The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 24, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Ait Sorts.
I or All the Select
. Schools aud Academics
In Scranton and Viciuity,
At W holesale Prices,
322 Lackawanna Ave.
Good Oats oil Ibis crop.
We have as good as any
body. BUT-,
We still bave
Higher in price but
really cheaper.
Ht. the initial O.. B. CO. Imprint
ed la each clgr.
Diseases of the Lower Bowel a
Specialty. 308 Washington. Ave.,
Opp. Tribune Building.
' lr. Julius Trangott In In Philadelphia.
Mrs. Joseph Lon. of Vinii Htrci.t, in en
tertahiliiB Mr. Sol AlHbnt'S, of New York
111b Lizzie Lee. nf Hinnhuniton, Is ilio
(tuesi of Alro. .hiKcph K. Inmnclly, of Lu
zerne Hirc"t.
Minn Hadlc McUulre, of LaTnyi-tle slrei-t,
1 home from u visit in llruiikl.vii ami
Morrlsiown, N. J.
-Mis. Hurry Sparry, of Altoona. in vinlt
ins her slater. Alr.-i. Juiiich Wilson, of f!!
.Marlon street, Orci-n Kldite.
Wanton James M. Bolund. of Lnzornn
county priHun, wus Itin iu-nt of hJo
brother. City Treiimirer C. !. Bolund.
.Mrs. Mark Farrell, of Butte, Mnntnnn.
returned homo yesterday nfter an ex
tended visit with Mr. and Mm. Patrick
dullitsher, of Jackson Hi reel.
Tuesday evening a surprise party wns
tendered to Miss itosle ItoKcn.wlK at her
home on Hickory street which was at
tended by Aliases Lena and Wadie Feld
lunn. Ida and Htelltt lblHinun, Pearl and
linse loisoner, Iiosie and Minnie Hchwartn.
tirade Roth and Annie Kernel, and Messrs.
Piivld mid Jacob Keisnian. Morris Niiui-r,
Harry Keisnian, Harry Kletnlierger,"Kcl
ttiird and Joseiih Hrhleldcr.
Mr and Mrs. H. L. Jones entertained
a lew frleiiils with a mtisieale Tuesday
.ev-niiiK at their home on Jefferson ave
nue. Two si-leetions were buiik by Miss
Tlinhermiui. the latest addition to Heran
ron's BrowinK list of talented intisleians.
Those present at the mnsleale were: Mi",
and .Mrs. J. Alfred PennliiK'on, Mr. and
.M'. If. 11. Archer. Air. Frank Shed. Air.
and .Mrs. John Pajfe, Sirs. Alfred Cou
ncil, .Miss Timberniun. Aliss Kichmnnd,
Messrs. Thomas. Aiibrry.Weloenrliih. Km
click and Jones.
Try Jordan's one-halC mliiut stews.
We are offering a spe
cial, lot of Ladies' Fine
Dongola Lace Shoes
patent leather trimmed.
Sold in New York for
I Our Price, $1.89,
410 Sprues Street.
j Schank's
I Shapely
i Shoes. . .
i .
Presiding Officer and Speaker for the
Big Convention.
SiuiulluuiMMU Heeliuf ia Klui Park
hurrli. the Frothiuglutu and Acait
rui) of .HutirHalliei for All Dp j
iioiiiiniilioBs ia Manv rhurches.
October A. 7 and Are the Onte.
11 mv noted divines and non-profes
sional nersonaires will tnko part in the
approaching rhrlstiait Kndenvor state
cunv. ntlun. Their names appear In tho
apitendcd complete programme for the
thiee days. ik-t. . 7 and V Whatever
ha been previously published enneern
Inc the i'0iainiiie or outline "f the
s.s!uim has been Inckitiu the juiines
of presiding olflct-r. apeakcrs. etc.
This Is the oillcial and cinplcf ro-prunnm-:
Tacd:i. October .
i :-n- i'.xc mil e lOmnill n-c meetlnn lit
VoniiB -Men's 1' ;MMj'ii,IIin.
i i,--i"rayer uicl prul- .-.-I'vlce at Klin
. !Jui'k eimrch.
tint I'nk chiiith--lt-v. J. T. McCrory,
presldont, pnwldlnif.
T ii- I'l dse and devotional service.
7 3i Address of welcome. I'liarh s I..
