The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 09, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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I Headers will please note that ailvertisf
nuTiis. oi-Ji-ia fur Job work, unit llrtus ror
publication loft at the establishment ol
Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Mam
Hired, will receive prompt attention; oi
ilce open from 8 a, m. to 10 p. m.J
Christian Allinnrc Workers' Meetings
Were Well Attended. '
The Christian Alliance convention
w hii-h WttH held Wednesday at the Con
Ki'Witional i-hurrh on South C'hureh
-tre-t clof.e'1 hint evening. There were
t hroe sessions, one nt ten in the morn
insr, ne at two in the afternoon and
the lust session was held at 7..'!0 last
evening. The meetings during the day
were attended by a fair sized audience.
In le eveuing there was a large aud
ience and much enthusiasm was shown.
A number ot active workers conducted
the meet ings Miss Draper, of 'Sing
Slug, X. Y.; new MeArthur. of Pitts
ton, ami Mr. Hushvs, of Serunton.
New t'liiircli in Prospect.
The First Methodist Sunday school
lius become so crowded of late that it become necessary to find accom
modations for the children of the Meth
odist people Ilvintr in the lJelmont dis
trict of tlie Sixth ward. A dwelling
Iioiim.- has been rented of V. W. Wait
with the privilege of buying if desired.
Some of the tiaitilions have been torn
mi and Contractor T. C. Itoblnson is
Idling it up so that it may lie used for
public services. The Methodists will
use It for a school every Sunday and
possibly other denominations may use
the building at some other hour. The
new school will probably be the be
ginning of the Second Methodist church.
I'iic on Scott Street.
.Kurly yesterday morning the dwell
ing owned by Miss Itridget Uilgalhm
Aus burned to the ground. Only a few
pieces of furniture were sr.ved. When
the n la rin ns given the had gained
rll control, so that the hose compan
ies could only direct their eforts to
t lit safety of dwellings m ar the burn
ins building. The lire started in an
. upner room nnd probubly resulted from
a misplaced stove pipe. The dwelling
was Insured for $1,000 and the furniture
for it0 in the Couch Insurance com
pany. 'ieru::iiuu Society Will Celebrate.
Saturday the liennuiiia Singing so
ciety will be ten years old and In honor
ol the event they propo.-e lo hold a so
cial. As the anniversary falls on sai-
ui'u&y tip- t elebruihm will be on Mon
day which is the society's regular piiSl-
Ing night. Since Its organization the I
.-octeiy bar prospered wonderfully ai.d
is one of the strongest social organisa
tions in the city.
I!ci:ic.c;-ittic Unity Proposed.
Wl'he ..democrats of this city Mill le
ffcled oiii next Tuesday evening to
the Ac.clen' of Music to listen to sev
eral otutors on the Issues of the cam
paign. A j aluiU' is lo precede the ex
ercises. AUdli-K-es fire ej.oci led from
i 'ol. P. .). KiLiiMiiimons, Hon. Kduard
Mcrriliehl ami T. .1. Ji'iinbiys, esq., of
'i and At. V. Conroy, of Schuyl
kill county.
Chuiics Sudlier the chef of the Hulel
Aiithracltc, h.ts been spending u few
dii-j in l'url .b-rvis.
'Ict.rge l' Tfiyld's ilniiiing class will
be ioi pom d 1 1 ! i I i ictober -Jjrd, on ac
count of the Kii'tiiiS!.
Mrs. Ju'ncs linbinsoti is visiting
friends In iilyiihanl and Providence.
The Annual meetlur of Ihe Lacka
wanna club will In- held this evening.
Miss Klorenee Miirrlson leaves today
for u visit nl Wyoming Camp Urouud
with Mis .Minnie Kyle.
.lr .a lid Mrs. K. L. Iluin.len are vis
iting at Waverlv. N. Y.
1. U. Sauipsi.'ii, ol this city, was
tuurrieil last evening ul t'itt.sloii lo
.Miss .Minnie Franz, of thai place.
Silas Hill, of .lei in vii was a visitor
In town yesterday n.ornltig.
Miss Mary Walt Ls visiting friends
in Wilkes-Bnnv.
.'.li- i M inn- i 'ho rle.-twori h. of Scran
lull, is lie !.ut.;i of Mrs. Harry Hur-ri-oli
on .': iii!;.ii suet.
Mls l.o-'..- .'.lui'ihy has accepted a
position Willi W. Xorris.
Mr. and Mrs. C. ft. Smith me etitcr-li-.lning
Mr. and .Mrs. W. H. Ih-nnis
iinj two chil.b.'ii, of HrailiVit'd.
M:l:keiit iiinl Ahmee Ford mid Helen
Ah -Hundi r, v. l o Imve been vinitilig re
lative!' In thli c-i t returicd yerlerday
t i ihi ir i.i New Ymii city.
MM-. Kate Pnee is iotiiind to her
hi 111' villi a ScVele colli.
Miss Mary Wateriield. of I lie Couch
Insurance agency, is visiting friends in
Mrs. Wiiltcf Agtis, who has been quite
sick, is Improving.
Miss Mcrgarct Clarkson, of Washing
ton street. ' xisitiiiiT In Hetiton.
itndoli'h Mason. Hubert Curler and
Wlll'am Wait, have been appointed
viewets In V.v 'natter of the change
of a road in Fell township.
About forty members of the Junior
Christian Kndcavor societies of the
I'.ipiiht nnd First Presbyterian
churches, of this city, wont to Scran
ton yesterday as delegates to the
Clnistlnn Kudeuvor convention there.
M. K. Purdy and family have re
turned home from Atlantic City.
A grand social under the auspices of
the R. T. H. Social club will bo held
In the Lackawanna House, Belmont
Hireet, Friday evening, October 16th,
1 SH.
Mrs. Walter Flick, of Wyoming
street. Is entertaining her mother, Mrs.
M. R. Bennett, of Lewisburg, Pn.
Revs. .1. J. Grinin, W. A. Nealon and
M. J. Mlllnne, of this city, assisted at
the Fotirty Hours devotion at the Hyde
j'nrK i.'ntnoiic cnurcn Wednesday;
A number of young people gave a
leap year pnrty last evening at the
home of Miss Mina Frank on Wash
ington street.
Hert Porter, formerly of this cltv,
was married to Miss Elizabeth Kmiiy
Nlmiiio in Jersey City Wednesday
The Toung People's Unions of this
town nnd vicinity will hold its rally at
the Calvary Baptist church this evening.-
All nre cordially Invited, mem
bers especially, to help and make the
services interesting.
Cards are out announcing the mar-
,'ut rciJ our prices and compare them with
env and all of the other attempt:
25c, Ingraii Carpats, Now 18c
35c Ingrain Carpals, Now 25c
50c. Ingrain Carps.;, Now 35c
65c Brussels Carprts, Nov 39c
75c. Brussels Carpets, Now 57c
85a Brussels Carpets, Now 75c
'Also a quantity ol Body Brussels lengths
- from ta o yards In each piece at about one
I ail price to close.,9a
, (arpeis and Wall fapar Dealer.
TERAtS-Caih on the Above (loads.
rlage of Sliss On t'onnora to Mr. Wil- .
ham Murphy, on the iJU of this month. ;
Patrick SIcHugh. a driver boy at the
Arcubald mine, was hurt about the
luce on Wednesday. He was taken to
his home In Mtnooka.
Mr. and Mrs. James Grogan, of New
Jersey, and Daniel and Michael Sulli
van, of Bennett, Visited the Grogau
family on Main street, yesterday.
The Young People's union of the
Welsh Iluptlst church held a social
Wednesday evening In behalf of the
same society of the l'.uptlst church of
Hyde Park, whose members were pres
ent. The programme was opened by
an address by Mr. Edwards, of the
Hyde Park society, which he delivered
in a pleasing manner; and James K.
Watkins and Kev. J. M. -Lloyd, pastor
of the church, also made addresses.
The evening was pleasantly spent in
recitations and singing, nfter which re
freshments were served. v
The banquet and installation of of
ficers of the Indies' Catholic Benellcial
association took place last evening. At
8 o'clock the members assembled in
Kdward's hall, where the services were ;
held. Miss Mary A. Oallagher. of
Scranton, deputy organizer of this dis
trict, conducted the ceremonies. The
following otllcers were Installed: Presi
dent, Miss Mary J. SIcCormack: record
ing secretary, Mary J. Hughes; finan
cial secretary, Maine O'Malley; treas
urer, Mrs. M. J. Lavln. At the conclu
sion of the service the members and j
their invited friends repaired to the ;
Mnhon house where a siimntuoiis feast
had been prepared for them. The din- I
ing room and parlor, where the tables
were set, llowers and palms formed the
decorations. Among those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lavln, Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Itrennan, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc
Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. William Gib
bons, Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons, Mr.
and Mrs. John Lynch. Mr. and Sirs. M.
J. O'Holloran, Mr. and Mrs. James Mr
Hale, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilday, Mr.
and Mrs. ,T. J. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. P.
Madden. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curran,
Mr. and Mrs. William "lloland. Misses
Mamie Clnnoey, Mnry O'Connor, Kute
Clancey, Mnry J. Hughes. Mamie
O'Malley, Annie Murphy. Katie Loftus, !
Mnry J. Mcl.'ormack, Mary A. Galla
gher, of Scranton: Mm. McNully. !
Messrs. C. P. O'Malley. P. J. McCot- i
muck, J. McXulty. Several speeches j
were matte. j
The business men of this place were j
defeated in a game of base ball on the
Brown's grotinds yesterday afternoon
by the business men of Avoca. The i
score was is to 4. I
Miss Kmma Daniels, who bus been j
the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Crans,
will return to her home In Ashley to- I
morrow. i
The ladles of ihe Presbyterian church
held an entertainment nnd social in '
Mahon's hall Inst evening. Each num
ber on the programme was well given
and uutitvclated by the audience. Fol
lowing the programme refreshments ;
were served and n social time was on- :
Joyed by nil. !
The .Misses Still Wei!, Who have been
visiting Miss Jennie Kennedy, of Hie
West Side, will return to their home in
New York today.
Mrs. Walter Si hlagi r was the guest '
of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Pier, of Avont,
this week. 1
Mr. and Mrs. William Scott, Klni.-r
Scott and Mrs. Ilallsteud. of liiiladel- ,
Phlu. have been visiting Mr. and Mis. ;
James Kennedy for the past week.
.Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Dakin have it- ;
turned home from a visit with relit- j
lives al Xicholson.
John Walter has returned home
from Yolk state where he bus been
working for the past summer.
The barn of Oscar Hnlstead burned
to the ground Wednesday mornlrg ot
about X o'oclock. This makes the fourth
burn which has been destroyed by file
lu this vicinity lately.
.Mrs. Simrel: and Ola Kennedy attend
ed the Wallsville fair on Thursday.
Aliss May Watkins, of Clifford, spent
it few days of this week us the guest of
Lena arren.
Clinton Cook, Rev. Watkins. wife an .1
daughter Saruli, .Mis. L. D. Keinmei el
and daughter Jessie, and Carrie Wat
kins were among those who attended
the Christian Knd. avor convention ut
Scranton this week.
Mrs. Uufus L'nllcy and Mrs C. M.
Wulti r nre on the sick list.
The social and supper to be given by
the gentlemen of the Method si church
will be held Oct. 2.", in llu lecture loom
of the church. All are lnv ted to tain a
dollar outside of their regular voca
tion, and give It that evening with a
verse telling the manner in which the
dollar was earned. The price til tb
supper will be "."i cents for those who l
not bring a dollar. The proceeds wbl
be used to defray the expenses of the
Tein'lier N'otv, ehlMren, what Is nil op
timist? Wise buy He's a iil:in what Ills
yon wllh glasses, so's everything- looks
pretty. Philuilclnhlu North .American.
"I'nna, what ilo you cull It when a lot of
employes quit work?" "It use 1 10 be
calldl a strike, my boy, but now It's
known as an explosion." Detroit News.
Tommy 1'a, veto-iaritins kip people who
don't cat mcut, nin't they? rather Yes,
Thonjas. Tommy Ami octogenarians,
what ilon't they eat, pa'.'-Mloxbiny (Ja.
"Dliln't I see you pitching pennies with
that little Sprankle boy?" "Ves'm."
"Well, ilon't you ilo It again. Do you hear
me?" "Yes'm." I won't do It no more.
He hain't unt a cent left." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Little Waller Manunii. has Sister Win
nie's fellow Jolneil the church? .Mamma
1 Kties's not. Why do you ask? Utile
Walter I heard him tell her last iiIk.ii
that every Monday his knees Just nched
on account ot the hard work they had to
do Sundays. Cleveland Lender.
"Moral cour.iirc," said the teacher, "Is
the courage that makes a boy do what he
thinks is I'ltfht, regardless of the Jeers
of his companions," "Then," said Willie,
"If a boy has sweats and eats 'em nil hls
self, nnd ain't afraid of the other hoys
callln' him stingy, is that moral courage.''
Hiiafflo Times.
Thornton Why, my baby walks every
where. Has yours cut his teerh yet? I p.
dike No. Thornton Mine has. long lime
ago. Can your baby talk? t'pdlko No.
Thornton Ureal Scott! that's strange.
Mine says everything. I'pdlke (d?sper
ntely) Say. what does your baby think of
.'he llnanclnl question? Washington
"Johnny has been In a bod humor oil
the evening." said the worried mother,
when the besd of the house came home,
"He has been crying more than an hour
and refuses to be comforted." "I, re
fuses to be alther comforted or blanket
ed," said the nurse, who had Just comi
in. "He kl ks ;he covers ah as fast ai I
put tlilm nh:i hlin." Indianapolis Journal.
I have no use for cuts at all,
They seem to me to be
The very concentration of
The blackest treachery.
I have no use for ten nt all,
Kor, candidly, I think
Of all the drinks that e'er was drunk
It Is the poorest drink.
And yet, this afternoon, I hold
A cat upon my knee.
And stroke him kindly, while I sip
Deep draughts of breakfast ten.
And all because I love dear Mnb
So very deeply that
I've even admiration for
Her tipple and her cat !
Caryle Smith.
If the Baby I Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup has
been used for over flfcy years by mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, euros wind colic and la
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by
druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a
Soothing Byrup," and take no other'
kind. Twenty-nve cents a bottle.
II., 1.. A W . Employes at Kingkton
Organize. '
About SOU employes of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western railroad met
in the company store room at Kings
ton Wednesday n ght and organized a
sound money league. An organization
was effected by electing R. B. Hubbcll
temporary cha rman. Charles Swallow,
Robert Cooper and Peter Kelfer were
appointed a committee on permanent
organization, y
The following were reputed for pi im
manent olllccrs: President, R. Y.
Vaughn; first vice-president, J5. T. Kel
ler; second v c.-presldent. George Mor
gan; third vice-president. Will am Bry
den; secretary, R. B. Hubbcll; tieas
urer. William Snmers.
It is the Intention to uniform the club
and a committee was appointed to
purchase the uniforms. The club is
composed of many former Democrats,
whose patriotism makes them hold
country above iwrty. The next meeting
will be held Tuesday evening at
In the conductors' room over the freight
house. There are but few free silver
men among the Delaware, Lackawanna
nnd Western employes.
M cut Kud C lub House.
Wednesday the West End Wheelmen
purchased a lot on which their new nnd
handsome home will be erected. The
lot Is located on the westerly side of
Franklin street, between Academy and
Sullivan streets, and adjoins the Frank
lin street school. It is in size 84x175
feet. Morgan U. Williams, from whom
t lit? purchase was made, generously
made Its cost low enough to etiual a
donation of Sl.nno to the club. As ,to
when the building, which will cost no
less than JlO.nno, will be erected, that Is
another question, but Frank Deltrlck
says it will be lief ore 1SU0. .No doubt
It will be much sooner than that.
