The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 26, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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aV till net tint avHt
(rT. rten for Job work, and Item lot
PIji lft at th Mtabllihmmt of
J"Trf- Co.. newidMler. North Mn
Mil rerelv prompt attention; of
"ol A trim a. m. to W p. m.1 .
' roccrcMTc at DiTTcrnv
Wytained by Their Victors, the
T Entis Club.
ThiDloi. nrtopnnnn a hull 111116 WAS
l liiyed unci won by the Entls club nine
lv a srore or 7 to . Tne i ntsmua,
wfll as the Kntlp. played remarkably
well. A banquet and dance waft given
in Hie evenins In honor ot the Crescents,
n ml a dfllRhtful entertainment was en
Juvecl by all.
The programme Included a debate
upon the gold and silver question be
tween Messrs. Hrldeett, of t'arbondale.
mill llolllluind, of Fiuston, the cham
pion of silver. The debate was con
ilui ted in a verv creditable manner.
.uii'.iin the visitors were Frank Kelly,
J if. t iVi.nnnr. 1'atrlck Breiinun. Paul
Smith, t'liailes HHdijett, Martin and
I'd HeiiUy, Stanley .Maxwell. Patrick
M-'liMimld, William l.ot'tus and Joseph
J lie Oliietl Keidcnt of the ( III
Pilled Awuv.
TIi- nldsl resident in the city. Sirs.
Maiv l.Jikin. pusseil away from earth
i. n Tiiiii.-iu evening. She had passed
lir one hundredth birthday, tun was
ivinuikable fur hT slieiifilh and vigor.
Siie lelanied her laiiillies until the
I a -1
cievt-rul uui'ths ae,' an accident
uuirfd a limtiiied leK. and since thai
lilne her slreiiilli (jiaduully declined.
.di- eaniB from lulu n J. her native
land, a bou i sixty years ugo, and fur
II. e ei.-iit.-r Ki'il of llie time liul resided
in ibis nil Three sunn and viie daiu.h
ler iiiourn tlnlr loss. John, of this city,
und Pet'.-r. Owen mid Kllu. who reaide
n Galveston. Tex. Sue Mas well kiioiui
olid usteeined The tiiuerjt
..111 be held tins utVinuuii at St. I lose
Ll.Ull b.
flellibt.lolblrf.ed V il . Ill's SudttllU
ut St. It me t'liiirili.
A. lttlc I'.! Hilly i.iiIlSUIIiik of .h'l
i iiis. clalit sisluis and lour Lrotliers
Hlni u iJJBe circle of l l lcllds. IIIOUI II
I MIm Klixubeth UmUlcy.
cju bl-i of Mr. uud Mis. Jauie UucR
k. Slie il-uui teil Thmsduy niKhl af
ter un iiliies of four weeks.
She wls t orn in riieiry liiiti;., Wayne
comity llbollt iMeuty-tlille .Veins uB'i
ami bad resided In this cky lor the
luis-t ten years. Ib-r iilea.-uiil ilisposi
Uoii and beautiful character won the
.teem of many friends. She was a
member of the blessed V'-iBln's I'Jilul-
iiy and the Allen society, coiu led
lulli St. Itosf cliiiich und was a Chris
hail in '.'iy tense of the word.
Uiliuuhl Miect Mill Soon Have a
.tictlioilikl rinipel.
At th" .quarlerly conference .if the
Fut M. Kpiscopal .mivli held
on Thiuidav cveniiiK li rcpi.ri wa.i re
iied t com llu. coliimil Ice appointed
to (..insider the expediency of crecliiiK a
l h Ipel oil Hejllloilt Street.
Tii- iij.oit' rccoinnienilinif t ! necur
l'iic of a I n i table lot ami the bnllilins of
i lii'i l wis adoplcd. As soon as a.
