The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 25, 1896, Page 6, Image 6
. THE SCIJAXTON T1J1UUXK FliIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMIiKIl 2. "5, ,lftfK!. A NEW HIGH SCHOOL : FORMALLY OPENED Appropriate and Interesting Ceremonies and Exercises. r&)'.,.l10.7 i:l'CATORS ATTEND u We-mlit r ol tlic Ituurd, O'lit't-ro r I'm- District mid bv the Mii'r Mijici iiitt'iulriil ol' Public In- li'iirlioit lloril.u . Tin' Sr.ioiis ilf.'in cl (vlitur of The Tribune Sir: Soraiiion'.i iii'iv ii iuplo of I ( cation is lh? bi'si iiiart.r million liiKh -I'lii-M have seen, 0 tar as one van t.-ll li-foiv hiuiil tlh1 syst.i.i ol ventila tion miKlil In lie iiiTfcci. Tho only iliX'-iis of Si'i'itiitnri who inn huso any tui-niblo jri-miml fur srosslun; an- tin-iliH'tm-y vsln will lias I'tu.t imliciiis in view of the- i-xielh-nt eniiimry ai-'!tti'-'ollU'!ll.-l of ihe ImiMiiu.;. Tin- li'vli wlionl is the li.'.-i iiivesl-'in-pi tlif city of Sfiiiiiiim lias cs'; mad.' nini It will It. I. in i-nlb.e i''.r the iv what it iiivisi,.! 11 tin- n 1 l U liiiravy ss In ro the iinij-orly tniiiiotl It lull m'IkihI pupils rim nun.' in contact w ith I liu lu st minds nf every am- anil ilium. It is al'lei' all tho histi-ucti'i's who iiiukti tin- si hiHil uml in this rc-sport, too, it .would appear that 1 1 1. people of Soriii:tni have as unml r.-nnuii In imi t it l:i to llii tiisi h'i's as in the posses ,iuu of sm li a r.iannillceiit hi;:lt N. C. HfHAKKKKi:, Slate Sliji-rititi luh'tit of I'liMio Instrnr lion. ' The ex.'fi ises nl tcinlini; the fi'i iual olnuiim a ml oili- ia I iifctitaiici of Sr-riint-iu'M Mow liiult sclionl st- i .;.y afterroni) won- both llllini; and elal-i-r-uto. TIih audiioriutn of Hie in-w luidu liiK, where tlie i-xutcises oct-jiteU was JfV taslefully liec.iial.-.l wilh Aio.-i icn u ilaKS ami stteaim-rs ti m I pottid pl.nit-' Ahottt a thiotsunil people ntt.-nd' ii tii'nl tin -y wen- fri.iii i 1 1 1 1 1 n vr IM' bed pei'Hio of tho city i a the piai'.n'iii iv toauy of lln n .liiiiiiciii cdiii aim's of I lit I't'i'e and .iticr m 1 1 f-.ti.-sis whose pi .-.-OIK e wis tiuii:?. for inn' reason or allot hor. Tltoso wore: lion. x. .'. shiufior. stato suiioriu iiiiiloiil of public iiislrticilon; I'rof. iiio)fri- li. Ililde, triiicipnl of Sirouils btirs Slate Xormal schnul: Dr. .1. 1. Welsh, nrinritml o Kloonisluirp Stat- Ni -:ni:i 1 school; J'rol. .1. M. i.'ounliliii, snpci inti-mli-iit i-f inildic si linols, V iik'.-s-ISariv: I'mf. Jitd'ort t-"Iii Ills, i.rilioipnl nr tin- I'ltlstoii si-lmnl; I't'of. .1. ('. Taylor, siipciint-Midetit of Liickinvaniin. routiiv schnols; l'rof. N. II. lioilSor, Mlpelilltt'lltlOlIt Dlllllliol'rf i. iildli' sclnti'ls; A. 'I. Wulsli, sccivtary id tin- l'ittstnii scliool lioaiil: Dr. W. i i. 'Vi'iivof, pii-siili'in nl' the Vilkes-l!urri sit I hiatril; I'n.f. T. .1. Cotiuoti. Iiriiiiipal id' tho Wilkes-Mrino liiuh ciii.oi; ri-if. ieofK- I.i'Vi-I-', .He ctor of tho 1'ittston pill. lie s' linols. ''loth ilck Hrihel nini Alcxandor Sloano, -d tho riltston school lioaril; Hon. O '. Williams, piosideiit of Williams' i airiness collono; Messrs. Iiitlo ami I'C-.'innor, r.f New York, archilei'ts nf tlie liiillilin'.T; f'onrail Schr-iorV-r, l.iiihl-i-r: Ooorp Howell i-ity stperlttti-nd-etir of Hchouls: l'rof. lleiiim W. t "Il 11 lips. piitU'ijial (if t lit hUrli solium: 'Ionise Mln li- ll ptvsidetit of the liounl - f cotitrol: l-'rcil I. W nmip.-r. clmii -lima, nml '.V. .1. Welsh. . li. Solirelfoi, .lolin Dovntii'V, W. S. I.atnrslaff utui T .1. Jenni.. who with l'lvsldotil Alin li oll and Siiportntendonl Howell, nin )t Iff tho liUth school roTTittlittee; tin nthor rontrollors Messrs. V. li. Fran cois. II. .1. O'lMalloy. Honson At. Dnvls. ijt-orw It. I'atsoti, JiK-oii Schacfor. I' .1. Conrad, Anthony Walsh, r S .la ..lis. J. It. Williams, Y. S. llark.-r. I'. .1. and John (iihl'"is. I1--V 'bigots Israel. Ht-v F. .1. Me.nnns. i lev. tloorue' 'K. ('ulld. Kev. J. li. Swe.-t. il.-v. F. '. Doty, liev A 1. ("hall-". '.: v. Xciviitnn JtnMliows, Hon. .lolin !i. '"Hows. I Win. .loan ft. l-'arr. t'apti.n iliot'po I!. Tlioiiipsini. If. A.'iii . foriiii-r iiioiiiln-rs of the hoard of cnii- ii. il: Dr. I'. '. Otinslci-. A. W. Im-k--.ti. Dr. B. TI. Tlironp anil Dr. K. 1-r li.m-pr. Anionst the ainiicn-". i i.'lpht ho stated as nn inloresiii"! nnte vero throe wninen who Htt-'tideil the lovtnal otienitiff of the old liiuli si lm d in I,n",S, Mrs. A. E. I'nttistvw. Sirs. s. M. Xash and .Mrs. T.,. n. Wint. Ul'liNlNCS OF F.XEKCISt:.-:. The (Xelcisos Ol.cllcll with till iivr. t'lie "timnzi? Iloise" (Aiibor) liy Dan tr's orchestra, nuniliei'iriK: tv.tity ptpcm ThN anil the other nim'h":-- ny ll.-lller'H men ll"U- ilnubtlessly l ho In -it i rci est I'll I music Scranlon'miis hae I'V.r been treated to by lorn I tiiitil-inin-. I: !.-'i was the moans of displayine; th -(-v.-1 . 1'.-t't nre'Uisiie pi opcriits of t n o tidiioriinii. I f i'V. Jto-eis Israel, of Si. T.uke's. made tlie invocation. Tin- nr i in stilt khav a selection from er-li's Ti.'Vial-i ami then ih,- formal i ieinniiy ,t.:rnbir over llio bilildim; to the ell " net prtvrl. Tnkirir a In lire sililod k -y, the hoild iv. ''.miail Si h. oi ili-r, haudeil ii m I. 1.. Woriiisii?. i il.'