8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1896. OARBONDALE. rRar wtll pleasa nota that vHI" tnfnto, order for Job work, and Mem lor Publication left at the establishment ot shannon Co.. iewaalra. North Main treet. will recelvo prompt attention; ce open from I a, m. to 10 p. m-1 ANOTHER PRESENTATION. Mt. Uumnvr, Mis Uumacr and Weidman Receive Gifts. Wednesday three o( the members of the retlrinu force of the Anthracite Hotel were made the recipients of hand Himie gifts. The yiiunff women era l'lgyes of the house, Wednesday after noon Invited Miss Weltlman into the parlor and to her great surprise pre sented her with a beautiful silver mounted umbrella. In the evening live of the boarders at the hotel, Messrs. I. J. .Meugk-y, Georfie W. Dowe, W. J. Hamilton, (leorge Klots and It. r. Moon, presented Mrs. Oumaer with a handsome cut glass bowl which had been made specially for them at the 110 toi v of Clark & Co.. In Honesdale. Air. Hamilton made the presentation MeHi-li Hnd sajd some very pleasant lliiiiKS to .Mrs. Oumaer. The donors were invited later to luncheon by J. W. ISyrne. I Hii in the evenitiR a number of Miss Kliznbeth liiimaer's pirl friends called in the hotel and presented her with a beautiful manicure set. Miss Martha Slim'er acted as spokes woman, and the Miiprise showed by the recipient was mm li enjoyed by the young ladies. Married nl St. Homc. Wednesday evening shortly before ft 'Hock. .Miss Jennie Scanlon, daughter f Mr. and .Mrs. John Scanlon, of Fall bi onke si reel, was united In murrl .e 10 Anthony t'oimty, of lMke street. The marriage took place at the church of i-il. I one. I he Kcv. T. K. Coffey ottlrint ing. The maid of honor was Miss Klissa i 'oIciiihii. of orchard street, and the e room's best nui'i was l'. F. Mannlon. Th" biidi- was handsomely attired In while organdie with lace and ribbon 11 iininlngs and her maid wore a dress of nile given wilh an overdress of whit- organdie. Alter the ceremony a n-. i piioii was lii-ld at the home of the bride on Kallbrooke street. Among the on! of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Cwnnry and Miss Kate Xi-ulon. of S mill. hi: .Mrs. Kafferty and Isad-'ie 'i.iul' ii. of r'oivsl City. ICcliiioiit SI reel to He I'ntcil. I'ark Co.. who have laki-n the con liu't for paving I'-eliuont street, have 111 iitl-i Couniilmaii linker that the Mul" and materials lor street pave ment will toon be ready for shipment. Tills good news for those Interested In this important Improvement, for it was feared lliat tin- season would be loo far advanced for work If much l-.MSf.er delayed. The city olllceis now l,av- the promise of the lirm ami il is i -led that the work will soon be- t in. I'roinciiaile ( onccli. Wednesday evening ill liiuke's hall Was held Itie lirsl of a series of concerts and dunces which will be given through Hie winter by the .Mozart band. Iwue Ing was ' conHuiied until half-past I.-m-ii o clock and an enjoyable time was had by the large number present. The next mill, II will be held on Octo ber L'4. when an admission fee of fell cents will be charged. The conceits Will no dollht be Well pal rotiized this winter by dancers and lovers of music. cu Coal l il ld. -Tle-ie are many who believe thai .ver the mountains east of this city ill be found extensive beds of coal. The possibility lias excited much in-IM-iSt. If coul is round there it Is ill a situation very favorable for trans portation, lau w hen will the uiieslioii be decided? It is saiil that many thou sands of dollars have been expended In experiments in seeking for anthracite. And yet the problem is not solved, lines the coal Held extend beyond the mountain? I in proving I lie City Jail. City Knglneer I-'rick received word some lime ago that the cells for Hie jail would li" In readiness early in September. Tlie new janitor of the city building. William Killeen, is soon to move there, but is delayed by the con dition of the rooms. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Mesihimes and Messrs. H. A. Purple, J. C. Decker, K. M. Yunnan and John Simpson. Drs. J. J. Thompson and !-. M. I'.ailey, Mrs. I'eck and Miss Blanche Arnold, Messrs. Frank McOennott. l Henley. J. D. Fintell, and F. V. McDoii- tt ll. attended the Wayne county fair tit Honesdale Tuesday. Miss Mu ml Carton, of Spring street, Is entertaining Miss Holmes, of For est City. Miss Kittle Cooke, of Oordon avenue, Is recovering utter an illness of several days. A. I.. Van f! order, of Wbyne street Is spending a short time with his par ents ut Meshoppen. Kev. Father Cnrran, of AYilkes- liarre, was a guest at the parochial resilience tills week. Professor A. P. Thomas was a visitor tit Ciiiiio Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Fike and Miss Annie Hart, of College street, called on friends in Forest City Wednesday. Mrs. M. P. Walsh and daughter Mar Surer, who have been visiting friends in this city for the past two months returned to their home in Brooklyn, N Y.. yesterday. Miss Mary O'Orady returned from New inrk ednesday evening. Delaware and Hudson Conductor Hugh Pinion, who has been 111, is able lo resume nis duties again. Mrs. George Johnson, of Cleveland and Griffith Lewis, or Zanesville. Ohio, who nave ueen guests or David P, l.owls, returned home yesterday. itfleer John Hell, who has been awav for a ten days vacation, has returned liome. und went on duty last night. Prof. K. J. Manaton, of Aldenville, v ill organize a class in vocal music at Simpson on Saturday eveninir. Miss Louise Heigeluth, of Waverly, N. Y has returned home after a visit Willi Her brother, J. J. Keigeluth. Haydn Evans, or Scranotn. is arranir lug to give an organ recital In this city on October 21. It will he given in the Aietnouisi cimrcii. - - Mrs. H. ft. I.nthrnpp Is visiting her son. w. . i.ntnrope at (ireen Hidge. Miss Muttie Hoffman, of Marlins burg. W. Va., who has been visiting her ANNUAL CUT PRICE REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS Just read our prices and compare them with any and all ol the other attempts: 25c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35a Ingrain Carpats, Now 25c 50c. Ingrain Carpats, Now 35c 65a Brussels Carpets, Now 39c 75c Brussels Carpets, Now 57c S5c Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Also a ifuantlty of Body Brussels lengths (nun a to jo yards In cadi piece at about one- l.cll pries to close. . J. SCQTT US, Lack! Ave . Capets and Wali Pap:r D!er. 1ERMS-Casb on the Aaove Qeitd. sister, Mrs. II. J. Hockenlierry. has re turned home. Mrs. C. W. Fulkerson and children. and Mrs. Hedley, are vlsitinsr In New iorkclty. , Theodora Klmer. of Church street. Is visiting In Kaston ami New York city Dr. Heed Burns, of Bcranion, w m town yesterday. Kdward Watt, of BInghaniton, 1.. is visiting friends in this city. Martin McUuaid. of last years -ar- bondale base ball team is in town. Mrs. J. Hawkey, of Salem avenue, is visiting In Scranton. Miss Uessle Thomas, of Conklin. N. Y.. Is visitine; Miss Elisabeth Wyllie, of Belmont street. P. K. Oumean has gone to Honesuaie to spend a few days. Mrs. Walter Pannet and Griffith Lewis ,of Zanesville, Ohio, who have been visitine friends In town, returned to their homes yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Theophilus Pierce, at tended the county fair at Honesdale yesterday. AVOCA. Mr. and Mrs. Van Tassell, of Rose- vllle, N. J., returned home yesterday, after a few weeks' visit with friends in town. The person hulding No. 246 coupon will be entitled to the gold -watch chanced off at the residence of Solo man Dehl, on Wednesday evening. The proceeds were for the benefit of Mrs. Mary A. (luppy. Mrs. Kdward Newton and family left on Tuesday to Join her husband in England, where they will reside in tne future. Miss Kate Lnwler, of Nicholson, Is visiting at the home of her parents, on the West Side. A number of prohibitionists of this town will go to Wilkes-Hurre on Sat urday to meet Hale Johnson, their vice- president nominee, who will address the temperance convention at that city. Those who have not already complied with the naturalization laws of the state will be given the last opportunity today in order to enable them to vote at the coming election, Nov. 2. John o'Nell. who has been catching for the Morisle Populars for the past season ami will be a member of the Scranton team next season, left yester day to enter as a student in St. Bonu Venture's college. Howard l.urkey. of Wilkes-Hurre, was u caller In town yesterday. Uaviil liiiinnev. of Wllkes-ilarre. was a visitor in town on Wednesday in the interest of his brother John, a candi date for iunt.v commissioner. Mrs. I.. I-:. trillion is visiting friends in Jenny ii. Fred. Mitchell, of the Argus, is en joying his vacation wilh friends in Wyoming. J. H. Anderson is in New York city making his purchases in dry goods and domestics. Mrs. Frank Sanders, of riunmorc, was a visitor hi town on Wednesday. Miss Anna Clark has returned to her home in Pulsion, after a few days' visit with Miss l.i.ie Hi,,n. The remains of Mrs. Ilridgil Keat ing, formerly of Ibis place, and who died ill Victor. Colo., on Sepl. 22. ar rived in Pittston on Wednesday even ing and Were taken to the home of her brother, H. J. Hums, of Main street, from which place interment took place yesterday afternoon. The cortege was one of Hie largest t bat evereiileivd Mar ket sti t cemetery. The remains were ai-coinpanleil by Mr. Hums, William Hums. Nellie burns and a baby daugh ter only four weeks old. Attorney .l. J. I ixon has opened a law olllce in Hie l.iiniiing building with A. M. Fleas, Democratic chairman of tie unty commit tee, TAYLOK.. Mrs. James Powell, sr.. who has been eoiilined to liel Indue for t lie past few weeks with rheumatism, is improving. The Taylor band is preparing to hold a fair, commencing on November I:', and to continue for four days. It is hoped thai the people of Taylor will assist them In making il a success. The borough council will hold a meet ing this evening. Our police ollicluls should give their attention to the manner in which horses ami cattle are allowed to roam about the public streets. It Is a daily occurrence, and very often they mon opolize the sidewalks. It would he well for the officers to give this matter their immediate attention and notify the owners to keep their horses and cattle in their proper places. Mrs. Harr. wife of James Harr. of Old Forge, died yesterday morning. The funeral will take place tomorrow after noon. Interment ill Matey cemetery at Lackawanna. Mr. Scheldel, of Scranton, has re moved his household effects to this place, where he will conduct a bakery In the Timlin block, lately occupied by Archie Hoyd. The Price library will hold a busi ness nieeetlng this evening, when the new Journal will be read by the sec retary, Fred. Winslow. This afternoon and evening the pic nic for the benefit of Richard l.anyon will lake place on the Archhald grounds. Mr. l.anyon has been con fined to his home with sickness for the past seven months. The choir of the Methodist Episcopal church is rehearsing for a concert in the near future. Robert Inglls, of Yatesville, Is visit ing his parents on North Main avenue. We are straight for McKlnley. - - . - . . . . LAYVKENCKVILLK. Thomas XV. Howells has returned from Philadelphia where he was visit ing his son. John. George' Hellis was Injured In the Lawrence colliery Tuduy. Miss Maggie McDonald was visiting friends in Taylor this week. The young men of this place are starting an athletic club. Mrs. Thomas W. Howells is visiting friends in Plymouth. Mrs. Cotiley is visiting friends In Peckville. Mrs. Hannah Hennett and grand daughter are spending a few weeks in New York. Daniel Jenkins lias returned -to his home In Providence after spending a few days with his parents. Thomas Lewis and Robert Willis at tended the show in Pittston last night. John McCiinnis, Tom Naly, John Ed wards and Patrick Nolan are organiz ing a drum corps. Miss Hannah Morgan has returned to SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. VVTE.SELL SHOES CHEAPER than any house in the city. It will cost you nothing to call and look through our fall stock of Men's, Women's and Chil dren's Shoes and Slippers. Think of the money you make when you buy from us. $5.00 Shoe for $3.00; $4.00 Shoe for $2.50; $3.00 Shoe for $2.00, and $2.50 hand sewed Shoe for $1.49. Our stock of School Shoes are 50 per cent, less than you pay elsewhere. Boys' High Cut Shoes, worth $2.50, for $1.00. Misses' Fine Heavy School Shoes for 75c. Child's Shoes only 20C. We invite you to call and exam ine our goods and make our store your headquarters. Remember, there is no trouble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. her home after visiting ut the home of Miss Hannah Howells. Peter Kowland Is Very ill. i'i:ckvn.i.u A very pretty wedding took place at 7.20 o'clock Wednesday evening,-- Hie contacting parlies being Eduard M. Waillek and Elizabeth Shone. The groom is a coal Inspector for the New York and Susquehanna Coal company and his bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shone, of Hickory street. The nuptial ceremony was per formed by the Kev. F. P. Dtfty, of Hyde Park. The groom was attended by his brother. Frederick Walllck. of Scranton, and the bride by Miss Llsxie Hest. of Peckville. The bride wore blue cashmere, trimmed with cream silk and ribbon to match, and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served. Mr. a,nd Mrs. .allk-k were well remembered with numerous costly piesents. They will commence house keeping In their newly-furnished home on Main street. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. William Day, Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Coe Tuk hill, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. VVatkin Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walker, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walker, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Green ing. Mr. and Mrs. William Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McKeeene, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Greening. Mr. and Mrs. James Cowans. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walllck, of Scranton: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor, of Wtnton; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conway, of v.lnton; Mr. and Mrs. Steuben Vasey, of Jermyn; Mr. and Mrs. John Plckening, of Oly phant: Mr. and Mrs. George Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shadier, Messrs. Walter Walker, Joseph Vasey, of Old Forge: William Walker, Tnomas Wal ker, Fred. Goyne, Kussell Hoffecker, William and George Hill. Michael Poland, of Archhald; Misses Ida and Carrie Hest, Grace Slckler, Minnie Strong. Jennie Kichards and Mary Walker. Mrs. Frank W. Day. of Wilkes-Harre. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Harber. Mrs. '.. P. Travlss was called to St. Clair. Schuylkill county, yestelduy, on account of the sickness of Mrs. Oscar Travlss. Word was received here yesterday that t lie Delaware and Hudson mines would start today on full time until further orders. AKCIIRAI.I). Miss Annie Lilide, daughter of Mrs Christopher I. hide, of South Main street, and Mr. P. J. Caft'ivy, of Hill street, w'ere married iu St. Thomas' church at I! o'clock yesterday after noon. The ceremony was performed by Kev. T. .1. Comerford and was wit nessed by many friends of tne young couple. As the bridal party proceeded to the altar Mr. Christopher f.inde. a brother of the bride played a wedding march from Mendelssohn. The bride was ul tended by Miss Anna Cuflley. a sister of the groom. The bride wore a beautiful gown of pearl corded silk, trimmed with seed pearl und ribbon, col IT ii re with ostrich tips, and carried an ivory bound prayer-hook. The bridesmaid's dress was of pale Idue silk, trimmed with sed pearl and rib bon. The groom was attended by Patrick Neary. A reception, at the home or the bride, followed the cere mony and was attended by one hundred invited guests. A bounteous supper was served ami an evening of great pleas ure was spent. Probst's full orchestra furnished music for dancing and the Serenade band gave a concert during He- evening. Mr. and Mrs. Caff-rey me both well known youngpeople and they begin married life with the best wishes of their many friends. They will live on Main street. He-. M. F. Cawley, who has been visiting his old home here for Hie past three weeks,' returned to Ids charge in Illinois on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Thomas Monle be well known Main street druggist has entered the I'niversity of Pennsylvania to begin the study of medicine. Mr. Monle Is a young man of remarkable ability and he will undoubtedly make his mark in the profession he has chosen. During his absence ut school his capable as sistant, Andrew Ueimuell, will have churge of the store. Miss Katie Magee, of Buffalo, N. Y., who has been visiting relatives here for the past month, returned home on Wednesday. I) ALTON. The cold weather of Hie past few days has sent the mrst of our summer residents and hoarders back to their city homes. This fact Is more notice able at the station, as the number of passengers has quite perceptibly de creased. A verv interesting service was held at the Young Men's Christian associa tion hall last Sunday afternoon. V. P. Tirown, assistant secretary of the Rail road Branch association, was present and conducted the service which was well attended. The executive committee of the Y. M. C. A. met at the rooms last evening and adjourned until Monday evening next when matters pertaining to the work of the association for the coming year will be discussed. The Christian Endeavor societies of this place are asked to unite with other societies between Scranton and Nicholson in securing a train to convey persons from the evening sessions of the convention to be held next week, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, to their homes. our graded school Is larger than ever, numbering about 1:10 pupils. The prin cipal, F. L. Thompson, with Miss Mabel Constipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Hull- InlOOdl geiiiun, bud taste, coated peak ( tongue, sick headache, in- I KJ II J siminia, etc. Hood's Pills XT 1 1 I S cure constipation and all Its " results, easily and thoroughly. 05c. All druggists, l'repured by '. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Fills to take with Hood's Sursauurllla. Purdy, Miss Ida Jennings and MIsa Lent North up. comprise the force of teachers. Howard Ball. George Walden and Helen Par loh are attending the School of the Lackawanna. Miss Nettie Smith and her nelce, Eleanor demons, are spending a few days with friends In town. Kev. W. H. Sowell has returned to his work after a few weeks spent at Dans ville. N. Y. He is much improved in, health. Dr C. D. Mackey Is In Philadelphia. S. E. Finn's new house is nearly ready for occupancy. George W. Parkton Is conducting a singing class In Young Men's Christian association each Wednesday evening. William Austin has opened a meat market In the store room recently used by W. E. Smith. PH1CKBUKU. Messrs. William McLaughlin and William Snyder are enjoying a hunt ing and fishing tour through Susque hanna county. Master Willie Marsden, of Main street, is ill with diphtheria. William Smith, of the Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul Hotel, Is visiting in New York city. H. M. Barrett has removed his shav ing parlors to the Muhon block on cor ner of Main street and boulevard. Henry Kles and Frank Wleland visited In Peckville last evening. Morley Hawk is on the sick list. MOOSIC The social at Dymond's hall was Quite a success, though the Inclement weather no doubt disappointed quite a number. Arthur, son of Walter Hlnes, of Mlnooka avenue. Is very seriously sick. James A. Hand, of River street, is absent on a business trip. E. E. Brodhead has gone on an ex tended business trip. John l.oftus Is confined to the house by a severe attack of sickness. Rev. I A. Llndertntitli was a caller out of town yesterday. If the Baby Is t'lllliug Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over flfiy years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. He sure and call for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," und take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. fee our window for wonderful values In FALL SUITINGS. We have just secured a lot of elegant pat terns la the newest checks and plaids Hie lines! goods made In this country. Thcs goods will he made to measure for ja.ou per suit, elegantly trimmed, put up in the LATEST STYLES and gnurantued to HI, and would cost yuii IX'-.UU to 40.U0 elsewhere. Our i-imiprllloi s ask how It's done. We answer in three words: "Men," "Methods" und "Money." These goods will probably not lust u weak; we will huve no more of I hem ut these prices, but we have, und will always have. An Elegant Assortment of all wool suitings, made lo measure, from J14.00 up goods that you could not dupli cate In ready-made for any lens. WI HAVN aij) Wyoming Ave. J. Ut V IS, Arcade Building. Mill ELECTRICITY IS KING. . ci ' Era- 607, 608 AND 609 Corner Washington Avenue and This Inotltntion la fitted wilh the lut'-st appliances In electricity . coiniirltdiiK the valuable achievement of F'rofeHKOr Mor ton, Kovkwell, Ranney, Mcintosh, Mc Krlde. Kdison, RorntKt-n and other, mul the phynioiuiiB and asststuiits are compe tent ami reliable. Let ub call your attention to the facts that In thin Institution we have ihe facill tlea ror producing the X Ruys Htroim enough to enable us to nee through the flesh of the human body: can dlstinaulHii rraturea or the hone, dislocation and de formities of the joints, and locate metallic- substances in the flesh of the body. VVIIh our superior Kleetro-stHtle Influ ence Machine we ore In a position to apply the Electrn-static Spray. Hath, the F.lec-tro-statlc Massage. Localizing Points, the Bensatlve Spark and the l-'ninklinlc Cur rent. With our large Galvanic and I-'aradlc Cublnet, equipped with a complete cell switch carrying from forty to eighty cells, Kheotome, Rheostat, Milliammcter, I'ole, Changer, Current. Selector anil Induction Colls, we are enubled to apply Pure and Interrupted tiiilvunisin, and many forms of Straight and Interrupted r'aradiam. With our special Sinusoidal (Magnetic) Instrument we can accomplish all that can be done with this wonderful i-iii-rent. With our OalVHno-Cautery we are en abled to perform many ditth-ult operations that have heretofore been assigned to ihc surgeon's knife. With our MO Electrodes we can reach every purt of the human body. Dp. Green's Elecfro-Therapetific Insfiftife, 607, 608 and 609 Mears Building, Scranlon, Pa. Elevator Day and Night. Upcu from o a. m. to u m.; i p. m. to j p m ; 7.30 p.m. to p.m. MY SICK SISTERS. "I want to tell you what Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has. done for me. For twenty years I had Buffered, with loss of appetite, nausea, constipation, palpi tation of the heart, head pains in nearly of my body, aiciansaldit indigestion, medicine did ache and all parts My phy wa8 only but his not help me any, began the. use of the Pinkham Remedies, particularly Lydia IX Pink ham' Vegetable Compound 1 have taken four bottles, and now those troubles are cured. " I cannot praise it enough, and our druggist says the medicine is doing a world of good among his customers. H 1?ku.e S. Tuoxrso.N, 3eW Bedford. Mass. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest in the City. The latest improved furnish ings and apparatus fur keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Avenue. THK IDRAI. AMERICAN TKIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANV. The Superbly Appointed and Commodious f tecl Steamship. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, Americnn through und through, leave Huffnlo i u-miIuti mid Fridays o-.to p.m. i, it- Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Soo, Duluth, and Wotcrn Points, passing all plui-oa of interest by duyliitht In i-uunuc tiuu with I ME UREAT NORTHERN RAII.WAV. it forms the uiot direct ror.te, and from ev. ery point of i-oinpurison, the most delightful Hnd coinfortel'le one t VinnespolU, St 1'aul, Great FhIIh, Helena. Hutlu. Spokane aud Pa cirto coait. The onlv tranfi-ontiuenlal line running the fatuous bullet, library, observa tion car. New ti7 hnur train for Portland vlaSpokariK HOTEL LAPAVr.TTE. Lake Mlnnctonka. lo miles from Minueapollf, largest and moat Leantiul regof i io the weat. 'licketeand any iiiforinution of any agent or A. A. HEAKli, Ueuoral i'abkeuner aiceut. Buffalo, N. V -H What Sarah Bern hard say MEARS BUILDING, Spruce Street, Scranton, I'cnnu. We havp in this Institute the various Rye and Kar Klectrodes. the Kye Magnet, the Nasal (nose) Klectrodes, the Laryn goscope (for the throat) the Xock and Head Klectrodes, the Massage, Arm, Hand. Leg, Foot, Abdominal, Urethral. Vaginal, Rectal, Cataphoric and every form of Klectrodes for medical u-e. We have the Cautery Knives, Wires and Needles. We have all of the appliances for performing Electrolysis, removing of Hairs. Warts. Moles, Tumors and all ab normal growths. With electricity as a basis of treatment, we are successful In cases of Rheumatism. (Jout, Paralysis. Kcsemu, Tumors, Skin Troubles, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, the" Wasting or Muscles, Poor Circulation, und ull Nervous Diseases for which elec tricity Is doing so much of lale! The blood clot causing Apoplexy and I'aralysis can be dissolved and enrri'-d away by proper application of Ualvanisiu aud Karadlsni. Cures of Catarrh are belnir nmde b the inhulailon of ozone from Ihe Klectro-slalic machine. We might mention hundreds of troubles which are amenable to electric treutment, but space will not permit. Dr. !reen treats ull cases amenuble to electrical treatment, is a graduate and ex perienced pracl itloner of medicine, has the best of references, and will charge noth ing for consultation. Thos who cannot call should write for information. JK.- T M. 1 T KERR'S CARPET 10 Pieces Best Hoquette 10 Pieces Velvet 8 Pieces Axminster - These goods, all have borders to match and are worth Ji.io, J1.00 and 1.35 per yard. Bring the size of your room. C0ur 50c. All Wool Ingrains are good value at 65 cents. Look at them. BIGELOW AXHINSTER The Finest Domestic Carpet made. We were fortunate in secur in? a choice line at a' price which enables us to sell them at J1.15 per yd., goods which were formerly 1.65. S. Q. KERR, SON & CO., A fQ 01T- MA,X ENTRANCE TO WYOMING HOUSE, UO LACKAWANNNA AVE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA Mamifacturara of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PIMPING MACHINERY. Qaneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel. X. L. Steel, 00 Toe and Side Weight NEVERSLIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAG0NMAKERS' SUPPLIES. i EVERY WOMAN Or. Peal's Th tre prompt, and erUln In rewlt. The maalne(Dr. Paal'a)amrllaiy. For aale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Of good clotlies is good clotb. But tlie good material alone wou't do. You've got to put the shears aud the needle into skilled lingers. You've got to put brains and care iuto the makiug. The manufacturers of whom we buy do just that. As a great mau once eaid: "Angels eau do uo more." We Want Gentlemen To know that we have an abiding faith iu our abil ity to sell them dependable garments. We want them to know that we extend credit to folks iu and around Si-rauton. We do this because it is an ac commodation that is appreciated by honest men. We are willing to wait a little while for our money whenever a mau needs clothes but hasn't the ready f ish to pay for them. We liko to have men who are not acquainted with our Credit System come iu aud talk with us about it. SPECIAL ROCKER FL'F NITU IE SPECIAL SALE So - at 80c at 75c - at $1.00 ALL SIZES OF Horse the imreitdiupatould tw nwd. If jou warn lb twai, gel Pennvroval Pills Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avanu and Mi SALE NEXT WEEK. DEPARTMENT, R1VER DAVIDOW, 307 LACKA. AVEWUE?vKA4
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