The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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tally eud Weekly. No Sunday Edition.
TUlltbrd at Bcranton. Pa, by The Tribune Pub
lishing Uompanjr.
t. P. KINGSBUNV, hn, mo 0'i Man.
C. H. RIPPLC, Sr n. Tnn
UVV . RICHARD, Coitos.
W. W. DAVIS. tiiiiH MH.
W. W. YOUNGS. Aov. Mana-a-
Kcw York Offlce: Trlhiine Bulldlnj. Frank 8.
Uray, Manager.
Vlce-lre9lJt'iit-JAU'.KT A. UUUART.
Congressmen - u. - Lurge (;!;TA'
Coinmlsslon.Ta-S. V. HOliEK'lS, GILES
Audltors-A. K. K1EFER, FRED L.
Senate. 21st Dlstrlct-COL. W. J. SCOTT.
Representative. 1st llstrlet-.I HN
FAHlt; 2d DIstil.-t-A. T. 0NNR1X:
3d I Hstrit-t I lt. N. '. MACMA; 4th
Th Brand excursion to Canton next
Friday will li-tiw Wllki'S-liarre from
tlu lVtinsylvaniii railroad (station at
9 o'clock p. m. Tilt Delaware and Hud
son special train which will convey Uu
Lackawanna county contingent to
Wilkes-Hum- will leave Scranton about
S o'clock Friday evening. The outlook
now la that there will he u In rue party
from this city. Kvery Republican oiiKht
to help to talk It up.
. .
Welcome to Endeavorcrs.
lleforu spc-aldiiK to the guests of the
hour tin' word of welcome common to
such occasions, it is not inappropriate
f contrast the Christian EmU-uvnr
convention soon to open in this city
' with certain other state conventions
which in times past have been held in
We have been privileged during re
cent years to entertain a goodly num
ber of assemblages of eminent lVnn
sylvanlans representing different Inter
ests, but upon no prior occasion that
we now recall has Scranton hud the
honor of receiving In cordial brother
hood a body of men and women less
actuated by purposes of self-glorification
or more unsellish in inspiration
and in aim. The society of Christian
Endeavor is an outgrowth of modern
conditions as typical of Us time as were
the mediaeval crusades, but differ
ent from the crusades In that It dis
tinguishes the proper significance and
rightful object of Christian enthusiasm,
and gives to spiritual attainment the
energies that our misguided forbears
wasted upon fruitless physical ends.
It is not necessary at tills moment to
enter into details concernlnz the his
tory of the Endeavor movement, in
teresting and profitable us that history
is. Within a few hours a visible demon
stration of the movement's present
vitality will be supplied, nnd to it will
bo added the making of Endeavor his
tory In 1'ennsylvanla. l!ut it certainly
Is not out of place to speak In behalf
of the -friends who are to favor us
with their presence for the next few
days a fair word of commendation for
their xen I In coming from distant
portions of the state to participate In u
work which holds out no special al
lurement In way of gain or emolument
nnd which Is purely a labor of love and
And no we bid these estimable visit
ors all hall, and extend to them for
the citizens of our city un honest pledge
of genuine welcome, and a cordial
nssurance of hospitable treatment.
The clearest symptom of the Imma
turity of Hryan's judgment was shown
when he affected to despise the oppo
sition of the sound money ivtw. It Is
that which more than anything else
has laid him out.
The Situation in Nebraska.
An intelligent review of the condi
tions which have made for Populism in
Nebraska a state fairly typical of the
disaffected western country In general
Is made in the published correspond
ence of Walter Welltnan. After show
ing how more than 80 per cent, of the
farms of that state were purchased by
means of money borrowed at 8 per cent.
on mortgage security he explains the
hardships occasioned by three succes
sive failures of the annual wheat crop,
which, added to the general fall In the
price of this staple agricultural pro
duct by reason of world-wide overpro
ductlon, left a large portion of the ag
rlcultural population of Nebraska in
such financial straits as had never been
previously experienced.
