THE SCBANTON TBIBUNE FRIDAY MOENH5G, OCTOBER , 189G. NOW READY FOR ACTIVE WORK First Voters Organoid on a Permaaent Basis. ENDORSED THE REPUBLICAN TICKET :'. V. .Marhiill. Jr. Was fuoscn f r'iiit'iil-'onslilution aud By l.uws Adopted, mid I lie Orgnuizif MiuuWill He Known u the Junior llriubliriui t'lub Addresses Dc livprrd By Attorney M. W. Lowcry, J. M. Walker mi (I Hon. A. T. Cou ncil. A week ac a number of young men "ivl.u will cunt their tlrst vote this elec limi assembled at the Central Itepubll c;in club nioins ami formed a temporary iiiKiinizatlon. Lust ninht they, met for permanent organization, elected offi cers in serve for tile ensuing year, adopted a constitution and by-laws, and prepared to do active work for Re publican principles for the rest of the iiiinpalKii. They adopted "The Junior Kcpiihilctin Chili" as a name. U.'oiKe V. Marshall, Jr., was chosen president: William K. Decker, necn'- ary; I'. Silas Walter, assistant secre iiu ; funis Powell, treasurer. The by law's lirovidc thai there shall be live ice-presidents and the appointment of them is vested in the president. Mr. .Marshall will name them a! the next meeting. Lust niyht he appointed tSeo. W. Millcll captain. The committee on permanent oiKiinizal Ion suiruested the name ( "Yiuiiik Men's Republican Club." but that mime belongs to an 01 Kaiii.ulion recently loruied. The name adopted was taken instead. . .The resolution sets forth lhat the aim and object of the club is to advocate, promote, and mn i 1 1 1 u I ii the principles oi kepnlilicuiiism, us enunciated by the r. pi'. s-iitiiiives of llie liepuliliean parly in iiuiiunal convention ussembleil: to eiiie ale mid enlitihleii the young men id' l.acKawuiin.i county in the principles ol self-KoVeriltlleltt and good citizen ship and to oioiuote by nil legitimate agencies I be Micccss of the Ke'publicail party and its candidates, thereby veiling 11 potent inllueiice for good T.o i-l lllllelll. 1 1 person over the age of I'M years, i : iiinig in Lackawanna county, who i. in sympathy with the principles of the llepiililieii ii party and a supporter I its candidates, shall be eligible to I'lieiilbersllip. I pen tiikimr Die chair Mr. Marshall I hanked the im-inni-l'M for the honor conferred and in an eloiiieul strain l-puke U.H follows: Mil. MAItSllAI.Itf KK.MAIIKS. 's young men v are gathered to 'iiirlii to form un association of all those who aiv to cast their votes this tali in the interests of American honor ami American policy for William Mr-Kiiib-y, of inio. I beHev that it Is nil important thing for u young man In Hailing in life to start right, and as lids is llie start in polities for most of ii-s it is of course important thai we should start right In tills. Some of us may have Democratic parents, or come t ii in Democratic families, but utter ull that makes very little difference. 1 ant sure thai the main thing for us to con sider this year is which of the parties is in lite tfght. Many old Democrats all over the country, who have been oting the Democratic ticket for yeurs, ate going to change this fall and vote lor McKinley. believing It to be the best tiling. Now, if an old Democrat can do this after the huliit of voting tin' other way, It ought to be n good leal eps'er for a young Democrat who has not as yet acquired that bad habit. I am going to vote fur .McKinley und the whole Republican ticket from top to bottom, because I believe the prin cipals of Republicanism to be right anil because 1 believe that this country will never he prosperous again until after it gets back tinder Republican rule. "tine reason why 1 believe we all should vote the Republican ticket this year. Is because the hard times of which we are suffering and from which we have been suffering for the past three yea's are due in my opinion en tirely to the success of the Democratic party four years ago. of course they deny this, and claim that it Is because of the gold standard, but as I look at l he mutter we had the same standard In IMiJ that we now have, and times never were better than they were then. We have the same mills, the same fac tories and the same farms that we hnd then, and still times are altogether