The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 03, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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87 Cents Kach
5:; Lackawanna Ave.
Good Oats ou, this crop.
We have as good as any
body. BUT
We still have
Higher in price but
really cheaper.
Ears tli Initial! a., B. A CO. imprint
ed in each cigar.
Diseases of tho Lower Bowel a
Specialty. .'108 Washington Ave..
Opji. Tribune Building.
Ol'FICt HOURS 9 T0I2, 2 TO 5.
lie lui 11 Former Member ul' Hit'
lity'n l'ulii't I'orre.
Ili iiry 'aiiaviiu. nine a member of
the tiiy oolite foree ilii'il ul his home
111 Kurview uvoiiue ul S oVIoikl yexter
iluy liiiiriiiiiir. He ilieil from tin? effei-IH
ul 11 .sriililins ivri-ivinl ul the South
Steel works six weeks niro. He hail been
ul Die Mcises Taylor HoHpituI lllllil Die
lHst two wfi'ks. tlo Is survived dy n
v lie Kiel live ehilitreii. Hose, t'hurles,
Kale. John unci .Murmierhe. The fun-
i ii I iihiiouiueiueht u lll be made later.
Mr. I'unavan wus horn in lloiiesiiale
but raine to SiTiinton and loealeil on
the West Side when a hoy. He enlisted
in Company I. Korty-sixth regiment.
Pennsylvania Volunteer und served
with credit during the war, relnlistinir
twite, lie was appointed a police pa
t'olnian iliirihK the first term of Mayor
J"'c I'-rly. He served thirteen years mi
ll. -r Mayors r'owilerly, lieamlsh und
The Certainty
of McKinley's election Is already
apparent In the general feeling of
security with which our energetic
merchants are increasing their ad
vertising space. The use of our
columns is dally growing more
valuable to the enterprising mer
chant, owing to its growing circu
lation. All branches of our busi
ness has felt the effect of renewed
, conlldenee. Are you sharing its ad
van ta pes?
A Big Sale.
The attendance yesterday at Duvl
iJnw Ilros.' great auction sale was tre
mendous, llon't miss rolling a lin,.
gain in watches, clocks, silverware, etc.
Jordun's b'kw't cakes, sausage 10c.
Attend the Great Sale
of unredeemed pledges at Davldow
tiros. , zw racKa wanna avenue.
The Best and Finest Goods
That Ever Came to
Our Store.
Best Dongola, ft f
Best Shape, $ J(
Best Fitter
We Ever Sold,
Orders Issued by Grand Marshal O Mal
ley Regarding It.
lu the first the Societien from Lu
zerne (otiuty Will larad"Tne
Second Will Contain the Societies
Xorlh of Scrunton, nnd the Third
Will Have the Societies frcm Scran
ton nnd It Vicinity.
Next Saturday w ill be October 10, the
birthday of Kev. Theobold Mathew, the
great apostle of total abstinence, ana
in eeleh'-nlion of the event the Father
Mathew societies of the Scranton Dio
cesan union will hold a monster parade
ill this city. Thousands of men will be
in line and the moving column will have
representatives In It of all of the socle
ties between Hazleton and Forest City.
SI. O'Malley, of this illy. Is grand
marshal of the parade and his chief of
stnlT is Select Councilman M. K. Clarke.
of the Sixth ward. The aids to the
rand marshal are: William Daniels,
C. J. Iloyle, T. J. Mahon, John Uilgal-
lon, James J. Mahon, M. J. McHuh.
P. F. Cannon. AW B. Madican, Michael
Knnis, John J. Collins. John J. Mellale.
Crand Marshal O'Malley' official or
der to the societies provides that the
parade shall lie made up as follows:
Carriages containing Clergy. OltWrs of
the I nlon, Kx-I'resiilents ot the I ntnn,
Ladles' Temperance Bueletles, St.
(.Viiiia's. W. Hose's nnd
Si. Irene's.
Commander Daniel tiallagher.
Aids i'atrlck J. McCrath. Ceorge XI e
LiiiikIiIIii. Michael Kradshnw, Krank
Heamish and Michael Horan.
Si. AIiiv-Iiih. Wllkes-nane.
St. Alarv'H Cadets, Vllken-B11rre.
Si. Alovsius. I'ltti'ton.
Father Mathew Society. Wllkes-Harre.
St. Aloyslus, Biiffar Notch.
St. Aloyslus, I'liiins.
St. Aloyslus and Cadets, Ashley.
Si. Leo's Cadets, Ashley.
St Aloyslus, Warrior Hun.
St. Aloyslus. Kingston.
Kingston Cadets, Kingston.
St. Aloyslus, Avoin.
St. .Mary's, Avoca.
St. .Mary's Cadels, Avoca.
Hi. Francis and Cadets. Nuntiroke.
St Vincent's and Cadets, Plymouth.
St. Ann's, DrU'iuii.
St. Mary's and Cadets, lOckley,
St. Vincent's and Cadets, itrand Tunnul.
St. I'll rick's Frenclitoivn.
St. I'niriik's. liernlce.
Kniahts of Father Xluthen-. Inkorniun.
St. llalirlel's and Cadets, Hussleion.
St. Aloyslus and Cadets. Haticiyh.
St. Aloyslus, White Haven.
St. Alovsius Young Men's T. A. K. I'lee
Coniinunder Miles J. MeAtnlrew.
Aids Frank McCaffrey, John F. Kvaiis,
Daniel Hums, H. J. XleGiirl,
I'. F. Carrol.
Pioneer Father Mathew, Carbotidale,
St. Hose, Oirhouilale .
Kniglils of Km her Mathew, Carbotnlale.
Si. Patrick's, I 'arboiuli-le.
St. Agues Pioneer Corps, Forest City.
Si. Joseph's and Cadels, Forest City.
Si. Aloyslus, Jermyn.
Si. Aloyslus I'lidi'ts. .Iciinyn.
SI. Michael's, Simpson.
St. .lames und I'ailds, .lt-sxiii.
Knlulits of Father Mathew, Aivliliuld.
I'oinandi r--Timothy A. Alet'oy.
Aids -James A. May, John It. I'lirroll, K.
W. o 'Mulley, J. J. Hester, J. .1. Stfer
ney, Thomas KeiiKun, John F.
Father Muthew Society and Cadets, West
Si. Mary's Cadets, Dunmore.
Si. Marys and Cadets, Providence.
Si. Joseph's and Cadets, .Minooka.
Fattier Wltilly's, Providence.
St. Paul's Pioneer Corps and Cadet;-!,
West Side.
St. Leo's. West Side.
SI. Peter's and Cadets, Hcllevii".
St. Patrick's and Cadets, South Side,
St. Paul's and Cadets, (irecn Hidae.
St. Aloyslus, South Side.
St. Luwrence, Old Forge.
St John's, Capouse Avenue.
St. John's Pioneer Corps and Cadels,
South Side.
The hi adiiiarters of tip grand in irshull
and Ids aids will be established ul the Col
Ic'je hall 011 Wyoming uveinie, where all
division commanders and marshals of so
cieties, upon their arrival, will report for
instructions and whence aids will assign
I liein to their respective divisions.
The formation will be in no less front
age than columns of lours. The division
commanders w ill establish their headiiiar
ters al tlie positions unsigned on the riuht
of their litvlrlons and will report to the
grand marshal upon the formation of their
The formation will take place at 10.:m
a. 111., und the column will move al II
The grand marshal, upon application,
will furnish budges to the division com
manders and aids. The colors of com
ma niter and aids of the divisions will he as
follows: First division, red; second di
vision, white, and third division, blue.
The colors of the grand marshal's aids
will be red, white ami blue.
Marshal and aids will secure horses at
L. T. Palne's livery, 41" and -Hit Spruce
First division form on Wyoming avenue,
right renting on .Mulberry street, facing
Second division form on Vine street,
rlgtu resting on Wyoming avenue, facing
Third division form on Mullierrv street,
right resting on Wyoming avenue, lacing
Wyoming to Spruce street, to Franklin
avenue, to Lackawanna avenue, to Wash
ington avenue, to lilbson street, counter
march to Linden street, to Clay avenue,
review at Poplar street, dismiss at Laurel
Hill park, where a picnic will be held
under auspices of the St. John's society.
St. John's society has been preparing
for several months to properly enter
tain the visitors at Laurel Hill park
and have such arrangementsromplftecl
as will insure the comfort and enjoy
ment of the thousands of their breth
ren who will participate in the parade.
Aulomntie Swiss Village
Lnekntvanua Avenue.
Without doubt the largest, most won
derful anil interesting collection of au
tomatic works ever on exhibition in this
vicinity is now open to the public at
400 anil 402 Lackawanna avenue,
and attracting large numbers of people.
You have never seen such a puzzling
piece of mechanism as this, and .you
will be astonished that such work is
possible to come from the mind and
hands of one man.
The principal feature Is Bergman's
celebrated "Swiss Village," so iierfeet
and life like in diverse movements, so
ingenious in construction and so com
plicated In mechanical devices that vis
itors look and study with wonder and
astonishment at the results of human
genius and patience.
Professor Bergman's cabinet collec
tion, representing an ancient and mod
ern life, scenery and character, are
spectacles of the highest and grandest
type of artistic mechanism.
The works are explained to the spec
tators by a special lecturer. It is quite
Impossible for us to give a comprehen
sive description of these wonders to our
readers, but we hope that nil will avail
themselves of the opportunity present
ed before It leaves Scranton, He
member it will be here only a few days.
Will Mow Have to Answer Three
Charges I n tend of One.
The notorious "Hob" Duvls wus re
captured yesterday by Detective
Charles I. Sllverburg as he was walk
ing along West Lackawanna avenue,
after having just cotue in town -from
ilairlsbuiff, where lie has been living
since his wry abrupt departure several
iionittis ai:o.
IjuvIs, It will be remembered, was ur
fcxted for pointing firearms and threat
ening 10 shout u liiuu with whom he
bud some trouble lu the Cimuny house.
When his case came up for trial he sent
word to his attorney that he was stck
in the Moses Taylor hospital and could
not attend. A certificate setting forth
that Hubert Duvls was a patient at the
hospital induced court to allow a post
ponement of the trial.
When, however, an Investigation
proved that It wus Robert Davis, fath
er of the notorious Lob who was at
the hospital, the court officials -were
very much exercised and promised to
make it warm for the deceiver. Davis
evidently got word of the court's dis
covery and skipped out, leaving his
bondsman to settle fiv his absence.
Since his de-iarture he has become tho
father of twins w ho. with their mother,
H young South Side girl, are now at the
Hillside Home.
lavis was committed to the county
jail and when called to trial will have
three charges to answer, pointing fire
arms, jumping bail and one preferred
by the young woman.
Professor White Says the Mistake of a
Druggist Has Permanently Injured
His Halth and Wants Damages.
Professor James H. White, of Arch
bald, is plaintiff In a trespass suit put
on trial yesterday before Judge Ed
wards. Druggist Anthony Kinback of
the same town, Is defendant. Hon. John
P. Kelley and Joseph O'Brien ate at
torneys for the former, and ex-Judge
Ward, George S. Horn, and C. C. ISal
lentlne are attorneys for the latter.
The professor Is well known through
out Lackawanna county. He takes a
prominent part In educational matt era,
ami has achieved a wide circle of ac
quaintances. On May 23, 18R he ai on his way
home from school In the afternoon and
he dropped Into Kinback's drug store
for some Kpsom salts. He went home
and had his wife prepare a dose for him
to take, it nearly burned the stomach
out of him. The mucous membrane
was almost destroyed, and the result
is that his digestive organs are im
paired, his hculth is very poor, since
I lien, he says, and altogether he al
lows that be has been damaged to the
extent of 10.0tl0.
Kpsom salts would not do that to
him. He had an analysis of the con
tents of the package made and found
that it contained saltpetre instead of
salts. Mrs. White was called as a wit
ness, and she detailed the fuct that her
husband came home from school that
day and hud the medicine prepared.
She described the pain which he suf
fered. iJr. Van Doreii, of Archbald, Dr. Bur
nett and Dr. Wehlau. of his city were
witnesses iw the plaintiff. The former
attended him Immediately after he
drank the supposed-physic. He came to
Dr. Burnett 'h office some time later for
treatment and was treated for an acute
dyspepsia and a disorganized condi
tion of the stomach. Dr. Wehlau wus
on the stand as an expert to tell the
effect of potassium poisoning. The
other doctors gave testimony on this
point, and they all agreed thai a dose
of saltpetre taken in mistake for com
mon sails would work havoc with a
person's Insldes, and one having such
an experince should consider himself
in great luck that death was not the
res lilt.
The professor's son, Martin, und John
llilmillon, a teamster, were sworn to
prove thai Mr. Kinback owned the
drug store. The young man bought sev
eral articles there before .May Si, lSlil,
and Mr. ililgullon swore that he hauled
coal tor hint. The plaintiff wus called
to testify whether he bad ever bought
uiiytblug else there and said he had, a
tint lie ul' cod liver oil. The defense will
open today and court will convene ut
K.::o. It will be claimed that Mr. White
gut Just what he called for, that lie
ni'iy have wanted salts and thought
be said salts, but actually put the pel re
after it by mistake, and thut he is to
blame himself, and not the druggist.
In the suit over the repairs 011 :i
bnller between Fred Mursch und Hurke
Bl ot hers, a verdict In favor of Mr.
.Mursch In the sum of t-C2 wus render
ed. In the soil of the Pictorial League,
of New York, against Jeweler K.
Sclilmpl'f, of Laekawannu avenue, the
jury relumed a verdict for the de
t -i plant.
II Will lie Opened nv faculty ul St.
Thonin" College.
It bus been deemed expedient by the
Faculty of SI. Thomas' College to open
a preparatory department in connec
tion with the commercial and classi
cal depart merits to secure uniformity
of tvrading in the upper classes, as It
bus been found almost Impossible to do
so when these are recruited from un
graded preparatory schools.
The evenintr classes conducted by
the Xavler brothers have Increased be
yond all expectations. The facilities ac
corded by the faculty have already
been doubled, and still there Is promise
of a much larger attendance..
The lectures in logic and metaphysics
for this term by Father Maciloldrlck
betrin on Wednesday next. Oct. 7, and
v. .11 be continued on -Wednesday und
Friday evenings from 7 to 8. The course
this term begins with logic, and will
be followed by lectures in ethics and
psychology. The final lectures of the
term will be given up to a comparative
analysis of the Catholic and modern
nationalist theories oil the great scien
tific questions.
Important .'lectin? Held Lost MrIiI
in the College.
A regular meeting of the Scranton
Business College Lyceum was held in
the College Hull last evening. The at
tendance was unusually large and some
very Important business was trans
acted. A mot inn was made and carried
that a vole of thanks be tendered the
members of tho Kntis Club of Plttston
for the elaborate reception given the
Lyceum's Trolley party. The society Is
meeting with phenomonal success six
teen applications for membership were
received all members are hard work
ers. The following programme was ex
cellently rendered:
Piano Solo Cora Haldemnnn
Recitation tohn Martin
Vocal Solo Hubert Sykes
Declamation C. H. Constaritine
Reading Mayme Cltarwarer
Piano Solo Susie Tierney
Heading of the Lyceum Review, by
the editor, Harry Atherton Smith.
Kvrry Watrh Sold
at Davldow Bros. great auction snle is
a bargain. They are guaranteed for
time keeping, and are selling like hot
To Core a Cold in Our Day.
Take laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it
falls to cure. 23c.
Ourti-eat Auction Hale
Is for the purpose of reducing the large
stock of watches, diamonds, etc. un
redeemed pledges which have accum
ulated the past few months. Bargains
for the millions are being given.
Jinlsch Is rock bottom on ammuni
tion. Shot tLZii; other goods In propor
tion. Immense Crouds
attended Davldow Bros.' great unci Ion
sale yesterday. Vou can get watches,
jewelry, etc., at any price.
Jordan's butter cake and coffee, lOo.
Serves His Paper Book on Attorneys
Named by the Court
They Are Set Forth in Detail in His
IioolfCloaes by Heitorating the
Statement That Everything He Has
Hone Wat for His Client and Not
with a View of Maligning the
Cornelius Smith yesterday served his
answer to the paper book of the ap
pellee's attorney s, S. B. Price, James
H. Torrev and E. C. Newcombe. In It
he and his associate, A. H. McCollum
The following facts not known to re
spondent at the time the history of tho
case was written, are here stated as a part
of the hlstorv of the case: On the morn
ing or the preliminary hearing in the ease,
.Vivron Kssson, deputy prolhonotary, and
John a. McAskle, court reporter, called
U P. Weldeman behind the Jury box In
thu court room, where the following con
versation took place.
Mr. Kasson said: Mr. Weldeman you
are mistaken as to the opinion you say
Judge Ounster handed dow n.
Wnideman replied: No, Mr. Kasson, T
am not mistaken. You know- you came to
me with the opinion In your hand and
said this will never do. I must see Hums
and get the opinion changed; the Judge
has made a mistake.
Mr. McAskle then said: Mr. Weldeman.
whether you are mistaken or not we must
stand together; this matter must be fixed;
you must acknowledge you are mistaken.
Weldeman replied: No. gentlemen, I am
not mistaken and I will not falsely ac
knowledge that I am. Besides I have
been to see both Judge Guuster and Judge
Archbald and I told them that I was the
person who Informed Mr. Smith that an
opinion discharging tho rule to strike off
his appeal ill the Horns libel case was
handed down, and that If I was culled as a
witness I would be obliged to say that
auch an opinion was handed down.
It Is argued that the position of the
court is that the opinion handed dow n was
an opinion In the Frothlngham case. If
this is true why do they not prove It?
Why did Judge tiunster go upon the wit
ness stand and say so? Why did he not
produce the opinion or at least account
for its non-appearance? Why do they not
call as wltneFses some of the other law
yers that were present In court when the
alleged opinion was handed down? These
lawyers, like the learned Judge Qunster,
declined to come forward und testify.
The respondent could not safely take the
chances of forcing such men to testify
nuainsi the alleged position of the court.
But the court's alleged position being
square in the face of the evidence it is
thought that honor, duty nnd law, alike,
compelled them to call as witnesses these
attorneys, and especially so when Mr.
Kasson, the witness that they did call,
contradicted their alleged position In tes
tifying, "My recollection is there was no
opinion" tin the Prothlngtvim case).
it is ulso denied thut Mr. Smllh told the
prothonotnry to hold his check. He says
he told Mr. Kasson he took exceptions to
the arbitrators claims of VM each and di
rected him to hold back $l'4 on each of
them as he Intended to appeal against
paying lor more than two daya' pay.
Regarding Judge Arcnhald's statement
that he called the case out of its regular
urder that it might be tried before an out
side Judge. Mr. Smith says that If. us
Judge Archbald stales, lie did this on ac
count of the scandal the case had created.
It would have been far belter for him to
havo withdrawn Myron Kasson from the
case and allowed some disinterested party
to draw the Jury, as up lo that time Kas
son wus the only one charg-.a with any
wrong lining.
In udditlon lo the eleven propositions in
the original paper book nine new ones
are submitted In the appellant's answer::
I. That the court committed minis mental
error lu refusing to hear and determine
in the lirst instance Hie respondent's mo
tion to ipiush the proceedings.
'.'. That an attorney for anything done
lu defense of his client cannot be dis
barred. :!. That the evidence of facts as claimed
by the respondent is uncontradicted und
us u legal conscipience, conclusive.
4. Thai the facts proved in the case are
ull one way, and the linding of fact by the
learned halites are all the other way.
That Hie criticism caliiplalneil of be
ing made upon condition Is not ah offense.
1. That the writing of the letters lo re
spondent was an honest effort lo us
scrt a vested right.
7. That the failure of the other slile to
produce the alleged FrothliiKhani opin
ion or account for its nou-prodiicilol
leaves them subject to the presumption
arising f 1 0111 the suppression of material
d. Kxn-ptlng for a contempt In the pres
ence of the court, no court can create a.
Jurisdiction for Itself by Its own state
ment of facts, put on the record without
any proceeding as the basis of such rec
ord. 9. The proceedings from beginning to
the end are In violation of natural Justice
und the law of the land.
In closing Mr. Smith Reiterates that
anything ho did was done for his
client and not with any view of ma
ligning the Judiciary, Mr. Kasson or
anyone else.
The argument on Mr. Smith's appeal
from the rule disbarring him will be
made before the supreme court in
Pittsburg next week. The attorneys in
the case leave for Pittsburg today.
threat Excitement
at the auction sale of Davldow Ifros.
now going on. Watches, diamonds.
etc., at unheard of prices.
Music by Bauer's Orchestra Saturday Afternoon and
play of Dress Goods, Capes, Jackets and Suits.
Best n i-20 Silkalines,
All 25c Cotton Hose,
12 i-2c Misses' Hose, -35c
Ladies Vests and Pants,
Dark Prints and Comforts,
Cheese Cloth for Comforts,
10c Outing Flannel,
Children's Gingham Dresses,
12 i-
This afternoon und evening, at the
Academy of Music that amusing farce.
"Hugan'g Alley," will be produced. It
was constructed especially for the fun
lovlng public. Its plots being only to
please and serve to introduce (lilmore
and Leonard, known the world over as
Ireland's kings, These comedians have
surrounded themselves with a score of
clever performers, there being not a
dry moment during its action, and fun
reigns supreme from the rise to the
fall of the curtain. Fach character is
represented truthfully and not over
drawn. A genuine minstrel performance will
be given at the Academy Monday night
by Barlow Brothers' minstrels. Tne
St. Paul Dispatch says of them: "The
entertainment Is one of the best ever
given here. F.very act is excellent and
anything that might offend Is vigor
ously excluded. The stage, for the first
part, was very tastefully set. The
Jokes were all fresh, not a single chest
nut being cracked. The vocalists are
above the average, and the music ex
cellently rendered by the orchestra.
Harry Ward. "The next President ot
Minstrelsy," kept the house in a roar,
while the work of Zella, the human
frog, is the greatest novelty seen here
In a long time."
The attraction at the Duvls Theatre,
commencing Monday next, for three
days. will he Hoyt's "A Bunch of Keys."
It is the merriest lot of dainty non
sense ever presented on a stage. One
can't help laughing at it, and after
the performance we laugh at ourselves
for laughing at the pluy. Well. Hoyt
confesses that Is what he writes for,
he conceived the farce-comedy and
gave us a new theatrical sensation.
For this we are grateful and willing to
admit that nothing is so delightful and
refreshing as good nonsense,
"I have suffered very much with
dyspepsia and sick headache and I did
not obtain relief until I began taking
Hood's Sarsaiiarilla and Hood's Pills.
I gained very rapidly after I began the
use of these medicines." Mrs. J. H.
Cartrlght, Ualeton, Pa.
Hood's Pills act harmoniously with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Ask Yonr Dealer
for MeGarrah's Insect Powder, 25 and
10-cent boxes. Never sold In bulk,
Tak no other.
Try Jordan's one-half minute stews
Last August to overcome
the midsummer dullness in
the watch business, we offered
two special values in watches
for one week only. We sold
them out before the week was
over and was obliged to disap
point a number of would-be
purchasers. We have just
succeeded in getting another
lot of them and we've decided
to put 2 "J of them on sale at
the same price. Here they are
For the Men
15-year gold filled case,
made by the Keystone Watch
Case Co., the famous "Jas.
Boss" filled case, known ev
erywhere for its good wearing
qualities. Genuine Klgin
movement, fully warranted;
25 of them to go at
For the Ladies
Keystone Watch Co.'s gold
filled case, good American
movement, fully warranted,
25 of them to go at
303 Lacka. Ave.
2c Canton
By reason of the crowded coudltion
of our 6tore during our opening we
were unable to wait upon many of our
friends, At their request we have ds
cided to continue this popular opening
until this, Saturday, evening. To those
who have not seen this magnificcut
display wc say, don't miss it.
I amps aTWanients.
Did you ever consider that a prettv
Princess Lamp on a side table, a Piano
Lamp on the floor, or a handsome Ban
quet Lamp, shedding its light through
delicately tinted silk lack and chiffon
shades, are elegant parlor ornaments,
more effective in decorating and fur
nishing than the carpet, the wall pa
per or the furniture ?
So much so even when gas is burned.
The lamp has its place. Sec them
here in all the beauty of finish of
Royal Sevres, Royal Bonn, Dresden
in Artistic Delft, French Fiance in
rich gold with etched and decorated
globes, and you'll have the key to many
a handsomely furnished home.
Remember the date and be sure to
134 Wyoming Ave.
"Walk in and look around."
School of Music, 520 Spruce St
Mrs. Katharine Thiele,
Voice Training, Soto Singing.
Ernest Thiele,
Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both
teachers at celebrated Scharwenka
Conservatory, New York. Also other
competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele
is the successor to the late
i Welsbach i
Sjf makes au Incandescent electric trf
A light cast a shadow. Will really 3S
Uflvi more light than three of V
3NS them together, und do It with A
yi buir tne jus you uow consume.
Q 120 N. Washington Ave
We Have
On Hand
Ala the Newest.
Also the Cheipest.
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Why let your borne and hnslneu be deetroy.
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and yon will conclude, as hundreds of
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lar clothing of the city and every
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Church and Concert Organist Pupil
of Ciitil mailt, Paris; Kbrlich, J'.ertiu.
Fine two manual organ at studio,
blown by electric motor, for organ
miss ffinlilHii,
Solo Contralto in Concert, Oratorio
and Mitsicalc. Certificated Pupil
of Madame Marches!, Paris.
Evening. Fine Dis