TIIE SCR ANTON TBIBUNE TUESDAY MOENING, OCTOBER 0f 1896. i m i n ICuni-Iiiilfil from PiiB' B.1 lljiil.-.l y hiiuuiIh of the entertaln iiu nl imumlllct-. unci then the Utrh will bf Kuidfil to quarters as MfCiieil them by member uf the junior SMi ii-tips. Imliviiliiiil heuibiuurtei'M will lie ii fiilliiwn: I liiMnn WVsinilnsier hotel. lit isl.in K Si. Charles hotel. l'hiluiielihiu Terniee hotel. Slate lillliers Jermyn hoiel. tVinnly heaiiciuii iters will be PBtab II; li''.l us follows; I'Mrst I'riKbyterlan chitrrh PhllnuVI phla, Chester, I . la wan-. MoiitKomery. V. M. C. .. l.uxerne, l.iiikuwuiiiiu, Wy umini. SiMiiiul 1'iii-slivterlun Si(iiehaniia. I'Mie. Uavne. Warren. l:lair. I vim Aiellilo B:.il isl llrle, l,elllll, Vml, I'auiilii'i, Allegheny. lirii.-e Ki-t'iirine'l Knlsriiiiiil--I.rliumin, I. iiirjsl--r, Ciiiiitn-rl'iiiil, Ailunis, Xoi th ; rnlllull. I'ult'ury li.'fiiriui il-Hrailfoi (1, Sullivan, T ."Srt. .Vli'KeUII. 1'iuviilein-e I'ivpIii ti'i Inn Armstrong', So!ie-r.H. Wiiiimko, Clarion. Monroe. I'm, lil- ni-i- 'hi'l-liall - I'a.vetle, (ireelle, l-'..ll. Law ri'iife. I'loViiiMii e l!ai!lst llillllinniloll, Heil t.o.i. feriy. li.inkiiti. Colter. n v iimiiii It Cimnii-Kaiional - Itt-rUs, Col ir. ii, 1. 1. Si'liuv Ikill. Ci-ntel . Wa.slliimton, -:0 IllOl rl.lll't. Nor! IlllUllii'l'lailil. V.'n lioiirn Slieri I'n sti.vii-rian--I.yeimi-int;. I'tiiiin. Sny.lrr, Carbon, Alonluur, IVaw-r. n Ulilue l,ii-...vti rlat-.b ri'el'Slin, Cli arli. lil. I am. II. n. Milllin. Iluiks. Liiiniiniri' l'i i'sl In hut -Klk, r'ulion. Caiut.ri.i, lliittalia. I 'r.i V for.l. I'liiiiiiore ttiipiist -.Mereer, Uuller, Jun lina. KllloT SESSIONS Tt'NKillT. 'I'.ilimlll I here Will be belli 111 the Kllll 1'n ik chiiiiii. Hi.' 1'Yoihiuv.luiiii mill I tie Aenilemy of .lusie the llrsl sessions ill' the l iillVelllioll. Ill eurll ilaee I here a iil be an i.'i'iiin ilevolional servii e, mi a. I. tress nl weleonie mill a l'esionse l. i i.lnieteil speukelS, a muling of tne uniiunl ailibess of jjev. Ur. .1. T. ii 'liny, of I'iltsburi:. the piesiiieiil, ii i, d the n pin ts of Seerelury .MiDonalil, nf AIi.ioiiu, ami Treasurer Kayiiiofe. of Kiie, an iiililress by a speaker from out n!' iiiwn ami 1 1 1 v. i 1 1 K- That priiyraniiiie will iii'iuiiy jusi two hums in each plai e, fi'oin T in it oYloi'k. t ".:: nVI.uk ibis ul'ternoon there will tie an executive committee meet ing in Hie Young .Men's Christian An s I'iatliui liuililintr, it ail ut 4 o'clock n prayer and praise service In Klin Hark liunh. Today's p intra mine in its en tirety is us follows: 'J ,:m Hjcrfiillvp committee meet ut Yuiiiik Men's Chrlstlun Hsso.-ialion. 4,W-I'ruyer and praise tiervire ut Klin I 'ark chinch. Kt.M I'AKK M. K. CliritCH. President J, T. Mcl'iDiy. 1). 1)., presidium. V.H' I'niise und ilevolional service, Hev. !. K. Cuil'l. president Si ranton union. 7 I'ii - Address of weleonie, Charles K. Dan iels, chairniuii eonunlttee of 'Int. I.ill- lt'SMnse, Kev. ,1. liurtmun, Al. tooiia, vice presi.ii'iil. 7. 1". A initial address of the president, .(.'. - sihkIiik. Iii-.iiiiiihI report of secretary, Oeor&e Mi Douald. Altouiia. Oi-Aiiiiu;il report of the treasurer, H. J. K.'iymore, Krie. ;-Sint!lnif. Address, "The Presence of Christ in lids Conveniioii." Kev. V. U. -Mi- .Mlllnn, l. I)., AllcBheny. S.lHi -Adiouinim nt und receptions. Till': KKOTHINGHA.M. l!. v. lieoi'Ku I!. Slewart, D. 1)., presidlni?. 7.mi I'raisi- and devotional service, llev. N'ewnion Matthews, Scriinton. 7 .'.'ii -Address of welcome, llev. V. H. Siuliblehiiie, of committee of 'Stii. 7...a tie-poiise, llev. licol'iie 1J. Stewart, 1 1 :t trllnifji. 7. !n-Sliu!inn. 7. .. Animal nport of scerttuiy, Ueorgo .Vb lJonuld, Alloona. MA'- Annual report of iliu treasurer, H. J. Ita.vinore. Ki'i., In Annual Hddress of the president, llev. ,1. T. AlcCiory, 1. !., I'lttsbuits. h. M S 1 1 1 K 1 1 1 K . .:.. Address, "The Presence of Christ in ihls Convention." llev. i. H. JK liaiin. l.i'Wislimn. ' ii - Adj.juninieiii and receptions, ACADKAIY UK Ml'SlC. Ii. v. Charles Koads presiding. ".'- praise und devotional service. Rev. i',. I,. Aldrich. S.