Among these farmers as among peo
ple generally there are two classes-
one made up of the frugal, thrifty and
enterprising in disposition and the
other comprising those who are care
less, improvident and Inclined to lay
the blame for their own misfortunes
upon everybody and everything save
themselves. Mr. Wellman says that
the former class, despite Its hardships
and discouragements, is in this cam
palgn supporting Protection and sound
money, whereas the other class is
largely for Bryan and free silver. Those
who regard success in life as more pos
sible of attainment by individual econ
omy, prudence and activity than by act
of congress are for McKlnley; those
who want to throw the blame for their
troubles upon the government are
against him. Of course, it Is unfair to
say that all Nebraska supporters of
Bryan are thriftless or improvident;
hut Mr. Wellman's conclusion after a
personal canvass of the state Is that
the division between the voters on pres
idential choice ' In the : main follows
these lines, ......
As to the final result in Nebraska
predictions- ars useless, for the simple
reason that there is no present means
of verifying them. In many townships
there are not 6 voters to the square
mile; both parties after an Ineffectual
effort to take a poll of the state aban
doned the undertaking as Impractic
able. In the towns and cities thu sound
money cause is steadily gaining. How
the trend Is In the country districts can
only be conjectured. Mr. Wellman
thinks McKlnley will carry the state
by a small plurality, but he is not san
guine. Perhaps the best lesson to be
derived from his correspondence is that
there Is danger of Republican overcon-
fidence and that the battle Is still close
enough to justify hard and earnest
One fine point about William lie-
Kiniey Is that he has never and will
never think of himself as of some es
pecially superior being far above the
common people. In other words, ho
will in his personal attitude toward the
public be very different from the last
two presidents.
A Business Proposition.
It Is manifestly to the advantage of
the city of Scranton to have In the next
legislature as the representative of the
district which contains Lackawanna
Hospital, the Oral school, the Home
for the Friendless, and other Institu
tions which need state aid a Republi
can familiar with legislative methods
and qualified by experience to see that
no point whereby the city might bene
fit Is overlooked. By the re-election of
Representative Alex. T. Con null these
desirable ends will be gained.
This subject should be looked at
largely from a business standpoint.
Anyone familiar with Hanisbiirg af
fairs knows that the people of the
other large cities of the state, notably
Philadelphia and Pittsburg, keep their
good representatives In the legislature
term after term and thus secure the
benefit of their Increased experience
nnd knowledge of legislative practices.
They do not permit minor differences
to lose to the public Institutions and
Interests of their districts the manifest
advantages which come from a mature
knowledge of Harrlsburg ways and
means. While we do not argue for the
lerpetuation of any legislator in office,
we submit that the election next month
f Representative Council, a Republi
can with experience touching tne
.lutles of the ofllce, would as a busi
ness proceeding be a better thing for
the interests of the Second district than
the election of Mr. Koehler, a gentle
man who would rest under the double
disadvantage of being new to the work
ings of the legislature and out of politi
cal harmony with the dominant major
ity there.
If it were not a political matter; that
is to say, if it were understood by all
to be simply a choice of the most ef
ficient instrument for the securing nt
Harilsburg of certain appropriations
and legislation needed by the people of
the Second district, we doubt whether
u voter in the district would hold that
Mr. Council could not perform the
work better than Mr. Koehler could.
Why, then, should purely personal or
factional considerations arise In the
way of the district's best Interests?
Soys Senator Quay: "The drift Is all
our way. Let us trust that It will keep
on going our way. Rut a national
1 m 1 1 It is never won until it Is actually
won. I am very much opposed to the
spirit of confidence which seems to
prevade the atmosphere hereabouts. I
am not apprehensive over it. It Is a very
good sign In many ways, but it can be
overdone." The best time for over
confidence is after election. Then it
can do no harm.
Wheat and Silver.
The relation between the price of
wheat and the price of silver claimed
by Bryan andhis party docs not appear
In the facts as to prices noted last
week In the market reports. Thirty
days ago wheat at Chicago brought ftl
cents, just the price of the bullion sil
ver In a gold-bucked American silver
dollar. Today wheat is selling on the
Chicago board of trade in the neigh
borhood of "a cents, while silver In the
meantime has fallen over 4 per cent.
What caused this rise In wheat? Two
things the partial failure of the Rus
sian crop, which caused a shortage In
the world's supply; and the fact thut
the American crop wan not large
enough to fill the gap. What caused
sliver's fall? Two things the fact that
more of It Is being produced than for
merly; and secondly, the fact thut Icbh
of it is wanted than formerly.
