THE SCRANTOX TlilLUNi; FRIDAY 1IORXING, SEPTKMUJCR 189G. 0AR80NDALE. ':'ic1rfi will fHn. not that tiflvcrttje Birnt., orders for Job work, nnl Item for Publication left at the ntnbllhment of 'liamiiw Co.. m-ws.ienlers, North Main iret t. will receive prompt attHiuloa; al o;.iu trjm a. m. to lu p. m.J THE FOOT BALL EVENT. !'ir-f filimp of tlio ScnMMl to Mr I'luyrd i't Saturday. .!.iniiK-r J. Kussell Jones, of thu Hmli School Kooi Lull team, has eom pI' l.Ml linul arri.iiiieni.'iils t'"r ,n" 111 tit.. t.. lc i.liiy.-il iti this city this sca :.ti. The paiiu- will take plaof at Alumni park Saturday af teriiuon nt 3M .-.'cluck. The. test will l. lietwc n Hitrh School b:y and the m-w team ul the I'rystal .Unletlc (lull. will line ii! in the fiill.nvins - :-r: li j;h SMtuot. .Uurriti.... clock.... I'tliy I i ill I'nsllioll" left cud .'...lift ta.-klo... U-t't guard..,. I'lvstnl. .....S.-OU lirlir 1 ill.i i 'enter ..Mitch-.-'l ,. rluhl t;uai'l... litoK-iiMiue IVdlleloii rirht turkle Maduliis iln.-lenlierrv il-'hl eiel. McIionaH .Vatic quarter back luliiisou ..ioney...left tiair bark. Horn y .si lii'iincni .Viurriu full bark l"-.i'' MRS. KENNEDY STILL AIJVL I l:c numnn Struck by n l'ncuser Train Shows Jrcut Vitality. Tim unfortunate victim of the acei d. nt at the : linont street crussinir, hows a woiul.'1'fiil vitality. Mi's. Kenneiiv. by the direction of her sun-in-liiw, Mr. .iiKKiin. of Maylleld. was taken to his home. rr. -Niles, assisted by lr. J-nkiiis. performed nti opera tion upon h'-r l'racliti'ed skull. Son-." seven or Hjjht nieces of Hie hone had been driven Into the brain; these were removed and she was still conscious. Hefidcs llnse injuries, several libs wei'i' found to be broken, and the ri.ulit boulder crushed: also tile bones in Her bunds were iraclured. lit. Iavis, of Jcrmyn. itsri-te.I ii1 these operations. The doctors are mii p iscd at lor wondeiiul vitality, but fear that lu. cannot tecoxel. SOCIAL GATHERING. V l.ui'itf 1'iirty at tin' llnmi' id' .Hi-. V illiiini i. Tli- ev-nl of Hie si as'in was the l.trp '. piuty ntvrii at h-r iiome on Nuitn iiunh sli-et by .Mrs. William l.t wis. Kaci'lii. vocal and icMi iim-ntal niti'd witli various .values a tlol'd-d enteilain-in-nt for a In! -r" tit'tiiber of tiiiesis .Missis. Tarty. i:iiv.Mht, Irwin and I Jerry, who form the Mai;nolia ijuat tot. r.'tnl-ied a number of ecitloii'. which weie highly enjoyeo. .Mr. ami .Mrs. Hriltith Lewis, in hon or of whom the eiiteriainin 'iil was piv eii. will leave next week for th-ir Iiome In I'lcv-land. (ihio. I'iilL'i'oii-ltiiliiiooiii U cililia. Miss Alice il. IMilteon, a very popu- lar youn lady of this city, was nuir- lied to .Mr. (ieoi'K" liolUCSOIl. in 1. Ill noxville, nn W ednesday evening " ! Jicy. Kai her T. 1". Coffey. .MS.i ijetievleve Karrell attended lie biab and Wil'.Him Collins was th - ;;r..o,u'.i best man. After the cer-iimny a t-eep-liuti was l-tulere, the Imiuidlaie rela tives u. .d frtetl'l of Hie bride .led U'l-oiiin at the home of the briilr's sis Mrs. Thomas Ilownid, of I'ark stre-t. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will re side in l.clloxville. The isrooin is well known in tnin city, and many friends extend sincere couuiaadationa. Larue Clow iU at I In I'nir. Tiie Mai in- I'ireolo ( irps' lair at ivacts larne crowds ea'li evcuitiu- Their are .