The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 24, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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fill iflprs will r-li-n-ie not that advents'
n ont", or.lrr" for Job work, nnrt ttnms tor
lublloatlon loft at the establish mt-nt of
fc-iifinnon A Co., Eewsilt-alers. North Main
street, will receive i-rotnpt attention; of
l it: open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m l
.lt. .ll;trt;;iret Kennedy Injured by an
Ontario and olern Train.
AVht-n the trolley rar phsfoiI -tin rail-rn-id
i-rnsxiiifr above tliis city yt-stfr-i!:iy
about noon smue 'f ihe passo-riKr
iliKi'i'Vitil iho fnrm of a woman lyini?
npin gome rails m-:ir the road slri.
tin- ninth bound unturlo and Wist
fi'ii iasM'iisrr train lnil jiifl j-iitsMeil
t'u- crossipi; It i-vH-nt that an ac
, .'..nt bad orriii ri il.
Tin? uiifiirtmmie person wan found to
( nu eldei ly lady, Alarsart t Ken
nedy, who though liadly it nut fatal
ly wa: still conscious. lJr. J.
t. yilcs wiii sununoiifil and found lier
suffering from internal injuries'. A ter
rible wound appeared un lu-r head,
where thf? ensine had stru.'k her with
tsrt'Bt force. She will he riinoved to
l ie liospitul if her condition should al
low of it. It may prove a final acci
'! he loiular lnii inn Kntertnina His
r'rif-iitln in a iMrnsing Way.
Tlie recitul Riven hy Uelijfiiuin L.
SlniTir In the Cycle club rooms was
ery delightful. The rooins were till
sl with a iiirse and ivsrjisive audl
eiice represelitiiiK 01"' ',,'!,t families.
.Mr. Singer was assisted by ("all Mess
ier, violinist, of this city, and Kalph
Williams, baritone, of Scranton. A line
programme from the best eumpopern
ivas well rendered.
l'rof. K. S dithnorth, of Scranton.
illicit r whom .Mr. Sim-jot suidied. was
i r.s.-nl end played some of the nceom
iianiments. .Mr. Sinser leaves next
.eek lor Vhiladoloha where he will
like m. the study of medicine at the
I tmerMty of lviins Ivuiiia.
The tlonit lo tiiie Several Ealer
laiiMiieiils Uui'iiis Hie Winter.
A scries of promenad" couci ris ilur
Iiii; ihe mining seas Hi will lie Kiven by
ihe Mor.irt baud in Ihe hall of the
t'.uike building:. 11' successful l hey w ill
be continued every two weeks and III
Vi'iy way be popular entertainments.
The admission hi-intr ilxeil at ten cents
liny will doubtless be well patronized.
The h r.ul is a credit to the oil v and
under the aide leadership of l'rol'ess r
Kunajby is well ore.umed Willi a full
oichtstia and has a talented niemlier
diip of musii iahs. Their elTorts should
be appreciated in a substantial manner.
J'rejiarn'ion, lmlii'itlr Thai 11 Will
He a I. land Siiecexv.
Th.e reliearsnlM for the kiriness in be
) all' of the I'ohiniliias are under way
end nil incrouKinir interest has been
: wakened.
The entertainment promises lo be a
success, heitli from its own merits und
becail"..' it is j.'iven in behalf of the
tireiuen, who are ever prompt and
ready ill tin discharge of their Untie.
.Miss 1,11a Stewart is much t-w-ouraigt-tt
by the inteiist taken in tlm alfair
which is under her inanaijement.
I'liii.iriML' lo l!eecic Mr. II r win
When He Hem ho Scriinloii.
An etiihiisinstic meelinar of the Silver
. l':b was held on Tuesday eveninif Ht
Caledonian luiil to an .vn-ii! for the re
ceptlon to bi' exteiHled to .Mr. Itryan
hen he rem lies Seinnton.
