The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all ia Leavening Power. L". S. Gov't lieport
K,!idpis will plp.w note that advcrtise
n, ut. orders for job work, ami items lor
l.i.lili-atlon l-ft ul the establishment or
Summon & Co., newsdealers. North Mam
street, will receive prompt attention; of
hi e open from 8 11. ni. to 10 p. nt.
Si. t iul Srrviri' Arc Hrld at llrreon
ltuitit Church.
The services at the Ifaptist cliuirli n
Sumluv iiiorriins were of. nmre than
iiMial 'interest anil were largely Ht
leiuieii. An ai'Pti'PfiHte seriimn wua
jsiveii. The pnxtnr. Jtev. T. K. Jepsun
spi.Ke (if the inipcirtiiliee if early rells
inu ilitiin tliii ttml triilnimr. At tlte
Suieli' V si IhmiI serx ii e, :s::fi were present,
mill eiijuye.l a vi-ry interest inir unlet- r
M l i li es.
t the evenini; serviee Miss Augusta
i-ui-ter, prim ipal of the Il ls' TraiiiinK
M UomI at l-'iankliii. N. C. Kiive an iti
lelVStine; aill'ess respeetillft" the work
atiieil on uimnni the 1-illolVcl people.
Mrs. Ceorge Henluti of this city and
Mm. .1. r. iiVoiinnr. if Jermyn. siihk
a ileut which whs very tiiitch eiiJoycU
j i he large conureKiitioii iiieseiit.
Tu-Moi) Kirurture al rowilcil "
Mine-, ('axes Iu.
A uvu Hiory frame structure al lie
Ivwuerly mine, useil as a barn I'M' ili.
iiuileii una fur the sun-aye of hav ami
fceil. ciillnpseil mi Saturday uwiiik 1
Ille .'ettltllif til' the Itlillllul.
Tile tall l)f a ili-tiill nf the luiihlinu
i.nne without wamlntr but the mules
w Ini Minatclv nil out nf the barn.
Mail lh.- aei-iileiil necurreil it l nitslil
many uf thm nniilil liaie il.iublless
been' Killeit HI' overw llellued ami
Miiini ln re.l. Xniie nl i he men employed
eie tear tin- luiililini; al the time but
tt.e lioiHu of the fall lilullijlll Ineli t'l
the K'nit and Warren Tappan and bts
force of mine carpenters were soon al
woiK. The building will soon lie 1
Unieil and made safe.
Xwal.eiifil 15 v Hiii'itlm.
Tile lesii'ellce nf K. I'nller. of
N'nrih I'hurch si reel, was lately visit
ei by thieves, who tlllililll? u buck door
ItllfllKlellecl. ellleleil llbollt tWO ll'clllck
in the mornlni;. They had found their
way to Mr. Thninpsnn's ollice, turned
d m il the lights and were evidently
uboul In proceed lo plunder the prem
ises when Mrs. I'nrter liearlti!; them,
amusi'it the family and the burglars
niaile H hasty ileiarlure.
Work on llelinont Sliect.
The new tracks of the Traction com
pany are hi-iny laid on llelinont street
and the work is pronressins rupidly.
Tin- m reel will he widened where ll Is
n ssitry. and In all respects improved.
Jasper Ho.encraii'. has charge nf the
i rack wiih a lame force of laborers.
Ii.'l, mint sireet will thus present a line
appearame when the work nf paving
I his imperliim street is completed.
An all-day convention of the Chris
tian Alliance workers will be held
Wednesday. October 7, at the Congre
iatiniial church. The meeting will be
led by Miss Draper, of Sing Sing. X. Y.,
and oilier Alliance workers will ud
dl'eys the meeting.
.Miss Laurie (iilliik. of Moosic, and
T. i Kyder. of Hie Wilkes-liurre io'c
ord. were the guesls of Miss Mary
llreiiiieii, of South Main Hired, last
Miss Jean Weidnian. formerly head
honk-keeper ill lintel A IlllllUclle. left
yi Mci-nay for Jersey City, w here sh
will in eei. I a more lucrative pnsltlnti.
.Miss Mary Nealmi has resigned her
H'sitUm us milliner fur Mrs. iiuddlUK
ii it.