M is obiaiiicil vork M ill I" still upon the
MulJliiK. A Sumiay M-hool will be or
ciuiized immediately. Pierce I'.utl-r
was uppolnted superintendent to ar
uni;e the school until it shall be able
to (.led t? own otllccis. A builillliK ror
tic purpose will be rented until the
plans uie fully completed.
li WcidniiiM ill ii lo Jcixcy ( ilv.
Miss. ban Weldman, wlio for the past
two years lias tilled the position of
buokkecpi r ut Hotel Anthracite, has
leiMKIled that position, to take eftect
i.ii t. I. She lias accr-pied n position in
the office of eoi'Kt Van Keliren, su
I'.erluteiidciit of iranspot latioii of the
Anxiously walcli ilccl'miiio- lmullli of
i!:i.'ir ilaiijfhti'rs. So many arc rut off
i coii-utn .rioti in parly years tliat
,x tla'ri- is real caiine fur anxiety . In
fca.' curly stayes, wlicn not licyond
the vouch of medicine, JIooil SaTsa
arillii will restore the. iialily and
ipiutitity of the lilooil and tints 'pive
oml health. Heart I he following1 letter:
"Jt Is but just to write about my
daughter t'ora, Rfted 19. She was com
plilcly run down, declining, had that tired
feeling, and friend said she would not
live over three mouths. She had a had
and nothing seemed to do her auy good.
1 happened to read about Ilood'i Sarnapa
rilla and had her give It a trial. From the
Very that doae 8 lie began to get better.
After taking a few bottlea ahe was com
pletely cured and her health has been the
beat ever nince." Mrs. Addik Peck,
12 Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y.
'I will say that my mother has not
stated my ease lu as strong words as I
would have done, flood's Sarsaparilla
has truly cured me and I am now well."
C'ura Peck, Amsterdam, N. Y.
Be sure to get Hood's, because
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All drtigKfets. $t.
ftpartd only by C. 1. Hood Si to., Lowell. Mm.
, rk'it ure purely vegetable, re
flOOd S PUIS liable and twiiencial. liSc.
Jutl read our prices and compart tbm with
' any and all of the other attempt:
25c. Ingrain Carpets, Now ....... 18c
35c. Ingrain Carpa.s, Now 25c
00c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c
65c. Brussels Carpets, Now 39c
;75c Brussels Carpets, Now 57c
- S5t Brussels Carpets, Now 75c
AIM s quantity ol Body Brmsals lengths
liom j to jo yards In each piece at about one
r.all price ta clou.
ufpmj ana wan rapsr Dealer
1 tRMS-Caea an Uis Above QooJ.
Erie railioud. Miss Weidmaii has made
ninny friends since her residence in
this city, who will renret her departure,
bin conrmulute her on the laiK. r op
Imrtunitleg of her new field. !
Mrs. Jennie Monk, of Lincoln ave
nue, who has been the KUent of frlendn
in Scran ton for several weekn, ha re
turned home.
Air. and Mrs. Charlen Bliss, of Su
nuehnnna, were entertained by Mr. and
Mr. J. E. Morsan yesterday.
Mrs. Kennedy, who was Injured at
the Belmont Ontario and Western
crosrini; condition was qutte favorable
yesterday, although Hhe is not consin
ered out of danter.
Mm. J. E. Walt Is vislllnir her var
ents. Mr. nnd Jlif. Wells, in Wilkeu-
Mr. nnd llrii. A. W. Bir. of New
York city, who have been the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myers, on Terrace
treat returner! home yesterday.
William Carey, of I'pper Dundaff
Ptreet, is 111 with an attack of typhoid
ir ar.A M,r s V HovleV and Mr.
John' Foster, of Canaan street, returned
on Wednesday from a weens viil
New York city.
;. It. Reese lemoved hli family from
his rottaee In Waymai t to his home on
Washington street Thursday after
noon. William K. Watt attended the race
at Pittston vesterduy afternoon.
