The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 10, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Photographic views of notaMe objects
ami parts of the city.
Also pocket maps. r
tbe desirable new books,
Ami tilt standard old books,
in tlic various bindings made.
Staple and fancy stationery
lor social and business uses
in lat ge variety
Depository of the liible Society.
Testaments, 5 Conts and I p.
r.ililcs. :5 Cents and I'p.
.Hook and Stationery Store,
Lackawanna Ave.
(Joocl Oats on tins crop.
We have as good as any
hod nvT i
We still have
Higher in price but
really cheaper.
Have the, initials 0., B. CO. imprint
ed in each ciftar.
Diseases of tlic Lower Bowel a
Specialty. .'JOS Washington Avc
Opp. Tribune lluiidiuj.
OFFICE HOURS 9 T0!2. 2 TO 5.
Itroiirtii tiloriou Time and the Hest
of Trenlinent.
Tin- Crystal ri'turned from their mi
nimi Jaunt yesterday swenrinK liy Jlid
dletowii, Xcwhurpr, Pouc.likeeiisie and
Passenger .Agent ThoniitH Fliloroft, of
the Ontario and 'Western road. They
f :iy they had a Klorious time und will
never set tired of talking of the dcas
iilil cxperlcncea of the past live days.
They left here Monthly mornlnir last
al lo."i'i with about ISO members it ml
mu sts am! the Lawrence hand, hnvins
it siietlul train decorated hy S. ti. Kerr,
Son A'- Co. They first stopped nt Jlld
tlletown for an hour, where the hand
eave a eoneert and then proceeded to
Newluira. where they arrived nt .1.S0 p.
i:i. Hi re they were entertained ly the
lire tlepttrtment until Tuesday morning
Inn they sailed down the Hudson to
West Point. Tuesday niuht tliey were
the sue.its of the Youiltf Ameriea Hose
company of finiKlikcepsle, where there
was a parade and hantiuet In their
honor. Wednei-tlay they returnetl Id
Midtllctown and were entertalnetl hy
I he MonhnRhen Hose eompany, jiurtioi-l-ntinir
in Middletown's bis parade
TltuiKilay. They were liniuiiieted
Thursday nluht at the Madison house
mid started for home yesterday morn
Inn Arriving here at 4.15 o'eloek p. m.
The Niagaras of Pittston who were
also participants In the Middletnwn
demonstration returned on the same
train with them. When this eitv was
ivaehed the Crystals took the Pittston
people In hnnd anil entertained them
lint II 7.'iO when they left for home.
I lie Aliniulity Dollar
always has had Kreot power al the .",
l:i others, but never lief ere as it will n?
tluriiiK the great sale of Lynn sho"S,
whieh opens this mnrnlnjr. tfatun'ny,
October 10, at he 5 Brothers' shoo store,
WIS Laekawanna avenue.
Our ladies' shoes for fall and winter
wear are something new. They arc
nude of a new liiilitweiyht material
called "Box Calf," and wc have them
iu lace and button, with good heavy
soles, so they can le worn without
rubbers if necessary. Box calf will
nut wet Ihroitijti and is besides, Rood
and serviceable. These shoes arc made
with the new toe, which is very com
fortable as well us stylish. ' We have
these shoes in lace, extra high, for
skating purposes. V'n a,s0 carr' a
full line of them for misses and chil
dren, made up with the same style or
toe. They arc the best shoes for school
that can be bad. We have them in
all sizes.
mm x spki
Monster Celebration of Father Mathiw's
Xrnrty Kvrry Town of Any Me Hp
I wren forest City and Undcton
Mill Send lit l.mitions of Purndrrs
II nd Sightseers tu Scrautou Today.
iMriilc ltuiini; I In- Afternoon und
Evening tit Laurel Hill 1'nrk.
Today is Father Math-w Iay and all
over tills county wherever the Influence
of tli.. ;nai ,-ipostlf of total nontinenc,
has sptead. celebrations are ot inK In id.
The Siiillil'iil ilioi c.-ie, whieh is one !'
