The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 25, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
"Come. Bonny, 'tis time you wore goins to
Coue lay on your rMow your tired little lirad."
"Why. Auntie, huwr funny. 1 ilou't s I'V "lay,
Th ran is so shiny, I'll go out to pUy,"
The aim is not sbiulng. my cliilil, it is nilit;
But our people use tlio Suburban Lljcht."
Old It Ever Strike You ThU Way ?
Drop in, WE will WIN tile doubtful by our
Special Notice
A BOUT Sept. 20th our
new store will be
completed, which will be
the largest Carpet, Wall
Paper, Drapery and Cur
tain Store in the State,
and we will show the
largest stock of new
goods in each department
ever shown in Scranton.
Uipcis, Draperies aud Wall Papv.
Common council did not meet lust nln'it.
Siipp. r servo! lliis evening from ? to
73) t Mini I'nrk olitiivli. Kvo.'y urn; el
coine. The diagram for Delhi l')X in "The Lit
tle Trooper" will open litis liiumlllK at the
-. mliiny of .Music.
Kx-ShorlfT Chillies liolilnson will oiitw
liiin 11 number of his frl -mis ui his ioUhk'-,
al l.uke Henry,, loduy.
nwinjr to ho fio-t that there Is no money
prr.vl.ieil. .Mayor Hnil.y liu veined the or.
iliiiance i" 1 opealiiH I'rlee street, it is his
Mist ulTctise with the axe,
T!u: will of 1'atriek .Murphy, lute of Dun
more, whs 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I to 111.11 :t,. vcsienl iv
hy KcKister of Wills V. Hoi'iLins anil
leiP-rs ti staeirtitary i" KiiiiHr.l to
C.lllli'l'iUe .Mlllpliy, widow of the oVi-ohm-iI.
The l-'ratr. Sehuliei't Maenii"ehur "f
N.r. Y01I: has sent a l.-t 1 11. .to-,,r Put
ley than kin:; hltn an. I the .-It iiioci.-i of Suiiin
toii generally lor no- kind tr-anii"!.: no
rm. Ir: I in- .V noli llolvf lor oil the uoru.-Oull of
ll ipi i iiI vi.-li I. ere.
The Yourift Men's IPouhliean club will
tin 1.1 In I lo-ooitury committee roents, Pri- e
hllll.llm:, at S o'clock t his eVelilllL'. A Mill
aitfiiilanee is i'eiiiestiMl, iis iihik rtmit
IlllMin-fS is Io he llcteil Itp.iu. Ti-(- , lol,
v. ill he addressed hy William Conned.
Cruev dkcll, ui'i'ested for the seeo.'d
lime this 'k, olio.-., the limine of the
l!nnl Shei.liei.i in preference to the co'in
ty jail. but. nriiv.d at the House of the
Cool .Shepherd, she lieeanu. vety Msorder
ly, hroke windows and had to he tran--fi
11 1 d 10 the Jail.
C. 1'. Slink, a linen llldue tinsmith, on
com 1 j la i 1 1 1 ot Hlivt Coniiiii.-.doner Kinsh-v,
was lined s.l and costs by ,l I-11111111 .Miiler
yesterday for eiivln his delne;- n.mon
on li:e street mid olisti lu ting travel T:ie
imi'v was deiniiri ed. The defendant claims
his wile runs the vanoii.
While Michael Diner, a I'eini
mien-hunt, was pnrehasini; chlek'-ns ii.mi
u I'm iih r yestei day. H, Atlas. 1 rt.-i-i. i- -i-ineichant.
said Diner's scab's .-r.. j'niltv.
That's what Diner lold AM--uii.hi .Mill'ir
when a warrant was issued I'oi .Xilm' or.
rest on a chaiMe of liuel. He was d.s
chaffied. .Mrs. Aiioloinja Cesclynck, a Polish wo
man, with her two children, were descri
ed In this city by some fainter, for wham
file lind. worked and who lei r her at the
Delaware, I.acUawnrina and Western sta
tion with the promise to return and has
tickets for herself and children 10 no back
to New York. The police department n.
etueil transportation for them.
.Marrinire licenses were granted yestee.
day by Clerk of the Conns .lohn II Thorn,
as to llerlon ,1. White, ot H on, mi l I ; .
tha l.i acli, of South Aliiuuion: l.'eiiry .Mil
ler, Jr., of -ranton, and ijr:n-e lioiit-ili.-i.
of Turnout, Luzerne couicv: Ham l-.inv
and Ivctur.ih .loues. of Hypli.tni :" Huh-ri
Thomas l'.enshnw and To,,,,
of I'uriy I'ort, I.uzeuie (oiinty, JoMi! 1m.
Ms. of l'iltston, ynd Annie Ktiinlscii. i t
Th funeral of Charl y.w.a lord; i la
y.stci'day aflernooti nl -..111 hum 111" fain,
ily re'iideiice. Serxka s wen. cup. lie c-d ltl
tin' Hickory street l'resm h-i ian ha; n
liy Ilev. Willifim Xordt and nil.ini"ii; mis
made In Dunmore ceni'!-! y 'I he 1; ks.