Daniels. ( hairman committee of
ltesioiise. Kev. J. F. Hantaan, Al
toona. vlc-presldeiit.
T.tre-Aniuial addros of lh president.
v,'i riitmine.
K.Hi-Ammal report of secretary. Ueore
.McLxinald, Altootiu.
S 20 Annual n port of the treasurer. H.
.f. Kaymnre, title.
s.:'-". Addrejs, "The Presence oi I'lnisl la
This Cnnveiitlon," Kev. W. K. Mc
Millan. l. l.. Allegheny.
Tin- FrnthliiKhain--Uev. .!.ire E. Stew
ai t, D. l.. Harrisbnrit. presiding.
7.i) Pi aiso and devotional jervlee.
7.ii-AddrcHS of ftelcome. Kev. W. II.
ttutbblebine, of oommlttce of
7. i Response, lieV. lr. Stewart.
T! -SiimlnK.
7.;--Amiual report of the secretary,
ii..orc McljdiialU, Altoona.
S.'H-Annunl r. port of the treasurer, H.
,1. ltuvmoio. Kile.
S. ill Animal address of the president.
Kc . I ir. Mcl'roo .
S.:B--Addivs. The Presence nf Christ
in This I'oiiVentioii." Kev. I. H. Mc
liunn, LewUtiurs.
i.i Adjouiiuaent.
Th.' Acadi'iiiy of Musi,-, lb v. I 'liat 'cs
li.KcU. I'hlladelplila, .i t-rr i li iih
.' Praise ali i iievolloiial service.
A Jdiess of ,neli-onie laiinoiinci d
7.:!"- Kesponse. Kev. Ir. Koads.
V.H Annual report of the treasurer, II.
.1. Hay more.
7.r,.V -Address, "The Presence of ("hi 1st in
This Convention." Key. H. T.
Spantiler, U. U., Colleife Hie.
S.2- 1iikIiik.
H.'ii Annual report of the ,secretltly.
(leoi'Ke McUuauld.
ti.:ij Annual addresn of the president. Dr.
J'ollowiliK these services will be re.
ceptiims ut the churches for the vlsit
Ibtt d-li'mnOH.
Vednedat. October T.
j.:m-7. 15 Huniiie prayer mcclllic-: theme.
X.nimitiaf for linii.
l,ncation and leaders as follows: '
First I'resbyiei inn clinrcli, .Miss I,. I.. '
Hulilt. Alleniowii. 1
t'alvurv Hetoi'iiied chui cti. K. Uoyd
Weit.el. Plilladelolila. lender.
Washbiun Street Pieslivtertan cntr,2!i,
H P. Kiskadden, Six poini-.
J'liritan ConureKatioual rliurch, tt. S.
Hoover. I'pper t.elilKh.
teiii lilde Kvaiixelieal clinrcli, V.
1. Snyotr, Columbia.
Haptist church. Iiiininore, ,1. J. Kobin-
son. I'hiladelphiti.
l'i''st Pi ( '.by terlnn mission. Cedar ave
nue. Alls M. Fannie F.vau. Pliila
Elm Park church.
S.4J Praise and devotional servicr..
Keports of department superintendents
uud disoutaton by the convention.
0 Hi Junior work. Minn Cordelia Jainel-
soii, Beltzhoover.
!).) Missionary, Kev. Willi N. Hintium,
Iit.05-Chflstlii Citizenship, Kev. A. B.
PhilpuM. Phlludelidiia..
lrt.:to-i'orrespondein.e, Thomas Patton,
PI iri -Aiuiual sermon, l!ev. Wallie o .Mnc-
.Mtillcn. Ii. Li., Ptiiiadelphla.
11.45 Adjournment, and evangelistic soe-
The rnilhlnsham, Uev. W. H. .McMillan,
8. Vr Praise and devotional service.
Report of department supcrlntend'-nts
nnl discussion.
9.15 Christian Citizenship, I'ev. A. IS.
9. 10 Correspondence, Thomas Patcon.
Juniors, .Miss Cordelia Jamelson.
Alissionary, Rev. Willis Hliimun.
10. la Annnuncenieiit of eouunittces.
I.4"i-Aiinual. Kev. Isaue Albright.
Dallastnwn. Adjourniiieiit and evangelistic ser
vice. AI'TKP.NOO.Y.
Elm r.irk church. Dr. AlcCnuy presiding,
u'.im I levutlouiil service.
Field Alarsliall's Kevlew . u ex
iiibil, Secretary McDonald.
)ii'ti parliament, "The Htionu mid
Weak Points in Vour Suctetf:"
leader, tl. C. Lincoln, Philadelphia.
M.:tO Committee conferences. i
Prayer tueetini;. I'eiin Avenue pantist
.hiircli, W. I.. Turner. Phil.idc!di:a, I
l.ook-oiit. Second Presbyteiimi (!uii, h.
Miss Susie peek. Kas' Sinirliiicl.l. ;
Social, Dr. .1. II, FaK' r. 1 lai rlsUui ,
Teiiiiieriuice and Cltlz.n.-liip. (liio e i! -'
fot'llieil Kpiscopal clllltcll, Uev. J. F. I
1 1 ii rt man. Altnonu. leader. !
Juniors, i oiling .Mens t'liristfati .soi i:i
r Inn hull, W. .M. Ilenhain. Pittsburg.
The FrotlilUKham, tleorae !. Alain pre
sldinu. i.M Devotional services.
2.15 t'lpeti parliilliicnt. "Keeping 'i-1
PledKe;" Henry tfuiinond. i nam- !
iw-rsburif, leader. j
;.:) I''leil Alarsliull's Review. Hecreijrv
S.: Committee eotifeieiice.
Elm Park ehureh, Dr. AleCiory pivsid::
Theme for the ev iiIhk, "tnii- Tim - "
7.;io--S'iim and diH'oliouiil servli c.
7..V) Address. "Men ami Wont in for iiiir
Times." Uev. K. T. Ji'lTers. Vo-k. 1
.5(l ShiKhii;.
9.110 Address,
"The Message for our
Rev. W. F. Crafts. Wash. I
"Tiie Lead"!' fie our
Rev. Samuel II. lirtcue.
Washington. D. C
9 W-A.1 loin ninenl.
The Froihinuham. T. F. Wells pr
7.;wi-Sotm' an l ilevotiotial si -rvic .
Theme lor the eveiilii't. "The Thr. "
Ire.ii D iarl nients of Ktideavor."
7,'itt-Address. "Junior E nd avor." Rev.
Dr. Stewart. ilai"ls!ini ir.
.:i Address. "The Forwanl Mnvenun'.
in .Missions." Mi-.- .Mary.u.i
Leittll. of tip- Ceyiun Mission.
I'.ettllcliclll. X. II.
.Mi HlniilnK-. .ddiess, "Christian Citizenship,"
R. c. c. E. Kndcrs, Vork.
Tit Academy of Music, A. W. Dl k oin pre
sidlnu. Theme lor the i venini:,
'Prist tan
deavor. tlie New
7.i Soiiu and devotional servli
7.5" Address, "Hurtful Amusement mid
Evil Social Customs." Rev. J. W.
M IlitiKcr, LiUK-ast-i.
VJit Address. "rnrlKhieoiis Pu- M""s
and Unslness Meihods." Rev J. P.
Millar. HarrlshuiK.
K.5n ftlnyllid.
9.110 Address. "Sabbath IVsi cr.'itlou ami
Public Wioiiks." Rev. W. I'", crafts.
.;i A Ijoiirnineiil.
ThnrsdaVt October H.
fi.:ai-7.1" Sunrise sei vices; ilu-ii", "l.on
inf to .Make Hod Known to oihers."
Pr ti tl Avenue Baplisl cliun li, W. J. C,.i
I'ey. KhipIM'llSblll'Kll, leipler.
Secoml Iresbvteiiiin church. W. D.
Vnllette. Ptitsburi;, leader.
Plymouth Ciiiikii national church. W.
Lloyd Liiiib. Keuuidl Sipiare, lend
er. Providence Prcihytiyhin clinrcli, J. H.
Wilson. BloomsTiui'K, leader.
(Jrern Kldne Presbyterian church, J.
Howard Ureeic, Pittsburg, leader.
Dunmore Presbyterian church, John A.
. .. Hill, Urechburif.
Hickory Street Presbyterian church,
James It. Met 'lure. Jolinstoii.
Elm Park church. Dr. .McCrory presldlnif.
N.t.'-S.dic and devotional service,
s.ln Open 'mrllament: theme, "Decpen
im; the tpiritiial I.lfe." Kev. Frank
A. Martin, Troy, leader.;.
lu.i.k-A.i.liess. William Shaw.
treasurer I'nited society.
10.30 Keports from commhtee
ences by their chairmen.
11.30 Reports from convention commit,
tees and election of officers.
11.45 Adjournment and evaiiKell'tle ser
vices. The Frothlnghnm. Rev. J. U I.ltch, lleth
b'hem. presidin.
S.45 Souk anil devotional service.
S.lo-Address. William Shaw. Itosloii.
9.4'V open parliament: theme, "How
Alay the Pastor and Ills Endenvor
trs Hr .Most Helpful to Kaoh
other?" Kev. S. E. Tlatemun, Xew
berry. leader.
Pi. 2') Sinuinir.
1' Reports from committee, confer
ences. 11.20 Reports from convention commit
tees aiid election of otricers.
11.45 Adjournment and evaiiKelUtlc ser
Elm Park church. Dr. AlcCrory prldiiir.
2.' Service of Sony:.
2. lo Address, .lohu . Woolev.
0'il parliament; theme. One thou
sand new societies oraanized and
ten thousand souls saved this rone
in year by the Endeavorers of
I'eiinsylvauia: how can It be done?
Rev. .1. llerit Esseiiweln, Myers
town. ".So-Junior rally In Elm Park church.
3.:!" I leiu.nilnntlonal rallies:
Pre sliyierlaiis, I'nited. Keforined and
Ctimlierland Preslivtei lans, at tlie
Froihliii.'ham: Kev. J. A. Utile, 1),
D., Hokciidaiaiua, In ehnme.
.Methodist Episcopal, Primitive Method
ists and I'rotestant Mmhodlsts, Elm
Park lecture loom: W. 1 Turner,
Philadelphia, presiding.
I'nited Evangelical, First Presbyterian
church: Kev. II. F. Schickel, .Vycts
town. presiding
Haptists and Free Will Baptists, l'etin
Avenue H:iptlst churi h: Aliss Fran
ces ii. Schuyler, Williamsport, pre
sidim;. Kefnrmeil, Calvary Reformed church.
Kev. .1. W. MeiiuliiKer, Lancaster,
Colored delegates. African Methodist
Episcopal church; presiding ortT'er
to be annolinceii hit.'r.
J. mlc rails, Young Alen's Christian As
sociation hall; Kev. W. X. Hliunan,
Columbiu. presidltiir.
Kpisooual and Reformed Episcopal,
ilrace Hefornitil church, Kev. Syd
ney N. I'sher. West Chester, pre
siding. 1 i.noinlnat ions not mentioned in the
above. Second Presbyterian church;
Kev. W. O. Watkliis, Scranton. pre
sidiliu. EVEXIXti.
Elm Park. Dr. AlcCrory. presiding.
7.:in .aiis and devotlMiiul service.
7..V, lutiodiiciioii of new otflcers.
s.l.V-Addri-ss. Rev. J. Lincoln Llteh,
. I tctlibdlem.
!(. 15-Consecrutioli servii:e, Kev. C. A. Ol
iver. York, presiilinii.
!.:(--Adju urn men t.
The FrothlUKliuin, J. Henry StaulT. Pitts
burii, presidinir-
7,:!u -Siiiik and tlevoiloiial sd-vice.
7.45-Introduction of new olflcers.
s.i. SniKiM.
S.'i.V -Address, Rev. S. N. I'sher. Weft
s. lo-Cotiseeration service. Rev.
E. II.
ituiidi. Lebanon.
The Acud.tny. Kev. J. K. Idxon, Scrantoii,
7.;lo--Soiur and devoi ional service.
7.5o-diitiodui-iion if ii.'W officers.
s.ii:,-Address. Rev. ,1. H. Woo.lrliia.
lelilow ll.
.S 4 Conseuratioll Service. Rev. R.
Miller) , udims.
9.:ia Adjourn incut.
The Kiiiiid jury did ind niuki- a re
port yesterday, but will ilo so this
mot nitii!.
The will nf Frederick Docker, jr., late
of the West Side, was admitted to pro
bate yesterday by R. ulster Hopkins,
ami letters tesluuieiitury were Kianled
to John H. Walker.
Attorney A. J. Colbtilti. jr., tcpresnr
Incf County Surveyor Edmund Kuril,
brought stilt yesterday against the No.
kotnis Wnti.-r coiupiitiy for 1142.23
claimed as bulancc due for servlcoitis
Marriaire liceiisejt were granted yes
terday by Clerk of the Courts John II.
