The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 09, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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The remarkable interest excited among the people by the ad
mirable front porch speeches delivered by Major MeKinley to
delegations from all parts of the country who are daily visiting
the home of the Republican presidential candidate at Canton, O.,
has during the past few weeks called forth in this city and its
vicinity a desire on the part of many to see the Lackawanna and
Wyoming valleys represented among these delegations. Pro
bably not less than 100 Scrantonians have recently been heard
to express a wish to make the pilgrimage to Canton, and the
same interest is doubtless general throughout the valleys. It
is now proposed by the Republican press of the two counties
to afford to these people an exceptional opportunity to gratify
this inclination.
The daily sound money press of Carbondale, Scranton, Pitts
ton, Wilkes-Barre and Hazleton has secured from the Pennsyl
vania and Delaware and Hudson railroad companies an excur
sion rate to Canton and return which brings the privilege of a
trip to that now important Ohio city within the reach of all. The
distance from Scranton to Canton is 426 miles, or 852 miles for
the round trip just about three-fourths of a cent a mile.
Major MeKinley ha consented to receive and speak to a dele
gation from the twin valleys of Northeastern Pennsylvania on
Saturday, October 10. A special train will leave Carbondale,
Scranton ami Wilkes-Barre via the Delaware and Hudson and
Pennsylvania railroads for Canton this evening, October :
9, late enough to enable prospective passengers to complete..!
their day's labors today and secure supper before the train's
departure. This train will have sleepers as well as day coaches,
and will also have attached to it a lunch car in charge of a com
petent caterer. Passengers can therefore secure food and lodg
ings without leaving the train. Berths for the whole journey to
and fro will cost $5 additional to the regular train fare, 'if occu
pied by one person ; if occupied by two persons, the cost will be
$3 apiece. Meals in the lunch car will cost ordinary restaurant
The train will arrive in Canon Saturday forenoon and leave
Canton Saturday night. The return trip has been planned so
as to enable the excursionists to take the picturesque ride over
the Alleghanies by daylight. This ride is one of the most cele
brated in America and the scenery visible along it is of almost
incomparable grandeur. The train will reach ikcs-Earre
Sunday afteruoon and Scranton and points up the valley a few
minutes later. The entire journey will involve the loss of only
one business day (Saturday) and if we count out the legal half
holiday, the actual loss of time from business will be only half a
day. The train w ill be in personal charge of Traveling Passen
ger Agent Timmons of the Pennsylvania railroad.
This popular excursion to Canton has been arranged for sole
ly by the newspapers of the two counties, as an accommodation
for the public sentiment which has been urging that this part
of the great Republican stronghold of the nation should not fail
of suitable representation at Canton. The politicians have no
identification with it. If any of them want to go, they will be
welcome, but they must pay their own fare and take chances
with the rest. Nobody will be allowed on the train who is un
willing to buy his own ticket. Nobody will be asked to help the
excursion further than to honor it with his presence at $6.75 for
the round trip, berth and meals extra. The newspapers themselves
make no money on the transaction. Tickets will be sold directly
to excursionists at the principal Delaware and Hudson offices
between Carbondale and Wilkes-Barre, and at the Pennsylvania
office in Wilkes-Barre. The price from points above Scranton
will be $6.85. Berths will be reserved upon application at the
ticket offices, first come first served.
It u desired that all who wish to take advantage of this ex
ceedingly low offer will as soon as possible let the ticket agents
know, so that suitable accommodations may he secured in ad
vance. The invitation is open to all Democrats and Prohibi
tionists as well as Republicans, free silverites, as well as sound
i.ioneyites. It is a ride worth double the money, and all who
take it will be repaid many fold. , w , . . : . . u
The Town Swamped by Its Visitors and
l:s Enthusiasm.
Devastations Wrought by Admirers
About tho MeKinley JIome--Sid!
waltt l)i'batesOdd Features of the
( lunpiiiuii Thnt Hits Hud So Pnrnl
lei in Its On I pou riii tf of the l'eo
plu Into the Home of the Lead
inir Nominee.
From tho New York Sun.
Canton, Oct. 3. Canton has discov
ered that It Is no picnic to be the hom-j
city of u preHldentlul candidate. It
was fun at Hist, and every one wanted
a part in it. In the -words of a rural
visitor, "every day lit the Fourth of
July." To his mind the fizz of rockets,
the glare of led tires, the long proces
sions of Bayly uniformed marching
men, the unceasing music of bands,
and a covering of American Hags and
tri-colored bunting could only be as
sociated with the celebration of the
national anniversary. And to the
average resident of Canton at first tho
celebrations had much of the holiday
qualities for which business was more
or less suspended or neglected.
Rut as the novelty wore off and the
demonstrations continued with unin
terrupted regularity, the local end of
them became a matter of work. To do
the work organization became impera
tive, and when once It was commenced
it was done thoroughly.. First of all
there was formed a large citizens'
committee having general supervision
of the work. The duty of one sub
committee Is to see that tho city Is kept
properly decorated, to look after the
public displays, and to urge renewals
upon citizens when flags and festons
and draperies become weather-stained
and tattered. Another branch of the
committee assumed for the whole cam
paign the duty of providing suitable
halls, headquarters, and other accom
modations for the visiting delegations.
Another sub-committee looks after fin
n rices, still another after the pro
grammes for red-letter days. ' But the
hard work and long-continued service
fall upon the escorts and receivintr
members. They are divided Into two
branches the Citizens' Reception
committee and the Canton Escort of
The Citizens' Reception committee Is
a namerous and representative body,
made up of business men, professional
men, and men from all walks of life.
For the ordinary day the chairman de
tails half a dozen or more men for
duty. They ride to the railroad sta
tions In carriages, meet the speakers
and committees or the visitors, and find
them seats in the cartages. Then the
locnl committee takes a position ahead
of the delegation and walks to the Me
Kinley home. As the nearest station
Is half a mile and the furthest a mile
and a quarter from Major McKlnley's
residence, the committeemen are a
pretty tired lot by the time several del
egations have been received. When the
lawn is reached the local committee
ushers the visiting committees into the
library. Then, except to give such In
formation as may be desired and now
and then to send a notable In a carri
age to some place he may desire to visit,
the committee's work is done. On days
of btg demonstrations, or when a num
ber of delegations are expected at about
the same time, the whole committee is
ordered out and divided into details as
circumstances make' necessary.
The other branch of the reception ser
vice was finally named the Canton
Troop, after the Canton Cavalry, the
Mounted Kscort, and numerous mili
tary titles had been experimented with
for several weeks. It is composed of a
hundred or more men who ride horse
back and wear broad rimmed slouch
hats and high-toped boots. They are
organized on military lines, the officers
ranging from major down. Like the
reception committee the troop is as
signed in details for different days. But
there is a standing order that while a
certuin number shall do duty for each
delegation, all who can so arrange are
to swell the column. From bIx to fifty
horsemen head each delegation. It is
the duty of the troop to meet all visit
ing delegations at the station, seek out
the chief marshal and line officers and
organize a parade, and then ride at its
head to the MeKinley home. The or
derly for the duy.'u.sually a vigorous
young man in full military uniform, is
sent on ahead at a gallop with a card
giving Information about tho delega
tion, the name of the spokesman, and
such other matters as may be nect-ssury
to make proper arrangements at the
house and on the lawn. Then the or
derly rides back, and says whether or
not the lawn Is vacant and Major Me
Kinley is ready to receive the callers.
Aside from the regular and general
escorts there are a number of special
organizations for special visitors. For
instance, the native f ennslyyanlans
now in Canton have an escort for
delegations from the Keystone Btate;
the Swedish-Americans have organized
to receive their fellow oountrymen;
the resident commercial travellers play
the parts of host to all delegations of
their craft; railroad men furnish a
committee to look after railroaders,
and bicyle riders pilot wheelmen. On
Saturdays, the recognized feature days,
half a dozen marching clubs are on the
streets for escort duty, and the big
club of watch workers-from the Due-ber-Hampden
works is usually found
at the head of Industrial bodies.
At the MeKinley home a special
diary is kept for the engaements with
delegations. When application for a
date is made it Is promptly accepted
unless the date Is crowded with pre
vious engagements, when a change Is
suggested, and usually made unless ar
rangements are too far advanced. Re
strictions, however, are seldom placed
on Saturday, so general is the demand
for that day, and It is accepted as a
fixture for the campaign that Major
MeKinley shall give . his Saturdays
wh'ily over to dooryard receptions.
When a delegation reaches the city,
Its arrival is reported at the house. The
porch, so far as possible. Is cleared for
the newspaper correspondents and the
committees. One part of the lawn Is
assigned to the bands. The banners
and (tags are arranged along the side
of the house so that they may be read
by the crowd. Major MeKinley sits in
his library until the spokesman and
committee of the visitors come In,
usually escorted by one of his secre
taries. The Introductions and the lit
tle conversation accompanying them
serve to give Major MeKinley the nec
essary polntors as to whom he is to ad
dress, so that he can Incorporate in
his response a sentiment appropiate to
each Interest represented before him.
Uy this time Mrs. MeKinley and a few
friends are seated In the little hall with
a full view of the porch, and the path
made as the party comes out of the
library is kept clear that the ladles
may view the whole reception. This Is
at times an herculean task, but the
ushers so, far have succeeded admir
ably. The speechmaking Is done from
'a plain wooden chair. Several of these
chairs have already been disposed of,
one breaking down under the weight of
corpulent speakers and another fallen
prey to a relic hunter.
After the speaking, If the crowd Is
not too large, an opportunity Is given
to each of the visitors to shake hands
with the candidate This fs accomp
lished by forming- a line across the
porch. The chairman jof the delegation
frequently presents aoh man by nam.
When the weather la too bad to per
mit standing on the lawn the visitors
jor MeKinley goes to receive their
are show to the Tabernacle, where Ma
greetings. This Tabernacle has proba
bly resounded with the oratory of as
many noted men as any place In the
country outside of Washington. It is
in this structure that Major MeKinley
has for years closed the campaigns,
speaking to his fellow townsmen the
night preceding election. Mr. Bryan
has been heard within Its walls as a
lecturer. James G. Bluine addressed
in It a crowd so far beyond Its capacity
that the sills gave way and a panic was
only averted by cool heads In the audi
ence. Presidents and governors and
senators and congressmen have pro
pounded political gospel from lis stage,
times without number. Doctors and
ministers and journalists and men of
letters fill engagements In it every
year. It Is a pluln square structure,
altogether uninviting without, but,
through good lighting and sensible
decoration by the committees this year,
pleasing to the eye and comfortable
within. A box-like gaJlery extends
around three sides, and this, with the
ground floor, affords seating capacity
for nearly 2,000 people, though double
the number are often crowded through
the doors.
Go where you will about the city you
will find some evidence that this is the
home of a presidential Icandldate, and
that extraordinary demonstrations oc
cur here. But nowhere Is this more ap
parent than about the MeKinley home.
The house Is a modest little frame
structure of nine or ten rooms, two
stories in height, and of the plainest
architectural design. The front door,
through which all pass, opens Into a
small reception hall. To the right Is
what was originally Major McKlnley's
study, library and office. To the left Is
Mrs. McKlnley's suite of rooms, neatly,
but not elaborately, furnished, and
provided with easy couches and soft
pillows, so necessary to the comfort of
the invalid wife of the candidate sel
dom so ill as to be obliged to take to her
bed and never so well as to be bustling
about the house, as the nutural in
stincts of an American wife prompt.
To the rear of the library Is the dining
room and back of that the kitchen. I'p
sluirs the little hall on the first floor is
duplicated. Just now it is an im
promptu telegraph office. One of the
rooms Is reserved for writing and the
overflow of the office work. Several
bed chambers complete the apartments
In the much-vlslted home.
The house stands well back from the
street, leaving a spacious lawn filled
with shade and ornamentnj trees. I'p
tn the day the people of Canton invad
ed It with congratulations on the St.
Louis result, the lawn was covered with
as pretty turf as can be grown. It was
dotted with shrubbery and flower beds
and the branches of trees hung low,
half-concealing the house. The porch
was overgrown with luxuriant vines,
and everything was as neat and cozy
as could be. But what a change! To
day there is not a blade of grass In the
yard; there Is not a (lower, nor a Mow
er plant, nor a trace of where once were
the Mower beds. Of the vine on the
torch only the strong mother stem re
mains, the leaves and tendrils having
been tornd own in front eager to Im
prove their view. The trees have been
trimmed high above the ground by
wlremen of telegraph and telephone
companies, by decorating committees,
and by those having more concern for
the vision of visitors than for the pres
ervation of the beautiea of nature.
In the house the transformation has
been almost as complete. Mrs. McKln
ley's apartments alone remain practic
ally undisturbed, and with the bright
colored, sweet-scented roses, with
wHlch they are always supplied, con
stitutes the one homelike spot left
about the 'place. Major McKlnley's
room baa lost, alt semblance If library
or study. ' It Is filled with ditsks and the
appurtenances of the secretaries, with
newspapers replenished almost faster
than they can be carried out, with bas
kets of letters, and with mementos
brought or sent by friends. It is sel
dom vacant except on Sundays, when
work is avoided to the greatest extent
possible. Here callers are received.
Canton people have not lost interest
In the demonstrations on the itiwn.
They follow delegations to the house
by hundreds and by thousands, accord
ing to the number of ears reached by
the music of the bands and the ability
of people to leave work in hand. Many
big day's house work consults the papers
to see if It is to be a day of big delega
tions. There have been complulnts
that the home people take possession
of the varttage ground to the exclusion
of visitors. Kill that has been pretty
Well corrected by the escorts, who now
go ahead of the line of visitors, open a
path, und then work backwards in all
directions till room Is made for strang-
One of tho first things which the
campaign settled hnd been debated for
yeurs. The city hud been running
along with a small police force. There
came a political division In the depart
ment and the force became short in
numbers and remained so. The first
week of the campaign found but n lit
tle handful of officers to protect the
crowds. Pockets were picked by the
score, and when one morning twenty-six
gutted purses were found on the lawn
the two factions dropped their political
row and provided an adequate police
force, besides arranging for experienc
ed detectives when necessary. Since
then crowds have been well protected
and few complaints hav been made of
As a maker of hotels the campaign
In Canton -excels the Raines law In
New York, and, if one may Judge by
the complaints heard now and then,
some of the meals served to the hun
gry shouters are no more elaborate
than those which go with a mug of
amber fluid on the Knwcry. But such
places are the exception rather than
the rule. A good plain meal at a reas
onable price may be had by anyone
who is observing as he goes ubotit the
city. Every barr 10m now poses as a
restaurant. The churches have taken
u hand in feeding the hungry crowds.
Two or three of them have lunch
stands run by ladles' aid societies, one
little congregation has a continuous
oyster festival in Its lecture room.
Another, on the site of its proposed
new edifice near- the MeKinley home,
dispenses colTee and sandwiches from
a tent. A third, on a business thor
oughfare, keeps a regular picnic din
ner table spread on Its lawn on delega
tion days. Boarding houses announce
regular meals at all hours, and regu
lar hotels and restaurants have crowd
ed dining tables together to make room
for new ones.
All manner of devices are used to at
tract trade. When delegations are
passing there is a din of bells, ac
companied by voices calling out the
wares to be had. Boys and banners
mingle In the parade telling people
where to eat. One can scarcely walk
a block without nding some such pla
card as "This Is delegation headqunr
ters." "Here Is the ofilclnl eating
house." or "Home dinners like your
mother used to cook." One restaurant
keeper says that his receipts in the
past three months have been about $.1
to one during the same period of lost
year. During the past two weeks they
have been a little more tnan six to one.
If the campaign has produced a more
prolific crop of anything than of eat
ing houses. It is of fakirs. Such va
cant stores as are not occupied by
lunch counters are filled with mu
seums, or relic sales, or other catch
penny devices. The streets are over
run by venders of badges and buttons,
each claiming to have the official de
sign, or the one which "Major MeKin
ley personally approves." They go
about the city with their coats covered
with the emblems and with cards and
easelp bearing them by the thousands.
Then there Is the photograph man
with the "before and after" views -of
fhi lawn, portraits of Major MeKinley,
of his family, and of evesy person or
thing likely to command a customer.
McKlnleylwm has invaded the city's
commerce. There is scarcely an article
of general use that cannot be pur
chased in the MeKinley brand. At tho
tobacco stands you find the MeKinley
cigar, at the notion store the MeKin
ley handkerchief, at the jewelry store
tho MeKinley spoon, nt every store the
MeKinley cane. Spirits in ull qualities
are sold in bottles beuring MeKinley
lebels, and one window shows a large
display of little tin boxes presumed to
contain individual lunches. Recogniz
ing the tendency of people to gather up
souvenirs, business men make con
spicuous their MeKinley wares, and
scurcely a window or street display
ecu be found without some MeKinley
tM ticle, either for sale or as a present
to pccompany Borne other sale.
But not nearly - II of the souvenirs
taken from t i;.U n are purchased In
tli stores. MOi'l ot the flowers und
pk'l.ts that once graced the McKinl-y
iawn were can I 'd away leaf by leaf
Iv ri-lic seekers, wh . uIsj now and then
take a picket from the wooden fensj
I'lic'osliig the lawn, and pick up a
sprig of golden red placid In McKin
!t's lapel by a ls!ting commltte1,
ui d displaced by a vigorous gesture,
.r unything else found on the lawn
that can be easily handled. One day
this week an old gray-haired man
ca'led to Bhake hands. He was too
bashfu' to enter the bouse and was d'.i
potied to wait about the porch until the
major came out. Major MeKinley, hear
ing of his caller, went out mid greets!
him graciously. The old man was
moved almost to tears. As he was
leaving te yard he scoped up a small
handful of soft earth, wrapped it in a
paper, and reveientiy placed it In h.B
At the MeKinley house, from early
morning till late at night, the latch
string Is always out. There are no
special hours f ir receiving miscellan
eous calli-ra and no reservations for
those standing high at court. Major
MeKinley may net always be able tJ
receive them at once. Sincj the de
mands upon him have become so
heavy he frequently takes a little nap
during the dny, and during these he is
disturbed only In case of grtat urg
ency. But tho callers have the privi
lege of waiting. First the ofllce room
Is filled up nnd then the porch. When
the major appears he can talk to half a
dozen or more at a time and give to
each the impression that it is a per
sonal Interview. If the caller Is a
friend and they have common friends,
inquiries are made concerning the ab
sent ones. If the caller Is a stranger
the greeting Is uccompanled with s"mo
questions about his home and its in
terests. Major MeKinley possess -s the
happy faculty of putting those about
him at their ease.
Electric Batteries, Electric Exploders, for ex
ploding blasts, Hafety Fuse, mid
Repawn) Chemical Co. 's EXPLOSIVES,
CALL UP 3682.
M. W. COLLINS, Manager.
Tba Superbly Appointed and Commodious
rteri meamsnips,
Amrrican through and through,
leave Buffalo Tti'sdava anil Fridays 9.30 p.m.
for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac, The Soo,
Duluth, and Western Point, paaaiug all
places of Interest by daylight In connection
It forms the most direct route, and from ev.
cry point of ckiuiihi ison, the most delightful
and onrofortal le one to Minneapolis, St. Paul,
(treat Falls, Helena, Butte. Kpokane and Pa
ciflo coast.- The onlv tranx ontlueutal line
running tht famous buffet, library, observe
tion car.
New (17 hour tratti for Portland via Spokane,
HOTEL LAPAVETTE, Lake Minnetonka,
itt miles from Minneapolis largest and must
beautiul resort in tho west.
licketaaud any Information of any agent or
A. A. 11KAKD, Uenerul Passenger agent.
Buffalo, N.Y.
Coal of the best quality for domestic use
and of all alses. Including buckwheat and
ltlrdseye, delivered in any part of the city,
at the lowest price.
Orders received at the Office, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. (;
telophone No. 2824. or at the mine, tele
phone No, 272, will be promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied at the mine.
What Sarah Bernhard say
2,000,000 BARRELS
Made and Sold in Six Months, ending larch 1, 1896,
Total Product of
The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels,
Largest Run on Record.
Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from the
Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundlantl, and in England, Ireland
aud Scotland very largely, and is recognized aa the best flour in tba