Mls Maiv C. Mullen who 1ms been
vlsitins: Miss Mary V. Burke on Soutn
Main street, returned to tier Home in
I'hiladelphiu yesterday.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth
odist Kpiscopal church will hold a
Harvest supper in the church .Oct. I''
An uiltuuin party was given last
ni.rl.t ut llie borne of Mr. and Mrs. i.
V. Bly. of Wushiiinton slr.el. The
house was prettily decorated with
iiutuuin leuves and golden ,od. A yel
low puniokin here and tliele added
to the uimeurance of the rooms.
I'rotessor und .Mrs. W. T. Colvllle en
tei tallied a number of their friends at
their pleasant home on Lincoln avenue
Thursday evening. Aiiioiik ttiose pres
ent were: Messrs. and Mesdames N.
II. HUler, 1,. A. Bussed, V. E. Burr.
.1. E. Burr. '. T. Meuker. K. E. Ijeun,
K. L. Lmlirope. Mrs. A. K Truut
weln, Mrs. Ha Smith, Miss .Mae Wil
liams and Miss Marlon Clulie.
MUs .Marian eiiierialiKfd her Sunday
ML'huol class at tej nil Wrdneaday eVe-
lllllU. '
The .McKinley mid llobait banners
preputeil by tin employes of the Henil-
rick uManiifacturli'.K company wa
svuni! to the breeze yesterday uioru
Ing. Tlie names of the candidates and
the others lor which they are running
are painted In tuiKe 1-ln n so ihut the
In. inn r is easiK seen at unite a d s
lam e. Th l.i is thr Hi t lumpuiKii ban
T!ie ruiiiinn tiiiirriuae of Miss Jetinl.'
Xciinliiii. of ('allbronk street, and An
tboi.y I'onby. ol' t'ike slr-rl. is un
li. ii l iK-i-i I to lake place Sept, i.Q at St.
Lose church.
Alton V. Kizer Is etil.rtalnliiB his
friend. Jay W'il, of Towuud'j.
.Mr. ami Air. V. A. IVck. uccoin
punied by the former's umther from
Hlasiiiit Mount, left yesterday to visit
with relatives at Luzerne.
Tin employes of the New Ymk and
Uilario t'nal company Were paid yes
terday. Mrs. William Johns enlertHlneil her
Sunday school cluss al her home on
Hickory street yesterday.
The social Kiven by the Yonrt l'eo
pic's society in the Methodist Kpisco
pal church lust Wednesday evening was
a si ;i n 1 1 success socially and tliia n io I
ly. The recitations by Professor Klch
iirds, of Scranloii. Were considered the
best ever KiVetl ill the town.
Joseph McMuliies is siifferlnif from a
severe cold, which bus couliued him
to the houe for the past few days.
Mr. and Mis. V. Snedlcur ure erei-tliiK
a new home on the White's uddltioii,
mid when completed It will be one of
the finest residences In tile borough.
(li'ui d millinery ooeniiiK ut Klstell's
next Tuesduv, Wednesday and Thurs
day, Sent. TJ and HO and Oct. 1. All
the hiitest novelties In French pattern
huts und bonnets will be on exhibition.
Also a full line of new and stylish rib
bons und ornaments. All the ladies of
I'eckvillH and vicinity ate cordially in
vited to cull und inspect our goods. All
ure welotne.
Services in the Methodist Episcopal
churli tomorrow at l0.:w and ".:'.(). In
the morning Rev. Antranig Azhdenan
will pi-eucli, and Kev. W. 1.. Thrp.
presiding elder of the district, will
preach. A .cordial Invitation extended
to all.
Kev. V. T.. Thorp was a visitor nt
the Methodist Kpiscopal parsonage
The new Fourth ward school wag
formally opened yesterday afternoon.
A large number of citizens were pres
ent at the opening and Inspected the
building. The following programme
was then tendered: Song, school: reci
tation. Evelyn Davis: solo. Maggie
Thomas: recitation. Cora Matthews;
song, school: recitation. Elmer Adtlr;
address. Professor J. C. Taylor: recita
tion. May Evans: song, school; recita
tion, Lizzie Deane; solo. Alfred Will
iams: recitation. Jennie Evans: recita
tion. Jennie Gillespie; song, school. Af
ter the exercises were over the school
was christened the Washington school
on a vote of the citizens. Miss Murray
is principal of the school and Miss Mag
gie Evans assistant. The latter is a
member of the class of '95 of the central
John, the 4-year-old child of Mrs.
Anthony Fadden. of Ptinmore street,
died Wednesday of diphtheria. The fu
neral will be held this afternoon at 3
o'clock. Interment will be made in the
Catholic cemetery.
Miss Clare Ormsby. of Pittslon. Is the
guest of relatives on Dunmore street.
Miss Nellie Killcullen has returned
to Philadelphia after spending a few
weeks with her mother ut this place.
o. mine was idle yesterday on ac
count of a fall of toof.
Miss Maggie tfpieclier. of Archbuld,
is visiting Miss May Ferguson at her
home un Lackawanna avenue.
Tuesday iiIkI'I F. J. Osgood, William
Brydeii. sr., Thomas Brown. Jr., John
W. Jones and Ben Kicliards attended
the Hepublicun fully ul Burnwood. The
first three venllcineii delivered stirring
addresses against silver fanaticism.
Tomorrow afternoon ut 3.4."i the
Young Men's Christian association will
hold Us regular service In the rooms of
the organization on Center street. "La
borers Together with Hod" will be the
subject, and Kev. l. B. Stone will be
the leader. All young men are Wel
come to these Sunday afternoon meet
ings. Partridges can be legally shot in this
state between Ocl. 1 and Jan. 1. The
quail season opens Ocl. 1.. and ends
Jan. 2. so suit li the game luws.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Westgate and Mr.
and Mis. W. I'. Lott attended the Har
ford fair.
.1. Miller, of White's Valley, was
In town yesterday.
K. Smith, of Wilkes-Barre, was a
caller In town yesterday.
Miss Fi ankle- Lewis, of I'niondule'
visited friends in this borough yester
The fourth und lust Cay of the Lu
iterue county Mr. near Wct Pitts
ton, was n sin cess. Fill y :;,u0u people
being lu attendance. The urund stand
and oil available space within quite a
distance of the judges' stand was
crowded. The tuces of the day were
gieatly enjoyed as was evidenced by
the applause which greeted the com
petition. Th races wert the best and
the work of the horses was of excep
tional merit. Much 'merest was awjx
ened by the closeness of the cjiursis
in several tnstanres. The hist event oi
the afternoon was the 2.24 race. pur
$150, eight entries were, made, result
ing as follows: Athens B, of Dalla".
first place; Duke. blk. of Scranton. sec
ond place; Kilruln. h. r . of Pittslon.
third place; Josephine, c. h.. of Wilkes
Barre. fourth place. Time. 2.31. The
second race, 2.1M class, purse $r.O, w
also a pretty race. The animals were
pushed to tlulr very best and the con
test was spirited and excited. Trilby
Way, of Plttston, first; Kit Clou J. of
Carbondale, second; Eliua. roan, Pltts
ton, third. Time, 2.25. Third was a
half-mile running race.' Purse, $"i0.
Best in two and three with nine en
tries. Belle B. of Wilkes-Barre. first;
E. String, of Wilkes-Barre. second;
Young Trabudor, of Wilkes-Barre,
third; Golden Belle, of Wilkes-Barre,
fourth. F. P. B. H., of Plttston. In
each race went over the bank. Time,
54 seconds. The band discoursed
music between the races.
The I,. O. B. A. banquet at Herbert's
hall Thursday evening was one of the
most elaborate events of the season.
About 150 couples were present and the
costumes worn by the ladies were mug
nillcent. Kev. T. P. Hoban. of Scran
ton, addressed the members of the or
ganization and spoke words of encour
agement In their good work. A sumptu
ous repast wes served about midnight.
The funeral of Jamc McKmie will
take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Services will be conducted at the house.
Interment will be In Odd Fellows' ceme
tery. Pittslon.
Word was received here yesterday
of llie death of Mrs. Bridget Keating,
of Leadvllle. Col. .Mrs. Keating Wt
here about two years ago to join her
husband, who has been a resident of
the west for several years. Lieceased
is survived by tlnee children, a mother
and the following brothers und sisters:
Mrs. Thomas Herbert. Mrs. (V F. R-ll-ley,
Mrs. James Walsh, Miss Nellie,
B. J., formerly of the tlrm of Burns &.
o'Neul. and William Burns, of the west.
The remains will be brought here rot'
Miss B. Shaiighiiessy has returned to
her home In Wllllutiisport alu-r a few
months' visit with her sister. Mis. T.
Mrs. James Ifastie. of the North End,
is suffering from a stroke ot paralysis.
Her condition Is critical.
Un Wednesday evriilng while James
Cilaham, of the North End. was at
tending the wedding anniversary of his
son al Pittslon. he was conversing witlr
a Mend ut t'he head of the banister,
when the railing on which they were
leaning gave way and both men were
precipitated to the lower door. Mr.
firahuiii was seilously Injured and for
a time his Injuries Were believed to be
critical, but on investigation it was
found that no hones were broken. He
is still at the residence of his son in
Plttston. '
The business men of Olypliant defeat
ed the business men of Avoca In a Well
played game on the West Side grounds
on Thursday afternoon.
W. V. Leroy Is 011 a business trip
to I' Ilea, N. Y.. this week.
Bhillp HiMiling. of New Mi I for. I. Is
visiting his brother, George S. Hurd
inir. .
F. L. I'ralt Httelided the meelliifc of
the Lucka wanna Flosbytery at To
wanda this Week.
Attorney S. L. Tiffany uud H Dallas
TitYutiy uttended the Republican rally
ut Tiiiikhnnnock yesterday.
Moses Shield, Jr., will put ill a dy
namo In his stone mill for the purpose
of lighting the mill. Me will also light
the stores of Tltns & Driggs, J. K.
Harding uud his own residence.
It Is decided by Hi- comimtt e U lit
the 1'nlversulWt church will b- rebuilt
with slope. M. Shields. Jr.. I us the
contract for the stone work. They hop-;
'o have It ready for occupancy by llie
first of the new year.
Mr. and Airs. N. C Tiffany are vis
iting friends lu New Mllford, where
they will remain over Sunday.
Dr. Thomas, of Philadelphia, was a
guest of his cousin, Mrs. Frank Plilllipn.
over Sunday last.
Kev. t 11. Newlng officiated at the
iunrterly meeting services on Sunday
last. His hc 1 iniai was a marvel in
thoughtful suggestions, and merited
all the complimentary comment spok
eri. It will be cherished long in the mem
ories of the listener.
Mrs. William Jones and family, of
Plymouth, are visiting at the home of
her sister. Mrs. A. F. Khndes.
C. P. Matthews and family have re
turned to their Scranton home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnum, of Bing
hamton, spent Wedneday with rela
tives here. -
Mrs. Edward Lutsey is Improved In
health and sat up for a short time on
Tuesday last.
The Bpworth league will have special
attractions for Sunday evening, at
which all will I welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Bond are spend
ing a few days with friends In Wash
ington, D. C.
News Items for The Tribune will re-
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
UR ENORMOUS SUCCESS since our opening day, lias been an incentive to
greater eflbrts. The people, by tbeir liberal patronage, keep building up our
business and to them is due the glory and profit. All that we sell is sold at
popular prices. We sell nothing in this store that is uot marked below its rec
ognized market value. We save you money on every purchase. Our great
power, through our spot cash buying and spot cash selling, brings you shoes
cheaper than they have ever been before.
High Grade 'Shoes at Low Prices
Ladies' Fine French Kid, Hand-Turned Shoes, worth $5.00, for $3.00.
Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, all toes and widths, worth- $3.00, at $2.00.
Ladies' Haud-Sewed Shoes, worth $2.$o, at $1.49.
Men's Fine Calf Shoes, worth $5.00, for $3.25.
Men's Fine Calf $4.00 Shoes for $2.50. s
Men's hand-sewed shoes, worth $3.00, for $200.
Men's $1.35 Dress Shoes for 95 cents.
Boys' High Cut School Shoes, worth $1.50, for $1.00;
Youths High Cut School Shoes, worth $1.35, for 99 cents.
Misses' Fine Shoes, worth $2.00, for $1.10.
Misses' School Shoes $1.25..
Children's Shoes from 20 cents to $1.00.
We want you to be free with us and make our store your headquarters.
With our stock and efforts to please you can't help making us the Host Popu
lar Shoe House in town.
Highest of all in Leaveciag Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
li cr
celve prompt attention If left In the
The first literary entertainment of
the high school was held yesterday
tFrlday.) -
Miss Emorette Daley, of Rlmlra, N.
Y., is a guest at Mr. and .Airs.. Abram
Mis. Boardman. of Dalton, Is visit
ing her daughter. Airs. Ella AI. Chap
Airs. George Drake, jr.. and Mi.-s Alar
garet Dunham visited the Electric City
Rev. J. F.rwln Brodhead and family,
of Susquehanna, are visiting friends
The fair of the Congregational church
has been a grand success.
William Lugg, of Duryea, won a bar
rel of flour ut the fuiV.
Kev. Mr. and Mrs. Fink returned
Thursday night from Towanda. where
they uttended the Lackawanna presby
tery meeting.
One of the Views Odd, but Hutu
liilly True.
This ptelly conceit is perpetrated by
the Detroit Free Press:
"Orlando," she exclaimed, "the baby
has a tooth."
"Has he?" was tlio response lu a tube
which betrayed no emotion.
"You .don't Sestil a bit Surprised."
"I'm not surprised. All babies hv
nisi teeth. If this cne didn't have any
I'd manage to get up Some excitement,
may be."
"1 thought you'd be pleased and hap
py about It."
"No. 1 dual see that it's any oc.a
siuli for especial congratulation. The
baby has my sympathy."
"Sympathy! What for'.'"
"Kvr having his first tooth. He has
Just struck the opening chapter of a
long story of trouble. Pretty soon he'll
have other teeth."
"Of course he will."
"Kveiv one he cuts will hurl him.
Then his second teeth will couie along'
and push these out. That will hurt
him again. Some of the new ones will
come in crooked, like as not, und he will
have to go-to the dentist and have a
block and tackle adjusted to theiu In
haul them around Into line. Then he'll
clil his wisdom teeth. That'll hurt lllm
some more. After that he'll have to
go to the dentist and let him drill holes
and hammer until his face feels like a
great, palpitating sluiie quuiiy. 1
wouldn't want him to go through life
Firm in the city to sell
made-to-measure clothes
at popular prices.
in style, workmanship
' and 'fit.
always. We are origina
tors, not imitators.
3 o Lackawanna Ave.
The Finest In the l it)
The latest improved luruish
ings and apparatus for keeping;
meat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Avonusj.
without teeth. But I must say that I
don't see any occasion for the custom
ary hilarity over an event that means
so much in the way of sorrow nnd hu
miliation.'' .
II the Baby Is flitting Teeth.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over flfcy years by mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perroct success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by
druggists in every part of thm world.
Be sure and call for "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup." and tuke no other
kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle.
f A little book Hint should b In vei v
K home. Issued by the iiMiiufactureia
o. the Jl
Y Gail Borden Eagle Brand
Condensed Milk 4
Y N. Y. Condensed Milk Co. SI
f 71 Hudson Street, Hew Tor -J
Sc our ninJviA' (or ftoiiJ.rfitl jluc In
We have Jut secured a lot et eUssnt pai
tmn ilie newest clicks and plaijs the
Hues! goods made in tills .country.' These
goods Will be Uiude tu uieuuie for Uz)
per suit, elegantly trimmed, put tip In tli
and Kuaraiiteed to lit, and wuuUl cosl you
lu tlO.UO elsewhere. i)in- cumin-tltois
ask how it's dune. We answer In three
j wolds: "Men," "Methods" and "lluliey."
, These tiooits Will probably not lust a Week;
! we 'will have no mot e of tlieia ut Itie.e
; prices, but we have, and will always have,
An Elegant Assortment
of all Wool uniting s. made to hn-a-iute, from
JU 00 up goods that you could not dupli
cate in ready-made lor any le-.
VV. J. DAVIS, -IteafctV
Oil Co s
4T4R1.F and FA DM
BVSIVn liUfWIt HALL (...
I fuiitra mnntlTta Thih ntrrta tin
L t(ST iliTH(l) PKCSIRHR IH. fli(A0Jll
frii' urn
kvtsa niinntid vtv
favorite fji'ilt"""11 0lL
? t Coach and Carriage Candle
I Lackawanna Ave.
' te invite attention to our new lice of
The most complete line in the city.
Of choice goods worth ' 50, 52.00 and J', per yard, from oae to
three yards in length, ut 50c, 51 00 and ji per aid.
Ksiimaus given ou ail kinds of uphvUtei iu.
S. G. KERR, S0N& CO.
AOS Lackawanna Avenue.
9nAr4iur4 nu WILKE9-OANHE,
Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. ,
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus, - 300,000
Undivided Profits, 64,000
Special attention given to Businas-; and Personal
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
Juniata Steel,
X. L. Steel,
Toe and Side Weight
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spruce Street, Scranton. Pa.
FALL 1 1
4 Are bere in Men's aud Buys' Clothing The latest pat
A terns und the latest lads are ready fur inspection. But we
thiol; more about the quality tliau we do about tyle. 'e A
know (bat Fashion is importaut, but wear in ten times more
j impoitaut. Wliiie we see to it that our garments are up-to jT
V dale, e are doubly careful that the materials shall be from
reliable mills; that the making shall be done by honest and
leputable uiauufactiirers.
J nU.IL.JI IILnn xue
lAiAX well
VVVV llud that you can't possibly be
disappointed, bause t a if ready at all times to back up
what we sell. Our clothing business is growing fast Why
shouldn't a: Don't we gie credit, and don't we treat people
better tuiu they were ever treated beloie iu Scrantvui1
i CuMrUnTb
Rlin K! lUlfEK uur
MilU UkniiriUl U. makeri.
. 1
PA Mar.ufactt.rar of
lUlQIIUIIQI f L!!&!!r00i DUIICI Of
Whe.l In doubt !:at to use let
Nervous iiebility. Luss of fowtr.
Impotent y.Atropbv, Varicocele anil
other weaknesses, from uny caute,
use Sexine Piili. Drains checked
and lull vitfor quickly restored.
irn.'l(td. .tab ItMble. re(0l: f,.lnll.
Mailed for $1 00;6boies$.VOO. With
orders we Rive a guarantee to ,
cure or refund the money. AdtirCi
FcAl HEUItiNt CU.. Cleveland, 0.
Pharmaclit, cor. Wyoming Avenue and
Buy of us aud you'll get honest
along with stvle. lou ilget
sausmcuou ibui accompanies
put-together clothes, oull
Comfort aiiJ Blanket buylnn time I
here. We want to piove i you our abil
ity to fell theie nlnnt-nariiiBn cneaD
tocK m trom tne oet American
Your Inapcction rcquMted.
, . e,