-ou.'s, drtiees. S iallie.- ami dialuu-s. so llint nil can find rnwr-laiiim-iit. Lin ciowiN of pl.Tsiiie seeKi is are al'.racted to the buddinc,. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Miss Mary V-lt-r. matron of the Watei-bury hospilal, Connecticut, .tilled on friends In tow ii this week. She ts vlsiiititf at her home in 1 'un do if. lt:M I .ii urn 1 n vis. of Wyomin-MVl) . i . I n the liiiest of Miss J.ollie i:i- i . . returned Iiome yesti tdav. inn l' of the Crescent dub of :Ms city wife the ftuests of the Ku lis club of elusion yesterday. A amc it ball was t.l.iycl in the afternoon, f..l iw id by a social in the evenimr. Allan Ramsay, who has been vlsit iu". frit nils in Hciil!iind. Iris returned to .his city. K. XI. Peek. Vrnnk Iloll .nbick. In-. Hit !.-oii and Walt -r Cii. s l-tt for'!- - ; county jisterday lo I. .id; ovr - in- t'iiiber land. .1. !'. Keyti.ilil.-. lecinred last nb:ht at Wood's 1 1 . Iij -r-ioIIcbo on ctn- llie! l 1.IW. Mrs. A. !!. C caand Mts. dolui Sio-d. r I'eekvllle. were the quests of M Albert .loins on Eolith Washmut n mei t, Wednesday. Frances Haley, i f Waai c-" u" street, is visiting friends at I'l-i.-anf Mount. Mr. and Alls, lirn.iamin Walkina have lu en vi.-itinn Jilrs. John Court lichl, of I'atiaae. Uoininico Sancherico. who was re cently operated upon for nppedb Ii is, is restiii! ca.-ily at Kinenteney lios Piial and u taieedy recovery is Impel for. I.'rank E. r.urr nttended the races at ycsteiday. Miss AlanHio I.anson, vlio has I n tin; itucsl of Mrs. John rimer, of Wy oming street, for tl pasl month, has retnnvd honi-. William Kciiwnrlliy is fonllmd to his home with an attack of i lieiiniattsin. Mrs. Kapmlre. of rilkes-Harre. is heinff ontettained at the Iiome nf Mi und Mrs. John (iaimhnn. mi Seventh avenue. Sri'R. K. I). Vunly, of Soulh SprtaK stnid. is speudiim a short time 'tli her larents at hrr former home. Car ve ton. Miss Mildred John.xon. vim litis l -n I'lc fruest of her i olirin, .1. 1). Slot ki r, lias returned to her home in New .Mil ford, Conn. .Vits May Kmorv, of West Pittston, sn.ii yesterday in lliN city. Mrs. O. 1. rtley. of Wyoming street, Is visltinc her paf-nls :wt Ciirford. Mr. ami Mrs.' Thomas Davis n'al thr-e children left Tuesday for I'ly 1'ioitth. Mich., where they will spend n veml weeks w ith friend ami r-l.i-Vwa. Cards hrive be-ti received by frirm; In tills cliy aim iiinein!; the combis niarriaitf! of Miss Mlntiir Kran;:. MM eor PRICE LI.'rtl' I' 1 . .fiifrl rea'l our rricctamf cn?n;irc tJit-m tvhh mi- and all ot the other attcmnt.: 25'J. SniJn Carpsts. K:w 30c. Ingraia Carols, hi f.Oc. Ingrsin famfo Now G5c. Bri!SS2!s Carpus, Now... 75s. Erjssc!s Cnrnsts. Now ... .133 25s 353 33c 57c 75s c Brussels Csrpais, Ko... Alio a uuiinbly 01 Hudy Bru.Mls lengtln Irctn 1 to ao arils in piece nt about one rail price to clout. dnuplitor of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. W. Juek .un, uf Wi't 1'ittHlnii, and (Gilbert U. I .Samson, of Canaan Hired, this city. ; Tin- marilaire will take place at th ivKidenci;, Iti Luzerne uv..mic, tet. at 8 o'clock. MiMilames X. Mollis. II. Huiclilm. X. :li:an!H and C I'runco qi-nt Weit llcs.luy at Jtnnesdalf. M..