dif ferent. OA 1813 OP DEPRKSSIOX. "I believe the present depression wus brought about because of the repeal of llie McKinley act, and the passing the Wilson bill in Its place. Under protec tion times got steadily belter and we . Mere uble as a nation to pay our debts. Tinier Democratic rule times have been getting harder und the nation us well as individuals Is suffering be cause of It. And I believe In my heart tonight that we will never be prosper ous again until we get a Republican administration and a tariff bill which will protect the American labor against foreign competition and furnish enough revenue to pay the debts of this f, real natlnn without selling bonds. "You ull know that since the war It has never been necessary to sell bonds to provide money for the nation, under llie Itepubllcun administrations. That is ulso a strong reason why we should ull cast our votes for William Connell, In order that this district may be rep resented In the next congress by a nmn who knows our needs and who Is willing to help enact a strong tariff law, .which will be a benefit to our indust ries. "Another strong reason why we should vote the Republican ticket is thai a vote for Mr. Rryan means a vote to reduce the value of the present dol lar. With the dollars ns scarce as they now are. 1 don't want them cut down any. When u. man does a day's work lie Is entitled to receive as his compen sation the best kind of money, and If there are two kinds of money, one good, and (he other poor, I am afraid that llie poor man will get the poor money every time. But Voting right Is only u part of our work after all, we must try and see that the people who we know ulso vote right. Some of us have been doing a lltle work In the past to see that the voters get out and vote right. We want to do more than that this fall. We want not only to see Hint they get out und vote, but that when they vote they vote right. I urn going to try and do myshareof the work nnd I want every young man, nnd every old one for that matter, to do the same and If they do, there will be no ques tion about the election of the whole Re publican ticket In this county." RESOLUTIONS ADOPTKD. .'Tli following resolutions were adopted: We, the members of "The Junior H publican club," In regular meeting ux , .-einhleil, do make (lie following ilerla ra tion uf principles: We iifllrm our ulleglanee to the principles of Keptiblifunism, us delined by the na liulial platform, adopted ut Ht. Iuils, and Jlie stale plutlonn, uilopled ut llurrislmrg )n April last. We believe that (he Republican policy uf protection ami rcclprocitf is us nec essary tu tiie niaintenutii'e of a prosperous condition of the national treasury us the uithcrtlim uf i he sound money principle Is in maintaining. Its credit and honor. We therefore, earnestly ask all young men of IwiekawmiiiiL county, regardless of parly ullilialions to co-operate with us In llie work of l enteral Inn of prosperity iiful security to the American people, lv the eltetloii to llie presidency uf the I 'lilted -States of that gallant soldier, statesman unit givnl cliuniplon of proteo x 4 lun u nit sound money, the Hun. William M Klnley, of Ohio, anil his cnllenfclle, the lion. Ourrett A. Ibiliarl, of New Jersey, ' M the Vice presidency, believing that these men nouses in a greater degree than any of the other candidates asking; for our suffrage, those rare qualities of broad, wise anil patriotic statesmanship which ill I beta fur a successful administration of the Uriahs of I he American people, and thai the principles which they espouse inure fully accord with our conception of thul government policy, which secures the best government und the greater good to the greater number. We also Invite the support of the young men of this county, irrespective of party, in the election to congress that man whose Independence of character and sym patliin nature are only equalled by his untiring Industry, in behalf of his fellow citizens, Mr. William Connell. We also attirm our allegiance to the bal ance of the ticket named at the Republi can county convention, vis.: Giles Rob erts and 8. W. Roberts, for county com missioners, und A. K. Klefer