Miss Mar;;aret Manuinn, of Buttle
avenue, is eiiierliiiuiug .Miss Kale Mu
Imiey, nf Susquehanna.
Mailhew Brown, of Scranlon,
Sunday in I Ids c hy.
W. I'. I-:. Mnrss and family left es
t i day f ;r I larrisburg, w here tin y will
veil l'lie!;ds.
Will Wall spent Sunday with relu
Ihes in Wilkes-Haii-e.
Miss Margaret Kelly 1ms returned
I miw from a visit Willi friends in Scran
Inii. Mbert I'yne, of Orove street, left on
Saturday I'm- Xeiv York citv. where he
ill tlteiid the Holiness mission which
i'! in session.
.1. B. Anderson, of Vandling. has
n nved his family lo this city. Mr. An-d'-rsiin
has chai-!;e nf snme of the con
Kl ruction work fur Bark & Co.. the pav
inis contractors.
'I'lc Mi Kinley and llobarl banner or
dered by the Itepublicans In this idly
i' i lived terday mnrning.
Airs. John Sullivan, nf New York city.
In vbJitlng her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
bi'ui Chine on Karvlew sireet.
Chailie Johnson and Will Mitchell
rmle to Avoca on their wheels Sunday
anil returned the same da v.
Mr. Clialield, or New York, is vlsilins
i.l the home nf Blank Smith, on !ai
I eld avenue.
Mrs. Jehu Animerinan Is iuterlaining
l-i-r niece. Miss Ball, nl" Honesdale.
The carpenters at work mi Kinback's
new factory gave a Uanco lasl eveniiitf
iu the new- strutture.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Trlckey and dattgli
ler, Kalheriue, who have been visiiing
Mrs. Trickey's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bieree Butler, have lclurned to their
heme in Chicago.
Drs. II. C. Wheeler and A. ilillis per
formed a surgical operation on Mrs.
l-'ox, of South Church street, yesterday
Mr. Surah Bralnanl. of BulTalo. and
John Abbotl, of ilkes-Barre, spent
Sunday W illi bis parents In this city.
Miss Margaret Fliineiaii. of lunula If
sireet. Is eiitertaiuing Aliss Kale.M -
1-ertnott, of Honesdale.
Mrs. Murllii Malnnex. of 1'liiludelphia,
me visiting their sister. Mrs. Kutlier-
.IiiM renil nur prices and compare then with
nv and ll ul the other ttemot.:
25c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c
35c. Ingrain Carpals. Now 25c
50c Ingrain Carps!:, Now 35c
B5c. "Brussels Carpets, Now 39s
75c. Brussels Carpets, Now ... 57c
65c Brussels Carpets, Now.. ...,75c
Also a quantity 01 ooiiy rcrussei.i lengins
from a to ao yards In each piece at shout one.
half price to cloe.
Lack. Ave
tarpeu and Wall Paper Dealer.
1EKMS-Casb on the Above UoodJ.
Ine Bralnanl, at the home of Joseph
lilrkett. on Church street.
Mr. ami Mrs. John Kane are visiting:
friends in Scrantun.
Miss Jennie Purple and Miss Carrie
tieary were elected delegates of the
riaptist Christian Kndeavor snc-lety to
the state convention to open fn Scran
ton today.
Ralph Giles lias returned home after
spending a week llshinK at White Oak
Miss Maine Kerlns and Bridget Kll
hullen have returned I ruin a visit with
friends In Dneontu, N. Y.
Miss Kose Strickland spent yester
day In Scrauton.
Miss Massle Clifford Is visit ing
friends In l'ittston and Avuen.
The family of David McMyne. v. ho
had a narrow escape on Saturday own
ing from sutToculioti by roul gas, are
Improving. thoiiMli the mother and
dauKluers still suffer from the acci
dent. Mi."s Clara Ifnyle is conllned lo her
hnme by Illness.
Key. Jacob Harris Ul:d daughter.
Miss Sadie Harris, nf Wiiiinmrri. has
been visiiiui; his son. Charles I Har
ris, nt Cemetery street.