The government couldn't pass a law
that would keep the price of wheat up
to u dollar a bushel, neither could it
pass one which would keep the price
of sliver up to $1.29 un ounce. The best
It can do In either case is to so legis
late with reference to the tariff that
our mills and factories and workshops
will keep the workingnien busy enough
to Improve their appetites for bread
and to make possible a larger use of
properly secured sliver In the payment
of wages and debts.
The Republican National headquar
ters at Chicago have sent out among
the voters in the debatable states over
1,200 tons of campaign literature.
enough to fill sixty average freight
cars and give two pamphlets to every
man, woman and child In the ITnlted
States. As an educational achievement
within three months this beats the rec
ord and it explains why Bryanlsm has
lately been so rapidly on the wane.
Steel Freight Cars.
Shippers by lake have already
learned to appreciate the structural
and economic advantages of the whale
back type of freight vessel notably Its
cheapness, low reslstunce to waves
and large percentage of available room.
Now comes from a St. Louis Inventor,
T. 8. Easterbrook, an Idea which may
be roughly described as the application
of the whaleliack principle to land
freight haulage. His contrivance is
called a combination steel freight car,
and is built in a tubular pattern, with
openings at either the top or side or
It Is claimed that grain, coal, ore,
lumber and bulk freight can be load-id
and unloaded from this car much more
cheaply and expeditiously than from a
box freight with only two door open
Ings, while after it is once closed,
locked and sealed, the liability of loss
by droppage or theft Is practically
nothing. Then, too, such a car is said
to wear better, cost less in the long
run and offer smaller resistance to the
wind. How it would stand wrecking Is
not so clear, nor is the Item of greater
weight satisfactorily explained.
Nevertheless, the idea Is Interesting
and tangible results may yet follow In
the direction indicated by it. This car
would at least be a comfortable place
In time of war.
The Manufacturer, of Philadelphia, a
journal which does valiant service for
Protection and sound money, has modi
fied its form and adopted a new dress
of type. It is now as pretty as it Is
good. We offer congratulations.
Let Us Have American Ships.
Although Scranton is not a ship
ping port we are confident that every
Republlesn In this part of the country
is as anxious as are those who live
along the coast that the government
thall pass such laws as will tend to re
htnre our American merchant marine
to Its old-tline prominence In the
ocean carrying trade. The granting of
preferential duties to goods carried in
American merchant ships, together
with subsidies to new lines entering
American register the policy proposed
In the St. Louis platform nnd heartily
Indorsed by Major McKlnley would
mean In course of time:
The retention In the United States of
nearly $300,000,000 now annually paid to
foreign shipowners for carrying Ameri
can imports and exports, pussengers
and malls.
The Immediate spending of about
$400,000,000 in American shipyards, to
build the ships necessary to carry our
foreign commerce.
The constant employment of 100,000
skilled American workmen In Ameri
can shipyards.
The employment of another hundred
thousand American citizens on board
American ships, a source of strength
and a bulwark of defence If we should
ever be assailed by a foreign foe, or
obliged to prevent the seizure or occu
pation of any American territory by a
foreign power.
The cessation of foreign demand for
our gold, at least to the amount saved
by doing our own carrying of our own
coninyVrce. '
The development of our foreign com
merce so that there would soon be a
growing balance of trade In this coun
try's favor, thus removing one of the
main dilllculties in way of the main
tenance of sound money.
It has been estimated by competent
authority that in the pust thirty years
a total of $4.r00,000,000 has been paid by
the American people to foreign ship
owners for ocean transportation. The
great majority of these payments have
been required in gold and this steady
drainage of the yellow metal into for
eign hands has In turn made necessary
an Increased volume of exports to re
store the balance. Does It need any ar
gument to demonstrate that if this
money were retained among our own
people by reason of Its being paid to
American ship-owners and American
sailors, all classes of business would
derive benefit therefrom and the sum
of our prosperity would augment ac
cordingly? Is It not worth an effort to
try to keep this money, or most of it in
The government presses nt Washing
ton are still at work printing final
tabulations of the ISOO census. The
reason for this delay is to be found In
the fact that every decade the whole
census vork lins to be mapped out
anew and entrusted to the execution of
green hands appointed mainly through
political pull. When the census bureau
is made a permanent feature of the
government and put under effective
civil service rules its work will double
in promptness nnd accuracy, and cost
only ubout one-half as much.
In addition to passing on the theories
of their fellow-citizen, Mr. Bryan, the
voters of Nebraska will next month
say whether or not their state consti
tution shall be amended so us to en-
aide five-sixths of the members of a
jury In a civil case to render a bind
ing verdict. California, Nevada, South
Dakota, Texas, Idaho, Washington,
Wyoming, Louisiana and Utah, have
blazed the way to a general aband
onment of the unanimity requirement
nnd it Is only a question of time until
this sensible reform becomes general.
In order to win the minority place cm
the next board, Mr. Burke, one of the
Democratic candidates for county com
missioner, has to assail the work done
by Mr. Demuth, his colleague on the
Democratic ticket nnd Mr. Demuth, in
self defence, has to strike back. Talk
about your funny politics, If this Isn't
hilarious, what is?
The fact that the managers at Pono-
cratlc national headquarters privately
concede Bryan's defeat and recognize
in their tabular estimates of the prob
able electoral vote that it Is practically
Impossible to defeat McKlnley shows
that they have not gone wholly daft.
By and by even Bryan will perceive
how hopeless his case Is.
The opinion of the Philadelphia
Stockholder is that the anthracite conl
trade will not this lime bo to pieces
on the rock of throat-cutting. Wi
trust and believe that Its iruess is ror
rect. The trade has already lost enough
by unmindful competition.
Bryan says the only way to test hia
free silver nostrum Is to give It a trial.
But the people are in no mood to turn
themselves over us subjects for quack
Daily Horoscope Uruwn by Afncchns
I In; Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolnuu cast: 2.28 a. rn., for Tuesday,
October 0, 1W0.
& V) ' A--
A child born on this day will notice that
the Scranton "white caps" this week are
not an element of society to be dreaded.
True philanthropy does not expect bread
cnut upon the waters to float back in the
form of angel cake.
There are lots of silver men who lack
Kiel ling qualities.
Newspaper libel suits like measles may
be necensary in Inrunoy, but they are gen
erally unpleasant.
Constable Billy Black Is a firm believer
In the efficacy of the Auburn hafr and
white horse theories In detective work.
The1 most eloquent oratot is the one who
talks just as we think.
No one ever complains of the high the.
ater oat in cnurcn.
Labor and Its'
Relation to Lau)
From the Post-Express.
in the effort to defend the plank or the
Chicago platform denouncing arbitrary
Interference by federal authorities In lo
cal affairs as a violation of the constitu
tion of the l ulled States and a crime
against free Institutions, some of the Bry
an campaign orators ure outdoing Hryun
himself. The plank Is. strictly speaking.
mere verbiage, because nobody denies that
any form of arbitrary Interference by fed
eral authority Is necessarily opposed
ulike to the. spirit und the letter or an In
strument framed to define what are the
legal limits of the exercise of federal pow
er. But If the plank was intended to
mean, us it apparently was, that the gov
ernment of the United States could not
constitutionally invoke the power of the
courts to protect its property righf in the
mans und to keep the highways for inter
state commerce free from riotous ob
struction, then the charge that It Is a de
fence or anarchy Is well taken. It may
be set down to the credit of the candidate
and some of his more moderate support
ers, that they have tried to show that this
charge is baseless. But In defense of one
piece of demagogic claptrap, they have
hud recourse to another, and the latest
comment on the decision of the Supremo
court ntlirmlng the validity of the In
junction granted against Debs and his as
sociates, und the justice of the sentence
for contempt of court to which they were
subjected, Is, thot under this decision
the federul courts could enjoin organiza
tions of laboring men, working at uny call
ing, from, leaving their position without
the consent of their employers.
It need hardly be said thut the decision
will stand no such interpretation. The
injunction whose legality the Supreme
court unuiilmously uttlrmed, enumerated
certuin things which the defendants might
not do, and these things were all In them
selves unlawful ami Injurious. But while
it forbade the defendants to induce em
ployes to refuse to perform their duties
us employes of railroads engaged In inter,
state commerce or the carriage of the
United Slates mails, tt did not forbid
them to use persuasion to induce employes
to quit the service. As Justice Brewer dis
tinctly stated in regard to the appeal of
Debs: "The right of any laborer, or any
number of laborers to quit work was not
challenged. The scope and purposo (of
the Injunction) was only to restruin forci
ble obstructions of the highways along
which Interstate commerce travels and
the mails ure carried." This Interfer
ence would have been unnecessary had
not, as a labor leader recently put it, the
government of the city of Chicago and of
the state of Illinois, been In the hands of
fear-strkken politicians. "It was a lack
of appreciation of the Just demands of
labor und a fear of losing votes in the fu
ture which prevented the mayor of the.
city and the governor of the state from
doing their duty by labor and the state
In checking violence the moment it be
gan." o
No man can have a greater interest In
the preservation of the law of the land
secure against all attack, than the man
who lives by dally toil. Even defective
laws lessen the Inequality of power be
tween rich and poor, and the supremacy
of law is the bulwark of rights which
have been won for the common people
by long centuries of struggle. The right
of the Individual to the enjoyment of life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
without trespass on the rights of others,
is bused on respect for law, and the man,
the organization or the party thut sets
about lessening that respect deserves to
be classed as a public enemy. No one
sees more clearly than labor leaders of
mature experience thut the claims of la
bor can never be advunced by any toler
ation of lawlessness. Rather dops the
path of progress lie in the more complete
Identilleatlon of labor organizations with
responsibility to the law, In their Incor
poration und their chartered exercise of
certain well-dned powers, understood
by their members anil known to the pub
lic. But It is not thus that they could
advance under the regime of revolution
outlined by the Chicago platform.
Major Handy, in Tinies-Ilenild.
William McKlnley will not only have a
large mujorlty in the electoral colleges,
but will receive more bullots for president
und have a lurger majority on the popu
lar vote than any man who ever ran for
the presidency.
It Is timely to review the votes by which
the several presidents obtained the otllce.
premising with the obvious reminder that
the popular vote has kept pace with the
growth of the country In population
Kluht presidents of the United States have
failed in securing a majority of the suf
frages of their fellow citizens at the polls.
These eight are Polk. Taylor, lltu hanan,
Lincoln In lsiW, Hayes, Uartleld, Cleve
land In ISM and Harrison, in 1H.'l Andrew
Jackson hud a plurality of Ou.uul in a total
vote of about 3ft!,(iUM, but the election was
thrown Into the house of representatives,
and by thut body John Quiiuy Adams
was elected. The following Is a state
nient showing the majority or plurality
by which eac h of the presidents, beginning
with Jackson in obtained the presi
1S28 Jackson, 1SS,134 majority.
Kt'i Jackson, 1J4,3u'i majority over all,
1n Vim Hut en, 24,SiU majority.
1M0 V. H. Harrison, ISU'.jii majority.
1S44 I'olk had a plurality over (,'lav of
17a, but Cluy und Blrney together
hud a majority over Polk of 24.IJ3,
Polk was the first president elected
by u minority of the ixiimlur vote.
1S48 Taylor had a plurality over Cass
of ViV.'m, but Cuss und Van Btiren
together hud a majority over him of
1KB Pierce had a mujorlty of 58.747 over
Scott and John 1'. Hale.
1850 Buchanan hail a plurality of 4M.905
over Kremoiit, but I'remont and Kill
more had u majority over him of
lS'JO Lincoln had a plurality over Doug,
las of titl.liri. but wus In a minority
on the popular vote to ihe extent of
IS'11 Lincoln's majority was 407,342.
IMS t ii ant's majority wus :W3,45S.
1S72 drum's plurality over Greeley was
Itvi.VA und his majority over all was
lbili Tildcn's plurality over Hayes was
;.'.s:"j und his majority over ull was
ISSO-tlarllehns uluralltv over Hancodk
was 7,'JlS, but he was In a minority of
18S4 Cleveland had a plurality of G2,S3
over lilalne, but on the w hole vote he
wus In a minority or z.H.Hii.
1588 Cleveland's plurality over Harrison
was !,"I7. while the total majority
over Harrison was Sii&.'M.
1S92 Cleveland over Harrison, 380,8)0; over
Harrison and Weaver, 132.
At present Urant with the candidacy of
1S72 has the plurality vote record, and
drover Cleveland has the distinction of
having received the largest vote ever
given a presidential candidate. These
records will be broken this year. In my
opinion, for I expect McKlnley to have
v.iw.wi nnd more votes, and a plurality
of at least l,Uo0,0W.
From the Scranton Truth.
The excursion from this region to Major
Mckinley's home at Canton this wck
will simply be In the nature of a return
visit. We nil remember with satisfaction
his visit to tnis city a few years ago, nnd
his splendid speeches In behalf of protec
tion. Scrantonlans have a special Interest
In maintaining the principles of which
Major McKlnley Is the foremost living ex
ponent, and those who can conveniently
do so should avail themselves of the op
portuntty provided by the Republican
newspapers of Lackawanna and Luzerne
for a trip to the homo of the next presi
From the Newark Advertiser.
Our respected fellow citizen, Robert
Fltsslmmons, does rank injustice to Bryan
when he says that Corbett Is "the wind
iest talker in 'the world."
Inaugurated by us
such an Enormous business in these goods. In many
about half of the actual value.
LOT 1 Black Figured Mohair Brilliantines, the yard 23 cents.
LOT 2" "Black Imperial Serge, 38 inches wide, strictly all wool, the yard 25 cents.
LOT 3 --Silk Finish French Henrietta Jet or Blue Black, very fine quality, 47 inches
wide, the yard 50 cents.
LOT 4" -Black Whipcords, superior weight and texture, 46 inches wide, the yard
69 cents. i
LOT 5--Black Mohair Sicillienes, Jacquard and Lizard Cloths, tne yard 75 cents.
LOT 6""Black Freze Novelties, Boucles, Crepons, etc., the yard 98 cents.
LOT 7 --Black' Crepons, Granite Cloths, Silk Mohairs, Souffles, the yard $1.25 and
And the fit that takes in the Merchant Tailoring business. The Price is
what takes in every business. Good reason for our great success. Our
stock is the Largest, and having a constant buyer in the market we show Styles
the Latest. ' Yours Truly,
Branch 4. 427 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. Branch 4.
As year needs saggests anything In the
way of Hutiemy. Hunk Etcli. or OIB
Supplies, and when your list Is full bring
it in and we will snrprise yon with the
novelties we receive daily. We also carry
very neat line of Calling Oerds and Wed
lilng Invitations at a moderate pries.
8 W.
Stationers and Engravers,
Firm in the city to sell
made-to-measure clothes
at popular prices.
in style, workmanship
and fit.
always. We are origina
tors, not imitators.
3I9 Lackawanna Ave.
Books, singly or in sets,
427 Spruce St., Opp.Tbe Ceaianawialik.
flonday is a great success.
Of the latest in China und Silver,
ware for wedding or other gifts.
Iliiiix.p fiotu. f'hamher Sets. Cut
Glasses, Silverware, Uric-a-Brac.
B3i Linden., Opp. Court Houfc,
Sole Agent for Rlchirdion Boynton'i
Furnaces and Bangea.
No Charge for Alterations.
We are now ready for a busy, busy trade. We
Intend offering the greatest bargains ever seen in this
city of first-class goods. Skillful buying In large
quantities for ready cash and selling to you at bar
gain prices that's our policy from now on. Watch us.
aweep wran and utitchod
warn inlaid, velvet collar. CI OA
instoadof Jill)
Trimined with lireid and fur, C OH
full awwp: clii-ap at $1.00, at 1 J
Bouclu and Astrakhan i-lotb,
Hk lined, made to sell at 1U CS Oft
BLACK BEAVER COAT Box front, fmtr
buttons, storni collar, cheap $2.98
bloubk'akd n'ohfoLk"waist8-
Miztnrea and Sliephard'a
Plawla. lined tlmnigbout.clieap Cf IS
atli i)nr price I.XO
newcet eliadea. brown and green mix
tures; double lirvasted Krefer
Jackets, silk faced; cheap at CC Qft
5H.W. Our price il,yo
STYLISH hUlTS-In new mixtures, chev
iots, all wool serges, box and reefer
jackev, three-fourth silk lind: full
skirts lined and bound, reg- Cfl Oft
ular nrlee 112 60. at 'yo
JUHT RECEIVED-A new lot of Figured
Moneir Hkirta In two-tons effects; also
plain backs, cut full, lined and
bound. Boms values up to 15 CI Oft
and . at flJIeVO
changeable colors, lined, well made, can
be worn with attachable col
lars and cuffs, elsewhere $0.00. Ci AQ
Our price Vteiy
421 IMA. AYE.
Not in years have we done
instances the prices arc
Of all kinds, manufactured at akefc
Motto, it Tbe Tribune OQce.