-i anion. 7. '.'ii Address of welcome, V. A. May, president board of trade. 7.::u--Itesponse, ev. Charles Roads, Phil adelphia. ",. 4ii- Annual report of the treasure!', H. J. Kuymure, llrie. 7."n- Sinning. 7..V. Address, "Tlic Presence of Christ In tiiis Convention," v. 11. T, Spuntf li r, I). 1 1., Colli'Ki vllle. ..M SluuillK. .:.'i -Annual report of secretary, Jeorso Mclmnalil, Alloona. Annual address of the president, J. T. .M.'Crory. IJ. I. s.Hi -Adjournment and receptions. The otllcers of the Stale society ore us follows: I'ri sldi in. J. T. McCrory, 1). I)., Pltls liiirn: secretary, fieoi'Ke M.Donald. Al- i. iona: treasurer, II. .1. Uaymore. Kr'.e; Mipt-i intendeiit Junior work, .Miss Cordelia .laaiiHsou, Hetp.hoover; superintendent mission work, Kev. V. S. Hinmun, Cnlum- I. iu; supeiluieiideiit, cit i'ceiiship, Rev. A. Iv Pldlpiiti, Philadelpiiiit; sui. rlnieii.teiii . i.i i'espoiideni e, Thomas Pulton, jr., Piill a It'll diia; superliiteuiieiit transportation, .1. c. Manning, Pittsum: vice prcslilcnls, '.-v. Charles Roa.Js, W. S. Ketxuson. Rev. . S. Tracy. Rev. Wallace, Mhc.MiiI-l-ii. Philadelphia: Rev. tieoriie It. Stew a'l. L. !., Jtarrisbui'K; Rev. .1. F. Ilurt n.aii. Altoonu; Rev. J. V. IjIhskow, Heaver falls; .loiiii T, Hull, lioiiesdale; John K. Poller. .1. Henry Stuff, PltlslmiK: Miss l 'iaii.. i s M. Schuyler, SVIIIiunisiorl ; Kev. .1. Hells, ShUkshiniiy: Rev. W. II. Sluli-i.li-l.ine, Scruiilon: Rev. J. R. I .a in 1 1. Culi fiiiriiu Rev. VV. S. I-'rews. York; Rev. J. II. 'tK I'.si uwelu, .Myerstow n. The local olflclals who bore the brunt of the preparatory work und to whose flints the success of the rnnveiillon will be mainly tine are us follows: Committee of 'Ril Charles .;. Tiaiilels. .'). airman; . V I ess, secretary: i. H. 1 uiiiiin. U. treasurer; Kev. W. H. Stubble i.ine, press; .1. W. HrovviiliiK, llmince; K. ... Vi illiauis and Miss Uelta. P. Kvans, re ...non; Vr. W. I mills, eiileruiinmeut ; i liuiles H. Chandler, music; A. C. Sinllli and Arthur R. I'oolc, halls; II. II. Mi Keehaii. ushers; Prof. D. A. Stone, decora lions; Kevs. Tiiomas Hell and W. ti. Wat kiiis, noon evangelistic meeliiiKS. Advisory Huui-d Attorney T. Veils, tleiune H. Alaliy, Prof. C. V. Plillllps, l.ullier Keller. Major, I. It. 1'lsh, .1. II. Tor ivy, A. H. Kyiion, Colonel K. J I. itipple, A. W. 1 ilcksou. iithcers of Scranton City I'nion Rev. icitxe 10. tiMild, president ; Miss Lena lark, secretary; William .MeColloch, Measurer; Charles II, Chandler, musical director; .Mrs. J. h". Jlaiicl, Junior superin tendent; .Miss S. C. KriKh'ium. missionary -iiperluteiidt'iit; V. W. Innlis, noii cltl Z"iishi. (,'UKJSTIAM ENDKAVOP. HISTOUY. This Is the second time that the ("liiibtian Kndeavur. convention lias hern held III Scranton. When in Ixss il convened In the Seeoinl Presbyterian iliiiri.li there were only in:t deleKates present. The rhrlstlan Kmleavor soci ety In this state was organized Dec. 14. IKS", at Kaslon.' There are now over 4.iHi( societies in Pennsylvania distrib uted by counties as follows: Philadel phia r.4, Allegheny :j;i7, York 1X5, I,u xerue 111, Chester 104, MontRomery 101, Duupliin Hit, Lancaster M, Vthilr ill, lielnware HI, ArmstroiiB 8!, Northamp lon ." Bradford M. Schuylkill Kl Weslmorelnml 80. I.ycotiiltiR 75, Pay Cite 7i"i. Lackawanna Til, WushliiKton 71, Krie tiS, Cnmbeiianil sr, Jefferson CJ, Ti'ianklln CO, Berks 6S, Northumberland r.K. Indiana f7, Susnuehanna Titl, Kueks M. Cambria r.2. Butler 61, Cleartlelil AO, Chester 4(t. Tloea 4S, lluntlncdon 4X, .Mercer 45, Clurlon 42, Perry 42, Wayne 4:', nion :1. AdamR 39, Lawrence :ia, Crawford 3", Beaver 35, Lehigh 35, Co lumbia 33. Lebanon 32. Clinton 2. Mir llin 2.S. Junlnta 1!7. VenntiRO 27, Bedford 2". Carbon 23, Oreene 23, Warren 22, Snyder 21. McKean 20. Somerset 1, Potter 15, Pike 14, Wyoming 12, Monroe 13. Montour 13, Klk 10. Forest 8, Sul livan 8, Cameron 2, Fulton 2. As regards denominations, the soci eties are divided as follows: Presby terian 1.206. Lutheran 44S. Baptist 408. ij angelical 2SS. Methodist Kplscopal 230. Reformed 222, Christian and Dis ciple 135, Methodist Protestant 80, Vnlted Brethren 95, A. M. K. and A. M. K Zion 93. I nlted Presbyterian 74. t.'ontireitutlonal 71. Church of tiod t. Cuniberlund Pivsbyterlun 55, Moravian 32, Iteforiued Kplscopal 21. Reformed Presbyterian 15. primitive Methodist 10. Protestant Kplscopal 8. Menonite 6. Free Will Baptist 5, Progressive Breth ren 4. Dutch Keformed 3, Wesleyan Methodist I, Friends 1. There are 15 societies In prisons and reformatories. 