Tin. mas to James F. Sultry ami Kittle
l l.oftus. Sctariton: David CrltHths
and Annie Kvans. of Taylor; John Gan
non, of Scrunluu. and Ella MeAndrew,
of Jerinyu.
'I'he botnl nf Put rick MeCieever. tax
t'ollector of Fell township, was entered
ui record in Prothiuinfary Prynr's of
Hee yeslertlay. with Eliza Mclie -vi-r. T.
P. AIoNul'y. .lolm M.-Nulty. Thomas
AIcDoiioiikIi. i'"W A. Ross. Patrick
Hart. James M.iliitly and Alichni"-;
Fhinnely as suieties. The amount oi
the liouds Is $!i.9iin. :;,.'ii to Lai kuwan
iia .'unit v. r.,iMHi to Fell i ship
set 1 district. Jalii, to Fell i c , nf In;,
for roHil purposes, and jl.L'im to til'
Fell poor district. Tlie Innid was li-i I
by ex-Juilise 11. A. Kn.'ipp.
Attorneys 1. H. Burns ami n'Hrien &
Kelley, j'erese)il Iiik Tlionias Cut rail in
the mio wili'i'iinlo proceedillKs aaainst
W. J. Schuliinchl, s.-ciettiry of Oly
pliunl council, tiled reasops for a new
ttlal yi sti'l'ilnv, and JudKe Archbnld
:4iantcil .. rule, reiuriiitble ul next ur
KUlllcr.l ciUli l. On the n oil of I lie case
.Ilium- Archlnilil ilirecti d n verdict in
fuv'oi' i i' ill'1 l'espoinleiii . anrl the rc
la'oe i in the i"asoiis (a a new
iti'il llittl l ho court ,'ri'ed in so doimj
iiml errei' also In cxcludiiut the rela
tor's oiler to show thai no 1 1 1 ii i ii i of
council was present when Mr. Stbuii
inehl was il.'cliircd ', t ied secreliny.
Tip- reasons allege further ihin .liiils-
Archbald eeivil In making n certain
rullti; of the Siipieme eouft. tipplatiilil
In this i use.
Attorney Henry W. Ai illioll;iud. rep
iv?citini Klizalicth Vpil. Alary -N.
Suyd'-r ami Alariiaiet .1. Stuii'u. heirs of
Robecia Fire!', and lis SUc'i owners of
a l.nue tnici of land n ljol'.iit'H Chati
tnnii lake in Scott township, tiled a pe
titicn vest ti'ay lor the hppcIhiii' til
of vlewets t . art'e's the da liiu-n 's r.
siiliini: from a seizure cf a larc pact
of their liird under the riyiii of ml-
nor! i'omtilii by Hie .letniyr, and Itu-h-l)t
link W ater c iiip:ioy. A tunnel was
' Inr'U tliroiuth tlr- land and beans' i!'
dill Wi l" li.v I Up lllollS the Mile. Tlie
.outlet of tl'" InVe was datum" I up si
t lit' I 111" W Jlef S'll'ett.l out :lt'(1 00'.
'end u lat'ffe ii i en. .Indue A chliald iit..
I tioititeil I!. 1: Stut'it. F.K. .VV:- r. A. A.
J Nil hells. AI. W Ciiniir.inS'i ii'id T:::re
! K. Taylor i s viewers to meet on the
l premises on Oct. 9 at 9 a. ii'
woi i.d not bk operative.
1 vi- i'hiiiiifli the 1lur Shiiuld At
tneb lii Siuiiuf me.
A.'ayor ItiiM -y yi stenlay i t'.acheil his
siKtialupe I i th rcsoioi i, u dir. cl it?
the stt t cniiiiiilss oiii r to hit.--m nuj
and all pel soil, excei'ttnij cll en-
ployes. I't mt worklnic mi thai poriioii
of the Priivid' iii" tin. I Abln'j.ou lurn
iike with'li the city limiis. I'ursuai.t
to tii" resolii: ion S' Coiaoii-slonrr
i Kinsley yesterdjy p. t fulled the whole
i length ot West Alnrkel slieet. hut
. found tin turn-like v il.)iii ii on the
; i oiii.