and Fred L. Ward, for county auditors. We further pledge our united support to the candidacy of Hon. Alexander Con nell for representative from this legisla tive district. Liy Imer Reese, h W. La Bar, R. M. Vail. WILL JIKKT THURSDAY. The club will turn out In full force this evening to celebrate the banner raising In front of the rooms of the Central club. It will meet every Thurs day until election and every member feels it a duty incumbent Uln him to bring In as muny new members as pos sible. Addresses were given by Attorney M. W. Lowry, J. M. Walker and Hon. A. T. Connell. The latter won suffering from a painful attack of throat trouble and spoke only briefly. Mr. Lowry branched out Into an Interesting re view of the political situation. 'He said that this campaign is not second even to that of 1NK1 when Lincoln was the candidate und the country was threat ened and there was danger that it would be rent in twain. Today the In tegrity, honesty, and credit of the na tion is threatened. The Republican party Is advocating nothing new. It has ulways stood for prosperity and sound money. It Is the Democratic party that has changed, but Mr. Lowry thinks they are honest In their belief, only being misguided. The reason we have wages in excess of other countries is because the Republi can party with its protective laws has fostered manufacture and trade. It Is not more money we need now, but a greater circulation of that which we have, and which cannot be brought alioul except by starting our mills, mines and factories going. Any person who goes tu Washington can tind flil'.'i.tHiu.UiiU in sliver stucked up in the treasury vaults now. The gov ernment has silver to burn, as it were, and I here Is more money per capita to day in the I'liiled States than In any other country of the world except l-'innce. What we waul Is u restora tion of confidence so that Hie men who have money will use it. We have the same money now we had between INMi and IS!- and then the land was blossom ing witli prosperity. SOME STRONG RESOLUTIONS. Adopted Uy the tireenwood tli-h inlev and llubarl Club rt cdnesdav. At a meeting of the fireenwood Mc Kinley and llobart club Wednesday night the following' resolutions were adopted: Whereas. Tin- administration of affairs by the party now In power in these l'niled Slates has been u series of blunders at liume and alirouil, utid Wherciis, They have shown their In cotupet hihv to raise sutileleiit revenue to meet the expenses of the government ill tune of tiea.-e without Issuing bonds lo the ainiiiiM'. of two hundred and sixty -two million .tijllars, and Whereas, Our country Is In the midst of the greatest Ii na l.ciu I crisis and business depression of Its history, the present cam paign promising chaos and turmoil on the one side, anil in our judgment prosperity und peace on the olher: therefore, be It Resolved, Uy all present that we have had experience enough with such a debt creiiiug, business wrecking ndinltilslr.i tioii, and wt ibem It our duty to do all hi our power to insure the election of that sturdy American and statesman, William .Mi Kinli-y, of Ohio, io the high and honor able otll-o of president of these I'nlied Suites, the champion of American doll irs the world over and the protection of American Industries. And Oarrett A. Ho hurt, of New Jersey, for the honorable of fice of vice president with the fullest as surance in his ability and honesty of pur pose to discharge the duties iusiimbent upon it. And be it further Resolved, That we heartily support our neighbor, William Connell, for congress from this district, as we know him lo be a safe man to entrust the welfare of our local industries to, pending the legislation proposed, at the next session of oongresu; a man who is In touch with the laboring men and the business men of this com munity, who favors protection to Ameri can industries und a hundred-cent dollar. BANNER RAISING TONIGHT. Will Take Plncc in Front of the C'en trnl Republican Club llnom. At the Central Republican club rooms on Washington avenue this evening a banner will be flung to the breeze with appropriate exercises. The banner is a large one 15xJ5 feet In size and con tains portraits of McKinley and llo bart. the names of the Republican can didates, national, state and local and the motto "Prosperity, Protection, Sound Money." Republican clubs of the city and its vicinity will participate In the banner raising and there will be speech-making by a number of well known orators. The demonstration will be a big one and all Republicans are invited to par ticipate in it. COMPANY NOT SATISFIED. Turnpike People Believe the City Is !Not Living I'p toSts Promise. After the receipt of Mayor Hailey's notification that the otty proposed to repair West Market street, the Turn pike company agreed to give the city until October 1 to carry out Its prom ise nnd if by that time It had not ful filled Its agreement, the Turnpike com pany would, it stated, renew Its opera tions. The city In fulfillment of Its promise has hnd a gang of men working on the road, but their work Is not and has not been satisfactory to the Turnpike peo ple. The street commissioner's men have merely shoveled out the gutters und leveled off a few humps and have not as yet made any move lo wards making permanent repairs. In view of this the Turnpike com pany is threatening tn go on the load" again and finish the niacudainizing be gan at the l.eggetfs creek bridge. President H. 10. Paine to a Tribune re porter suid. yesterday, that the-company has not fully determined just what steps It will take, but It Is most likely that It will refuse to approve of the work the city Is doing und go on and do It Itself. EMBEZZLEMENT IS CHARGED. tilobc fclorc IIu Commission Agent Fiednian Arrested. William Siedman. of the Wont Ride, was held In $300 bail by Alderman Mil lar yesterday to answer a charge of embezzlement preferred by Cleland, Simpson & Taylor, of the (llohe Ware house. According to the plnieinent of the prosecutors. Hledniaii sold blankets for them on commission and fulled to turn in any of the proceeds, 'lihe sum Is $12.10. DESERTED BY HER HUSBAND. Mrs. .. Mnrgnret P.vhnrdt Petitions Court lor n Divorce. lly her next friend, Julius Klupnskl. Mrs. Margaret l-Jvhardt, of 0I Kyiiou street, tiled a petition in court yester day for u divorce from her husband, Augustus Kvliardt, to whom she was married on April 27, on April 2ft. JtM, Evhurdt left home und never came back. He has nut con tributed one cent tu her support since his desertion. She- Is represented by Attorney R. J. Buurke. MARKETS AND STOCKS ! Mali Street Keviru. New York, Oct. 1. Stocks were less active today, the sales amounting to 179.776 shares against 219,000 shares yes terday. The falling oft in business was partly due to the excitement In the wheat market, the bull movement in the cereal having attracted general at tention. A feature of the days opera tions was the absorption of the low priced Issues at advancing figures. Pacific Mail, Atchinson. Missouri Pacillc, Reading, Southern Railway preferred selling at the best figures for some time past. In the (losing dealings the market was influenced to a Blight extent by Sugar's erratic course, and part of this advance was lost. Speculation left off barely steady. Furnished b? WILLIAM LINN. AI LEN & CO., stock brokers. Mears build ing, rooms 705-706. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est In it. . Am. Tobacco Co .... 1 2 60 T"s Am. Cot. oil 13 1 IS H, Am. Bug. Re g Co ..111 112'i 110 1H'4 Atch., To. & S. Fe .. 13VJ 14 13', 13 Ches. & Ohio K lS'i 15 l5' Chicago tias Hl, l!7 ni ? Chic. N. W ! l4 W1 Chic, H. & Q 7 77 iisT '" Chic, Mil. & St. P .. 71H K 71'a 72 Chic.. R. I. ft P K lijig tU'i Delaware & Hud ...VI VI 1-4 '-4 Seii. Kleetrlc 2Si SPJ SHH 2Hi Louis. & Nash 43 43 43' i$ht M. K. & Texus, Pr.. 24:l '-'4l4 24-1, 24-4 Manhattan Kle fWs sH. tW'-i K'4 Mo. Parllio 2W 21 V 2i 21S. Nat. Cordage 4a4 4;:4 4"n 4-'- Nat. Lead 22 22 2l'l4 "i N. V.. L K. & W.... 14H 14'i 13- N. Y.. S. W xi.j H', 8'j V N. Y.. S. V Pr .. 23 23 23 23 Nor. Purine H'4 14H 14 14'i int. & West U' 14i 14 14 tuna ha 3S; 3X 3'i 3Ni Pacilic Muil ! 22 2H' 21si, Phil. & Read W, 2'i-i 1H... 2o'i Southern It. R "7 i:1 84 Southern R. R., Pr.. 24ii 21", 24-' 2lia Tenn., C. & Iron .... 22:l 2:!' 22 Texas I'acitle S S X S 1'nion Pacillc 7 7' Ta e Wabash iPm li'i, ' 'i Wabash. Pr l.V, 1.V, 1'.' 15'a West. I'nlull Ma4 MU M M1, W. I, 1 '. Mi ii C. S. I.eulher, Pr ... .V S. fix -"'j CHICAGO HOARD OP TRADE PRICES. WHEAT. Open.-High-Low-Clos. Ing. est. est !r. Pecemlier ' i7 "i"s sT 'n May 72' R -' 72'4 OATS. December 17T 1T 17 isi4 Muv IS1, 2M-, IK". 2- CORN. lief ember 22:,4 24' i 2-'J4 2:17 May 2 c, 27'. 2,'ei M LARD. December S.W i'X" 4.10 January 4,u7 I.X! 4.0.1 PORK. .lunniiiy li.W 7.43 l.7 7.:!i - Sviuutou Uuurd ol' Tlruile Kii-liange (notation--All Quutaliuu Ba-cd ou Pur ol 100. N:i in a. Rid. I Hine Dep. & DIs Rank 140 Scr, niton Lace Curtain Co A'ke.1. Ml SO National Horlng A Drilling Co first National Hank G5il Scraitton Jar A Stopper Co. .. Kbiihtirsl Hiiule rant Co Serantoii Savings Hank Honla Plate Class Co Sclanlon Parking Co Lackawanna Iron A Steel Co. Third National Rank Throup Novelty M f g. Co. ... Seraiiton Tract inn Co Scranton Axle Works I.uek'u Trust & Safe Dep. Co. Economy Steam Heat at Power Co BONDS. Scranton Olasa Co Scranton Puss. Railway, first mortgage due laid People's Street Rullwuy, first mortgage due IttlS Scranton & Plttston Trae. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due IK.'H Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. Lacka. Township School u.. City of Scranton St. Imp. ir"i. Rorough of Wlnton 6 Ml. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co 1110 'io 2.MI l.VI 'io 21 to) 1..0 W 100 2i H) no no no llKl 1U2 PI2 100 83 111) H5 Philadelphia Provision Mnrket. Philadelphia, Oct. 1. The market was steady, with a fair Jobbing demand. We quole: City smoked beef, lla!2c. ; beef hums, '$lii.50iilii.7u, us to average: pork, family, Sliialo.A'i; hams, S. P. cured, in tierces, 'Jalnc; do. smoked, lo'jalUjc, as to average; sides, ribbed, in salt, 4a 4'4i-. : do. do. smoked, 4'; shoulders, pickle-cured, S'-a,"ic,; do. do. smoked. ii034e. : picnic hams, 8. P. cured, ri,ai;'ie. ; do. do. smoked, liUc; bellies, in pickle, according lo average, loose, ftiiii'.-e. ; breakfasi bacon, 7a7?c, as lo brand and average; lard, pure, cit refined, In tierces, 4,aa4!V; do- do. do. In tubs, 4a."c: do. butchers', loose, 3:la4e. ; city tallow, In hogsheads, sPm1.; country do., 2rau:i,. as to iiualily, and cakes, 3V, New York Produce Mnrket. New York, Oct. 1. Flour Dull, demand firm, unchanged. Wheat Firmer with op tions: No. 2 red f. o. b., T.K.; ungraded red, 7!e.: No. 1 northern, 7uiU.; options closed weak at lal'ic over yesterday: May, 77:'ic.: October. December, 7i'ic. Corn Moderately active, stronger; No. 1, 2a:Vi2!i1)C. elevator: (lOalSOc. atloat; op tions firm at 7alc advance; October. 21c.; November, 2!ia8c; December, 20'nc; .May, 32-V- Oats Spots fairly active, stronger; options dull r higher, 217sc; De cember, 23' ac; spot prices. No. 2, 22c- No. 2 white, 2.11.-.; No. 2 Chicago, 23c; No. 3, Is'iC ; No. 3 white, 23c; mixed western, 20 n23c. ; white do. und state, 21u30c Provis ions Quiet, steady, unchanged. Rutter Choice tlrm, fair demand; state dairy. Ilia I'm1.: do. creamery, llul'ic. : western dairy, 71jalb-.; do. creamery, llalOc; do. factory. 7ali;'i,c: F.lglns, p;c; Imitation creamery, Halle Chese Strong, fancy in light sup ply: slate large, 7nR'ae. : do. small, 7alle. ; part skims, 3aiic; full skims. Pjae. Eggs Fancy steady, state und Pennsylvania, 17alHe.; ice house, ltuiri'-c; western fresh, ITalSc.; do. per case, $2.IOa4. Cliirngo Live Stock. Vnlon Stock Yards. Oct. l.-Cattle-Mar-ket firm and Inc. higher; common lo ex tra steers. $3.aila; slockers und feeders, $2.i!Oa3.90; cows and hulls, J 1.20a ;(,;(.',; calves, $,; Texans. $2.,"iOu:U0; western rung ers, $2.i"ia3.7a. Hogs Market 5c lower for packing grades; others steuily; heavy packing and shipping lots, $2.7iia3.30; com mon to choice mixed, $2.9aa3.4.'i; choice us. sorted, $3.40a3.'iii; light, I2.9ia3.45; pigs, JI.'KJ all. tu. Sheep Market active and tlrm; In ferior to choice, 2..1oa3.2."i; lambs, $3uS. Hiiflalo Live Stock. Ruffalo. Oct. 1. Cattle Market closed steady; mixed butchers, $2.7.ia3.2.i; veals, good lo choice, $i.7aaii.7fi: common to fair, J l.7.'.a.'...Vi; late sales of light stock hulls; oxen. $3..1u. Hogs Market closed steady: Yorkers. $3.lla::.ii'i; mixed packers. $3..Yui3.iiO; mediums, $:l.4fm:l..'.f.; good heavy grades, $2.:ia3.4il; roughs, fc'.XO u3.Hi; slags, J2a2.."il: pigs. dull. .I..Viii:i.ii, with two loads unsold. Sheep ami l.ambs .Market closed steady, ull sold; good to prime native lambs, H.,"iiia4.xii: common to fair. S4a4.4H; culls, 3.ua3.!&; Canada latnlis. $4.iuia4.x."i: mixed native sheep, good lo choice, 4.2.iu4.Mi: common to fair, $.'.4ua 3.10: no export demand. Oil .Market. fill City, Oct. 1. There were no quo tations on option oil today. Credit bal ances, lis. CLARK'S SUMMIT. John l-'.vans, Is very happy over the arrival of a 12-pound boy at his home, on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Kltner (Iregory and daughter, are visiting ut Dun more for a few weeks. Mr. M. K. Clifford is visiting In New Jersey. ' Miss Carrie Cnlvln is nttemling school at. the Keystone Academy. Mrs. Edgar Shlck is quite ill. Miss Nina Clifford, of (I teen Ridge, Is visiting her cousin, Carrie Clifford. Dick Colvlu is visiting his futher, Mert Cnlvln. of this Place. W. D. Smith visited his parents Sun day. The Masons celebrated the fortieth anniversary of this lodge on Tuesday evening last. Quite a lurge number uf people purl ook of the good things. Mr. and Mrs. C. Jordan, Mr. and .Mrs! 1). Carpenter und Mr. and Mrs. New ton, from Jordan Hollow, kt tended the Masonic banquet. The Willing .Workers will hold a " How happy could I be with either Were the other dear charmer away.'' IS u ipyyj ' The ripest and sweetest leaf and the purest ingredients are used in the manufacture of "Battle Ax' and no m matter how much you pay for a much smaller piece of any other high grade brand you cannot buy a better chew than u Battle Ax." For 5 cents "Battle .Ax almost as large as the i other tellow s quilting und supper over (he drug store IlliM uf ternoon. All are cordially ill-vitt-il to attend. Hev. and Mrs. F. V. Young and son. ure visiting relutives ut Pdiighumloii and Hath. Kev. Mr. Spencer, of Wyoming Sein inury. filled the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal church lust Sunday in the ubsenctt of Hev. Young, UUI.D IS NTABI.K. Thut Is Why It Is the Best Slnndard to l'v, "Hemember, what you want is u sta ble currency. It does not matter wheth er It bears such u relation to another kind of currency or not. What you want is something that is stable. Well, now, o fur as the transactions of civ ilized nations are concerned gold has always proved to be the most stable. "There will be times when there will be a. scarcity of gold, comparatively, but you must remember ulways tn making the comparison that the gold that exists In this world, as well as the silver, is not the product of one year. "It Is the product of the whole world from the very time when sliver and gold .were first dug out of the bowels of the earth until now. That Is ' e stock we have got on hand, and we add to It year by year. It may possibly be that In some years the additions are not great, but that In other the additions are greater, but the history of the world shows thnt while the production of silver and gold, both of them. In past times used to be very nearly uniform Shat is not the fact now. "The fact Is the world is 100 years older than It was 100 years ago today, and 'it knows more, and It has discov ered processes of producing silver at the in-lce that would make the old Spaniard aghast at the thought o it. "Now let us see whut effect that has had. I can't remember ull these fig ured, but 1 can remember some of tlietn. "In the five years before 1870 there was B4S,000.0OO of gold dug out of the eurth: iii 1S0 to 185 it had increased to $73:1,000,000, about $1,000,004). Thut is an increase the world could stand without disturbance. "How was it about silver for the five years from 1865 to 1870'.' Coinage value, 1 am giving you. It was $:'78.000, (HM). How much do you suppose it was from 1890 to 1 SH.'i ? $1.004.000,000 four times as much. And do you suppose that under such lncrense of produc tion the level of silver could remain stable? "hy we know it did not. Anrtyet during: that period of time the Vnlted States has bought und used $61!u.0O0,. 000 of silver, taken it nut of the mar ket. Nevertheless it has been going down." Tom Reed at Portland. ROYAL PECULIARITIES. fhailes VI, of I'rance, was a hopeless Imbecile The Assyrian kings ull wore very long, curlv beunls. HHilriun whs the first Human emperor to wear a heard. fteorge I, of Knglalul, never learned the Kng-lish luiiKiiuge. Fuul, of Kussiu. was llisuiie during the greater pttrt of his life. fonrad III, emperor of liermany, had six lingers on his right huiul. Saul, the tirst king uf Israel, was said by the rubbis to be seven feet high. t'harles VII, of l-'runce, was said 10 be the most affable man of Ills time. Phillipe II was born in August, and for that reason was culled Augustus. t'harles Mm tel, or t'harles thi Hammer, currifd a mace weighing thirty pounds. tieorge III hsd the family taint or lun acy, nnd for imiav years was insane. Philip, of .Mai t-nun, was a ilrunkanl, slid transmitted this pei-ullarlly lo his son. Itinlolpli II. of ilermuny, had bill one arm. the left having been cut off in u but tle. John, of l'.nglund. hud the reputnlluii of beliiK the handsomest mull of his, uge. I .ou is II slultereil horribly, und when u little excited or angry he could not sp-ak ul all. Aki Mohammed Khan lost the two mid. die lingers uf his right hand from u sword cut. l.ouls VIII wns feebleminded, and III derision was by his subjects culled the liun. l-'reilerli k the lirent whs said lo be the thinnest und most cuduverous-lookiiig man In Prusslu. Shub Asliref, of Persia, wus left -handed, ami had u special sabre mude lo suit tills peculiarity. Kdwanl III was six feet three Inches In bight, und hail u rough, shaggy beard thai rea.-hed to his girdle. t'laiiillus wus an idiot, Mis eyes stnrml In u meaningless Raze, and saliva dropped frotri bis lips. Henry III, of Hermany, hud ll complex ion ao dark thut he might easily liuve been mlstukeii tor u negro, Phillips I, ot France, was suid to be llie moat amorous king thai ever ruled uvw that aiuvwus natlou. you get a piece of j JO-cent piece. OICYCLES At Rock-Bottom Prices. LIST NO. a. Buffalo Prince '96, $36 Imperial '96, 55 Erie '96, 45 Prince '96, 36 Sterns '94, 35 Columbia '93, 25 Cleveland '94, 25 Coventry '93, 15 These are all fitted with pneumatic tires aud are lu good running order. CHASE & FARRAR BICYCLE SLRUIiONS, 5 IS1 Linden Street. Opp. Court House. Tl And You Will be Happy. The way to keep your home comforta ble at this season of the year is to buy one of our Gas or Oil Heaters Just the thing for your dinln room in the morning, or your bath room, aud in fact utly place you want a little heat without start ing your furnace or boiler. We have over 20 styles sizes of Kits heaters, und IO or more of Uil Heaters. Without question the best assortment in the city. FOOTE I SHEAR CO., 19 WASHINGTON AVENUI Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO.. U. E. CROFUT. PROPRIETY. THIS HOUSE Is strictly temperanop. is new and well turmtiiied and Ul'KNKD Tu THE Hl'BIJC THK YEA It ROUND, 19 located midway between Uinghumton ani Scranton, on the Montrose and Lacka wanna Rallrond, six mile from D., I,. & V. It. R. at Alford Station, and five miles from Montrose; capacity elshty-flte, three minutes' walk from railroad station House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entire length of the houBe, which is 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc. Free to tiuests. Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling In this respect the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains. Fine grove, plenty of shade and beaut!, ful scenery, making a Summer Resort un. excelled in beaut." and cheapness. Dancing pavilion. Mwinus. croqnM grounds, etc. rrit.O 9PRINO WATER AND rLKNTY OP MILK. Mates $7 to $io I'cr Week. $1.50 Per Day. Excursion tickets Bold at all stations on V.. L. & W. lines. Porter niecfH ull trains. I Full Line of Cloths in l ull aiul Winter Styles, IN!M.I7. No mens, tires sent to New York Sweat Shops for 1 2.1)11 to $11.00, No SlioilJy Wool. I'.vury (iurineiit made in this citv. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED a BECK, 337 Allans An THE LEADED 124-126 Wyoming Ava. Beg to announce to our patrons and tbe public in general that we are now in the hands of carpenters and painters, and we are working day and night in putting our stores, if anything, in much handsomer condition than heretofore. 'We will further state that we And we are pleased to say that we will be in a position to place before the public the newest and latest foreign and domestic creations in Dry Goods, Suits aud Cloaks, Mil linery, Fancy Goods, etc., al ways at Leader's prices. In the mean time we are disposing of the 'ba'.ance o stock on hand at very low prices. THE ROOMS I AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'O'G, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. LAPLIN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Electric EinloJori. for ex ploding blasts, bafcty r uaa, ami Repaano Chemical Co. 's HIGH EXPLOSIVES, CALL UP 3682: CO. 8, f ill OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO isi MERIDIAN STREET. M. W. COLLINS, Manager. II III tffi 1 1 A i DAYS 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Harch I. 1896, Total Product of 1 11WUAMD The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, largest Run on Record. Washburn. Crosby's Superlative la sold everywhere from the) Pacific tioust to St. John's, New I'oundlami, and in rCiiftlaiid, Ireland and Scotland very hi' Ktly, uud iw recugaied hm the beat Huur iu the world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS WE ARE STILL ROOTINP FOR THE FASTEST WHEEL ON EARTH, No Matter Who Rides It B. F. KELLER, ON A SPALDING AT THE National Meat at Wiikcs-Barre, SEPTEMBER 16, Vffam .1. .... I. !!,!. ... .w ... v. ! nn AH. .V tbe ontir Scrauton push that won unythtnir. neating out tome 01 me lasteti man on id circuit. Again we aaj, get Bpaldiug and b happy. G. M, FLOREY, Agt. ON THE LINE OF THE are located the finest fiihlng and hunting grounds In tha world. Descriptive book on application. Ticket to all point la Maine, Canada and Maritime Province. ' Minneapolis. Bt. Paul, Canadian audi United States Northwest. Vanvouver, Seattle. Tacoma, Portland, Ore,, Sua Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist ears fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to want of families) may be had with second-clam tickets. Rates always less than via other line. For further Information, time tables, etc., on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 3S3 Broadway, New York. DU POINT'S mm, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wa.pwallopn afllls) LiUsern county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyusilng District. US WYOMINa AVENUE, Strsstes, Ps Third Notional Bank Building. AGENCIES: THOS. FOHD. Plttston. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH A HON, Plymouth, Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Repauno ChemicnJ Com t&ny's High Exploitive. PICKLING CUCUMBERS . Pickling Cucumbers, Cauli flower, Horse-Radish Root, Pickling Onions, Ginger Root, Red Cabbage, Mangoes, Hot Peppers, Dill. 1 h. puThiii REVIVO KE3T0RES VITALITY. Made a 1st Day. fl M rp 3RriWel1 Man lOthDay.WfW ofMe. TKE OPEAT 30th !. rriENoii xixiiazzii3x" prodnres the above renuiti In'SO da.Tl. It act pouerfullT and qniclily. 'um wken all uthere tall. Vaung men will rcgulo tbeir lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful visor by uiiog KEViVO. It quli kly and aurelr restort-a Nervous ness, Lofct Vitality, Jmpntencr, Nightly Kmlagionr, Lost Power, 1'alliug .Memory, WaitiuK DiMaws.aDd alt etfucta of Melf-atma or eicnia anil ludlneretion, nhich unntK one lor muily, bnvmeua or marriage. It not only citrm by nUrtln at the neat ot d uraie, but is a great nerr tonic and blood builder, briait ing back tlio pink glow to palo ebeek and n toilug tbii lire of youth. It wants off JliMotty and ConHumution. Iutitt ou having RKVIVO, no ether. It inn be rarritd in vert pocket. By mail, 1.00 per package, or all ior SS.OO, with a pout live written guarantee to rure or refund the money. Cin-ularfroe. Address "yf- medicine c.n " "TSt.. Chicago. . l or Sale by .MATTHEWS I1KOS., Drug gist Scranton, Pa. J CANADIAN PACIFIC R' POWDER aXPf PlrmpltHt rrMi I j I. CONNELL .1 saw i'"' I i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers