THE ECU ANTON TBIBUNE FHIDAY MOBXIXU, OCTOBER 9. 189B. Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. ProbtbOity Tkat Rev. W. S. Jones Will oa Sunday Announce Hit Resi(na lion, to Take Effect at Oace. In all probability. Rev. W. B. Jones will, before the month is over, resign the patitorate of the First WelHh Bap list church. Mr. Jones has notified sev eral of the deacons of his church of his intention to leave the church and veri lled report says that the resignation will be formally tendered next Sunday nlRht after the regular service. The an nouncement was made In the newspapers of this week's issue that Mr. Jones had received a call from the Carmathan ilaptist church at South Wales. When this had gotten abroad it seemed clear to some people that Mr. Jones' resigna tion from the South Main avenue church would only be a question of a short time. It was thought that Mr. Jones would announce his resignation at last night's meeting of the church, but it was not done. Sunday night will almost cer tainly see the withdrawal unless, in the meantime, Mr. Jones changes his pres ent decision. The reverend gentleman Is very popular with his congregation. An effort will doubtless be made to have him remain. While on his recent tour of Wales Mr. Jones preached at the Carmathan church. POLICE NOTES. Nonstable Joseph Dean, of the Twen-ty-lirst ward, last evening arrested Jo seph and Llizle Lambert, husband and wife, on a charge of larceny preferred by Joseph Lambert, a relative. Thu case was amicably settled before Alder man Moses. before Alderman John last night Jo liarcyon, the crack pigeon shot, and James Stalk, were given a continued hearing, for setaling thlrty-tlve val uable pigeons from Henry Wlnthrop, of Kynon and Meridian street. Tha young men were held In $300 ball each, which was furnished. That poor weary wanderer with nn unsettled mind, who Wednesday night gave his name as Jacob Courtrlght, is slill In the West Side police station, v hero he was taken. The police au thorities are making Inquiries. RECENT NUPTIALS. Kvan Hopkins and Miss Hannah Rees, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John "t. Rees, of Hampton street, were united in murrluge Wednesday evening at the bride's home. Rev. J. (1. Evans, of Vamlllng, who is attending the Christ ian Endeavor convention performed the ceremony. About fifty friends witness ed the nuptial. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins will reside on this side. The wedding of Miss Ada Farrlngton, of North Hyde Park avenue, to William Tidd, of Taylor, brief mention of which was made In yestenjay's Tribune, was quietly conducted Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrlngton. Rev. Mr. King, of Taylor, was otflclntlng clergyman. Hride and groom were un accompanied. They entered the parlor while Miss Fannie Scott was playing Lohengrin's wedding march. The bride was attired In peurl gray lnnsdowne, trimmed with lace and ribbons. She carried Pearl roses. After the wedding a supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Tldd will live at Taylor. MORE LIGHT PROMISED. Common councilman Joseph Oliver, 'of the Fifteenth wurd. in last night's meeting of the lorter brunch. Introduced an ordimuice providing for the placing of nn electric light pule on Hampton street, below Ninth. This will be both nn Improvement and a misfortune, the latter to the crowds of loafers who In fest the place. The Fifteenth ward seems to be fortunate In having two energetic, councllmen. Mr. Fellows, of the select branch, has recently removed the obnoxious condition of bad sewer age at the corner of Hampton street und Main avenue. Fl'NERAL OF MRS. TAYLOR. The fiwcrul of the late Mrs. George Taylor, who was well known In this vicinity, look place yesterday. Services were held at 2.30 o'clock In the after noon in the Humpton Street Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. F. T. Doty preuched the sermon. The florul gifts were very numerous. The pall-bearers were: Richard Hall, John Hall, H. C. Hlnman and Lewis Hancock, sr. In terment was made In Forest Hill ceme tery. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins, re cently married, and now at Shnmokin on a honeymoon visit, have Bent word here that Mr. Jenkins Is at death's door, owing to a severe attack of ty phoid fever. The young couple have a furnished home on the West Side awaiting their return. Mrs. Jenkins wns formerly Miss Elvira Davis. An entertainment and purse social Will be held in the Jackson Street Bap- E IT Ml If 189 trf! MILLION patriotic voters have rcc II ognized the confusion of our pub lic politics, and are determined toinform themselves, and stand like patriots in the hour of their peril and vote to the best of their knowledge, for the best interests of the common people of the whole country. It means further that every voter wants to know, not only the doctrines of his own party, but the views of all other parties and the reason for the differences Gold, Silver, Tariff and Free Trade. To this end we have secured a complete handbook of public po litical information, edited by Lawrence F, Frescott, WHICH WE WILL PRESENT TO THE PURCHASE!! OF ANY MEN'S SUIT. TtlS SAM! lym Dealing Clothiers, of tb? Stibtirbs. tlst church this evening under the di rection of the popular Kidelian society, ty. The Misses Edwards, of Kingston, are visiting Mrs. J. A. Evans, of North Hyde Park avenue. Contractor D. 2. Nichols left yester day morning for New York city. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, of Columbia, are visiting Mrs. R. T. Eldred, of North Hyde Park avenue. The Lackawanna avenue and Robin son street pave are being rapidly laid. Miss Flora Morse, of Pleasant Mount, Is the guest of Mrs. Thomas Keller, of Wushburn street. The West Side Bryan and Sewall club held a meeting last night. The speak ers were D. P. Replogle and C. G. Bo land. A surprise party was given to Stan ley Phillips last evening In honor of his birthday at his home on Price street. A very pleasant time was spent. Miss Margaret Phillips attended to the serv ing of refreshments. West Side Business Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS. FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty; 1W South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. PHOTOGRAPHER. Cabinet photos, 11.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at starner's Photo Parlors, 101 and 101 Boutta Main venue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 701 to 70 West Lack awanna avenue. OFF FOR CANTON t The people's excursion to Can- ton will leave 9eranton tonight at 7.00 o'clock. Fare only $C75 for round trip. Return Sunday after noon, over the Alleghanles by day light. A grand trip and a grand speech by the next president at the Canton end of It. All aboard! (iKEKN KIDOE. Mrs. Frank Depue, of Penn avenue, left yesterday for Pittsburg. She wuh elected delegate to the Woman's Chris tian Temperance union convention be ing held In that city. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Guard, of Boule vard avenue, are spending a short va cation at Gibson, Susquehanna county. Mrs. Tripp, of Fordom street, has re turned from Factory vllle, where she has been visiting her Bister. A number of persons from this place attended the entertainment given by Miss Carolyne V. Dorsey, teacher of elocution and oratory, and assistants, at Olvphant, last evening. William Lynch, of Wuverly, has re turned home after spending a few days w Ith the Misses Clara and Minnie Bliss, of East Market street. Mr. Knowlton, of Capouse avenue, has been called to the bedside of his father In Hyde Park, who Is very low with pneumonia. Mrs. Jackson's Sunday school class of the Baptist church will hold an en tertainment in the Woman's Christian Temperance union room on Penn ave nue next Thursday evening. Bruce Leslie, of Norwich, JJ., who has been visiting friends In the Ridge, received a severe Injury to his knee while stepping off the platform of the depot near Montrose. Mrs. M. 1). Farnham. of Breaker street, spent Tuesday at Olyphant. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. There will be a meeting of the Nine teenth Wurd Republican club next Tuesday evening at Its rooms In Hart man's hall to make arrangements for attending the rally at the Frothing ham next Thursday evening. ('. W. Wcstpfahl, president of the club, hopes that every member will be present. An ordinance in common council passed two readings at last night's meeting providing for the laying of a llagstone sidewalk on the easterly side of Birch street, between Cedar nnrt Pittston avenues. This is nn Improve metu that Is very much needed. It also provides for curbing and guttering. August Haas, of South Wyoming ave nue, who was seriously III, is Improv ing. Peter Walters, of South Washington avenue, was knocked down by a bi cyclist yesterday near the corner of Maple street. He Is an old man, and though no bones were broken, he was seriously Injured. "I have suffered very much with dyspepsia and sick headache and I did not obtain relief until I began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla and Hood's Pills. I gained very rapidly after I began the use of these medicines." Mrs. J. H. Cartrlght, Qaleton, Pa. Hood's Pills act harmoniously with Hood's Snrsaparllla. Hattsri and Fumlsfwi n iSBBB. SSk PROVIDENCE. The Crystal Literary and Dramatic club rendered "Hickory Farm" In a capable manner at St. Mary's hall last night before a large audience. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Hannon. of Leggetta street, died yesterday. Interment will be made at Hyde Park Catholic cemetery Satur day afternoon. Mince Stoft, of West Market street, and Frank Farmham, of Nay Aug ave nue, left yesterday for Blnghamton to represent the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal church at the Ep worth League convention. Nicholas Baskwell was tried before Alderman Roberts lata eventng.charged by George Fanning with slander and using profane language. Both parties reside on Theodore street. He entered bail to appear at court. Mrs. Lew Manuel, of Pittston, Is spending a few days with Mrs. D. Da vis, on Margaret avenue. Mrs. M. J. Gerrity, of Wayne ave nue. Is seriously 111. The Anthracite Social and Athletic club of the High W0(ks wish to state that they are not the Anthracite Social club holding nn entertainment at St. Mary's hall tonight. They make this statement as they are running a bene fit ball for one of their members, Tues day evening. Oct. 13, ISM. and wish It understood that they are nownx con nected with the above. John McNulty, president; Patrick Martin, secretary. Mury Dougherty, of Wales street, who has been seriously 111 for the past six weeks, Is slowly recovering. Mrs. C. H. Miller, of Hartford, Sus quehanna county. Is visiting Mrs. Jacob Pulmer, on Church avenue. The Niagara Drumorps will hold a social at the armory tonight. Frank Russell, of Davis' drug store, is spending a few days with his parents at Deposit, N. Y. David J. Davis, of Watkins street, left for Pittsburg, Pa., yesterday. Miss Mary Duggan, of Mt. Carmel, Is visiting Mrs. Owen Loftus, on Leg getts street. nUNMOKIX. A very pleasant social will be held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, of Blakely street, this even ing by the members of Mrs. Simpson's Sunday school class, to which every body Is cordially welcome. Margaret, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Hnggerty, of East Drinker street, died yesterday morning from membraneous croup. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Pennsylvania Coal company will pay Its mine employes today. JUNIOR REPUBLICANS MEET. Addresses by William Con nell, A. T t'onncll and II. C. Kernolds. An enthusiastic meeting of the Junior Republican club wns held In the Cen tral Republican club rooms last even ing. Although this Is only the second meeting of the organization it gave every evidence of growth, animation and sincere Interest In the objects for which It was organized. William Con nell, the first speaker of the evening, in a dignified and convincing address ar raigned the free silver coinnge theory and the motives of Its promoters. He also, In a masterly analysis of existing conditions, demonstrated to the satis faction of all nresent the cause of the present commercial stagnation and money stringency. He maintained the tariff Issue to the principal one, and denounced the free coinage of sliver as n subterfuge of the Democratic party. In closing he thoroughly Impressed his audience with the importance of their votes In the coming election. Alexander T. Council, the next speak er, In a business like talk, teeming with truths and practical object