Tin- e.iiuiiaiilon ti.iastne. instructiiu;
i the city Milh'ilor to k beloie the gland
1 Jury anil ii:k to hav-- the turnpike
I condemned has not as yet been slmpd
I by the mayor, ami it Is possible iliac
; he will no' siirn it, us he has learned
from the city sollcltJi' the lilt ileal of
procedure pn-rei ibed if not un-urdini;
; to ltital practice. To Institute eon
demnulioii ptoceediims It Is inceesury
', to present u tietitl' ti to eourt Mnr-il by
i t werily-liv iltizens. It is likely that
.Mayor liai'oy will return the resoiu
tlon to councils with u communication
i.'ulllin; iittentioii to this fart.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take laxative fjromo Quinine Tablets.
All di'UKPlsts refund the money if R
falls to cure;. 25 tents.
LlidieV Jni-kelt aud Capes,
the newest ""uw novelties at Brown'
Bee Hive.
. . -
Arrested on a Charge of Libelling Mor
ris J. Davidow.
Arrived in This i'ity TuesUnv Nichl
and Hetfisteri-d at the Hotel Jrruivn.
Koin Time Alter He Wan Visited
by h Constable and Taken Brlore
Alderman Uuiiovnu for a Hearing.
Obtained Bail 1 et-terday.
Alderman C. C Ponovaii, of the
Twelfth ward, was roused from his
bed in the deud hour of Tuesday niKht
by Morris J. Dnvldow, the ljickaw anna
avenue clothier, wild wanteit a wnrrunt
nmi an ottlcer tn serve It. While the
alderman was dressinir himself to nt
tend u Ah-. 1 lav Mow , a ma.ii was tin
dressiiiK himself In a. room ill Hole)
Jermyn. lueDaiine; to take a. night's
rest, ni'd he wns a'l nbllvious of the
affairs (olng: on over in the Twelfih
ill which he was destined lo iday the
leinllinr part.
This man was A. T.-oisdil Aiteibaeli,
or New York, a prosperous you in; busi
ness man in Got hum. He and Air.
Davidow are married In the same fam
ily: their wives are sisters. Tho story
Roes thnt Auerbarh was so well pleased
with his wife that he determined to see
her sister married lo his brother. The
best laid 'dans of rub e mid men uro
apt to po astray, ami particularly in
rases of the heart.
Despite all of Atievbach'n Ini rltrues
Mr. Davidow wooed and won her. tind
.Vu-rbach's brother was set uslde.
Since then Auerbacli lias writieit sever
al letters to Airs. Davidow- relleitinK
seriously on the character of her hus
band. 'utn! like u dutiful wife she let
her Ib.-Ke lord read ihom.
On Tuesday night as Mr. Davidow
was on his way home he saw Auer
bacli enter the Jerniyn, register on the
hotel book, and no lo his room. The
former immediately koI a ab and
drove to Alderman Donovan' ottlce.
A war-ant was sworn out charging
criminal libel, ami Constable John C.
Moral) was awakened. Ho and .Mr.
I u vidow rode luiek in the eab.Auerbnch
wuh o'-rested in bed, broiiKhl over to
the uldei man's ollice and Riven a pre
liminary heurlne;.
In default of bail he w:tM taken to
the county Jail. I if K'd a bondsman
yesterduy iiKunintj and was released
to appear for a further heaiiiie; Satur
day uioriiiim.
Soiin of tin- dri-sses lo be worn by
Aliss Emily Daiu kei- in the merry play,
"our Flat." at tin- Academy of Music
this evetiinir are subl to bo marvels of
eh-nance and ifoo.l taste. They arc- the
creations of Felix of Paris. Last sea
son Miss Haiicker received more laud
atory notices for hoi- costumes than
any other nciress in America. Coiuiois
soui'K of the modiste's art pronounce
her one of the best dressed women on
the stage.
ft Is a wonderfully sIioiir cast with
which Alaiiaifnr Charles Frohniuii has
equipped Willlimi (lillelte's latest play,
"Secret Service," which is to conic to
the Frol bin glut in Friday and Saturday
li lull I s. The two leading roles will lie
played by Air. tllll-tte himself aid Amy
liusby. Everyone ri-liletiibei s Mr. liil
lette for his clever wink in his other
plays, "Held by the Brtcuiy, I'he Pri
vate Secretary" and "Too .Much John
son." Aliss rtusby lias made more dis
tinct hits in the last few seasons iliati
liny other New York leading lady.
There is pathos and fun depicted in
the "Sotllll Before the Wul'." Which
will be produced at the Academy of
Music Friday and Saturday evenlmts
mid Saturday iiltertioon. 'i'he drama
opens on the si-one of a slave re
ttii'iilm; from the uorlh, to the plan
tation to hl- w It'u. "1'hlocs." and num
erous children who ur" itiveii a holiday
to celebrate the event, and celebrate
it in their ow n peculiar way. The levee
on Hie .Mississippi river with the (Itinc
liiK and siiiKine;. lie- 11111111 nieetiim on
Froi; island with all Hie pectlllai ilics
of characters usually seen in such oc
casions. Hie dike walk, which ij.e. s
tin- ncrfiiriiiaiice. all loiieilier combine
lo make llv? eniei'inintiietii one 1.1 be
thoi'oimhly enjoyed.
At Davis' theater Hi" Inst half of ibis
Week, eoninieni inif ill the tntiliiiee to
day, "III old .Maine." will be present
ed.' An exohium" suvs: "In old .Maine"
opened 10 a W ' ll iaiioni.,-it unit nice
ycsliida. II Is a nod show. There
iiro two excellent 'lllbes' ill I he cast.
Mr. DnvMuh as Silas itives
all excillelit Tlie spe
cialties ilitroilliectl lire IS I. ''I' "Id
.Maine' will be heavily iiatroiii.cil."
Til - fiiniiseiucni 10 vers ot mis c,i..
will b" pleased lii" that itn iiua
111,-11 1 has been mud wherebv the
cli.'inuimr little cmuic op-ra star. Mis.-.
Delia Fox, a lii I her hil'K" oie-ra roui
oaiiy will 11 linear for one uiuhl only
duritiK tin season in one of her bri!!o;
e-i nud unisl slicci-ssful operas. Mls.
''i x will mis; peasant iiieni"fl s
of He- ton-- when sin- was tin- old f
support of the iioniilat conn In
Wo!i' llopper. nii-l ninny will loin, nihil-
her in such w.ll known comic
1 pelas as "Waliu" and "I 'aitjaii P 11111 "
Mis-- Fox has not with iif-at succes
I lirotihlioiit the country the past two
a -"'nits, and ln-r trud annual lour wi'l
without doubt In I'liuil'.v as MP. c-ss. lit.
Th" sui-port of Miss l-ox Is exi t lb tit ,'
t erv lepeit. conipri-iiic many w-I1
il'.iiown comic op. ra ceebrll'es .nnl n
large cllolus nl Wi II . Il.tlll-'il Mic e?,
'l lie il'oduelioii will lie St IK"I 111 1
liit,-ii-ome it ml elnl.-iiiiie nimnicr.
Summer anil Lake i'laiu- llicin
, limiril.
The lake trains mi the Erie mid Wy
oiniii,; I'allcv railroad are to tie dis
continued 1 oiniiii ni-liiv .Monday, S-pi.
2S. 11s fellows:
Triin N". I. leavint- Seraniotr for
Hir.vlcy ul M5 a. 111 : tiain No. lo. leav
int; Sciantoii lor l.aiie Ariel ill lii p.
111.: train No's. :i and 'I. leuvins Lake
Ariel li"' Retain. ot 7."5 a. in. and ti. 15
'' "'
.l-il'ilan's b'kw't cukes, sail.-ni;,' Inc.
I till CLASSICAL SCrllMII. nltoids n full
clai".ictd cour'i for papi s d"tiiied for the
profession. ADO llu lllilcs Lai ill, Hreeic.
Knull-h. MatheTiisries, hcieii-es.' Ib-ntal
PhilcRoi-liv tmd Ethics,
THK COMflKktlAl. SCHOOL aflords a lull
biikiiKMs eotirso t-r bov preparine fer
ceimnefcial life. Tti- brnneties taiiKbt tie
t'lwld EiiL'lisli. M-slern LnUKuazi-ii, Arith
metic, HcoitkeepiiiK. Hinirthnud, lype-
wruuit,. DrswinK. Sep-nee. .r
For Particular!) Apply to
J. MattiULDKlCK, rres.
Brother Angelua, Direrlor of studios.
Why let your borne and bnainew be deatroy
td through strong drink or morphia, whea
tou can be our.d ia (oar wak at the KwUy
InstltuU, 7 Msdlsoa ifmiut. BcraMoa, Fa.
rlwUir WlilBar larMtigatlM.