A larire iiinnber of those who are
interested in ih.. success of their can
didate intend to hear him when he
-speaks in Scranion. Messrs. Thomas
Kehoe and S. F. Mclionnld were ap
pointed as a coinnilitee to arranire the
delegation from this ciiy in the paraile.
Accident at tin: XoilltnrM.
A fall of coul from the roof struck
John Tcisiher, while at work in in
North West mine, and the heavy load
.ru:ihed hlin to (he ground. He was
icken to the r.tneinicy hospital when
it appeared that he wua no', dead. Ins.
A. F. CHiis and Mark I'.ailey, after a
careful examination, found that the
.spine of the unfortunate man i.'
bioUcn. and that other serious injuries
find been received. His recovery seems
to be very doubtful.
Airs. E. K. Morss and son Kendall,
of Lakeside, were guests of her parents
Air. and Mrs. Joseph Aaumnn, this
Airs. John McLean, of Scranton. is
being entertained nt the home of Mrs.
Mary A. McLean, of Brooklyn street.
Kny. the little son of Air. and Airs.
Llewellyn Williams, of Belmont street,
was bitten on tne leg by a dog. lr.
Thompson cauterized the wou id.
Air. and Mrs. Charles Goslin.of Brook
lyn, N. V., are the guests of Dr. and
.Mrs. Alexander Gillis.
Air. and Mrs. George Kilborn. who
have been the suests of Air. and Mrs.
C. F. Hose, of AVyomins street, left
yesterday for Owego, N. V.
Aliss Nellie Thomas, of Wayne street,
who tins been visiting in New York
city and Dunbury, Conn., hag returned
Kalph Williams, the baritone, who
assisted B. L. Singer in his recital
Tuesday evening, was the guest over
night of Lyman Smith.
John Ferrel, of Wyoming street, who
has been seriously ill with blood pois
oning, is better.
Airs. Thomas Anthony, of Wales, for
merly of this city, la visiting friends
in town.
ALss Clara Ppaule, of Eighth avenue,
who has been ill for the past month, is
Mrs. AVilliam Isgarand daughter Ro
innine, are visiting friends in Peck
ville. JfiFS Lizzie F.uckley, of Sand street.
Is very low and her life Is despaired of.
Louis P.. Abboit lefi in Monday for
Lehigh University, South Bethlehem,
where he will take a course in tin?
school of technology.
Miss Laura Davis, of Wilkes-Barre,
Je-.t read our prices and compare tbcm with
try and all of the other attempts:
25s. Ingrain Carpets, Nov 18c
35s. Inyaii Carpals, Naw 25c
50a Ingrain Carets, Now 35c
55c Eiusssis Carpets, Now 33s
75s. Erusscls Carpats, Now 57c
85s. Brussels Carpets, Now 75c
Also a quantity of body Brnisel lengths
from to jo yard in each piece at about one
hail price to close.
- - Carpets ud Wall Paper Dealer.
TEttMS-Caaa M tke Abore floods. ,
Is the guest of .Miss Charlotte Olles, of
Lincoln uvenue.
.Miss Grace Ragle-', who has been 111
with spinal trouble. Is much better.
Miss Jiora Kllston. of Tenth avenue,
is ciuite illl with typhoid fever.
Jlailcarrler AV. K. Chase, who has
beeeu vlsitlnfr In Brooklyn, Susiiue
hannna county, has returned home.
Miss Moore, of AA'ilkcs-harre. who is
a ffiiest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
P. Olver. i ill.
.Miss Irene Hyde, of the Hiph schhol,
i ul Ttalned Mirs lluey, of Alton Tues
day. Miss Frank Stone, of Highland park,
who has been seriously ill with ty
phoid fever, is convalescent.
Mrs. Georse Taylor, of Salem. Mas
who has been visitlnir her parents Mr.
and Airs. Thomas A'aimun. of f'hurch !
street, will return home lodnv. i
-Miss Klizabrth AbbnU, who has been
speiidiuK her vacation wilh her par
ents, returned to her duties at ihe city
hospital. AVllkes-Karre, last evening..
