The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 05, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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IKcaJurs will pl.ase notf thai aiKfitis-int-iilx. fur Jub work, unJ Itnm lur
pui.ltc aiiuii l-ri at lh rHlabllstiiiiBiit of
Shannon ;o.. iH-wiuii'aU-ra, North Muln
mwi, will rvi'i-lvo prompt altfiitlon; ul
ti - opi u I rom 8 a. hi. to 10 p. m. J
Inlcit-sliiiK KtercUri Held Yetcr
luy ut Hie Korean liaptittt Church.
Tli Sumlav school of the Berean
HuptlHt church htkl a reunion service
in I licit- runms yesterday, when the fol
l.iwinar inRramme was carried out:
.Mtwlir liy the Sunday school orchestra;
I .mil "a prayer In concert; sinning by
the KchiMil, "Praise the Lord;" respon
sive reudinfr; sinking by school, "Joy
in Heaven;" prayer; song by Miss
l-Minly. "The Sinner;" review of third
itiiut.T's lessons by primary class;
siimiiiK by the school, "Jesus is Seek
ing the Children;" talk by superintend
ent, Itetieitlnn of LInht;" BlnpinK,
inurtette. "Only a Heam of Sunshine;"
talk bv pastor. "The Youiik, the Hopes
.!' the Church;" short class conference;
imisie. Sunday school orchestra; sing
inij by school, "The Christ iifn Army."
.Miss Augusta Curtis, principal of the
Oirla" Training School and Baptist
Institute at Franklin, N. C, addressed
the young peoiile at the .evening ser-
The I ninily ot David Mr.tlyune Nearly
Killed by Conl Un.
The funiilyof David McMynne.of Pun
dalf street, had a narrow escape from
death Friday evening. The family sleep
in rooms adjoining the sitting room
and the gas is supposed to have come
from a range used to heat the room.
Coal from a fresh load had been put
in It shortly before retiring and the
cover left partly off. One of the family
was awakened in the morning by a sense
hi suffocation and severe pains in the
stomach. They were not able to account
for their feelings until the neighbors
who came to their assistance discov
ered the cause. '
I Jr. Hailey was summoned and did
nil he could to relieve them and after
the house had been thoroughly venti
lated the lather and sons began to
recover. Two of the sons were Rble to
go to work in the morning, but the
mother und three children are still
very ill. "
The lliuli School Klevcii Defeats the
Seranton Player".
At I he foot ball game at Alumni Park
Saturday, October !t, between the Car
boiulalc high school and School of the
l.i'.eUawaniia of Scranloti, the line up
was us follows:
l.u.k.i wnmiu. Curnnndalc H. S.
'. i Mark cclilcr Hall
I'l'iiiaiiy ilwhl guard I " !
' Walsh left guard Kelly
Hoy riuht tackle W'liitelO' k
I'ark iiht tackle Pendleton
I-lizn' iui.i right end I Murrin
K liy ,. it ond ....llockenberry
!.'. Clark quarter Crane
flillliiis right half hack ..arrington
Walsh lift half back Forbes
.Moll full hack I. Murrin
Itcferec. Slinlcvant : umpire, .1. Foster;
liticyhen. It. Kinle und (.). Watts.
(tallies called at 4,l. Times of halves, 20
minute. Score, a to o In lavur ut Cur
Hand Lender CIiom'ii.
The recently re-organized Columbus
bund held a meeting In Pugliuno's hall
Friday evening for the purpose of
choosing a leader. Severul applications
for the position hud been received. Til
terms of Professor John Giovannin es
were lower than the others and us he
whs highly recommended It wits de
cided to euguge hini.
New Pluning Mill.
A law force of workmen have been
employed on Kinbuck's new carpenter
si. op nuil planing mill und it is Hearing
completion. The facilities for work will
be much improved us Hie mill will lie
lilted uti with the latest improvements
in machinery.
Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Allen, of Sou 111
Wales, who have been visiting friends
in this vicinity during Hie summer,
will leave on Tuesday for New York,
iiml on Wednesday will sail in the
Moaiiiship Tuetonic for their home.
i 'buries 'Kniory Smith, editor of the
Philadelphia Press, is expected to speak
in ( 'a i bom la le on the campaign issues
in the near future. Mr. Smith is said
to be one of the' lines! spcukcrt) ill the
Mr. anil Mrs. Henry Cramer are vis
it iiiK ill New York city.
Mrs. 1 tit II. .Mc.Minii, of Stanford,
un.l daughter, Mrs. Crawford, of lielhl.
In lawure county, N. Y., have been vis
iting in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Loftus. of Severn li
avenue, have returned from New York
city, where liiey have been visiting for
the past Week.
.Miss Kate Mang spent Saturday In
Si i anion.
Miss Fb Allen, of Forest City. Is vis
iting Mi. and Mrs. O. J. Benton on
Salem avenue.
Miss Hertha Harfhaway has returned
from Brighton, where she has been
the guest of Mrs. Churles Wentzler for
the past month.
Mrs. J. L. Phillips and grandson. Ken
neth Bur Lofius, of Klver street, who
have been visiting friends In AVUkes
1 Jarre, hnve returned home.
Attorney J. F. Reynolds, his wife and
guest. Miss Daisy K. Harris, of Wyom
ing Seminary, spent Sunday with rela
tives nt South Gibson.
Fred Williams, of East Buffalo. N. Y.,
was a visitor at the home of Y. H. Me
M inn last week.
Miss Cora Kllis, of Waymart. Is vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Simpson, of Blver street.
P. A. Carroll, of South 'Main street,
left Friday evening for a three weeks'
visit with Dominlck Carroll, of Pitts
burg. Kansas.
S. T. Seely, of Klmlra. division pas
senger agent of the Kile railroad, was
In town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Van Bergen have
returned from a visit with friends in
Moriistown, N. J.
Miss Mary Pengelly is visiting her un
cle, Joseph Jackson, of Preston Park.
aiiss cmuy kitk, who hug been the
guesi or mr. ana Mrs. Joseph Frank, on
Eighth avenue, has accepted a position
In Orange, N. J.
Miss Barbara Held, of South Main
Just read our prices and compare them with
ny and all of the other attempt!
25c Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c
35a Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c
50c Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c
65a Brussels Carpets, Now 39c
75c Brussels Carpets, Now 57c
95a Brussels Carpets, Now 75c
Alto a quantity ol Body BruMcU lengths
from a to ao yard In each piece at about one
hall price to cloe,
Carpets tnd Wall Papsr Dealer.
TERMS Cash on the Above Oood.
street, left Friday for a two weeks'
visit in New York city.
Airs. M. Bell und Bon, Andrew, ure
visiting friends in Ararat.
.Mr. and Airs. U. w. Simons and Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. H. Abbey, of Hamilton,
P.i., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
W. U Leonard, ot Lincoln avenue.
Jesse Jones, of the Leaders si a IT.
sitent Sunday with his parents In
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kafka and sons.
Brooks and Charlie, spent Saturday
n Seranton.
Miss Bessie Thomas has returned to
her home In Conklln after a visit with
Miss Lizzie Wyllie.
Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Hards have re
turned from a visit with friends in
About 1 o'clock on Saturday morn
ing tire broke out in the residence
n.,n...i...i i... Uttttlt'A John
umitru uuu uit-uii:u j
Reap of the West Side and in a few
minutes the entire structure was a mass
of flames which soon enveloped the
residence of Constable Kdward Murphy
only a few feet apurt. The smell of
smoke awoke Mrs. Beap and hurrying
t iha 1 ,n .,,..,-, I,i tlta llftMMOlnt She
was almost overcome with the dense
volume of smoke that emerged irom
the apartment. It cuuld be only the work
..t ..... ...In,, ..., , n.l,uu 1,01" llllulltl 111!