.ii liian iji the hi til ( lo ll coiut-iitti e. accoinpnnvl-nr the in : v.dtli a fw r. ntii'ks in which li . ::rire.seil jirlile nl hfiviiiir patticiiiati il to sin-h nn extetii in Rivini? to Scmiuoii lis nmuiiliiei'til new sclionl. The u l i.lliKU which 'vas uivt-Il Mr. Selirnedef . - mc'int more for tho man who pns I dilt most of i?reitf-r Srtanton's finest l-tillrtiltiJli than fur the ininlo:d npeei li to niRd In iictoptiiijr the tiull'liiirr in the iiam-i i f tin; hiiili ki hoiil comtnittei- atal tnrn I :-;' it over to the bn.ifil of control. Air. V.' ormsr-r said. I nci-'pt fls key at your hands, sir. 'showing thai tin- task commito-il to yot man coiupU ti-d. You may well feel :ot- I of your hit n-li work. Tlie Brent edi lieo yon have erected, l;t rnatcrial and o.'p, wili forever r?ilound lo your - ". 'it. hi the lorstructioii of this tcm pie of pducal Inn you huvi crystallii?i In i. oic that which n presents the Htronuvst .'.lio - iit of the Anicrlean penile-iopu-1 : edticittlon. It Is but flttlnK. hidiM ."cd ui iiil. nii'ii. thai on such an fieeuslon .' - lki' a relros t -ctlve view of till? facts 1 tiding tip to the erection of this ibuilij- xltfi'&li vr'ir,':': ---j--S" l ' r n t.w, ....-2 VV .tfcl-r--: 7' i - ... ,; ; .- . .. . . - J Thf olil liluh school was ilnniiolb-il In flu- blllilitn.' which slno'l oil Ihe very spin ss here sve iliis day ih lUcute our new Hi-hoot. It sv:i built ia l-Vi". and a-Meil to as the papulation ia th central rlly liii-i-eascl, until it became a roniMnineraUoii of mis takes and inlsllis, poorly HkIiIimI and illy M'litilat.'d. It tn-hl tin' fort in the top most room of tin- hull. Mm;. Here the hcc omt and llilrd years' work was iloiie. t'w iiiu In a luck nf ati oiiiiniidalions. Hi'' first' work s-.tis iliirlbuto.l in four dif f. n nt .i:il .!tns In wl ldy separate sec-ilon- of the i :iy. a vers- potent fact why it hii'h s!ihi! eotii-so could not l.e success- I fully coaipli'te.l. I would not litditth' the Wi'. ii diilie III I lie old HUH school, lor .. pi.ti:l Willi pi tile to those littS'illj; received Instruction ili'Tt', now oi'i'iipyinj: positions of honor in every sphere of usefulness. In 1ns7. a coimiiiiice was appointed by. the hoard in con.iunciion with the then Su pi rititc mb-ut Phillips to visit the principle clii.-s In llils stale to study their HyMcnM and vhsv lliclr huiidlnus. We soon saw thai our fa. iiilii s lor hlKiicr tduciiio'i w.-re t ho poor. -a of lln ni all. tlii.liru in ; i v,-ry cily visll-d a luiiliiint; d. .licit d x - cliiivcly lo academic wo' k. We ihea i'.mI I ixed ihe ncccssii.v uf a new hiuh s -liool lillildlr..' because of tile litter llllti t 111 .!:' of j our own. itcfore rt could iMiyai;e In this i in i ' 1 1 a i: I t ii k. it i is necessary to make ! ?-a.!v iid illlinovelilems ill the hovel' 1 rad" sehooi-. We hi 'licx-.-.l llleu. IIS We I lielli'CO now. thai lllc IIIHSS oi our ePO't'en ; i liouM Itrsi b" iirov:-icd f.H'. and when! I ihat provision had Ineii fully niei. the' iiucsMiill of a ni v hluii sciiool b'lildi'.n; , . v.i.- broach. I. In u. addicss lo i he Mi'td- . I uaiiiis i-las- of !':'-'. I po!ni."l mil tlif in-' cc-.iiv of s'l.'li a b.iil'lin.y. u-llie; lllc co- ' i i.per.ittmt of nil Ititi'rcsti'.l in the i use : : i,f . .Pi' .iiloii ia till- vvoru. Ininii'diMiei;' tlici'-ai'icr inc iioii'.l look iiiilcial lu-limt liy ' :i;.iiii tic i'-.ll". i'i- n.-'c I'i'ih school i coiiiitiiiti"-: .o-i. i!. Tiioni,soii. - j ! III., II I T. .'. Je'lt.i 1 ::. W. l.ine.stClT. f. i II. Von Si c h. W. ;. (i'.nilicy. Sanciil:-, I, !!,!, -.,1 ii. . I'nioiis and nns. U. n ' visit ia' -i l i r: ! rs '' . i it -: t ion w i'!i ; a m w io aeltlnii !: ;'- lew to o.i.-lltlct ; ! !' e i'oni"iip!.ii. I '.''il nit;:. I W ill say :M iii-re tl-at i ic -. -ipie ol thi.-. ,'iiy in ;. i rienh nwtii'l-d I'm' til isl of iha: trip.. cli'isc study ef lit.- arramadiieiiis, lit: :i i . ; hcaiina no I leiK.ltilim; of every laiild- tV- W.IS til. I-II. (IIV Oil III io eilll'll ll'U.,i iii.l misiaKc inlt1. av.ii, i i:- of i:i.'i : t.i w tel. I. a: ihe felnr: . in t.ii I .ii. I ii liibldaij. ;. r'M - - - 'i.rf .lyMfw, 3 - 5CRANTON HIGH 5CH00L. d .- -r War.-, of iVPimbia colbi..'. w is i iiu.i. d to Issue a prospecliis from data ''ii: nisi:-'d b- ihe coiuiiin 1 1 c, and aci as bio', ii.l adviser hi me comi.eiition ib-clil' d loi hi. Ail ilrn u iiljs v. ef" to be scm lo IV. i ". -i-o,- Ware In- lo sci vl live and subr.ill the same lo tin- commit n-e. from w hi 'h liiei should select ihe one ill their Ju U ni. in suitable. ThlriJ -nine ilrawlns lu re SllllUtilteil lo 1'iofessor ale. live of will 'h he sun to tlie committee as b"in illsilno I i vi ly the hi si. final tliese plans the I'ont-niili-e. afur Im-itint: many citizens to in spect tin- same and after a careful study, adopted plans known as No. !'. tho present buildim;. Wlu ilicr in.- s. lection was a wise one, we leave io you r ju Ivdii.oi;. i iw iic; io u clianm- In :!i pi i-onnd of liu board, .Mi ssis, tieoruc Mitchell. . ti. I.:im,'si:il'l. W. J. Welsh. i. li. Schi'icfer, .lolin hcvanev, Siiperinti n-icnl lieorue ii.nvell and inysflf constitute the present l.inh school coniniilice. The h-.i.ldlim vviii. Ii in this day ilcliciite to lh.- li'mocr edit illlon of olll' cllP llctl Is cos'ly. yet w ,- bell. -ve that no mistake has been road" b) the hintc outlay m' public money, inkini; into coioldcralioli tlicl iis lire proof eon siruci'.ui added lari.. ly to lis -'ost. We have the co'is. lousii.