld. Jermyn, Areh-
iiaiii anu scon vt imuni Tajtart, enair
man; E. D. Kovard, Rose Itiiiinell.
Mulmiiu. it. N. Davis, K.ninia Cure
Third district. Wlnton. lilekelv
, Mary
pliant, Thioop and Dickson Cily M. J.
I. loyil, chairman: John A. Moyles, John
.Mationi y. Katie Murphy, '.VI. V. Cum
inhms. Miss C. A. Kenyan. Nellie L. Peck.
Fourth district, Lackawanna. Taylor
and old Forpe-T. CJ. (isiiorne, chairman;
Hon. F. it. Coyne, Thomas Coyne, Mrs.
1 -corse Ellis, .li.nics F. Foley, Samuel
Phillips, Mary A. IJiiinn.
('ifih district, east of Mountain R. H.
Martin, chairman: S. D. Kaiipp, Kditii
Masters. It. H. Drum. M. Ella Gavin, 11.
II. DelVvv. Ida Cobb.
Sixth dlstri !. wi st nf Mountain F. H.
Green, chairman: F. C. Hanyen, S. H.
Wage, Horn Hct!uniik"r, F, ,L. Thompson,
Esther Smith, i'atke Richards.
This afternoon and evening nt the
Academy of Music another opportunity
w ill be given to see that funniest of all
I Irish farce comedies, the much-talked-I
of "llogan's Alley." It Is especially
j adapted for the amusement of the ftin
i loving public and a picture taken from
I leal life, the characters ot Hogun and
Jtrogan being portrayed by the great
i oiiicuiaiis, tjiiiiiore nun i.eoimro, nuiii
fully known as Ireland's kings, sup
ported by a company of reputable per
formers of real ability.
Ha' Reid's successful play. "Human
Hearts," will he produced nt the Froth
ingliam, Monday night. It deals with
life in Arkansas and one of its chief
(harms is Its perfect simplicity. Tile
story Is laid In the hills of Arkinsas,
where a class of people live whose feel
ings are such one for the other, that
whenever occasion requires they die In
silence rather than betray a friend.
There is a homely air throughout this
piny that is quite a relief from the so-i-iety
plays which have for a leading
theme some woman with a smirched
A treat Is In store for the patrons of
Davis' theater in the grand production
of "Excelsior," which plays thro" nights
and niatlnees, commencing'. Monday,
Oct, 12. Tills crimpany consists of
forty people, carrying special scenery
and electrical elects. It Introduces
live big ballets. This production Is one
of tile best spectacular travesties that
ever played popular priced houses. Th
latest New York hits are Introduced.
Lots of up-to-date comedy, pretty
girls, latest music, songs and dances.
To Itclire from Business,
Murbu Pros., who for years have
bTen one of tile leading shoe linns of
thlsc Ity. and whose recent failure was
a surprise to their many customers,
will not attempt to start up again.
Their stock of finished shoes was sold
yesterday. The ii Itiothers. whi hav:
several stores In Xew York -state, pur
chased most of the stock. Lynn, Mass.,
Rheumatism Relieved in II Hours.
TISM and NEURALGIA relieves In
three hours. Its action upon the sys
tem Is marvelous and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the dis
ease quickly disappears. The first dose
great benetlts. 75 cents. Sold by Carl
Lorenz, druggist, 418 Lackawanna ave
nue, Seranton.
will c Ifer nil cf the tollovring wheels wo
limy Imvc in titoek nt lio''s i'l-irai : Wolf
nieriian, pierce, lver-.ioiinf.on, Wiivprly nnd
Ki atln rati ne Line. This is an oii ortiuiltv
to Let it tooii wheel cheap. Wo still litivo the
famous "Crawford, ' a wheel thai runs as
liiriit nnd ensv ami wenrn tqual to nny ""Hid
maehiiic on the n nrl'ct. Con,o ami co ivhttt
wiicnuui fi r you in our line.
e. i mm, n m si
Y A little book that should be in ewtv N
lioiiie. Issued bv the manufacture! '
Ti o ; tliu N
: Gail Borden Eagle Brand n
t '
f: Ccndansed Milk
pi N. Y. Condensed Milk Co.
y 71 Hudson Street, Hew York L
IA.VA 1V.A .MVIVTA i : ,
a din
Under the auspices ot the Central Republican Club,
Thursday Evaning, Octolsr 15, 13SS.
SPEAKERS Hon. Charles Emory Smith, of Phil
adelphia, ex-Minister to Russia; Hon. James H. Hoyt, of
Rlevclaud; Hon. D. D. Woodmansee, President of the
Cepublicau National League, and others.
Bauer's Land will furnish the music.
Seats free to all .the people.
The Club will escort the Speakers to the meeting.
All the People Are Invited
s2 Iii ( Lb
124-126 Wyoming Avi
We have purchased during
the last three weeks fifty
thousand dollars worth of the
latest and most desirable mer
chandise at prices 25 to 40
per cent cheaper than va
could have bought same ear
lier in the. season.
We Will
Give Our
The Benefit
Of This
Great Saving.
Our entire stock of dam
aged goods have been dis
posed of. We guarantee ev
ery article in our establish
ment absolutely perfect, or
money refuuded.