A Democratic banner now floats over
Main street opposite the restaurant of
James lioylan. Fli-tures of Bryan and
Scwall look down upon the street, w ith
thin inscription, "The people s Choice."
The WilliiiK Workers of the Meiho
dlst uhuri-h of Taylor. will fcdvi an
oster supper in the church on Krlduy
evening. Oct. s. for ihe small sum of
Ifi cents. Ice cream and other refresh
ments for thosB who do lint lake
u sters.
Miss Klla Havis. of Hyde I'aik. vis
ited .Miss Nellie Moses, of Kel ISV ille,
on Sunday.
Bride of Lackawanna lodge. No. IS.
will- hold an impoiianl meeting tills
John Oavis. or Hyde Bark, spent
Sunday with life parents. Mr. and .Mrs.
I Nin lei I avls. of l-'elisville.
This afternoon the marriage of James
dinners and Miss Kale tlrogati will be
Miss l-M i ill Anderson, nf dreeii Kidge,
was the guest of Miss Klizabeth Ann
Jenkins on Sunday.
The tickets nre out for the I'a'r and
festival of the Calvary Baptist church
at Weber's rink, Nov. 'St. -. 7 and lis,
and arc selling ipiile rapidly.
A Kepiibllcun rally will be held at
Kasshnld's hall this evening. The fol
lowing well-known gentlemen will
speak on the issues of the campaign:
Hon. C. 1'. O'Malley, Colonel K. L.
Hitchcoc k and J. Klliot Itoss. An Invi
tation Is extended to all taxpayers, re
gardless nf political ulliliationf".
Mr. and Mrs. D.
Tunkliannock, were
C. firahain. of
callers iu town
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Titus were called
to Wllkes-Hurre yesterday on account
of the Illness of their son William.
Mrs. James Oslerhout, of Bunxsit
tawney, returned to her home last even
ing after a two weeks visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Titus.
Clifton Colvln, of Seranton, spenl
Sunday with friends In this place.
I'nicin services were held Sunday
evening in the Presbyterian church, un
der the auspices of the Women's
Christian Temperance I'tiion. The
church was well Idled and the aud
ience listened to an interesting pro
gramme. I'apers were read by Mrs. T.
Hawk. Mrs. A. L. Titus and Miss Louie
Thurber, and several declamations by
the children, Interspersed by singing.
The choir c onsisted of a double quar
tette of ladies, accompanied by the or
gan and three violins. The Mall Glee
club were present und rendered two
sacred numbers. The music was good.
ll Is expec ted that there will be a good
attendance from this place at the Slate
convention of Christian Kndeavor, to
be held in Seranton. Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday of this week. An
effort is being made to have the local
train run up to accommodate those
wishing to return home utter the Wed
nesday und Thursday evening sessions.
, II the Ruby In Cutting Teeth.
! Mrs. Wrlnslov's Soothing Syrup has
' been used for over fifty years hy mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, w ith perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Bold by
druggists in every part ol the world.
I Be Biire and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow'
' Soothing Syrup," and take no other
! kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle.
Mixs Lentia Bennett speii i Sunday
with her parents at South Gibson.
Bruce Reynolds has gone tu Phila
delphia, where he will study dentistry.
Frank Smiley, nf this place, has ac
cepted a position in Miller & peck's
china hull at Scraiilon.
Miss Jennie Lewis, who has bein vis
iting friends in town, has relumed to
her home In Montrose,
lienlge Selsson's new- residence is be
ing plastered, and will soon be ready
fnr Us interim- trimmings.
Walter Keiunierer spent Sunday w ith
his parents at this place, lie started
Monday timmlng for Wesleyan univer
sity, Mhldletnwn, Conn., where he will
attend school.
Charles Bliss has returned from a
trip to New York city.
Thursday. Oct. I. Henry
and family enjoyed some line straw
berries picked from their own vines.
A number of tin- Christian Kndeuvors
ol this place expec t to attend the con
vention ut Si ra-'lou this week.
.Miss 1 .inn el la ibirdner, who has been
surt'ering with a severe attack of the
cpiinsy, is on the mad lo recovery.