-s of know in", that i-M-rv dollar was honestly i x,n n-i. .1 111 lis coastriiciion. The nun ration thai follows .s will assume a liiiio- share of the In-ilclitcliie.-'S iiicurri d by t h sua in c of lin-e l:i"h schoul bomls. an l .vlll bl -ss the uicniorv of lh. ir sires who v;etiefois!y and unsclii.-lily irov!-l"i su it a. lupine facilities for ihcnisvlvcs and for their co.!- telill. And now. Mr. President. In behalf ol tin hluii sciuiiil comiuii t. e. I li:'.i' '.In' honor lo pf.-scnt lo von this buihi'ii. ass.ivnut vou ihat it hits been compli ;e I ueem-illnu in plans mid spc liic.iliims. witn i lie est lic.ic Ihat it will be u noses luf which il was n coiicalion of Hie pi i. elf ol I tor inc p: I. th.- in.-m-f j ..lloll. Tiiii Dl ll.DINt! AtVKi'TCIi. PlvsMoiit tleorjc Milt hell if ' l-le-l Ihe key Hid iiihlr-ssiiiff -Mr. v--i'o.": nml tlie lii",h sciiool ci.nimilp. '.:i'. An. I liiiiniiaii and M- n di. i's of i ;i N' ' llijlt S lend i oi.iM '.te ' li is wilh iltc ".realist pi' .in. imiiii.lti" iiv l-iitlt s"h. .isii'v I a oi ton. 1.- half of lit" boar 1 li Is tic-nliai iy litti'ii in n rhaiinicn. svlio tirsl cuib-.l a i he netc of a new IckIi i"nl. v -ic" oi" our otli i.s c i i' a . on.nitllce, be the ol " pr.-s boil dus i o'.npl. - - I ' ' ' " 1 '; ! l :o! Ill- .- --M li it-' .; aci 1-1 ,,; ) b.'lii ve. is i-xoroft" , a,..-; i litll.'Ill of lllC nielllHel'S Ol LI" 1'iie .sulk oi Ji inmiitoe I Xi. .. f ee Ills been ill-llt.lll- It I , i .- in j .. rs have in . li "ill. .1 io". l iiei bices in ird. r I in- SVIU U .1 a t .i,.iiity a - lit'- n Is f ' ile.iiaii le.l. Inn nev-r v-r.. t P.- cilli d upon .. .i-mil i-. s .on i:n I. is due. bi a (.vi a i tiaaso v. iiioiir mid 'inliy In u il-m ttuu :'. IO i il" 'I" . ' I." an ..-. :icl. i-c . . .1 .. .,l.h ii r ! . I .11 1 1' ; . .Sir. I'.tn- 1 !) of inn!, n to ne'.lH'Ui.' luiii liii'-: l.ida..-. A oilII'I'lC l:. -SI". I.'.!. . I I't inii'i': lii I ai iMo e )1. I a 111 oil, .' t. lb- i-ot.tll-.t: . 1 r o:n i'i ioll it It n-c-'-i no !ci:l,;i .t: .s. til l-rc at:)' ; c t . ion I. ill 1 ri-l' 1 i: .-.111.-- v! cans. 111 , i. el-Mi Is:. 1.. I I.. III" .a. a- ,1111:: V.'ri.ies ci- th-.rc -.niiv .1. : li, filllllc ssill be :il.'!',..l b. in s,--ai. f! ss ii-i ai - to foll'-ss'. i'r-ntli '-iiieii of Hi" 'ninaili'.ce. oo li. '.'.'.: ('I- sincere thiviki 01 the boar-l for lln ;;i'' at set'Vice.4 yot) have rivlere-l jtu l sve e'niri'iinil.ilo you on the .-.ic-m-.--! ill ent,:-i!i--ion of your ssot la i-iv-vl'lino, ii'.e d: ;. of eVranti'ii ssllh a hh:h H'-iiool, iiecoini to no. a- in any ciiy of lor .-.Jtc. Then tiirniiiR Ic tin- anilinK o hi- run tiiuiil: The ntlcinl.ince :.l iheie e' r.-ises Ih an esiilciico of tl-c inicrcsit which our puiiil" hase in the public ,-ehool system uf our city. an. I I as-nre you it causes tar boar I no iltile N"iiw r.f b-!i:Hirc ntu! matilh .VI .11 in knosv titnt our efforti' In the 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; of our educational institution'', not i.h ftaiiillua so:in ailvciw criiicisin, have Ir-cn ari'irerialeil by our lutein. ::-m citizen?. The S'cry fin-t Ihat -11 ninny of our citizen urn prc.icnt here toilay impels nic to lake n lvantai.' of the opportunity nn'l uiKi", as earnestly n 1 can. for a continuance of tills most lualihy interest nml for eoittin ii"il ciicoiiiaK.'inent. so frci-ly hcstowel In tin- i-UKt. 10 the tml that sse may have n F.till n"i til -r iniproveun-iit in our public hi hauls. Hy ihip I i'o 11 it tncitn the .-chool huill Inxtt onls-. That parr of our work is very marly coinplctetl. ami. unl'-ss our popula tion increase) bcsenil our cilcnlatlonp within the i-r.Hiiiiia lls' I believo wc will thi n havo ntitih' iip-I linsurimsof il ac coinmoilatioiis for all i'lU:iblv nchiKil chil li tin In tMc illsttlct. 1 am nsvarc that the l-oar-l of cliicntlon has been accused of rliUng' a hobby, and that l.ohhy. fini school hnil.llilRS. And repri sellllllK tile boilld. I am Itlclllie I to ph iid ciiiliy. W'liai Letter object I. . sou to tin- kiov.Iiu,- eh!ii! can tln re be than a handsome school b.til.liiiK. eoiimletcly point, d Hti't well kepi, ilie exo i lor as well us liilciiov? Are there it" mber I s..ins lauitht and learned iban those train hooks? KnlaiBi-meiii on tuis point, 1 idles and uciitlcmciv fid is unnecessary. J l I X t IIK '' tho character of the iin lleiice helori- us. Sl-!K srtPlK.-n'HiNS. The improvements wished for. Un"'i. arc in the ivMil'.s, t'iiucationall , to he aita'ti 1 in the school ssteiii, ami Ihe iiiitslbm HOW lit ISPIIC is. llOW to direct this llltl'lellee to lit in in the Kiciilesl hoinfli, un.l 1 can only, in the limited time in my disposal, liuike the following simsjosrlrins: First, that parents mid itnai'dluns visit the schools occasionally, thus and ciicniirai;ini; the teacher li evinciii' an iittcicst in the ndvancemcni ni tin. 41111 di. ,ll i llll'lllil ill'' 1101 'iin.iii'ii' i .ihm. .nr. ill times 11 teacher linds one w hose charae- ler is a study. In u cae of thi kind wi'iu 1 urcaier ai l eolil.l l!ie liaciict have ;n.t ytc.ili r bclielit tile .'li Id '.hull : iiu t-pcrailon of parcn: a-id icacher. Second, the selection and election of ei'iilaiile eiii.o:is as school ( ail rollcis. I lortlt of the rcs'' l's r 'Stint; 0:1 1 t tj.-ti,,,)) miroller. Ii i.-; In- who providi'i tltc scliool homes for clii!d" n a. 1.1 ic v!des. hi so doit. f-.r ti'.'dr ty. con. fort nad hi i!tn: P If r. ho soh . is inos wdio dcvcloo h'- inin Is and 'tei. oi-'. o;' lio.-i' w aoarc dear. t i.i cs ;ui.t w im i' "-'- 'i.ics lliem Willi ! 1:11 1' !'' II I '"-'1 iil'OM tl'll- le con'' rr"d on rite xoun;:'. mi cda i lioii. a vcrtlt.i Lie bulwark and inc kv.,1 :il mciiriit w'i.i'.oiii widen rite all li.ri ilicnpiii'il ill the ' real baiil.. of IIP': it is t-i who III Ibis ''i: b is a p. it. Mil Pilll'l-l.c in liic oxp"ii.:kr.!v ;nii'ia.l. of ov.-r ntitiii' ler ot n 'nilli in of doHa- is li sarp.'i-iii---. th. n. la lie: a el ;vndc tii.n. til. 11 iviiti a klowle P:e of 1 1 - IV-.pocsibililli-- and w'i'l a t-b." c-.n'i' :. pcl ieia c in l no olpce . oa I i e.t rues : l to .ion. one of the nu.-t iibpoi':a:!t and im perative dalles iii 'liMdi.-ilt en on- , i;!?.v,i I.: tin- lii.'iiilf.-tatioii of a ir. y inter. to I be t.di ci ion of iiH.'lliu.'tit an I r.-pr. .- ri i i:cc 'ivii lo till ihii ni is1 lioiic.Mltle i i 1 Inc i :l: . Too i.i I arc ui.r: 'iv e( :::,(: I iii" iion.i.i.r, io ... a-: y-i.e . f. i .r v. y l : i'l . V. 1 1 1 -. li- lo .. I 'll I .!'. 1 ,i "' 1 1 1; a-'.v; 11: i t v in ,U .t T I'l plllatiilll. Tills Is II lliOlt.-lMllls live!. II mailers noi in-w lunch we a.-c .i i:ii ic I. il in. ii, ci 1 not wiiiii is sai l ol us. ihe ni ni wlto performs his pabh'- uuiy -on-ieieii- liollsly i. po.-'-:"SSed of lltl armor i'tli-cr- vious to all such nssaiilt i and .e i in the pc: I'm aianc- of his iluii"s it a lii'-clor of schools a I r'li patriot. Think over these Miutu-stiiuiK, ladi- s and Kciiilemeii, act upon ilicni if y.m ..'II. and ) on will cciiainly uive an a Id" I i.npeius lo the work of clue. .lieu Pi mi:' eis'ii' .:, and ac--. Icraie the m iich of itu.n'.i"- meti:. now L;.i!n.- on in our s !i".iN until in a short t'li- ib-- residem.-i of tin .-i:..- of Scl.llitoll ..-IIU pl' ..l. rtc II.. v.- 'iie I. .si dcc:il:oll.'ll sy.-Uln Willlill tile on;.. lilies of I'l llli.-l Iv.ltllll. Ibid so. cl UK day. Until speakers were til --rails :i i.piai'il ctl. l'.i-isvcui I lie isv i addii :-.; : the an il ii nee svas .iiterli.l-i 'il will' -i - trnllo solo by Alisv Knilierlii' Tim1 i : man. it recent aetiiilsltioii to S. iaiilon's larye minii" 1' i-i t iteitle-l soloist... Site win- n.'compiii'.i' d i'V .1. Alf -.d '.i". nili'4tiiii. 'Ill" o'vl'csiin r-inli.e.i i'.c.'. -i-r's ni-illey of p.u-iilcr alls. "A .lolls Xitilll." ill.i- which I',i sill lit ' I'-ell itUioi.luci d H"f. N t'. S 'ia. lit', stale silperi'it-'lul-'lit "t oitiilic wl.o ib-liver -.1 an a-blt-s-.-i 'i'l'.e ' i ii Sclionl 1'itisliim'' in wlii.-li It-' 'lis playeil ihi.;:-oi'iidite ipialnics ili.u :,.isv I Ice d hlni in the hi ili iiiil hcotoici I iiiiui he ii.-ss nils. ji S'-lii-.-dfer sniil. ill Sllbslnneo; .:iV I liunily kt.-iv. -i- I ;.! .r. :. lo -1 io-I-m;. c. Ill ... loio! I ib' ill..-. . .'!.. I of Ibis -IJI, s -t nn i l:;... -: bl i di'.",-. Ii:;i I---A I.i- lit: i .-an i v-! Ibi-' ' ; : i eroii'-ai' o . . 'l 1 -' I .i:- po. ft- CP .! :l-. '-1 V. Ha ''.I' .-.'e'l o -"I i .i I'i-;. a;'. ill', i: ; vs-. !: ;.. :i,:c: lili- I to I ,t !: to i:-y 1 o: .i-i ! I- .- .. 1 ..-oi! iio- 1 It I I l.: .. I ePl-'lt 'noi. if .set !'' H- I-.'" I .V- .'l.'l ioc .I-i I nr. I.S:.. :....i-I l:: i-o : 11 . ort l!,e me:: .!:t.--. - I i,.-r-. n I';. I " l".:l : I I'o. I IS -i I st i!it. v. .: r bl':..' r a, 1 1 .1 . .Si:ii:t t:: li .. l I e ;,. .i' 0:c .V. '. to ,-".M I by tiiio t ..j. ;., 1 r .: 'if : ... tin-' 1 1 , t iiiil 11 . i l-.l -I' V of .1 U'l Ii .11.1 o ;-i' -.'. .".:, 1 1- I - -.- loiWe-l (.":-, ...( ,t .-. si ill. ': .11 1 : . 1 : :, I hi . .:.!.. X.iS.- .1 ss.ll-.l ,) !:! ... . ... ,t .... 1: boy i. n;. ..' -i. : ..: . ,, .-01. r .-iii i'-iiliioi ..,1,1 f i,:, v 011 t; - ij has.- a Kiv.-t." .-:. :-.-,.... r,,.... .' , v,. , 1 btlblit.-r b-iy v. i, I 11- ha I I a; 1 -"-.tai'ii u- fch.H'l c-llli 1 1 J in I bin.,,,) Il.pcs. :-):,-.. tl'-MI if yon i;!).,- 11 b..:. a .-oi'lc.:.- cibi -.l i-V't ni, 111,.;;. ii:s , ' - ,11 success ;.s :: :.. ! ..oni.-tnn. i- eml.t.. l i.-ire i nniniiniiv ;:ilih J '. li.if-y tj .. ;i links 1 -.s ,i,..s s. m i i j, r,.i'ltcr ot hl'.-h-r " i 'm. I-:,-, a tio.iin I'aroilr.a siai.-ls nbiivc a. pi r".i, i V.c inu-i ):. ,i- .111 a-.mki iti'.L. rroai an Itnlirii rial 001, ii 01 -. iew ii (.ays tninn. money nimti hm1! c-1 i iiion bin this is- not the klubisi .l ri, fro.11 ,'',ii. l, to col .l ler tlic till, si loll.,- . ; iiia" : ssliliii you curt imia-.-. Vi : j . . "., Hpniililli'K sa.s s: "101, ,-ii. .f. a v.---r ":t Inn yon i-jn'i bti.. a ss'icriiti s ii,,.; n dli buy 11 front pew in 1 " !i 1; joa ,.,,'.. buy 11 rltr ci-nr. i n"--; 1 .-.-t c:r. -ni.- ':. 1 iciily.boiiml vol-.r.ii- n.' rtii ,,...., ...... tll. you can't buy in., uhllltv ,0 p,,.. ,..;,' preclnte an l enjoy ol". of Sink -o .'-a-o-a .et a S.-doii,,,, n.j, s,.,ol,j -.,,,. iiatc hut walk a -hiss i'.c .-..- ii,.i r livl' tntliules he Will h- ! ..!) '.,. cell. puny of fur b.-u -r ni. ii 'i;i,ti. ' iiu- . ',, jioworfiil nill'ior.altv can :,xa.,n.m 10 his house. Ihcrp in so i.ii:,; ,.:s.r than nil-1 The mere erection of this building has - -.l--. ;-' 1. ,11 .V .i' .1. i'l , -.. . c;; -..ii e ':.-: .:.-.Al. . -..x... .,4 . J. i i not Holved tho hlith school que. thin. You must hav thf hesi raculty procurable and I am Klad to know Ihat your present fneiiliy was chosen on aeco'inl of merit and not through school hoard politics yon must have school controllcrx who me capable, earnest mid honest, and you must have parents mid the v tieriil public liiler- est I III tUBIi school woik. men. nun Iniily then, will tin hesi of blither I'diica- lite (t- of ttcrantoll. tlon he assured f. I Appl.iuse.i Al'tiT two sidles by Mit Tiiiil'niiif.i sliort aiiilivssos were ilclicroii hi Su pi 1 llitoinlidit t'.eorno howill nini J'rlli I'ipill tleoIKO W. I'hlllips. A SfllUI.Ar.I.Y AODUKHS. 1'iMfessor lTiwell's aililrcss was a si holiirly uml c'm.picnl one. lit- spokt; of th.. duties of ti ai her.s ntnl voiiti iiil od fur i ln new hit ii of education, "tho j hi;u.; iv.tli.-i than the In'.ul." Ki r Ihe I last ten yours, in s lid. p.Mla;i.i);y !';n llle.'tl'l liollilip; bin "nnike tho 1 think." 'rite new civ is "make him o- , I' 1. Inc siipt i iiiti-iiic'iit rani ho un.t comiol; ted In the in-w syst in ntnl pm iecii o show whv he lonsiilcred It lh.' Ill Sl. Ill' ill li i hill IM'SIII hi .i i ihat n a i'i I'.a bier Ic t' i'l;( '. I'1'.if.-s..f !-liil!i' bV I'l.-i'!" Mind.! lh. lib il- :.. i" : I..-.- -il -C , OlIOSC, -1". .Mitel. oil said .! I" liii VCiltclll ltd:) 1 li t.- : - ii i .it m: . (!:. i. i ni ik wHictii I. dip: eeiV.'d ml : Milciicll V i 'lll afl ' tan. r'.to'tt it a ilulo 'eil M ill 1 1' i- wini'h -s. I a licar 1. M . it . I'lil 0 nod '. :1 i. I. Cil'l.i III' I i . i 'i i !.'! I-" or' .1 .Mr ' To, 'I II ..: ! I. ' : . I. oi . o mi. 'oi' e'aii.; a. ul Ii i ui. ks i i; l' ,t'a!..;i:. T .: ..a;... HIV 11 Sli.liie : i.. did; : III. r;: - . ti ic ; of 1 !iil:'i : I'd!:- as i': cliuaiiotc: ll, as. :n I. UKl tiiii' I.- so. It. d. In 1 : i of such piiti .c d.iwn of a fa; tire. i;;.u cum. ii be lilt I'll .i lllhcioil cold asi was ptc .1' ihe buildliu a V ! I'll . :v:i't!l!'lS com I i I -i 1 upon I il : l.-.o! h. i. s Ii-:; i.titcti. I-I IC i .' 0.0 c :t-.l ;l 111' th.-i I 'I'.s; all 1 .lit-: 1 1 c I -. iroii:-. : -ib .. I cieild -r 1... ill. I 'o So c I'l 1 " bodi. .'.' ' :orils o! c:t ii - I 1 1 I'm tiodi' .'.' I"-.- one to lake lh. 1 lh- H'l't'i itrii-va 11. 'o: ii -ior- i .ic juv,. u in re ell I blood and p. colons of i It- Ir iialiif.-s 10 tia.l an exilic... in;. In an nit.-nipi to scctl" 1 1 is : .cl 1-in, pi (.initio.', n-tiasi a pi L-hl ur. Th- Ol lief ! lii vo.'e ,1 sytni-lilli.N a?. . that v !! 1 I'.loi lb. til Vil W of Pfe. V' nal I: op;. rlniilt' 10 -:il.l.''-'t He hod.;. in 10 lake a . ow 10 doilllt lo I hy ar. Ul.'.ter c'll '.-lll ni til' Upbuild-UK of oil" clli.cll wv 1 xi-oii-lint.' sti.h vast siuiis of I'l.tii. y for tin- furiii, r iusiriicilim of our cididreit if no effect is lo be produced upon the cnminimiiy ai Ijineaiul therefore upon . Ill" ssorlil'.' Should yon i-N.iiuiue ihe rec i ord.- of oar police onuri, jail or 01'iie:' penil : li'stlltiiion, I chall.-'ive you to liud Hie ' iia.m of 11 single hich sciiool u'-itdtur-e it; .-11 lln- history of this city. Tin- clnnne is I'l'.-ipii-iiil.s made ihat too small 11 p't' ci niaiic ol our children Kiadnale 1 1 0111 1 1 1 11s di ijiirtmciit in coniiiai'lsoti svilh lh. ndal ntiiiiber eiit'olled ill ilie tchojis. A lll'st tllollKllt the oi!ilcl-m would seelll lo be When you tell, ct, however, lii 11 ; ..I th-- total number enroll. -.1 three-loini lis ; .i.i- round in th-- tirsl three oi- four .scar.. ' of -i -aool lite and but a very small pt'o-'tioll enter Ihe hlclter Kfildes in i, you j 11! tinvelv.- t ! .-l ( 1 lie iroubl- lies ileepcr. I I -lo 11. A believe it in wholly uvvltiK to I tin- li'iiu lity of pen uts 10 ke.-p lii. ir chil i d --. n Ioiihit ia sciiool. but thai il is largely i due 10 Hie oiipniinnities afi'ordeil for sc i ciaitiK 1 uiplos-.-neni for those of tender ; yours, and thus .l.-pi-lvhiK Hi. in of thai ' I i 1 1 ' - :i ti 1 ! rit-ii- an -.t.. .i1 inn. What . s I .;i 1 ! I one lieic !n rituiii for iliis hnce '; eiei.dlll-.- i.f tnoUoy? Shall we train i die b'-.i.c.' s, . s. ;n lis full.-.-u l apa- iiv. j Shall i fiuiu 1 la- hand? es. an I ev-ii I ;lt- i. ci.ioiii. c loin ni our em Ponnieais. j Above idt, -hiili u.- o,n r-.'ic npoti the suiil'.' ; SS " mii.t. lit nli hazard. . innkc men and I '.s.un- it ol nob! .inpiib cs and .bslivs. We j -u'tsi ci-.e :.-i. It 1 :;-. 1 .1 i iij- ns shall make , ni" pupils s. ll .c 1::. r.-l. who shall hive ; .llel' Ol' till- I'lllees of hci- llilllll'l. ' 10. .1 :b..y shall a - .apabie of i.iKiin,' sti -h 1 blip upon life and ils possibilities tn.ii inc.'- 'Miiiiot r.'.vot red t i-uin niouriims of 1 ipilty iii-i 1 1 in ii ; ... 'ii.Mii.,- siiK i'i;.'Ki. ' SS.- inn .s c.-lli.-ly.. lh .c!l.lil.. 'i of tin lies ; we tii.1.1 H id filllll Willi I'a ,-i.--t ..1 i t- l.:s:r.. -!i..ii -iscn. Inn I ivoind r-.W sob ;o :!:c leply :ji 11 li.c lloiaci 1iiii:i. 1 i'c'i. ai lite d, li.-atim- -f a in.i'ii,::i."-u'iois lust it 111 inn. a ir:.-ii, obi ' t' d 'be mil la and a-k. , il hi- di 1 1 ,t 1 '' 1 1"' --xp -li :'i tire i,..i v-'cai simple P.. ' hirmliiR ! : o. J1..1.1 1:1. ide .mssv :: 'No: i' 1. a b ij -.1 . : - .-d;.. r i, ,i,N. ;., en. ib,..,. bo.- anl -j:-s ...ios-.' -4 .;,0ols ' a I;-, f ;::.n- I I"! i;i-;t'.i---,-... 5 i((. ,,., i "I ' id ill '111. --li'lliii.; -.' i:. h:aii -"llool :,n I il. "o.ll.-e 11. :d ccr 1st n,,. w,,y. t, H.-j-,,. A - II.-. I. i i ,.. tl. -.lot nl i-,. ;,. I.. , , '1 :' 11:1 u -ut: ,Mtt ,f",'ill 1 !:( '. iii.iiH'i i-i., ; ; '.'A 11:11 t 11 fn!'- in' , o 1 : i . 111) -1 'I.: . .1' Mi:.' I ii':,.l'-.l 1' ill Ml . ':. ".!:. 4 .11 11. - i il " ii! .' ) U: ' Vill ti.l--.- Ii; ' v. 1 e. nn,!,;.-1 I; ' '! ' ioiC . i ll I Oi io-c:-.'.tt .- a ti.-il. "If V . -.s. : t; ir, if -.Si- sue k 'a:..:: 'f s.c 1 t 1. a, i:i. - I 1 . : :.- i-' ra'c l- 1' . i'ii ' !' b t -. l- ll.o.s- i:l : . v : :i-:.i- V. . : i'l ' a II. 1.:. 'I.I.-'. lie .' . 1 In . I I' -bb bi ...II. loci .j. , I;,. : ,i 1 .... , v , . ; 1 al ,-tn t'oi 0:1.1 tl... !,, (I.,:.,. . .. ... ; ni!-' oil ami b.siii.i in,:.. 1,,, .j, .. 1 : " Ii"-' 111: !l it.l-i 1' ":l i - : , ' I , 'I .' I- I 1 011 1 - t'l 1 i.i- ii to 1 hi- i , I'l.iiivtn eiiio I.;,-;-. 'in. '.: il I.:- s.- !. ! i lll.S'lt. '.'.- li.i'ib' : -" t l. 'l itt loo J- , Tlie .111 oibj.:"..l n.i ea- ,. ,, r,, ,., i lllti-ii. iiion of ib: bipt.ihm a., '), ..... ii.:i.- ::": ''it Vh!e-,t l.tbr.i, . ' "'' X I '' ' oi .-', I,."..., ,, , ;', , i hlliM'to.:. I .-, bci- s itil ii I i-: ,u , 1 '1 - I .-)'. i:.-.. . be.tlo. ..I .... ..4 .41!IV' :.-k li-..s .1 il,.- f ,';,;;. :,ail n.l.ff (,':- : fo' tt: : ii:i a-on 1 iaiii!)- 10. :e,-- j rl .a -i-i. s. 1. ini'ii: h -I !:? .VI;.- Trit.t n -I --f V-. lib. so 1; . .inh Z'.. la .111 a; 'ic:- 11. In- 1 bo space ..f 1 n , n,i-.. p I 'I leil-I sc:a:-.o:'.i V. .. 1..1.1:, .'ii,,:- la.. Mil rnio.' li.-xi ih il it,. .:!.-. .1 liii allnrs an' -hat llr.-i- ss 111 b,. v'n Iff.", nii-r.iii.'.ei . ' A:.ii i-: a.iu-i'.i". I iiave ai-ppeii aii in ..-ii .lar-i'd i - uiis , sh-ii ti 11 tt: ;it f -i .pii'ini S'-o.-k. I 'I'll.-' iy t.iiilo 110 11. r,,,v4. 1 i ii'. ii , - . i'ail.i- s. prinelpii!; .;. I.i.ii.-ti-i. sic. iiioiiii iI i-tal 1 in f. --,,) ,,f ; l.lltill 111.! I'll -I.; A. It. Well,-,.. ,-l- i !-.;-ii if ilictnlM ry mill botany: rt. S. I 1 :ei wit 11. :ir--feF....i ol tiioip-rn lan-uu.ia- i; .'iiM Leah Hcitli. DrofoHsi-r of llteii.Mii. tin. 1 oloelilioii; Ms.s .M(niit. H. 1. rem; profi ssor nf KiikIIhIi ami timiin iii 't'cs: .(.ilin r. Waitn.-r, profes sor of liliitorv; iiml iifi.sistatit in Otr tnuiii !iy.s Kaihiyr. HaiiKi-riy. iimtrin tor in itio i niiinii't'i-ial coui'K; Krank 14 ttle. ussls'aiit in niathptnutlcs; illns Kliza J. ChuseJ registrar. MARKETS AND STOCKS Mull Strict Iti-vir-w. Now- York. Sept. 24. Stocks wviv li sn ai'tivo today, the sales r'ootini; up ilia, tlfil sharps. Tho torn.' nf tho market was litin tliroimhoiu. Aiiilitloiuil pur i'hnsi of r,iii in i.iuiiloii for s'lipinciit to tho riiitcil Suites a suvii.tfili enititf inllm me on tho share market tin the ntlier linn.l .Sierlir.K Kxi-liuiiKt! wtts ii simile linner. oMlufi' In th'' VHtici- in nioiiey rates nlirnail ami in si tuo quarters it was thouiihi that this would i hci k the llu.v of solij this way. The notably sinniK slocks '.vcn t'hi eaifo lias, tlic '.landers. Maiihatln't, l.ottisvlll" anil .a--liiiile. Toluuio ami Weswn I'lilon. .Miinhati in was hed rliteil by iv i rts oi' lictt-'f cui'iiiliM- ami Chtvaso (Ins h.i iiiiicliascs sithl In In' for Inside iiec un'. Stp.'iu' was i'-Vei -Isli il'.i'iualioi.t .toil la-iH"'! lilt"'; ami II'."::. cli. slot; a: III1... pec tilaiion closed snail." lo li:'ii'. N'l ihniii'i's in ll'c iisn-tll.' :n!io list slums 1 ItilillS of l,!!a it f;)lt. :" of IP :l.l- in-,. w lih-li liil . I' -r eoni. ; Kilit-W 1 !v II l.l.t.'. I INN. 'I' l.KN .V rn.. st.v I; l-.ol. .V. .:. l".o-S- ! it'e;. rOO'.nS . ' I-' I"'''. t.ii :i- ! ." i : i i - 1....V ' ':''" i .... ! Am. t..',i . '.'. ... : ', -;it't ,':! -,. :. ; ;;!'. "o. .. lie' " Alcii.. To I'" . '" ';. 1 i ;. s .:'!. r- . . ' ! (... H'- I i-lil avo :u . . : '' ' '". I :. i. . i i 'ac. 1 1 hi--.. 1. I I. I. I"' .e'.s..!! . I 1 i:-a. .11 K ... : 1 ;!:- r. 1 i '. ' l.-ili.. .-'vri .... . Louis. .'. V:i.-.i. . -d. K. y "'. - i I':'. I .t::ni al .an !'.!. . . , M : i1, N .1. . '-iv ...: V 1 ! .:..' X. . I '!::.: ... . V .. 1. : I. . v. v.. s. W. I'.' ; VT, I'.C. . j io iV: IVrM, . I ' i:ii:.!: i 1 ; I'ac. .Mali I'h;l. .'v.- Ilcndim: .. Solllhclil 11. ib .. Southern I;. II. IV To. in. 1'. - I on . . Y' I'collle .... 111', 1 Jt". 1 1'-. ' I-1. ' I li-oll I'm-ilio ' V :.-:ish l-r j Wit Ictil I'lliou .. ) W. I . I.S. I.oi'iher I I . h. I. -1.1 In r l'r. Hi M ;li II -.1,1.. 17 r. S. Kiibb.-r ir 17 1; CHtPAtio Tto.xnn of trade rntfEs. WHEAT. Open.. Ifijjli- Low Clos. itl e'.t. cs !r. n.-.l-lulli'r Ii"-''i li'i' Id's lii's AI 11 V nil' - 7"', H" tlll's OATS. D-'-c'iiiii-r 17' t7U I'cs h'7 Urn in1-- Ui-, h'S !!' 1 OOTIN. riect'llihcr 'Jjb. L'-'-" -'-'"s .May i!.!', i'i'. i'i '4 LARD. December ::. XX S.M I. h'i Ma l.'i'i 4.1.1 l'onk. .laiuiiiry 7.M' ". 7.u7 7.17 Siiat'tou Uoaril ol Tiaitr livi liniici- Ouetatioiis" All (iuolalioii IJascil 011 I'm of It'll. Nanii.. Dime I'i 11. .si Ids Ft.-id; ric-iiiiion l.acc t'urtaiii i'o N'ltioinil Murine . Dillliiiii I'o ... Hi-sl N'aii. mil Maul: irm Si'i'iitiiun .lei- is"- HUtpper t'o Klinhursi I loiilevanl t'o "tcriinloii 1-tavi'iLs ititik I-'ti'l I'.outa I'lalc ( I la ss I '0 sicraidoit l''ickin' t"'o I.a.-kasviitiua Iron .V- Hieel i'o. ... Third .Villon. d Hunk :5.".i Tbroop ovciiy MTk. i'o Scranlon Traciion Co hi Hcraiiion A.xle Works I.ack'n Trusl Hi Site Dep. Co. ll-'i lOcononiy Sicani Heat AI l'osver I'i MOXUS. rt- raniriii Ohi.'s i ' Scraiiion I'ass. Itiilwiiy. lirst innrtnitno inic I1MS lln People's Si reel I tai Isi il.s , tirsl inortKiiKe d.ii- mis no Scranlon I'ltision Trac i'o. ... I Tuple's Sirci'i Hallw ay. Sec ond in.irliiiise due P.1J11 lln Iiick.-itn Minul'iiei urliiK t'o 1 .u-k.i. Tow nsbiti School .V; ( ii" of Scni'ii.n Si. Iuii. -;, ... MoiviiiHh of Winton 1 10(1 'in 'J".n 1. 'li llll ini in-: ii-..' I01 AH. s i rniiii I'oal t v. Scranlon Axle Works im'i S.'l'illltoll Tl'l'-linll t 11 !l.i I'iiilaili lpliia 'rovisien tluiki-!. I'hih h.-hii. Sept. "l.-l'rosl.-lotis were! in lair di inainl and llrtn. Wo ipi.iiu: rlly I sinokcd be. f, H.iiJc; beef hum::, sit:. .11.1 p:.'oi. is 10 iivci'iiKe: potk, iiiii'dv. j'i,",.'.il : hams. S. I', cured, in iiei-.-c:i, li'aiii'j.-.: do. stm kcd. I'l '.c.h'c.. ss to a , era:;.-: " sld '. ribbed. Iii s.iii, liiii4,-.: do. ,ui. sac. la. I. I'. 11 ' .ic.; shollldel's. p:cl.le-i lll'.'d, .'i!j:i.V;,..; do. I do. Mllolled ii1..-.''-..-.: picl.ic p "iliis. S. 1'. j (in- -I. ":it:i. : do. do. snt .ki ', 1: e.17'4.-. ; bi-lllis ill nl.-kle. ii nlbm :o iivcrio; .. l-.osi . ."a ,n.t'; .-. ; In i-uhli'sl bacon, ,'ui'1-.. ns lo lii.iiio iiud .ivctaife: '.ir.t. pure. .-it-., l-.-f l i : . 1 !. in tierces,;,c.; do. do. ii-, la tllllS. I':til..c, ; do. blltchci S'. loo.-". ,1 Ic.: city t.iiliiw.: ii- IniNshoids, :it:i': . coitnlry do., 'Ja:'',.',, as lo 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 y , ninl cikes, S'.p;, - - s csv Yoil. I'roili:!'!' )!i;rkcl. N'-ss V-n-k. S 1... -1- flo'i:- riiin. iui t, 1 lit i-'mnae-i. Wl .ci Dull., itimer: f. ... I... : j 7P,;i7P:re.: no : i-l-- I 1..1. .::-ir-.; . I ; I'.orl i:ci 11, 7 1 ' ; ii 1 1 '..,-.: options eef ". i :a; I A!. iy. ii"..-.; ;-t- ciciubt i st in 1 it.-tt, 1, ,1. -:!i',.'., ; v i.venii., r. i '',e,: I 'ece in bi-r. 71-, -. M.o:i"ci; :.... 2 a; 27'.'.. li-iit'; :K ' . . I M li-1. 1 1 I o). tii. lis co.-i-d Si, ady; Seplemijei 1 I ail I I l"tober, 1 1 -ii-lier. :"it.. .; Ml s . , 1 'i'i',.". I'ltls s'lioiu,: i. ;n!cit.- 01111. bv:-!;1 ' S ;.t. inbci and u--n r. 2t-.: I ..:n'.cr, ' j -'.'".: spot :u1"i-s. i. ,n : ,: n 1 s.hif". I.1-" ; Mo. i I'liii.t-i. ui-',.-.: .'o. :; j 1.' I-'1'- co. iitp., .1' :.i':....i w -a. ' ..;'t'. 'iM-i1--.: "hi:.- . .. . 1 1 vi.iii.- -i,.:... 1 - I I is s - t l,il"l, leioy. 1.1 . It .II'IIM. -IM I, l" in :; i'..--.i- '1 till. .1 I'll, ' liii't r .'"tlVi . li ). u'n nit 1 y i l i ) . ,, ; !-. : I - 1 .'.:n-' v. 1 1;. ." 1 . li. a-M ,-n. l-i 1 . : is-1 -!- ru it- I !l I'.l. '.. ! : ... -IV.' I. .,.. S -pi. 1 io- ii - -1 , !c. - H I" 1 1 1 1 - ::.'".. I: 1 1 .:..i-;.i-i. is. f.... .1 ,r. -::l:il.c.-- il I', a .l. e. 10 . !t;r 'i.pai vi iicn ri-'ip Sik i ,:IM '. 1 l-.A.V.SHIP 'O.HHAW. .-'.'.ill ..S .'.'a 1 111. .1 iit.o V 1 mtii 1IIOII.4 i T ic. 1 Mi-iini.iiiL-.i. NOSTKWIisr AM! N'.IR . li:.Ai). .it;"ri mi: tlite'itrii uml ihr i- eh. i:,s. U; linb. 11 ..l-iv- 1 n-i I ri-i iv. i) in p in 1 11 Clt-si-lunil, litlruil. V.khut, 'lilt :-.).). t:i.!tilh. i'lil s eMurn t-'iiiiit-s, i.itsnit" tt il:i. ... .1, inteie.i l.v .l:i vll lit 11' c-.llli" 1 lo-i ss,:h ti i: i:heai m:ihi-.n a:i.v. av, it fori. is lln- mi st ibrect mm p., i.n.j fi,.t,, r-v. ery int i t eeini:irinn. the most ii ik-t:i!;i ami c: infill lull" on .. M ,11110:1 p,, IK nt I'nul, lrnat I'u.K Hektiij, I nil... S:Un-.iu ami IV nltc .last. Tim .ilv tr.uj., on: ioitHl line rti-ininir 1I10 l.ipiotis bullet, libr iry. olisci ra tion car. """fill limn- tr.rn 'nr rortlnnil In pnj;.-n". HOTI-X LAI'Ai:ril., Ukc Minnc-ti.nka. I mile-i fi-viii joiii'caiiolif, laijfc- uuil i))it bcnntiil revnn ia tlie west. 'I tckets.nij any Infuruiation of any anont or ,iiKi,RIi Ueneral l'ujciikvr agent, Buffalo, IS. Y. MM. Ask-l. I 1 1" 1 A NEW DYSPEPSIA CURE Over b.oiu I'cuplc In Mitt' of Alkll'fcan Cured In itV4 by 1 his New Pi orution, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, tit- now (llsi'iivory . for stomach troubles, Is claimed to have I'litcd over fi.niiu poopl;. in tho statu of .Michigan aloin- la lx:i. Thcso tablets have liocoiuo no popular with physicians uml people who have any fo.iii id' liidiK-dloii that they have the endorsement of, such physl I'lans as Dr. Ilarlaoi'-'on a:i.! Dr. Jen nisoii us lielnir the safest, most l'.ll ablo remedy for vur si"innch. fhronlc ilysnepshi, sras, Idon'-im;, piilplialioit. lieailaepo. I'o'istipiitlon i'-ul In all cases whifo tin- iipiictile is po r or id.- ibiji.-rf.clly (ll.'o'lo.l. It is sa'c to sc.y llii'i .SiuiiM's l-ys-pi'j-.sin Tablets will cu:e any I'.iiul of siomai li trcubl" oxci d cu e. r of the slnm.icli. Tin y a.o n-i a -ccr jui.e..: ll'eiMl'ill.'. bill cOdipoS-. 1 of Vc'-dalll.' U'l'l frtii: essclli it . ai ' pepsin. Ic. II ' ai. i; ill.: i i- .no! l!.c oit -stivc acids, '.'il. y nc i i . : 1 1 1 1 1 Ii. i i-..-. c.iii lie ii, r ri 'il in 1 1'., i !:'; 1, .!:! t ! , v t pi- I'atll"' lh'"- d':.-:' li"- ficcl J.'nVlplIy MCHUO il ;i. lill-c :,.,.l..!lt ll'd Il l- Si. 11 the I'll ii m1. Druvi's-'isis i v i i " w ! i " i 1 --,.p ,s,-nail',. I 'VST'. ord. i T'.l.l. l :. full ? -d (..ICajfes, ii ci nls. A bonk on Sinunii h Uis - as-s nini licit:. .a . s oC tos; iiuni.ii.l . s-t'l five .-nidi. .-!ie The Stn.'iri ft.. Alart-lrt:;. .Mi. !. SCHOOL l-OW : FIANO; ORGAN AND VOICE ! fURlSr.EGHiVED AT M m,i . L ALFRED PELiiiiGTCN, : 1 Ciuiuli .iii.l Cii.Kvtl Ureitiiisl. I'll pi I j of I'loi'iiiiuii;. I'.ims; liln iicli, livtlin. ; lEAthEK CF PIAKO, Ui:( A!l ft UAI'MUNY I iilf tun ni lillliil u: :;.T! .;l sttttliu. blown liy i-liiiii; nitiiiii, Inr ur;in lr;ictii.'f. k mm mm, Solo Ctiii.ialiu in CoiKvt t. Oriiliifin :niil Musi.ak'. Cti iilaitleil I'lipil nf Miuliinif M.iiclifsi, Paris. j THACER OH 5iN(iiNQ. JAMES SVfQIR, Has Mosc-I to IIU New Quurter.i, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side- r.n:.t to l'lisd Siiitional Hank. He lius unsv in a Comprsin: everything rn Tiwitc f.,r flrt Morcliaiit 'l'uilnriU'4- Anil tho sain ran be dbown tit mlvuuta-t! in his spluu Juiiy tlt-tfti up rutuufr A SPECIAL IMITATION l( IZiU-ndf J tu All knuk-r.-. uf T'.tt I rll-. une tu Call on "t)l.l kid lAltl.i;'' in Hit New Business tlumc Moosic pioes a, SCaAUTO.N. PA. m BLASTING R mam: at mmuju; and rush 11.1L. J vo?.;:c3. LAFUN ft kASJ itlVilii: CO'S Ll.'ctiic lliitlcn.-s. (;:. irii-ip, f...- ex- Ij'.-nibi-.- li ,t.t . :.:"! v l-'.i- -. itt.,1 P.'.rin-in f hum In. 1 1 C: ITill ui.pauau t-iiv.Kii.t w. j iim'i.osiv;'.: roy (c f. -1 fi 'lo- 4 I h t.i.- 523,303 n.i.t ii hi .1. . -,:ii sv,-.., i .- 111. 1:, . 1 11, c .n.: 11 : tin I V. I !. si" 1' I. 'in .. ci tttpii.n i:.a ve . l!-'. :.! .i To . -l:i;i! it.-', t .1 ..:- otcioio.i : .1 i n--t..le ill S..-..irh .' , i-o;,..-- .in- l..r t f.l. to- I'll: - ny '01 ; ,1 . 1:.' i n :-.t i'lu- li u -..hi il Li. 111 ai....n b .t:.i-i..n. '. !vi'..ib.. tin. -: -'ati'.i s.-:ol.ii: .l..,.-..t -:;,.,,:..-:.. -.-! be Ib-a.-.-.s N'e 1 i::toi V I'.-. . . i .i:. :, ;..'ili:.n;i Toll ti'.ip: '. ""' '.;- : .l-. t 'V" s i'i p..'. .'. -ct l-.r - c . . no.,-! . p' o , ,.,..ri-. .,:: i. 1 jj.t; -a : r . 1 . i 1. ,- -'1.." i 1, ,;, 5.1.23 10 75 CENTS. ' ' '..-! --'I - lit .... " 1,. .1 .-..'. i-e. 1 l.l ipll f... -.tibe.-r.ti:::,!, l.ia'ii.. :ni! fee,' .-.-1. 11.I cooy of I'iii'cr to H0U.-'j)llbJ PJ!:illtifl!r Cu., DTi-'-.'OIT, MICH. li I'rrcPw'.-s: .'..: l'u..U i 1 l!.-t,-i.:t. ai.a; V.'i'A:.!'. t. lit ', ,7 Made a ist 1 jay. T 't .' "'' . ''Well Mar. "X-ti)'f of WU ti:e cpu.t .-: 1 -. 1 , .a,. XPTJLViKr iZ'x ;: '?.:i;:?.vx33 13"jr iiroifiic.4 ihi-.-it-oe in an .ius, jt n l-..v.t-iiii!ly taui o,, ,1.1,. i .a,-,. 1, 1 ti: ml otli, i- ilu. iiHltlK 111. U Villi o... I 11:. i I. it li!!:V;ooil.:illito.l i.i -a snil rccii.. ' i.n.r '..iitii' ;t sim-r n ti-ir-. ItXVIMI. It iie... --...I i'-"v -1 . ti... s i-r...ii- 111 - -. t.o .t Vll;. It. iin' il ii.'.i. NailalS laill-i..!, -. I.I.4-. 1--IH-I f. I'.Ul'-U . ti -, . S..-tlL D.,.., ali i-i iii-i, ni N-il ..J, ,.i-, ... :i:i-l iti-b : r-i-.' it '. 'tii li until, ntu- n 1 , 1.0 . . iiL,.ito .4 ,,- u ... M3i .-. l. lol nnlv i-iin s ns . 4:1...- : . t:,; .e st 01 i. -, a, . Ill, iHiDIH ll ).. I,e li-ll.l ,1 I, I. -co, liuihler. Ii. Un it K liii. U Hie nhlk l-p.c.i ID i-l" elu-i Ksv iltv -t":ii-.. t!i.. ih of yi .oh. i nli tii-uuiii li-l 1 , ! ..ii,.ili.u. III.:-; en ciin !:i-:Vtt l, lit ti-.--. I' be i-artn .! i-i i ..t - in-K. i . liynnl I .'HI p. ' 1.-1; , or ii ,i..i. boil, it bb tt ..,. sc ssrlneii ui iit nitre 1,1 euro or icluni be iiii'-ii-. I in iti.n-l . . AdilMtu - - itft e. or issle by JVt AllhLWS BROS., Urugi fecrantoo, Pa II 1 Mill1 'in . ; ... 111 liilij (I hlllib Oi Hi o;h Grade Clonfu & Warrex Carpratsr, Emerson, Kaioolm L073. ; Saterloj. hi LoV3r Gralss a) Very Low Prtoi i UfiHQ STELLgr f.C3 SPRUCE STREET. j Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A Cd ; u. e. crofut, proprietoh. THIS HOUSE l trlctly temperance, ! tmv and well fuiiiishutl and ufENliD Tij Tlir. I'L'ULIC Til It! YEAH ROUND. 19 located midway between HiiiKhamton ani S.baitini. on the Miilllrose uml Lack.i wanni Kullroacl, six mtleii from D., L. St s . It. R. at Aiford Sti. Hon, and five mile from Montrose; capacity eighty-five, tlin'o minutes' walk from railroad station. Houfe situated 100 foot from the lake, v ide veranda extends the entire length or the house, which Is 100 feet Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc, l-ree to iiuests. i Aitinue tibout fewt. quaiitmr m this respect the Adirondack and Catikdl : Mountains. huie nr-ives. plenty of nhade and beaufU fill scenery, iniikliiK a Summer Resort uc. excelled in beauty and cheapness. Dancins pavilion, swlnits, eroi'ie I a-rnnnun. eie I'oi.n Hl'ttl.NU WATB.l ! AND l'LENTY OK .MILK. ! Rutin $7 to $10 Per Week. $1.50 Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations on P.. L. & W. lines. I Porter meets all trulns. ULicnrs DRI AI III THE EEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE HI 5 CONHELL CO., 4c4 LACKAWANNA AUENJ1 i 8TEINWAY ft SON'S . . J AlikuunlriliiL-d tile Lcdillnf PIANOS 01 th WMkfc DntkEH BKOS., WKAMCHU & BACHB and otdr. ORGANS Musical instruments, riusical Merchandise, ; Sheet Music and ! Music Books. 0iir.h-iicm will always find compltta ntuik nn J at prices a low the qual ity ol the Instrument will permit at I!. I H ULBERT'S nusic STORE, Lager Beer Brewery Mabufiictureia uf th Celebtftteil 1 jsV-'Honnftr i Pill UK CAPACITY : ; foo,o(w Barrels per Annum ' j CAUL UP 3S82: CO. fiil D uno. ittirouu Ot-MCl; AND WARIiHOlPU, Ml TO 151 nlLklDIAN STREET. I i ttY linn KLW.COULNS.Mftiiasei; t