2 in Institutions for the blind. 1 among the Chinese, I among members of the National Guard. 1 unioiig seamen, und 1 among employes of the esllnghouse Klectiie company. The reception committee members, the hard-working young men and wo men on whom will rest the responsibil ity of meeting delegates, and the churches they represent, are as fol lows: RKCH1TION COMMITTKK MKMHKRS. Providence Presbyterian Charles Klotz, lieutenant; .Miss Jessie Zelgler, .Miss Ali 'e iegler, Anna. Cillesple, Margaret Rent ley. Metu Osierhout, Carrie Huff, tleorne lleniiliii, Clarence McKeelien, Clurk (iuild, Al. Kckersley, V. J. I'lsher, Prank Keck. Ray Hrydea. It. X. Aihevtoii. W'ashliurii Street Presbyterian ileorge Keen.', lieutenant; l.izzle Muniford, Anna Wnt res, -May Iveeiie. Alarguiet .lainleson. Maine Whetstone, tirace peck, l,izie Slei'ii, l.ililiie Sanders, Wlllliim Hut rail. Henry Kuttenhct'K. Horace Keene, 1 A. Stevens, William Itelineaur. iliveii Itldse I 'i eshy terhi n I larry R. Kinsley, lieutenant; Jnliii P. Ililcli.'O.k, Kuymnnd i!rice.. Alma Wade, Lcona treory. Mazie Davis, l-'rcd Heers. Millie lilniini.k. Minnie Howe, Alfred T. Iliini, Minnie luivis, .Minnie Wade, Mr. Dlmmick. Siuutier Avenue l'resb terian Hezale.-I lirown, lieutenant: Ira Davis, l.orelt.i Sioek. Hannah Smith. Jennie Smith. Mary irillitlis, l.i.nl.; Moses, Dcllu Davis, Tiiomas D. Tlumiisoii. William lliuiiphi ey. SeciKiil I'lesbytHilan IP. S. Kii'kpm riek, lieutenant; William Zaehinali. Kot. et I Peek. Kay Puller, Miss lierirude Rice, .Miss l.nlii A lino, lilaee Hir.lsall, Kiutly .Mayer, .Margaret Hanley. Helen Sundei s..li. A. Sloan. First Preshylcrlan L. Smith, lleuteii m nl : Mis. H. I'. Moore. Kmuia Frank, Alice Werki.er. ..Mary Thompson, J. I''. I liil.l. inuii, Saul Tlioaipsoii, Auk. Kraft, Air. Pailerson, plora I rank. luuiniore Presliyterlan I,. M. Smith, lieutenant : .Miss lues Ivy, Anna Rlshop, Hl.'lllelle Hloes, Itessiie S'lleplleril, 1011a H. .V.I, Jessie Swal'l'.. l.illie Wal'dell, Cutll erine Hrvdeii. I.l.zl- Wert. Kill Hi Wen. Hurry A. Smith, William Jeffrey. Charles Hnvd. Dr. K. Catty, Susie DodKe. Nniili Alain Avenue Hapi 1st F. J. Phil Hps, lieutenant: Lena Clark. Ida Alois , Louie Cray, Clara Hurnes, Hessle lleu woo.l, Susie Wutklns. Kenny Tiiomas, llerl Klcese, Anna Sherwlii. Duiiiiioiv Ha .l 1st -.Mr. I''vs. h. lieutenant; .Marion Alottltl. Ida Wat rims, l.lllle Wu.x inan. Alei'tle Finch. Willie Kline Anna Hiillinau. James iileiieross, .Miss Hughes, I. awranee Hi lin k. Anna Hammers. Penn Avenue Baptist Fred Carpenter, lieutenant: Sallie Hevaiis. Jessie Smith, Alia .1. Atkinson, Gertrude Pell, .Maud Ks lell, Floyd Meberling, Chester Weiss, Har ry ?. Sellus, Homer 'ease, John T. .Moore. Plymouth Congregational (iomer Reese, lieutenant; .Margaret Kvans, Kdna Kv uns, Jennie l'rii-e, Vuiinie Williams, Jennie lxiniels. Margaret Phillips. Mrs. Wllklns. Abel Stover, .'hiii lex Cadngan, Kmrys Joseph. Thomnii Kvans, Pryse Thomas, D. .1. Price, Sadie Kdwards. Puritan Congregational Thomas R. Dwells, lieutenant; Howell .1. Davis, Alts. Howell J. Davis, T. J. tiwynne. Alice Peurce. liatlle 8liiil'ilcss, Alaliel Jenkins, l.l.zle Kvans, Alary Powell, Maun!.- Da vis, Maggie Carnwardin, Annie Recs. Providence Coimregatlonul Kvun .1. Lewis, lieutenant; Thomas J. Kvnns, Hen ry Kvans. William I'rey, Thomas tiller, liarheld Davis, Kllzu Jones, .Margaret Ser vice, Alary Kvans, Sophia Kvans, Ogwcii Join s, .Maggie Lewis. Welsh Calvinistic .Methodist-Miss Rnhel Powell, lieutenant: liwennie Thomas, Jen nie Davis. Jenet Hawkins. Robert Hughes. Kvail Allies. Rachel Williams, l.iz.le Kecse. Annie Duvls, Maggie Watklns, .Maggie tiray. African .Methodist Kplscopal I.. K. Alor toti, lieutenant; II. S. Johnson, John How ard, R. D. Pitlmsn, K. T. Ivory, .Margaret Wutsoit. l.lllle Howard, Sallie Scott, Lil ly Smith, Anna Davis. Florence Scott'. Oreen Ridge Kvuligelieal llev. U. L. Alalse, lieiilenam; Cola Doiilln, AlaKvie Marshall. C. C. Johnson, H. W. Skivlng ton, Willie Holleiiback, Fannie Miller, Battle Ailiee, Smile Bender, Harry .Moss, .Maggie Trego, Kdwai'd Finch. Crace Reformed Kpiscopsl Kdward Freur, lieutenant; Allss Duster, Aliss Hip pie, Aliss .Morgan, Allss DeWilde, Allss Warner, Allss Chandler, .Mrs. Baker, .Mr, Luwson, Aliss AlcCiillough. Air. Kuseliwa. Lena Krear, Aliss Smith, .Miss Aincrman, Aliss Waugh. Adams Avenue Chapel William Bauer, lieutenant; Jacob Kvans, Robert Huslini II, John McKay. Herbert DeWitl, Anna Hn zelton. Maggie Marshall. Lena, Kruft, Alary Hazel ton. Buttle (leaver. Sliermuii Avenue .Mission Henry Wade, man, lieutenant; C.wennle Hopkins, Mar tha Jones, .Maggie Heynon, J-izzle S. Price, Sarah Jones. Hannah Davis. Christian Air. K A. Biddlenian, lieu tenant; .Mrs. K. A. BlddleniHii, .Maine Drown, Alaggie Oliver, Stella McCullough, H. L. Dunning, P. H. Henny, Lizzie Sian ton. Alary Morgan, Ida Wescott, Lucius Luke, (jeurge. Neat, Klhel Waikins, Jessie Smith. Calvary Reformed John Whltheck, lien teiiant; Air. Snmuel, Allss Adams, Mr. Alc Jveehan. Aliss Cowles, Miss Lizzie lleines, Aliss (lassie Helms, Aliss til a Lilt'., Allss Alary Vogle, Allss Alallie Alnnson, Airs, Slerdeviillt, Uraco Lutheran Kdward Warren, lleu tinaiif. Aliss Luther, Miss Young, Aliss Coglliscr, Aliss Al. Kaufman, Allss .1. Kaiifinun Aliss Ksabach, .Miss .Moore, Ali-s Wardcll, Miss Under. CONVENTION NOTES. Hiss F.lsle A. C. Van Tervoort, the popular soprano of Klin Park cliurcli, will sing at each session in the Aenile my of Music tomorrow and Thiirsiluy. The carriage ride over F.lmhurst boulevard tomorrow uftcrnoou will be one of I he oppol unities iiffordeil dole gates lo have a great (leal of pleasure and benelit ut slight cost. They will be charged f.0 cents each for the trip. A long string of carriuges will leuve the Young Men's Christian association building ut 4."0 o'clock. The llrsl excursion train for Fnrview on Friday will leuve the Helaware ami Hudson station lit S.:!0 o'clock in the ' tnornlng. Tickets, Miiich will cost 7f. ; cents for the round trip, will be good ; on ull outgoing trains up lo noon. The : last train reluming leaves Fnrview it t I 4. IS p. m., reuches Scranton at r4", and I connects w ith the 'thick I dainoiiil" express ut Wilkes-Ham". j There will be sunrise prayer ineel ings lieginning stt lieia o'lloil; in many churches tomorrow morning when the theme will be "Longing lor i !oil." The locution und lenders will lie as follows: First Presbyterian ebuiih, Washington avenue, iiiirltiof Liiekawantiu avenue, Miss L. L. Hunk, Alii mown. Calvary Reformed cinirrli. itibsou street ami Monroe uveiiue, K. Roy J Wcllzcl, Philadelphia. ' Wasliliuni Street Presbyterian church, Washburn slreet und Hyde Park ave nue, S. S. Hoover. I'pper Lehigh. Pill 1 1 u n Congregatlonul ehun li. We.-t Miirket street, near Alain uveiiue, II. P. Kiskaddcii, Six Points. (Ireen Ridge Kvuiigellciil church. Capouse avenue, near Lurch slrert, W. IJ. Sny iler. l.'oltlniliia. lluptlst church, Uunniore, ,1. IJ. Robinson, Philadelplilu. Fiist Presbyterian mission. Cedar oven ue. Allss Al. i'uiinle Kvans, Philadelphia. The reception sons that will be sung 1 by the squads of the reception commit- tee on the arrival of trains containing j delegates Is as follows: THy Charles H. Chniuller.l ! We come to meet yon on the way, ! With a welcome to Scrunlon: We're glad to see you here today At our State Convention. RKFRAIN. What a wonderful gathering We want this to be. What a hi. Mm; " look for, How happy are wc. With outstretched hand, wc truly say You are welcome to Scranton, And pleasant we would make your stuy While at our Convention. Now come with us and we will show, Where it Is our Intention To entertain: that you tuny know You are welcome to Scranton. Not the lenst Interesting of the many convention features will be the noon evangelistic meetings. , The evangelis tic i.'ork is a department in charge of Kev. C. A. Oliver, of York, ami Rev. Dr. Charles Roads, of Philadelphia. They reached here yesterday after noon and dining the day were In con ference with Revs. Thomas Hell ami W. (1. Watklns, the local evangelistic chairmen. Noon meetings and squads to conduct them have all been ar ranged for at the Scranton stove works, cur wheel shops, lacs factory. Home for the Friendless, Moses Taylor hospital, ljiikawanna hospital. Kel ler's carriage shop. Delaware and Hud son repair shop. Finch Manufacturing company, West Ridge Coal company shops. Scranton axle works, . ine Brook repair shops, county Jail, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western car shops. Scranton Iron Fence company, Alt. Pleasant breaker. Kvenlng meetings will be held in Providence square, at the Sherman Avenue mission in Keyset- Valley, Dickson City and Throop. This Is the song- the Scranton dele gates sang at the Erie convention last year when the tight was made to bring i the '90 gathering to this city. i 'SCRANTON. (PA.). i (Tune "What a wonderful Savior." i I Hy Charles 11. Chandler. 1 Our invitation we renew. ! For we arc from Scranton. To Pennsylvania (.'. K's truu To attend our convention. RKFRAIV W'lial a wonderful gathering, W e want It lo be. W'lial a blessing we look for, I low happy w e'll be. i 2 To Scranton, next October come: I For 'Us our intention. To do the most lo make this one, I our best stale con vein Ion. RKFRAI.V. U Hurrah for "Scranton Ninety-six,' And Christian Kudeuvor; And in each heurl this motto fix "Christ und the Church forever." RKFRAIN t' K. STATK O.WKTIO. For Hie Tribune. iSeoui Song Sciaiilon. 'Si!.! ; , 11V KKV. l. 1). .IKXKINS. Tune: "What a Wonderful Suvioiir." i Wc grei't you in the Alasiei-'u nuuie, j u welcome to Scranton: ' We greet you ill I be people's name, ' It Kelcullle lo Selallloll. ! CHOKPS. . ( welcome to Scranton dear Christian Kn- i deavorers, , Thrice welcome to Scranton to work for ; the Lord. (Mir churches now arc-free to you, o welcome to Sciuuion: ; All places whether old or new, O welcome lo Sci'Hiiton. CHORIS. Our homes are open one and all, t) welcome to Scranton; Alosi earnest our Scranioniun call, O welcome to Scranton. CHORCS. Our heurts are open full of love, U welcome to Scranton: ! They burn with Are from above, ! (I welcome to Scranton. , CHORCS. i Our hands and hearts we'll join us one, o welcome lo Scrunlon; I'ntil for Christ the vlct'ry Is won, O welcome to Scranton. j CHORCS. I O welcome to Scranton dear Chrlstlun Kn- I deavorers, I Thrice welcome to Scranton to work for the Lord. Written at the request of a friend, who i is u member of the committee of '. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. Clusscs are forming In the physical department. Miss Janet Adams will tench several methods this year, the Swedish. Cicriran. American and Pel snrte. The accompaniment of music vill be a special feature. The secretary and all connected with the association extend a hearty greet ing to every delegate of the Christian Kmleavor convention. They are invit ed to the rooms, iOJ Washington ave nue, to rest, to read, or to eat their dinner. 11.30 to l.l; a to 7 o'clock. The day of prayer for young women Is Thursday. October 8. Prayers will be offered throughout the country for the young women of our land. Let the people of Scranton offer their petitions not only for their own daughters but for all young women. Dr. Robinson will speii I; on the subject al lO.IH) a. in. In the Kim Pnrk church and at the same hour Dr. Dixon will speak on the same subject at the Frothlngham thea ter. The Young Women's Christian asso ciation Is offering a full course of study this year consisting of reading, writ ing, spelling, arithmetic, grammar anil geography. The advanced course is al gebra, history, physiology, literature, higher F.nglish. Chautauqua circle, Merman, stenography, free-hand draw ing mid typewriting. The industrial clnsses will take up plain sewing, mil linery, chart cutting, embroidery and china painting. The educational rally and reception will be held Tuesday evening. September 111. Prof. Phillips will give an address und special music will be furnished. Circulars are being distributed ami It is suggested thut each woman read It and decide on their course of study. Special attention is called lo the fact that classes in steno graphy, type-writing, wood curving and free hand drawing will begin this afternoon. Young women who expect to enter any profession will be wise to take advantage of the privileges offered by the association and register their uitmes ut the ollice ut once. Competent teachers have been selected, und they are ready to give special attention to each student, CAUGHT BETWEEN BUMPERS. All Aged Ii illusion Cni'iicnler litis His ftiulil Arm Uuuiy Crushed. David Donnelly, aged 01. a carpenter at the Woodward mine. Kingston, was received at the Moses Taylor hospital last uiglil Willi his in in so Imdly crushed that it had to be iilllDlit.lled. While crossing through the Kingston yard on bis way home (rum work, lust evening, he attempted to puss be Iweeti a cat" mse and an engine stand ing only a few feet behind II. Just as he leached the middle of the track the train, of which lite caboose was a part, suddenly backed up. catching his right arm between the l.tunners of the cu luMise ami engine and crushing it into a Jelley. Dr. F. S. Farrell. the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western company's physician al Kingston. Wiu culled, and utter stopping the Mow of blond bud the injured man sent lo the Moses Taylor hospital on the 7.1U o'clock train. PICKLING CUCUMBERS Pickling Cucuruberi, Caull- i!ower, Horse-Radisb Root, ! & Pickling Onions, Ginger Root, Red Cabbage, Maugoes, Hot Peppers, Dill. II. I PIERCE. PENH ML ill i Cheapest, Because the Best GAIL BORDEN EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Send fof that lfttlct honk. Tnfai , 1 Health:" vreut valuo la mo l her 4. Seut N. Y. Condenied Milk Co, I tt EUiM ttrctt, Vtw Tork rfi 413 Lackawanna Ave. Conservatism In our advertisements and the avoidance of all that la sensational are (lie elements by which we have won the confidence of the public. This coufldeuce we hold steadfast as adamant by selling ouly such goods as we know to be reliable from every standpoint and at prices thut are assuredly correct or your money cheerfully refunded Today We Offer Stylish Trimmed Hats. Velvet covered Huts trimmed with luige Ostrich Feathers, Today Birds und Aigrettes, ull the best material, worth $H).iW, to Q Imported French felt Hats in large Cuinsbuioiigh shapes or smull round Hats or Tur bans. Hi mined with iislrleli Plumes, Hirds, Wings. Ai- Today gieiles and Ribbons, all best material und worth jx.no, to Best quality Kngllsh und Vielinu fell Huts In ull the new shapes, trimmed in the Today height or style with Rib bons, Feathers. Birds and Ai- 4"! (112 grettes, wortli $i'..tm, to go at.. 40 Children's Trimmed Hats. French felt, Vienna tell, Kngllsh felt, fully til mined In the lulest styles. 98c, $1.48 and $1.98 Ribbons. I We huve the largest slock und greatest I usaortmeut of the newest Ribbons in Fun I cies. Velvet Ribbons und Satin Ribbons in I this city, ut almost half the iimiuI prices. The Leading Millinery 412 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ft STANDARl? Oiixos STABLE-and FARM SPECIALTIES SCSr.ll THl.WOtlO fOR.HtiVt.WAODNS HEW YORK CARRIAGE GREASE. I0R UQHl ttOOHS ADO HAtr.CAPM0S B0ST0H COACH AXLE OIL. V CHlAPtH AHOBCiriH IMAHJKSI0R.0U 1ST WARD LEATHER 01 1. BIST 1A1HH PflStMl) IK THSMJIL0 EUREKA' HARNESS OIL. jmjcsJ haiwss on. mot UDDf HARVESTER OIL. r .AJIHC.HiAVI tOOt fOS fAIIIIJACHMlr favorite ?i!''cml-m YLECTRIC'iyCLl'lfNuH'o0'1' ( m Coach and Carriage Candle FOR SALE BY THE SCRANTON. PA TH E ROOMS I AND 2. COM'LTH B'L'O'G, SCRANTON, PA. POWDER MA D12 AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. I.AHLIN RAND HOWDKH CO'S ORANGE OUN POWDER Elertric Htttteriwi, Klectrio Exploders, for ox nlutltiitr ItlatitK KufVtv Kttu. nii4 Repauno Chemical Co. 's hint I P.XPLOSIVPS. nentto mt tn Hiohit Mcoicai AoTMcmtirfc IITnnBLi 'asthma vrLrnnn HEADACHES, M J Tnti AlCNTHOl . tktl -3 . Inualeh will cum you. it Ijfl ,5woiiUerful boon to utrerert Lf T 4Tfr Ul Cold. lkn.TI.rnil. InflaenviA. BroMehltln. vtUATI'EVDB. AfmJi immtaiaterditf. Aaefl1lkll, rciuvilT. conrenlent to carr) in pui-BOk, raw id nnu ou urn inairsiuiD or coin, t'oatlnae fie Kttcvts FtrmiMil ('lira. BtturKtloDdinrantcedorioAner reriindetl. Prle. &A 'I'M II I f.da M. (IMIW.,. 1. ... I, i l wiu. 1. S. CDSHKAi, Ur., Iin Rii.n, tick., U. S. t. ! c:TJmxxajTrm I MtSITHftL 'fie irem Biid mfnt remedr for I lyi6" ' "r u ! rtin ulMsiei. Rcwna.ltcn.Hilt Rheum. ..lit Jam, iturnj. 'mi. Woadrral rets ! vit fiirPIL,F.a. Prin,8Aet.Hl lirun- D S I I : "rtn or br until proi'ni.i. Artilrenaiuburo. IJ I ' j For ale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN 11. PHELPS. Scranton. P. DR. HIIHA'S VIOLA CREAM Remoref Frtcklta, PlmplM. LlMT Mun. itlukhMd Ojnbjrn und Ten. tail ru itota thti et'a 10 Its origi nal freshness, piodualiig ulear uid oraliliT corn- tilnlon. PilTU'Hnr tn nil t.-un ftDpamtlora ina fertaetlr hirmlea. At til uru(siiu,ormallediorsai.'t(. Scud lor Circular, VIOLA SKIN SOAP uwaatnkK ifcfa inrt:.rlat mii iimui44 tef Ue to.lM. awl vilboQl a rtvAl a tk aurMr. kvnAwv w ai nut. Atdraanni, frtca 25 C.ata. r. C. BITTNCR CO., Totcoo. O. For Ml by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN H. PHELPS. Scranton, Pa. A. If ATLANTIC MIC POWDER CO., 'VP Untrimmed Felt Hats. Kngllsh and Vienna. Hats, silk bound or velvet bound. In all the newest shapes and every color, 42c regular price T"s' today Cuiuels1 hair felt Hats, the lulest, out. In hundreds of shapes, leg- COc ular $1.1)0 quality, to go al w Rest Imported French felts in all the new Purls shapes, never sold Qttf under $l..riil. to go ul Children's felt Hats in a large va- "lQr riely of styles from upwa id. Ostrich and Fancy l eathers. Large hunches of Coque I'VHtliers in tile new double curl elfects. I ought to be is'., lo go at Kxtra huge double Coque Plumes, newest si vies, Otlgllt to be IlSe., I Oc to go at 1 vv Large bunches of Paradise Al- 2Sc yrelles, worth 50c., to go ut luiporlcd black birds, very fash ionable litis season, worth -;'"'. "Jf und :i.":. each, lo go at 1 New Paris Veils. No out -door costume Is complete without a veil. We have Just received from our Purls house some of the luindsomest and swellest veilings ever shown in this ei'.y. We are sure they will be particularly in teresting to all ladles of style and taste. Store, WE ARE STILL ROOTING FOR THE FASTEST WHEEL ON EARTH, No Matter Who Rides It. B. F. KELLER, ON A SPALDING AT THE National Meet at Wilkes-Barre, SEPTEMBER 16, Wat the only man (with one exception) out of tbeeutlr H. rantoa punh thut won anything, beating out aonm of the fastest mou on the circuit. Again wo ay, get a Spalding and be happy. C. M. FLOREY, Agt. o ICYCLES ILJ) At Rock-Botlcm Prices. list rat : Buffalo Prince '96, Imperial '96, Erie '96, Prince '96, Sterns '94, Columbia '93, Cleveland '94, Coventry '93, $36 55 45 36 35 25 25 15 These are all fitted with pueuiuutic tires and are in good runtiiug order. CHASE & FARRAR HICVCI.K SlikUtiONS. Sah Linden Stmt. Vfp. Court tluuso. WHEELS () mm BICYCLES. ON ANI AFTEIt SECT. 1ST. Istit), WK will otlur all of tliu follow I11K wlioela e iray have in stork ft .lolitier's Pricus : Vulf Amt-ruun. I'ian'ilver Johnson. Waverly aud KeatlieiAlouo Line. This ia an oiuirtuuitv to get a toud wliel cllvup. We still have tile famous i.'rawford." u whoel that mnsaH tifriit and eauv mid wearn eiiial to any SiliU machine on the market. C'ou.e aud tee what Wm ru do for you ui our line. i i nmfiTnn si. What 5arah Bcrahar4 it. A' . I Ejj nmmmmJ 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Harch 1, 1896, Total Product of will in im The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels. Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative la sold everywhere from the Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in England, Ireland and Scotlund very largely, aud in recognized aa the beat flour in the aallil MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. High Grade Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Lotj. Clongii Carpenter, Waterloo. And Lower Grafts at Very Low Pricu. J. SG3 SPRUCE STREET. Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO.. U. E. CP.0FUT, PROPRIETOR THIS HOUSK Is strictly temperance, U new and well furnished and OPENED To THE PUBLIC THhi YKAR ROL'ND, 11 located midway between blnglmmlon and Scranton, on the Montrose and Lacka wanna Railroad, six miles from D.. L. & W. R. R. nt Atford Station, and five miles from Montrose; capacity elflity-flvc, three minutes' walk from railroad station. House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entire length of the house, which Is 100 feet Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc. Free to (iuests. Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling In this, respect the Adirondack and Catslilll Mountains. Fine groves, plenty of shale and beautl. ful scenery, making a Summer Resort uru excelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion, swings. croquet rounds, ete. COt.D SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OK MILK. Rates $7 to $io Per Week. $1.50 Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations oa t.. L. & W. lines. Porter meets all trains. BALDWIN'S 1 1 IMH1 THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY CF SIZES. THi i k mm co.. MIDSUMMER Stciliui; Silver Shirt Waiit Sets, worth line to $li choice for 50c W 01th f'i-25 to $1.75; choice for 1.0t. StcriiiiK Silver Kelt liucklc-t, worth ;l.5t, at i2.5U. Worth $2.50. ut $1.75. Closing Out all out Fiue China ut ubotit Half Price. (ieiiniite KoviV Triple I'lulc Spoons, links anj Knives ut reduced price-. gruvci! free. Tcu Sets, lec 1'itchcrs, Cake Muskets, etc.. linest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, 130 WYOMINQ AVENUE. CLOSING SALE MERCEREAU & GONNELL If I). COMPLEXION BLEMISHES May be bidden imperfectly by coametlcs anil powders, but uau only be removed per in neiitly by HETSEL'S SUPERIOR FACE BLEACH. It will positively remove Freckles, Tan. Moth, Sallowness. and cure any diseases of the skin, such as Pimples, Acne, Blackheads. Olllness, and renders the skin soft and beau litul. Price $1 per bottle. For sale at E. M. HETSEL'S 330 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. JAMES MOIR, Has Moves te His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. tntrante on side next to First National Dank. He has now in Comprising everything requisite for flue llereliant Tailoring. And the same can be shown to advautaue In his aplen dialy fitted up rooms. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Headers of Tns Trlb ne to Cell on "OLD RELIABLE" In tile New Business Hume Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer of the Celebrated Pis iv to CAPACITY) 1 00,000 Barrels per Annum) rcEVivo HEST0RES VITALITY. Made a Well Man of Me. TKE OPEAT 301b. bar. CONNELL THE MERCHANT TAILOR ! 0 lew E. ROBINSON'S SONS mm IStbbay. Ifjn? produrrs the nbnve results In 30 days. It art tviwrrtully mliiuii kly. curps when all others fait 1'oiiDiiuiuwillreiiiiin their lost manhood, and old m.-n wilt recover thfir youthful vigor by ostng RKVIVO. It iiuii'kly and Kuivly realorea Nervou Kii, LoKt Vltnlur, Imiioleury. NlgliUy Emlaslons Lout Pott.T. l-'uiling Memory, Wasttnit DlseaKes. an A all . flWt of selt-ibUMe oreicewaud ludiKcretlon, which niiHtAoiiK forsiuily. biiHinesa or marrlase. It ui.t only riiren by n'iartius at the seat of d...ea. bul issinvit nertntnnle and blood builder, brlni1 Ink ba. li the pink glow to rale rbceks and re torinc tbn tire of youth. It wards ofl Insanity and Conminiptl.in. limiht on bavin KEVIVO,? othor. Ic can be earned In vent porket. By mall. I.OB per iiankase. or ell for WO.OO. wttk poaf rive written Kuantntee to cure or refund hctnunrv. Circular (reo. Address "'. MroiCIHF '...., PHICiSn. '' 1 or Sale by MATTUEWS BROS., Ortisje (lit Sertatoa, Fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers