THE SCR ANTON -TRIBUNE-SAT DliDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 189. Jorrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. THE S The man In tlie moon wilt be clown pretty oon, . To 8eo what's bei'ouio of the niflit: And he'll say with a sob. "I'm ont of a Job, Because of that BUUUBBAN LIGHT." Tbo greatest lnxury In a modern home (nxt to a eood bath room) is the Iucaudescent Electrio Light. No dwelling Is complete or up-to-date without both. So business place without the latter. Our system, uu.k r tlie alternating current, is absolutely safe from tiro. WHY SEND YOl K I.ACn CURTAINS OUT il the city to be MKLAUNUEKEB ? Special facilities with artistic manipuluturs of the art.warrunts your patronage at home. The Lackawanna 308 Penn Avenue. A. B. WARM AN. ABOUT Sept. 20th new store will our be completed, which will be the largest Carpet, Wall Paper, Drapery and Cur tain Store in the State, and we will show the largest stock of new goods in each department ever shown in Scranton. (aipcls, Erapcries an J Wall Paps. 137 WYOMING AVE. kkpi ulk'.w .mi:i:tin;s. At MUli.ilowslii hull. Scnintnn, cor ner Kim street ami Huston nvi ime niiluy. Oi toher In; speakers, V. W. Kk'IU, t-s..; Charles diver. esi.; Willtum Voik ult'lv nnil J. Llpinsltl. Hall at .Mont.lale Tiircilay, October. 13; speakers, A. A. Vosbtil'tr, U. F. Tinkhani mid ethers. At Central Republican club rooms Sat urday, Octulier M, Knvlneers' iiml l-'lre-metis' club; speakers, (ieortfe W. Reale, csi.; I!. M. Streeter, esi utnl others. .M oller's ball. Smith Washington nvc nni', Heranton Tnesiluy, October 13; spiuU ers, II. Al. Strecler, ts., nml II. C. Key nols, csii.; It. A. .Iiiitiieiman, esq. I'olter's hull. Kleetvllle Saturday, Oc tober 17; speakers, John Hull Osborne, es..; H. F. Tlukham, ?.; Jolm M. Har ris, e,. 1 laini:til hall, Aloolc Frblay October .lohll .M. 2H; speakers, J, din Hall Osborne Jiurils, .. ; II. C. lieynolds, cs., nnd cither. Meetlntr at Throop borough bulldint,' Vrbluy, ii -liiber Jii, lSiill; speakers, H. W. Thayer, Charles V. liawson, i., und John It. I'Mwunls, rsi. CITY mVES. TYe nnmml donation davs of the House of Ihi- tiuod Shepherd will be next Wed nesday and Thursday. Owlnif to the absence of nil audience (iilncy Lee Alarriw, the Maryland i'nil.i Idtion oialor. did nut speak lit Liberty hull last liiullt. The roadway of Wyoming avenue, be tween Linden and Mulberry streets. Is be iim narrowed preparatory to laying an nsiihnlt piivement. Mayor llailey yesterday siKned the reso. lull. in perinittiiiK the construction of u private sewer on puiiliin.i of Cupouse, Kuns"t and Alonsey nvenues. The Delaware, Lackawanna nnd West- Vii company paid at the Cay una nnd lirisbln mines and the ear shops yesterday. Tbo trainmen! will be paid today. A curved connection has been put in by the Scranton Traction company making it possible to run cars from the Washing ton avenue track to that on Spruce street. A premature blast ill the Jcrniyn mines yesterday morning severely injured I'nt rick (Julnn, of Johnson's patch, about the head ami face, lie was attended by Dr. HiiKKcrty. J. Alfred Pennington will Rive an ornan reel In the I'resbylerian church. West Tilts Tuesday evening next. He will be msSi.-.i 'by Miss Katharine Tiniberman, coin re Ito suluisp. The will of David V'lyte. late of this rlty, wiis admitted to probate yesterday by Ite:lster W. S. Hopkins and letters of ad ministration e. t. u. were granted to the willow, Lucy l-'lyte. Frank Ollskey nnd Antonio lllborlck were relcused on ball yesterday from Jail. The charge against them is nutrravute'l assault and battery. Adolph Olakoskl be came their bondsman. There will be a meetlnir of the joint Ju dlclury committees of councils Wednes day iilulit to consider the Ioiik list of dam Mi' claims still standing uisainst the city. Their purpose Is to urrlvo ut some means of effecting a compromise. l'utrlck Ixiftus, of Alinooka, was 're leased on bail In the sum of taken be. fore Judi;e Kdwnrds yesterday. Martin 5lcl)onoui!h qmilllled as his bonilsman. l.ol tus Is one of the trio arrested lor rob. biiiu a l'olamler a week uko at the city lino and tuklnt? the money out of bis shoe. Jlarriatre licenses were Kl.'inled yester day to Stanislaus Anuskevlcz, of Dbk wra, nnd Julia Sorcz. of Throop; .Michael Duller nnd Katie limine, of Alinooka; John Shovlln nnd HridKet Carey, of Heran ton; ltees Jones and Sarah Thomas, of Olyphant. Jones Is fo and the bride-to-be Is 07. Hoth were married before. The funeral services of the late Airs. iMary L. llevan, relict of llev. Isnuc Hevan. 1). I., former pastor of the I'enn Avenue Huptist church, will be eoiKlucted at her late residence at Clark's Ureen, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Persons desiring to attend the services can leave Scranton at 1 o'clock, returning at 5.3ft. Interment ut Forty Fort Monday morning. The next regular meeting of the Lack uwannu Institute of History nnd Science will be held at the board of trade rooms jtn Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. An In Fterestlng paper upon "Heating and Venti lation" will be presented by Calvin W. Parsons. It will be a paper of Kreat sci entific value. Interested persons eun ob tain tickets from F. K. I'latt in the Com monwealth building. August Robinson returned last evening from his trip to Kurope and In honor cf his return a reception was held at his hom on Seventh street. Only Immediate rela tives were present.' Air. Robinson reached New York Wednesday evening. Ho had been three months abroad and the trip greatly benefited his health, which, when the departure was made, was not very vigorous. Mr. Robinson spent a time at the famous Carlsbad; in Germany. Hnve Vou'Si-cn Thi-m Cluze thumbed Kid Gloves are the latest. We ore showing H complete as sortment at S1.00. We sell trlovcs that fit. and which we guarantee to give satisfaction. A very fine selection of Handkerchiefs at jiopular prices. The best 60c. Corset yrax ever bought. Ask to see it. JfEAKS & HAGEN. To C'nrn a Cold in One Day. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH . druggists refund the money If it falls to cure.' 25 cents. Special attention and private dining rooms for dinner parties at Lohmann's, Bpruce street. Service and cuisine un excelled in this city. SpecialNotice EIGHTY-SEYEN NEW MEMBERS ENROLLED - Young Men's Republican Club Increasing at a Rapid Rate. RULES FOR GOVERNMENT ADOPTED Addresses by William Council nnd .Major Everett Warrcu-Clnb Hill Meet on the First Friday of Every Mouth Except in September and Oc tober, When Weekly Meetings Will lie Held. At the rate of increase now Ruins on In the Young Men's Republican cluli that organization will have within Its ranks before election day upwards of seven or eight hundred young men,, ol lied to advance the principles of protec tion, prosperity unci sound money. At Inst night's meeting Si new members were enrolled, and ut the meeting be fore that 77 were added. The meeting was addressed by Wil liam Council, briefly, ami by Alajnr Kverett Warrou with an eloquent pres entation of the Issues of the campaign. The ilrst order of business was lite rending of the report of the commit too on constitution and by-laws by Attor ney James J. II. Hamilton. It wus adopted with slight amendments. The club will Ik known us the Young Men's Republican club and will meet the first Friday of every month, except during September und October, of each year, when meetings will be held every Friday night. Its objec t Is to advance the Interests of the Republican party. At each meeting of September nnd Oc tober, at least one Hiublic speaker will deliver an address. MR. CONNEI.IS REAIAUKS. After the constitution nnd by-laws were adopted and the proposition of members was completed, the order of business wus suspended and Mr. Ocin nell was introduced by Mr. Hamilton. Tho latter said that the Young Men's Republican club is composed of men who tarn a day's pay on a salary by the sweat of their brow, and Mr. Cou ncil, who began at the lowest round of the ladder, needed no introduction to such un audience. Mr. Council desired to give warning not to trust too much in what can bo heard on the streets and in the olHoes that this election is nil one sided. Ho not lie deceived, lie said; while the other party may not lie making any nolso thov nre actively working; but even If they were idle, it is our duty to let the people know that those who advocate these strange measures- nre not- going to Impress them upon the American people. , ,, He said tin? real Issue now Is the tariff and not the silver question. Four years ago the Democrats put forth free trade as Its doctrine. The mess ma lc of it has necessitated adopting another Issue, and hence the silver craze Is taken up. Any one who looks over tho llgures, he said, will be astonished :tt the millions of dollars worth of goods that come Into this country from abroad each year. While the mills he re tire Idle. The Republican party oflYis to correct this by protective tariff. THE CRY THKY RAISE. Tim opposite party realizing now that their arguments on the silver question are not carrying much weight with the people, have raised the cry of the classes aguinst the masses. Mr. Council said there Is no such thing In this country us classes against masses. He himself began work driving a nitiL for -in cents a day und worked lr un thatto Ihe mines. He was as much of n man us fur as the qualities go to niuki-up- what constitutes manly worth, us ho is today;nnd he would consider it un Insult to have, any mun say to him that because he may not need to work now us he did theh that he Is any better than the man who has to work. MoKinley in the white house Is not of much use without a Republican e.ui gress at his buck, and It is necessary to take Interest In the legislative olllces for a I'nited States senator Is to bi llet ted in this stale next year. If ever was a time In the history of the country that the nation's cause Is in need of defenders, It is the present, he said, and thanking them for their ap preciation, he concluded. He was greet ed with warm upplaus'e when he began und when he ended. MAJOR WARREN'S ADDRESS. Major Warren was als.i ree Ived with great nppluuse, and timing th--course of his eloquent address said hi part: I thank you for this opportunity of meet ing ami greeting the Young .Men's Repub lican club of Hi ranton. 1 am thoroughly 111 sympathy with the objects of your or ganization. In politics as in war success is assured better und easier by organiza tion und training than In any other way. Yoa have, enlisted in tho most eventfiil campaign of recent times for upon its issue depends not only the. integrity ami fair name of our government, but the wel fare of Its people. Within the memory of men still living America has seen two campaigns which history will describe us revolutions. We are now in the midst of a third canvass which likewise will bo chronicled as a revolution. The Harrison campaign of 1M0 wus the change of a. dynusty. For a generation this country had been under the inlluence of the masterful Jack son, who had in some way evolved a gen ius for finance out of his experience as an Indian fighter. Apart from the New Or leans battle, however. Jackson's princi pal legacy to his country wus the panic of is;l,; this panic was the direct conse quence or the Democratic policy. The peo ple responded In anger and elected Gen eral Harrison. The Harrison cumpalgn turned on the Vote of Alaine. History seems to repeat Itself, Maine turned the tide In lain In favor of Harrison. Alaine has answered the Chicago convention In a voice that might have come from the throat of a whirlwind. It burled free sil ver under an avalanche of votes that ef face!! all former records and It clearly foreshadows the result in November next throughout the nution. THEY GAVE I'S PANICS. Vnn Rtiren gave us a panic nnd nt the same time bequeathed us a war which under I'olk become the wanton invasion of Mexico, liiichannn developed u panic and also gave ifs a war. Air. Cleveland is too good a Democrat to b'-eak the Democratic record. He gave us the panic of 1NM and we owe to the furcbiaiance of Great itrltain that th j incident of Venezuela did not evolve Into a war. This tendency of Democratic con trol of the government to blossom Into panics and flower into war makes the elec tion of AIcKlnley tho most solemn duly that has devolved upon American citizens since the election of Lincoln. Then tho issue was the life of the I'nlon, now the Issue Is the honor of the I'nlon, Should we fail now it would be tho victory of dis honor over the ballot, as in 1VJ1 It was the victory of treasoa over the ballot. The Democratic party Is in a state of appen dicitis and whether It can be saved bv the subsequent careful carving of the Indian apolis accretions is a problem too diili cult for me to solve. There can be no middle course In this canvass so far as tho Republicans nre concerned, no alllnnce with nnv oilier party. Either the Democracy in the state of appendicitis as at Chicago or the. De mocracy In a state of golden lined incense us at Indianapolis. There never was a time when the Republicans should stand more firmly to their principles. Silver Is a thing of the hour, todny It Is nnd tomorrow It is not, un Intermittent, fantnstlc business going with tho clouds on which It came, a sort of political night mare from which the people will wake and marvel they could have dreamed such dreams. Ilchind this spasmodic silver whim rests the eternal prhlclplo of the Republican party. They must be saved and guarded as the very Ark of the Covenant and not bartered away by a surrender to tho the ories of the dreamers, ALL ARE WELCOMED. We welcome those of all parties who nre willing to stand with us on the platform adopted at the St. Louis convention nnd are willing to support our candidates be cause they nre the only safe ones In whose hands to pluce this government) at tho same time I beg of you as Republicans not to forget that the interests of Republican ism require the assertion and mainten ance of the cardinal tenets of the purty to wit: Frotection and Reciprocity Just ns much as sound money and good govern ment. There Is no occasion for our making nny concessions upon this spasmodic silver question. We do not need to surrender the creed of the party. The Republican party has always stood for honest money. When the hazy, incoherent Jackson pro posed repudiation Grant as the tirst meas ure of his administration placed the gov ernment upon the rock of gold. Nor was Its stability ever menaced until the nexl ginclcs of the Cleveland administration made the national faith a matter of debate. Now lowering of our Mag then wherein honest money, tariff and the I'nlon Is con cerned, but the proffered hand of fellow ship to nil pull lots who ure willing to unite with us. McKiuhv und the honor of the I'nlon Rryan and chaos. This is the elctoral is sue in n thr:ise I'pon this question there can be no doubt as to where i'cnnsvlvunia wilt me loiuui. She stands where she has stood for forty years without wavering, for square to ail the world emphatically for protection to American industry and American labor, sound and honest money and u chance to earn it by honest toil. OFF TO CANTON. Sound Money Men Left Here. Lost Nisht for Mckinley's Home. Tin, r-iir,,i, ..v.-iirulitnlsts left here last night on the Delaware und Hudson train and will this aiiernoon i... ...i.i-..ttu.i i.,. Milch. I, .v. the next president of the I'nited States, at his home in Ohio. The train containeu an enthusiastic Carhondulo purty and a number of sound money enthusinsts who got ubonrd at intermediate points. Wilkes-liarre furnished tho Umgest i,.. .t i un i , niit,tit- nr eviMirslonists and with those who were picked up at stations along the line me eoai ueius delegation proved to be a creditable -Ch.i Ivnlnu will Cnlidl Plltltllll Rt 10.40 this morning and will leave there on the return trip at mldnigni, coining over the Allegheny mountains by day light tomorrow nud reaching Wllkes- l.arre at 2 o clock in the aiiernoon. By f iited Press. Wilkes-liarre, Oct. 9. Tho Republi can newspaper men of the Wyoming and Luekawnnna valleys sent a train load of 'Mtt workingmen over the Penn sylvania railroad tonight til call on Ik Kinley. POLITICAL JOTTINGS. The Polish Independent club will havi a meeting this evening In the hall of Maihias Hugno, U2Q Prospect avenue, at 7.;i'J p. m. Citizens of tin- Twentieth ward' held n meetine- In Alurrav's hall on Cedar I avenue Thursday night nnd organized a William Council Republican club. The names of sixty-live nuuibeis were en rolled and the following ollicers were elected: Michael . Murray, president; Chaile Roche, secretaty. Another meeting of the club will bs held In Mur ray's hall on Monday evening nt 7.30 which citizens generally are invMed to uttend. A sound money league composed nf 200 employes of the Delaware, Lacka wanuaSnd Western company nt Kings ton has been organized. Tho ollicers are R. H. Vuughn, president 55. T. Kelh r. Hist vice-president; (leoige Morgan, Ri c.ind vlee-pri sldent; Vllllam Hrydett, third vice-president: R. L. Hubbell, sec retary; William Homers, treasurer. WELL WORTH II FARING. Three better orators than Charles Emory Smith, James II. Hoyt und D. D. Woodmansee, who will speak next Thursday evening at the grand Republican mass meeting in the Frothinghnm theater, ure not to be found. This meeting will be open to ull and ev ery voter will find It worth his while to be there. CITY OFFICIAL FLEECED. How He Lost Thousand Told in To morrow's Scranton Sunday World. The Scranton Sunday World tomor row will be the greatest Sunday paper ever printed In this city. Tomorrow's issue will teem with news of a lively character. A big' Scranton official has been fleeced out of thousands In a local racing pool room. Street Commissioner Kinsley's iifflci; to be investigated by the mayor, as the result of exposure of the Scranton Sunday World. A private detective caught at his own game by a man he was shadowing. The jaunt of the Crystals to New York state. A full report. All the latest and best local political and general news. The greatest Sunday advertising medium in the city. All the newsbovs sell the Scrunton Sunday World. A Phenomenal Shoe Sale, at 307 Lackawanna avenue, Myer Daviduw. the wide-awake Lackawanna avenue shoe man, bus. through fortu nate circumstances, bought several thousand dollars' worth of men's, wo men's, misses' and children's fine bargains he offers In today's advertise ment on the twelfth page are: Ladies' shoes from well known manufacturers for spot cash at his own price. The hnnd-scwed Ili.OO shoes for J1.49; men's call' ?,1.00 shoes for $1.4!); misses' fine $2.00 shoes for $1,011; children's shoes at 50 cents. The above prices art- about fifty cents on the dollar, and he is de termined to make today one of the busiest days on record. Never In his experience did he buy so wonderfully cheap as the goods he offers on special sale today. It will pay you to call and look through his stock, and ho extends tut invitation to all to call and make bis store, 307 Lackawanna avenue, your headquarters, and he wants you to re member there is no trouble to show goods, and you will surely save money by It. . Ilargnins Are What Mnkcs Itusiness. The special sain of Murbu Rros.' ptoc'.c of Lynn shoes gives the 5 Hrothers loti of bargains. For the next fw weeks we will hnve the shor- trade all to our selves. Opening of this great snip t tiny: store open till midnight. 5 Broth ers, 508 Lackawanna avenue. -.-... Uniformed colored porters In charge of day coaches on the Nickel Plate Road. ' Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue. In Harris' drug store. Hours 9 a. m 5 p. in. Bargains In bicycles; greatest this city ever saw.. Fowlers at J.tu. Shop worn and second hand wheels nil but given away at Jurlsch's, Hotel Jermyn. Tho Crystal I.nuudry makes a specialty of careful work. Orders promptly attended to. Jordan's b'kw't cakes, sausage 10c. ' Periodical Tickets are coming. , Opening. A dainty line of Children's Coats at the Baby Bazaar, 612 Spruce street. Jordan's butter cakes and coffee, 10c. Elegant buffet sleeping cars on NlckeJ Plate Road. Watch for periodical 'tloke.s. ' FROM MAINE TO TEXAS. The Tide of Public Opinion Is fill Favorable to Paine's Celery Compound. Congressman Bell, of Colorado, One of Those Recenily Re stored to Health by Paine's Celery Compound. There is Just now no lack of news from the western states. Public opinion in Colorado nnd Iowa is as promptly and accurately heard of as from any Now England state. From all over the west come reports that Paine's celery compound occupies practically a clear field In the cure of diseases arislnir from a tired or other wise impaired nervous system. No other remedy was ever used by so many men of sound and reliable judg ment. No remedy but Paine's celery compound has ever been recommended by so conspicuously fair-minded a body of men and women. The half-hearted experimental efforts of scores and scores of sarsaptirillas, tonics, and so called nervines, with which the market Is constantly recruited, are In startling contrast with the confident because thoroughly scientific way in which Paine's celery compound sets about re storing health and vigor to the worn out body. Why will people be Hilly enough to jeopardize their lives and lessen their chances of getting well by taking any thing else? There is no help so sure and so im mediate as one gets from the use of Paine's celery compound. Detailed in formation of innumerable cases of rheumatism, neuralgia and dyspepsia, completely cured, hus established this great Invigorator as the most valuable remedy those run down In health can make use of. Women whose stock of nervous enei' gy was well nigh exhausted have been GIVEN TO CHARITY. Policemen Make tJond I'se of Jinse Hall CiMiii: Proceeds. Three charities have acknowledged the receipt of contributions sent them by Mayor Bailey from the proceeds of the Wllkes-Harre-Scianton policemen's base ball game. Among them was divided $!fi0. Two of the acknowledg ments were as follows: Scranton, Oct. 8, 189C. The Hon. James Ci. Halley. Kind Sir: With pleasure I acknowl edge the policemen's contribution of Jl.W to St. Patrick's orphanage asylum. In the name of the dlrectois of the asylum and of the orphans, I thank both you and the policemen most cordially. Yours truly, Peter Christ, Treasurer. Pittston, Pa., Oct. S, 1S9S. Hon. James O. llailey, .Mayor of Scranton. Dear Hir: I huve received your fa or of 6th Inst, wllh private check for J.V which was raised by the policemen of Scranton for the Twin shaft relief fond. Thanking voti nnd the brave men who have uided in this work, I am. Yours very truly. Then. Strong. Treasurer. A receipt for $50 was received from Mrs. H. D. Taylor, of the Home for the Friendless. SPECIAL SALE. Of Oriental Hugs and Carpets. During this sale besides a good many other bargains we will offer 100 Kana bag and Daghusttin rugs nt jr and MICHAELIAN BROS. & CO. LM Washington avenue. Lynn Shoe Sale. Murbu Bros.' failure, of Lynn, Mass., brings cheap shoes to Scinnton. The 5 Brothers bought the entire stock and distributed It among their different stores. Scranton gets 4,000 pair. A special Fale will commence toi'ay. Sat urday, October 10. at the 5 Brothers' shoe store, 508 Lackawananavenue. You 'red Them Xow. We offer special bargains In under clothing; we carry full lines of men's, women's nnd children's cotton, merino and all wool. We give the best goods for the least money. MEAR3 & HAGEN. Arc You (aoing lo Cnnton to Visit Mnjor MeKinleyf Don't miss It. Rate from Scranton, $6.4S. round trip, via Lehigh Valley rail road, Thursday," October 15. ' "I was run down in health nnd be came disheartened. I did not care to live. I began to tnke Hood's Sarsn parilla nnd found great relief." Mrs. Fannie Newcomer, Bells Landing, Pa. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. REST SETS OF Wi U Includinff the painless extracting of tenth by an entirely new proceu. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., H ytMtM.t Opp. Hotel Jtrmyn. restored to a Joyful, contented state of body and mind by this same great nerve nnd brain restorative. Pulnos celery compound is the great est achievement in modern medicine. Tt banishes weaknewa and pain as sure ly as its famous contemporary, the elec tric light, dispels darkness. Paine's celery compound frees the body of vicious humors that cause kid ney and liver complaints. Only a great remedy based on a deep knowledge of these diseases could do the work that Paine's celery compound Is now doing. Better nutrition for the nerves, an awak ened appetite, purllled blood and com plete assimilation these follow the conscientious use of Paine's celery com pound as surely us day follow's night. If you are alarmed by a throbbing of the heart, an Irritable stomach, or gen eral debility, be fair with yourself, use the best means there is, exumlne what Paine's celery compound is doing. It nus cured an astonishing number of men nnd women of Brlght's disease, rheumatism, neuralgia, heart nnd liver trouble. No sufferer can pass lightly over the remarkable record that Paine's celery compound hns to show to every sick and oiling person. Among the thousands of testimonials received this year is one recently sent by Congressman John C. Bell, of Colo rado, who says he has used three bot tles' of this best of all remedies for dys pepsia and rheumatism, with the most satisfactory results. Among the tes timonials received since January there have been no less than 16 from con gressmen from different states. i The value of a painting depends neither upon the amount of material nor time used in Its production, but upon the gen ius and technical skill of the artist: like wise the merit In fashionable headwear docs not depend upon the