.Aliss Xellie Su-:hens. of Dane ave
nue, Is cotitined to her home by severe
The tivuty-flrst annual convention
of the Women's Chiisiiun Temperance
union of Susuehaiina county will be
he! I in the Haotisi chinch, this bov
oukIi. on Sept. 3 and :W. FollowitiK is
the proirrammt rf the meetings: Tues
day evening, anthem by a nulled elm r;
Uiide rradiim by .Mrs. Anna Hammer,
state president: prayer. Key. l H.
Kennedy; mil call of otticers. delenaies
and superintenilents, each to respond
with a lenirieijinco Item; appoiutln;?
ronimittees': address of welcome by
Itev. J. I.. Williams, pastor of the Hap
llst church, In behalf of the churches:
Mrs. Lizzie Colborn. hi belmlf of the
AVomen's Christian Teniperaiice union :
response by .Airs. Fann-ie li. II. Chase,
state superintendent of Sunday school
work: solo, "The Iniquity of the Liquor
Tralllc." Mrs. Shelp; five-minute talks
by Hev. G. B. Stone, paster of the
Methodist church; Itev. J. G Evans,
pastor of the Congregational church;
Hev. J. C. HoMiin. and K v. t'. B. Ken
nedy, pastor of the I'resbyterian
church: tpiartette; report of superin
tendents; address. Mis. GUI; doxoleity
and benediction. Wcdn sday motninu.
Hilile reading. .Mrs. C. N. Lyons. .Mont
rose: convention called lo order by
presidem: rendlnif llilliuies; report of
corresponding seeretarj-: r(-ri,irt id'
treasurer; reooris of supeiiidenilen's
ei ei I lined: "Sabbnth ihset vnnee." Liz
zie S. Cook. Susoiieh.iivia: "Mother's
meetinus." Mrs. Klla Sm ip. New Mil
ford: 'Mail Work." Mis. Sinilh. Mont-io.-,e;
'Itiillroad Work." .Mrs. .Mary
.MeCunnon. Caklanil; "Press Work,"
Airs. C. K". Wliilni'y. Susquehanna;
' Sclenlillc Temperance I iistrucilon."
.Mrs. ii. T. Mi itli. Susquehaiiiui; sinir
hiit. election of oluccis and delegates
I i yiafe coax eniioii: "KvnuKellstlc Ser
iee.' Alls. Sheen. .Montrose: introdlic
tmii of visitors and new olliceis: ad
journment. "Wednesday afternoon,
prayer service, .Mis. SI. .McCannon;
convention ealh d lo order: player by
Mrs. riuiimnii, Siisqiiehannii; reading
of minutes: superintendi'iu s work ton
liiiueil; "l'arlor Work," Mrs. Heed,
Forest Ciiy: "I'nferinented Wine,"
.Mrs. A. W. Conk. Susquehanna; "Tem
perance in Sunday School," Mrs. F.
I I!. Chase. Iliillslead; "Loyal Le
C.ion," Mrs. Ve iniiion: music: sym
posium, led by Mrs. Anna Hammer,
state president ; reports of committees;
resolutions, time and place of next con
vention: unfinished business; adjourn
ment. Wednesday evening, aiilliem;
rending of the Scriptures and prayer
Airs. F. I. IS. Chase: address. "Christ
Commands," Airs. Sheen. Montrose:
sihKinir: address by state president.
Airs. Hammer, I'liiliidelphia: Fluffing,
address, Mrs. Alice Barnes; consecra
tion prayer, Mrs. Hammer: doxolocy
and beiiediclion. The ollieers of tit
union are: I'resldent, Airs. Carrie
Cook; llrst vice-president. -Mrs. Rlla
Shelp: eorrcsponiHmr secretary. .Mis.
Lizzie Cook; recording secretary. Afrs.