St. Alnvins Lecture.
Kev. Dr. Thomas J. Conaty, of Wor
cester, Mass., who will lecture In St.
Mary's church on Wednesday evening,
(ictober 2S, on education, is a speaker of
national reputation and Is one of the
best known priests In the country. The
lecture will be under the auspices of
the directors of the evening school of
the St. Aloyslus society. The lecture
will be free and admission will be by
card, which may be had from J. J. Gal
lagher, J. P. Keuffer, P. S. Swinsburne,
P. J. Burke and X. Gallagher.
A yellow bass measuring two feet six
Inches and weighting ten pounds, was
caught by Charles Fischer, of Tunk
hannock, in the river yesterday.
The dancing class under the auspices
of the. Altogether Social club, which
meets every Wednesday evening In
liueringer's hull, North Main street, is
one of the largest and most successful
In tlie city.
The Ninth regiment will hold ft bat
talion drill on Monday evening, October
U'. Alexanders Ninth Regiment band
will give a concert before the drill and
furnish music for the dancing to follow.
The classes ill physical culture and
stenography were organized last evening-
at the Young Women's christian
association.' It is very important that
all who expect to enter either of these
classes be present next Wednesday
evening at T.toi. Miss Annheuser wish
es to meet nil who desire to enter her
lible chiss tomorrow evening at 7.?0.
The class In sewing meets on the same
evening. Membership- is not necessary
fur registration in the last two classes.
A mel Father..
Fond Mother"! am not going to allow
our Jennie to come out into society Until
.'he can do it well. She must have tb best
ui-but or none at all."
Father "Woll, I'll see how debut are
quoted this morning, but I can tell you
Much in Little
D especially true ot Hood's Pills, (or no medi
cine evtr contained so great curative power In
so small space. Tbey are a whole medicine
ciii-st, always ready, al
ways etllcleiit. ultta.n sat
isfactory; prevent a iVitl
or fever, cure all liver Ills.
sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc 13c.
The only rills to take with Hood's SarsaparlUa.
E 111
See our window tor wonderful values in j
We have Just pefurrd a lot of elegant pat
terns In tho newest cheeks amVplalds th I
finest Roods made In this coumry. These I
Rood.i will be made to measure for S23.fto ;
per suit, elegantly trimmed, put up In the j
nnd gimtauted to Tit. and would eot you
r..0rt 10 MOM elsewhere. Our competitors
ask howJt'H done. We answer In throe
words: "Men," "Methods" and "Money,"
These xnods will probably not Inst a week;
we will linve no more of them at these
prices, but we have, and will always have,
An Elegant Assortment
of nil wool suiting, made to measure, from
J14.W up Roods that you could not dupli
cate In reudy-niade for any lens.
Wl nAVI Wyoming V(
. J . U V I Dt Arcade Bui'dlnt.
this much, this will be the f.Mt. last and
only Jtbui I'll buy. fur h." Toxos
I'tikcral Ilael Beea Delicious Oae
aael 8a Had Ctvloyrd It.
From the. Chicago Record. -
This was overheard in a North Clark
street cable car:
"1 was sorry I couldn't go."
"You missed it. dear. It was a per
fectly lovely funeral."
"Large crowd?"
"Oh, Indeed, yes; and . such swell
people, too. I think I never did hear a
better quartette. They had a new so
prano who was simply heavenly."
"I dare say the Dowers were nice."
- "Oh. they were perfectly magnificent.
I told Clara that the Mowers were ever
so much liner than those at the Wil
son funeral."
"Black casket, I suppose?"
"It was very dark and had the sweet
est lining; I ever saw. The body of It
was pale pink satin, puffed, and then
there were delicate roses, and they
were all hand-painted. I never saw
anything prettier?"
"Did you go lo the cemetery?"
"Yes: and do you know, their lot was
Just one mass of green, and Inside the
Ki'uve they had a thick bed of evergreen
covering the box. It was simply su
perb." "Well, it's Just my luck," said the one
who had missed all the festivities. "I
didn't know it was to be so swell."
"Well, It was. It was the prettiest
funeral I've seen In years, and I'm aw
fully glad I went.
And then they began to talk about
the grand opera.
.Friday and
Boots, Shoes
i II
Fortunate circumstances enabled us to buy 500 pair la
dies' hand-sewed Shoes, worth $3, for $1.49; sizes 2 to 7.
350 pair Men's Fine Calf Shoes, all toes, worth $3,
Today's Special Price Only $1.49.
200 pair Misses' Fine School Shoes, worth $2, at $1.09.
Misses' Heavy School Shpes, sizes n4 to 3, worth
$1.25; for 79 cents.
Child's Heavy Shoes, only 50c. and 75c.
Boys' School Shoes, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25.
WE ARE DETERillNED to make Friday and Saturday
two of the busiest days on . record. Never have the
manufacturers throughout the country been so anxious to dis
pose of their stocks to people who would pay them spot cash.
Never in our experience have we bought so wonderfully
cheap. We want to impress the face upon your mind that
while we undersell all other houses that deal in shoes, our
goods are high grade and thoroughly reliable. It is only by
our spot cash buying that the special prices we make you
are possible. Call and examine our goods before buying
elsewhere, and make our store your headquarters. No
trouble to show goods.
3?"Sole Agents for Stacy, Adams & Co.'s, Gray Bros.'
J p pnc OVinpo
aUQ V' C0X S tlUC tStX0ZS
607. 608 AND 609
Corner Washington Avenue and
enced a paralytic stroke some time ajro
and four of Xew York's greatest physi
cians attended Mm.
The treatment Riven Mr. VanJerbllt and
from which he Is regaining; health wa
elet'trlcul. Two Ualvaulc and Paradle ma
chines were taken to Mr. Vanderbilt's
home; and in u siioi t I line he was Mble
to no to Newport, ft. 1.
A few years bro such a stroke would
have been considered tatul but elctriclty
conquered, as It Is doing In hundreds of
Oft '
Not long since a prominent physician of
St. Louis performed an operation before
the Medical society of that ciiy retorlnn
the speech, of a man who had not spoken
for three years. Some time ngo It was
thoURht that Nat Goodwin, the famous
comtdlun, would be compelled to undergo
an operation, but Professor Morton, of
New York, treated hlrn electrically and
there has been no necessity of an opera
tion. John B. Beatty, of Easton, Pa., had
-what was called an incurable case of
enema. Dr. Green cured him In four
weeks. The whole world Is acquainted
with the discovery of the Roentgen X
Rays and the use to which they are put.
If you wnnt to see every electrical ap.
pllance known to the medical profession
call at Dr. Green's .Klectrlcal Institute.
Dp. Green's Eleciro-TherapeHtic Instittif e,
607, 603 and 609 Msars Building, Pa.
Btsvassf Day aaa Night - Opea frea a. am. tm a. i p. a. to p-'m-t y. is p.m.
Ko Tillage so small.
No city to large.
From the Atlantic to the Pacific,
names known for all that is truthful,
all that is reliable, are attached to the
most thankfulletters. '
They come to Lydla E. Pinkham, sue
tell the one story of physical salvation
trained through the aid of her Vegeta
ble Compound. --
The horrors born of displacement
or ulceration of tlie womb:
Backache, bearing-down, dizziness,
fear of coming calamity, distrust of
best friends.
All, all sorrows and sufferings ot
the past. The famerl '"Vegetable
Compound " bearing the illustrious
name, Pinkham, has brought them out
of the Talley of suffering to that of
happiness and usefulness.
and Rubbers
B 1 1149
Spruce Street, Scranton, Penna.
The best of references, no charge for con
sultation, an Institute equipped with the
latest achievements of .Morton, Kdison,
Ranney, Rockwell, McBrlde, Mcintosh
and others. Electro Static Machines, Gal
vanic, Faradlc, Sinusoidal (Magnetic),
Galvano Vauterles, and electrodes of ev
ery description.
We have the ilnest X-Ray apparatus
With electricity ns a basis of treatment
we are successful In cas.s of Hheuinat!m,
Gout, Paralysis, Ectema. Tumors, Skin
Troubles, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, the
Wasting of Muscles, Poor Circulation, and
all Nervous Diseases for which electricity
Is doing so much of late.
The blood clot causing- Apoplexy and
Paralysis can be dissolved and carried
away by proper application of Galvanism
and Faradlsm.
Cures of Catarrh are being made by the
Inhalation of ozonu from the Electro-static
We might mention hundreds of troubles
which are amenable to electric treatment,
but space will not permit.
Dr. Green treats all cases amenable to
electrical treatment, Is a graduate and ex
perienced practitioner of medicine, has the
bst of references, and will charge noth
ing for consulatlon.
Those who cannot call should write for
Choice assortment of the most carefully selected pat
terns in the highest grade of the leading manufacturers,
both domestic and foreign. Beautiful effects in combination
of colors with the shades which will be fashionable in the
coming season, including
Experience, gobd judgment and a perfect knowledge
of the reauirements for high class furnishing, have procured
a line of goods which for richness in effect, beauty and va
riety of design and exquisite blending of color have never
uccu aurpasseu.
Hohair, Chenille,. Wilton, Axminster, and
Smyrna, in every size latest and most desired effects in
strictly first-class goods. Imported Silk and flohair
with Plain Centers and . Fancy Borders, a perfect and
complete line. An inspection of our stock will repay you.
Locooiotivos, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus, - - 300,000
Undivided Profits, 64,000
Special attention given to Business and Personal
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
Juniata Steel, x
X. L. Steel, H (ThiP
Toe and Side Weight IIUhJS
g TMlBt...ll.M.I .Mifliiy w nUtlne aeuialas. Only htralsasfjk
UMairtdrussauidfcsast. U 7 i
Qr. Foal's Pennyroyal Pills
The are prompt, safe an eertato ta rssalt Thi i mssIos (Dr. TrnVt) aersr lisape
owol 6" air wasrs, 1.M. Asanas ft lUffl Cfc, ClsvsUad, 0.
Sprue 3trt Scranton, Pa.
tainly doesn't apply to the clothing we sell. Ve can lit you and
your boy out just as stylishly as the merchant tailor, and the
cost will be about bait It is worth your while to look Into the
merits of this clothing store. You can't make a mistake here.
In any event, we agree to give you perfect satisfaction.'
IIlothing !
L 1 VV.
plan. It costs them no more than the cash stores ask, and the
lit.le amounts they pay us each month are hardly missed. You
may have an idea that our prices are raised in order to make
us safe in selling on credit, but the tollowing list ou ht to con
vince you to the contrary. Compare this list of prices with aoy
other you can find in Scranton.
Good All Wool Cheviots, Cass'nieres and Worsteds
and Unfinished Worsteds..........
Better All Wool Cheviots, Casslmeres and Worsteds
and Unfinished Worsteds .
Best All Wool Cheviots, Casslmeres and Worsteds
and Unflnkhed Worsteds
Good All Wool Kersey, Melton and Chinchilla
Overcoats and Ulsters .
Better All Wool Kersey, Melton and Chinchilla
Overcoats and Ulsters
Beit All Wool Kersey, Melton and Chinchilla
Overcoats and Ulsters...............
& CO,,
Lacka. Ave.
OesraJ Office: 5CstANT0N,PA.
Pharmacia, cor. Wyoming Avanwa an
The old bugaboo about
ReadyMade Clothing not
fitting well, is played out
It no longer applies to the
rightly-made kind. It cer
A considerable
part of our trade is with men
who buy on credit. Even
those who have the money In
thetr pockets sometimes pre
fer to buy on our instalment
$ 8.50
225 AND 227