Ill - sironrt'Si in the Catholle Total Ab-:-t
iiii-iiif union, wiil ("lebrate tin- day
with a union oai.ule. only a few of
which hie been held sinee the Mud
Uuu accident in lsy. after whieh the
custom of holding three puradvs in dif
ferent pul ls m' the dioeese was adoptfd.
There ale sl.iy-seven societies in the
Seianton uoion ami each oi' them w 11
participate in tod.iv'.s demonstration. It
is safe to estimate ihat .iMtO men will
be iii line, ami as trio majority of the
societies are mi ifofincii and well drilled
it will be a parade well worth ttccing.
Thousands of lsito.-s Will eiiine with
Hie paraders from ail the towns in the
two valli's l.ctwien Kote.t City ami
M. o'.Malley. of this elly. is pram!
niiiishr.l. and bis chief of .-ttirf is Sel 't-t
Councillor.)! it. K. Clark--, of the Slxlli
wind. The aids are 'iiii.u,i I'aniels.
C. J. Ito.vle. "!'. J. Muhnn, John tiilua;
lou, James .!. .Malion. M. J. MeHimii.
P. f". Cannon. W. It. .Ma liyali. .Michael
Kimis, John .1. Collins, .lo.n, .1. Mcllale.
There will be three divisions in the
parade. Preceding the first division
will be marshal ami ills sta.T and car
rlaues cunt'iiniUK citify, o'deirs of the
union, ex-i'csldentM of the uiilon, anil
holies' tenipeiaiieestM'leties. The ttiiri
t'eiee ,iiy,"rne cr.uuty soeii ties will
I'eiin the lirst division. Daniel t'allii
nher will cimninnii and will have as
his alrls Patrick J. MeCrath. licoim
.Mcl.iiiiHhliii. ilchacl Prndshaw. Frank
l.'eainlidi and .Michael Hoihii.
The second divisii n vill be compiS 'd
nf the thirteen Lackawanna c unity so
cieties from up the valley. Miles .Me
Andrew will be commander aiid Fiani;
. eCi.ft'rey, John K. Kvans, Daniil
I '.urns, l;. J
will be ui'ls.
MtUurl and P. F. Carrol
Tlv .sneleiles of Se'antoil. Dunmore
ami tow ns between hero and Did Korjr
numberhitr twenty-one. all told will
make up the third division. Tbn'itljy A.
McCoy will command ami hW aids will
be Jittnes A, Xiy. John It. Car o'l.
W. OW!all.v, J. J. H ster. ,T. ,1. Swe m y,
Tl-.otnas Heagran. John . McDotioush.
The lieatl'iuarters"i)f the frraivl ma'S'i
nl will be at St. Thnnvts' Cell 'ftf hall,
Wyominpr avenue. The (list d'v'sbin will
form on Wyoming avenue, risht rest
ine; on Mulberry street: the second di
vision on Vine street, rlrrht resting on
Wycminsr nvemte: tie third dlvlsl m. on
Mid'ierry street, rlthtfi stltiK on Wy
oming. The line of march will bo as
follows: Wyomin? to Spnic. tn Ftank
lln, ! Laekawanna. to Wash'tifrton, to
(lilson. eoitnti rmnrch to I.lndcn, to
Clay, review nt Poplar street,' rilrniiss
at Laurel Hill Park.
The parade will start promptly at 11
o'clock a. m. If the Traction company
hns not finished its ltpa'ring' at the In
terseetion of Washington avenue and
Linden street at that time there may be
a chnnse In the line of march. If the
work ean not he finished an effort will
be made to have at least half the i"n I j
cleared. In which event iho ncw.nt He
of march will be adhered to.
The picnic nt Laurel Hill Park will
be held under the auftpiccs of St. John's
socictyof Pine Brook. Kvery arrange
ment neerssary for the entertainment
of the guests have been made by the
picnic committee.
They Will Host for Poinls Tonight in
.Music Hall.
The ten round boxing contest be
tween Jimmy Judge the local cham
pion, it in I Michuel Leonard, the "Menu
Ihtimmel" of New York, lakes places
j at Music Hall tonight.
The men met before ami the decision
was n draw, which makes it all the
more interesting. Moth are In excel-
lent condition. The local man. of
I course, is u decided favorite. He is
four inches taller than the Xew Yorker.
weighs more and has a longer reach.