Alice Karnes; treasurer. Airs. Airnes
Gill: music, .Mrs. C. Cane.
Gasper int. of Storrs street, an
nounces his enndidacv for tax collect
or of the borough. A I ft Ott is a highly
respected cilizeii and was a member of
the council for two years and no doubt
would Illl Ihe ofllee of lax collector in
a creditable manner.
.Mrs. James I'oivell. sr.. of North Main
street, who has been confined to her
home with a severe uituck of rheumat
ism, is rapidly recovering. ,
Mr. and Airs. John K. KvnnS. of Alain
street, are visiting h'dwardsville and
Xantiroke for the past few days.
AV. W. Lnthivpe, of Si-ranlon, Hill
deliver a temperance lecture in the vic
inity of the Archhald mines this even
ing. The t'rystal ipiariette will slr-gr
several seleeiions. Admission free.
All are welcome.
The marriage ol Miss Annie Evans,
the accomplished daughter of Air. and
Airs. Kdward li. Kvuiin. to David Grf
ililis. a popular young man also of this
town, was solemnized last evening at
the home of the bride's parents on
T.ivlor street.
'Ihe fair or the Union hand opened
last evening m -Weber's rink and the
evening was devoted principally to the
placing and exhibiting or the articles.
Judging from the :ut"iulanee last even
ing ihe success of the enterprise is al
reailv assured.
Airs. W. i, iiweiis is slowly recover
ing from her illness.
The Welsh I'.aptisl church people ur
preparing t- give another concert in
1'ieoneiir future.
The entertainment of Ihe t'rice li
brary to be given by William li. Howe,
on Oct. 2-. promises to be a grand af
fair. The board of trade will meet this
evening at the P' ii e Library associa
tion's hall after an adjournment of two
months. Kvery member Is requested
to be present, as th--re is business of
Importance is to be transacted.
The Tavlor ibwe eomoany partici
pated In the firemen's parade yester
day at Scranton. The boys showed up
well for the first time.
The foot luce between Joseph Gen
kle and Michael Joyce has been post
poned until Saturday next.
I'r. e1. fc. Watson has gone on a visit
to his mother's home at Oswego, N. Y.
H expecis to be absent about tell days.
N. P. t'lnuson, of Duryca, was a call
er in town yesterday.
Open ears on the Traction company
lines were not in demand yesterday.
Newton William Is running his bus
from the Deln-vnre. T -acknwannn and
Western railroad st.nlon, West Pltts
ton to the fair grounds.
W. f. Huti hings was a caller in
Scranton yesterday.
Airs. Luke Dark, formerly of this
place, but now residing at Oswego, X.
Y.. is visiting among friends in town.
Airs. H. Kearn. of Avoca. was a call
er in town yesterday.
Mrs. Susan CMiamhrlaln is quit ill.
Frank Donley, foroninii nf thp Kiirk
ct. recrnlly wnt n fi'W ilnys with his
parent nt Tunkhannock.
AiHr Millie jirown Is Kpencline; n frw
r.eeks Willi her Piifr. ilit. H. Stat&a,
at Tiiwnnda.
J. A. Kintner, of Meslionnen, spr-nt
Piimlay in town.
Mrs. Martha La Franee, of Lat-y-yille.
railed on old ' friends in town
llonilny In.rt.
a. I . Uaybird. of Westflfld. Muss..
If penillns; a fortnight at his old home
in this place.
Miss Kayette Aokley, of Carlxmdalp,
recently visited her ulster, Mrs. N. J.
Cay lord, and other friends in tovn.
Miss Jennie Hlcn-utn spent Sunday
with her aunt, Mrs. W. O. Bunnell, at
. a number of our people are la To
wauda attendintr the suit of Steinbach
vs. Steinbach.
Guy AA'ells and sister. Miss .Maude,
were in town Monday last.
Mrs. Mary Keeler, of SteV'iisville,
spent last week with her . ulster, Mrs.
Helen Canfleld.
Mr. anil Airs. Alton Taylor returned
Monduy from a visit to Mr. and Mrs.
William Florey. at Stroudsiiuri;.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Strickland, of
Opposition, spent Sunday at AV. AV.
The death of James AIcKune, of Ihe
North F.nd, occurred yesterday even
ing at his home In the North Knd.
F.arly yesterday mornlntt while Mr. AIc
Kanc was plrttns on the porch waltlncr
for an electric car t convey HI m lo
his work In I'ltlston, where he was em
ployed as a blacksmith, he was sud
denly seized w'th a paralytic stroke
since which time he did not regain
consciousness. Air. AlcKane was to
have, removed his family to Plttston
this week and only the evening pre
vious a merry party assembled at their
home and tendered them a farewell re
tention. Deceased was a tall, distin
guished livrklntf man whom everyone
could claim as a friend. He was a
skilled blaiksmlih and worked at the
trade nearly all his life. He is sur
vived by a wife and one son, James, of
Piltston, ami one dauiililer. Mrs. Van
T.imell, of New York city, who has
been visitlnir here for the pns( few
Mui'Kiirot, the flve-months-old dnuch
(er of Air. and Airs. Alartiil liolan, of
Packer street, . died yesterday morn
ing of cholera infantum. The funeral
will take place tomorrow afternoon.
Inlti iiieni will be in St. Mary's ceme
tery. St. .Marv's church was the scene of
a prelty wedding yesterday noon when
AlNs Kate liolan. of this place, was
tinned in murlrage with .Mr. John Mor
rissey, of , Wilkes-Hnrre. At the ap
pointed lime the wedding" party ar
rived n( the church and marched up the
centre aisle where Rev, M. F. Crane
awaited them. The bride wore n rich
costume of plum color cloth trimmed
l:i silver buildings, her maid, Aliss An
na. Iieins similarly attired. The yioom
was attended by Air. John Abe-row, of
likes-Ba i re. After the ceremony the
wedding party repaired lo the home of
the b-ide where a sumptuous wedding
dinner was served to Ihe immediate
relntlves of (he bride and groom. Af
ter receiving ihe congratulations of
those present, .Mr. and .Mrs. Alorrissey
left on the Black Pluinonil exnress for
New York city.
Horn, to Air. and 'Mrs. James Camp
bell, of ihe West Side, on the L'.'ld hist.,
a daughter. t
Airs. Itobi rt Wallace, of Hnzleton.
and .Mrs. James Wallace, of Kingston,
were visitors at the Aikmun residence
on Tuesday.
A number of youns men of ihe town
are preparing to tender Hugh Jennings
a banquet at n'Alailey'H hall on Mon
day evening. The affair oromlses to
be n brilliant one and an excellent en
terininnieni of local talent and well
known peor.le from abroad will assist
in extending to the visitor a rouging
A Iieinocrntie rally wall be held in
Lmmet hall on Friday evening. Alany
well known speakers will be present
and it is expected a large number of
bimetallic advocate will greet the
Miss Ida Miller, of Packer street, is
visiting Mefids iq Forty Fort.
James Alaloiiey. of Newport News,
Is visit insr In town.
George l'oster and daughter. Lulu, of
AVuyniuii. visited his brother. Windsor
Foster, lust Siiiiiiuy.
Aliss Jennie Williams, of Luzerne,
and William Kevin, of Forty For', are
the guests of Air. and Airs. Joseph
Air. and Airs. Joseph Shone, of Hick
ory street, have issued invitations for
the marriage of their second daughter.
Lilly, to Kdward Al. AVallaek. on
Wednesday evening, Sept. HO.
Tlie Wilson Hose company fire lad
dies ri-ceiveel their new suits lust Tues
day elelllllg.
Miss Nellie, the daughter of Air. and
Alis. J. D. White, or Blaine K. was
married to lOdwurd Anderson at her
home last Tuesday evening.
Attorney 1'. A. .Maxwell, of Wilkes-Barr-.
made a business trip In town
Airs. S. C. Simpkins met with o. very
painful accident yesterday. While in
the act of canning fruit, the glass jar
broke, cutting one arm severely ami
burning the oilier.
A special street car load left here
last evening to go to the home of Rev.
F. P. Doty nt Hyde Park.
The Lad'es' Aid society of the Meth
odist church will hold nn oyster supper
in the church parlors next Wednesday
The family of Fred Williams moved
to Taylor last Tuesday.
The marriage of Miss Alary Walker,
daughter of Airs. John Walker, of Dun
more street, and James MelJonald, of
Duninoiv, was solemnized in St. Bat
rick's church yesterday morning at 10
o'clock. The auditorium contained fl
large number of friends of the young
people, who had assembled to witness
the ceremony. The bridal party en
tered the church to the strains of a
w.-ddins march. They were mol at the
altar by Key. J. Al. Smoulter and the
ceremony was performed. The bride
looked very pretty In a gown of white
brocaded silk trimmed with lace. She
wore a wreath of while rpsi-s. Her
attendant, -Miss 1-5. O'Hara. was attired
In pink silk and carried roses. The
groomsman was Al. A. McDonald, a
brother of the groom.
T. Al. Aroyle and T. H. Evans have
returned from New York, where they
spent their vacation.
Airs. J. J. I'umniings has returned
from N'ev York, where she has been
purchasing her fall millinery goods.
Tile new Fourth ward school will be
opened for public Inspection tomorrow.
A programme has been arranged for
the occasion, mid County Superintend
ent Taylor will give an address.
Aliss Margaret Carbine, who has been
spending the summer months with her
mother. Airs. J. Carbine, of Lackawan
na avenue, returned to New York yes
terday morning.
Mr. ami Mrs. Isaac Shook and fam
ily, of . Wllkt's-Harrp. siieni iimUny
with his mint, Mrs. William Hwltzrr.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwln :ozell and fam
ily called on lu-r mother. Mrs. Hates, j
of I.uxei ne, Sunday. :
The Misses Ilnseni-raiiz. of 1'lttston,
VlslliHl Mrs. A. t'.arrett Sunday.
Kev. li. Thompson culled on friends I
at I'ittslon Tuesday. I
John and Alexander Gates. nlthln'
pliue, left Tuesday f-ir Afrlea. They
expect to bo hv wuy of Capo Colony
to Jiihaiinesbura. .
Thomas Carter wus calling: on friends
at Luzerne Sunday.
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Slopht-us. of
Ashley, was the guests of Mr. and
t3o Gripe
When yen. take Hood's I'ills. The liig, okl-fasb-loneil.
sugar-coaled pills, hich tear yvu all to
pieces, are not In ft wltb Hood's. ICav to take
ami easy to operate, is true
of Hood's Pills, which are fffl lip,
up to date In every respcet l III C
Safe, certain and sure. All li III ?
dniggiiu. 23c. C. 1. Hood Co., Lowell, Mast.
Tat only Pills to take with Hood's SartapartUa.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1A V V
Mrs. N. Kapson Tuesday and Wed
nesday. Andy Matthews, Mrs. Emma DeAVttt
and son. Hiram, and Aliss C. K. Hanck
spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Geo.
AMIson. of Mount Zlon.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Aliss Mamie Greenfield anil
Thomas Carter Wednesday evening,
Sept. SO, at 8 o'clock in the AVest Slide
chapel. .
Wyoming Is being annoyed by
tramps, thieves and burglars. A few
nights ago Air. Kckert living In the
lower end- of th" borough, loaded up a
load of truck for ma-ket. W hen ho
irose he found his load all disposed of.
Tuesday night some one broke into
Dnilson' Jewelry store and carried off
n clock. They also broke iino A. it.
Paid win's store and carried oirhetween
Spirt and llffi worth of clothing and left
a clock In exchange. They gained an
entrance through a side door.