Ill U 1CV ItllllUtCE, IU t I V ' . ,' . . . . .....
and get their nine sleeping children
out sateiy. -j neir young son, joun. n-
IS a Clippie nun to ne cun ieu uui
a temporary ltmtj together wun iw.
which he had saved to buy another
liinb in a shmt time. Mr. Murphy had
(..... ... n..V..,r Utu Vtt.liuohlllll ffffM'tM
and had them removed to the house of
his nrother-ln-law, John ieau oiu.v u
of Patrick Curley, although badly dam
.aged was saved from entire destruc
tion by the efforts or a sinaii guruen
hnttA .,n .1... 1,11tbut lO'llTUrt. Mr.
Benp estimates his loss at J4,n00. His
insurance amounts to $2,000. Mr. Mur
phy's loss is about $2,000 with an insur-
un..a nf 91 r.lUl Thin ft lull l 1'nilS COllliUg-
aration emphasizes the necessity of tire
plugs in that section ot me mnn mm
an effort to plnce them should be ill
once put Into execution.
The death of Mrs. Thomas Kelley
occurred on Saturday morning ut 6.:!0
o clock al ter a tew weeks niiicsn ot
typhoid fever. Deuesed was about :!0
years of age and Is survived by a
husuand and lour cnuuren. 1 ne lum-uu
will take place this afternoon at 2.30
o'clock. Interment will lie made in St.
Mary's cemetery.
TIia T twllim' Al,1 urx'lulv of the
Methodist Kplscopal church will meet
at the home or .Mrs. A. 1". tiomsier on
Wednesday afternoon.
m .... xi a 11. lu t.i Phltttitttliihln
making her purchases in millinery for
the coming season.
Martin Walsh has removed his family
to Duntnore w here he will reside for the
rum re.
Special devotions for October will
take place In St. Mary's church during
the month of October.
Miss Annie Callahan has returned
from New York city w here she hps been
making her purchses in millinery.
Friday evening a reception was ten
dered Herbert Hobart. of New York,
who is visiting at the residence of the
Collier fnmlly in Old Forge. The even
ing was pleasantly spent in various
amusements, after which refreshments
were served. All departed for their re
spective homes. Those present were:
Misses Klsle Carey, Sadie Bichnrds,
Mary and Annie Scherer, Addie dood
win. Gertrude Jones, Cora Nyehart.
Mattie, Josie and Flora Collier, nnd
Messrs. Harrv Wlnslow, William Da
vis. John C.rllllths. Fred, and Arthur
Stone. Joseph Goodwin. Harry Sweet,
Charles Collier and Herbert Hobert.
Hubert Inglls, of Yatesville, spent
yesterday with his parents in this
The social ror the oenetit ot jticnaru
Lanyon. ut the Arohhald Friday even
in?, was a success, both socially and
The lecture Saturday evening given
by the Kev. yuincy Lee Morrow, on
Temperance and Prohibition, was well
F.niployes of the Taylor si.k mill are
v.vrking every day and are receiving
plenty of orders.
Announcement is made that William
Tiilil, or this town, and Miss 'Lydiu
Farringtun. of Hyde Park, will be
married on October 7.
The rallle for a burea for the bene
fit of John Shields, jr.. w ill take .place
on the 22d of this month.
Miss Laura und Master Godfrey
Goodwin, of Hyde Park, visited rela
tives in this pluce yesterday.
The li 'la ware, kmvannu ami
Western collieries are scheduled to
work six days, ten hours per day. this
W. A. McCarthy, of Miners Mills.
Pa., spent a few days hint week with
his nuinei'oiis friends ut this institu-
tion. Mr. McCarthy was eu route from
the convention of Railroad trainmen lit
HcK'I'alo, which he ul tended us u dele
gate. The first lecture of the season will be
given next Friday evening by Churles
Klliol Klfch. S. II. D.. on the subject
William r.radfurd, the Pilgrim settle
ment. The Populls! candidates for governor
und lieutenant governor of Colorado
are natives of Wellshoro, this county.
They are respectively Judge Morton S.
Hailey and lienjamin Clark Wheeler.
W. A. MeCnuslaiid. for a number of
years n member of the firm of Bailey
& McCausland, photographers, a zeal
ous advocate of the Interests of the
Normal, has sold his share to Mr.
Hailey, and will hereafter be numbered
among the commercial travelers.
John Davles. class '95, has secured a
good position as instructor in gym
nastics near Uuzzard's Bay, Mass.
Rose Raker, class ', writes that she
Is teaching in a town on the banks of
the St. Lawrence.
One section of the faculty now occupy
for inirposes of patrol while dining a
table in the center of the dining hall.
The recent storm was ntilte severely
felt in this vicinity. About fifteen
trees in Smythe park were blown
down. Considerable damage was done
to the Normal and other buildings.
The Robinson genuine colored spe
cialty company will be seen at the
Father Mathew opera house tomorrow
Wednesday evening, at the Father
Mathew opera house'; Colonel T3. H.
Ripple will be heard In the lecture,
"Life In Andersonvllle Prison," for the
benefit of flie W. V. Waters post. (5.
A. R. The price of admission will be
15 nnd 25 cents.
Miss Bemetta McHale, of Delaware
avenue, Is seriously III.
Rev. P. J. Murphy spent Thursday
at Dunmore.
Frank Parry, who has been confined
to the house for the past two weeks, is
able to be out again.
What's the Answer?
Mr. Tift "I want to ask one question,
my dear, since you are so deeply inter
ested in the emancipation of woman."
Mrs. Tiff "Go on."
Mr. Tiff "In the newspaper of the fu
ture wilt the marriage notices be put
on the men's page?" Judge.
If the Baby Is Catting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by
druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-flve cants bottla.
Two Americans Get Their Money Under
False Colors Pretend to Be Cap
lain in United States Army.
Kei (in, I let. 4 The I'liiled Slates
embassy here has learned that two
Americans, giving their names as Cap
tain George Hubbard, of New Orleans,
and Captain Fred. Williams, of San
Francisco; both pretending to be offi
cers In the Fulled States army, have
been conducting a lucrative swindling
business by inveigling persons of means
into enlisting, as they supposed, In the
I nited States army, and Inducing
them to puy for the privilege ot doing
so under promises made by the two
pretended olllcers that they would ex
ert their personul Influence to secure
the speedy promotion of their recruits
to the rank of lieutenant, captain, etc.
All of those who paid for their enlist
ment were asked to meet the "Cap
tain" ut the Lehrte railway station one
day lust week for the purpose of ar
ranging fur their passage to America.
Many of them made their appearance
at the station, but failed to find the
The dupes tlin went to the United
States consulate to seek redress, and
were there informed that the "Cap
tains" were not known to any one at
tached to the consulate, and, more
over, that Germans enlisting In a for
eign army were violating the laws of
Germany. The swindlers appear to be
German A merlcans.
Some details of the swindle are very
amusing. Two young Germans enlist
ed with Hubburd und Williams, and
puld them flie money they demanded,
but becoming suspicious, wanted to
have the "Captains" identified at the
I'nlted States consulate. The "Cap
tains" acceded to this and readily ac
companied their victims.
Arriving at the Mini floor of the
building occupied by the consul, the
swindlers under pretext of ascertain
ing If the Consul would be able to see
them immediately, went up alone to the
second lloor, where the Consul's
otllce are situated, leaving their vic
tims on the floor .below. Instead of
going in to the Consul's offices, how
ever, they took the elevator, descend
ed to the ground lloor, and hurriedly
took their departure out of the front
door, leaving their dupes waiting for
them to return to the tlrst floor.
In another case their victim gave
them money with which to purchase
his railway ticket to the port from
which Jie was to embark for America.
The sw indlers took the money and en
tered the booking ollice, through which
they quietly passed and walked out
at the other end of the bulldltg. The
waiting victim has not seen mem since.
Another incident involving a claim
ant to the honor of being an officer in
theCnlted Statesarmy Is being discuss
ed In the clulis and cafes. An American
claiming to he the new military attache
to the I'nlted States F.mbassy to sui
ceed Captain It. K. Evans, who has
just retired from that office, arrived at
Hamburg from NVw York on Sept 25
on the steamer Fuei Bismarck, travel
ing second class. He wore the uniform
of an officer of the ITnifed Stales army,
and when he landed he created a scene
upon being confronted by the customs
olllcers. He talked in a loud and blus
tering fashion, and threatened to make
a complaint against the customs otll
cials to United States Ambassador Vhl.
He has not yet made his appearance at
the embassy, however, nor hits any ap
pointment yet been made to till the post
of military attuche vacated by I apt,
Rev. Ilenrv Mnrlun Sent to Jail lot
Taking Another Miui'n Home.
Imliumipnlis. not. 4. Kev. Henry
Marian, a well-known minister, of
Harrison county, has been placed in
jail at I'orydon on a charge of hprse
stealing. A few nights ago the horse
and buggy of Kev. M. A. Kowe were
taken from his stable, und the next
day the uniinul was found on the road
side several miles from home.
. Mr. Kowe suspected his ministerial
brother of the theft, and after Invest!
nation swore out a warrant for his ar
rest. Kev. Mr. Murlun admitted that
he had taken the horse and buggy, but
denied thai he intended to steal the
He suys that he was walking home
one nlnlit and was Very tired when he
reached Kev. Mr. Kowes stable, so he
look the horse and ljut?v out. and
lifter reaching home he turned the am
i ma I loose. The arrest has created a
I sensation.
The iron ,of scrofula hits no
mercy upon its victims. This demon
of the blood U often not satislicd with
causing dreadful sores, but racks the
body with the pains of rliciiiiiutUni
unlil Mood's Sui'sapiirilla cures.
"Nearly four years ago 1 became af
file led with scrofula and rheumatism
Running sores broke out on my thighs,
Pieces of bone came out and an operation
was contemplated. J bad rheumatism in
my legs, drawn up out ot shape. I lost ap
petite, could not sleep. I was a perfect
wreck. I continued to crow worse and
finally gave up the doctor's treatment to
take Hood's Sarsaparills. Soon appetite
came back; the sores commenced to heal.
My limbs straightened out and I threw
away my crutches. I am now stout and
hearty and am farming, whereas four
years ago I was a cripple. I gladlv rec
ommend Hood's Sarsaparllla." L'BBAN
xiAaausD, laote urove, Illinois.
Is the Onf True tllood Purifier. All drucelsU. 81,
Prepared only liy I'. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mam,
Hnnri'e Dille "T. J'Ji ?
TUu Buporbly Appointed and Commodious
steel Steanuhips,
American through aud I uroiigb.
luaye Buffalo TiiendaTu and Friday 0.30 p.m.
for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac, The 00,
Duluth, and Western Point, panalnff all
place of interest by daylight In oonneo tioa
It forma the moit direct route, ana from ev
ery point of comparison, the moat delightful
and oomfortaMe on t Minneapnli, St. Paul,
(trout Fall, Helena, Butte. Spokane and Pa
ciflo ooaat. Tli onlv trancontinntal line
running the famous buffet, library, obrv
tlon oar.
New T boor train for Portland via Spokane,
HOTEL LAPAYETTE, Lake Mlnnetonka,
IS miles from alinneapollf, largest and most
beantiul retort la the went.
1 leasts and any information jf say stent or
A. A. BEaBI), General Passenger as est,
BotfalOi M. s
124-126 WYOMING AVE.,
Take pleasure in inviting our patrons and the
public in general to our
Fall Opening
Wednesday and Thursday,
October 7 and S,
And we have spared neither pains nor expense in displaying
the choicest collection of Foreign Trimmed Hats and Bon
nets; also exquisite designs of our own creation. Also
Suits, Cloaks and Wraps, Silks, Dress Goods, etc., and we
can. safely say that anything we are showing there are no
duplicates in the city of Seranton.
See our window for wonderful values In
We have Just secured a lot of elegant pat
terns In the newest cheeks and plaids the
finest goods made In this country.' These
goods will be made to measure for $23.00
per suit, elegantly trimmed, put up In the
and guaranteed to fit, and would cost you
$35.00 to W0.00 elsewhere. Our competitors
ask how It's done. We answer In three
words: "Men," "Methods" and "Money."
These goods will probably not last a week;
we will have no more of them at these
prices, but we have, and will always have.
An Elegant Assortment
of all wool suitings, made to measure, from
$14.00 up goods that you could not dupli
cate In ready-made for any leas.
W. J. DAVIS, a'Xrc5eBunFdlng!'
'. 1 .. 1
607, 608 AND 609
Corner Vitnhingtoii Avenue and
This Institution Is fitted with the latest
appliances In electricity, coniprlHing- the
valuable achievements of Profes.-ior Mor
ton, Knckwell, Kunney, Mcintosh, Alo
ft 1 1 uV, Edlxon, Koentjfen ami olhem, and
the physluluna ami uslstant are compe
tent and relialile.
Let uti cull your attention to the facts
that In this hmtltutlon we have the fucfll
ttea for producing the X tiny Btionij
enough to enable um In xee through the
flesh of the human buily; umi distinguish
f rat 11 res of the bull', dislocation and de
formities of the Joints, und locate metal
lic substances In the tlesli of the body.
With our superior Klectro-slatic Influ
ence Machine we are In position to apply
the Klectro-statlc .Spray. Hath, the Klt-tro-stutlc
Massage, Localizing Points, the
Hciisallve Spark and the Kraiiklinlc- Cur
rent. "
With our lai'Ke Oalvanlc and Kuradic
Cabinet, equipped with a complete cell
switch currying from forty to eighty cells,
Hlieotome, Khcostat, .Vlllliamnieter, I'ole,
Changer. Current, Selector und Induction
Coils, we are enabled to upply Pure and
Interrupted Walvanlstn. and many forms
ol' Straight and Interrupted f'urad!siii.
With our special Sinusoidal (Magnetic)
instrument we call accomplish ull that (an
be done with this wonderful current.
With our Oalvano-Cautery we are en
abled to perform many dltllculi opera lions
that have heretofore been assigned to the
surgeon's knife.
With oar lui Kleclrodes we can reach
every part of the human body.
Dr. Green's Elecfro-Therapedfic Insfifdfe,
607, 608 and 609 Mears Building, Seranton, Pa,
Elevator Day and Night. Opru from 9 a. m. to u m.; 1 p. nt. to 5 p. m. ; 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
WE ARE DETERMINED to make today one of the
busiest days on record. Never have the manufac
turers throughout the country been so auxibus to
dispose of their stocks to people who would pay them
spot cash; never in our experience have we bought
so wonderfully cheap. Read the following substan
tial facts no glittering exaggerations, and you will
see the reasons for our wonderful success, our con
stantly increasing business.
Veritable Sensational Prices
On High Grade Footwear. . .
Men's Fine Calf Hand-sewed Shoes, regular selling price the world
over 55.00, Our Price Unlj 93.00.
Men's Jioo Shoes Tor $2.50.
Men's 13.00 Shoes tor $2.00.
Men's i.25 Dress Shoes only 95 OCnts.
Ladies' Fine Shoes 50c, 75c, $1.00, $2.00 and $3.00.
Misses' Fine School Shoes 75c $1.00 and $1.50.
Child. en's Shoes 20c, 35c, 50C, 75c and $1.00.
CiSrWe invite you to call and examine our goods and
make our store yourx headquarters. Remember, there is no
trouble to show goods, and you will surely save money by it.
now prepared to fill i
orders for composition ;
! on newspapers, books, j
f)ainphlets or other pub- '
ications at moderate .
: rates.
j Address, '
( Business Manager, j
Spruce Street, Seranton, Pen tut.
We have In this Institute the vurlous
Kye und Ear Kleclrodes. tlio Eye Magnet,
the Nasal (nosei Klectrodes. I he laryn
goscope (for the throat) the Neck and
Head Klecttndes, the Massage, Ann,
Hand, Leg, Toot, Abdominal, t'rethral.
Vaginal, lU'etal, Cataphoric' and every
form of Klectrodes for medical use.
We have the Cautery Knives, Wires and
Needles. We have all of the appliances for
performing Electrolysis, removing of
Hairs. Wai ts, Moles, Tumors and ull ab
normal growths.
With electricity us a basis of treatment,
we are successful in cases of tiiicumutism,
(lout. Huralvsls, Eczema, Tumors, Skin
Troubles, Indigestion, Pyspepsla, the
Wasting of Muscles. Poor Circulation,
und ull Nervous Diseases for which elec
tricity Is doing so much of late.
The blood clot cuusing Apoplexy and
Purulysis can be dissolved und carried
away by proper application of (lalvanlsm
and Ku ruilism.
Cures of Catarrh are being' made by the
inhalation of ozone from the Electro-static
We mlul't menllon hundreds of troubles
which ure amenable to electric treatment,
but space will not permit.
Dr. f'reen treats all cases amenable to
electrical treatment. Is a graduate nnd ex
perienced practitioner of medicine, has the
best of references, mid will charge noth
ing for consultation.
Tlios who cannot cull should write for
Lacka. Ave
Choice assortment of the most carefully selected pat
terns in the highest grade of the leading manufacturers,
both domestic and foreigu. Beautiful effects in combination,
of colors with- the shades which will be fashionable in th
coming season, including
Experience, good j udginent and a perfect knowledge
of the requirements for high class furnishing, have procured
a line of goods which for richness in effect, beauty and va
riety of design and exquisite blending of color have never
been surpassed.
riohair, Chenille, Wilton, Axminster, and
Smyrna, in every size latest and most desired effects iu
strictly first-class goods. Imported Silk and flohair
with Plain Centers and Fancy Borders, a perfect and
complete line. An inspection of our stock will repay you.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
OmwhI Office: 6CRANT0N, PA.
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus, - - 300,000
Undivided Profits, 64,000
Special attention given to Business and Personal
Accounts. i
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
Juniata Steel.
X. L. Steel, H (fbAS
Toe and Side Weight 7iiiLHJfV
SoowMlBM ar.ll.ble, onthtr, nunlaUDC medlclv. Only h.rmUai Sl4
tlx pnrett drug, ihsuld U m4. 11 70a waat th. bmi, get
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
UVlUb, fjvmwmj nwwS -.w ...
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avanu and
Spruca Street Seranton, Pa.
1 1
Of good clothes Js Rood cloth. But the good material
alone won't do. You've got to put the shears and the
needle into skilled fingers. You've got to put brains and
care into the milking. The manufacturers of whom we
buy do just that. As a great man once said: "Angels
can do no more." ,
We Want
To know that we have nn abiding faith in our abil
ity to sell thein dependable garments. We want
tlieni to know that we extend credit to folks in and
around Seranton. We do this because it is an ac
commodation that is appreciated by honest men.
We are willing to wait a little while for onr money
whenever a man needs clothes but hasn't the ready
cash to pay for them.
, We like to have men who a're not acquainted with
our Credit System come in and talk with us about it.
& GO.,
Lacka. Ave.
218,225 AND 227