THE SCRANTON TBIBtJXE-THtrcSDAY . OCTOBER , 8, 1896. 11 : -7 CIUUCET V. BEPKW. 4 Abrnhab Lincoln was not an acci dent, but a development. He did not leap Into leadership at a bound, but earned the position by laborious prep aration and frequent demonstrations of supreme ability. It is only thirty years si nee the country was shocked as never before by his assassination, und yet to the vast majority of the American people he is already u legend ary character, and the human elements which endeared him to his feneration are foruotten. We have made history bo rapidly In the last iiunrter of a cen tury that even the thrilling events of the civil war can no lomte e injure votes or move uudiences. Memorial day. which was once a period of passion and sorrow, Is now a popular picnic and children's holiday. To understand the significance of the meeting here thirty-elKht years ago be tween Lincoln and Douglas, we must recreate the conditions under which they foutrht, revive the questions which caused purtles to rush from partlsan Bhlp to rebellion, and reincarnate the combatants on this famous Held. The apparent contest was the statehood of Kansas, but both the orators and the people knew that the tremendous is sues was between freedom and slavery, the dissolution of the union or its per petuity. The founders of the Republic reparoled e'avery as an institution destined t ultimate extinction. Washington and Jefferson and their slave-holdiiiR as sociates saw with grave apprehension the perils of its continuance and the incompatibility if Its growth with free Institutions. I'nder normal conditions, it would have gradually disappeared with the moral pressure of the llberty loving sentiment and the industrial su periority of free labor. It is easy to be virtuous when It costs little, and much easier when it is advantageous. Greed and conscience have been battling ever for the mastery. That conscience wins in the end Is a tribute to the better elements of human nature, and that' interest can blind and sophistry misleud for generations teaches humility and distrust of our selves. The politics of the United States and the destiny of millions of human be ings were suddenly changed by a piece of mechanism. Whitney Invented the cotton gin, slave labor became en ormously protituble, and slavery grew to be the most aggressive power in the country. It was popular at the time of the formation of the Constitution to pass the ordinance of 1787 by which was consecrated forever in freedom the territory comprising the states of Illinois, Imlianu, Michigan and Wis consin, but thirty-three years after wards, in ISiO, Missouri had to be sur rendered to slavery to save the Union. All the intelligence, the capital, the business energy, and the political pow er of one hulf the I'nion had concen trated and created the most audacious and formidable political force ever known In representative government. It had one purpose the protection and extension of slavery. It aimed to con trol the government and dominate par ties. It was the power within both of the great organizations If'0 which the people were divided. It selected Its ' lt-aitdrs with wonderful ability und served them with unswerving loyalty. It made or crushed careers us North ern statesmen were obedient to its commands. It had no gratitude for past favors, and as mercilessly dis carded Its servile friends had become unpopular at home because of their servility, as It destroyed those who temporized with Its Interests upon either principle or policy. The con science of the non-slaveholding popu lation was slowly awajtenlng, but mov ing tentatively and timidly under dread of trade disturbances and threats of the dissolution of the Union. . COMPROMISE OP 1820. ' The compromise of 1SJ0, by declaring all of the new territory north of par allel 36.30 free and all south slave, and admitting Missouri, which was north, as a slave state, was hailed by those who loved both union and liberty as the gain of a large area for freedom. It was really the recognition by law of slavery in the territories, the gain cf a state and Its senators by the slave power, and leaving the Northern ter ritory for a fresh attack when the time came for its settlement. For slavery, founded upon the greatest of wrongs, can respert neither rights nor com pacts. Yet there existed a passionate devotion to peace and union, and the compromise of 1S20 was gratefully ac cepted. The Abolition sentiment. Inflamed by the arrogance and aggressive action of the slave power, was constantly win ning converts and demanding congres sional action in the territories and Dis trict of Columbia. The crisis, as al ways, with the threat of secession be hind It, became acute, and was once more tided over by the compromises of 1850. By these measures slavery se cured national recognition of the in stitution at the capital and the enact ment of the fugitive slave law, but the union saved was regarded by the vast majority as well worth this sacri fice of honor, morality, and liberty. Upon this altar was burned the proud est reputation and mightiest treasure of Intellect and character the country possessed. There are many paths to the presidency, but the southern lead ers could confidently say to every am bitious statesman: No matter what your views on other questions, no man has reached the white house in a gen l oration except by the southern road. The anti-slavery people turned to Dan iel Webster for leadership. They ex pected from him a mighty effort. His historical reply to Hayne had estab lished .the right and power of the na tion to protect Its life and liberties. No speech in the records of representative government ever had such Immediate and permanent Influence In shaping the institutions and destinies of a country. The glowing periods and patriotic In terpretation of the constitution, fle. claimed from the platforms of schools and academies, by succeeding genera tions, educated and inspired the pas sion for nationality, the union, and the flag, which put two millions of citizens In arms, and placed the re public upon enduring foundations at Appomattox. Webster's seventh of March speech aroused and embittered the anti-slavery feeling as nothing be fore had done. This supreme Indul gence had made Massachusetts first and most honored among American commonwealths by his Immortal apos trophe to her, when, with Infinite ma jesty and pathos, he called the atten tion of the senators and the people to her proud position. Now. tempted by. the prize of the presidency, he Fald It her: "Massachusetts must conquer ler prejudices." "They have been , created by the din and roar and rub-a-dub of Abolition press and Abolition lecturers beaten every month and ADDRESS Celebrat5omi of the Thirty-eighth Am oSversary of the Debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A Douglas, at Qalesbimrg, III, October ?9 1896, . . BY . . CHAUNCEY tl. DEPEW every day and every hour." More 'a t sorrow than In anger but with impres sive dignity and power Massachusetts answered: "What you contemptuously term prejudices are the eternal prin ciples of righteousness and justice, taught and enforced by none so elo quently and ably as yourself. Mas sachusetts reveres your past and mourns your present." The conven tion' of 1S32 met to nominate a presi dent. Webster's speech had been of Incalculable service to the south In car rying Its measures through congress, but it had destroyed his availability with the north. He was defeated, and the greatest statesman of the century died of disappointment and mortifica tion. Webster's recusancy aroused the colleges and the pulpits and gave tre mendous Impetus to the anti-slavery party. His example, illustrating so conspicuously that the northern man who lost popularity at home by ser vice to slavery would be rejected by the slave power for more available re cruits, opened the eyes of the most morally dense ambitious to the merci less and heartless ' purposes of the oligarchy. ....... WAR WITH MEXICO. The war with Mexico has added an enormous area of territory to the na tional domain. From It new states were to be soon created by constantly Increasing immigration and settlement. The North, absorbed in diversified in dustries and material development, paid little heed to the future, but the South, recognizing the growing hostil ity to Its Institutions, formed the plan of a permanent balance of power. This was to be accomplished by admitting no free state, unless one which recog nized slavery came in at the same time. Then, with the senate equally divided between free and slave states, slavery would lie forever safe from hostile leg islation. To accomplish this the Mis souri compromise must be repealed. It is difficult for us at this distance to re alize the reverence wltH which this compact' was regarded. It was In the popular mind and imagination the sa cred guarantee of the Union, and the dedication of the new territory to free institution, free labor, and free Btates. it had been placed with the Declara tion of Independence, and the Consti tution of the United States among the inviolable charters and agreements up on which rested the peace and perpetu ity of the Republic. Every great and honored name of a genurution of the most distinguished statesmen of both parties was committed to its mainten ance. No politician could hope to re tain Northern support who favored Its repeal, or hold Southern favor, unless he lubored for Its abrogation. The Northern lender who carried througli the repeal and It could only be carried by a Northern leader, had the fate of Webster and scores of lesser men be fore him. He would be repudiated by one side and abandoned as no longer useful by the other. The South grew daily more threatening, and the North more sensitive. To the man who could bridge this chasm, and fool the North os it had been so often successfully hoodwinked before.and satisfy the alert and clear-purposed South. the presiden cy was certain. Stephen A. Douglas, a statesman of infinite resources, courage and ambition, undertook the task. The North might be cajoled by promises and an apparently fair prospect for freedom the South cared nothing for phrases or pleadings, so lung as Its ob ject was secured. This skillful necro mancer sought by an artful juggle of words to satisfy both sides. He adroit ly put the Abolitionists of the North and the fire-eaters of the South In the category of disunionists, and then bid for that conservative support which always controls In great crises. "We have outgrown the line of 36 degrees, R0 minutes," he cried.. The expansion and limitless possibilities of our coun try have made this limit obsolete. The government of the states which will come Into the Union from the new ter ritory, and the continental career, which Is our destiny, must be settled upon a broad and enduring principle. Let the people of all sections go as they list with their property, whether chat tels or slaves, into the territories, and when the period of statehood arrives they can decide by ballot whether they will recognize or exclude slavery, or they may determine the question in the territorial legislatures. This leaves the matter with the people and recognizes the very basis of popular government." Under the name of squatter sovereign ity this remedy captivated the public mind, and Douglas became the central figure in American politics. NO EXCUSE FOR SLAVERY. Governments ore mainly the result of successive ccmprom'ses. But there pre qucstlors whl.'h cannot be compro mised., Whenever t'uth has formed a compact with a lie, the lie has secured all the advantages. Honesty can be tainted and destroyed by fraud, but cannot work It. Lord Marstleld's fa mous dcc'slm rendered four years be f r.- our Declara-lon of Independence, "tl at tin state of slavery Is it such a nature that it Is Incapable of being in tioluced on any rjaon'ng. moral or political, but only positive law. It 's so odious that nothing can be suffered n support it but positive liw," revealed the moral sense and enlightened Judg ment of the world. It rang through all the colonies of Great Britain, and found sententious expression In the words of the Declaration of Independence, that "all men are created equal, with cer tain Inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The compromises of 1820, of 1850. and of Douglas, we e re igni tions by positive law of an Institu tion so odious that it was condemned by every moral and political principle. With each compromise It gained strength and power, until It was near ly prepared for a life and death struggle with Liberty and Union. , ' The specious scheme of Douglas start ed a race between the free and slavt people to capture Kansas. Bold raid ers from Missouri poured over the border carrying murder and pillage among the free state settlers. Gover nor after governor was appointed and dismissed by President Pierce and Buchanan because they would not as sist the slave-holding minority In driv ing r.ut rf the te r t ry the vast ma jority who were opposed to slavery. Civil war with a'l its horrors raged on the plains of KanvX and Henry Ward Beecher. then a reVglous and political force of unparalleled power, set the north aflame by hotly informing the domestic missions that what Kanras and liberty wanted was not Bibles, but rifles. The novel of Uncle Tom's Cabin, written by his sister, Harriet Beecher 8towe, and circulated and read beyond any book ever published In the 9 a AT THE . . . . ; : country filled every household with ' tears and htrror. Intensifying the sen timent against slavery more than th- iress or the pulpit, or the mebblng and murder of Abolitionists. The slave power entrenched In the White House and senate, the house of representatives and the courts, con trolling the machinery of the Demo cratic and largely of the Wig parties, and repeatedly and recently sustained In the elections, felt confident that ex treme measures for securing Kansas could bo safely pushed. With the whole strength of the administration behind the conspirators, the Lecompton con stitution fastening slavery on the hew State was fraudulently adopted against the protest, clearly ond emphatically expressed, of four-fifths of the voters and sent to congress for approval. Douglas, alone, of the Democratic lead ers, felt the force of the rising tide of popular indignation and awakening conscience. ' A 2a Inst the threats and opposition of the president and the southern senators he opposed the en dorsement of the Lecompton consti tution, broke from his party organiza tion, and demanded that under every safeguard for a fair election the con stitution should be submitted to the people Of Kansas. He stood boldly by his principle of squatter sovereignty and rallied the masses of the Demo cratic party of the north. DOUGLAS THE "LITTLE GIANT." While Douglas had satisfied the north with the doctrine that the verdict of the people upon their state government should prevail, he appeased the south with the understanding that the whole question was subject to the decision of the courts. The pro-slavery leaders who never took a step In the dark knew that a decision in an unnoticed case be fore the supreme court court would be decided In their favor. Douglas was hailed by the northern wing of the party as its Bavlor, and rode trium phantly as the "Little Giant" upon the wave of popular approval, when the Died Scott decision demolished his beautiful fabric of squatter sovereignty and a less resourceful or weaker man would have been buried in its ruins. Dred Scott, a slave, had been carried by his master Into the free state of Ill inois, and also Into the territory where slavery was prohibited by the ordin ance of 1787.. The master was for years a resident of these places. Dred Scott married there and had two duughters. Moving subsequently into Missouri himself and family were relnslaved. He claimed that If the master took his slave Into a free state voluntarily and made that his residence the slave be came free by operation of law, and de manded the release of himself and fam ily. The English courts from Mans field's time had so decided and such hud been the uniform course of American decisions, with the modification that the owner had a right to transit through a free state to another slave state. The case had been for several years In the courts without attractings any attention. With ten thousand free and two thousand slave state voters, and the demand for Douglas for a fair election on this question too formidable to be resisted, Kansas seemed speedily destined to Join the Union free, and the "Little Giant" to be the hero of the hour. Suddenly the country was amaz ed and shocked by the opinion of Chief Justice Taney, concurred In by the four Judges from the slave states. Not only were all previous decisions reversed and Dred Scott, his wife, and two daughters, condemned to Blavery, but the court decided that property in slaves wus recognized by the constitu tion, that neither congress, nor the peo ple of the territories had the power to prohibit It, thnt the negro was excepted from the Declaration of Independence, wus property as sacred as any other form of legal possession, and had no rights which a white man was bound to respect. Such were the political conditions when Douglas entered the list for re election to the senate form Illinois. President Buchanan and his adminis tration and all the influence of the Southern leaders were arrayed against him. But the Democracy of Illinois loyally supported him, and John J. Crittenden, the leader of the Southern Whigs, with H or a nee Greeley, the leadr of the anti-slavery forces in the North, and many other men of com manding influence favored his election on the ground that it would hopelessly divide the Democratic party and force Douglas to go with the anti-slavery party. The contest became a national Issue of the first Importance and an overwhelming victory and triumphal re-entry Into the senate seemed Bure for Douglas. One man blocked the way, and with such tremendous force and superb ability that his effort con solidated the free sentiment of the country, abolished slavery and saved the I'nion. That man was Abraham Lincoln. RIVALS IN YOUTH. Lincoln and Douglas were rivals in youth for the hand of the lady who married the former, and contestants In after years for the United States senate and presidency. Douglas had been for more than a decade without a peer on the platform In Illinois, and Lincoln, after years of effort, had come to be recognized as the only orator who could be safely plted against him. Douglas possessed national fame, while Lincoln had only a state reputa tion. I heard Horace Greeley, who knew better than any one the Intel lectual powers of the palltlclans of his time, say that though many men could excel Douglas In a single speech, he had no equal in the country in a debate prolonged for days or weeks. He could misstate and then demolish his adversary's position that It was next to impossible to make clear to an audience wherein lay the falsehood. He had the faculty of extricating him self from an apparently hopeless di lemma with an audacity and adroit ness which won the apolause of his hearers. He Intuitively saw the weak point of his opponent and rushed to attack with resistless boldness and energy. His unscruptilousness and untruthfulness, which would have de stroyed other speakers, made him the most dangerous of debaters. When he had the right on his side he mar shalled the forces of truth with such surprising skill and logical power that J"..'rnd" Proudy named him the Little Giant. Lincoln had humor and pathos and Douglas possessed neither. Lincoln's faculty of being at once at home with his audience in the easy familiarity which makes them both friendly and receptive was the genius of popular or atory. But with these elements he had a singularly lucid power of statement and was master of logic. Unlike Dou glas, he was weak unless l:e knew he was right. His whole nature must be stirred with the justice of his cause for him to rise above the commonplace. But ones convinced that ha was bat tling for right and truth and he was irresistible. He became logical, epi grammatic and eloquent. Convincing as was his speech to those who listened, it was more powerful when read In cold type. Douglas was born In Vermont. Ho had all the advanviges of Its splendid school system, and Improved them by an academic education. His boyhood and youth were nurtured and taught' by precept and example In a New Eng land home-cherishing, church-going and llberly-lovlng community. He moved West to teach school, acquire his profession, and begin his career with no other hardships than those which are essential In America to train and Inure ambition for the success In the battle of life. By birth. associations and early influences he should have been opposed to slavery, but he became its most efficient defender, ally and friend. He lacked moral nature and perception. BORN IN A SLAVE STATE. Lincoln was born in a slave state. His father, from repeated failures, had lost courage and sunk Into the condition of the poor white in ante-bellum tlaym. He lived In a log cabin with a single room, and his companions were the rough, coarse and ignorant children of the neighborhood. He grew to man hood wearing the sktnn of animals for his garments, gigantic in stature, good-natured, story-telling, protecting tho weak against the local bully, and the pride of the settlement for his strength, size, ready wit and uncouth eloquence. The immoral, whiskey drinking and blasphemous associations of this formative period of his life never tainted or tarnished his pure and lofty bouI. His life and experience seem a startling refutation of the doctrine of man's total depravity In a state of na ture. With his early environment, great gifts and talent for leadership, he was the Ideal type from which to se lect a supporter of slavery. But the Puritan ancestry whose strength and Btrain had been lost In the Kentucky wilderness of slave-owners and the In diana forest of slave-holding sympa thizers marvelously reproduced, in this homely descendant, the traits which carried the Pilgrims from Scroby to Holland and from Holland to Ply mouth Rock to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences on the bleak shores of New England and found a government of Just and equal laws. Having sailed clown the Mississippi, as a flatboatman, to New Orleans, Lin coln was attracted one day to a sale In the slave market. A young girl was put up at auction, and after the usual ani mal examination and inspection sold. He turned from the scene with horror and registered a mighty oath tnat come what would he would do his best to destroy an Institution under which such crimes against humanity were possible. He made little mark in the legislature, but was gaining reputation as a stump speaker. His service In congress was distinguished by always voting for the Wilmot proviso to pro hibit Blavery In the territories acquired from Mexico, opposing the Mexican war, and Introduced a bill to abolish slavery In the District of Columbia. He spoke In many slates in the presidential canvases of 1844, 1848 and lsr.2 for the Wig party, but while his efforts were popular, they were ordinary and pre funetory. It required more than ques tions of tariff, internal improvements andi national banking to touch his big heart and Inspire his great mind to supreme effort. He never was at his best unless his sympathies were fully enlisted. , This long training on the platform had given him the technical skill for wonderful work when once his soul and intellect were harmoniously aroused for Justice and liberty. Immediately upon the repeal of the Missouri compromise In 181.4, Lincoln, who had retired from politics, re-enter ed the arena to form a party to fight slavery strictly within the lines of the Constitution. He saw from the weak ness of the Abolitionists that this was the only successful wuy of curbing its extension and ultimately extinguishing it. He was instrumental in calling a state convention at Bloominston. Muy 29, 1856, of Free Soil Whigs, Democrats opposed to the repeal of the Missouri compromise, and Abolitionists. Lin coln was the leader of the Free Soil Whigs, Owen Lovejoy, of the Abolition ists anil Gen. John M. Palmer, of the Free Soil Democrats. The speech which thrilled and consolidated the conven tion was made by Lincoln. From It sprang the Republican party of 1111 nois. This creative effort, which was burned In the mind and memory of every delegate, has long been known as Lincoln's lost speech, because it wus not reported. It has recently been re produced after having been burled for forty years In the notes of a young lawyer who was present. It stirs the blood now like a bugle call for battle. "We have seen this day," he said, "that every shade of popular opinion is ren- resented here, with freedom or rather free soil as the basis. We came to protest against a great wrong, und to take measures to make that wrong rignt, ana the plain way to do this Is to restore the Missouri com prom Ise.and to demand and determine that Kansas shall be free. Thomas Jefferson, a slaveholder, mindful of the moral ele ment In slavery, solemnly declared, "I tremble for my country when I remem ber that God Is Just;' while Judge Douglas, with an insignificant move of his hand, don t care whether slavery is voted up or down.' The battle of free dom is to be fought out on principle. Slavery Is a violation of eternal right. We have temporized with It from the necessities of our condition, but as sure as Ood reigns and school children read, that black, foul lie can never be conse crated in God's hallowed truth. The conculsion of all this is that we must restore the Missouri compromise. We must reaffirm the Declaration of Inde pendence; we must make eood In es sence as well as In form Madison's avowal that the word slave ourht not to appear in the constitution. We must make this a land of liberty In fact as it is in name. But in seeking to attain these results so Indispensable If the liberty which our pride and boast shall endure, we will be loyal to the consti tution and to the flag of the Union, and no matter what our grievance and no matter what theirs, we will say to the southern disunionists, 'We will not go out of the Union and you shall not.' " In the Fremont campaign Mr. Lin coln, at the head of the electoral ticket In Illinois, made a canvass so thorough and brilliant as to establish his leader ship of the Republican party In the state, and Douglas making repeated visits home ard on each occasion de livered a charaeterlstc speech which was soon answered by Lincoln. Now the time had come when he must be returned to the senate or retired to private life. The situation was In tensely dramatic, and claimed the at tention of the. country. Douglas was feared by all the famous, debaters In the state. His defiance of Buchanan and fight against the Lecompton Con stitution had mude him the Northern Democratic leader and won for him the admiration and support of the multi tudes of anti-slavery people. He had brought the comparatively new state of Illinois to the front rank .In the Na tional legislature, and the state was very proud of him. The persecution of the administration secured him a hun dred friends for every postmaster dis missed. He controlled the machinery of a successful party, and had the prestige and power of nn aggresBlve and triumphant organization behind him. Lincoln keenly felt the limitation of local reputation, the responsibility of his position In a national crisis, and the lack of party confidence In the East In his ability for the task. Doug las could both defend positions then generally conceded to be right, and at tack principles which were new and alarming in practical politics. When hard pressed he could retreat behind time-honored prejudices and revered and moss-covered traditions. Lincoln must always be, In open. He had t attack, pull down and build up. He had the most difficult task for an ora tor to separate wrong from right when they have been so entwined for gen erations that to attempt to destroy tho one and save the other seems to the timid a surgical operation which may be a splendid exhibition of skill, but death to the pntlent. The cotton-growing South was the home market for the food products and manufacturers of the North. The money power and business and social Influences of the North were fearful of offending the slave owners. Por tions of the press ond pulpit of the North were in harmony with that unanimous advocacy of the right and Justice of slavery by the press and pul pit of the South, which educated a generation of Southern statesmen to stake their lives and fortunes for, to them, a sacred cause. There was a superstitious reverence for the Consti tution and drend of the dissolution of the Union as Infinitely worse than sur render to slavery. Four thousand mil lions of dollars Invested In human be ings In the South, and a large portion of the capital of the North engaged In business connected with the slave-holding states, so blinded honest. Intelli gent and well-meaning people that to them God and mammon were one. No more important council ever gath ered thun the conclave of friends sum moned to Springfield by Lincoln that he might read to them his opening speech. The keynote of it was the famous declaration, "A house divided against Itself canont stand. I be lieve this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free." "I do not expect the I'nion to be dis solved I do not expect the house to fall but I do expect It will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the farther spread of it, and place It where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it Is In due course of ultimate extinction; or Its advocates will push It forward un til It shall become alike lawful In all the states old as well as new, -North as well as South." The shrewd poli ticians about him unanimously op posed his making this statement. They said Douglas would seize upon and use it to arouse the Union sentiment in his favor, and frighten the timid from Lincoln by claming It to threaten a dissolution of the Union. Lincoln's answer was the first revelation to his advisers and the country of that basic moral element In his nature which ul timately found its full expression in the proclamation of emancipation. He said: "I would rather be defeatd with these expressions in my speech held up and discussed before the people than be victorious without them." He gardless of personal consequences or the danger signals of the hour, he lost the senatorshlp and gained the presi dency by illustrating in both speech and action his abiding faith that God reigns. He intensely believed that false teachings, inherited prejudices. party loyalty, and material Interests might encrust the national consclenoe, but that this could be broken by the sledge hammer of truth. He knew that to temporize with error Is to strengthen Its hold. His prophetic wisdom, far sighted statesmanship and unques tioning trust in the final judgment of those whom he delighted to call the plain people were conspicuously con rmed when two millions of citizens an swered his call and left homes and family and business to give their lives for the Union and the flag. DEVICE OF MANAGERS. It was always the device of party managers who are corruptly using their power to charge that the re formers who would purify the organ rzatlon will destroy it. This simply means that they will either rule or ruin; but the threat deceives mult! tudes, who cannot see that attacking false leaders Is not assailing the party. Tens of thousands of well-meaning men believed that to assail slavery was to endanger the Union. They could not understand that, while the slave holders were shouting patriotically to the antl-sluvery forces, "If you do not stop this agitation you will dissolve the Union, they meant 'if you do not leave slavery where It is and permit Its extension where it Is not, we will break up the republic." It was Lin coin's task to make this clear, and pluce the responsibility for secession upon those who seceded and for re bellion upon those who rebelled, and he did it with unequaled eloquence and power. Douglas knew the taste and temper of the prevailing opinion, and played upon it with consummate skill. He tie dared the doctrine of a "house divided against Itself was a declaration of re lentless sectional war." He presented with tremendous force the I'nion dis solved by this crusade, the people and their Institutions buried in common ruin, and peace, prosperity and perpet uity with the Union saved by his win ciple of popular sovereignty, enabling the people of the territories to settle the slavery question for themselves. He inllnmed popular prejudice by de claring that phrase "all men are creat ed equal In the Declaration of Inde pendence did not refer to negroes, and if Lincoln s contention that It did pre vail, then there would he universal negro equality. One of the most ef fective devices of the campaign was the wagons loaded with the lovely girls from prarie homes plaintively pro claiming by their banners that they would not marry niggers. Lincoln s answer was memorable and philosoph Ic. Its calm assertion of a principle rose fur above the catch-penny artifice of sophistical jugglery. He said: "I do not understand the Declaration of Independence to mean that all men nre created equal in all respects. They are not equal in color. Hut I believe that It does mean to declare that all men are equal in their light to life, liberty, and the pursuit or happiness. As the great debate proceeded the whole country became the audience. The discussion rapldlyVnouldlng pub lic opinion, promoting patriotism and dissolving parties. The people were eager students In a national university, with the two most pmlnent teachers of their time preparing them for the im pending crisis. Lincoln's views grew broader and hlfrher. He again sum moned his friends and admirers. He submitted to them whether he should ask and compel Douglas to answer the question whether, notwithstanding the Dred Scott decision had declared that Blavery was lawful in the territor ies under the constitution, "the people of a territory could In any lawful way exclude Blavery from Its limits prior to the formation of a state constitution?" This nakedly presented the deadly an tagonism between the Dred Scott de cision and the "popular sovereignty" of Douglas. Lincoln's friends unani mously advised against it. They knew his answer would be that the decision of the supreme court could not enforce itself, and. therefore regardless of It the people of the territories, by un friendly legislation and police regula tions, could exclude slavery. They said this would satisfy Illinois and re-elect Douglas senator. Lincoln's answer was again lofty and memorable: "I am after loftier game. If Douglas so answers he can never be president, and the battle of 1860 is worth a hundred of this." Douglas answered as anticipat ed. The answer defeated Lincoln and made Douglas senator, but it split the Democratic party two years later and drove it from Dower. It defeated Douglas for the presidency and carried Lincoln Into the White House. 1'pon this platform, and on this very spot thirty-eight years ago today stood these Intellectual athletes. Neither they, nor the vast audience which en joyea their thrusts and parries, cheered their -effective blows, and were en tranced by their eloquence, knew how rapidly they were making history; how ably they were preparing the most im portant chapter in the story of the nineteenth century. It was the battle eternally going on, "Often lost, but ever won." between principle and expedi ency. Lincoln was tall, gaunt, awk ward and homely, with a high, pene trating voice which reached easily the utmost limits of the crcf.d. Douglas was Bhort, corpulent and dignified, with the grace and courtesy of senatorial custom and association, and spoke with deep tones and slow enunciation, as if every word was weighted with an Im portant argument. Douglas was the more adroit debater. Lincoln the more cogent rcasoner. Douglas could cap ture the crowd by those courtesies to his opponent behind which he misrep resented his position, while Lincoln, un trained to compliment, grew resentful and harsh at these falsifications. Lin coln could lift his audience by a pas sionate appeal to their better nature for the slave, for Justice and for liberty. Douglas was always the fighter and debater. Lincoln consciously and Douglas unconsciously were preparing the people of the free states for the sacrifices of civil war and the preserva tion of the national life. It Is to the eternal honor and glory of Douglas that when the war broke out the partisan became a patriot and gave to his life long antagonist, President Lincoln, his unqualified Bupport. THE VOW FULFILLED. For the questions they debated here hundreds of thousands of our country men died upon the field of battle. The South fought as Americans can fight for what they believed to be right, and the North fought as Americana can fight for what time has demonstrated was right. The vow registered by Lin coln, the rough flatboatman of nine teen, at the slave mart In New Orleans, was fulfilled by Lincoln, president of the United States, in the proclamation which freed the slaves and made the sentence for freedom In the Declara tion of Independence both a seotlment and a fact. Two millions of volunteer soldiers helped him enforce his mes sage to the disunionists in his first speech at the commencement of his debate, "We will not go out of the Un ion and you shall not." The famous controversy over the "House divided against ltself,"nowhere discussed more bitterly than here on this platform, ended at Appomattox. The house did not fall, but It did be come "all free." The new South, the peopled West, the enriched East, and the prosperous North can calmly re view the issues which so radically div ided them in the past and reverently thank God that in the final conflict and its settlement the leader of the forces of union and liberty was the great-hearted, broad-souled, wise-brained man of love and charity, Abraham Lincoln, High Grade Sbti, Emerson, Malcolm Lots. Clontf & flima, Carpenter, Witerlox And Lower Grades a! Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE SIEILE, 103 SPRUCE STREET. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL.. Coal of the best quality for domestic) as nd of all sizes, including Buckwheat and Birdseye, delivered in any part of the city at the lowest price. Orders received at tho Office, first floor. 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It wards off fnsanlty nd Consumption. Inslnt on having RKVIVO, no thr. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mall, 1.00 per paokage. or six for M.OO, with a post '.Ive written guarantee te rare or refund ho money. Circular free. Address "! r0ICINF e. mircon For Ssle by MATTHEWS BROS., Drog gist Sersntoa, Pa. i to III R0BNS01 SN liii arMeenpate tnm Uto. 1st Day. JL Made a XrJWel1 Man x tw a ... Da CONNELL