Mrs. II. N. I'upwcll was pleasjutly
surpriseil last Friday evening by a
number of our tow n people, who i p. -lit
the evening al her Inune. and tiid-d her
in celebiuling her tweniy-elgluli an
niversary. Itefreshuieiitsi were served,
and all departed alter huving spent a
very delightful evening.
Miss ,lu hie Egbert is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Haukins, ut Scranlon.
Mrs. Belli,;!! was culling on fricmtK
out of town yesterday.
Mrs. Connolly was visiting uuioiig
Taylor friends yesterday.
William Shales was visiting in pills
ton on Friday.
Fred Curdy has uccepied u posit mil
us teamster at Ihe Lawrence Store com
pany, i
Mrs. Hannah Bennett and grand
daughter. Nettie Cot, has returned
from Berwick.
Mr. anil Mrs. William Laird spent
Sunday ul the home of her father, Mr.
Miss Funnle Hide has returned home
to Wilkes-Banc.
Mrs. F. Ellis ami Miss M. Porter spent
Sunday with Mrs. Ira Boiler.
Andrew Aldiiro Is on Hie sick list.
Or. J. A. Burlington und wife were
cnlling on friends in Plttston Sunday.
Dr. Thompson has returned to Balti
more, Md.. where he will continue his
medical Btudles.
William Williams is on the sick list.
Peier Rowland is recovering from his
Scrautou Mueeliara Kutrrtisined.
Over twenty memberH of the Scran
ton Bicycle club rame to this city buu
day and were entertained by the
Wilkes-Ha4-re Wheelmen at Bear Creek.
The vlsitliii? wJieelmen rode from
Scrantou to Bear reek and return, a
distance of sixty miles. While ridlncr
from f Hen Summit to Searfoss's, "Dicik"
Turner. Frank Brown, Mr. Van Horn
and one of the Seranton wheelmen had
a lively experience. They swirled
around a curve In the road and saw a
wagon ahead. Turner turned his wheel
Into the woods, fell on it and smashed
it. Van Horn ran into the horse, and
the latter reared In the air and came
down on Van Horns machine!, smash
ing It. Neither wheel could be ridden
and both were left at Searfoss's, Turner
and Van Horn coming: to Wllkes-iSarre
on a wagon.
I.011U reter Dead.
Louis Ci-eter, of 408 South Muln street,
died at his homo on Saturday aged U
years. Deceased was born In (lermanv
and came to this country in 1S60. In
1MI2 he enlisted us it private In Co. K.
One Hundred and Seventy-third regi
ment, and served nine mouths. He re
turned lo Scranlon and w as married
lo Helen Hatienlieig or that place on
October A. ISti::, and lived there until
1SIJ7. when he moved to this city, and
has lived here since. He was a mem
ber of the Knights of Bythlus lodge.
27-.'. He is survived by a widow and
four children- Mrs. H. O. Lang. Miss
Anna. William and Beter. Funeral
will be held from his late residence, 4oj
South .Main street today at 'i p. In.
king ttoiiN ew Iuduti.
A ueiv manufacturing company,
Willi h will begin operations within a
few days, lias recently been organized
I in iiiisioii. it is known as the Ma
I chine and Holler .Muiiufueturlng com
pany. Jimiteti. ol Kingston. The oth-
ers of Hie company stamps its rtllu
bllily. They are: K. B. Vaughn, presi
dent; w. B. Homers, secretary; A. J.
Koal. treasurer; Charles K. StloUse,
general manager, and Olivet- Johnson,
mechanical engineer.
Wheelman Ureuk His Collar Bone.
Harry K. Brong. f Mountain Top,
who is well known iu this city, while
riding Ills w heel in ilie biycle race at
the i 'in I. mi county fair Briday after
noon, met with an accident whereby lie
In nke his collar bone, lie was in the
two-mile race and was spinning his
wheel around the track. When near
the half-mile post Ids peddle caught in
the wheel of one nf tile oilier cyclists
and ihrew him off with the above re
sult. NOTES.
! The Medical society will meet on
I Wednesday evening- al which Dr. S. B.
Alengel will read a paper on Hydro
phobia. Rev. J. W. Nyvall. pastor of the
Swedish Luiheran church on North
Franklin street, has been called to a
church in Fitchburg. Mass. His place
here will be rilled by Hev. A. A. Ma
pinson, of Dover. N. J.
The sleam saw mill of F. M. Wag
ner At Son, in Fall-mount township, was
destroyed by lire on Friduy night, en
tailing a loss of J.'.UuO.
Architect I'odmore has drawn plans
for a $!i.u00 club house to be erected on
Luzerne avenue?, Plttston. The new
building will be a two-story edifice.
A Bryau-Sewall club was organized
in Loftus' hall on Friday evening Inst.
Addresses were given by Messrs. Mer
rilield, M. C. Judge, and C. G. Uolaud,
of Scranlon. The club met last even
ing and some lively discussions were
participated in. The following are the
oillcers: W. J. Salmon, president; Wil
liam McNally. vice president: John
Dempsey, secretary; William Loftus,
The Moosic band will accompany the
St. Aloysius society of Avoca to Seran
ton on Saturday, October 10, to partici
pate In the large demonstration which
will take place there.
The installation ofyfticers iu Bennett
lodge, No. s07. 1. O. O. F., took place in
the rooms nf tile society 'on Friday
evening last. All entertainment fol
lowed which was well reoelvad. The
following was the programme: Opening
address, Thomas Evans; aong. "They
Never Told a Lie," David Edwards:
recitation. "Daddy's Boy," Flossie Ban-
I Held; song. "As We Stroll on the
Beach. Miss schrouder; intru mental
duet, Misses Bessie Hind and Blanch
Trenails; recitation, "A. Dream," Wil
liam Jennings.
Miss Kose Bradley, of Seranton, has
returned home after spending a few
days with her friend. Miss Ella McDon
ald, of North Main street.
Miss Edith Smith spent the Sabbath
in Dunniore.
Messrs. J. J. Sheehun and P. J. Walsh
spent last evening in Plttston.
Mr. IxifuiH. of Newport News, is vis
iting his parents.
John l.ortus Is recovering from his
recent Illness.
i The Avoca and Moosic business men
; crossed bats on the hitter's grounds
; Saturduy afternoon. The game was
i interesting. It ended in fuvor of Avo
1 ca. Score, Avocu, :k; Moosic, lli.
Miss Odel De Wolf suml Thursday
i with her sister in Kilwardsvllle.
W. H. Patterson will leave this
I morning for Noxoo.
j Lewis Hinker bus been entertaining
i his brother from Siroudsburg the past
j week.
I Miss Nellie Bobbins of Luzerne, is
i s'leiiding a few days with her friend,
! Miss Anna Thumus.
John Banibridge moved his family
I to Forty Fort yesterday.
Mrs. Frank Nuss, Mrs. Alvln Rub
! iusoii und Mrs. E. A. De Wolf, spent
i Thursday w ith Mrs. Clinton Biuder, of
, W likes-Uarrc.
Chiiia' Commercial Ambastador llu
f raise lor I s.
Wit.'liiuglnii. Oct. i. Minister Yang
Yu of China yesiet-duy had a call troui
Yen Nieu. ill" Imperial cuinmercUl am
bassador of the emperor of china,
his suite who arrived here ut a late
h ii ii' lust The umljaHMolur whu
is u Chinese ullieial lias no diplom itlc
funiilniis, but his business is purely of
a commercial character, and he Is mak
ing a trip lb rough the Culled States
und conducting uu incpiiry particularly
into the state of his cuuutrviueii here.
Mr. Yen says he is much pleased with
what he has seen of the country .ni l its
people. He has received must encour
aging tvimris from the Chinese mer
chants w horn he has met. The atno'ts
sador will spend most of his time in San
Is cuuiecl by torpid liver, w Inch prcventi diges
tion and permit food to iernu'iit and ptttrliy lo
tba stomach. Then foRow uizxlneta, headm-lie,
Insomliia, uervouinr, and,
II uut relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood's
Pills stimulate the stomuQU.
route Mm liver, cure heartache, dizziness, eon.
ttlpatlon. etc. ii caiita. Bold by all druggist.
The only Mils to take with Hood's Sarsopullla.
124-126 WYOMING AVE..
Will also have on display all the Latest Novel
ties in Dress Goods, Silks, Suits and Cloaks, Dress
Trimmings, etc. You are cordially invited to attend.
Sro our window fur wuhUfiful values In
Wo have Just secured a lot of eletfunt pat
terns in the newest checks and plaids the
finest goods made in this country. These
Koodis will be inudo to ineaHure for l-'it.iH)
per Mill, elegantly trimmed, put up in the
und guaranteed to nt, mid would cost you
:iii.U0 lo 40.IJ0 elsewhere. Our competitors
ask how it's done. We answer In three
words: "Men," "Methods" and "Money."
'liieoe (rood will probably not last a week:
we will have no more of them ut theo
price, but we have, und will always have,
An Elegant Assortment
nf nil wool suitings, made to measure, from
H.0O up goods that you could not dupli
cate In ready-made for any less.
Wl riAVI Ji. Wyoming Av
O. ISV1?, Arcade Bulidlnn.
607, BOB AND 609
Corner Washington Avenue and
This Institution Is fitted with the latent
appliance Iu electricity, oompiisInK the
valuable aL-hlvnients ol I'iofesor Mor
ton, Roukwdl, Kamiey, Melntosh, Sir
Bride, Edition, Roentgen and otherx, and
the physic-inns and assistants are compe
tent and reliable.
Let na call your attention to the fa"t
that In ihU Inatltutlon we huve the facill
tjea for producing the X Kayn atronu
aiiouth to enable us to nee throueh the
fla.h of the humun body; can dhuinguiHh
fmturea of the bone, Ulocatlon and de.
forinltiew of the joint, and locate metal
lic imbalance in the flesh of the body.
With our superior b'.lectro-Ktatic luMn
Mice Miu-hloe we are In a position to apply
lh Electro-atatlc Spray. Hath, the Klw
tro-etatk- Maioage, Localizing; Point, the
Senna live Spark and the Fiankllnlc Cur
rent. With our large Ctalvanic and
Cabinet, equipped with a complete cell
switch carrying from forty to eiKhty cell,
Kheotome, Rheostat, Mllllammctcr, Pole,
("hunger, Current, Selector and Induction
foils, we are enabled to apply Pure und
Interrupted (Jalvanlmn. and many forms
of Straight and Interrupted Fuructlxm.
With our rpecial Sinusoidal (Magnetic)
Instrument we can accomplish all that c un
be done with this wonderful current.
With our ilalvano-Cniitery wc ale en
abled to perforin many difficult operations
that have heretofore been assigned to ihe
surgeon's knife.
With our 100 Electrodes we can reach
every part of the human body.
Dp. Greeii s Electro-Tberapeiitic insfiUife,
607, 60S and 609.Mears Building, Seranton, Pa.
i:tevatur Day and Nlgbt. Opcii from o a. m. to ia m.; i p m. to 5 p. m. ; 7.30 p.m. to o p.m.
busiest days ou record.
turers throughout the country been so anxious to
dispose of their stocks to people who would pay them
spot cash; never in our experience have we bought
so wonderfully cheap. Read the following substan
tial facts no glittering exaggerations, aud you will
see the reasons for our wonderful success, our con
stantly increasing business.
Veritable Sensational Prices
On High Grade Footwear. . .
Mtu's Fine Calf Huutl-si-wcd Shoes, rttjulur scllini; price I Ik- world
uvr M Our Price Only S3.o.
Men' ,114 00 Siloes for $'2.50.
Mea n J.1.U0 Shoes lor $2.0i.
Men's i.25 Dress Shots Only !, ('fills.
Ladies' liue Slues 5I)( tfC. $1.00, $2,011 Ullll N'.I.O.).
Misses' Fine School Shoes 73f.. $1.00 Mill gl.5!).
Childteu's Shut 20l 35( 50C, 75(. 811(1 gl.00.
fcgrAVe invite you to call aud examine our goods aud
make our store your headquarters. Remember, there is no
trouble to show goods, and you will surely save money by it.
i in
MiAaAAiAi AA44A4Aal
uow prepared to fill
orders for composition
on newspapers, books,
f)araplilets or other pul
icatious at moderate
Business Manager.
Spruce Street. Seranton, l'enna.
We hnve in thin institute the various
l'ye and Kar Klectrode. the Rye Magnet,
the Nasal (nose) Klectrode, the Laryn
goscope tfor I lie Ihroutt the Neck and
Head ICleeti'Odc.s, the Massage, Arm,
Hand., Knot, Abdominal, 1'rctliral,
Vaginal, It -clHl, c'muphoric and every
form of Klectrode for medical use.
We hav the Cautery Knives, Wires and
Needles. Wc have all of tile appliances for
performing Klectrolysi. removing of
Hairs, Wart. Moles, Tumor and all ab
normal 'cinwihs.
Willi electricity ns a basis of treatment,
we arc successful in cases of Uheiiniatisin.
tlout. Paralysis, Kczeuiu, Tumors, Skin
Troubles, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. the
Wasting of .Muscles. Poor Circulation,
and all Nervous Diseases for which elec
trlclty 1 doing so much of late.
The blood clot causing Apoplexy anil
Paralysis can be dissolved und carrid
uwuy by proper application of Galvanism
and Ku rad Ism.
Cures of Catnrrh are belnir made b.- the
Inhalation of ozone from the Klectro-dtatic
We might mention hundreds of troubles
which are amenable to electric treatment,
but space will not permit.
Dr. ilreen treat all case amenable to
electrical treatment. Is a graduate and ex
perienced tiractltloiier of medicine, has the
best of references, and will charge noth
ing for consultation.
Thos who cannot call should write for
to makr todav one of the
Never b.ive the manufac
Lacka. Ave
Choice assortment of the most carefully selected paN
terns iu the highest grade of the leading manufacturers,
both domestic and foreign. Beautiful effects in combination,
of colors with the shades which will be fashionable iu the
coming season, including
Experience, good judgment and a perfect knowledge
of the requirements for high class furnishing, have procured
a line of Jgoods which for richness iu effect, beauty and va
riety of design and exquisite blending of color; have uever
Deeu surpassed.
Hohair, Chenille, Wilton, Axminster, and
Smyrna, in every size latest and most desired effects ia
strictly first-class goods. Imported Silk and flohair
with Plain Centers and Fancy Borders, a perfect and
complete line. An inspection of our stock will repay you.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Undivided Profits.
Special attention given to Business and Personal
Accounts. .
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
Juniata Steel,
X. L. Steel,
Toe and Side Weight
For sals by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue
Spruce Street, Seranton, Pa.
ir ri I AWT A lady take a SI, I- or Si) bill and deliberately tbrow it
I YIJIJ W into the Hre, what would you ay about itf You'd aar
" T extrav.ifranoe" or "wastefnlnesa," or something
Htronger still. TI10 housekeeper who wou't buy in this store is virtually destroying money
at any rate you'll think ao after lookiu- over the following viiluus we have to offer-
This coLUit sat. s..Mil uk. or nifilmnauv
rlnish Kocker, worth ta.7i. now $2.2V
mm A J
This cmufort Bivin Moi il t'hsir, adjusted
to any Hitkn velmii cus'iioii xdiit nml back,
woi-tn our price always tjj gfj
I ft z-ktfrti- l
Lacka. Ave.
QtMral Offlce:
, PA.
When in doubt whit to use for
Nervous Debility. Losn of Power,
lmpotency. Atrophy. Varicocele anj
other weaknesses, from any cause,
use Scjine Pills. Drains checked
und full vigor quickly restored.
If uecleepti. aooh uvablM rvmll f.isllf.
Mailed for$1.0U;boies(J.OO. With
f r.00 orders we Kive a guarantee Id
cure or refund the money. Addres.
PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, O.
A favorite bitch back, polished saddle, wood
seat Kocker, north S&iW, we sell
This I'liish Kuoker J3 t9. oak or null 01
any linisli. niiliout anna, 51 t. tl.SS.
All kin. Is of Keeii Kuuker !.!), H'j, '
U.W, t.':.
lluve you visited our nothing, t'omfoi t
und blHiiki'l. Sluve mid Tinware Depart .
luetits. All for Cash or C'lediU
'it; I