Nay A Hit Tribe of fie. I Men, I int. p"iitleii 1
Older of Odd I'Vllows. innl tin (ioirnui
lienelleient society intended the lun.ral
In 11 body. The pail-bearers w.-'i c; TI1011..1S
l.anc, l,oreii7. culler, h.nsene if ronu. 'I'h
odore Miller, l-'red C. l.lnulei. i irjil.s
Mlrlx, Charles N'euls and Charles Sclcnck
ni' of llveryman J'nyije's f"anis ai
tncheil to a barouche started from the coi
ner of Washington avenue and Spruce
Ktref'l about !) o'clock last nlKht and after
madly jjnllopliiB ilown Spruce street 10 Mif
flin HVeniie, alone; the railroad bank lo
Crnler street, to Center street to W'voin
Inu avenuei down the whole len tth ef
Wyoming avenue nnd nloiin the Delaware
nnd Hudson tracks 10 -Vew street, halted
of their own neeonl and. most retuiirku
ble to relate, did not sustain a seratcn or
Injure the earrl.iKe In as much as the
breaking of u window or the scratching of
the paint.
The Tribune was recently asked he f,ne
of Its readers If any chaise Is mud - i.v
Kovei nment for the coining of v.dd bullion.
The following reply from Hon. H. K.
I'reslon. director of the mint, answers the
query authorltailvel.v: "Individuals have
11 rljdit to deposit nobl bullion at th" mints
for conversion Into coin. If the hulllnn Is
of standard linencss, thai Is. containliiK
nine hundred parts of pure cold nnd ore
hundred parts of copper alloy, "heie : n,i
ehnrije. When, however, tn.plinn of otlor
than Ktnmlard linencss Is deposit.-.i. 11
ehnrtre for relinlnt,- the niue Is mude, and
also for Ih" copiirr it m:iv be necessary to
add for alloy a I the rale nl i cents per
ounce for the amount nctumly i. cpiirod."
A debate which nt:i act.. 1 n vrv lars
aildli'tice took Place Inst nlnht in the lec
ture room of Klin Park iiuieh under th
nusplets of the Kpworth I.eaKue. The
question, "Resolved. That Huron .nil p. it
Shakespeare wrote the Shakespeare in
plays," wns decided In th" atllt rn itlve Li
the Jiidues, Professor r'licdewnl'l C I'.
I'ross unil P. K. Wiley. The allirm itlve
debnto was by Aaron Hotter. 11 ml the op
posite sjde of the question was presented
ny Ttlehard Cocker. Kach spoke for Iws 1-ty-live
mlnnl es. Mr How ev h id for Ms ns.
Roelnte Krank I.lttcl, while II. II. lieldto.
nmn supiiorted .Mr. Cooker. The asso
ciate debaters spoke for ten mliiuiea each
A vocal solo was rendeid by Miss Kdiin
Iiutmls durlPK an Intrmlsslnn.
A I.nrge Hutch of rrcscntmenls .Hade
to Judge. Kdwnrtls.
The fourth report of ths Rrand jury
w.n mniki yesterduy. Sixty-six true
Mils were returned and onu hundred
Ifrnond ones. This makes a total of
409 casta returned up to date. There
ore nearly 200 transcripts yet to be
pns.eU u:on. -
Kimnct A. Ilishop Is indirtrd for en
ticing fi-ninles for Immoral purposes;
Iknnis McSht-rry jvill have to answer
In court for embezzlement nt the in
stance of hi iiurtner. O. F. MrKenna;
Kusene Huff ami lienjaniin WU.n, the
colored men who looted the Oriental
lul house in Oakford court, of which
V. II. Johnson is proprietor, are in
dicted for larceny. The list of true and
ijrnored hills is made up mostly of cases
of assault and br.ttery, and the parties
concerned in them are principally In
landers and Hungarians.
In the list of Ignored bills nre the
cross actions in which Dr. William
HaBKcrty and thf? late Patrick Corcor
an liKuri'd. They are ull ignored and
the cos'.H are placed on the county in
the cases wherein the doctor is prose
cutor, and those In which he is defend
ant, the eostsi are placed on Corcoran.
tln.uKh he is io his Brave. The Jury
will finish ui its work toinotrow.
ltilildiiU' Occupied by I'. 1. linslian
nnd (It licis Madly Itiimnui-d.
I'ire and wnter did damare to thc
umount of about S.0 early yesterday
11101 nine; In the R I.- Christian bulld
iiiK'. -ilJ Stiruco street. The fourth
lloor was nearly anted by the llutnes
ivbilo tire and water practically de
nu lished llie stocks rr Feitely's scarf
and shift facto! y nnd .Miss Martha
Smith's mod Isle apartments on the
fniiitli nnd thlid Honrs respectively and
t'-rh'usly datnnneil the netii's furnish
Ine; itniids of V. V. Chilsliun on th"
stieot I'd ir. The secooil iloor was not
An Harm was sounded nt a.:in o'clock
from box 22 (it the corner of Wyoniini?
avenue and Spruce sireet. Xay A us.
Hook and I.iidder, riiocnlx Chemical.
Crystal and Century companies re
spombd. Tho chcnilnal apouratus was
unequal to the task of iuetich'ne; the
fames which extended Ihrouirlmut the
middle and rear portion of the top
Poor, occupied by the shirt factory.
Several stream", of water were. Htartod
nnd alter nearly an hour's battle .he
lire was quenched.
Fecpdy, the shirt man. and Miss
Sm'lh. the n.iidisle, suffered total loss
es of Ui.r.0'1 and 1,000 respectively. The
former carried tin insurance of SJ.nuii
wiih nuencles represented by C. U.
Hnlnnd. while Miss Smith was Insured
for ?7:o.
Christian's uent's furnishing flock
was seriously damaged by water but it
Is protected by an insurance of Sa.iihil.
The orlKln or the Unities has not been
discovered. They are supposed to luive
st ti t t l from nn electric wile or spun
tanenii" coiiibttstlon.
Christian hud intend, d to mien his
clotliiii"; department Saturday but the
Hit- will en use the event to be delayed a
month or so.
Scranton I'iicmcn W ill Leave Here 011
Sunday. Del. I, at !i.l. p. in.
Compl "te arrani;ements have been
made for the trip lu Johnstown (lurin-c
I h. week of the iireii'cn'n convention.
The Capitol hotel has been secured for
the Sciant iti doloHHllon of thirty and
should more than the above number of
pel-sons desire lo necntiipany the Fire
men's union, additional accotnmoda
li'inst will be made if notice is Riven
before Wednesday, Sept. "0.
The Lackawanna county conllniter.t
will leave Sunday. Oct. 4, at LUii P. nt.
via. Jersey Cent nil to Wilkes-Harn
and take the Pennsylvania niMraal
train leaving Wilkes-Hnrre at ".17 p.
111. in a special car which will be at
tached lo the regular train and will no
Ihiotish to .I0l1nsinv.11 without ehuntre.
artlvliiK there at miilnicht. Tile U..I 1
will rcii.aln at Ilarrisluirtf twenty min
utes for lunch.
All persons desiring lo accompany
the mil n will please Inform Vice
President Cioodioan on or before
Thursday noon, fict. 1. Ticket orders
ciin bo had fn tn him or at the Iiela-
1 ware and Hud;' n station of C. h .
Cl'iess, traveling passeliirer ill-'etit. of
whom the tickets t!iust be purchased
on or be f 1 ire Saturday, not. S. X i tick
ets will be furnished to any exccptlnif
litt iiioii, its the rsiiuced rates are for
firemen only. The convention begins
Tuesday, tut. C
( nine lo Complete Arrangement tor
.Sonilav's l!;ic Dull (iatni'.
"Htmiiey" .lenniniis, the crack short
stop nf the Xationel l'. nKih , nnd who
with Jesse liiirkett aspires lo lead the
le.iBUe ill li It t 111 duiimr llie present
season, was hole yesterday. He c n
f'Treil with Mnuairer C.iifiin and th
Scranton club owners relative t the
Kami? to bo played here next Monday
between the iialtlmores nnd a picked
ft ranton Irani. The Scranton tram
docs not expect to win, but with John
son nnd Dunn nllcru.itiiuT In the box
the orioles are- bound to l;n w they
are in the p-nrne. Anyhow, they wi 1
have opportunity to exhiidt I h i t fart
and wonderful ntylo of pl:iy which has
made t li 'tn famous the country over.
. . .
Street Commissioner Uinoy Sued
by t lie Vt enCier Oli-ervt r.
Attorneys Watson. Diehl & Halt, rep
resent in a: II. K. l'alne, pr..r--idi.-"t of 1 le
Aldiiuton Turnpike i-ompuny. Ii oiup t
suit in the oillcc of Pri'thoiintary-Pi v .r
yesterday iiuninst Sn -et CnmiiPssinai
Charles II. Kinsley for tinning'- 1:1 lie
sum of Sl.h'ia.
The suit is hnw-d on the arrest of Mr.
Paine and his worUiuen recently wh;l
they were lit work on He- turnpike. Il
is alleged thul the urivstH Were 11lei;til.
I!c l.eirls tn ( oui0i 1.
Last AVidnesduv mninine; Mr. I.'in;
fehl, proprietor of llaslaiher's Ml'bn
cry, threw open his door.i to the public
for his annuel Kali exhibition of novel
heedirear for ladies nnd children's .wear.
The wen liter was bright, crisp and
braclnf;, and from morniiipr till night
the spacious and perfectly appoint d
show loom was crowded with Scran
ton's most representative women, who
look forward to these m nil-nnmi il ex
hibitions as t lit- oflicinl opo-ninr: of u
new season's fashions, and in this they
niakt? 110 mistake, for the ch that
1'ai'ls, London arid N-w York has to
oiler is there for their Inspection and
rdltiontlon. We have frequently h'.V'il
ladles remark that while Mr. l
maintains his marvelous hold on's
centers. It is merely a waste of
time ami money t seek anyl li i 11 ?r newer
or more exclusive In th- metropolis. We
heartily conKi-ntnlute the proprietor of
Haslacher's millinery on his successful
opcniniT for the Knll of ';!. ami trust his
unbounded enterprise will be amply re
warded before the reason clones.
-- -
l onitli Orutin Coneerl.
J. Alfred Pennlna-lnn's fourth orjran
concert In Klin Park church occurs
this evening, with an extremely !nt"r-
estinp; ptos.'rniiiii'ie, fneludlnir snpranj
solos by Mirs Cart. line Wolf, of the
Klin Park quartette. Admission free.
Silver offering.
A Widravnhc Shorinnn.
Myer Pnvldoiv, the youngest rhoe
man In this city, reports business good
and Is always busy ut hin store, where
he Is pleasing thousands of men, wo
men and children with new and latrst
footwear of all sorts.
Fresh Sea Trout. Sc. lb. Atlantic
Fish Co., 118 Franklin ave.
Dr. II, T. Itcynolds, Dentin!,
Williams I31Jc-, opp. postoftlee,
Jordan's butter cakes and coffee, lOo.
Met in Convention in the Simpson M. E.
Church, West Side.
Kcpotts Presented lo the Couvrution
Shewed That the Wninu,s I'oreiiru
.t!issioiiai Society ol the -M. i:.
( liiirch ol the W oiuiiiK District Is
in l'M-ellciil Sh:iieTliu Ucsolii
tiniio Adoptid--lntciestiut! Papers
" Itcnd.
The Woman's FoiviRii Missionary so
ciety of the Methodist Kpiscopal
church, WyonilnK district, held Us an
nual conference yesterday mornlnx
and afttrnoon at the Simpson Metho
dist Kpisoopul church. There. v
about si'venty-llve lailies present,
tlioimh tuily tne follow Inu, writ- regu
larly iei;isl red by the secretary:
Kcniihani .Mis. T. M. I' liiey.
WyoiniPK Mrs. M. C. MclVrmolt.
Mrs. N. D. Sartord. Mrs. C. H. Seats,
Mis. . Treible, Mis. II. tl. Dntlsoii,
Mrs. M. Atlieiton, .Mrs. A. li. Smitli,
Mis. J. Lultar. Mrs. K. A. Dewolf.
ilks-Paire.Mis. 1,. C. alurdock,
Mis. Hi nliaiii. Mrs, Wai burton, Mrs.
T. j:. Harrison. Mrs. M. J. Sliaw. Mrs.
J T. Shoeiiuiker. Mrs. S. It. Shoemaker.
Mrs. H. C. McDeiniott. .Mrs. Spanscl
liorjjer. Mrs. Drtimm. .Mrs. Newsblsle.
Mir. C. II. Price. .Mis. W. H. Hot.
Wnverlv, N. Y. Mrs. F. 1". Parsons.
West l'ittston Ada O. Wilbur. -Mrs.
W II tit: in (1. Simpson, .Mrs. C. II. I'ool.
Scranton Mrs. W. Vail, Mrs. A.
I.. Chalice. Clare M. Vail. ,.Mrs. C. P.
Simpson, Kailierine F. lirndcr.
A111011K the clei'K.VMn-ii present were:
llev. A. F. Chaffee. Park Place; Kt V.
C. 11. Ni w iip;'. Dnltoa: dev. T. M.
Furey. Ileiidham; Kt . F. P. Doty anil
lieV. J. P.. Sweet, West Seiautoii.
The chuteh where the convention was
held had 1 11 dccoiulcd with crysan-
th. inuins and palms. The pulpit and
altar were especially pleasiiu? to the
ee. After the luorninf; session the tlel
ecatis innl visitors were supplied with
nil appctiziiiK lunch in the church ilin
I11K room. The eiiterti'.inmeiit was in
ch.nye of the Simpson church society.
The i tnct rs presldiliK over the t (in
vention weie: Mrs. M. S. Hard, Wllkes
P.arie. president; Mrs. Dr. Melxell,
Wilkts-liaiie, lecorilins s.'crelary;
Mis. M. Atlititon, Wyoming, treasur
er; .Mrs. C.eorm? K. Powell, Wilkea
lliirre, cm TctfpjndinK secretary. As u
work of 11 !oi eclat ion fur faitld'til ser
vice dtiriiiif Hie past year the society
le-clecletl 'lie oltl ti'.lieeis wilii the ex
ception of the tre.-Kurer, wl:o was elect
ed to lill the Pino of a tin tuber of the
society who in -i removed to another
confer 'lice. The election was ut the af
ternoon srssicn.
The mornine; meetlnp began nt 10
o'clock. Mrs. A. F. Chaffee, wife of
the pastor of the Asbtity Pulk Meth
odist Kpiscopal ( liurch. led the con
vention In devotl.iiuU exercises. In
evidence of the success of Mrs. Chaf
fee's part In the service t'.ie foil -will!;
resolution, passed nt the afternoon ses
sion by the delegates, Is fjlven: "We
feel that special mention should be
made of Mrs. A. F. Chaffee, and wish
to assure her that we hn've been both
instructed and entertained. We feel,
indeed, that words are inudcquri te to
express our pleasure that she was with
us" Miss S. I!. Slocum, if the
Simpson cl'iii'ili. wcicemcd lie- dele
gates ill In hull ni' la 1 Society, Tile 1 -soonse
was made by M.s. Y'. H.
Pearce, of Wlll i's-Harre. Tin? n pnit-j
of the l'-eotilinrr secretary, .'sirs. Melx
ell. included the minutes of the last
meeting. In the absence of the treas
urer, tin ivpoil of the pli sent till!) tr ial
stnmliii!; of the society was made. It
is understood that the s icicty luvrr
stum! on surer foot Ins iliun now. year the sum of money used l y
the society was Sl.HJ'A All the cltiir.'hi
have not as yet undo this year's le
port to the financial secretary, Mrs. C,
P. Simpson, of lids city, hence the t 1
tal finances up to this time Is nt
Volliiwiiur th" repoits of the s"C"c
I 11 Its i.iptis on "W'lnt Ailt Our Aux
lllai y'.'" wi re read by Mrs. C. A. Most r
of Scrnntiiii; Airs. c. n., m .c-t
Kit tst .11. and M'ss 11. Sh n-:iini:er, r
Vikes-l;ui re. Th- rem-irks of tli
ladies were In tin- fi rm of ,-idvlee nn 1
suifuc-llon f..r the weifaie of tie
"Aid." The pr. rider.:, Mrs. II. ml. gav.?
out the foil, win-; cumiiil! t-'es:
lies ilitllons tits. C. II. Cool, Wist
l'ittston; il's. T. .'.I. Furcv, I'.etulham;
.Mrs. K. K. Parsons. W.tverly.
N'oniin.itlons- ir.-.-i. It. c. Mt-Dermoft,
Kingston: Mia. Sh iw, V.'iiki M-Uarie;
.sits. J. I!, sj'vee!. Scrartim.
Mrs. C. P. Simpson, of Mci.tpfon, was
iippoinied hy the picshb-nt to uct as a
commilte 1' o:,e to c .nsnii v.itii the
prexIdlliK ehb rs f the y.anli;-' con
!"!'ence renaidin;.' mission work umonrr
llie fi,rcl;rii soeal-lni; clement of the
district, .'ut-r ill. transactions of
the mortiiii'.r the meet'imi wns adjturii'-rl
1111 tit 'I P. 111. At tliat time the s--loi
wns opened -th d.-vciimml exercises
led by Mrs. T. M. Fti; y. Folhuvin";
tins service Miss C. ":td!.i-nis g.'.w ,n,
inietestlu;.' talk tl "South .'.m ilea."
in Its relat! 1.1 to inissionat y work. The
f- a tit re id the cft":H'.on s,ssi'-ii v.o-
tl.e itdi're-s ef n. Hull, rook
Choppeil. who fir t.iMiy yeai's has !a
I il as a tills- lor-ary i 1 .l.ipnn at d Is
r-ilil iuP r. stcd In the v. rk. Chap
ped had v illi her y.-sleidu;,- h- r r.-yeai--olil
t.v.lp ihi'ieln 'is vlio wcr, born in
Japae. Tile Utile .--p-ls were used y,s
tttday to Illustrate tile ci-unoes worn
In- the .la'iaie se v.'imn ti. Tl'es - ll-ev
-.vol.- mid di-odaic"! befoie the c liven -tin!-.
Mrs. Chuppt lis' tall; w as aL'Morl.
imf In iiitvi. M.
AfP-v ills. Cluipt'cil had concluded
her address th" convention I'stcn d lo
the re poll of Cue cOiiimUlte on i-e'-.:-lu-tioiis.
lo addition t'i the one rel'orrinn
lo Mis. Chaffee ihe resolution: wen- .is
Tloit as !net--r -i s o(
ein Mi-sional v snrh-l
c,r tac Woini-n'i For-
fi d much in.
are s'rh '!i' to
,Ve fc ;
ret .-. ud eiitluis-
Wokel' ic V-ll
,:.J l-v.cta-::! ,.a-
coiirnio d In 1 1 inn k .o
do in the d:i ttei's name;
ar,--d i-l tile l.'.'Tf at:. :i.'a
I -asm 111. .;!:'- ite-l by Hie
c.s ia the very ex. t-lh-at a
pe'-S lead lit lids oeelifot.
That th" A us ilia -o, 01' 11.!' disirict 'oe
(lontcd to Kiv- s-t'-'eial ali.Jatl in to the
oil' piuiioti ef t:o.:otl ' . t-c.i 1 n . i.moiie. Co.
Col v-ian-sj-i akin;; pi ople ia iheir own l.tti-
Thin tve t'Xiend our ki the. .:!-..i to
the t:u-nlier tf Ihe en nrl.-iy f.a
the four!,-.' i ee.eitl.jii li;.iu mil arrival a: -I
the b011r.1er.ns ptov.siona and ea;eiia;:i-
lllellt etf-II'd 'OS.
That we ile-m it but Just utipret lathm t 1
exl-rd 10 Mi--. 1. S. Hard h vote of
ti.anln fi)- failhfid and 1 lit I-nt 1 ..'rvic. s
tend, red as lucai leat. and as oo-r. ...:
of our hsurty i-o-nin ii'.i loa for Co- t n.-uo-ii;
i car.
The (onvertioa then
ln-et nl Ihe nl' of the
time ami place, .Mrs.
Peillt e and AI i s. Pov.-i 11
the chair.
adjoin m d to
e"ti:.riitteo on
i'wet. Mrs.
, nppointod by
Titles to Ten Properties Approved by
.In;!-,-:- Archliald.
In open court yesterday Sheriff dem
ons iicUnowleilr,' "d ded.i for the fol
lowing fleets of realty:
P'vpeity of John Seism on Quln'-v
avenue to Coidelia Seisin for $:."!!); prop
erty ef William J. Schirfer on Mifflin
avenue to Leonard I. Ilosf .id fur yi.
ino: property of the Scranton fJUiss Co.
to the Lackawanna Trust and Safe
DepiTBit comiany for JTl'lMIS; property
of Annie Casey on prospe.-l avenue to
Charles Dupont llreck. trus'ne. fur 5";
property of Cassle and J. W. Hollen
back in Pcllevua to the Commonwealth
Pulldlni; nnd Loan assoelutlun for 45.
D7: proiK-rty of John Dupont Dimmick
la AbIiii;ton township to Kussell l)im
hlck for 4T: property of Jinks Beajfie
011 South AbltiBton to T). K. Hell for
projK-rty of Frank P. Ulnir In
First ward of Carbondale to Michael
Moran for XC6: property of Ann Gtlgal
lon In Carbondule to John Holand for; protierty of Mary ami Thomas
Cavanaujsh In Carbondule to Mary Cav
anautth for SIO.
Victim of Christian Scientist Faith
llrnlrrs Is Laid nt Itcst.
Coroner Loniistrect yesterday Issued
a death certificate In the case of James
Wood, the U-year-old sun of Junius
It. Wood, of Hoi'tister avenue, and the
'linen 1 was h--ld in the nfteriition, Qt
tended by only the family and a few
friends. When Wood anplitd for the
certificate the day before the coroner
would no tfive it to him until after an
Investigation had bee-i made.
There will be a ho. rini in the arbi
tration roi 111 of the court house Mon
day niHit, helnnlnd at S o'clock. The
coroner has supeenucd the boy's pur
ents a"d the women who operated as
faith healers. District Attorney John
!!. Jones Is wuitinsr until the coroner's
Jury lind.s its verdict.
He Was Drawn Into trie Sheave Wheel
at the Head ot a Culm Plane
in Winton.
Charles P.rntly, n hoy 11 years oltl,
who lived wiih his grandmother. Mrs.
Anthony limine, of Mt. Vernon, met u
horrible death ut tile Pierce Coal com
pany's breake:- ut Winton yesterday
afternoon. While plavlns at the head
of the culm plane near the breaker
his cloth' s been me eutaiiKled In the
heist inir (able and he was drawn Into
the sbo-ive wheel which was revolving
Ilia body was horribly mangled. The
wheel wns stooped as soon as possible
and the body removed and tnitrn tolhe
l. ime cf his :-i mdmotlicr. Th? boy wan
a son of Mrs AIciBaret Hradj, of Cher
ry st'eet, Soutii Side, and since his
fal Iter's death about eighteen months
ago he had been living with his grand
mother. IN OLD MAINE.
lleiiitf Played by a Ootid Company nl
llnvis' Theater.
"In ohl Maine." a homely play of the
"old Homestead" sort, wus presented
by Daniel narlciuh and a good suo
pnrtltiy; company In Davis' theater yes
ti rday afternoon and evening. It is a
four-act di.tir.a containing n great thai
of the fun anil simplicity of honest
country li'e and deserves large autli
enct s nt today's uud tomorrow's af
ternoon nnd evening performances.
Darleleh, as "SI" Slebliins, faithful
ly portrays the rugged, honest fanner
ef the m-t, and he is given good sup
port by on elllcient company. The
show carries its own orcli-stra. Spe
cialties nre included In the play, one
act deserving special mention is th
uerolj.itlc work of Hoarse Jacquin. It
would be ho'd to imagine anything
better In that line.
lie Is ( Iiii ru cil Willi Disposing of the
I'aisenr.;! I'uin sliings. '
Uev. ?Hch:"l I'-za. the prl-'-t who
tyas until recently rector of i.'t. .1 )
seph'a I.ithunlnn cnlholle church, wits
sent to jull ly Alderninn Howe yester
day in default of $sii(i ball.
Father Peza was charged by some of
the church ollicers with having made
off with Hie parsonage furnishing and
s-lliiig them to Auctioneer Strong.
Mnvt of tlie comedy of "Secret Ser
vice," which w ill be sf en at the Fi'nt!i
itmham Fiiday and Sa'tirdny nights,
W ill be expl liteil by Odette Tyler nnd
W.ilti-r 't l' 1111:1s. Miss Tyler's service!
nre valued so highly by Manage'.'
l''ioliman I hut he rest ryes her time ex
clusively for his n'w Yeik produc! I ns.
This is the list time she has a ppe.UYd
out-ide of a New York thea'.e-.' for sev
ci.'il years. (f all tin- men who.-i
Managers Palmer nnd Cindy tiled In
tie ili.Ticult p,e 1 if "Little Hillce,"
Yi'rltei- Tlpunas wus tiie m .st snce"ss
ful. lb- is niso remtinbei -d as having
made a bi;r hi: In "The Charily Hall."
w a
"South He fore the War" will be the
attraction nl th" Academy of .Viusie
toiii'.;ht, tomorrow night and tomorrow
tl f lei noun. The cotaoiiny jy, composed
i fn'i in' fil'iy 1 pie, including a Plcka-
t: in 11 bund cf seventeen little color-1!
toys,, poir tii!'i tettes, lv e of Intel:
ai'.d win.i, dar.ctis. a coterie cf o:i.!.i'
w iil!:..-r. a Rraml 'horns of I'u'ty voices,
nnd .0 l'icl-.aiiliicy bund who npponr in
the p!ny and hind the t.arade of the
( oinpany. which st'irts from the Acad
emy tit ll.:;o :i. in. today.
oin- ( f the mosj notable and Interest
ing ihi unit -al 1 vents of next week will
be tite uppci..ia:u c of Dciln Foy m Ho
load of her ov.11 opera rouipany at t
.'itiit'ei iy f AI11 ;b- Monday in
a .et:d vl'l'- o.' n i'a emit! -d "Tiie I. it
lie Troopt r." U io an ad.i;.iation from
th - French l.y-Ciav M. (.-reene and
William Kltist.
"The ,;an In the Iron Mask," which
appeals. In 10 at tile Academy of Music
Ttvs.'ay 1 v nlng. Sept. 211. in a play cf
ri al dramatic Interest and power, nnd
I 1 the hands of Mr, ponnM Kobertson
(who bv the way is its udiritrr) nnd
Miss Iht ndoii lamnias. should be given
a strong production.
'i'o li iversiile Park, I..'iticshoro, Pa.,
I'riilay, Scpleinlicr "."ith, ls!)0, via
Hie Poptiinr llclav. arc and Iludsnii
It ail ru. -id.
UA'eisiile IV. rk is situate:! cn tlu
r-.osi leaitf'.fu: ami nlctmo-Sfilli' p.a--ib.-n
of the usqut-hanan -river, ot
wl ich two elegant steamlio.ts make a
rciiod trin if f 111 1- en imlts for ttv n
ty cent--.
Path ins. Flldes, a fin?
iiie!iy-:;"-iouiid and a large pavilion
add 'o the attractions of the park.
1 Sp:( I il Hnln will leave Sciunton at
8.10 o. in. ai d lemming leave the park
at "i.mO p. in. lor ihe fund trip, a luits $1.00;
chih'rtn Go cuts. For furl her Infor
mat on address H. W. Cress, ilisti'lc:
liar:;, rger a? nt, Seinnton, Pa.
Ash Your Denier
for Mt-Oar rrh'B Insect Powder, 25 and
10-ccnt boxes. Never sold In bulk
T.iko no oiiiir.
The auction wile of furn'ture at 40G
Jefferson uve.. will continue today at 2
o'clock. A. It. Harris,
A dainty line of Children's Coats nt
the Kuby HiiBanr, 512 Spruce street.
XX Vi'hlto Knvelopes for 17c. at 3c.
Store, 523 Luck'a. ave.
It A MSHA W-TA YLOR til Dunmnro, Pa.,
Sept. "J. Istiii, Hohert Tj KftiiiKhnw and
Miss Kiiz-ibeth Tnzer. both of Forty Fort,
Pa., by liev. W. K. alhhoiiB, of Uunmoru,
at the Presbyterian muuse.
Three of Them Met Last Night ia the
' Y. M. C. A. Building.
.lliis Ynu Dcr Voait Hill Be th Con
trnlto Suloistrians Tor Noou
Erunsclistic .Vcctiiiss iu Suburban
Scctious and 1'uctoric uud Miops.
Ccmniittce .Heelings Are Public.
Uig Rully Next Thursday.
That the local Christian Endeavorers
are hard at work preparing for the
coming convention was apparent last
night at the Young Men's Christian
Association building where the commit
tee of the Junior superintendents
and the ushers' committee were In at
tendance. The committee of 'Wi, the
chief convention executive: body, trans
acted quite u volume of new business
nnd received reports from many of the
Miss Elsie A. C. Van Per Voort, the
contralto soloist of Kim Park church,
wus engaged for one of the three con
vention soloists. The other two will
be Professor and Mrs. J. II. Lowe, two
Srospel singers of 11 reputation almost
national. The soloists will slug one or
more times daily ut each of the three
places of meeting, the Frothinshum,
Academy of Music and Kim Park
I'ev. Thomas Hell reported for the
noon evangelistic meetings committee
that tiriuiigcmcnts hud been made for
outdoor meetings on Wednesday nt
Providence square, Prlceburg, Throop,
Keyser Valley and Feltsvllle. Thes.
services will be conducted by Endeavor
mission bands. There will also be ser
vices Wednesdays ami Thursday noons
In the factories and shops of the city.
Contracts were made for the decorat
ing nf the three convention audito
riums. Information was r-ceived concerning
the prooi'Hod tinio of ariival of delega
tions from pinny re. Hons of the state
In special tiH lnn or special r irs attach
ed to regular tiHns. Tills Information
was turned over to the reception com
mittee. Progress was reported by the com
mittee having in charge the big rally
next Thursday evening In the Penn
Avenue Mapllst church. That will be
the final gathering of the Endeavorers
before the convention.
The committee of ' wishes It under
stood that the presence of outsiders will
be well cmed ut any and all committee
The reception committee will meet
tonight In the lecture room of the First
Presbyterian church.
Large Audience llntcitaiiicd nt the
Academy olMInsic.
Tint Miss Kmily Ttancker firmly In
trenched herself in tiie good graces of
SerantonlaiiB during her appearance in
this city last season was apparent lust
night hy the large audience that gath
ered in the Academy of Music to tee
Miss Hanekcr and her company In
"Our Flat."
The comedy is as Irresistibly funnv
ns ever, and If the luushlcr of last
night's audience Is any criterion. It
was hlvrhly entertained. Preceding the
eonn.tly a curtfiln raiser, "Comedy and
T;ng I;'," wuu given, which gave Miss
l :;nu.!;tr m npn"! tu"Hy to do gome
clever emotional work.
- - -
Sherill ( lemon 1 lins Not let Notified
Iloschino of Hit Cood Fortune.
.Murderer Joseph lloschlno Is not yet
aware that tin- board of pardons has
acted favorably In his case, nnd he
will not be until Sheriff Clemons re-
The exhibit ion of Fall millinery hnB
attracted such throngs us revri- befoie.
I'veu our large, commodious quartern
wore too small for your comfori.
The store Is as. fucked with newness
gat lured from everv clime, and the
latest tips of Paris fashion ar? here for
yt in- Inspection.
Vety ii"arly three hundred trimmed
Ki'ts and liounots attribute to this
unmatched exhibit, while artists nr..
al your hhli'ing to take hints from
these pud li'or.i y ni and thus produce
a Ho;ui"t to your liking.
We don't 1. 1 anybody give you quite
ns much for your mon.y as you'll gn
133 Wyoming Avenue.
(Musicul Director rf the Pl.-st Pres'jy.
tcrun Church)
Tcnxlici tf I'iaao, Organ uud
Harmony; Also the Art of Aocoin
I'Hiiyin 'i'aiii.'.lil. Stttuio at Rcsi.
donciMif the LATE 1 1 ERR KOrFF,
:5l)'2 Ail. 1111s Avenue, Scranton.
Icciiulini tha painic&j istraetiajof
toth by an entiiely nuw
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
l Er.-ucefct., Qpp. Hotel Jcrinyn.
The Selections
Of the World
find their way to this carpet
stock. We are not content
with buying from one maker.
Each must j-ield up his best.
Iu this way we get a varied
and beautiful stock. Our aim
is to give perfect satisfaction
to every one. Nothing is
misrepresented. You get solid
spend with us.
SIEBEGKER & WATKINS. Lackawanna Avenue.
Opposite Wyoming House.
celvea the oflicinl document from Har
risburg. That comes by mail and may
arrive today.
While -the sheriff known tha the sen
tence la commuted to Imprisonment for
life, he prefer to wait and notify Ito
BChino of the cheerful news after the
document signed by the governor ar
rives. As soon as it comes Hoschlno
will lw told that the gallows ta not hi
The finest teas nnd coffees can? be
bought at the Scranton Tea store at
reasonable prices, C25 Lackawanna avenue.
Tailor made fall suits and overcoats,
latest styles. John Koss, S07 Spruce
Steam Heating nnd Plnmbing.
P. P. & M. T. Howley. 231 Wyoming ave.
Dr. McDowell, dentist, 240 Adams
Try Jordan's one-half minute stews.
Tha King cf PI1U Iz Beecham'l.
And the skilled repairer U close
akin to the manufacturer. We coin
bine both. If you have any tine watch
and any part is broken or lost we can
replace it. Do not have your watch
ruined by incompetent workmen, let
us tlx it.
We clean any watch for ji oo and
warrant it
423 Ucliawanna Avanua.
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
SEPT. U. 25 iD
Jluslc Store.
iThe ftanc'uru ef tlie V.'urld,)
I vers & Pond
iWilh Patent Kof:-Stop,j
(With Compensating Rods.1
Morris & Hyde
(With Transposing KeyboarJ.)
And other excellent
makes. Prices and terms
on application.
value for ever3r cent 3'ou
""a (.."'4'jy "i rn 11 1 H j 4
Wonderful Values
this week4
Tho prices quoted are but
samples of the saving items
through our store. Every thrifty
mau or womau will appreciate the
Early Fall Capes, which were
sold at $7; sale price - $3.50
Pana tR. calo nrlna . 9 Kft
wuiu W auia iiiUB fciuv
Cape $3-50; sale price, - - 1.50
Early Fall Coat, which were sold
at $8; sale price, - 4.00
Coat, $7; sale price, - - - 3.50
Watch this space for our Fall
Have your Furs repaired by the
only practical furrier In the city.
Of this week we will con
tinue Our Elaborate Dis
play of
Children's Headwearand
High Class Millinery
Novelties, Rich and Ar
tistic Headgear, evolved
and created by the lead
ing European modistes
as well as the product of
our own unexcelled work
II. LANGFELD, Successor,
324 Lackawanna Avenue
Sixty Candle Power
It is no use of having an old slyle
lamp when you can get the best for
iiitle money. Call and examine our
31 Peon Avi Cpp- Baptist Church.
Middle of the Block.
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton
OFFICE HOT7R9 from 7.30 a. m. to p.
tn. (1 hour IntermiMlon (or dinner sod
Particular Attention Given to Collection.
Prompt t-ettlement Ouaranteed. Your Bu(.
aeu U Respectlully Solicited. 1 elephes 134.