lessons, curefully delineated the effect of tho present political uncertainty on local industries, and vividly portrayed the many leneflts resulting from McKin ley's protective policy. Attorney H. C. Reynolds in the final address of the evening, delivered an eloquent vindication of Republican principles. He dwelt upon the neces sity of protection, reciprocity and the maintenance of the single (fold stand ard. Seventeen new members were en tered, making a total membership of almost one hundred. Unvidow Bros.' Store Is packed with people every day, as the goods are selling so cheap. On account of the hard times and the fact that the goods are mostly unredeemed pledges, everybody realizes that they are get ting bargains. AVOCA. At the regular meeting of tho council, the following bills were ordered paid: High constable, $11; Patrick Cannon, J9.:'5; Frank Little, 15; Joseph Mc Crncken, $5; costs on nppendlng cases versus the borough, 119.0".; Michael Whalen, J2.&0; 1. M. Thornton, $17.08. A petition from the residents of Browns ville was presented requesting the council to grade the old rallwuy be tween McMillan's store and that sec tion. The certificate of the burgess' appointment was read and ordered spread on the minutes. E, J. Reilley was appointed chief of police, caused by the resignation of A. J. Healey, who will hereafter act as burgess. Treas urer Cannon reported having -a balance of $1 .1-13.62 In the treasury. Attorney McOahren was retained In the cases pending agnlnM the borough. A com mittee consisting of Messrs. McLaugh ling, Conlon and Hodgson was ap pointed to Investigate the bill presented by the Spring Brook company. Mr. E. C. Kcllum will conduct a se lect night school In No. 1 building dur ing the coming season. Misses Rose and Nellie Gallagher, of ntfston, were visitors In town on Wed nesday evening. Messrs. Nalley and McAndrew will conduct a dancing class In Herbert's hall, beginning Oct. 16. Master Anthony Clifford, of the West Side, Is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. The following Christian Endeavorers from this place attended the convention at Scranton: Mrs. D. Both wick. Mrs. James Moore, Mrs. M. A. Danks, Misses Lizzie Bothwlck, Snrnh Danks, Agnes Blggar, Jennie Wood, Carrie McDonald, Mr. John Connor. Revs. A. J. Wesley and E. L. Van Worsen. At a recent meeting of the school board It was decided that the high school class would be prepared for graduation. The curriculum at present pursued, compare favorably with the many excellent schools In the county and Avocn. The A. O. H., II. of A., banquet at Herbert's hall, on Oct. 28, promises to be one of the most sociable events of the season. The following programme will be rendered at the evening enter tainment: Opening address, Attorney McManus; vocal solos. Misses Belinda Dcmpsey. Lizzie Hlnes, Anna Whalen, Ella O'Bnyle and Messrs. J. J. Hanlon, M. J. Coyne, Anthony Ryder and James McAndrew; recitations, Miss Mary Maloney. William Jennlnirs and John Gwynn; piano solos. Masters Rob ert Webber and John O'Malley; terp slchorean specialties. Messrs. McAn drew nnd Nally. Supper will be served Dy a nrsi-ciass caterer. Mrs. M. A. Flock has returned from" Philadelphia, where she has been mak ing her winter purchases In millinery. Dnvldow Bros,' Au rt on Hnln Is drawing the greatest crcwds; no such opportunity to buy watches was yer before offered in this city. A GOOD PRACTICE. If Yon Want a flood Appetite and Perfect Digestion. After each meal dissolve one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In the mouth and. tnlna-llne- with the food. they constitute a perfect digestive, ab solutely sare lor the most sensitive stomach. They digest -the food before It has time to ferment, thus preventing the formation of gas and keeping the blood pure and free from the poisonous pro ducts of fermented, half-digested food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets make the complexion clear by keeping the olood pure. They Increase flesh by digesting fesh-formlng foods. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the only remedy designed especially for Vm cure of stomach troubles and nothing else. One disease, one remedy, the success ful physician of today Is the specialist, the successful medicine is th medicine Prepared especially for one disease. A whole package taken at one time would not hurt you, but would simply lea waste of good material. Over six thousand men and women In the state of Michigan nlone have been cured of Indigestion and dyspep sia by the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Sold by druggists at 50 cents per pl.ckage. Send for Free Book on stomach dis eases to Stuart Co.. Marshall. Mich. BALTIMORE WINS. The Champions Take the Temple 2up Serieg"-Corbett Invincible in the - Box for the Orioles.' Cleveland, O.. Oct. 8. Baltimore won the Temple cup by winning today's game from the Cleveland. The game was a tine exhibition for six innings, neither side scoring during that period. Corbett was In the box for the Orioles nnd wns invincible. Cuppy pitched beautifully for six Innings, only four hits being made off him up to the sev enth. In the seventh a double, follow ed by a long single and three outs re sulted In two runs. Corbett singled In the eighth and Keeler nnd Jennings doubled and Doyle singled, three runs being scored. Weather very cold. Score: CLEVELAND. . . .. A.M. It. II. P.O. A. E. mirscii. II 4 0 u 3 0 II McKean, ss 4 U 1 1 .1 0 . niWB, 2t 2 0 1 3 0 1 .MCAioer. cr 4 0 0 3 1 0 O Connor, lb 4 0 0 it 0 0 '.iimner, c 3 0 0 2 1 1 .Mel .hit. 3b 4 0 1 0 2 0 llluke, rf 3 0 0 3 0 0 uppy, p 3 0 1 0 2 0 'Wullace 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 0 4 21 W "I Batted for Cuppy In ninth. BALTIMORE. A.H. R. H. P.O. A! E. .Mourn w, 3b 4 0 o 0 1 0 Keeler, rf 4 1 3 0 0 0 .leiiiuiiKS. 8g 4 112 4 1 iveiiy, ir 4 11 10 0 Doyle, lb 4 1 2 9 2 0 Rolls, 2b 4 0 1 3 0 0 Broilie, cf 3 0 0 2 0 0 Robinson, c 3 0 0 0 1 0 Corbett, p 3 13 12 0 Totals 33 5 11 27 10 1 Cleveland 0 0000000 O-O Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 x 5 Enrned runs Baltimore !i. ' First bane by errors Cleveland 1. First bnsie on balls Off Corbett l. Struck out Bv 'iipy 2, by Corbett 8. Two-bane lilts Keelnr, J.n nliiKS, Corbett. Double plavs Mt-Ah-er and O'Connor. Stolen busey Burkett. Me Qarr. Blake, Ohll.ln, Corbett. Duyle . Time Two hours, empires Sheridan and Kmslle. Attendance 1,200. REVISION OF THE RULES. Messrs. Illeuilt and Hccdy Issue n Manifesto lo Democrat. Chairman E. F. Blewltt and Secre tary D. J. Reedy, of the committee ap pointed to revise the rules for the gov ernment of the Democratic party, have Issued the following frank stutement to the Democratic voters of the county: The committee on the revision of rules for the belter government of the Demo cratic party of this county have hud their first meeting. It is our Intention to sim plify the rules und as fur as posslhlu to leuve the management of the party in the people's hands. Too long has it been otherwise. Thut there may not be any misunderstanding us to the Intent of the committee to consult the rank and tile of the party lo participate In our deliber ations we hereby extend lo ull persons In. terested In the future welfare of the party to suKRest such rules and amendments as lo them niuy be suitable to udopt. Thu committee will be pleased to consider anything presented them In this line and should the deliberations of the committee fall to meet the approval of the party within the county, we shull feel that It not because they failed to do their duty by Inviting the party to assist suggestions or amendments. "Too long has It been otherwise" Is a sentence that many of the Demo cratic leaders do not like, nnd Mr. Blewltt will be asked some pointed questions. PICNIC AT LAUREL HILL Mt. John's Society, of Pino llrook, Will Entertnin Trinpernncc Men. Ample provision has been made by St. John's T. A. B. society, of Pine Brook, for the entertainment of the thousands who will be in the city to morrow. This society hns chnrge of the picnic at Laurel Hill park, and there will be plenty of street cars to convey to the park those who come to town to view the parade, as well as those who participate in It. Huycs Bros. orchestra will furnish music for dancing, refreshments will bo In abundance, nnd games of all kinds will be on hand to amuse. Jt'ST A MINUTE, PLEASE. . lou saw this, of course. And stopped to read It. So did your neighbor, nnd his neighbor, and bo on. Why? Because it was built to at 2 tract attention. That's what there Is In advertising, when it's done properly. We can 4 do It properly for you. If you will pay our price. We wunt what the service Is worth, but no more. Wntches at Oiicllnlf Price At the great auction sale of Davldow Bros.', 217 Lackawanna avenue. Try Jordan's one-half minute stews. New York, Ontario nnd M oslem. The following time table will go Into ef fect on the New York, Ontario und West ern railroad, Sunday, October 4: Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale nt la.ufi a. m. and 6.10 p. m.; for Hancock Junction at 10.55 a. m. Train leaves Hancock Junction for Scranton at 2.0u p. m. Trains leuve Carbondale for Scranton at 7.U4 a. m. and 1.34 p. m. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. ' The latest Improved furnish ings and apparatus Tor keeping Y meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Avenus. THE ONSLAUGHT On tlis Price of Our Entire Stock of ' n 0 STILL GOES ON. GRAND OPPORTUNITIES For Obtaining Gooil, Staple and Logitinuta Merchandise at cut pric $3.00 Hats, now $2.25 2.50 Hats, now 2.00 2.00 Hats, now 1.50 1.50 Hats, now 1.12 5.00 Dress Suit Cases, 3.25 7.00 Mackintoshes, 5.19 YOU NEED UNDERWEAR. Why not buy our excolleut qualities at our present prices and save money T This season's goods from leading makers At Fully 25 Per Cent. Reduction. Lending Makes or GLOVES, DRESS SHIRTS, NIGHT SHIRTS, BATH RUBES an) thing and everything In our stores Way Below Regular Prices. JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Has Movtd te His New Quarter. 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on aids next to First National Dank. Ho.uus now In a ti Comprising everything roqiisilo for flns UerohHiit Tailoring. And the tame cu be shown to ndvautage in bis aplen dialy tit ted up rooms. A SPECIAL INVITATION If Extended to All Readers of The Trib une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In Hie New Business Home Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO,, u. e. crofut, PROpai -ra.i THIS HOUSK l strictly temperance, la new and well turnlshtd und ol'li.VKD l'O TUB PUBLIC THU YJiAK ROUND. Is located midway between Ijinghamton nni Scranton, on tho Montroao and Lacka wanna Hnllrorul, six miles from D., U & W. R. R. at Alford Station, and five mile from Montrose; capacity eiKhty-fivc, three minutes' walk from railroad station Hours cltuatcd 100 feet from the Ink", wld veranda extends the entire lensta of the house, which is 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc. Free to Utiests. r Altitude about 1,000 fcot. equalling In thM respect the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains. Fine groves, plenty of shade nnd benutl. ful scenery, making a Summer Resort un excelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion. swings. craquat rrottnrt. etc. COT,T SPRTXQ WATER AMD PLENTY OK MILK. Rates $7 to $io Per Week. $1.30 Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations oa V.. L. & W. lines. Porter meets all trains. ON THE LINE OF Tilt CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y aro located the finest Ashing nnd hunting rounds in the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and t'nlted States Northwest, Vanvouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., Ban Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dinin? Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist ears fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families way be had with second-class tickets. Rates olwajrs ler. than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 433 Bfoddway, New York. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ft 50c. Suspenders, now 25c 50c. Neckwear, now 39c 15c. Collars, now 10c 25c. Cuffs, now 18c 50c. Golf Caps, now... 39c 25c. Garters, now 17c FOR THE FASTEST WHEEL ON EARTH, No Mailer Who Rides It. B. F. KELLER, ON A SPALDING AT THE National Meet at Wilkes-Barre, SEPTEMBER 16. Was the only man (with ono exception) ont of the entile Scranton push that won anything, beating out some of the fasteat men on the circuit. Again we say, got a Bpaldlng and be happy. C, M, FLOREY, Agt. OICYCLES At Rock-Bottom Prices. LIST NO. s. Buffalo Prince.. '96, $36 Imperial '96, . 55 Erie .....'96, 45 Prince '96, 36 Sterns '94, 35 Columbia '93, 25 Cleveland '94, 25 Coventry '93, 15 These are all fitted with pneumatic tires and are lu good running order. CHASE & FARRAR BICVCLE SURQKONS, 5i5lt Linden Street. Opp. Court Houss, DU POINT'S tll.iING, BUSTING AND SPORTIHO Hanufaetured t the Wapwallopen Kills, Luzerne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, General Agent for the Wyoming Dlstrlot III WYOMING AVENUE, Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: TH08. PORDPittston. Pa. JOHN B. 8.MITH A BON. Plymouth. Pa, E. W. MULLIOAN. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. WE ARE STILL ROOTING POWDER ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Return Engageasent. Saturday Matinee aad Evening. Oct. I. An Event That Seldom Happens. We Have Heeured It and It WIU Be Ben. IIOGAN'S ALLEY The Talk of New York City. Hade Fa mous by the Mew York world. In troducing Irland's Kings, Gilmore & Leonard And Their Superb Company of Faros Artists Secure Seats at Once. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, . ONE WEEK. Commenlng MONDAY HIGHTJCTOBER 12th. The Versatile Comedian, Corse Paytoir Supported by the charm lag and talented actress, niss ETTA REED. And a company of recognised players In a repertoire of comedies and dramas, hand some v staged, and staged with a car load a Special Scenery. Each Piece a Grand Scenic Production. Elaborate Properties, flagnlflcent Scenery. Beautiful Costume Special riatlnee every day except Monday. PRICbS; 10, so. arc. Matinee Price, 10, aoc. Sale el seats opens Friday, Oct. oth. THE FROTHINGHAM. Wagner A ReK Leasees and Managers. John L. Kerr, Acting Msnager. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 and 10. riatlnee Saturday. Villard Lee's Magnificent Scenic Production III I HEART OF I STORM Marvelous Eleetrlcal and Mechanical Effects. The one great soenlo production of the season. Matinee Prices.... 25c and 50c Evening Prices 25c., 50c and 75 THE FROTHINGflflM. Wagner A Rels, Managers. John L. Kerr, Acting Manager. ''wJBTfiaHTONl The Beautiful Play of Roal Life. A Tale of the Hills of Arkansas, Human Hearts (By HAL REID.) Produced on a Scale of Magnificence Never Before Equaled. Original Cast from Miner's New York The ater. Every Particle of Scenery Used in tha Play Carried bv the company. The Greatest Produotlon of Modern Times. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday aid Saturday, Octobsr 8, 9 and 10. FLYNN & "SHERIDAN'S NEW T ii A Triumphant Innovation. Two Brand New Comedies, headed by Miss CHISSIE SHEltlDAN The Acme of Burlesque Artists. Admission 10, 20 or 30 Cents. Two performances daily. Doors open st 1.10 and 7. Curtain rises at 2.30 and 1 15. NOW ON EXHIBITION At 400 and 402 Lacka. Ave. romblned with Prof. Berger's Wonderful AUTOMATIC EXPOSITION, for a few days only. Greatest, grandost, most ingenious, elaborate and sciontlflo collection of automatic works in the world. Complications of ma. chinery. unparalleled monuments of genlue, skill and patience. Everybody should so' tbem. Open V a, m. toJO p. m. Admintlon to nil, including reserved seatt for ladies. ONLY 10 CENTS. KEEP COMFORTABLE And You Will be Happy, The way to keep your home comforta ble at thisscusjn or the year is to buy one of our Gas or Oil Heaters Just the thing (or your dining room in the morning, or your bath room, und in fact any plaee you want a little heat without start ing your furnace or boiler. We have over 20 styles sizes of gas heaters, and 10 or more of Oil Heaters. Without question the best assortment in the city. i:9 WISHINGTOi IVENUL MIDSUMMER Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth HRc to $1; choice for 50c. Worth $1.23 to $1.75; choice for $1.00. Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, worth 3.Ko, at $2.50. Worth $2.50, at $1.75. Closing Out all our Fine China at about Half Price. Genuine Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons, Forks and Knives at reduced prices. En. graved free. Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, etc., finest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, T 130 WYOMING AVENUE cms S B G SHOW U ME MERGEREAU & CQNNELL fanC's Iil2b Explosives,