THE SUREST WAY TO GET TRADE IS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TRIBtJWK Wfhtt MWiYhit tip.: . Bryan Helped to Kate tbe. Wilson Bill. Ha Said That Would Bring Pros parity. Did It? ii W. ".Til aft5i TWELVE PAGES S 4 COLUMNS. Cli ANTON, TA., SATURDAY MOKN1NG, OCTOBER 10, lbf. TWO CENTS A COPY Appropriate Specials for ATURDAY, SatlllllaV litis h'tlg bei-ll IWIlf- nUed iii the irailf us u day of small ' is. there ere so many little mills :iiiu ends sought for on that day. that wo have come to alesignato ll us above n iluy of sm.ill things. Tills is only nniuuil. For ex ample, tln-re lire kIovcs tn ninuii ! . t'u- m-w hi II suit, nr a new style I linllar which should also match or, form a pleasing contrast, or it i may lie a alre.'sy yoke a dainty i ruille or anything In fact to put the UniMiIng tiuu-h on a Stylish Cos tume. For This Reason we have decided tn make Saturday a day of SPKCIALS in tlmt lin.'. offering price Inducements which ought to a-ommniid the attention of ovtvy well dressed woman, while al the same ttmi' wo offer mi assnrt pn nl for selec tion w hich far out shines anything to he seeen else where. The New col Hairs are a distinct innovation on any thing hitherto shown. They enme m various shaiios. ami nr.1 made up from siilin nn velvet, with vmi lian or II. .niton lace trimmings or plain. The effect mi the vcrer Is charming, and their popularity is therefore tisspred. Among oilier shades are Hlnek, two Hrowns, Green, Nile IK-litmpo, Pink, Blue, etc. Saturday, 25 to 60c . Velvet" " And Satin Collarettes in entirely new conceits and fancies made up in combined velvets anil until: with elaborate pont de Venire nr Honiton lace trimmings. The shade list runs the entire gurmetii of popular colors. Saturday, 5Cc to $2.40 Star for cpe or dress trimming un questionably the loveliest Roods of their class we have ever placed on sale, and not one yard that Is not fully abreast of fusliion's most rigid requirements. Saturday, 75c Up The LatestVealies ' tR inch Russia. Tuxedo or Maline 1 veilings. riieniHo Jlots. invisible fnuteninss or plain styles. Saturday, 25c to $3.00 Fine Glove Special As a wearer of Kid Oloves, you know exactly what we put before you when we offer for Saturday only 0 D02EN Marshal Field's system Jay pen ulne Kid Oloves, with patent thumb and full 4 button lenplhs. . The hade are Illack, Hrowns, Tans. Heavers Satins, l'earl Oray, etc.. and the regulur value Is $1.23 a pair. Saturday, Only 89c Globe BLUE AND GRAY JOIN AT CANTON Confederate cad Union Veterans March Togcihcr Side by Sid;. SYV.UOL OF A RESTORED UNITY One ol' the Host li'tiiriii Occur ciu-es oT the Campaign li I'liactrd in .Major McliinlryN llouofllis Impressive Kriiiurks lo These Hint Oilier Visitors. Canton, (lot. . This was a memor able day In Canloli. The l-Mst Tel ia ssec Ueptil llcatis and the ex-Conled-eiiiie veterans from the Shcimndoah vulioy arrived before unnii. In addi tion lo the activity here, M:'jor MoKin ley was enabled to hear the !-hoiits and sound from the great demolish. ith'li In Chicago today, mid the tramp of the Inindr. d thousand marching men, ecliocd by Ioiir distance tel. phones In Major McKinle's study and in -Mrs. Mckinley's room. The teh-phonc com pany had pin a direct Chicago wile in to the McKinley house for use today, and there were twnlve receivers at tached to this end of it. The first delegation n arrive wis tlmt from Knoxville and Fust Tennes see. There were about .Imi Tinutssre AleKinlcy l!epubllcans in (he party, and they were all a-ntliusiiu.tic ami demonstrative. The spokesman was Fall I or William Kule, of Knoxville. Anions those in the delcivailon were the domirs of the law hickory stump which Major McKinley received soph lime ago from Knox county. T"tnics si e. The candidate today made Use of the stump .'or the lirst time. ONCH KOKS. .VOW FIMICXDS. The main Interest of the day en tered In the bit; delegation of ex-Confederates, which arrived at hall'-p'i"t ten. They wire met at the station by a law escort of old 1'iilon soldiers and the Grand Army of the lb-public band. The old I'nioii soldiers and the Con federate veterpiis mnrched up to Major MrKinley's side liy side and shoulder to sh.iiililer. Along the line of march they Were cheered at every step, and the decorations in their Iwiinv Were un commonly elaborate Hiel handsome. The members of tile Canton ( Army of the It. public posts wore their imifor:i:,a and badKcs. After the speakim; at the house n beautiful silk banner was presented lo the visitor ft .im Virginia, iiti it wits i bis in-ci iptlon: ' ' Presented or t'e- e-( 'ou'V't.TiU' vil-'ians of tbe Shena.ulo:.; valley by tl'.e I nloa vcicrarM of Canioii uido." ft. A. Cassldy, of this el y. made the I pro sculnlinn speech. The e-i '.eifedi r- ' au s arc binK vs rv K 'nesoii.