The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 10, 1896, Page 7, Image 7
TUB SCBANTON TBIBUNE SATURDAY MOKXINW. OCTOBER 10. 1896. 7 Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. Annual Ball of Father Matnew Society in Mean' Hall Atteaded by Over One Hundred Couples. The Father. Mnthew llc-nevolent so cli'tv held ita twenty-fourth unnuul ball lust evening in Mi-urs' hall. It was at tended by over one hundred couples and in every respect the affair was a KianU success. James tJallUKlier was master of ceremonies and J. J. Powers was assistant. The committees in charge were: Floor committee, Jorn-ph Oanavan. Thomas Fleming. Harry C CiallaKher, Walter ltaiticy, I'atrick Uevers. Thom as Iei;mi. Joseph Km kin. John McIJer inott. John favamiuKh. John ISiirke, K. I.. I.'iiev. Heirity; reception committee. M. T. Walsh. Thomas 1 McHiile. M. S. l.avelle, John Crowley, sr.. V. li. ISiirki-, M. F. Aloraii. J. H. lirowne. Kdward Kenny; Keneral com mltt", James Callaither. chairman: M. JenniiiKS. secretary: M. T. Walsh, tieasuier; John Simuiiessy, John Dona hoe. John P. Crowley, John MeTierney, James Itegan, I'atrick Murphy. ( WEDDING HICLI-S. Mips Katie Dean was wedded Wed nesday afternoon to James .Sweeney at St. Patrick's church. Hev. Father Dunne performed the ceremony. Mrs. Mary Duffy, of Pleasant street, was bridesmaid and Moi'iwn Sweeney was best mini. Tile weddine inarch was plnved by Miss Hose Conway. After the" ceremony a reception was tendered .Mr. and .Mrs. Sweeney nt the home of Miss Klla Dean, of Chestnut strict. Mr. and .Mrs. Sweeney will live on Chestnut street. Samuel Conner, of Jackson street, and Miss Kvu Hubert h, of Hampton Hieet, were ilietly wedded at Mt. Pocono last Wednesday. They will re side on North Krotnley avenue. The of Miss MatfKle Kulp, (if Jackson street, to l-ouls Smith, of Fynon street. Is announced for Oct. "8 ut the bride's home. HIS FRIENDS ASSEMBLED. J. C. Moyer was thirty-six years of ana yesterday and in the evening a number of his friends withered at his 1" me on North llromley avenue nnd juissed a few hours In sociability. One of the surprise parties of the evening V as w hen Mr. Meyer was allowed to paze at n handsome writing desk which was presented to him by the asscm b.ed quests. Stewart Dleaecker made the presentation speech. Refreshments were served by Mis. Moyer. TAKEN TO THE HOME. Jacob Courtrlsht, the man who wan dered to this side Wednesday nicht, has been ndjudped insane by Drs. !un Fter and M. J. Williams and was taken to the Hillside Home yesterday morn inc. Courtrinht seems to be friendless. Whore he came from and who he really Is, are mysteries tu the police. He has never before been an inmate of the Home. PLACE OF MEETING CHANflED. The Sherman Avenue mission will hold Sunday school tomorrow in the Plymouth CoiiRrcKntionnl church. The cIiuiiro is temporary and Is due to the repairing that Is piiinjr on nt the mis sion house. The mission school will lu pin nt 2.1.1 o'clock p. m. The regular Sunday school meets at 1L' o'clock. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Mrs. Stewart lliesecker nnd children, of North lirnmley avenue, have re turned from a visit at Mt. Pocono. Misses Mary and Virile Courtright. of Milwaukee, have returned home, after a visit to Miss Myrta Pearcc, of Filnk street. Editor William Watkins. of the Fac toiyville Tidings, was a West Side vis itor yesterday. Mr. and .Mrs. linger Jones, of South Sumner avenue, ure home after a trip to Europe. Mr. und Mrs. Morrison Hellis nnd A. O. Kcllis, of Frenehtown, have returned home alter attending the funeral of the late .liilin Frauiifelter. Miss Margaret Davies, of South Main avenue, left yesterday for a visit to f i lends nt Lancaster. A. P. Kern Is visiting at Newton. Uest work at the Crystal Laundry. John L. Jenkins, lute prescription clerk of Morgan & Co., will open a new pharmacy today nt Jackson street nnl Rebecca avenue. The new establish ment will be called the West End phar macy. The latest nnd Le?t styles. J2fi Noith Main. The burial of a child of Mr Kbenezer Williams, of limn fUreet, will take place at 'J Roberts, . nnd Mrs. Hampton ."0 o'clock tins arternoon. James E. Francis and family have removed from 1231 North Main avenue FROSTY WEATHER. Our very attractive Fall and Winter Overcoats at $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00. Sterling: values that have no success ful competitors. Fine garments up to $30.00. Large choice. Beautiful Novelties in Fall Suits from $8.00 up. We emphasize the very Dressy Plaids and Overplaids in newest brown shades, from $12.00 to $22.50. We have these suits to fit men any height, and also to fit men who are short and stout. Ti? SAMTERS Uuie Coaling Clothiers, Hatters aad Furnisluri of fb? Stibtirbs. and taken up residence In a handsome house at 1709 Monsey avenue. pr. C. W. Colbora, Dentist. Rooms 144 North Main avenue. West KUIe Business Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS. FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty; lot South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. PHOTOGRAPHER. Cabinet photos, 11.40 per doien. They are lust lovely. Con vince yourself by calling; at Etarner's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. BECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything: you have to sell, i Furniture, Stove, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 701 to 70S West Lack awanna avenue. 1. WORTH HKAItlX;. Three better orators than Charles Emory Smith, Jumes II. Hoyt and li. V. Woodmansce, who will speak nxt Thursday evening ut the grand Republican mass meeting in the FrothlntJhum theater, are not to be found. This meeting will be open to all and ev ery voter will llnd it worth his while to be there. PKOVIDENCK. Miss Hertha Simmons, of Pittston. Is visiting her Bister, Mrs. Howell Davis, of Wurren street. Miss Oertle Morgans, of Lake Idle wild. Is the guest of Mrs. A. H. Kelsling, of Short avenue. Mrs. Ellen Haskwell. of Theodore street, was taken before Alderman Roberts yesterday on a charge of being a common scold, preferred by Mrs. (leorge Fanning. She was held under f.m ball to appear at court. Mr. and Mrs. Alvord. of North Main avenue, are visiting among Elk county friends. Miss Mary Morgan, of Jermyn. was the guest of Mrs. Jennings, of Parker street during the convention. Uev. C. W. Cooper, of Remington, In diana, a former pastor of the Provi dence Christian church, will preach there tomorrow. The Tonoluka tribe of Red Men will meet ill a body for worship In the North Main Avenue Baptist church. The Rev. W. 0. Watkins will deliver a sermon appropriate to the order. The evening service will be a "Convention Echo for All." Seats free. DUNMOKE. Stenhen Klener died at his home on Adams avenue, yesterday morning at 3 o'clock. Deceased had apparently Been in good health up to the time of his death and had not complained any. Death resulted from heart disease. Funeral will take place from the Adams Avenue Presbyterian church, Sundnv. Oct. 11, at 1.30 p. m. The Sixth Ward Republican club will hold a public meeting in the Christian church, on Tripp street, Monday even ing. Oct. 12. Mrs. Bradley Woodhull. of Adams avenue, has sustnined serious Injuries to her knee, the result of n fall. Cards are IssupiI announcing the ap proaching wedding of Miss Anna Mat thews, of trook street, to Grant E. Card, of Ant-ram, N. Y., and Miss Maud Matthews to William H. Wil liams. Roth weddings will be solemn ized nt the pleasant home of Mr. and Mis. Sidney Matthews, of Rrook street. The members of Mrs. John Simpson's Sunday school class held a social at her home on lilakely street last night. The dilliculty between the Henwood ami Masters boys. In which a small ax flgdred, appears to have bepn exagger ated. The boys were but Jesting; when the accident occurred. JUIXOOKA. The foot ball game between the Ml nooka eleven and the South Scran-ton team that was to be played at Schw-enk's Park this afternoon has been postponed. The St. Joseph's Total Abstinence and Henovolent society will hold their regular meeting Sunday. The St. Joseph's Cadets will partici pate in the Father Mathcw celebra tion at Scranton today. The Greenwood McKlnley and Ho bart club held an enthusiastic meet ing Inst evening. A number of our "local pugs" will attend the puglistic exhibition at St-ranton tonight. Shoes Have Been Cheap. but never ns cheap as they will be to day nt he opening of the Lynn shoe sale this morning at the S Bros.' felioe Bture. COS Lackawanna avenue. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. "Bob" Davis Victim Not a Resident of South Side Meeting of Eleveolh Ward Republican Club. Nearly every paper of the city has stated that Kllzabeth Schneider, who is now at the Hillside home nursing twins as the result of the perfidy of notorious "Hob" Davis, Is a resident of the South Side. The unfortunate girl is not a res ident here. A few years ago, when she came Hist to the city as a stranger, she lived here a few days, but left at the end of that time and did not return. There ure so many Schneider families on the South Side that this explanation will save the speculation of the gossips, who are trying now to trace the family she belongs to. so that they may not confound their research with any fami lies here. KKPl.'BLICAN CLUB MEETING. A meeting of the Eleventh Ward lte publican club was held last evening and the members made encouraging reports of the sentiment among the voters on the issues of the campaign. The ward is strongly Democratic when party lines aro tightly drawn, but this elec tion the Indications are that the result will not be so one sided. The club will attend the rally at the Frothingham next Thursday evening. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. Oenernl Manager Wehrum denied that nn order had been posted up at the South works for a resumption of opera tions, when he was questioned over the wire by a Tribune reporter a few nights ago, but the mill will start up Monday. A young child of Patrolman and Mrs. Peter Haggerty is seriously ill of diph theria. Special gospel meting will be held Sunday afternoon nt 11.43 in Young Women's Christian Endeavor rooms, 10H1 Cedar avenue. Kvety yi.ung wo man Is invited to come. There will b? special music. The I. W. T. club is making preparations for their fall op n Ing to be held Thursday evening, Octo ber 13th. New stock of elegant wall paper and paints at Horcher's, 713 Cedar ave. Best work at the Crystal Laundry. WILL BE SENTENCED TODAY. A. H. Williams Will Hcnr His Fate This Morning. A. H. Williams, the embezzling cash ier of the Traders' bank, who on Mon day pleaded guilty of the technical charge of forgery in the I'nlted States court at Wllllamsport, will this evening be given his sentence. The maximum punishment for this count Is live years. In any of the other seven counts on which he was arraigned live years Is the minimum penalty. , READING REORGANIZATION. The Big White Elephant Is to Kemain in Receivers' Hand. Philadelphia. Oct. 9. The final in stallment of the assessment on the first, second and third preference bonds, the deferred Income bonds and the tt'jck of the Philadelphia and Reading rail road, was payable today. The under writing syndicate has also been asked to pay in twenty pc-r cent of its sub scription. These payments. It is es:l mated, will aggregate JC.OOO.OOO. The stock of the company was for the first time quoted at $10 paid today andit sold in the neighborhood of $12. With this feature of the plan of reor ganization accomplished, the Held be comes clear for the putting out of new bonds and the settlement of obliga tions. The rond Is now being operated by tha receivers for the account of the pur chasers at the recent foreclosure pale, and it is understood that no request will be made to the court to take the. company out of -the hands of the re ceivers for some time. RAILROAD RUMOR NAILED. The Lehigh Valley Not to Put on New Trnin nt Chicago. Philadelphia, Oct. 9. Charles S. Lee. general passenger agent of the Iehlgh Valley Railroad company, today de nied the truth of the report circulated a few days ago that new trains to Chi cago were to be put on Oct. 15. and that the Ulack Diamond express would run through from New York to Chicago. At a matter of fact, he said, the Hlaek Diamond express will not go leyond Mil train. The change of the time will be made on November 15, not October 15, and there will be no addltlonul trains to Chicago. The Grand Trunk system will make connection with the Black Dia mond express to Chicago. THE BYSTANDER SHOT. Wati'hntnn Injures n Mnn While Slop ing a Fight in Yonkers. Yonkers, Oct. 9. The police were notified at nn early hour today of a snooting that occurred outside of a sa loon near the Yonkers crematory. The injured man Is Frederick Kuster, a cigarmaker, E0 years of age, and the person who shot him is the watchman of the crematory, Peter Heard, a col ored man. Two young men, Frederick Ehren speck and Christopher Manley, were fighting. The watchman became in volved in the quarrel, and drew his re volver. ShoOtlniP nt tho twl mnn In. stead of hitting them, the bullet struck tne cigarmaKer, who was an onlooker. GREATEST BETTING RACE. Senator A Capture the Transylvania Slake nt Lexington. Lexington, Ky., Oct. fl. Five thou sand people saw the great Transyl vania stake decided here today. The rich prize went to Senator A. a bay horse bv Tramti.Pntilc n-hn h.i .. - - , ,s nut, nun two heats yesterday. Governor Strong, ii "'so nao two neats, was second; Alcldalia, third. Time, 2.11. Senator A was favorite In the betting today. There was $:'00,UOO In the pool box when the horses started Cor the final heat, making It the greatest bet ting race In the history of the trotting turf. DEATH OF GEORGE F. COHEN. Prominent Luzerne County Attorney Kcpircs Very Suddenly. Wllkes-Earre, Pa Oct. 9. Oeorge F. Cohen, a well known lawver, died sud denly In the Luzerne cunty court hou?e today from heart trouble. He was C5 years of age and won the Cobden pi las at Yale, one t f the greatest ma'ks of distinction at that univeislty. He leav.s a widow and two chidren. SPORTING NOTES. .. . ' ' UI 11 ern.n inuoor once ball club challenge the Oslerhout. Fen- Aiiiucy-s, i larae s and thu Combination huloor base hull teams to u oi,,.-o Pamirs ui muuur oiise uhii to i.'O played between them. Send nil replies ' ,J ..,-,, w. & cuin, IIIUIIHKCr-cupiUill, flf the Turner indoor base bail club. The Benin ion Turner Imsket ball team eliiillerg" the Wilkes-IlHrre, P'tlston or N'antlt'oke teams to u game or sorles of irjimpa 1,'lrut nrnn.. ..-ill k.. n..i .1 XUon O. Teets. manager. WERE TAKEN TO LUZERNE. The Fonr Dead Liners Will Be Tried in W ilkes.Barre. Frank Mangan. Michael Judge, John Killer and John Brown, the" robbers captured in this city Thursday after raiding six Pittston stores, were yester day turned over to the Luzerne county authorities. Chief Loftus, of Pittston. with two of his officers, took them down on the S.30 p. m. Delaware and Hudson train and after a preliminary hearing before Alderman Loftus, they were committed to the Luzerne county Jail. The pris oners objected to going to Wllkes Borre. prefering to be tried here. Chief Loftus reports having found two bundles of clothing dropped by the robbers, near the .junction, in their flight. NATURE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Hotly Contested Debute by Members , of Scranton lluineH College. At a regular meeting nf the Scran ton Business College Lyceum last night In -the colleg hull, after the business part of the meeting a hotly contested debate on "Resolved, thm Nature Is More Beautiful than Art," took place. The debate was won by the altliinu;K-. which was upheld by Miss Clifford and Charles H. Cnnstantlne, and the nega tive by William F L. Carpenter un William 1. Pierce. After the debute the following pro gramme was rendered: Piano solo. Miss Susie Tlerney; recitation, John Martin; vocal solo. Miss Anastasia Clif ford; select reading. Miss Cora llalde man. I'nuernl of John Crrnliun. The funeral of John Creahan, the young man from Tobyhannn. who was suffocated by gas In this city Sunday night, took place nt Tobyhanna on Wednesday. Rev. R. 11. Walsh con ducted the services In St. James' Catho lic church. It Is Our Purpose In calling your attention to the benellt of good printing to reap some benefit from your necessity. It keeps the public posted on what you have at your store that is nec essary f.n- their comfort. A well printed circular will attract at tention, nnd rivet In their minds where they can purchase to tie best advantugc. We do that cluss of piintinc To Cure n Cold in One Day. Take laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25 cents. Try Jordan's one-half minute stews. New York, Ontario nnd Western. The following time table will go into ef fect on the New Vork. Ontario und West ern railroad, Sunday, October 4: Trains leave Scranton for Curbondule at 10.55 a. m. ami ti.10 p. in.; fur Hancock Junction ut 10.55 a. m. Train leaves Hancock Junction for Scranton ut 2.05 p. m. Trains leave Carbonilale for Scranton at 7.01 a. m. und 3.34 p. ni. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tht he- ! n WE ARE STILL ROOTING FOR THE FASTEST WHEEL ON EARTH, No Matter Who Rids; It. B. F. KELLER, ON A SPALDING AT THE National Meet at Wilkes-Barre, SEPTEMBER 16, Va the only man (with one exception) out of the entire Hcrsnton puh thot won utiytblnir, baiting cut sumo of tUa fastest mou on the circuit. Aiiain wo say, get a SpaluinK and la happy. C. M. FLOREY, Agt, JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Has Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue, Entrance on side next to Firpt National Iiauk. Ho hat now in . I Comprising everything rei ilsiln for fl:ia Uorelinnt Tailoring. And tlio samu cau bo shown to Rdvuntaxe in liis splen dialy lined up ruoms. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Readers ol The Trlb. oe to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In HI New Business Homo NEW STOCK OF Fall Millinery At HRS. H. CRAHER'S, 427-41V CEDAR AVENUE. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET ' The Finest In the City. The latest improved (urnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, tuttcr and cg;s. 223 Wyoming Avenu. WE MAKE OuaiXITi'. B3W AS cLoTrtlSU at t will alter. b:flnala today, complet and choice line el CLOTHING Wc Cannot Prices Extraordinary Low. BUT ALSO FOIt FIT, QUALITY. STYLE. CUT and GENERAL APPEAR ANCE OF EVERY GARMENT. ThU Is an entire new dfpartment and is re plete with all that is new and up-to-date Idea bought w:-th (treat care from manufacturers of repute ONLY, which GIVES US THE RIGHT TO Guarantee Every Garment Or Honey Returned for the Asking. ' Mr 1 Top Coats Of Knglish Covert Cloth. Wo have a special fine assortment of nobby cut garments, well made and lined ns low as $10.00 $18.00 Fine Kersey Overcoats In Blues and Blacks, eleautly trimmed and cut in latest fashion, Sio.oo to $30.00. This department is in charge of Mr. D. E. DKLAXY, formerly of Messrs. Martin & Delany. Toi'SY-Tcnvr i'uices in HATS AND FURNISHINGS VALUES I $3.00 Hats were always cur lead-et-H THESE SAME HATS NOW MARKED Hats now 1.5J Hats " All NeKllffops that formerly sold for $1.50, $2.00, YOI'H CHOICE OP THE LOT $1.00 White Shirts for $1.50 " " : $2.00 Shirts now $2.25 1 .SO 1.12 1.1O 8Tc $1.2!) 1.02 Sterling Values in All colors, all weights, all 11239. New 25 PER CENT. Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO.. U. E. CROFUT, PROPRIETOR THIS HOUSE is strictly temperance. It new and well furnished and Oi'liN'liD T(J THE rUBLiC T11K YEAR HOUND, is located midway between binehumton an.i Scranton. on tho Montrose und Lacka wanna Kailroad, six miles from D.. L. & W. R. K. at Airoru Station, and live miles from Montrose; capacity cljrhty-nve, three minutes' walk from railroad station House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entiro lengtli of the house, which is 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing; Tackle, Etc. Free to Guests. Aliunde about 2.000 feet, equalling In thin respect the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains. Fine Krove?, plenty of shade and heautl. fill scenery, making a Summer Itcsort ur.. excelled In beauty and cheapness. Ianrlnp pavilion, swings, rroet'iet proline", etc. COT,T SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OF MILK. Rates $7 to 10 Per Week. $1.50 Per Day. Excursion tickets said at all stations oa V.. L. & W. lines. Porter meets all trains. ON THE LINE OF THfc CANADIAN PACIFIC iTY re located the (Inert fishing nnd hunting grounds in the world.. Descriptive books on application. Timers to all points in Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and I'nlted States Northwest. Vanvouver, Eeattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping anil Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with beddini;, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with nccond-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 353 Broadway, New York. rhlrheitt-r'i Ensllih nianonit Pro.. EiifWROYiAL PILLS Original and Only Cm nine. ttAFC, oJwayi fllalitf. LAOi&a ink lirufclit for fr AMirr t hinntitk )ia i mmd liranda Ud tH floid HieUIUcS iti. 'tiud with tiluo rlhlxin. Toko nuatlitT. HffHitdinotvoi nthrtitu tutu and Im ife if io aj. Ai Dru.iitKtf.of md 4c In Mampa for pjuttrul.tri, titlraontkli " iiriK-r i or l .M in wter, bv reiarfl r jiimii tr.iMri i riiimoninis. Ami juiir. Only Boast ot $8.00 Buys A lino Blue or Black Cheviot Sack Suit, single or double breasted, latest cut, properly trimmed and finished, guaranteed absolutely fait color. BETTEli FOB $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 FINK CLAY WORSTEDS in Sacks and Frocks, as nice as you wanttiiein. $10.00, $12.03, $4 007$1G,00, $20-00. Scotch TveeOuits h it There is that smart tailor tone in these suits coupled to all that is refined and correct in tunc and the prices ran lie from &12.00 to $18.00 lined n IXTRAORDINARY. REMARKABLE VALUES II SUSPENDERS. Our entire oOe line now 25c pair $1.00 quality for 50c Well known brand 15c Collars for 10c 25c Cuffs for ISc Biff line of choice patterns, all shapes BIB line of dollar goods for 21c 39 Men's Underwear goods to suit everybody, ut fully REDUCTION. OICYCLES At Rock-Bottom Prices. LIST NO. j. Buffalo Prince '96, $36 Imperial '96, 55 Erie. '96, 45 Prince '96, 36 Sterns '94, 35 Columbia '93, 25 ClevPland '94, 25 Coventry '93, 15 These are all fitted with pneumatic tires aud are lu good running order. CHASE & FARRAR BICYCLE SURGEONS. gigVii Linden Street. Opp. Court Houss. DU POINT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured svt the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county, Pa., aud at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN. Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District 118 WVOMINO AVENUE, Scranton, Vm Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES : THOS. FORD, Pittston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON. Plymouth, Pa. B. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Repauno CoeaUcnl Com Vang' Ulgb Exploeivtat POWDER ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Ketiira Engagement. Saturday Matinee and evening. Oct. 10. An Event Thst Seldom Happens. We Hare (Secured It aud U WiU le Here. IIOGAN'S ALLEY Ihe T.Ik of New York Oitv. Made Fa moos by the New Vork World, In troducing lrl.nd's Kings, Gilmore & Leonaro And Their Sutierb Cnmpanv of Farce Artists Secure Scats at Once. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ONE WEEK, Commenlng MONDAY HIGHTJGTOBER 12th. The Versatile Comedian, Corse Payton Supported by the churnw In k and talented actress, niss ETTA REED, And a company of recognized players In a repertoire ol comedies and dramas, hand somcl" staged, and staged with a car load ef Special Scenery. Each Piece a (trend Scenic Production. Elaborate Properties, flagnilicent Scenery. Beautiful Costumes Special flatlnee every day except Monday. PRICES; 10, jo. 3ic. Matinee Price, 10, soc. Sale ol seats opens Friday, Oct. vth. THE FROTHINGHflM. Wagner A Rals. Lessees and Managers John L, Kerr, Acting Manager. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. OCTOBER 9 and 10. rtatinec Saturday. Willard Lee's. Magnificent Scenic Production IN THE HI Of IHE SIORM Marvelous Electrical snd Mechanical Effects. The one great scenic production of the season. Matinee Prices.... 25c and 50c Evening Prices... 25c, 50c and 75 THE FROTfllNGfiflM Wagner A Rels, Managers, John L. Kerr. Acting Manager. onTniuTiTlyT' The Beautiful Play of Real Life. A Tale of the Hills of Arkansas, Human Hearts (By HAL REID.) Produced on a Hesle of Mnijnlflceno Never Before EquaU-d. Original Cut from Miner's Now York The ater. Every Particle of Scenery Used in the Play Carried bv the company. The Greatest Produotion of Modern Times. DAVIS THEATER HiDdiy, Tuesday and Wednesday, Octo ber 12, 13 and 14. The Lender of Them All, Ed. P. Rush's Spectacular 'travesty, EXCELSIOR, The Urandest Production Ever Pro duced at Popular Prices. 5-BIG BALLETS. Beautiful Sconic E (Toot a with a Grand Elec trical Display. Lovely Ladles, Cluver Come dians and Cp-to Dato Music, Songs aui Dances, etc. Admission 10, 20 or 30 Cents. Two performances daily. Doors open at 1.30 and 7. Curtain rises at 2.30 and 8.15. NOW ON EXHIBITION At 400 and 402 Lacka. Ave. l' linn Combined with Prof. Berger's Wonderful AUTOMATIC EXPOSITION, lor a few clays only, (irratest, grandest, most inaenious. elnnorato aud srlontifio collection of automatic works ill the world- Complications of ma chiiiory. unparalleled monuments of genius, skdl and patience. Kverybody should sue thrm. Open V a, m. to 10 p. in. Admission to all, inrhullng reserved seats for ladies. ONLY 10 CENTS. KEEP COMFORTABLE And You Will bs Happy. The way to keep your borne comforta ble at this s ens jii of the year is to buy one of our Gas or Oil Heaters Just the thing for j our dining room in the morning, or your bath room, and in fact any place you want a little heat without start lng your furnace or boiler. We have over 20 styles sizes of gas heaters, und 10 or more of Oil Heaters. Without question the best assortment in the city. FOOTE & SHEAR CO., 119 WASHINGTON AVENUE. MIDSUMMER Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth tiSc to $1; choice for SOc Worth $1.25 to $1.75; choice for $1.00. Sterling Silver Kelt Buckle, worth 3.SO, at $2.50. Worth $2.50, at $1.75. Closing Out all our Fine China at about Half Price. Genuine Rogers Triple Plate Spoons, Forks and Knives tit reduced prices. En graved free. Tea Sets. Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, etc., finest plate, new Btyles, very low prices. At our New Store, 130 WYOMING AVENUE. if CLOSING SALE MERCEREAU k CONNELL