-S (iw.Minie Jinn, nf H.U.mIoI pliM. was the mu st iif lit r niece. Men. I. VV. Jnins, on Smth I'aintan street. hjniiK'l llunni'll. of Set union, was th" fittest of his paivnts, Mr. und Mrs. L. I. Hunnell, this week. Aldf-rman and Mrs. S. S. Jones have Sow for a drive tlirotiKii the country, und yesterday visited the. annual fair at Iluiford, Susquehanna county. I tU.VI'II AM . The bainiuet Olid mciiil of tin" Jolly llachclor club Wednesday oveniiiR was one of the must bvllliant affairs of Its kind that has been n-on in this town for some time. The- club rer ivc! their tfilests in lite Club of 'i'. hall, which Iiad been prettily deeoraP d for tin i l lusion, from :i to li.iin o'clo U, and di.tic insr becan shoril a''l"r.var 1 to Hie music ot the piano phiy-l by V.lsi Katie Salt rv. The erin.l tna'ch was led by M. J. Melbile uc.d .M isj Ki.te llnrrett. About H.iiO tin ed lo the West Klld ll uarty rr; nir- I v. h. r an elaborate niet.u was served. I Ii'" n.l had partaki n of th. r I ibim.-s ser'i .1 I the followini; tuiists w-i- di- .'.-ti d : ; Addr-ss of welcome, bv ti'. - p .M. J. Mo lab : remarks. '.' .n Sieve J. Kxans: "The Ladle. D'Malley; "The i ta-aei s," O'.Mallcy: 'Mat'inioiiy." This. Hale: "Our Host and Host. ,-s. Matthews. Anions those pr. i ' snient, -IMIll! t. . .las. .1. .". K. ! Mi W. V. it w: Misses Nora V. Cimerf i,-1. Xla..:'i;;e I'. Ilvans Ktitlc l.a';1!!,.',-. .Nellie M- 'an, Scrantui: ixaiie ILi'i'iu Archhii'd. .Ii an-lie Williariso i. Willtes-l!.i: rc; Clare I'linsliy. I'ltnton; Kane li.-l, .Minnie Holum. Alain- l.ol uts.Alidti b Hale. Katie o'Cnni II. Klavia Morris, Lizzie I'en'osey. A he I'.itfli. MaK!-''" Meiiinty. It. 1 1 ;st iiiv.s, Hurneita Mc littl... Ut.-sh- MeCl.ity, Sadie Ncali.n. biitie Uiic.ii n, Mttry liojnn. .lainir Hoi i;l.eriy. Jlu.-.'i.. .Melnfi-'c y Karrell, Main;. Il.ltin illyp'mni; Messrs. .M. .1. .Mcll.-tle. I'. J. McMnly. Louis li'oi libeller. W. 1. Iicsi. Kiaiik McLotifthliii, S. I. ''Ivans, Havid Jones, William IbiKan, Charles H'Uovi-. '.V K. M-Hale. John U-,an, illiau. I '-'em i i. .!-. Ili'lninl, Thos. ''tide u. .1. It. J'.i llcle. J. .1. Coleman. !'. r O'.Mallcy. I-. A. i'-.-a. K.iward .'tic ilnty. .M. .1 K-eaac. Jamo. lii'in Alauluws, i' Al:. ilt y. I . "I- Wii- ! Ill Iienlp- sc. J. K. O'.Mall. y. The llryiiii a. id reva!l iit Mahon's ball lasl cveliliist. Tile .McKinicy club not on Wednes day eveiiimi. I lar-m e II tlleiuiiie, John I'rotid, lice. Henry Harris und Attor ney M. W. I.owry ilellvercd tuldi-esses. The otlb e of I'oalllietor S. XI. Snook ".as bui ylai i i. d at mi curly hour yes I nl.i.v nioruiiii:. on his :ur::il at bis .liicc in il.e icoiniiiK' Air. Snook dls- eovel-l, ihat III- SI'- Mils filled of its cements, which amounted to nhotil .cj mi. An cuirinu'e was effected by citt-tiiii;- a hole in the rca'- door and by iiitnim; ibe lock on the insld-. It was an easv mailer for 1 lie thieves ili'ier that as Mr. Snook had left Hie site open on the nlchi previous. .Mi. Snook repelled tile mallei' lo tile a III ilorit li'S ii nl Inter in Hie motiiiti oilners Aic Ci.nn and Oibl.eiis tirreslid two iramps on .