material or ac tual labor In producing It, but in artistic skill, originality and tasto displayed, by the desigimr. A careful examination of the rnre and beautiful Hats we are now showing Im presses one with the nnllkeness to tho Huts ordinarily seen, and makes the origi nality and exclusive design so highly prized, and which gives our store lis pre eminent position. The ladles of Scranton should not fall to avail themselves of this exceptional opportunity. A. R. SAWYER, 133 Wyoming Avenue. REEVES JONES, C0MERT PIANIST. - (Musical Director of the First Presby terian Church. Teacher of Piano, Organ nnd Harmony; Also the Art of Accom panying Taught. Studio at Resi dence of the LATE HERR KOPFF, 302 Adams Avenue, .Scranton. OTP How much prettiness, usefulness and satisfaction one acquires for little money in this department. Its great val ues create talk and brisk business. Sash Goods, in Dotted Swiss, etc., 10c. and 12c, former price, 15c. Irish Point Curtains. The greatest value ever of fered in this popular lace curtain, $1.50 per pair; others at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 per pair. Window Shades, all colors, in opaque oil shades, on good spring roller, 25 Cents. ' SIEBECKER & WATKINS, Lackawanna Avenue, Opposite Wyoming House. B0SCHIN0 TAKEN TO THE PEN. Sheriff demons nnd Warden Simpson Escorted Him There. , Joseph Boschlno was taken to Phila delphia yesterday morning by Sheriff demons and Warden Simpson and given in charge to the wnrden of th Eastern penitentiary to besln a life sen tence for the murder of Frank Confortl nt Hunker Hill, Dunmore, on Sunday evening. Nov. 11, 1SU4. Boschlno Is the second person from Lackawanna county to hnve his sen tence of death commuted to imprison ment for life. Frank Bezek was tho other one. Lynn Shoo Snle. opens at the S Brothers' this morning. 50S Lackawanna avenue. A large line of -foot ball-goods Just received; prices right. A. W. JURISCH, Hotel Jermyn. Ask Your Dealer for McGarrah's Insect Powder, 25 and 10-cent boxes. Never sold v In bulk, Take no other. Elegant dining cars and unsurpassed service on the Nickel Plate Road. Try Jordan's one-half minute stews. Anl Wi Sell the PLAIN COLD RINGS. lift We keep all sizes and shapes. BERRY, THE JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Avenuj, D URING tlie next few davs we will have on display a grand variety of New Fall Novelties in Ladies' Millinery. We sell Millinery at cut prices. When shop ping call and look at cur stock. All hats trimmed free of charge.- POWELUS flusic Store. PIANO SPECIALTIES: Chickering (The Standard of the World,) I vers & Pond (With Patent Soft-Stop,) McPhail (With Compensating Rods.) Norris Si Hyde (With Transposing Keyboard.) And other excellent makes. Prices and terms on application. Mil Hill IE GRANTED EVERY DAY U f Eli k Ill i OLSTERY J. BOLZ. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN Ski rts 1 Lot of Figured Mohair Skirts. 5 yards wide, velvet bound 1 Lot of Fin icy und Mixed Cloth, in all colors, vel vet bound S2.C9 $3.49 S7.59 1 Lot of Fine Dress Skirts, in silk and brocade sat in, latest out, velvet . bound 1 Lot of Fur Electric Seal Collarettes, trimmed . with Chinchilla, Silver Q7 J ft Fox und lUackinurtin,..- J I ii J 1 Lot of Electric Seal Capes, trimmed with 07 OQ Black martin 0tJ0 Have your Furs repaired by the only Practical Furrier in the city. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Auenua. niiif V Ladies' Trimmed Velvet Hats, regular price $4.os. Today Black Prince of Wales Plumes. Today Children's Tarn O'Shanters, regular price 49c. Today $2,39 25C 19c 10c Blackbirds at. ow Display HASLACHER'S MILLINERY, JI.LANGFELD, Successor, 324 Lackawanna Avenue, WHITE FRONT. Sixty Candle Power It is no use of having an old slyle lamp when you can get the best for little money. Call and examine our stock. 31 Penn Ave. Cpp. Baptist Cburco. Middle of the Block. WILLIAM $ MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORKER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOVRS from 7.30 a. m. to 9 p. 1 hour Intermission for dinner and upper.) Particular Attention (liven to Collection. Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. Your Huii- i Kespectlully seiicitcd. i elepnone 134. Bl HATS AT Dunn's 661 "-13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers