8 THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE WE DH ESDAY MOItNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1896. GARBONDALE. ".rnt. orders for Job work, mil 1tm for publication l'ft at the stiibllhment of Chtnnon Co.. newitea lrs. North Mala street, will reeelvo prompt attention: of t onen irjm . m. to 10 p. m I DEATH OF T. F. HUNT. Inlltimtinl Citixi-u SudJcnly Called Awny Veslcrday .Horning. The sad Intelligence WW received yesterday mornlntr of the death of Mr. Hunt, at Asliury Park. He was Hns an Inlluentiul and highly esteemed res ilient of this city. Jlr. and Mrs. Hunt about a week (ibto left fur Anbury l'r.rk. where th'y hnvj lioin ptmiplrsr since V-avirg Carbon dale. Mr. Hunt had not been In pe fect lirnlth ilurinR the pas-t winter hut it vn-j not known that rx- was seiiou.aly imlism :-ecl until Dr. Oltnian ret:eivd the telerram which announced the stnrtMnjr news cf his death. Mr. Ilur.t had resided for nine years In this city, altheush absent for some time in Cali fornia. He was hlffhly esteemed as a citizen. The arrangements for the funeral have rot been rrale yet. but the regains will hs brought to this city for interment. ti:e republican club. Handsome Ilntiner Is Purchased and Will pKirunu. A bam'soir"? MeKlrley nr"! TTn'wt banper will short'y be i!aeed in pcsl tlon when ajrinud liepublien rally wl:l be made. 'J I " courty co:.in in-e jiremises to ftr::lh several prominent speakers fir the ocensjon. The rpfnlnr rvn" I' ir rf the I a0!!' vrai held Monday rv rii'tr. and 'h" J"" port rf co-n-ile s w'v ' w th n thuslnstn. The i r s d nt. II. O. Wat rous, prtsidi d ov. i th mcetin.T- PROJilBITJONISTS- CL13. Rev. tjuitircy Lit Morrow, of I'll ila (lrl;i!iiil. 1 t- Spi-iik. The rf snli'i' in-etlrjr of the rrMnld tinn cluli wns held on .Mnnilay I'Vi'lilhir, Much enthusiasm tv.,s nianil'esti d. Messrs. T. O. IIol ii'F'in nr-l l'l?rcv fcittler were nupomtcd a comm'tteo to nrtanee for the speaker on Tuesday venire, Sept. 2fl. The Hev. Ouin v .Morrow Le" Is ep'cti"l ni.d will bol.l forth In the tent on Helniont street, where Mi. and Mrs. Moore are iiow lioMms srrvici s. Alumni I'o-it Ball Teaiii. Much lnt'ret has been manifested In the new org:inl'iat!on ct the Alan:: I font brill team. A pi-'i t'ce Rar.ie wpi played yf tenl:'y r ft'-i noon al ,'i 0'cbn k at Fandy'p Held and the le.t !ayr were selected for the eleven. Tlie V.'v ond:.g Sumltir rv, Kingston AihlM e i lub and Scranton Hi'slne' S ColbeTe teams bnve written to the p'.nrmffcr of the team nnd pames for the coming season will be urrargf d. Attempt tt Hum a School IIoue. Some unknown nilsereants heve again made an uttempt to set on tire school hotisa No. 4 on the South Side. Some chairs were destroyed but no fur ther damage was done before the at tempt was frustrated. Another llridsi I'ini-lied. The Salem avenue bridge Is now com pleted and the pavement presents a r!:io appearance. The public will ap preciate the needed Improvement. LOCAL AND P2RS3.NAL NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wick wire, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter lien nett, of Li nosvillo.bave returned homo. Mi?s Lizzie Mcltonough. of Pike street, enterlatned a few of her friends Monday evening in honor of her guest, Miss !rneo Gorman, of New York city. Kenneth, son of T. Griltln Smith, of I.nurcl, f"ll from a rtorn. wall yester day morning and received an ugly cut 011 his head. James Cubby, of the I'endrirk Manu facturing phoiis, 1.-4 visiting in I'utter scn. N. J. Clnrence M. Po.-e has returned from a trip to N'W York. Mrs. M'ebuel Marbcr and Hrld'-et Mc T'ale. rf Woodhiwn avenue, tire visit ing friends in Feranpni. "iiss Ada MeKilby, :: h t has been the K ievt r,f friends in Peckvilie, has r.--turei'd h tue. '.Vi'Maoi liil.toii. who went t. Ahika list : oi i' if with l l'Tvy mtth, hnn 'e P'l'l.eil bel le. i',i!''''-s f-'iillt PTil : nil' mv !! tii .Iiiiu in'imd Hor.iee Sev'ih H r,t Scat f , . 'is 3' .r" i'. t-l rii'vilrlv. vb.i vr InJ'.'lvil in tae Nev v;i,i Ffiri? l"t I'.-i'P'ber. luis re;n;:i.d to her work at tl t p'noe J. V.'. i:;ir-t:'e'.-, of ?-'Mf' Vain s'rert. left vet-teribiy fcr v v York. 1'r. !ed "'r-i. t. C-, 'A'lekv.Mvp iml son, (.f S'oth 'p In ftrvt. ti"e the pu.stM or vr, BK1 jjrs s. I). OrtV'3, or Hoi'rr.l'l'1. W. G. t;tetl:. f-.rerep" of Hie IT-n. d"!ck rl:r. with h's wlf. left ye-jfev-Ctiy for a visit with friend- at i'at-r-ror. x. .1. T'SS F;'! Vowb-v. cf P..r-vdte : b'-l(tr ei'tei tn'.if-'it TTr?. furar M"r gnn, on Kvriec --ti-ert. ,iS I,f ' I ' I ' I'C '""ll. "f t-.n...-t VMS CT"o t ef ?l!i-3 I'VZilK 111 ri-.-ev Mnrie. 'li s Vnfefl I'l-Vtlf-M l. Of T,T-.!C' ::i-t. '-y.ni ::'n;Uiv will; fMe-:ds i:i .-..r v. V. f r,f i-a't emVi!". - vi--'t'i.sr ! v m-::ln-r. Mrs T. Ai I'ri.'e. Cl tntPTci'e'l. 1':i. Jennie V-Mmnn. ef Tb t-d r ti'rnc'te -1 V.h.t i-ipii vlt-'t'nrr fr'ep-'s 'rr Fai toi yviile, turned home y-t.-r-dr v. 1!. .1 "-nt-v- "irnilirrr the annua! f; nt f -n v v : f,.;jn '.p. rf .! V-.-v'tl .. pr i-d'i-c " sh'-rt "itV lv : '"i. r. Tl .1 "I - s t r I .t n. t. wa In t!:' ";'V y, ,1' 1 ii" r.t Ms e.ip v T:'Ot-.s f i, r I' ' bf..- bf. : Vi'-'t ' I : t.. - -,..,1 ,., ,, ll . . '.- -v.-t -.-.. -t'. ' 'ti'ias- it bOTTl-. T't-m. eil'led on "tr. s : It -. of ;. r lav. r tit.-v .1 tf : vw Anna ti- : ...... 1 . or. r'l'f'-'l v'--11. of Tot r:v t street. .'MT r"-S'. t . 1 1 ,'rf. r '- - e mil c rmr' tiiu n ulth rr.v and :i'l 11. .it."..:f attem list t 2Rs. teii nvnts. 35o, ferai.i 'hnU firs 2h To, iRraii 0-r)ti, fax C13 t' mt tmf. Mw......39i 7fa Prussss C-n ib, Ksw 07c CSp. Brass's CfjsMs, Nc 75s A'in iui nt f !l"lv Urussel lengt.ts Irtin a li : i ; -J t l ea:li piece at abiiul one fcait price tc clu.s. J.SCBTT13CUS 1 Las't. Ave t'll'ilS Zui V'.li Pa'p'f Diie;. , 1 liRAIS-Cajh on the Aba (load. MONTROSE. M. H. Van Scoten left yesterday for a two weeks' trip to Auburn and ad jacent central New York point. Mr. ai 8'Oien 1- u .ou'i edlv in q lest of some of the flnr.y tribe which thrive In the cent al Ne,v To k lake region. Goraou Hii.ds l.ft late Saturday nig..!, lor a nium:! hum, wt.icn includes other same, he expects to be absent sevet ul days. Kev. K. J. Laflerty, of Auburn, cele brated hlKh mass at tha Church of tue holy Name of Mary here yesterday. Many Montrosites are contemplating a visit to the Harford fair th.s week. Among the "special" premiums of fered at the Susquehanna AKTicultuial society's fair are these: W. Nelson Harms, esq., o ers U for the largest pumpkin, Mr. Haines to have the same fur pie purposes, and J. V. Oakley tl for the beKt dressed dull. John S. CnuTtrii;l.t h is returned from a business tr.p to Seianton and Wilkes liurre. Among those on the Tarbel! houst register are E. 1). Hoffman, Scranton; William T. lower. New York; James W. McDonald. Scrnrton; Uev. rJ. J Lafferty, Auburn; Louis B. Gemon, Scranton. and William H. Treya. liing hamton. A large Hag pole which has been on the p istofflee building since Its erection mysteriously disappeared on Monday night and Tuesday morning it Hoat d the fc'tars and Stripes from the building occupied by the McKlnley and Hobart club. . E. V. Bishop, of Uunmore, was In Montrose yesterday. , P. V. Lo.- lace, . f I ingr.amton. Is i" town. . ., . -Kev. Father Lully. of St. Josephs, Ik in Montrose. L. P. Lnnmls is ntnelng cn! stone on his building on Tubllc avenue. H C Kven tl. of Seianton, Is In town .lill.lt'.l. Ca'ff I.'r wh r 1 1 1 t o - ; al ':' o e li. l 1 i.tt'.i.d .1 peh ol 7d. 'Hh'.y. 1 phar M-s. V ii y. rf n H v rs'r t a d grand da g ter Kd".; .Mai-.n -P n uitli A. H ven tiile !u J-rnv-n. ijy .Ins -pi in Mi dw:y f S rat ton, was the ruesi if A i s M -Noa k en Saunday. Mrs. KtcU We'stcr, u rale.lll, sp t Trl a u: d S tunl iy w.ih i.e n:otlier, M s. S. Shelp. t!-s Anile Cii-iiiliy. of foramen, and M'.ss Mm o J'ey-'V. of lbi,.ming ton. w r the .-ues:s if Y.r. a-d M s. A. H. K' r.'oo.l or Surday. lohn Shannot. who ha:' b"'"' spend ing a f w days with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. l'riwei, las return' d to his l.otmi In '.1 b hwnra. Mis. l'hoobe Mot I. of Se-nnto.i, wa' 11 visitor "ii to'v 1 Tmslny. Mr.. William Stiff, of Klmhrt, si eel Tn-sdav wl h M 'S A W. K ly. ilr.i l-'iaiW l'uil-t si""t We.'nesd-y wi-h ie r n.cth-r. Mrs. H. T. Sayre. of li.il. vllle. Mrs. WiHi'im b'elly. "f 'liis t'bee. and Mrs. Fiank I'lic. "f Wil'ies l:ane. I .ft Sninrdii.-- for a f"'v wceVn' visit with tl.elr sister '11 I'h'la 'ilphl 1. The nr"'on social lu Id In d id Fel lows' hall Monday evening P"d T the ausplrtv of the Cheerful Workers' so ciety was well attended. The band be ing presirt added much to the enjoy ment of the occasion. Fil Turner, if lirooklyn. Is the guest of Warren P.arbour. ' WAVER LY. L. W. Stone Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haehelor, al liufl'nlo, N. Y. Miss Louisa Luu. who has been vis iting her cousin. X'i-s Herlha Bold, has relumed to In-r home at Uunmore. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. lillfcs. who have been summering at Camptown, have returned home. A. H. Cowles has returned from a visit to his brother, Richard Cowles, In New York city. During the severe Ihunder storm which tnn-cd here last Saturday morn ing, a house owned by Simon Iiie seeki r. but now vacant, was struck by lieliiniiiL'. Slight damage resu'led. Thomas C. Kennedy Is occupying thi store formerly used by joint n. aier shon ns a furniture store, (in a harness, saddlery and trimming emporium. Rev. and Mrs. S. S. Kennedy rave on el-iborete 5 o'clock l"n last week in honor of Mrs. Andrew P.edford pre vious to her departure to spend tbp winter with her son. Genrie ISedfird. at Wllki s-Pnrre, r.-vt Friday The house was benutlfullv decorated, as tors. ef 'rs. Kennedy's own raisin, nr"d'n?nnting. Among ihns- who nt V -'piied veve: M.rs. Andrew tiedl'"rd, . Li-insi P. Sie'"i a-ii d't'-rbter f d'th of Oloi'burn; Jirs. Anson !'l uie, i"'d datiehter Myra, Mi-s .b-nnie Sm'th. ' .1 h't 'X. Milk " a-'d d -tiWiter Es tella, ar.d Wri. K. .'-. Carpenter. ! V .M!I.FlK!. I Wi 1 Ilt'sr'l. i f New York. la re- I t ' -ei.o r m lis uni'ii 1 v a tl ti h'-r?. ! T.h as b 1 ranie her- F id iy wa i ti-e b st p ay"' he.-e In some llm . Th ' S w Al 1 r 1 b . s t rd w t 1 Ml qu - I bnmia in the ninth inning, but at t'i. : end of ti e tenth iai I. g the score was ! 1 7 to 1 1-t f v 'r .1' New .M'lfo d. ; ! H nry No tlii'P is h. vl g a new s-me w-ll- la d in in nt of his vr.cant 1 1- t on M r.tios - rvcruii . J rt-e .- w vllnrl a -id p'an'r;.' tall 1.1 ; in rpo tl. p. V.'. r. Hi 1 rw d Is inu l-lfv i!i. Vak- : ety . - t 1 1 ' V (ft el b IT : b 1! nv", Jo ia'! V."ir m h s "l -r ierl h"-ne ' fro-- v ti: wi.h Ii s 'an 'hi- r 1 . Wir. u ' "ia. Th' bfi'.irv r.ftiiM" ac t'l 'y 1 H-'i;rv llo-tf.lt is i:i running nnl. r ' 1 !. .: 'i ! -.- :. . 1 !'..; ia- ! ecu-t r i T! P .1 f k-o I' -!!! II e i- - as ' er ; Snttl ibiv ' 11' r ii 1 r v-: t d 1 e vem -. v. S. ?'it. y. ' 'i. r Mo t ii. n d L. S. !-ow" r V i : eo -pd- ' Inir n br'-" '-'siovy e" ih.i. iakes of tne courty fi r a state v.-nrk, , i j r vc. ft; : V V !!.!.' . i !'-. 1 '. I.. " : i,;i ar -I v if -.,'h-i 1 have ! e. it vUlt; -jr ""i --i.is .-.. i have I- -;. ! I 1,. ;h;:i i: m- : '' !::-.''t'i. . -. r .. rf r.n':r.v. ,...,!-, .-, v; - 1 ;,. '...v!-. I V " S Mi''! -1 .J ''..", rt .T li.'.ee . t'V :. 1 ' ', J, I . 'n m !'('. '.'i-. .'. 1' N'-- :.. l'V-ll- 1 .i-,l -(.. : J';vie. - '.. v.i. in-e visit '.r.jv frii-tnis -it ii.;;. (.!. 1 ''!' ':'( I .' r-di'ip' r. c' ICcy l fleeer - -. .; :.t Snrdfiy .'ith Mabel J s''r. in 1 I1:'- , '. ii V, he's. . f f'l.-ri'':': C "er. - .-. v' it r c- In in'.i'n T ii'--diiy. I Mtr .'.: -e I i"'i Ivv. iviiii-ti :d from a ' .m. r : 'i iri' 11:1s ai A'lorti, Ti- M "i"- e e::d .-'esie Fo.l!."-. I i 1.!. ' ' 1'1. 1 "o liie tue. ts of MisH .b-rr.le ' tot: i.is. .V.HOSJC. Miss Ma-tie Will'anjs. of West Seinn Irn. wis a ' ,-iller at the MeMurtrie re: i denee en Mend iy. The ntr.terotiH t'rle-uls of Mart 13'iek-l-.-y will be pler.sed to bn.nl that he Is lc.'-IOly reeoverlir froin i!j recent at-Irt.-k of typhcid f.'vcr. The Ladies' Aid or this place will coidie t a seel U ai;d sn;-ner in the lwerei:t of the Presbyterian church on Thurailay evening. t-'uppor, 15 cents. The inarrin.re rf Miss Kale IP-gm. C this place and J. .1. Mori I --see, rf Wlli'es-llfii re, will tr'.te lrc- in St Mary's clittich, Avuoa, nt hlrh noon tidny. Miss Llsr.le MeMurtrie was a Scran Ion caller last evening. John Gwynne removed Ms family and household goods to Taylor on Mon day. Misses Mame Coyne, Anna FItzhenry, Sarah Kelly and Mary Ryan, of Mt- nooka, circulated among Mooslc friends on Sunday. Miss Maggie Butler entertained Miss Mary Gibbons, of Minooka, on Sunday. Miss Julia Holland, of Scranton, spent Sunday with friends in town. The Mooslc base ball club will cross bats on Friday afternoon at the ball park in Wilkes-Barre with the Sugar Notch ball club for a purse of $200, each team putting up $100. Winner is to take all, gate receipts Included. The Junior ' Epworth league of the Mooslc Methodist Episcopal church w.ll give a harvest home entertainment on Friday evening, Sept. 23. In the church. Admission will be free. Entertainment will commence at 7.30 p. in. 1KICI M'RG. M. F. Fadden is filling In the swamp on his property on North Main street. The entertainment nnd Ice cream a"d eafce social held In the Primitive Meth odist church under the auspices of the Temperance society of Prlceburg. last venlng was one of the successful events of the senron. Much credit Is due to the committee In whose charge the affair rested for the faithful ser vices rendered during the evening. A neat turn vns realized. A large number of cur young people attended the grand opening given in the Williams' Business college at Oly phnnt on Monday evening. Evidently the thieves who robbed H. M. Itarrett's barber shop on last Sun day morning, have repented. Mr. Bar rett found his razors and clippers which were not misused In any way. In the lot adjoining his house on Hall itead avenue. George Gelatt was a visitor In town Moi-clay. Misses Martrpret ar.d Jrrle Wll 1'anis, l!esle Craig aid Nellie Gla-.-vlil.- ad Mrss-s William Lewis end Pave i'hea, all ef PriivV'lie. nttend-d the social nt the Primitive Methodist "b'ireh In; t evenlvg. Miss- Jeniil.' Haulson, of sprint in, iid WIMinw Cnilnhnn, of tb.it pla-r, 'v-re united In the h- ly bonds ef rnat--'nionv in St. petei's cathedral yester day titt-i".oon. The Johnson Coal company nra lay 'mr a line of steam pipe from their new t-oil'-r room on Main street to their company storo. It will be used for heating purpose during the cold weather.' A large nnmher of our townspeople attended the picnic held yesterday af ternoon and evening nt Throop park by the Snndenion Serenade band. M. F. Fndden nnd James W. O'Brien visited in Scranton yesterday. Mr. ard Mrs. John 8nmpsonnal Mrs. W. o. Griffin and family returned Sat urday after a two weeks' sojourn at Lake Sheridan. TAYLOR. Pavid Oiifliths and Miss Annie Ev ans, daughter of Mr. and i,U':t. Kdwnrd li. Evans, will be n;nrrUd this evening at the home of t'ae brides parents on Taylor tr et. li. G KIlilis is hav nr a n-w fne pieced in front of his property on Malt; street. ' J.itnes CMinors. a popular young man of tbis pine,., and Miss Kate Grogan. an estimable young lady nlso of this place, will be married on Oct. 6. This evening the grand fair of the Cnion band at Weber's rink will com mence, and will continue on Thursday nnd Friday evenings. A visiting band has been engaged for each evening and other amusements will be furnished. The rink has been elaborately deorat ed and a good time is assured all who attend. l'ICKVILLE. Henry G. Williams, who Is now en gaged us inside foreman for the Ulu Ridge Coal company at this place, has moved his family here, and is occupy ing the new house of Mr. Molt., at Mutt place. For the past twenty-liv" years Mr. Williams has been a respect ed resident of Plymouth, where he has been alwavs verv active In Wclse church, lodge and elsteddfodlo work, being also widely known among the Welsh people as a writer. Without doubt he will be found an equally t-se-ful citizen in his new home. A iU:tV Jll'.GGIVG GAMK. I'rcli'iis li ho Infest Hie steps of th: K'ewitcd liaitraad lations. There are a number of Utile buys In New York who have d-vlsid a iiev relume to lure co n from the philan thropic traveling public, says a Ner York Mall auii Express writ"!'. Pas sengers leaving the downtown slatioi of the "L" road In the early monilnc are now humbly and supplienilm-ly tie costed bv very dirty little .boys, Wit irately beseech the pass' ngers for t'-e.' newBpai 1 ' !. New, every one know tlmt a tilini'led newspaper is about Pr unpul.ii I;- as a dead hors:, so the pit ful pleadings if tl e little boys win f "i them sympathy, and whit tlvy a nally alter eo n. One tf tlie little ia -enls acknowledged this morning tl a. he had collected CO cents. "Bui h i that ges to him." snld the urchin, a' tl he pointed to a burly and d rty Itall n who stood near the side door of a !-. loon on the ccrm r. The rev;rt ;r 1 1 tevvi.'wid the Itiliiti, but with una I islV.etory rosulls. "A'e you er.-ipr-yl-ig these boys t p,.,, r i-r'U"" asked tl.e rer-i-.-'e . "I it I da iry hh:. Y.'.il iiildl yo 1 iz." si'l-l th" pr-drot 0. I'll niiiul your f-lz' nt the Chare our - Stomncli, soiiii: -titiicss c.illi d w&tcrbrasn, uiul litiriiiii' jiiiin. tlisircsc, .nausea dvi.i( isia. t.re caidl l.y llo.iii's Saiva j.'.tfhlii. 'I'iiis it iii c.ii')iilies licei.usi v. iili i:s v. inniei'.ul iicwer s a bi'io.i pili'ilier. Iloo.i's Si,t ;j.ai'i!ia "fcitl.y t nits ami stiviijrt.licn-. llie sloiipic!! i.'.n ti'.Wfiiw (iriiin.-. !nvi;r:ii mi-s i ht! liver. civ.iUs n:i ii;it'i;ii-, "ives jvircMiii!", sic), and ram's lot! bui.lili t:itie. It cases jf tl) .-.s-j i.-iii anil ii,tliu('tiiiii i, fci i l.i.i to I'.iV'i ni.i'jie f-Mleli." "tor ovot- M year.! 1 saltercu irr.ui sottt Stomacl 2 wi.h Ktvcre pains ncross tny shoulder.', and great dislrcss. I had violent rmur.ia which would Icavo rie very weal: ant! ftiir.t, dinicult to pet my breath. Thc r.pclls came oftener Hid more severe. I'd not rm-clro anylnstlns bcnelil from physicians, bat found such linpp.v effects from a trial of Hood't Snrsaparilia, tlial 1 took several bottlps and nienn to always keep it in t he house. I am now able to do all my own work, which for eIx yeare I have been unnble to do. My hur.bnnd and son have also been greatly bene- II ted by Mood's Snrsnpartlla for pains in the buck, and after the grip. I gladly rccorrm.-ud this prand blood medicine." Mt!). I'STKK BvniiY, Leuminnter, Muss. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Mood Purifier. All dr ugglsta. $1. u ji r-k, cure all Liver Ills and tlOOd S FIllS Sick Hcuuaoue.M wot. street station." said the reporter, threateningly. Giovanna, or whatever his name is, unbent, and contorted his features into what was meant for a smile. "Da boys like it. They tnaka da mutt. The get half. No school now. They Ilka the work." Just then a train rolled Into the sta tion, and from the passengers who came down the steps the little begga s collected about 25 cents. THE BIC YCLIST AND TUE SNAKE A Story Fnll ol Details That Were Not I'ully Corroborative. From the New York World. When a story about a snake is told It Is always taken with a grain of salt, but the following is told by a man whose veracity has never been ques tioned, and that every word Is abso lutely true there is no doubt: A half-drzcn' wheelmen were sitting In the shade of a tree on the Mendham pike, between Mendham nnd Morris town, N. J., when a man was seen ap proaching pushing a part of his wheel In front of him and carrying the handle bars across his shoulder. The wheel and rider both looked dilapidated. "You seem to have had an accident," said one of the party, addressing the man. "An accident," returned the stranger. "I should think I have," and he dropped the broken wheel and staggered over toward the shade. He was pale, and there wps a haunted look about his ''ace that made th other ni'-n think that he had suffered some bodily InJ'iry In the accident. "I hop" you have not hurt youreii." said the !lrst speaker. "So," answered the man. "I am not hurt physically, ut If you f Ihnvr, c ul . have seen what I saw a mile hnok. you wouldn't frol quite chipper, either." "What was It?" a .iked one of the men. "Teil us about 11." "It was awful," said the man. and he looked as though he were about ti faint. "It was a snake a great, big, poisonous reptile. I saw htm on t.ie road, and thought I would run over him for fun. When my wheel touched him he raised his bead and ran his fangs Info the tire. The tire exploded u.ie the sound of a gun, and, would you be lieve it. It blew that snake's head clear off his body. I had a puncture, but punctures are common with wheelmen, and I was preparing to mend It, when saw the links of the chain break one by one, and fall to the ground. Then my handle bars began to change color and turned Jet black. 1 couldn't im agine what It was for a time, but when I saw the rest of the wheel begin to turn ' lack and shrivel up I realiz-.