- ly ei' l , hnd"onuly eate; lal'ieil. aril th" b si of fi. i'oiiv is tunt'.lfcMi d by both I'tdon j and Cont.vl..rale veie.nni. M'KiXl.KY Sf-IOAKS. In his addriss to the Ti iiniss .-e dele- j Katiun Mr. McKinley said: Men nf Tennessee, do you stand by tin- ! eine'.li h enunciated by ihe inivional I .laekson? Ho you favor a prnlivtivc tar- ' Iff anl honest money? (Lornl i lies nf "Vis, yes, we ilo." I am lad lo be as-sin-. -I by your voices that you have not ! Iiirnoileti the force and met it of Ills ureal example. Do ou believe In his declara tion for the i nforceatent and nuijesiy of public law? (Cries of "Yes, yes.") Are yii willing to com ni-om I. ihe si-eat tuiii eiilew he so Hieadfast ly upheld in defense of the constitution, the courts and the eiilzcr,? In whatever ol her particular we may differ from that sturdy old soldier, we must admit thai he declared fur three issentials to national well In lag I'rolce lion. lHui"-'t money and IcKislatinnai an Ihority which iie at the very fonadiiiln.i of our political fabric an 1 without wiii-'ii we eannut have peace, tr.itupiillty or pnis i. i lly. ( Inwiil- ti ever good citizen must li.-ariily concur. OTHKI1 VISITOKS. While Major McKinley was wailin"; for the last train of ex -Con federal o veterans to arrive a del-galion of .Via millers from Monongnhehi, I'a.. Iiiarcin'il up to tl.e huiise. Thomas I'ol loi k made a short speech of Introduc tion to w hich iMajor McKinley respond ed. The n;JJst delei.'aiiou w as also from I'ennsyh aii-m. It was ini-.ile up of el!l-ss-TS from Warren and Forest counties and numbered inu. Tl.e spokesman was C. I'. HiicUlln. Clinton county, Ohio, farmers, to the number of sail fol lowed the last Pennsylvania delegation. Clinton county is in the rich ug'-ieul-lur.d section of Central Ohio and its citizens are an, on,.- the most prosperous fanner.-- in the world. It Is a uirnng-H- pi.-'l Iii an futility. Thi ne fads were brought out by the spokesman. Judge A. W. Limn. Major McKinley hail not been untitled of the coniing of thb- dele gation and his remark w ere w holly impromptu. this rriiuc W!:li-i:i:. To the Moiiongnhela delegation Major McKinley said: I have but one alia, iny fellow cb Izeiis, and Mint Is Ihe public good: (Irene -minus cheering); the well being mm prnspcriiy of my fellow countrymen. I believe in its vast 'ami marvelous pos.diiilfl h-s aad I be lli Ve it is the duty of a free ami telf guverned people lo put noiaing In ihe pathway ot that progress. Iiiiviit ai,. i!.iil.-ei.' I believe, more.iv.i-, mat it Is tin- duty of the government of the l'nln-d Stab s to protect every industry ami rii terinise whether the farm, factory of the miner, from ruinous competition from any pari of Ihe world. (I'lies of "Thai's righi, goad, good.") I believe ill Anieriean work for Anieriean workmen. (A voice: "Vou're right.") i believe in the American market fur tile Anieriean farmer. 1 believe thai, what will bring as Ihe highest prosperity in every culling and walk of life is a Ju. iiieinus'ttiriff law to piolect the prcilitcts of this country against the eoinpi tiiuv products of t lie old world. (Orcut applause). I believe, loo, in a sound dollar. (Vocif erous rounds of cheering). Xobody was ever hurl by having money that was not only sound in our own country, but passed current in eveiy cuuntvv of the world. This Is the kind' of money we have now. and It Is the kind we propose to huve fur the future. (Applause). The speech which Major McKinley expected to make flist today was made last. The ex-Confedetate veterans who were expected to arrive at half past eight in the morning, did not nil reach Canton till 4 o'clock this afternoon. Th veterans from Virginia were met nt thr train by the Orand Army of the It public posts of Canton and Stark county and by the Union Veterans' Patriotic League of Cleveland and es corted to -the Tabernacle, where an elaborate dinner was served by the women of Canton. After dinner tiny marched to Major McKlnloy's house. Scores of the ex-Confederate soldleri walked arm in arm with the Union veterans prray uniforms and blue yr mingled In the parade. At Major Me Klnley's house the reception given the visitors was most cordial. Plugs and handkerchiefs fluttered from every window and Mrs. McKinley leaned out on the side from tt second story win dow and waved a smotl silken banner, '"lie 2.000 spectators on the streets and neighboring yards lifted their voice In a chorus of cheers and then from the Rreat delegation of southerner? roFe a storm of hurrahs the rid rebel yell transformed into a rairlot'c cheer. The checilr.K wh'.n McKinl-.-y appeared on the' stain! was prolopRO i and velmment. The speakliiK In behalf of the delegation of Cunfciif rates was done by A. P. Ftinkhousr, editor 'if a pai:r at Harrisonbuix. Vu.. ami t.eii. J. K. Holler. TO THE VtJTEI'ANS. When Major McKinley row.' to re spond to their eddressis he faced the most compact and one of the veiy largest audiences to which he has spoken this campaign, and altogether It was the most Impressive and plgntlli uut one. Major MeKinley was at his best. His voice was never clearer, never mole resorant. never sifted witii ureal:1!' carrying power than thlsev. ning. N ghf fell us he preached the Kospe! of peac and national unity, lie said: - .My Vellow CiUzf-nR: 1 rV'i,ireaie Ihe iieiieinns words .vio. ii have u -. a spokci ill your behalf by your cloiiu. nl spok-s-inaa. I Weieo'ac lo aty hoiee tne reie cs.'H terive of a :Maie nf proud api-esiral mem ories. Mlivat elieerinui. Tarice Welcome, nu n of Virginia--r.ien of tin- Saeaandouli valley, I hi ice weleoine the lies, i ll.lants of sii. li r.o'ile sires tu my Ilea, ill and home, (l.o'lil ehieisl. I'atriiitisni is not bounded by stale nr class or sectional lines. We are a reunited coiuihy. (Cries or "Vi s. yes," and liv meiiiliins applausi I. We have but one II i, the kIoMoum ,, l Stars and Stripes. (Trc meivloas yi llliiKi. waieh all of us love so well that we in an to transmit It in honor ami slory lo oer ebiler. u. aiiilh an I Miiuh. Secli.iiial!?.ni v.-is snrrenilered at Aopumai lux i.'ippluusi I, ,111-11 ill- years that ll..V lollotveil have removed whafevir liaeiiry re:;l-oanee ilu-n r.-niair.ed. In bed II anylliinu was needed to utterly and efl'eetually dextroy it. It i-as lieen 111 : nisned In tin- evems of the contest n.e.v iii'en a- fije ihe Imtinr of the Anier'e:--! name and thai permanent peace whieli Ihe dyiiiit pra.'er of lie- Ki'eat enp teln of our iirinles. ('lyases S. Oram, t Vo. cP'erolls eheerhitil. The spirit of fervent Americanism Is a'lr.iih! Oj :.,. ini-d sail no more eerncsi or sl'tei re Is t hi? si n 1 Inn nl la 1 lie luivi h than la Ihe oe'.:i. Tids year ihe words of yoiir 'eti aaiis' li e-on, nor n- on your brt ;u t Today. "Xo nurih. no .-oiuli. ni easi, 110 io-;;t. i!e- rr.loti forever." sounds forth like a hue.!.- nine calllr.K iatrlols toircther iind is an exori yslnn of the purpose of llie Anieriean p-opU both north and soiit'i. iTi einendoas a")ilaiiHe. I I'l 01 lahulai; l!b 1 rty. union iind honor as tin- hl--'!i aim of 1 very hiii vlvor of I'mt creat war nn cii!i--r U-, and of every pnlrjni In the cimniry. T!'.e InsiiiiinH and uncnniinerahle seiit-irn-iil of llii.s eaiapaii-ii is cirMry lirst, country last and roimlry with stainless honor nil tile time, tl'riis of "Hood, nood," l -.l-l (ireal elleeriiiol. BANK ROBBER SHOT. Tliriliing Attein-tt to Escape on a Bicy cleShot Himself Rather Than Be Tukcn by lie Pos::e. Wells. Minn., net. John D. Sail', who no doubt engineered the robbery at Sherbourne. Wednesday afternoon, is dead, .'-s also Marshal! 'lallieii. of t'.tm reft. Iowa. This bloody seipicl to. J-e Mart'ti county tragedy came a f -iv ii i!-.u;-'s uftei ! o'clock this mo.iiiii.. n a battle on the state line road it-'nr lOliiiorc Minn. A posse of lufi men :n e-.mnuuul of Deputy Sheriff Win d, i f M.ii'iih cut'tity. got on the trait of t'mr rhoiilv after daylight and tracked nlin to a lai iii house. Deputy Ward kim oil at the door and was answered by a woman, but before she had spoken three words Sail- rushed up behind her iind began bring over her shoulder at the ollicers. Hj. fired seven times in iiuiek sue cession, one bullet striking; .MaLsliai iinllien In the foreliead and killing bin) Instantly. The desperado then (illicitly ran out of the house by way of the I aek door, mounted his bicycle and dasln-d off toward the east. The posse caught sitrht of him and followed clo-;-behind. This, chase was kept up for four, mib'S. when Salr broke a pod:' I mi his whet I and took to the fields on for.t. As he ran across a corn field towards a clump of trcees. Deputy Sheriff Ward dashed up, dismounted, and resting his gun upon a tree, tired, the shot from lils Winchester taking effect in the rob ber's shoulder. The latter fell, it was supposed from ihe shot from Ward's gun. but when the posse gathered around him it was found that he had shot himself In tl.e held, the shoulder wound being only a slight one. I pun examining the body tin- i-bicets found a portion nf the money stolen at Sherburne in an inslib' pocket of his shirt, the amount being about xiion. Kastened to a belt around bis body were two revolvers and a dirk. The bicyclists are being held fur Identilii-alion ai I'reston. Hluoniiiig I'rairii- mid list herville. Iowa. The man cttpiurnl at the last nann-d place best answers the description m" the other robber, l-'t-ed. I'ratl. and be v iii be held until olllcets can reach l-.'sthit ville from Wilder. At inn.. Prui.'s home RELUCTION IN WAGES. I Ten l'i r ( cut. Cut Ordered hv Vork Siiilc Cut pet iincei n. Jamestown, N. Y.. Oct. !.-- No -e Pt.i been posluonid on the doors of the carpet mills of S. Sanl'oid and Sons to the effect that a reduction of Ju per cent. In wages will be made on Mon day. The reduction will affect about 2.HW) operatives. Old Charges Dismissed. Albany, Oct. fi.-Tlie oft te eateii charges w liivh have b i made during the oast two years against ilenerul Austin l,i:h rop, as superintendent i,r state prisons, were dismissed today by lloM-riior Morton. In thus acting tin- governor lias disposed of 11 llleslIoll which has ll.ell liefore ihe legislature upi! himself for upwards of a year and a half. Ivory Arraigned Again. London, Oct. !). IMward J. Ivoit. alias I'M ward 1 . Ihe saloon keeper of Mew York, who is charged with aiding and ulitling In the all -ged dynamite conspir acy, was brought up again today on re mand at Dow Street Police court. Counsel for the Treasury depiirtiiieni called sev eral witnesses in attempts to prove the case against the prisoner. Sletunship Arrival. Xew York, Oct. !. Arrlver: Furst His marek, from Hamburg, Southampton and Cherbourg: Sciin.lla; from Hamburg; St. Louis, from Southampton. Sailed for New York: Columbia, from fhcrhnurx; Eth iopia, from .Vloville. Sighted, Opt. ".(). Ktrurin, Irom New York for (ueenstown and Llvcipool, passed lirow Head ui 12.03 a. in. Mill l.rt Hoiebcry Drop. London, Oct. n. The Parliamentary cor respondent of the Times liuils aiming the Radicals little dlspotdtlon to invite Lord Itosebet-y to , reconsider his resignatlo i. The rank and llle of the pnrty treat the In cident as one that was bound to happen sooner or later. riiil'ippiiie Troops Mutiny. Madrid, Oct. 9. A dispatch received here from .Manilla says that a company of na tive soldiers at Mindanao, an island of the Malay Archipelago, and second larg est of Ihe Phlllliilne Islands, has mutinied and killed Its officers. tiermnnic's tloatswnin Lost. Liverpool, Oct. . The boatswain of the steamship Oermnnlc, from Jew York Sept. 30, was washed overboard and drowned off the Irleh coast in the gale which has prevailed . WORSE THAN WAS AT FIRST THOUGHT Dramatic Slory of (lie Frightful Boiler Explosion at Danville. ONE POOR MOTHER'S TRAGIC FATE Sal uriitK Jlcr tlabv When 11 I'lyini: I'rtiKinciit oi' the Kvplodetl Hoilcr Swept Her and Her Iul'ant Into the C't'llur, Killiiitt Hotli, Hut Sptiriiis 't'wo (tlhcr C hildren. Danville. I'a.. Oct. . The boiler ex plosion last night at the Montour Iron works here was more disastrous and fatal in its results than was supposed si the time the accident occurred. I'ive men and nn infant were killed and IS men, a boy and a woman were injured. Of the injured several are likely t die. The lull list of fatalities follows: THK I'KAl). JoHN CASTLKMAN. Instantly killed. OLIVKK ami THOMAS CKOM- Kl.L. died i if their injuries. JOHN V. Ml'LLKN, Sit., died of his Injuries. JOHNSON LOVKTT, died ot his in juries. The Injured are: Mrs. Margaret Ilryon. fatally hurt; Hubert ltced. day foreman, badly injured; Thomas T. Kvans. badly Injured; Hush Yerrlck, fatally hurt: Moses Layman, aged 12 years, mnv die; Churles Hciner. Hunk berrv, William FUnex. colored. Thomas Miller. Hranilt. William Wool, Daniel Murks, Joseph Connelly., Hurry Mayer, Howard Delimit. Richard S. Hits, may die; tienrge Singer, may die; Thomas Williams, Joseph derringer, William licit inger, Patrick McC.eee, may die. HOnilUlLY SCALDKD. Resides being cut and bruised by Hying bricks, all the injured and den I, Willi the exception of Mrs. Hryon ami her child, were horribly scalded by the escaping steam. In one Instance one of the victims had both hands literally parboiled off at the wrists. Surrounding' the works arc a number of small dwell ings occupied by employes of the com pany. It was In one of these that the Uryon family lived. Mrs. Hryon was ill a sejond story room nursing her baby, and at her feel sat two i;f in r other children. Half the boiler wns hurled through the house by the force of the explosion. The mass of iron struck Mrs. Hi yon anil the babe nt her bren t. crushing In the Infant's hea l, and then fell through Hit! cellar, currying down the woman and her children In the wreck. The two children on the floor escaped with slight injuries, but Mrs. l'ryoii will die. Th's Is the second Mm that an ex) hiding boiler In the same mill has been thrown through the Hryons' house. The exact cause of the explosion has not yet been determined, but II is thought that It was due to low water in the boiler. The lires had Just been withdrawn in the urnace to allow of some rennirs being made. The mill walls were fairly riddled by flying bricks and the property damaged to tin-extent of about $5,i"i00. Last night's boiler explosion is the third of its kind which has taken place at the mill. The first one occurred In ls.17. when seven! men were killed and Injured. TORTURED BY TRAMPS. An Old Couple Near Rochester Beaten Into Insensibility and Then Tied to the Bed Post. ISocht ster. N. Y Oct. ft. Chief of Po lice Haydcn was this morning notified of a terrible outrage committed near the village of Holly, In this county, la-t night by two trumps. The victims of the outrage were Joseph Colbuin. V"i years of age and his wife, aged 70. The couple were -tortured in d f f crept ways by their assailants. In the hope that they could be Induced to tell wher? they had money concealed nb.iut the house. The couple, although fu hie. mude n desperate light for th- Ir morev and life. The thieves finally knocked them into Insensibility unil ransacked the house, finding 51. The couple were left more dead than alive, tied to the bed posts with ropes. A neighbor found the door of the lputse open thla morning and went In side. He found both insensible, but Hu man revived sulliclently to tell the story of the crime. MOORISH PIRATES' CAPTURE. The) Take n I'ri-ni-h Hark unci l ira" on n Spanish sicniiier. Malga. del. !). The Spanish merchant steamer Seville, which arrivi-d here from French Mediterranean potts, re ports that the French bark Cminthe, while bi i alnied near the Islands of Al hiicc'.nas. the Spanish prison selMeinent oil the i-oiils aif Morocco, was I cully atiacked by a lined Moors In boats. Tin- pirates bound the rivw of the lurk ami afterwards pillaged her. Tin- crew of the Seville succeeded In ri-sciilng one of the crew of the Corintlie and cap tured one boatload of Minus. When the Seville approached tin- Cor inthi" the pirates opened lire upon her, killing two men and woumlltig four of tlie Spanish ship's crew and eventually compelled her to retire. A Spanish gunboat has been sent to Morocco with Instructions to demand the release of the lirisoners and the payment of nn Indemnity, as the outrage took place Iii Spanish waters. MURDERED WIFE AND FAMILY. Horrible Crime ol' a t'nriiier Driven Insane by Trouble. Noblesvllle, lnd.. Oct. !). Albert Bray, nged 3D. a prosperous farmer and a very religious man, cut the throats of his wife, .his nine-year-old son, Cart, his two-year-old daughter, Kdna, and himself. The crime was committed between midnight and daylight this morning five miles north of here. The wife and children died without a strug gle, but Bray lived until noon today without regalnlng-eonsclousness. The deeds were done with a razor. Bray's reason was affected owing to sickness in his family for the past few months and some financial embarrass ment. VICTIM TO THE MOTTO BUTTONS. Young Society .Man or New York Loses His Sweetheart. Morrlsonvllle, N. Y., Oct. 9. A cra fur motto buttons has at last hud its legitimate result, and a young society man has been given his choice between "buttons" and his sweetheart. He choss the latter, but was untrue to his choice.' He was given a second chance, but he did not have sufficient self-will to with- stand the temptations held out by the terrible demon "buttons." His name is Ilich.ird Van Horn, her name is Miss ISertha Howe, and she Is the daughter of the wealthiest citizen of the village. Mr. Van Horn appeared iH-fore- his fiance- last night with two buttons on his coat, which he had over looked. One of them read: "Set 'em up again." The other read: "Don't care if 1 do." Miss Doit ha repulsed bis first ad vance, saying that by bis bin tuns she knew him and tbe company lie kept, lie could he nothing more lo her. All was over between them. "WIPED OUT BY FIRE. Coming, Iowa, Itciluccd to Ituiiis. Dun Man Iturucd to Death. Ores ton. Iowa. Oct. !). A report has reached this city that Corning, Iowa, bus been almost totally dcstnlyed by fire. An unknown man was burned to deuth. The loss is $::nn,0ui). - CZAR REVIEWS TROOPS. The Flower of the French Army Is Put Through Manoeuvres for His Special Benefit. Paris. Oct. 9. The weather at Chal ons wan rainy ami altogether disagree able at daybreak, threatening to mar llle eftect, if not absolutely prevent the review of the tramps in honor of the Cssur, but at in o'clock the skies had fleared. nnd the day was us tine aS could be alesileil. Tin fgraml review of the troops at Chalons in honor of the Czar began at noon. His Majesty appeared am horse buck, fronting the troops. President Kaure mid tha- ( 'Kiirina sat together in a laiidiiu. The number of troops . c vieweal i-ompriscd H.iino ollicers nnd lii!. 7.Vi privates, together with 1SH7S horses. Tin r. view w as a grand success. The Ci:ar, who wore the real caissack uni form, tiipeuri-d to be in excellent spir its ami displayed inu.di enthusiasm over the movements of the troops. At tin- which followed, the Czar gave a toast to the French army, alec luring llle unalterable friendship of the armies of itusslu and France. CHICAGO'S GREAT DAY. Nearly One Hundred Thousand Business Men Join in a Grand Sound Money Parade. Chicago. Oct. 9. Twenty-five eiis ago loaliiy the city of Chicago was laid waste by the greatest conllagaration of modern times. Today in commemora tion of that dreadful havoc and suffer ing, Chicago celebrated the rebuilding and progress of what Is now the second city in America. The anniversary was taken advantage of by local managers of the president ial campaign to make a. demonstration in advocacy of the continuance of the pnsi'iit national financial system, both lti'publicaiis anal Kold Democi.its join ing lances under the direction of the liitsiness Men's Sound Money associa tion In organizing a parade, Hie equal of which has never been seen in this or probably any other American citv. It Is estimated that nearly Iiio.ikii) busi ness men were in line. ROBBED BY MEN ON A TRAIN. Julius 4'osel, n. .Merchant, Loses 3,'i.- nt Jersey City. Youngstown. Ohio, Oct. !. Julius Cose, a wealthy merchant here, while boarding a Pullman sleeper nt Jersey City last night to return home, was hi Id up and robbed of $2,2.',0. Cnsel was walking through the narrow passage way next to the smoking compart metit.just before the trnin started when h" was held up by three men. one tak ing his pnekcthnok and the others try ing to secure his gold watah and dia mond stud, but w-re not successful. Ollii-lals were untitled, but us It was dark Cosel could not describe his as sailants. TO INSPECT AMERICAN RAILWAYS. ttiiHsiuii l'ii 11 ce Arrives nt San I'rnii risru on His Tour. San Francisco, Oct. A The steamer Iblxic arrived this afternoon from I long Kong and Yokohama. Among the passenger was Prince M la-hue! KhllkofT. who is Imperial minister of waya and communications of Russia. He has come to Ainerii-a to Inspect il.s railway systems. j Will Not Suppress Turkey. ' ; London, (lei. 9. C. P. rtlir-hia- Coiiser I vu live Member of Parliament for Croydon ' and president of the hoard or trade In I he j Cabinet, sneaking at Cloy. ion liisl eveii i Ing. said that he was able to declare that I the ei. vi rumen t policy was not to suppr. -is I lie Turkish empira-. lint Men-operate wilh i the naiwers lo secure a better svsleni i f I goveriimi-nt. with Kto-openn gnaranlee for j both Christian and Mohammedans. "Wk ! arc not going to launch u war," said Mr. Hitehie. ' ! Maims .-..HHI,(l()( Dniniiucs. San l-'raneiseo. Oct. !). A sub eoni I iiieiic.-d lu the I'nited Stales I'lreull court by Herman Cramer, claiming f',iiii from the Singer Sewing .Machine company, prollis alleged In huve been oiade by the a -oinp my in selling machines Infringing on Cramer's patent. Im in licrlai ii Home Again. London. Oct. !). The Right Hon. Josi pit Chuiuiii-rkiin, si-ci-elary of stale for tho felonies, was landed at Liverpool yest.'i' diiy nil u special tender unon his 'return from ids visit to the Cnited Suites, I'cniiile Sudrnge in Australia. Melbourne. Victoria. Oct. 9. The Assem bly, lifter an all-night sitting, passed the second rending of the bill establishing female suffrage and "one man to one vote." THE aKWS TINS MOKMXti. Weather Indications Today; Fair and Warmer. 1 MeKinley Has Numerous Visitors. Bryan Stumping the Hakntas. Story of the LUinville Boiler Explosion. 2 Pun's Weekly Trade Hevlew. Wall Street lie view and Markets. 3 (Local) Thousands Will Parade Today. Departure1 of Christian Knileavorera. 4 Kditorial. John Locke on National Finance. 5 (Local) William Connell and Major Warren address Young Republicans. (5 rathetlc Tale of the Many Celeste. 7 Suburban Happenings. 8 (Local) Doings of Society. News In Scrunton's Religious Circles, 9 Wonders of the Queen's Dominion. How Free Coinage Worked In the Past. 10 (Story) "The Lady of the Bed Admir als. 11 Tragedy of a Longboat. , IS News Up and Down the Valley. FROiM IOWA INTO SOUTH DAKOTA The Popocratic Candidate Swings Rapidly Round the Circle. STILL THRESHING OVER OLD STRAW Charges His Opponents wilh I'.vnsion mid Intimates That He Is the Onlv I'oliticiuu ol' the l'criod Urate K.iioiiv.Ii to Cull a Spade a Spade. Sioux City, Iowa, Oct. 9. It was rain ing hard, a chill Id rain, when Wil liam .1. lirjati reached h-re after an all night's run on the Northwestern rou'l, from Marshalltown, at 10.1) o'clock this morning. He was escorted to the big train slu-d of the 1'iiion passenger sta tion and mounted on u truck addressed an audience of severul thousand hud-dh-d together there. After un intro duction by Judge Van Vv'agen. a candl- ; date for congress. In tbe Klcventh Iowa district, Mr. liryan suid: If our nppuneiits ara right in the decla ration that the gold standard ought tn be lualiiiaiiieil in this country until foreign nations consult to Its abaadoniiu-nt then, my friends, the a-lection of un advocate of fi coinage would be an Injury to the eouiury. It, oil the other hand, we aro right in our eouti 111I011 that ihern can bo no priiuiiieiit relief until we have re stored silvi r lo its ancient place and per mitted it lo enter the mints oil equal terms with gold. I say if we are right, then tho maintenance of ihe gold standard is a crime against lliu Ana-rieuu people. (Cheers). CHAllGKS HVASIOX. Ill the discussion of a great question like lids there are several things whleh throw light upon the controversy, if you go into court and Iind a witness who is will ing to clearly slate what he knows, who gives his testimony without evasion, you bclli-vo that be is an honest wltni-ss. If on the other hand you find u witness who deals in ambiguous phrases, who attempts to evade ipiosiions and who attempts to coer 11)1 his ideas with words of a double nieanliiM, you doubt the honesty and sin cerity of tin. witness. So, in 11 eolilroversy like this, when our pcopla- who advocate free coinage openly deelare what they waul, why they want It and how they a-x-picl to gel It; when they give you rea sons for ineir fuiih. you have a right to have cunlldence in the honesty of their purpose. Hut when our opponents try to secure a gold stamlaril wiiliout daring to advocate It, when they talk abut sound money, when tiny mean gold, when Ihey talk about an honest dollar, when they mean the most dishonest dollar Ihero is in tin- land today (ehea-rsi. you huve a righl to question their sincerity. My friends, men who have n cause in which 1 hey believe are not ashamed to state their li.-lief, and wha-11 you tind written on Republican banners Dial, deeept la phrase "sound money" you have 11 right to be lieve that the men who use the term use P bavauso they are not willing to tell the American people what they mean by sound money. (Cheers). At the conclusion of his sneech Sir. Rryuu returned to his train and left aiver the Chicago ami Northwestern for Sioux Falls, B. D. IN SOl'TH DAKOTA. Sioux Falls, S. D., Oct. . Klk Point was the lirst plm-i' where tha- liryan special stopped after It crossed the Mis souri from Iowa into South Dakota, and the crowd that had braved the ruin to see tha candidate, heard him make a lit tle speech. You will see men who handle money und own money and change money, who ale anxious for moni-y to rise In value, ha- said, you see men who handle corn and raise corn who are anxious 10 have corn rise in value. The pa-ople who raise a-rn have a rigid to protect themselves and lo pre vent an additional fall 111 the price of corn. The more nations there are which ile um nil gold, the greater will be the dillia-uUy lo get It and the more of our corn will it buv. If your taxes would fall, if your ib bts would fall us your corn fell, you might he able to get along easier. I be lieve llie time has come when the far 111. r Is called