Air. and Airs. Manly Kelly are at
tending the Munstleld fair this week.
Airs. AVesley Stephens. .Mrs. Nelson
Walker and AIrs. Nettie Wilson at
tended the annual convention of the
Woman's Chiistiun Temperance union
held in Tunkhannock Wednesday.
Al. 1"). Belts, of Peckville, was a caller
here- Tuesday, and was greeted by
inary old familiar friends.
At Aleshoppeii Alondnv last a garni
c( ball between Nicholson and Meshop.
pen was played. It resulted in a score
of C to 14 in favor of Nicholson.
Aliss Jennie Drake was a Scranton
visitor yesterday.
W'liiuiii Drake left on Tuesday for
Lehigh university.
John Thornton and family spent
Sunday at Duninore.
The fair and festival at the Congie
gational church opened .Monday even
ing wilh a large attendance.
Greatest variety concert will be held
in K. J. Fall in's rink Oct. Ill for the
benefit of Abel Jones and family
A. .A'-. Tingb y has moved Into Ids
new house on Pine street.
Airs. Theodore Hiiys was In Scranton
on Monday.
William Karnes is making Improve-
To Criticism If they don't lit prop
To Order.
Suits $1fl.00
To Measure, TP-mmm
Made in our own Tailor Shop, right here
on the Premises
Jt9 Lackawanna Ave.
are located the finest fishing and hunting
grounds In the world. Descriptive books
on application. Tickets lo all points In
Maine. Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis. St. Paul, Canadian and
United Slates Northwest. Vaavouver,
Seattle, Ttiuoma, Portland, Ore., san
First-Class Sleeping and Cinir.? Cars
attached t'o all throupht trains. Touiist
cars fully titled with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of families
may be he.d with second-cluss tickets.
Rates always less than via other lines.
For further Information, time tables, etc.,
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A..
353 Broadway, New York.
Tlia huperbly Appointed und Ccniinodions
tei-l SteHinshipi,
Ami-riruu through and ilirmh,
leave BiiIThIo I u- sduvi i.uil l-'riihiyj p.m.
for Cleveland, Detroit. Mackinac. Ihe Suo,
lluluth, and Western Points, puasing all
plu es of interest bv daylight, in connou liou
with ,
it forms tho most direct route, and from ev
ery of comparison, the moat ocliirhttiil
and coiufortal le ou to Minneapolis, Si. IVitil,
Oreut Full-t, Helena. Hutte. SpoKutie unit Pa
chin coast. The trnEM ontiuental lino
rnnnhi the famous buffet, library, olerv
tioa car.
Vw (17 1-onr tra'n for Portland vis Siokr..
HOTEL LAPAVETTE, Lake Minnetonka.
itl miles from .Viuneu.olif, luretit .iud nust
lipautiul rexorr in the west.
1 i.-kte atol any itiforinniinu of any ageut or
A. A. HKARD, Ueuernl Pieoteiier agent,
Buffalo, N. V.
little lp
At 307 Lackawanna Ave.
"20 pair Lmiies' Fine Hand Sewed Extension Soled Shoes, till siuut-e toe
button, worth ?i.'0 fo (:!.00. Our special rricc, - S1."J
Ladies' Street Shoes for - SOc
501) pair Misses' Flue Shoes, square toe, btitloo, white stitchitiK. worth
$2 00, for
Child's Shoes, 3 to H wedtre heel
1,MK) pair Men's Dress Shoes at
Men's Patent Leather Shoes at
Men's $3 00 and SM.Ol) Shoes at
Hoy's High Cut School Shoes, worth
Boy's Dress Shoos at
Youth's Drew Shoes from
VlE WANT you to be free with us. Come in and go out.
- With our stock and efforts to please you can't help
to maki us the most popular Shoe House in town. Remem
ber there is no trouble to show goods and j-ou will surely
save money by it.
r-i rm ,
ments about his home on A Ill anis
Airs. J. S. Jacobus Is visiting In Itha
ca. N. Y.
Charles Nichols, of Binghamton, Is
visiting friends and relatives In town.
Airs, Walter Smith and daughter.
Vena, are tlie guests of friends in New
Airs. William Alaynard was in Bing
hamton on Alonday.
Isaac itoosu is preparing to have a
new house erected.
Mis.- Km ma Howell has returned
home after a visit at Haivieytow n, X.
F. K. Uoss has purcluiseil a fine new
horse. It is said to be one of the finest
iii this county.
It Ihe Haby Is I int- Teeth.
Mrs. AVinslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over flLy yonra by mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success. It
s ml lies the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by
druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and call for "Airs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup." and take no other !
kind. Twenty-tive cents a bottle. '
See our window for wonderful values in
We hale just secured a lot of elegant
terns in the newest cheeks and plaids the
finest goods niuile In this country. These
goods will be made to measure for .c';i.o
per suit, elegantly trimmed, put up in the
and guaranteed to III, and would cost you
ja.'-Ai to $10.(10 elsewhere. Our competitors
ask how It's done. We answer In throe
words: ".Men," ".Methods" and ".Money."
These goods w ill probably not hist a we-k;
we will have no more of them at these
prices, but we have, and'will always have.
An Elegant Assortment
of all w ord suitings, mmle to measure, from
114.110 up goods lliai you could not dupli
cate in ready-made for any less.
W .1 DAVI ai. Wyomlnu Ave.
Coal of the best quality for domestic usa
and of all sires, including Buckwheat and
Hlrdseye, delivered in any part of tlia city
at the lowest price.
Orders received at the Office, first floor,
Commonwealth biMluinft, room No. 6;
telephone No. 2624 or at the mine, tele
phone No. 272, wilt be promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied at the mine.
Tlie FliM sl in the ( it)
The latest improved turnisli
incs and onnarntus tor kecnin i
-,, , r- m
meat, latter iiud cgs.
223 Wyoming Avenua
...V y
Vliai 5r.rah Uernhnrd any.
gl.06, for
1. 10
- JiSc
Wurth $1.25.
- S5c
75c. to $1.25
e invite attention to our new line of
( 01.1), UMl FKIXGES, ETC.
Tb most lomulete line in the city.
BI choice nouils wot tli .'.. $o, $2.00 and f $ per yard, from one to
three anls'in length, at 50c, $1 00 and 51.50 per yard. 4
Km i una les eiven on all kinds of uphoUtei tag'
S. G. KERR, SON & CO.,
408 Lackawanna Avenue.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilors,
QMeraJ Office: 5CKANT0N.PA,
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus, - - 300,000
Undivided Profits, 64,000
Special attention given to Business and Persona?
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
Juniata Steel,
X. L. Steel,
Toe and Side Weight
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
is doue b- the observant people
people who pee, think, and remember. Wc wish
you to see what we have to say here, to think about
it, remember it.
We've Adfled
New Department
W'vo oing to sell stoves and tinware. We can't
expeet to sell to you who are now buying such things at
other places unless we undersell these other places make it
i an inducement for voii to change.
We've about Soo square feet in this department.
We've stocked it w ith a grade of goods that only
economical housewives will want, and we've put the
prices where quality-wise womeu cannot resist buying.
Come if only to look.
NOTE ! Stoves and Tinware sold on
Credit like Furniture, Carpets and Clothing.
, It
When In dnubt what to use for
Nervous Debility, Loss of Power,
Im potency, Alropby, Varicocele ana
uiher weaknesses, froai any cause,
ue Suiine Pills, Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored.
iroffflfwlvd. inob iroafektrtiBlt httllr.
Mailed tor $l.l)U;0boics5 00. With
$b.0U orders we pive a guarantee la
cure or refund tne money. Address
Pharmacist, cor- Wyoming Avenu an4
i I
' ! ' ''