-d that the sr.uke's poison had gone all through the wheel." To Crttlclam If they don't fit prup eily Ours Kit Pants $q.00 To Order. Jf " Suits $18.00 To Meauirr 1 11" Made In our ow n Tailor Shop, right her on the PfimiUi. aREAT ATLANTIC PANTS CO., 3lo Lackawanna Ave. CN THE LIKE OF THfc PR I .'in ire located ths ftnost fishing and hunting Toundu In the world. Descriptive booitg in application. Tlukets to all points In Mn.ine, Canada and Maritime Proviueej, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canaiiian nnd '.'nlted Stntcii Northwet. Vanvouvjr, ioattle, Tucoma, Ponland, Ore., an 'raneiaco. first-Glass Steeping aid Dining Curs ttached to all throusht trains. Tourist ira felly lilted with bedding, curtains . nd specialiv adapted to wants of families iay be tied with second-class tickets. at?s ol-vays leas than via other lines, 'or further Information, time tables, etc.. n application to 3. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 3S3 BrooJway, New York. THE IDFAI, AiMFRICAN TRI? NOVIHEkN MfcAM&I.IP COMPANY. unr i Ann nr i and c niui uious j 1 ip r t';int-" ps. NOTi-:vr.ivr and nou'HLand. ; vit rw ii M i. ii.; ti lir rn. ' Tm I'-t- v !: i". rit r- y to n m C!f;larU, I)Ltroif, 'It.rUnnc. (lie on. ,:th, . iu'. tilcrn f i a s : j- lr a.i . in; vq m ,i lu -.1 i'i imimu imi M Tl K CI KM NV UTMUCN WAILWAV, : tii 111. tl .. wi ) ( ' I i in n i"'i I In i a i i : i ;st i!, t!i iMf-r iU I c tin I r r lo; u-1 n i I n i ;ip .-t t' I. .-t tt:- , ! e.-a i, i. U -1 fi;t an 1 I'.i 1 i . lit tih ir i i oMiitihi. hi 1 n J t in; il.'tt l; !i 4i- lvlTer, lit r.r , vj . y i i v 117 iv t'-.i n f r T r'l.tiv vi Srol; : i LPAVLi'f:?, LcU AUnnctonUa. i . . j"t llt.'i.; t if ji fill?", i:r. .; ;i!.J Hi v . tit ill u-f- rr in ih ft j it'l olsand tiny uu r :i imi o' tiny npfntnr . . ;t. 1U (ithflai vi' IJli'llfc, j ,?m:o N.V. 1 ,v fax - r r,v rlttt'tJ h V- L 3 Al 307 LacICGvvsnia Avs. ' pair L.!i.' Ki't Hufi I M-iLum! u ,! l S!i all .ju!in in imiiiii. '-tt!i 4i'.'."i tj ,;i w ('in- .Nfiuclu! prioj, - - .S'i'lC l'SI'I'l'l S'llN'l ,111' - - "l. ')-) jm'r M:s-.-.' l-'ii!-.' 81nxs. fti-i:uv toi.-, button, wliiic- titi.-':int;, ivurtli I..r . 1 1 'Oi'V. SIiih-j, S to S wedw liwl - .... ,'JOil p;iir Mou'd Divm t-iii" at - - - - !i". Wcr.li Ji.tj :iisi I'ntonl . Ijonlhir Shoes at - - - l.'i' .;'. OfJunil ii 0) Kli..4 ut - ... 2.(j; l iy's J I fjli t'ut Ki'lioo! chees worth 1 Co, for ... 1,3, oy'ii Iim'bs fjlioss nt - - 8S- outli'a Hi'ums Siloes lrom ... 7ic. t $l.!2.-i lfJxE WANT you to be free with us. Conic in and go on': ' With our stock and efforts to please you can't he'if nr.ke us the mist popular Shoe House in town. Rein?m ') r there is no trouble to show goods and jou will surely uive money by it. 1 IWER 1307 LACKAWANNA AVE. A MOTHER'S DUTY. Tour daughters are the most pre clous legacy possiblo in this life. The responsibility for them, and their future, is lni-pcly with you. The mysterious change that develops the thoughtful woman from the thoughtless girl, should And you on the watch day and night. As you care for their physical well- being, so will the woman be, and bo will her chUUxen be also. Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound " is the sure reliance in this hour of trial. Thousands have found it the uevcr-failiiifr power to correct all irregularities acd start the won-.un on the sea of life with that fhyaiccl health all should have. Uomb diiliculiies, Cisplaeomcntsand the horrors cannot p.vis,t in company with lydia L. linklium'g Vettablv Compound. Sec our window for wonderful vuluea In FALL SUITINGS. We have Just secured a lot of elegant put terrs In the newest cheeks and plaids the tlaest goods made In this country. These goods will be made to measure for $211.00 per suit, elegantly trimmed, put up la the LATEST STYLES and guaranteed to lit, and would cost you r..W to $IO.no elsewhere. Our competllors u.k how It's done. We answer in three words: "Men," "Methods" and "Money." These goods will probably not last a week; we will have no more of them at these prices, but we have, and will always huve. An Elegant Assortment of nil wool suitings, made to measure, from SRuo up goods that you could not dupli cate in reiuly-mado for any less. WI DAVI? am Wyoming Ave. O. LSrtVIdt Arcade Building. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL, Coal of the best quality for domestic us nd of all sizes. Including Buckwheat and ttlrdseye, delivered in any purl of tlie city at the lowest prlco. Orders received at the Offlce, first floorv Commonwealth building, room No. 6: telephone No. 2G? or at the mine, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T. SMITH. AYLESWORTM'S MEAT MARKET Tlie Finest In Use lit)'. The latest iinnroveil liir;ii.h. itigs anil apparatus (or kcc;iin meat, 1 utter kiiJ egp. 213 Wyoming Avenus. 3 rfk I is, -ft- " 4 y 1 k: :f . j jf w .i i.i ft j LI i 0 W OAVSDOW CM) Ip Li! II, LUil- KERR'S o o o CARPETS. 10 Pieces Best Hoquette - at 80c $ 10 Pieces Velvet at 75c $ 8 Pieces Axminster. - -at $1.00 Tli -sc Roods all have bonbrs ti match and are worth fi.io, Ji.uo tin I 51.35 per yard. Bring t ie sizj of your roam. J : ir Our :;5e. AH Wool lnsralns are good value at 6s X coats. Look a: them. J BSGELOW AXHINSTER Tlie Finest Domestic Carpet maJe. We were fortunate in secw in;; a choice liae at a pr cc which enables us to sell tlicin at J1.15 per yd., go.ids which were formerly 51.65. S. Q KERR, CPP. VAIX EXTRAXCE TO KY0MIXG HOUSE, LACK AW ANN N A AVE. THE DICKSON IVIANUFACTURINGCO SUHANTON AND WILKES-OA FIRE, PA MiMifoturrs of Locomonves. Stationary Engines, Boilers, KQ1STING AJiD PUESf'ING MACHINERY. Oeoeral OHicat &CRANT0N, PA. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.' WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, X. L. Steel, Toe and Side Weight NEVERSLIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. 8ITTEKBENDER '"Sfl Sx BoDBilBw iwi s nllibU, onthtr, mralatlnt medldna. Only bsraUsi Vm V?i r Uuii.ureildri.;uuldbaMU. It jau wut (h bMt, get Or. Pesl's ThrT are vrempt. fil nrtsls 'o-i-:. eMHuwaa,Sl.WI. For sale by JOHN H. FHELPS, rhcrmacist, cor. Wytming Avanuo and ipruca n'ireai, Scranton. Pa. DOLLAR O o CATCHING is done by tlie observant people people who se3, think, and rem2:nber. We wish n to see wh.it we have to say here, to think about it, remember it. A5 ilx) rv MM a it Depart HI m BASEMENT-) j Wre 8"jin? to se'.l ; uect to Fell to you 1id aro . . 1 .tlier places un:e:;s w-2 uu torseu tuese oinar places mane it u inducement for you to change. We've about Sod square feet i t this department. We've stocked it with a grade of goods .that only . conomicalt housewives will want, and we've put the prices where quality-wise women cannot resist buying. Come if only to look. NOTE : Stoves and Tinware sold on Crsdit iiko Furniture, Carpets and Clothing. 4 r-yZ&P' l$$04000000 4 SPECIAL SALE SON & CO., ALL SIZES OF Shoes CO., SMOK Pfl- . ' Pennyroyal Pills In resalt Tbf renalne (Dr. Fnl't) dlny. ddtwi XSMl. MSBlcliiu t., UTljil, O, mi s::ovji ani tinware. We can't vow buving such things at .1 . . ' 1 1 . Horse WYOMING AVENUL
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