Never before were j'ou able
to buy such dainty gifts for
so little money. Our store is
teeming with new goods of
our own importation.
Rower Vases, Jarjiniere;
Umbrella Stands, Lamps,
WW Beautiful Lnects You
Can Qet la Lamps.
Onyx Top Tables,
Silverware, Cut Glass.
YYc arc ascnts for LIBBEY'S,
which speaks volume. ROCK
WOOD uud other Famous Goods.
Don't lose siht of our open Mock
two new ones in last week.
134 Wyoming Ave.
"Walk 111 aud look around."
Haifa can of "Never Leak Fluid" pumped into any
bicycle tire makes it positively puncture proof; that is, will
iustantlj' heal or mend the leak so that you'll never know
you had a puncture.- It is simply pumped into the tire with
an ordinary bicycle pump, and left there, where it never
evaporates and is always ready to plug a puncture at once.
Don't wait until 3-011 have a puncture. Inject the fluid
at ouce and pins, needles or tacks have no more terrors.
Works equally well in single or double tube tires.
Come in the store to-day and test it for yourself by tak
ing an awl or tack and runniug it in the tire. Hundreds of
punctures made at the same time in the same tire will be
nealed or mended instantly without deflating the tire.
You know how exaperatiug a puncture is when you're
miles from home or railroad, and every step you trudge you
wish for just such a preventative as this.
We guarantee it to do all that is claimed for it, or will
refund the money..
Warranted not to injure any tire; 5 100,000 bucks up
the guarantee. Ask to see the legal guarantee, executed be
fore a uotar' public.
Quo can fixes the two tires. Price, 50c. a can. See it
in our west window to-day. We arc sole agents for Scranton.
There are other tire fluids, but there is only one "Never
Leak." This. is the only article backed up a responsible
It is well known that our tine stock. ot Carpets, Draperies,
etc., has never been offered at "great reductions," "clearance
sales," etc., for tlie reason that the goods were new and select
in styles, durable in quality, and right in price.
The recent lire in the Coal Kxclian&'e has made conditions
different. The pattern and quality is still the same, but the
appearance is somewhat impaired by having been wet.
Our trade is such that we cannot afford to have anything
i n the store with even a suspicion of damage. Therefore
every grade of goods must be closed out for what it will bring
whether damaged or not. If you need anything lor Moors or
windows, you may never again have the opportunity of buying,
such goods at such prices.
We Have
On Hand
AIM the Newest.
AIM the
AIM tbt Largut.
Porcelain, Onyx. Bto
SUvar Novcltle la Infinite VarDty.
Latest Importatloaa.
Jewelry, Walcbes, Diamonds.
fl. E. ROGERS,
eweler and
215 Lackaianna in
School of Music, 520 Sptuce St.
Mrs. Katharine Thiete.
Voice Training, Solo Singing.
Ernest Thiele,
Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Hotli
teacher!! at celebrated Scharweoka
Conservatory, Xew York. Also other
competeut teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele
is the successor to the late
303 Lackawanna Avenue.
All Sizes,
All Styles,
All Prices
Bring us your boy and let
us fit him out in one of our
nice, strong, durable and
stylish suits.
Clothiers. IMemfeisners
Look Them Over.
However, critically. Try thc-ui on,
whatever your size or shape. Tut
them to any test, however exadiug
aud you will conclude, as htmdreds of
others have, that we handle the popu
lar cloiliing of the city and every
body buys at the snme price.
1. 1 OUT
tii nmlfou 1111 ttii'Hiiilpm-enl. electrie I
A luhl i-usl. u Hhudovv. V1ti reull.v
K Klve inure llirhr. tli.'iu three of ty
2 t In-lit touetiii-r. und du it with A
V btdf the Kin vnu uuw c'otjsiiine.
C.7 120 N. Washington Ave CS
0,ui,n itn Sid year. W'pteoiLier 1 1th, uudi-r
olglit Biiericni-od tuadmrii. l-'ita for auv
Coilrm or Tectiuicd Sclmol. KukIihU, Biiui
iiem and C'lHitical htpiirttnents. Send fur
Catalogue to
Bi:V, THUS, M. CA.NN, I.L. I)..
Or V Al.ll.k It. Ht 1:1.1., A. M.