upon lo alefeiul himself und his family and his people around him by the use of the ballot. Ruck Into Iowa again and another speech was fciven the people at Huw firdcn, where great enthusiasm was slwn. The suggestive name of Can ton was that of the next stopping point. Canton is in South Dakota. Major McKinley had friends ther-, some of them wearing hats of gola'cn hue and a few shouted for the Repub lican candidate, when Mr. Bryan con cluded his remarks. BANK CASHIER'S SUICIDE. Spci ula'cd in Stocks, Stole und Lost 9150,000 and Shot Himself. Gloucester. Muss., Oct. 9. Treasurer George K. Marsh, life and soul of the Cape Ann Savings Hunk, whose depos its are more than $:!,ir"i,0ii(), und trus tee of funds umouiiling to $ .uu.eiiii more, including thone aif th-. hospital, and Gilba-i-t Old lioiiu-. a ainitnit ted suicide by inn his brains with a a-arbim-. Gilbert People's blow ing The bank exatnimil ion was in pro gress and he had an appointment to meet flu- Iritsiees. When they met th'-y found a note saying that Mr. Marsh's boily wiuibl be found nt Ills summer house, at Aniilsiiiiani. Tha' shoring!' in tin' funds is now i-Hlininta-al at $1."i).iH)il. which, besides his privalo foil una- aif Sfnn.iiiiii, bus I n sunk In st oes sni-i ulu I ions. He was hit es pecially hard by August's money strin gency. STRIKE A RICH BED OF GOLD. Cliicatio Men luleresled in ii I ind nl Hi'iidwood, S. I). Deadwood, S. I).. Oct. !. A rich strik? was made yesterday at the Gold King lode of the Kua group on Sitmiw Creek. In running u drift on the blanket for mation the miners struck a well-de-tincd vertical vein over twai feet wide that runs over $luo a tarn. The group Oautslsts of seventeen claims. Another rich strike was clso made on tin' German-American Mining com pany's property at the head aif Black Trail Gulch, owned by Chicago parties - The Sanilac Sale in Port. slitiibiiln, O., Oct. !). The steamer San ilac, which was l-cnorteil lost on Laki' F.rie, came lino this port yesterday morning and was wind hound here all day. She was caught b) the storm ofT F.rie, Wednesday niglil, nnd compelled to drop her consort, the schooner Oneonta. She was ba-llv shaken up and her furniture damaged, but the loss will not be heavy. - - liici-ndiur) Shot Dead. Lima, Peru. Oct. 0. via Galveston. Yes terday ut (iiiuyaapill an Incendiary was cuughl In the hc and was shot. All Is quiet here, nnd the government has up pointed committees to assist and to fe".l those who are left in u condition of need by the great lire. Herald's Wciitiirr r'orccast. New York, Oct. . Herald's forecast: In the Middles States today fair weal her will prevail, with a slight fall of tempi ra ture and fresh northerly to brisk north-i-aslci'ly winds, becoming duugi rous on the coasts and followed y ruin In this Rectlon, with the movement northward of the storm In the eastern gulf. On Sunday: Partly cloudy to cloudy weather w ill pre vail, with slight temperature changes and high northeasterly winds and gule on the coaiu. . IN LEI Blankets Comfortables 10-4 Diana Hlankets White- or tan.$ .r.S 10- 4 Plaza Blankets White or Tun. .94 11- 4 Alpine Hlankets, White or C.rey 1.43 U-4Kingston Ulanki'ts, White or Grey 1.98 11-4 Bulgaria Hlankets, White cr Grey 2.43 10- 4 Chnska Blankets, White or Grey 3. 23 11- 4 Chaska Blankets, White or Grey 3.C.T 11-4 Siberian Blankets, White or Scarlet 4.93 10- 4 California Blankets, White. fiOxSO ; 2.73 11- 4 California Blankets, White, 70XS2 4.f i 12 California Blankets, White, 74x84 U.H) Kxtra- fine qualities in Californi 1 Blankets nt ?7.45, $S.2'i. 1.Vt, flt.On M50. $14.75, t6.45. Also Crib and Cradle Blankets in all sizes. Comfortables With our regular lines we offer this week 20 dozen SilkoJine Comforta bles, best cotton filling, size 70x80, plain edge, $1.29; with ruffle, $1.42. They are extraordinary value, as the material it self could not be bought at the price. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Busy o Busy Every department com plete, wholesale and re tall. LEW15.REELY k BAYIES 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVE. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FINE WEI1Y 1U CAN BE 5EEN AT .40S SPRUCE STREET When you pay for Jewelry you mltrht a well get the best. A fine ltns of Novelties far Ladle o.nJ Gentlemen. W. J. Wekhel 408 Spruce St. fmcklkz, Enamel fm Carriage Mats, ReyMlis fmt Cite, RcyneMs' WqM Finisli, Crockett's Preservative. Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Unseed Oil, Guaranteed Selling Fall Footwear.