; Leonard has h oi more experience and
j is considered the best general.
Patrick Murnhy, of this city, will be
! referee. Llchanl Ravers ami P. J.
. Hopkins will second Judge.
) Mayor Pulley will summon before
; him this morning the managers of the
! affair ami will have them ovplnin what
; kind of an event the Judge-Leonard
bout is going to lie. Hp will hav" po
licemen on the stage to sop that it doew
i not descend to the level of a slugging
match, and he will permit il only on
the ground that it is coinlui ti
sotiarely scientific basis.
I on a
Produced nt the I'rotliiuhiiiu
Th cat re 1.- si iglil.
"In the Heart of the Storm," an elab- j
oratcly staged drama, was presented
before a rather small audience. (it th,-;
Frothinglmni last night. The first tu t j
Is laid in the Kverslades of Florida, the
second nt the Ponce de Leon Hotel, St. I
Augustine, the third on the Savannah
river, ami the fourth at Charleston, '
S. C. .
It does not really require four acts to
tell the slory of the drama, but Its
division enriches the drama with un
commonly "fine scenery and stage set-
tings and the prolongation of "In the
Heart of the Storm" is on that account I
pardonable. The work of the mem- I
hers of the company was fairly srtis- !
factory. If the Spanish ami negro d'a-
lects used be excepted. A toning down I
of tin; Gorman and Irish chtiraeteis ,
might also be affected with benefit to
the whole performance, I
The tlramn will be repented this af- ;
teruoon and evening.
Police Make n Haul on .o.2. l.nckn !
wnnitn Avenue.
Chief of Police Kobllng and Lieuten
ant John Davis made n raid last night
on another of tlrise places on lower
Lackawanna avenue, which girls of a
ti nder age are allowed lo frequent. The
oliicers had ii warrant for the nnyst of
Annie Smith, of 23 Lackawanna ave
nue. They found the proprietress and two
Inmates. Maggie Murphy anil Hay
Thomas in the parlors and arrerted the
three of them. Madame Smith was re
quired to furnish ball In the sum of
$.'i00 for her appearance at court. Hnd
the girls were fined $10 each, which they
paid. ,
Joseph Ka w znurltch p-id V f1 r
raising a disturbance ot a Muylo Hall
Charles Sloop, .of Shaniokln, a youth
of 22 summers wns railed upon to pay
S2 In police court ye:-tetde.y for stealing
two baskets of grapes from Hull's pro.
dttce market on Lower Lackawanna
avenue. John Clark, of this city, re
ceived a like fine for helping himself
to oysters which he found In n bag In
front of 310 Bpruce street, The fact
Ihut both wort- drunk at the time they
committed the theft caved them from
t'olns tu jiiil'un a charge f larceny.
John KuiUly rami up Lackawanna
avenue at 1 o'clock yeKterduy mrrniiiK
beating a dlwh ran. The assau t oust
him J&l'utrolman Cociiita performed
the arrest.
William Rces and Ausust ShrJKler
hurst In the )iam 1 of the (Ucr of a
Center street restaurant early yester
day mornliiK and aftet wards assaulted
the iroml.'tor and his wife. They paid
a line of $" each.
Clothes limited While lie Yins
ins About u I'iir.
Andrew Hawley. the yonmj son of
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Hawley, of
Wheeler avenue, was so badly burned
at .'l.:;o yesterday afternoon thnt he died
at x o'clock last nisht.
Near the Hawley resilience n new
house Is being erected and a tire was
started willi shavimis and rubbish
about the place by some boys. Youuk
liawley was playing about the tire
w hi n his clothes became in-nlted. In an
Instant he was wrapped in tlatne and
before they could be extinguished he
was bU'netl so badly about the body
that death came as a happy Jrelief at S
A carneiitcr who was eniiiloyed on
the 'new building had his hands badly
burned in ti yini; to save the boy.
youiiK flu wiry was three years and
six months of nw. Ills funeral will
take place Sunday afternoon and inter
ment w ill be made In Hyde Park Catho
lic cemetery.
Miss Ltoie Ann Davis and Will Fergu
son Braved Parental Displeasure
and Married.
The Thursday morning mail bore a
letter directed to ihvin Lmvis. or Prlc
F'.rev t, and when the contents had been
only iliBOSttd Mr. Davis knew for the
llrst time that he had a sou-ln-law In
the person of Will l'erf;usoi,a yotini;
man who on Wo.dn. s lay morning elop. d
with Mr. Davis' l!l-ytar-:dd tiausht'f,
Lizzie Ann.
The marriage took place nt ilelvidere,
X. J., where the two younK people were
ubL- to esceiie the strinKnt r.uptir.l
laws of Pennsylvania, and werewMl b'd
by an obliging; Proie. tant mln scr. Th:;
jtlrl, Lizzie Ann. told her parent. Wed
nesday mornins; tiiat she was about
to visit a relative In (liven KidKe. Not
Cic Idol fit h Himiitclini entered the
m;m!s of Mr. and Mrs. liavls.
.Miss Lizzie Ann dressttl in her best
1 f.hes and about n. in., she d -parted.
The next heard of her was the
letter arrived. Wednesday nILt wh 'li
their i ll i ; I il hi not return home .- he wits
usually punctual Mr. ami Mrs. Uuvls
became nlatined. Then for the first
lime, puttitiK two ar.t! two,
they suspeeicrl the truth. Ferguson ha I
li.n a reaular vhjtor at the Davis
home. Mr. Davis did not approve of the
visits and one eenins ho plainly toM
Fci'Kiison so. When seen last niffht by
a Tribune reporter, Mr. Davis was In
tin unailateil He ditln't mean, h
Haiti, to mourn over the spilled lactael
tllil.l, anil was wllllns- to talk. He
scouted the Idea that he had selected
another ymtnir man with a block )f
bcuses as a husband, for Mis Lizzie
Ann. Ho didn't like Fei fru.-oti ; that
w.i.i all. Mrs. Cavis, nlt. ili 1 not seem
much dii'turbtjd. She pave the facts re
prrted lvre and hinted that the letter
front Mi.-is Lizzie, who is her step
tlatiKiitcir, besRed fotKivcne?s and ex
pressed t egret that she had Ku deceived
her parents.
The young people left the city on n
moi nlmr train and In tin. of m-nnmi thee
were man and wife. They will re-
turn next week. Ferguson is n stone
cutter by occupation. He boards with
Dr. Sutton, a relative, on Chestnut
I'tXiniony Taken in the Gcrlnck C'
Hcforc Judge likwnrd.
Therewns a heating In a divorce ctse
before Judge Kdwar s In chambers yes
terihiy afternoon. Mrs. Lottie Smith
Cieilock was the libollent. and was rep
resented by Attorney Kdward Merri-
tleltl. y'.ttornty Al. A. Motilnley toolt
stenographic notes of the testimony.
She testified that her husband, Paul
licMock, tl'rfitetl her over two yea
ago anil the lust time she heard of hint
be was workiiiL'- in a butcher shop la
.Montrose. His treatment was cruel
and sometime b irbart-us. I Mice he to ik
htr down in the cellar, tied her to a
post with a. rope, und waft going to
set tne Poit.-e utile.
They lived In liaymoml court and on
the West Side, niitl there was evidenc
by witnesses who knew thcin in l "tu
places to corroborate her story against
her husband.
V. nslhe oiilnictor Who lireclcd the
Lati.awannn County Court House.
John Snallh. the contractor who
built the Lackti wanna county cou'l
bouse, tlit il on Tuesday nt tils home in
Vonkers. X. V. lie once resided in this
Mr. Snallh erecltd
Presbyterian ehurcli, tin
the Dickson works and
large Scranton stt net tires
lo reside In Albany w her
conlvacls for extensive
cai'llal Imililiil-j.
Ill" Second
addition to
many other
. He left here
be executed
work tin tlic
T he VV tc ,t niiaiil
Scel.s the public through the
means of a live morning journal,
and does not wait for some chance
or forttiltioiis incident to inform
the people of the new bargains he
has for the buyers. Shelf-worn
goods never Inventory their mar
lad value. If you advertise in the
Scranton Tribune you will have
none to inventory, at least your
cash drawer will represent some
thing that is more tangible.
1 tiunit .V.-ilch TnJ:iy.
! Atittoit match will be pitched at
I i'DoncIl.i' liOtrl.tirnrsy Island, this
: afternoon m I o'clock bt twt en Thomas
Middl-toti and Stephen .Macken-I for
.Ht u side. The conditions are 10 yards
I In soft sticking t lay ends. Two Inch
litis anl live pound quoits.
Today' Opening
of the great Lynn shoe sale. It will be
a regular cyclone of low prices arol a
down pour of bin gains. Remember to
day wi:i be the opjiiln-i. ii Hrothers. Vis
Laekawanna avenue.
Leave Buffalo fi.:!5 a. ni., arrive Chi
cago 9.00 p. in., via Nickel Plato Road.
' Try Jordan's one-half mlnuta stews
From fifty cents to three dollars
saved by purchasing tickets jia the
Nickel Plate Bond.
Fi'l.t.KTT. Tn SiTiintnn, Pa.. Oct. S, 1st!,
Miss Adelaide Folleit. at her home, lnj
l'i'oneet avenue. Funeral services on
Stim'r y, Oct. 11, nt 2 p. in. In St. Mary's
ciiureh, Inieriv.tnt in No. ." cemetery.
WILLIAMS. In Keriinlon, Oct. S. t-SPit. of
fliidcra inrtiptani. Nell Hmtle, son of
Khenczer Williams, iigei) . mouths. Fu.
nei'itl at II o'clock Huturday afternoon
. from the resilience. 1020 Hampton tro-t.
UK VAN. At Clark's Green. Oct. 9. l,
Mia. Mary I., f.ievan, relict of the late
itev. Isaac llevan, D. D., aged (7. Fu-
. neral arrangements later.
Not Many of Them Remained to Enjoy
the Excursion to Farview.
Perhaps Sot Over One Hundred Mid
Fifty of the threat Army of Drlv
KHtcs Spent l.nst Might in the Cily.
Siatetacut Issued by He v. (ieorge
K. Cuilil, President of tbe City liu
dcuvor I uion.
The Christian Kiideavor ton vent ion Is
a thing of the past. It ended with the
three sessions of Thursduy night and
Iherv was not much left yesterday n
remind Scranton Hint the big gathering
had taken place. There were iis me
mories, of course, but little else. No
crowds remained nor were there any
other material reminders.
Throughout yesterday the licadiittaii
ers of the committee of 'hi! in the Young
Men's Christian unsocial Ion building
were practically leserted. The mem
bers of the main executive body were
evidently resting from their labors of
the nasi few weeks.
During Thursday night anil yester
day morning nearly all the Visiting
delegates began their Journeys home
ward and there were fiw who went on
the excursion to Karview. Most of
those who made that trip were Seran
toiiians anil they tlltl not number over
seventy-live so the excursion can
hardly be termed one of the teat urea
of Hie convention.
No mailer what might be raid of the
successes ef the convention in its var
ious depart nit ills, the good showing of
the financial sitle f the big gathering
was highly satisfactory. The financial
committee, of which Attorney J. W.
Drowning is chairman, has enough
funds to meet all cxoeiises and that Is
more than can be said of the state con
ventions that have been held in Penn
sylvania cities during the lust few
years. The sucocsh in the money line
Is one which cnues the convention
management n grout deal of satisfac
There remained in the city yesterday
perhaps 1."i0 sight-seeing delegates. A.
large proportion of these wanted to In
spect the mines ami many of them
were given the opportunity through the
forts of members of the committee of
'!'. but at midnight the city did not
contain more than a handful of strang
er delegates.
The following wns Issued yesterday
by liev, (leo. K. tluild, president of the
Scranton City Kndeavor union:
Tti Pastors and Presidents of Kndtavor
Societies nf Scranton City liilun:
The Stale Kndeavor convention of 'M
Is now it a event of the past.
.Itid.lag from the registration of dele
gates, Il meal's that at least live tiio.i
sanil Kiiilravorers from all onrts of our
state attended stone of the sessions of the
convention. At the closing hours of the
convention one of the state olllcers said:
"The convention has been exceptional for
Its deepening and up-llftlng spirlt'Jil
The devotional exercises, addresses, con
fer, nee, rallies, sinuiug. fellowships, were
Just so many Inspirations. Now for ac
tion. Through the kindness of the city
m ess I St nil this n Tier-convention coun
sel of greeting to all Kndeavor societies In
our riei anion union. Let oihVers, prayer
mettiiiK nml lookout fouiniitlees meet in
once Willi their respective pastors and
promptly iilan roine tlctlnlle work. Let
each pastor uml society plan for them
selves, but let It be along a clear-cut,
specific line of Immediate action for the
Master and Ills church. A series of aft'-r-cr.n
vent Ion meetings next week, special
liMkoi.k committee work nml rern we I
personal endeavor are simesled. Ill some
ili llnilc way let the real power anil en.
thusiasin of the splendid convention erys.
talize or focalize into devout intelligent
and persistent effort.
"Let all the soul w ithin yon." "For '.he
truth's sake go abroad." "Strike, let ev
ery nerve and sinew." "Tell on ugesi tell
for Ood."
Itev. Oeorge K. Guild.
President Scranton City Kndeavor I'nlon.
Scrantoii, Pa., Oct. 9, 1Mi.
It t un lie Obtained nt Republican
County Headquarters.
There Is n scene of much activity
about pcpubllcan headquarters these
dnys. For several weeks there has
been a. great demand for campaign lit
etalure and up to this time over 2t).oo0
documents containing Information de
sired by voters have been distributed.
About 20,000 documents are now In the
possession of the committee anil w II be
distributed throughout the county.
The documents' arc: Speech by Thom
as H. It 1 at Old Orchard. "The Coal
Miner's Vote:" "A Silver Symposium."
pamphlet; "The New Uevlew." Monthly
Journal; "Stock Arguments of Free
Coinage Men Annvi -red; "A Word to
Iron and Steel Workers:" McKinley's
Why let yonr home and basinem tn dettroy.
ltd throngn strong drink or nwrihtao when
vu'i can ho cured in four week at the; Etelny
Institute, 7S8 Mittlison ntmiio Hera a ton, Pi.
Hie Cur Will Bear lavMtigatloo.
7c Apron Ciinghams, 5c
5c Indigo Blue Print, . 4c
ioc Outing Flannel, 8c
10- 4 Cotton Blankets 43c
1 1 - 4 Cotton Blankets, lieay, 59c
6c Brown Muslin, Vi
25c Swiss Em. Handkerchiefs, 12.c
35c Ladies' Vests, 25c
$1 Gents' natural wool shirts, 75c
We are giving the best bargains ob
tainable in Underwear and Hosiery.
Letter of Acceptance; Carl Schurz's
Chicago speech, "Horse Sense." Speech
of lion. L. D. Apsley on "Protection
and lteelproclty," "Four Neighbors
Talk on Money and Silver," T. V. Pow
derly's New York Scech, "Why Not
Coin Pig Iron?" "The Losers by Free
Coinage," "Free Coinage Catechism,"
"Sixteen to Due Rules of Hatios,"
Speeches by MeKinlcy und Bryan on
the Tariff In Congress, Documents In
German and Italian, Republican Na
tional platform.
These documents will be sent to any
one desiring them or they can be called
for nt the headquarters in the Price
building on Washington avenue. From
now until election the headquarters
will be open every day Rnd Secretary
James K. Wntkins will be present to
receive callers.
wkli. woum iif:ui:.
Three better orators than
" Charles Knioiy Smith, James II.
" lloyt and J. li. Wood ma usee,
ulin will speak next Thursday
evening at the grand Kepublic.iH
mass inci ting In the I'Votlilnghaai
theater, are not to be found. This
met ting will be upeli to all and cv.
cry voter will Had It worth his
while to he there.
Join the lixeiiriion
tn Canton via Lehigh Valley railroad
and hear Major MeKiuley talk on the
money question.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if It
fails to cure.
Next time yon go to Cleveland, Fort
Wayne or Chicago, try the Nickel Plate
ltoad. save money and secure unsur
passed service.
Prices tintl Styles too Numerous tn
.11 cut ion.
and too great to deseiibe at the spechl
sale of Lynn shoes, which will open
at the 5 Hrothers' this morning, until
midnight, ami plenty nf extra clerks.
.Turisch is rock bottom on ammuni
tion. Shot $l.i"; other goods in propor
tion. Tim King of Pills D Ececham'a.
Child's Sets
720 ('t gross) child's sets go on sale
today. Knife, fork und spoon In a
satin-lined box, three styles as fol
lows: White inelal, H piece set 10c.
Silver plated, :i piece set l!e.
Silver plated, three piece set, knife,
plnted on spring steel. A good, ser
viceable set such ns is never sold
for less than seventy-five cents else
where: These go at 3c.
TillO solid . silver thimbles. good
weight, all sizes. The regular X:
kind. For two dnys these w ill sell
for a dime, 10c. tnch. Positively
for two days ordy.
flood steel scissors: scissors that
will cut. Two days of scissors sell
ing. Price for the two days lite.
Syrup Cups
You'll soon ho eating pancakes
again. We've something nice In
the way of syrup cups to Interest
you. Ileal china, the genuine Japa
nese, and worth at least a dollar.
Today they go for Il'Je.
Hat Pins
1 gross silver hat pins, such as
usually sell for 2'ic, go on sale to
day at 10c. each.
Small Cups and Saucers
Japanese china cups and saucers.
Decorated in Colors, fin today for
tic. Cup and saucer both for uc.
Japanese Butter Dishes
Individual butter dishes; decorat
ed by hand; of them go today
for a cent apiece, le. each.
303 Lacka. Ave.
A large assortment of
Worth 50 Cents,
Monday only at 29c
Come and
415, 417 Lackawanna
ii n
Kockwootl, Tepiitz, Crown, Pair
point and chojee China for bric-a-brac,
is unlike textile fabrics.
Pottery is' long-enduring, the
hangings of u room may fade and
fray, but the bric-a-brac sutlers
nothing from the ravages of time.
Its colors maintain their bril
liancy; the transparency of the
glaze does tint dull by age.
Dinner Sets
II iu need of a set or a part an
inspection of our open stock pat
terns will pay you. x
134 Wyoming Ave.
"Walk in and look around."
Church and Concert Organist Pupil
of (itiilmant, Paris; Ehrlieh, Rcrlin.
Fine two manual organ at studio,
Mown by electric motor, foe organ
Solo Contralto in Concert, Oratorio
ami Mttsicale. Certificated Pupil
of Madame, Marchcsi, Paris.
School of Music, 520 Sprues St
Mrs. Katharine Thiele,
Voice Training, Solo Singing.
Ernest Thiele,
Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both
teachers at celebrated Scharwcnka
Conservatory, New York. Also otiier
competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele
is the successor to the late
I Welsbach I
i makes an incandescent electric
A lik'ltl east 11 shadow. Will really 2tS
give mora light, Until t bice of VI
i tliein tovethcr. ami do il with ffk
V half I tie iriis you now consume,
ci THP. HAS APPIIANrP. ffl ft
120 N. Washington Ave
See Them.
J i
Avenue, Scranton,
We offer about ;o Boys'
vpiece Suits, (short cants).
sizes 12 to 16 years, at, al
most nothing.
These Suits are heavv
weight, nice mixtures, and
formerly sold for f 7.00, $8.00
and $10.00.
Choice for
Look Them Over
However, critically. Try them on,
whatever your size or shape. Put
them to any test, however exacting,
and you will conclude, as hundreds of
others have, that wc handle the popu
lar clothing of the city and every
body buys at the same price.
We Have
On Hand
Also the Newest.
Also the Cheapest
Also the Largest.
Porcelain, Onyx, BtS
eliver novelties in innniie varmjr.
Latest Importations.
Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds,
fl. E. ROGERS,
Jeweler antl
215 Lackawanna fin
9 l
Monday Only.
Black Hohair Jacquard
Skirts, full sweep,
Black Kersey Capes,new
storm collar, strap trim,
worth $10.00,
Hisses' Colored Frieze
Coats, worth $5.00. -