-u-'plcion. They ere a i raimied ln Jusiiee of the Fence CuinininKS. They I heir names as William .Murray, of Wdlianisoorl. a boilermak er, und Charles Hiirton, hotaler, R-ad-Inc. Th-v Here commilted to Ihe lior otii!li locKiin. bil weie discharfied us there was tin ex idellee to hold them. I b-v. Ad. Ms rl Kaxiiic. y lias tetiirncd from u. ill ree months May al I'ills tft K. Kiank lirodeiiik returned to Yonkers'iday ul'ler a short visit at ibis place. - i vc i om villi:. li. ore,e St union lias sold out Ills wiiLii.n maiiuiiiciuiinji and repairitii! es lal li.-Imi-nt lu Lorenzo Chase, who w ill he -alter cominei botli this and the blacksmii h Inisiae.-s. 1 it uiralst Croft, who has been asso ciated with Dr. .1. A. Il. iler the past summer. clii,,ncd -o his home in S'iMii'.ou last Saturday. Fir- broke out in Hi- creamery her." la d Friday ti'ioiit II o'clock and luoa'd a hoi- In the roof about four feet lu diameter. I'm tunai-!v Hi emtiiii -r o'i one of the milk I rains that was pass im; the creami ry saw the Lluxo, ami stoot.ed his train and fcive the alarm. A few nails of water subilu-d III Humes, end otir lire la lcics were ma called niioti to demonstrate their abil ity at hill i lin l liur. Ruel Capwcll, eso.. of Serantoti. Is spccdiMj; a t"W days Ii. r- Willi his ptU'elllS. Mr. Soudan, of Fulton. N. Y.. is Hi" ii.-w drut.uisi ai Heller's i.htirmaey. Tin- reeiilar icsiallai ion of ollic-rs of the Kiieiorcville Liieantpniciit No. JHi. Indepeiidciii iirilcf o:' odd Fellows, by D. D. I'.. I', liiuntr W. Siaiiteii. tool: pince lasl Tlicsi'ay ev-niint in Odd Fel lows' hall on A! tin slit-1. The lieu of ucers instullid tor Hi- ..'omliin term ur as follows: Cltl.'f ntitriaicli. I' C. I". .billies Cioop: liL'ii pi'esl. )'. C I'. Nelson A. I'atdiiei'; senior w.iruca. I'. L.wis l. Aniisironp; jaitio, uanl.ti. I', l . I'h:;. ; seiili. V l '. F. Kdwanl S. Hind;;, I in er. I'. Fiani; Hai iinKt oi; Kiild . J. C. 1'. liiciiavd it. Davis; lirM witich. 1'. C. F. Aim-mills Calvin: second wat-b. P. C. I'. W-sdey Reynolds: 'hod P. i '. '. .lube. C,. 'Cai.v. : II: foil, Hi wtitch, tJ. C. p. llenrite W. St. into, i: iasl.!- iiiHii"!. P. lilies i "i -1 -1 1 ui 1 1 I', riois (1. ( UlllM. -pePt. le -ei.lii.el. I'. ('. r: i;r -1 ciai.'.l tu .M. lliilin-i..: scc-K.l-van! I... '.';it- 1 .'I utTj.Mis v. ll Tiie lul'l S We' .' I'l.el- KV.I their . t'lt.l i'V.-Vy nfe id : 1 . 111 . s nf I he 'red 1 1 1 1, 1 1 . 1 . 11 1 m -1 -Iter a Sliclill nlle. 'etii, nnd 1 1:1ns. I'. P. P. Albert illiiril to t, , I. V The il.--t-l:i til. bv ,1'iiie: ; " 1 ; i 1.. i: ui l;..;v t'l-l iside tie cat. ;. ... de vriil. ii, 1 1 ,t ill ma'r'itif t !" evr-f I fnllu, I thr.c j w ive: ; li'iil ; -llltsi int.. Well pci.t. ciel I t.. in- r. riein ilj-i-.d. The "iiii tiu" wis car.. fully pr.-! 1 d; Si n PI l! tvv jh vhui.o vifcijl (.mail ailj' UfilC III UIB2 iiy, il VOU WSfii look through our stock you will save nioney. Extraordinary call and Bargain t ! X 1 GrfT mm pnrod, and everything It contained was of the choicest select Ion, and the com mittee on that nurt of the pinirrainme deserves iiiii. li credit for their untir ing efforts and pud tHste displayed. 1.1. I). 11. 1'. ilenrtfe W. Stanton wn toast master of the evening, and was replied to by K. S. liiuds. K. L. Wnl kliiN and li. Ii. l;nis. Professor S. li. Lilly fiiriiisiied music for the eve ning', and of w hich too much praise can not be said. Those pi setit at the bau ipiet were; Mr. ami Sirs. X. A. Gard ner, Mr. and .Mrs. 10. rf. Hinds, Air. and Mrs. K. li. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Cohiti, Alt', and Mrs. J. W. Iteynulds, Mr. and Airs. (i. W. Stanton. Air. and Mts. lilies Freeman. Air. and Airs. I.". U. Carpenter, Air. Hint Airs. L. L. Wutklns. Air. and Mis. A. A. Urown. L. I. AriustroiiK, K. It. Chase, Frank Harrlnirtoit, A. At. Mullock. 1'ro fessor S. li. Lilly, .Mrs. lMiilna Small, the AiIssch CeiUle Liud.-ay and Nanno. Uolle Hinds. I'rof. K. Al. Loomls, of Seratiton, was a Isitor in town this week. Amoiit; those who intended the Har ford fair Thursday were Airs. Simrell, Ali.-ses ola Kennedy and Carrie Wat kins and Mr. Halloi k Reynolds. Mrs. l'reil Foster has reiurned from a visit with friends at TiinKhuiiimck. A number of our town people were pleasantly entertained at Hie home of li. s. diinlmr Tuesday evonlnir. Miss Kate Hi-undairo hud the inlsfor- tuiie to sprain her ankle, Thursday, while enrraued In a vame of lawn ton ics. A lurid' number of the Women's Christian Tempi-ranee union ladies of tills place attended the convention in Tunkhannoi k this wed;. I hillock Reynolds now rides a line new bicycle. .moosu:. ! Tiie iviviiiony which unit-d Aliss Kale HoKun. ihe pretty datinhlcr of . .Mr. and .Mrs. John Houhii. of ibis place. , and J. J. iMotris-.ey, a popular youiiA , tailor of WilKes-Lurre, was performed at hl"d noon w, dn.'.-day by li. v. Al. F. j Crtm- at St. Mary's clmri h, Avoru. ! The bride was aticntlod by Aliss Julia Holland, of Seianton. while P. J. .Mur ray, of 'ill.e.s-l'irre. performed Ihe : duties of best man. The brid" look.jl iibarmluif in a certuio" of plum color , broadelotli w ith beaver und- satin trlin ! minus and htil to corieHoomL. The bridcsmtiid's eosliine n il" uf brow it j iciil-rhil with ribbon trimmings und ! aiso wore a hut In match. Roth wore j hod. piety of bridal rises. The party retired to the home ol the bride where tin excellent dinner was served to a j fen' or Hi- relatives and immediate I friends, after which .Mr. and Airs. Alor ; rissey left on u wedding; trip which will ; include New Yo k, Philaddpliiu and I nl hoi' points of. interest. A few of our most prominent yonri; J ladles will conduct u social at the Alno , sic r.iiilltoriitm on Wednesday evelilnu. 1 Sepi. M. ! Htsiili Jcnnlntrs, the famous shortstop i of Die Haltlmorc "Orioles," is spemllmj j part of his vacation at ihe Inane of his j fai h-r. On .Monday. Sent, in, Ihe people of ! .Mooric and vicinity will have the pletis i me of witnessing a same between Ihe j I'.iiltlinore "firioles," the nennniil wln I ners of 1SJI6 and the Sera li ton team in ! Seianton ball nark. An entertalnmetit will be conducted in o'.Malley's hall, I in which some of the best talent that can lie oblaiued ihrutmhout this valley j is cxnecteil lo titirticlpaie. The enler I taiilllieiil will be I" honor of the eluli. but particularly of Jennings. Al the close of the eniertalninent a reception will he held. The people of Aloosic, Avocu. I'iltsloii and Scraninn are de sirous In show Ihe esleeiii In which they reliant the world's famous short stop. Airs. I'. Kllis and Mrs. O. Drake were Avocu callers yesterday. Misses Altnraie McCormttck. Cassle Morn ii and Kate MeiSruw weie Dtui inore cullers this wot k. Alisses Rose Warner and .Hessie Minds spent yoslerdiiy in Serantoti. James Alouie wan a Seianton culler yesterday. Miss Jessie lir.iwn. our popular mil liner, visited the Klectrlc City yester day. Messrs. Ambrose Allemus nnd Thos. Jones were Avocu callers yesterday. I'OKKST CITY. Xi-xl Salil.iitli iniiinintr tie saci anient cf iici'tlsii: will In ti il 1 11 i 11 if 1 .1 1 1:1 tile I'resliytci Ian ehiiti h t" chiMivu uf lic 1 1 . v 1 1 w iiaritits. Mini in !. evening the Siililialli sctinul will uiiscrxc Ih'clr iiuiiukI "I'allvinu ilay" sen Ice. ,A spe cial i.i.iitiiitiiine has lie, n .i...ti! i-l aid l' l..- ie.'. .feSlfll ill lite S.llllltUh schui.l wink is inviteil. The i; iii iin clnli will me.-M tlii. eVCIlillH. It is cxnecteil thnt 11 t;lce clu'i w ill leiiiler snme sel' clions. Tiie .Menieinhn i!i e pntty luis tnaile inn nmiictemeiits fur ill.- tM st tsiini- ll.'t III' its H'-rii S (if cl'teftlllnilielllM mtil 1 h 111v.l1 the ilate is 11. a yet nmonm .1, Ml I'Xlvlli'tll liliim'lilllllle has Iwell H r- latiseil its fdliiHs: Aililress. clialiinnn; I sclectlnli. i.ilee clnli; snlii. Miss Mav '!tlUls: l eeilllti'ltl, M iss .'llai tllll Ul it- lltlis: s'liiu. Hurry Vlz.ttnl; trlu. I'rn f.' .Muriran anil party: snln, Henry I'au. I'iti t si c.miiI- iiuaii"lic. Al. ssrs. At. trua'i. MryiJen. Julttis. i'arr: I mii. Tl'.inuas .fulins: i eeilat inn, .Miss j Let tie licyiii.lils; liass si. In. Ij. ,1. Julius; ciiiiiei s.ilu. .lames Hnlliil,: lemn' m.I.i, kitsch in Little Is I'stii'i iallv true of HjoiI's l'ills, for tin lueili- I'iiit' ever I'linlai::.'.! so great ci'.rsiti'i' power in I wlieie iiii'ilii iue nlwi'.vs rea'iy al ways I'ili.'lci.t. alwie.s nit- isfactnry; preveal ii reid or fever, cure all liver iiln, sick lieauiii'li... Iiiiiniii.'e, con 'Ibi'oiilj 1'ilia to lake wan lf.,0tl s .Sai.Mijiat.lla. I flu sm:ill u,iu. Tlu y a iv u ia!itfcct(.. j.,,., cf -taY S-&c VI ',A ' MaTD&.Ur&f X' bxtraordinary Qualities ! joo pairs Ladies' Well 1,000 pair ilen's $1.35 DrcsSs Shoes for 95c. Eoys' High Cut School Shoes, worth 1.50, for $1.00. Youths' School Shoes, 73 cents. Misses' Fine Shoes, worth $2.00, for $1.10. Child's Shoes-frorn 20 cents to $1.00. We want you to be 5tCCK ana elforts to please House in Scranton. y I "Everybody Likes It." , ifttellis I Everybody likes "Battle exceedingly fine quality. Because of the economy there is in buying it. Because of Us low crice. It's the kind the rich men chew because of its high grads. and the kind J the poor men can afford to chew because of its t& griiat size. A 5-cent piece of "Battle Ax" is almost twice . the size of the 10-cent brands. (Viviviv)viwiwiviviwiiwivir w I'nil'cf.siir .1. L. ,lnri;nn; selection, i'SIp. ! Cluh. The I.itilics' A LI su.icty of the Mcth- oili.Ht chinch vl.sltcil nt the hutiic of 1 mil1 of their funnel- tucnilM iH, MtH. I'.ry 1 uiil, at Mayliclil. Wi'iliit'HilHy. A 'very 1 I'liJoyHhlc tlmeMviis hail. Thuse til- icn.nim 1 nun. litis place were;, .uc ituincs K. i' Ames. II. Maxey, II. V. Hliiuil, Kccil, Heiirne Muxcy. .1. I'. Itrinvn, Wecil, 1,. II. May. I iuiisa inns, (.'ray, Stiiley, Itiuichcr. Uucklainl. d litmtuii. William I'eiitecuHt, i!cuii;i liraln, .Meiiheniictt hiu! i iKliin tie. Air. nail .Mis. ('IiiiiI..r l.ennanl. .Mr. unil .Mrs. U J. Wells. .Mr. ami .Mis. V. I). Uncus, nl' this place, are alien. liim tin- llari'iiiil full'. Tliu Fern I'liffe f'nal cniiiiuiiiy'H wushcty ul Wititnn, uf which Heiija niin Maxey anil illiain J. Miim v. nf this jiliice. .arc resliienl ami seciclary ivsliecth'ely. limited tu lile iliillllil Wcilnesiltiy ninhi. TAYI.OK. The I'rice Literary ass.iciuti..n ti 1m ii I tu iMirehase u l.t nn which Is t. erect a littililinit fur Its use. The Sera ill .n Stnve works haw ilu- nut. ..I a licautlful hand fair. II will stnve to the rninn lie chniiciil dlT this eveliiim. A AlcKiiilcy and llohart iMuli'li'S heeii I'l'vanlz. d in and piumises to he very slrnPK In lititn liers in u very s'n.iri time. Why ilo nut th.. Ileiiulilieaas ui lids liutiuih -H.llllze iillc, alsuV ' .1. I''. Taylor liiis cnmineiieed work 111 ' 1T Ol K A C MT ereelillir the llUsilless Ii ek nf I'M Wit nl 1 i Davis, nn the curlier of Main nnd liail- load sire, ts. The I'rice l.Hn .try a-s.iei.itlun will In. Id a htisiitesN nieeiliiK this ev.Wniu. A farewell phi'I was tendered J ihn H. Hauls hy his nui.-iei.uii frieiiils itt Welici's Iclel mi Wc.liicMlay e enltisr. The evenum was pleasant iy spent In din' chili' and ntii. r aii li.-en.eliU. will leave this itn'i ninii' f 'f t''.ii-i llam iltuli, when- In- is stati.iied. 11 nn- iiuh) Alls. Winslnw' Culliim i'ci'ih. Sonthini? Syrnii hns been used fur over lif.y yearn l.y mil liuns of mothers I'm- thrlr clilhlren while teething, with lierl'ect success. It sonnies the chilil, softens the b-uivih, lllluys till paill. cllli'S , fll.l cnlie un.l is Hie host r. in. dy fur dim rhnea. Sold by drilKKlsts In every pun nf ihe wnrhl. He sure and cull fur ".Mrs. Win-Onw's Moolhim; ynili," and take 110 other 'Dly-iiw .ttl. CASTOR I A For Infants and Child.'ou. " it ra Olt'.'" 1 ISP 1 i.c mm, ft . Ed 11 h Vl tn i,i f". W KX'n nioney. trao snarv Values ! Shot's, worth 2.50 to 3.00, free with us. Come in, go you can't help making . - Ax" because of its fi piece of other hi?h grade O v5 Ill Sep our wimliiw for nun.lerfiil values in FALL SUITINGS. W'e have just scciiieil a lot nf i liuiuil it teitis In the newest checks unit plaiils the tliicst Himils niailc in this country. These Kiimls will he nude to incisure for S.i:t.mi per suit, elenanlly tiimmcil, put up In the LATEST STYLES m l Miiaraiiieeil lo ill, anil uonM cosl you SlVtU to till.lBI elsew lit l ,.. Our l uill oil tlU S ask how It's dime. We answer in three wards: ".Men." .MetlimlH" unil "Money." These uooils w ill pi nimbly not Inst a w. k; wc will have no more of thciu at tlu'sc prices, hut we have, and will always h ivc, An Elegant Assortment ol di wool suitings, mad!, to nnasaic, from Jll.iHi up Koods Unit ou couM not il' eate in en . I v -in u .it for nay lesn. VV I DAVIS S Wyiimintr Arcuik' Uuiidini(. n i . I l-UAillI I COAL ATRETAIU Cos! of the li.'3t quality for domestic on and of ail zea, Including liiickwlieat and liirds.iye. ileUvcrcil iu any piiri of the uity at the lu.v.'Hl in'icc. Urdus ltceiiid at th Olllop. lint floor, roninii.nweaPli Imlltlini;, room So. 6; telephone Xo. "(I'.M or at the mlr, tele, phone No. 2T2, will be promptly attendi'd tcltealers pupnlfpd at the mine. WM.T. SMITH. V AYLESWORTH'S f I'irct'M its tin ( in Tiie liiicst uiiiiocti iiti !:i:i! :ii; tut iiil iiis'i Kiv;iiii'4 j int'iil, I itiur ittiil fo's. 4 ' Z'Z Wyoming Avoni.5 1 $1.49. out, look or buy. With ouri us the Host Pooular Shoe Di. il MEA1 1 n 1 3 jjj KERR'S o o 0 o t ! ! j !0 Pieces test ftoqustte - at 80c 10 Pieces Velvet at 75c 8 Pieces Axininster - - at $1.00 Tlu'sc tjuoils all bave Iionlvis to inutcli and are worth fuu. M.oo ami Si. 35 per yanl. UrinR life sue of your room. :.?"0ut -:. AH Wool Lou'u al tlH'Ui. L'llU. BfGELOW I lie Hucsi itomemic Curuot malv. We were lui itiiiaie iu secur iii a choice line at a price which enables us to sell tlieiu al Si. 15 er yd., guotls which were formerly 51. 65. s. G. KERR, o V 1 i ; s THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRAWTON AND WILKES-BAflHE, PA.. Manufacturers of LoGomoiives, Stationary Engines, Eoilars, ' MISTING ASO FUili KG HACHl'iEilf. Ueneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCR ANTON. Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits, Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, X. L. Steel, Toe and Side Weight NEYERSLIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. iTTEHBEHDER & EVERY WOSV1AN ScaoMniM iiupH. rollihlr, MionthlT, TinaltlniT nKHllfln.. Only btrailtai ttlj luu i ureiiiurm; iuauid be uwd. II you wnt tb bwit, el V .-, 1. m. mm H H 4 Hit Tiie ttrn prorom. file i"l jjiuii uj woefc, i.UU, For sale by JOHN H. FHELP3, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. rrf::t:c:!3ii;!!!iJ!:!2i3SJ3st!iiri5:i:;:isnKimi:iMi3iii:nji3iiiJiiiiHiHii5iit': o M lV 1 n tt 'A ! H pjI In H tT'Tl V ! k T i r. M r. M Ha Ml p ilifl HUH T if licfc in Men's .111.1 Huts" llniliir.e The latest pat ifiiis .uiil liif l.itisl lails art- ready fir inspection. But wc ihiiili alioul the quality than wc tli about style. 'e kiiott r.ishitui is iiunoriaiu. but wear is ten times more iuinmi nn. WT:i!e we see to il thai our ijartueiits are up-tu-('idle, we are I'.oulily cartful thai the materials shall he froui itliaMe milK: dial the makinij shall he dune hy honest aud 1 maiinftci'irers. I HONEST WEAR O ilisaiihoitiieil, hecaiisi' we .nv f I we sell, tittr tludiir." tiiisintss is urewiii" last. vvi.y slii.iililii'l 'Af Don 't vt Hive ticlil, and iluii'l we treat pvople Uiiei 'than l!:ey w.-re ever tteaitti luloie in Scranton? 0 vv li ' rrivr.i 1,1 lliil-llil 1 t I,, r. w 1 "iio 55 IS ft,! 0 o o o o o SPECIAL SALE ii'a t o IngraSsss are youd value at 65 v AXHINSTER SON & CO., 0'l'. U KXTKANCE TO WYOMING HOISE, LACKAWASMNNA AVE. $200,000 300,000 64,000 ALL SIZES OF otse CO.. SCRANTON. U INK -5 . R B wrtaln In roaalt. 1 be cm aloe (Dr. I'wl'.) orTcrdiua 4(1IUS rub iuifc wv viv. v. a A m m m M M a M 3 liny nl us and you'll ad honest wear aluuu v illi style. You'll et Hie satislatliou dial accompanies will 1 'iit-le-gcilier iloilics. nu'll llinl thai vim can't pu'sibly he , . . . , . .1 itaiiy al all nines to uata up I'.-mc -t .in I CUltkel luiylllrf time Is v W mini 111 1. mve 10 von our anil- ;.i -11 )lu s r.U.lit-Wiii imrs ctu-;ip. 4$ cifk U Ir.ini ihe lic.-il A tM-li'ilH H Shoes Mil 1 I IrlLL f llKlki'If. Ynilf il!''Ctitil M:qilfSlc"l. 4 O the: ECONOMY o o o 218, 225-227 HCLIS 419 1 ..1. . I LiiuA. Mi Carpeis and Vall Fap.1, D.alsr. Lackawanna Ave. TBK1MS-C.1I1 on the Above Uood. UiuiiiiiKiUiiiuiaMiU2HaiHiMUHiuMH:iuutukiaaaiiaiaiiiiiiiiiiKia 1 ft myek DAVSDOW,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers